Golf Players

The Brotherhood Podcast | Episode 22: The Seniors

The Brotherhood Podcast is back, just in time for Senior Night! Seniors Ryan Young, Jeremy Roach and Spencer Hubbard talk about their Duke careers ahead of their final home game on Saturday. They get into their favorite moments, games, teammates, buckets and more in this retrospective episode.

What’s up Duke fans we’re back here um for the first time in a while we have the three seniors um senior week uh this week which is which is pretty insane to say out loud um but uh we’ve taken a little Hiatus with the Brotherhood podcast being in the middle of the

Season we’re trying to get everybody locked in and and focused on winning as many games as possible but uh we wanted to bring it back for this special occasion um had to bring it back for senior week so uh we’re here to talk with the three seniors of the team on

Senior night obviously you guys have been here longer than me um but it feels like U you know it’s it’s still emotional for me as well uh being here especially since I’ve delayed my senior night three times now uh in my sixth year but um we’re here right now it’s uh

We’re what 4 days away from um from last game in Cameron from both of your last games in Cameron how are you how are you feeling is it did you ever think you were going to get here uh I mean I did but didn’t at the same time obviously uh

It’s been a crazy four years um up and down um but just I haven’t really even like thought about it like that just like this could be my last d uh game in Cameron um just like I said I said I said this yesterday like I’m just focused on

Really the season worry about winning a national championship wor about winning the ACC ACC Championship and like letting the letting the rest take care of itself yeah um sort of like Jeremy said I mean you get so caught up in the season um and winning each game um that

You kind of forget to think about it and then it hits you um so that’s where I’m kind of at right now some Little J I might I might it to maybe I was just going to ask that I’ve seen a number of teammates I’m sure you guys

Have too that like you don’t expect too and when they get out there theemotion hits them all at once I might going try to keep a straight face yeah I’m I’m going to try to keep a straight face I think I can I think I’m good at that

Though I’m good at that spam my hit a [Laughter] wave um how many people you guys got people comes I got I got people hit me up at the Woodworks for this one I ain’t going to lie but the tournament the ACC tournament is in DC so it’s like oh you

Got they can pull up to that too but definitely a lot of people trying to hit me up and yo yo you got a little you got a ticket like not for you so what about you mentioned the ups and downs and uh you guys have talked about

It a little bit but you’re you went from first year here not making the tournament to second year final four to last year in the middle and now to this year can you talk about I guess when you think about the four years what like

What kind of impact has that had on you especially just I guess that’s somewhat rare for a Duke player since had to be the first time you had made Duke had made the tournament a number of years I mean I feel like that year we would have

Made the tournament though we had to we had to win five games in five days but we ended up getting Co so that’s why we got disqualified but um just the just the ride has been um like you said not making a tournament first year going to

The final four it being Coach K last year like that that year was insane and then obviously shy um getting a new job and then having a whole new team I mean it’s been a it’s been a different ride every year so I mean I think that’s kind

Of what’s made me grow grow up so fast um obviously I’m a senior but but growing up like big going through those Wars and going through those tough times and stuff like that I mean that kind of makes you mature and grow up a little

Bit a little bit faster so um being the OG trying to spread the knowledge spread Spread spread some game on on these young guys and uh getting them right yeah he ni man yeah I mean it’s been it’s been a crazy ride for sure um being a part of two legendary coaches being

Able to have that opportunity to be on those teams um just the the guys who have come through here too um playing against them in practice and um you know competing uh just every day has been special to be a part of you guys have seen some dudes come through here yeah

SP obviously your journey different from anybody else’s here uh coming in as a walk on and then earning a scholarship which is I’ve seen it once or twice but one of the cooler things that happens in all of sports and college sports in general can you talk about that in

General I yes and what that meant to you and that experience yeah um like you said I I you know my freshman year I was a practice player um and then got the call up from coach was you know which was another really you know amazing feeling and I can’t

Thank coach enough for trusting and believing in me um but you know kind of like we talked about you know know you’re just focused on um being here every day and going through this whole journey with your teammates and working really hard and dedicating yourself to the craft not really worried

About um you know what’s after this and I think Duke basketball just has that like feeling of consumption cuz you you’re so you know amazed and kind of like struck to be here um and so you know um kind of just reaping the reaping the rewards from that was a really

