The Easiest Way To Turn Your Shoulders In The Driver Swing!

Are you struggling to achieve a proper shoulder turn in your golf swing, especially when it comes to the driver? Watch this in-depth tutorial with Harry Shaw Golf as we uncover the key to unlocking the very best shoulder turn for improved distance, accuracy, and overall ball striking with your driver.
In this video, Harry breaks down the common misconception about shoulder turn and introduces a simple 3-step drill to revolutionise your approach. You’ll discover why getting the right shoulder turn matters more than just increasing the range of motion. Whether you’re a golfer who’s looking for daily tips, seeking effective golf drills, or aiming to perfect the golf swing, this video is tailored for you.
00:00 Intro
01:08 Tendencies & Causes
06:45 What We’d Like To See
08:15 Step One
09:46 Step Two
14:40 Step Three
18:50 Using The Driver
20:40 Building The Swing Speed
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I’ve had a couple of students come down here to see me at the golf projects recently really struggling to get this rotation this turn up to the top of the swing and all the way through to impact in their golf swings funny enough all of

These people that came to see me had the same issue where they found it a little bit easier with the irons they found that it was very easy to get this ball then Turf compression that interaction that you’re looking for with the IR but when it came to the driver the shots

Were going all over the place they were going skyed they were going going left they were going right the strike was really poor they couldn’t get any sort of consistency in the driver turn into their golf swings so in this video my name is Harry PJ golf professional here helping transforming golfers worldwide

And I’m going to be showing you today exactly why these golfers were really struggling to get this turn right into the driver swings and how you can get this turn right the easiest way to get this turn in your driver’s swing to promote that right angle of attack to

See better launch more distance way more accuracy and most importantly more consistency from this as well so these students of mine who came to see me here at the golf projects were trying to get this great turn in their driver swing what they were finding and what I was

Noticing as well was that when they were getting this turn swinging this club all the way up to the top of the Swing they were really trying to get their shoulders to pretty much really turn up to the top which is what we’re after but in this movement here where we’d notice

The shoulders I’m going to come a little bit closer this way just so you can see this but where the shoulders would get very much so parallel if we were to draw a line going across I show this here now would be very much so parallel to the

Ground nearly parallel to the ground the trouble with doing this here is What’s Happening Here is when I make my swing here and I go this way try and get this turn taking place just have a look from this camera angle here imagine the ball somewhere in this spot here where I’m

Just placing that driver now and I just make this shoulder turn just like I’ve demonstrated my swing Center okay is in the center of my chest and I’m moving away from this Center Point I’m moving away from that golf ball swinging up to the top like so so I’m going very

Lateral I’m also swinging if you have a look from this camera angle again also swinging very much so under plane to encourage my shoulders is to get this turn that we think we should get up to the top of the Swing so moving away from the center I’m moving away from the golf

Ball I’m also getting the shoulders very lateral because of this movement taking place and I’m dragging the club well under the plane of the Swing we’re not going too far on the outside we’re not going right back on plane like so we’re going very much so under plane in this

Motion here so what’s going to happen in the down down swing well the golf swing usually would work in reaction so whatever we do in the back swing we’d have the tendency of doing the complete opposite in the downswing so for those of you and this is what we noticed with

My students that came to see me struggling to get this turn taking place the driver they would get to the top of the Swing get in this lateral motion and to begin that downswing they’ve got to find a way subconsciously to bring this Center Point that they’ve moved away

From so they’re moving away from the center point here to come back down to the golf ball well because we’ve got very lateral at the top here like this and we push downwards well we’ve got to really Force those shoulders to come back down now and when we force those

Shoulders to come back down where does the club want to travel over playe so when we swing too much on the inside to begin that golf swing the tendency that we’re going to have especially when we get this lateral shoulder playe at the top of the Swing is to then revert back

And try and get this sent of course to move back we’re shifting back over the golf ball but to do this we’ve got to get the shoulders moving this way and that causes that club to come well over playing and when we get the club to go

Over playing very much some when this over the top manner what do you think that that’s going to do to the actual angle of attack itself well the angle of attack for this is going to be very much down on the golf ball so that is why

These students were finding it easier to get this turn this turn right with the irons as opposed to the driver technically they weren’t doing the turn right either way but it was easier to time with the irons as opposed to the driver because with the irons again like

I mentioned at the start we’re always looking for that ball and turf interaction we want a downward angle of attack into the golf ball but with the driver we’re wanting to hit more up on the golf ball it becomes much harder to do the first shots and this was around