Gratifying feeling um and you know I I’m so grateful to shy and the coaching staff um you know dild D shog cwell J um um yeah it’s just you know made me feel like I belong and um like I was a part of something bigger than myself

Which is you know it’s my purpose it’s been my purpose for the last three or four years which has been amazing yeah um how about you talked about the transition you two and Jaylen are the only people now in the program to have experienced both coach Kane and Coach

Shy how do you look back on that it’s been now you’re in now we’re in a year two yeah uh I mean it’s crazy um just to be be a part of both legendary coaches like he said um be a part of two erors um I mean it’s a blessing I mean coach

Coach K was special I mean obviously he’s the greatest of all time um been doing it was doing it for a long time I’m just honored to be able to be coached by him and him sprinkle some game on me too just to try to make me

The best human I can I can be not just on the not just on the floor but off the court too and then obviously coach shy um he was the first one to call me um when uh Duke was recruited me so I mean especially just being by his side and um

Him just having the confidence in me to now be a two-year captain and uh just him putting his trust in me his big time so yeah yeah um both coaches like Jeremy said giving giving you an opportunity is just um and bringing you in like family

And treating you with respect um as an individual and as a teammate um you know great great experience for me great coaches um yeah I couldn’t be happier how’s your experience been with uh with shy it’s been great it was honestly it was uh I don’t know if I ever told you

Guys this but when I was being recruited here I I didn’t really um you know I knew I wanted to go somewhere and help a team win but I also wanted to make sure I was like planning to have an impact on the court so the

First time he called me I I basically was like Hey like I appreciate it obviously it’s a dream to come and play here but I don’t want to be a guy that goes somewhere and like sits on the end of the bench and uh so it took a couple

Phone calls for him to like convince me and tell me that he thought I could have a you know an impact here um so I feel like that’s where I really started to trust and understand you know coach shy and and believe in him and his vision so

It’s been been fantastic when you talked about being well first actually I question did you guys know coming in that there’s a potential for Coach K to call it halfway through your career no I yeah I had no idea I didn’t I I mean sophomore year was like some

Speculations but I actually didn’t know and then obviously the news came out um but coming into coming into du gu I didn’t think it was gonna was going to be like that so yeah no no clue I mean I think you suspect but um you

Never know I mean such a great coach he could keep on coaching I’m sure greater than life figure almost hard to see it happen um going back to recruiting when you thought when you made the decision to come here and you know you had your idea of what Duke would be like now

You’re sitting here 4 years later about to come to the final game in C ceron how does it compare to what you thought it was going to be you s it’s a loaded question man yeah I mean I wasn’t um traditionally recruited here um or anything

But um yeah I mean it’s it’s such an amazing experience you know from the outside um but all of that is sort of Amplified when you get here and so it’s it’s a lot of what you expect um you expect to be a part of winning at the

Highest level um um but when you get here I think you you start to actualize um what that means and how much energy and time and resources um that takes and from everybody from the operations people to the coaching staff to the managers to the players um yeah it’s

Just been been amazing to be a part of um repeat your question it was a kind of a long question so I would to make sure when you when you think back about how when you were being recruited here what you thought the experiences would

Be like yeah or four years late yeah uh like you I mean like you said it’s been pretty much everything that I expected I mean obviously like when you get here it amplifies too but just playing in front of the crazies like my first time playing in front of the crazies that was

My sophomore year but uh like the first time was like it was like a movie like it was it was packed gy um felt like everybody was on top of you so like just playing in camera has always been always been special I mean everybody in the

Duke Community um friendly like just me me and different people different backgrounds I mean like you don’t think you’re going to get that I mean obviously Duke is what it is it’s one of the prominent uh universities but like coming here and just seeing seeing seeing it all like just seeing all

Different types of backgrounds I mean it’s been cool and obviously like you said like just the coaching staff the managers what the Sam and be like they’ve all showed love and and and Trea and treating everybody like family on me so it’s like it’s been it’s been a great

Ride yeah I can’t think back of like I’ve only been here two years but one of the biggest things for me that I was expecting but it kind of hit different when I finally got here and we started clicking last year on that 10 game win streak was just the talent level here

And the differential between other schools and like uh at Northwestern we would lose some games against teams and just think you know like they outworked us they had a better you know whatever they came out and shop better I got here and started to realize there’s some

Games that we win cuz we just have freaky athletes studs like last year at times like ter clely protecting the rim and getting like seven or eight blocks jry going out against Florida State this year and just like shoting that way is just you start to realize

Like you know that the talent here is different but when you finally win some of those games and you’re like that’s we just have different kind of guys here yeah we got we got dudes we got dudes and then a maybe you guys had a better

Understanding of it but I didn’t at all in terms of the Brotherhood and what that means and obviously it’s a Brotherhood podcast we’re we’re going to talk about it ask a little bit but I want to know if there’s anybody you guys have now been probably at K Academy for

Four years is there anybody that you formed a relationship with through the Brotherhood that you know we didn’t play with but um that’s meant a lot to you since You’ been since you’ve been here I mean really everybody like everybody there’s been a lot of people

Who came through K I’m not going to name them all but like Quinn cook obviously Rook price um like obviously Nolan he’s at at L doing his thing but I mean the Brotherhood is is everything what like what it literally stands for the Brotherhood I mean if you ever need

Anything like you got numerous and numerous of people that can help you out at any time and they’re always here to support you like like they’re they’re at games you see them they’re getting introduced um middle of the games they’re always coming back and showing love coming back in the locker room

Giving us sprinkling some game I mean obviously Shane baddy or Jay Will’s been here stuff like that so um just have those kind of people in your corner I mean it just means a lot and they’re always going to support you those are the people you’re plan on planing for I

Mean you want to kind of leave this better than you found it but I mean obviously they always going to support you and whether you’re doing bad whether you’re doing good so it’s all love yeah I mean speaking of Jeremy’s point I think the Brotherhood a lot of times is

Spoken about as like a symbol um but you know there’s there’s actual meaning behind it um and you know when you get here you realize the guys that you’re playing with um individually uh the things they’re going through um and just the support that we

Bring to each other um you know to help each other get to the next stage of life um and reach individual success and then you know when you see how that culminates into winning and um I mean it’s a special thing to be a part of

It’s not just uh you know a Brotherhood for the public but it’s it’s a meaningful bond between between the guys I’d say it’s the real deal I feel like when you when you said people out there like former players were supporting us I thought uh I thought last night uh

Things kept going sideways after they went up 92 I was like Jay bill is going to be out here arresting kids if they try to stor the court tonight yeah I was uh last night kind of got a little bit of flashbacks from that

But what did we open up 9 to2 it was it was actually 90 it was s it was 70 then they called a Time then they scored immediately after two and went to 90 so I was like we got to lock in a lot of growth though that’s what CH mentioned

Obviously last year felt the same and just having more experience older mature team I thought that that showed a lot and it’s good experience a growth I was going to ask how you’ve seen yourselves grow over four years and mature and change if you

Can think back that far I have a trou I have trouble trying to think back to my it feels like forever ago I mean I mean coming in a freshman year I mean you you kind of think you know it all you’re not to say like you’re you got a big head or

Whatever but you kind of think you you know it all but you college hits you fast obviously those first couple games it’s like okay I I I kind of don’t know it all you kind of want to lean on the vest a little bit more and then obviously next year you

Get a little bit little bit more a little bit better a little bit more experience and then I mean obviously junior senior it’s like now you’ve seen it all you’ve seen every defense you’ve seen every every team in the ACC you know how a team a team plays you know how a crowd

Is going toact you know how you’ve been in in major crowds obviously been going to the final four was a big thing playing in front of 75,000 but it’s playing in front of different crowds like you’ve literally seen it all so it’s like nothing nothing really phases

You at this point in life and um I mean that it’s probably why uh seniors have so much success now um obviously now in in this time because I feel like you can’t you can’t really win without without those veteran guys that that have G already gone through it so it’s

It’s it’s been a good been a good time yeah I mean Todd Gurley DB I think brought Todd Gurley here the other day and he said something at the end of practice about um you know not thinking you’re as good as you are um but also

Not thinking as um that you’re as bad as you are um and you know just realizing that it’s really about dedicating yourself to you know each day um and improving and none of that other stuff really matters like in terms of comparing your yourself to guys trajectories um once you start embracing

That uh like I think that’s what what changed for me yeah I said I’ll pay back off that too just just putting your head down and working cuz like obviously here if you you got a bad game obviously you know how you know how Twitter againsts