Well the majority it of golfers that came to see me the first couple of shots were literally going this way getting right underneath the golf ball and hitting the netting up above which wasn’t so good we were completely missing the golf pole the drive was going right underneath the T just solely

Because of this steeper angle of attack into the golf ball this steep angle into the golf ball descending which is this downward angle of attack that obviously makes it easy with the a but not so much with the driver so the second swing or the third swing once they thought

Subconsciously oh God if I keep doing this I’m going to end up skying them all the time well what would happen is the next one they would obviously swing the same working their way back working the way down but last minute they would then push and lean away which is what you’ve

Probably been feeling in your swing as well why can’t I get this shoulder turn on the way through I’ve got the shoulder turn going back really nicely but on the way through I always find a way of leaning back and that’s a good thing if you doing this movement here because

That’s helping you recover from this very much so steeper angle into the ball and then leaning back is going to help you get that ever to slightly more upward motion or reduce that downward motion in to the golf ball now this can cause a lot of outcomes again like the

Student one of my students who did that he was then slicing the golf ball because he’s come over the top leaning back yeah he’s managed to get this right angle of attack but the club path is going way left and that’s going to cause a very very slicy ball flight some would

Then close the face down instead and cause the golf shots to go well to the left it was too many inconsistent golf shots so ideally what we would like to see instead rather than getting this lateral shoulder plane turn to the top of the swing with driver we want to see

The shoulders working on this almost 45° angle we want to see the shoulders working almost where if we were to place a club like this going across the shoulders I just got this a little bit lower because I don’t want it to affect the uh mic and the sound on the video

But if we just turn up to the top here now getting that butt end of the club to point towards the golf ball you can see here now how we’re able to maintain this turn and get the shoulders working more on what we call a tilt the only key that

You’re going to need to remember throughout this video is rather than think driver turn I need to think driver tilt so there’s a difference tilt still allows you to turn your shoulders in the golf swing I’m going to be showing you how to do this right now so for the

Actual tilt in motion here you can see when I just take the club back and I get this motion here I’m actually tilting I’m creating this tilt taking place up to the top of the swing and if I just place the club down and swing up to the

Top from here you can see how much easier it is for me to get this shot shoulder turn that we’re looking for but also set myself in a great position more reliable position to make that down swing from this position here we’re more likely to come back down on plane and

Therefore get the correct angle of attack for driver and with every single Club in the bag of course so what I want you to do to start off with is just take the driver away for now and I’m going to get you to take your hands and place

Them either side of your thighs just standing in a straight line for now just like this here and what’s going to happen is you’re just going to lift your right hand roll your right hand up your right thigh just like this here and imagine this movement here taking place

As the back swinging you can see here just because I’m lifting my right arm rolling my right arm up my right thigh it’s causing my left hand now to travel down my left thigh so now I’m going to do the opposite here and this motion

Here is going to be the down swing and follow-through Stage so we’re going back swing where we’re really getting and encouraging what we call call this extension this stretch here in the trail side the right hand side of the core area then we’re getting this extension this tension taking place in the lead

Side of the body like this here so we’re tilting back forth like so and I want you to do at least 15 to 20 motions just like this tilting back and forth and you’re probably thinking well hang on a sec can you’re moving away from the golf

Ball there how’s that going to work how are you going to be able to control this well just bear me a second because this will make sense when you start to bring in the second phase of this drill so we’re swinging back and forth getting this tilted motion here taking place

Like so and then now for the second phase once you’ve done 15 to 20 swings you’re going to set up into your posture and now we’re going to start adding this rotation so to add the rotation into your swing for the back swing we don’t just want to obviously get this tilt

Taking place here because we just end up like this and go the total opposite way get the sternum working ahead of the ball go ahead of the ball as opposed to behind so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to encourage this motion to

Take place get this right hand to roll up the right thigh tilting and getting this extension here in the right hand side of the core area you can see here just like this here really feeling that stretch but I’m also going to encourage my right hip now my trail hip to move

Away from the golf ball so you can see I’m not encouraging it to go this way to try and get that weight transfer I’m getting this hip of mine to move away from the golf ball like this here like so imagining someone’s here right in front of you of a stick and they’re

Pushing on this hip of yours right back towards the wall behind you obviously if at the driving rain is going to be the netting behind you I take your ass on the golf course when you try this it would be the t- Box or one of the t’s

You’re thinking right get that hip working towards the wall behind you as you do that first part of the drill so I’m doing this action here with the hips but I’m also allowing my right hand to roll up my right thigh getting this extension taking place again all the way

Up to the top of the swing and you can see when I do this of course the left hand rolls down the left thigh working my way up to the top of the swing and I’m able to maintain this angular motion I’m able to maintain and keep my spine