And stuff like that if you have a bad game they might oh he’s this he’s that he’s that but like if if you just really just put your head down and work and just keep coming in back every day whether it’s a good day or bad day just

Come back the next day and work and work and work like the work’s going to show and I think that’s what I kind of pride of myself in doing um just kind of not worry about what anybody else says and just kind of work and just know my

Confidence has got to be at alltime high because I think that’s one of the biggest things in college is having confidence um and what once you have that nobody can take that from you yeah staying steady is like something coach shy says a lot and I feel like I didn’t

Really understand the importance of it until last year and this year in the way that like what you mentioned Spen when Todd go said that it was something about like uh you’re never as good as people say you are and you’re never as bad as people say you are and that’s hard to

Like that’s pretty hard to like actually uh think about in the moment especially when you’re whatever you’re on top of the world or we’ve lost two in a row yeah but uh I I feel like I realized it’s definitely um pretty true but again just hard to hard to realize

That at the moment um how about we just kind of touched on it a little bit but if you were to look back and talk to your former your yourself your senior year in high school what kind of advice would you give I say being steady I mean that’s

The biggest thing if I knew just the Be steady and like losing the game in in college is not the end of the world or having a bad game or having a bad practice is not the end of the world like IID probably be I mean I’m not

Going to say I be in a better position but I just would have been further along obviously in my freshman year but I probably say Just Be steady because like obviously as a freshman you lose a game in November you’re like oh like this is the end of the world like nobody’s going

To remember this game in November that you play so um just being steady and stay in the course like like don’t ever let anybody deter you what you’re doing just kind of going like I said take it day by day work work and work it doesn’t

Matter if it’s a good day or bad day just kind of keep going and and follow and follow your journey yeah I mean like you see guys coming out of high school who are ranked Super High um and then vice versa guys who weren’t ranked at

All and playing really well on a college stage and I think like shy and Coach K talk about the the story with Grayson Allen all the time um and all the dmps he had uh the season where they won the national championship and then you know

He starts to just keep his head down and and starts playing well in practice and he gets his moment and he makes the most of it um you know just speaks to that sort of mentality of keeping your head down um yeah and that’s that’s I guess

What I would tell myself coming out of high school what about you that’s like how far has it been it’s been a while man it’s been six let me St I’m getting up there too I guess the answer my own oh yeah you’re right there to answer my own question I’d say

Don’t you don’t want to finish the season with any regrets in terms of not like not necessarily how you play I mean you can you can only control so much of of making shots and stuff like that but now being you guys being a senior you

Can see and just going through you can see how impactful your teammates are I feel like uh coachers has told me a lot but the things you say to your teammates mean more to them than anything the coaches could say because you’re in it with them and you know it’s just that

Kind of dynamic so um what I would tell my younger self for anybody coming in it’s a little different when you’re younger but you know anybody can be a leader and I just think it’s it’s overrated to hold your tongue or try and be a respectful and person and know

Whatever just like think it’s not your place to say something you’re regret it yeah and uh it’s just not worth going through that especially if you’re an old guy now um and obviously German our captains but you know people respect anything Spencer says in the locker room

From what he’s done and been through here so um I feel like that’s something I would try and impart on young guys is don’t you’re going to regret if you go through a season or your career holding back uh from your teammates and and not giving it everything you have no that’s

True that’s one thing um I feel like I would say how about can you talk about a final game in Cameron um obviously I’ve only had two years here but you very quickly understand how special of a place it is just in general can you talk about

Playing in this building what it’s meant to you and specifically the craziest I mean they just left it’s kind of weird to like walk in last night and not see all the T there cuz it feels like they’ve been here for months I mean that’s who makes this place so

Especially I mean the crazi I mean they show out their sacrifices every every year every game I mean the line monitors um them camping out in the rain and the snow like it’s cold 30° outside and they’re still outside showing love we come back at 2: a.m. 2 2 3 a.m. they’re

Outside waving to us and all that good stuff I mean but just playing in this historic this historic building I mean it’s it’s been crazy to even be able to say I played here for four years um here just the great that have came through obviously you

Got you list all the I was about to say I was like I can’t even I can’t even list all them but I mean it speaks for itself but just playing in front of this amazing crowd the best fans in the country I mean it’s it’s it doesn’t get

Any better than that I mean even the guys that leave the NBA I mean leave to go to the NBA they they always say like it’s no other place like Cameron it’s no other place like Cameron even when they’re playing in front of 30,000 35,000 a night so um it’s a special

Place is always going to have a special place in my heart yes it’s so real um um and I guess you don’t really feel it until you’re out here but even in the warm-ups um just you know students chatting to you um just like kind of engaging with the

Fans um seeing familiar faces it’s so special you know it makes it feel like Community like home um but yeah I mean this love the love that they show me um you know during the Louisville game and during the D Dartmouth game like you know you talk about that three quickly

Though against I I feel like I haven’t really asked you about it yeah I mean I was looking at you guys on the bench going crazy near well I was I was in there I saw the screen I got you over you did you did it it was pretty high

Ball screen you got Mark R down s yeah but they I mean I love my my teammates and and that’s part of what makes it so amazing is um to see them the people that you go through all of this with every day um um the people

That it matters to um to see them like you know to celebrate with them is it was really special yeah only last thing I’ve said I I’ll say about Cameron and the crazies in specific is that and I feel fortunate to have another experience to be able to to compare it

To but I know you guys can feel it too like the impact that they have on winning is very real yeah the confidence that they give you in this building is substantial and you can see another team and uh when they come in here but

Um like you know the the when I was at Northwestern there were plenty of games you know if we’d be having a tough season where we’d play like illino in state and there’d be far more Illinois fans at the game obviously that would never happen here but you just you can

Feel the effect that they have on winning uh and to say that they don’t play a pretty big role in our home games would would just be false yeah um so I always I notice that very quickly like the confidence that you feel playing in

In in front of people and you have this whole Arena behind you uh makes a difference for sure shout out to the line monitors shout out to the line monit shout out to Crazy shout out to everybody camping out man your work doesn’t go unnotice we see

You last big question before we get into some like quick um favorite memories and stuff but this is maybe the biggest loaded question but what do you think you’ll miss the most this plan in front of I I I probably wouldn’t even say I probably just say just the the

Daytoday like just the conversations that we have just we’re in the training room before practice and stuff like that joking around uh the weit room getting working I mean just getting working with y’all obviously but just like the camaraderie that we have whether it’s with the

Coaches with the media staff or just I mean the teammates I mean the locker room conversation that that that we can say that for another day but I mean that’s the stuff I’m going to miss just the day to day that that process cuz like I mean without the process you

Don’t you’re not going to have the final result so I mean I don’t know that’s probably the biggest that’s probably the biggest thing just the whole process of the work the early ear the early morning runs 6 a.m. runs and won’t miss that but uh just all just

All that stuff is like that’s what I don’t know that’s what that’s that’s definely the stuff that’s going to be most memorable well obviously playing in camera is it’s going to speak for herself but just the dayto day working and just talking and just doing what you

Doing what you do on a daily basis throughout the season is probably what what I’m going miss yeah I mean like J is saying we work really hard um make no mistake but we have a lot of fun doing it um and I think it just speaks to the

Type of people we have around the program people who who are really good at their jobs um but are even better people people and like you know just being in the weit room with Coach will Coach Blair say Nick um Waking Up For Those runs going through all that

Together um it was rough but it’s you know we can it’s something you know that bonds us together and we can joke about at the end of the day um and say we did that it’s an accomplishment so talked about the the people around you and just

Like being together there do you guys remember there’s a video it’s now probably like six or seven years old but it resurfaces like every time around this year in March or the kid from BC uh he’s asked him like an interview question after they lose and either

March Madness or uh the ACC tournament they ask him like what are you going to miss the most and it goes viral on Twitter because it’s like people laugh at it it is like funny but it’s like they ask him like what he’s going to miss the most and he like breaks down

And cries for like a minute and then he looks up and says uh going out to eat with the team and like continues to cry you know what I’m talking about or no I I feel like I’ve seen that video but I I’m I’m not I’m not remember but like

Going out to eat yeah well it’s it just I understand why it’s funny and like why people why it like goes viral every year on Twitter but I do resonate with it a lot I feel like I’ve played a ton of games and I have no idea like what my

Overall record is the I feel like I texted you guys this after the year last year but the wins and losses they fade like you can’t remember everything the relationships you make with your teammates always it’s always going to I feel like there’s guys that I see that I