Angle on this almost 45° angle whereas early if we were to this it would look almost like this here where the spine angle would get very much vertical and then the shoulder plane would be very parallel to the ground in this lateral motion here so what we were doing now is

We’re getting this turn up to the top this 45° angle here and look what difference that has on the shoulder plane here it’s way more on an angle drawing a line here way more on an angle angle almost pointing towards the golf ball which is Miles better that’s what

We want that’s how we’re going to get this tilt and rotation taking place working our way up to the top of the Swing so for the down swing we want to be thinking of the opposite movement so we’ve got this Trail hip working towards

The wall now we want to get the lead hip the left hip of ours being right-handed golfers to work towards the wall think of opposites for left-handed players and we’re getting this motion here this tilt and rotation now we’re going to get this tilt from the lead hand the left hand

Working up the left thigh but I’m also going to encourage imagine someone’s there again pushing against this left hip with a stick to go behind and away from the golf ball towards the wall behind me I don’t necessarily want to be forwarding this hip too much because that’s naturally going to take place

Once we start to work on much bigger swings doing this so I’m working it up to the top really firing this hip and working it all the way through to this finish position and you can allow yourself to eventually just get this chest working through like so so in simple terms the

Right hip’s going to go back as the right hand goes up the right thigh and then on the way through the left hip’s going to go back and away from the golf ball as the left hand rolls up the left thigh so it’s back and forth keeping this angle here in the shoulder

Turning back and forth like so and then once you’ve got used to this doing at least 15 to 20 swings we can start to implement another phase another phase that brings in almost just in between the back swing and the down swing phase which is probably one of the most

Important ones for you as a play to take on board so these two here are the fundamentals this one’s the key that we want to be getting right but just before we do this I just wanted to make a quick shout out to my sponsor on the channel

GX golf because if you’re sick and tired of spending too much money on premium golf gloves then i’ definitely recommend taking a look at GX golf GX golf produce high quality premium golf gloves at a fraction of the price they do them in great little bundle packages that you

Can get and you can also save as much as 10% using my discount code down below here Harry 10 so I’d highly recommend checking those out I did a video on GX golf clubs a couple of years ago when I pretty much first started out and I I

Was really impressed with the quality of the golf club back then and they’ve come along massively since so go ahead check them out if you’re sick and tired or spending too much money on premium golf gloves so what we tend to see a lot of players do on tour is that they’ll fire

The hips well before they finish the top of their golf swing and you can do this and you can go ahead and try this working on these two moves is turn back and forth but it’s going to be very difficult for you if you struggle with what we call disassociate ation now this

Association is being able to separate the shoulders and hips in your golf swing and a good test to do this is taking a club like so and placing it across your shoulders and I just want you to move your hips either side and see how much you can separate them

Without moving the shoulders at all if you find this difficult to do and you’re moving the shoulders like this here back and forth then you’re going to really struggle to do this so if I swing the top a and we’ve worked on this obviously getting this tilt and rotation working

Our way up to the top of the swing and I set the club into this more reliable position that we’re after as soon as I try and fire the hips and I can’t get this separation taking place between my shoulders and the hips my shoulders are

Going to follow the hips so what’s going to happen the club’s going to travel back more over playing during the down swing so we’re still going to encourage those slicy golf shots take taking place for those of you who have great flexibility Mobility maybe younger will

Be able to do this and not need to worry about this third phase and they can just get to the top of the Swing really encourage this left hip to fire out the way and the clob will come down on a more shallower approach into the ball getting this upward motion that we’re

After because look at my shoulders here and look at where the hips are completely different angles but if you struggle to do this and you find the shoulders f or where’s the club going to be the club’s going to be somewhere out here So eventually we’ve got to bring the hands

Every close to make contact with the golf ball encourages that very much so out to Wi path so to stop this we’ve got to find something in the transition that’s going to help you get the club into this slot on the downswing to help us get that upward motion with the

Driver and of course get that more onplan path working it slightly more maybe into out as opposed to to getting very Steep and out to in so we’re going to take the club back away and I’m going to get you to take your hands on your thighs like so again and get this

Rotation until tilt working the way up to the top of the swing and from the top of the Swing the first initial move that I want you to do is keep everything where it is I’m just squatting into the ground like they say pressing into the ground so I’m almost delaying this body

Turn on the way through and what that’s going to do and I’ll show you with the club later on but that’s going to help you set the claw on a more shallower more on Plain approach into the golf B so from this position here now we’ve added this