Haven’t seen in two three years and you just pick back up like that and you remember going out to e with the team you remember like being a study hall together you remember laughing in the training room before practice starts at 6:00 a.m. um and so I always like when

That comes up on Twitter or like I’ll send you guys after you’re going it’s like it’s funny I get why people think it’s funny funny but I also like understand very much where he’s coming from and I think that’s I’m positive that’s what I’ll miss the most having

Your your closest 15 friends in the world with you for four to five hours a day working towards a common goal is like not something you get everywhere and it’s those moments going out to eat going to the movies together that I think I’ll remember forever and I like

You said I’ll remember playing in here and the big wins and the tough losses I won’t forget but they’re definitely going to be overshadowed by just those like those moments going out to you with a team where you feel you know the closest with uh with your group yeah I

Mean that’s like what you said about I mean what we were talking about the Brotherhood um it’s like guys that I mean obviously we’ve been on the same team but guys like Mark guys like Matt guys like Wendell like we still talk to this day like it’s been like two three

Years and even like guys like Henry Coleman um from the freshman year team like like all those guys we we still L talk pretty much every day and like you see the bondage like you said you you can’t see some if you’re not going to see somebody or if you haven’t seen

Somebody in like two three years like you come back and it’s like y’ all been together every day like I’ve seen the like a meal the meal like Quint like 2015 National Championship team they come back and it’s like they locked in Matt Jones or something like that

Grayson Allen they’re coming back and it’s like it’s like we were on campus like like yesterday so um I think it’s just like Spence said the the people that that D brings in and just like the I don’t know the kind of type of character everybody

Has yeah I mean a lot of times I think they get you through it too um whatever you’re going through um you know off Court challenges included uh but yeah I mean we love spending time together so much like we’re going to see Dune 2 today we haven’t even seen Dune one so

You gotta watch a recap I’m EXC I’m excited about it yeah I don’t know if I’ll be there I got a coach tonight too what you’re coaching the managers yeah who are they in the playoffs I think it yeah it is the playoffs I got to coup of

My I’m like I told him I’m like a mix of like tyuo and like Phil Jackson I’m like really like an ingame adjustment type tou but like my concept is like Phil Jackson so I got to phos yeah you get the guys going in the locker room pre pregame pregame what uh

You run SU tonight you want your Polo uh Polo slacks um don’t know what shoes I have on yet but it’ll be special you got to special out there yeah so a big time game tonight let’s wrap up with a couple quick hitters um that are over the the

Four the full four years um we start with the favorite spot on campus for both of you favorite spot on campus for me I’d say it have to be the gardens um I just love chilling there being out in nature it’s like pretty ridiculous place to

Have on a on a campus I think it’s insane nobody told like I’ve heard of the Duke Gardens all of last year never went cuz I figured like it’s like a small garden or whatever dude you you I know now I go like once a week just like

Walk around yeah um not Cameron gens is a good spot uh I don’t know Duke has a lot of a lot of good spots i’ probably say woo woo woo is a very good spot get some get some great e um you see all your friends you it’s always packed

There um yeah I probably say wo uh favorite Duke tradition the camp out yep um just them the crazy showing love just just seeing them camp out uh for us for just like one specific game obviously they go to multiple games but just for the UNC game

I mean it’s it’s just it’s just special to have that fan base behind you and just want you to play that much harder just for them because they the sacrifices that they make so m yeah I’d say uh just the pregame like pregame music um when we’re about to line up for

The national an them yeah Every Time We Touch yeah Every Time We Touch it’s pretty special um yeah it does it does uh what about you your do your two here um there been a lot of really cool things I will say I have a LoveHate relationship with

Countdown um because I dreaded it and hate going out there in front of 10,000 dancing not my thing uh but at the same time it’s pretty incredible uh to see all these students and everybody come out for a scrimmage essentially and not even a real game and just you know like

Still like weeks before the season starts you feel how special it is and how how much people care here uh which which is a big deal yeah um so countown is always fun though it’s always fun until like they call your name and you got to run out there

And then you’re like what was your what was your this year just just this one I gave a couple hearts a couple PE signs from Mr bright side that was good try to get the people singing that take away from eyes on me uh which is which is the

Goal how about you guys have seen a lot of guys come through here favorite or best teammate in your due career excluding each other unless you want to say each other that could be really sweet you I can say me and Spence I mean me and Spence we’ve been we’ve been at

It living together for like 3 years so I mean bad games I mean he’s always bad game he’s always coming in and giving me confidence and stuff like that just have always had my back whether whether it’s right or wrong or how I feel I mean he’s always just give giving me that

Confidence and stuff like that so I mean it’s always just big time to have another dude’s perspective that is on the team and obviously this my brother right here so it’s like like his just his advice is going to mean it’s going to mean that much more like you said obviously coming from

A coach is going to me something but just coming from his perspective it’s like all right bet maybe I can do I can do this I’m just keeping your confidence up High um I probably said obviously I’m I’m going with my my guy Spence for sure

I mean but it’s been numerous guys I’m not going to just single out one person but all my I say all my teammates but definitely Spence just going back to the crib talking about the game chatting it up and stuff like that it’s been it’s been good SP you have the opportunity to

Do the funniest thing ever here well I’m going to return the compliment um yeah I mean it’s it’s been so cool to just have a relationship built naturally um where we can just you know give each other advice I think a lot of times I can see stuff that you

Know Jam’s doing on the court that maybe you can’t see um and just to have him and other guys on the team you know respect my opinion um and hear me out has been you know the most amazing thing but um yeah I’d say like all my

Teammates um ter and I have been roommates for past three years um but big fella you know all those guys from my can’t forget boo can’t forget b um all those guys from my sophomore junior Seasons got close with all of them absolutely um I have down here fave Road

Dub fave Road dub you guys got a lot of them we got final four year you were undefeated on the road in conference I think so yeah pretty impressive yeah favorite road du uh I probably say beating UNC by 20 at at home at their spot was was definitely

Pretty special I mean AJ had one of the best one of the best performances um of the Year there um and just being able to kind of shut them up um had them be quiet for the rest of pretty much it was like 12 minutes left

In the second half and I don’t think they said a word after that that so um that was definitely a a big time win for sure off the top um I guess this wasn’t technically at anyone’s crib but um the game against Gonzaga in Vegas um was just a a really

Fun game the energy in there was insane I think they like sold out um the arena which was hob yeah I think it was T-Mobile which is holds a ridiculous amount of people um but just in the locker room after I remember how how excited everyone was about that um and

Just I mean matchup wise P was going against Chad um you know on a star power there yeah so it was a fun game I guess I would Echo the UNCC win at their place is uh I feel like that’s hard to top just the amount of like hatred you feel

In that building is is on a different level and whenever we go anywhere teams want to see people and fans want to see us lose duuk but see is different man it was like uh there’s some energy in that building some energy in that building but it’s

All love though it’s all love um going off that how about favorite road gym I like playing a UVA it’s the hometown spot uh I probably say the the 2 vaa spots the Virginia Tech and and uh UVA Virginia Tech’s pretty electric I don’t think people talk about that

Across the country college basketball they got a good fan base for sure it’s always rocking in there every time we play yeah no the stadium the way the stadium is like designed feels like there’s way more people in there Dam near black it’s like no lights in there

Yeah yeah it’s cool though always electric but I probably say that I’m probably think am I forgetting something yeah no I probably definitely to vas I’ll say two years say those playing in the dome at Syracuse is pretty weird yeah it’s cool my first my first year playing

There was lowy weird that when you guys play when did you play them when your final four team you guys were up like we were up like 40 40 to like 10 like it was something crazy like that um that last year too I always remember going in

And people are like it’s a weird shooting gym like I don’t know how we’re going to like do we shoot weot pry well we shoot it pretty well I don’t know I it’s that’s definitely a good spot to play at for sure just like playing in a

Big football stadium like but like it’s it’s it’s like it’s kind of weird though but that be defin be fire though be fire it’s a cool experience yeah uh I’ve always flip that to games and Cameron the favorite game I’ve played at Duke favorite game at

Duke I don’t know they all they’re all special um obviously in their own way but I can’t pinpoint just one game at Cameron if do you have do you have I don’t have one in Cameron but you said this all time all time yeah oh all all time I do

Yeah you can go first I was thinking Michigan State yeah I mean yeah that was a big one for that was that was a big game Michigan State or like the Texas Tech game or just the Arkansas game going to the final four just that experience going up on the podium