Pressure into the ground what’s going to happen now is we’re going to feel like we’re pressing back up imagine when we’re doing a squat jump we’re pressing down to push back up so we’re pressing into the ground and then as we push back up from this Trail foot here working

Away through that’s going to help you really encourage that left hip to fire out the way going towards the wall behind us but we still want to encourage this lead hand to roll up the thigh so it’s up to the top we’re tilting and rotating up to the top then we’re adding

A little bit of pressure maintaining this pressure into the trail side and we’re pushing upwards and through encouraging now this left hip to fire out the way getting this rotation untilt it’s taking place on the way through and you can exaggerate this a lot more with

Driver this will still work with the IR because as we’re pushing up from the ground the club is going to travel more down towards the ball so we’re still going to improve the compression with the IR just from doing this move with driver we want to encourage more of this

Movement upwards to help us get that upward motion to take place so I’m going to take the driver now and we can start to make a couple of practice swings we’ve done those movements and I’d recommend doing that third phase at least 15 to 20 times in stages working

It back and forth and remember when we get to the top here we’re not turning and pressing into the ground we’re just pressing into the ground first before we then start that dancing phase I’ve got the club in my hand now I’m just going to encourage those two motions to take

Place working this up to the top of the swing and like I mentioned before I’m able to get these shoulders on a more tilted motion here which is great and that’s helping me get this shoulder turn working all the way up to the top of the swing

For phase two now we’re just going to encourage that little Squat and you can see now taking a look from this camera angle here when I do that as I do this squat here what’s that doing to the club it’s allowing it to almost fall towards

The ground when we get the club to fall more towards the ground we are shallowing and getting this club encouraging this club to go under the plane as opposed to getting everything working in one and getting this left hip to fire immediately as soon as we get to

The top of the swing and then cause the club to go back over playe so that’s why this is key for you so we’re swinging it up to the top getting this press then from here we’re going to push upwards and get this hip then to turn away from

The golf but we don’t want this hip to fire towards the wall because then we’re just going to get a little bit stuck and then have to do all sorts of counter RAC it so it’s up press down get this hip to fire away from the golf ball towards

The wall behind us still feeling this tilt still feeling this rotation taking place throughout your entire golf swing so there we are we can start to work on this now and build this up into a full swinging to do this I’d simply start off with just doing a couple of Swings with

The driver working up in steps so we’re just doing step one step two step three and then once you’ve done a couple of swings doing that you can start to build this up into an Allin one motion swing but I recommend doing this very slow to

Begin with just to help you develop that understanding of what it feels like what it should feel like when you start hitting some golf balls so very slow even so than that one one up to the top two pressing down three turning through and then again we can just start

To make slightly quicker swings so imagine that is 10% of what you would normally swing then we’re going to go 20% and then we’re going to go 30% and working our way up all the way up to that 80 90% swing that you would usually

Make out on the golf course then we can begin hitting a couple of shots doing this just working this back and forth working on those motions nice and slow I’d probably go back to around feeling to you like 40% of your maximum swing speed doing this or your normal swing

Speed the swing that you use out on the golf course nice and smooth hitting some shots back forth and then through so we’re rotating twisting up pressing down rotating and twisting through and tilting tilting through I keep getting tilting and twisting mixed up so apologies every time I say twist I mean

Tilt so we’re tilting the shoulders back and forth of course and then obviously at the end of it you can then begin hitting a couple of shots where working on this all in one motion at the speed that you would use out on the golf course now this is going to take a

Little bit of time to get used to we go one step back to go two steps forward but I’d highly recommend sticking to this because it’s going to make a massive difference to your game help you improve the ball flight with dri and how much more accuracy and consistency

You’re going to gain from this is pretty pretty remarkable if you persevere with this and by all means you can contact me on skillist just thought I’d let you know skillist the online coaching app if you wanted me to check up on your swing when you’re working this no problem at

All okay so really working this all in three stages all in one motion let’s see it see what we think little bit of a fade not too bad really good strike though getting that upper motion that we want in the driver swing so for those of you who have come

This far and enjoyed the video don’t forget to hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss out on all the content coming to you every Tuesday and Friday I’d highly recommend checking out this video over here if you’re looking for more videos more content to help you

Work on this turn and rotation taking place in your golf swing don’t forget you can head over to golf swing systems and use the discount code below sh five to receive 5% off your orders from launch monitors to training AIDS you can get anything on their website so thanks

For watching we’ll see see you in the next video


  1. Excellent video Harry on how the shoulders should turn in the golf swing. I am working on this 45* angle that you talk about in addition to the an inclined circle around a centered position. I like your hands on the side of the legs drill that you are demonstrating throughout the video. Well Done Harry!

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