Cutting down the Nets and stuff like that like just having that experience um and being Coach K last year was like that made it even more even way more special so I’ll probably say those those games right there yeah I thinking one of the ones we don’t talk about a lot is

The the pit game at home last year we were down like 11 or 12 at halftime that was still pretty early in conference I feel like we’re trying to we’re still trying to figure it out as a group and and get rolling think that’s when I um

And coming out in that second half like that was one of the better 20 minutes that we had put together against a good team um and just like the it felt weird yeah like we were down 10 and the energy in here was so high I was

Like we’re not losing this game there’s no way and then just like wed our way to F have like 30 again yeah yeah he was going crazy his flip but it was like there was offensive Rebound in the second half like getting good like quality buckets in the paint it just

Felt like even though we were losing the whole time I was like I feel like we’re going to win this game I was hyp that’s a different feeling I think it’s largely due to Cameron should have seen me coaching out there game I didn’t play I was in the middle

Oh you didn’t play in the P yeah I didn’t play I play game myw my tow trying to get the crazy’s gone I think that’s lowy why we got going but we’re not going to talk about that though um last one favorite play or bucket in general you’ve gotten at

Duke ah it’s got to be that hesy pull on Michigan State for sure to put him up to put us up four like a minute left there was like 5 seconds on the shot clock reg heesy pool crowd went crazy yeah yeah I mean not many to choose from

But um no definitely the the three against Louisville was super special like I said just cuz I looked at the bench and saw their reaction but I mean bug was bug was electric he turns me up always that was the loudest camera got all night that might in a couple games

For real like that was I was thinking of that like for a good like six or seven seconds I couldn’t hear anything and my head was like pounding because of it and actually they came down and set a screen on Spencer and I was like not even going

To open sh R young for saying after as the camera was screaming they sent a like they came down and like somebody set a screen on Spencer and I was like I’m not even going to try to like call it out right now it’s just ridiculous

Appreciate that but that was one of the loudest I’d heard I’ve heard Cameron for sure yeah when Cameron gets loud you don’t hear anything you get clicked by every screen can’t hear one thing the next he in possession is then everybody’s like what’s happening out there like can’t

Hear anything not even hearing the screen but it’s all good that’s a pretty that’s always happens like twice a game you walk back to the bench and the coaches are like what you guys aren’t talking out there you didn’t communicate on that ball screen like I screamed as

Loud as I could like I’m I’m about to L my I’m trying out there I’m about to lose my voice that’s uh that’s all the the quick hitters I had um I guess just final last parting thoughts about senior night what’s what’s going through your

Mind it’s coming up has it hit I know we’re trying I know in theory like you try to lock in and you try to only care about the game but it’s it’s something that’s at least in the back of my head I feel like it it’ll hit me

Like Saturday right before game time or something like that maybe but like at the end of the day like I said I got a we got a job to do come out here and get this win on Saturday the ACC ACC uh Champs and play for this National

Championship so like that’s all I’m focused something right now but I know at a time I might tear up maybe a little bit and just kind of sit here and look at look at everything um but yeah I have uh I have myself crying

A little bit I think I have all three of us crying it’s hard when you walk out with your family I’ve seen a number of teammates now just like yeah if I cry just just I won’t cry I probably won’t cry maybe I don’t know I don’t know my

Yeah I don’t know what my emotions will be at that time you know too many too many different emotions at one time but it’s crazy cuz I mean only senior um that I think finished their four years here while I was here was buck and he didn’t even have a senior night

So don’t really know how to react or or what it’s going to look like but we’ll see I guess either you going to cry or no probably I mean my mom is going to be there so I’ll probably get pretty um all right well I uh we’ll see who who

Cries and who doesn’t but um excited to go through it with you guys it’s been a fun year and then uh we’ll wrap it up with uh Saturday and keep this thing rolling but uh thanks for taking the time and hearing talking about your

Stories we fun to fun to hear as part of some of them but even the ones earlier on it’s it’s cool to hear you guys talk about your experience and uh it’s been a fun ride man appreciate that right all right


  1. Shout out to the boys. Glad to see Pod God get one more episode in before Senior Night

  2. Thank all you guys for the memories and still got more to make! Thank you for your hard work and the joy it brings to the average people like myself that get to watch you play!!!

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