Golf Players

Gimme Golf Club and XGolf Simulators – Golf with Jay Delsing

Check out the latest in public golf opportunities with Gimme Golf Club from St. Louis. XGolf has their own proprietary simulator technology and it’s a fun place to hang out.

This is golf with Jay [Applause] delsing a two-time allamerican at UCLA a participant in nearly 700 PGA Tour events seven professional wins to his credit over 30 years of professional golf experience a member of the St Louis Sports Hall of Fame this is golf with Jay deling welcome into the show everyone

It’s golf with Jay deling on a Sunday morning here on 101 ESPN coming to you from the car Shield studios and is always presented by dty Business Solutions we’re going to visit with the partners of gimme golf that’s Kyle Walton and also Kenny Riley we’re going

To talk about about X golf which is arrived here in St Louis couple of great guests coming up but first Jay deling always great to see you Danny Mack good morning here we go again this is yeah this this I can’t wait to to have the

Peeps hear a little bit about gimme Golf and X golf you know the game of golf around the world is booming but especially here in the United States and um these a couple of guys with some some different ideas and uh different technology and uh there’s just lots of

Really cool stuff happening in the world of golf today Danny we got Anthony Kim coming back we got a lot of really cool stuff so I’m going to get into that right away also want to remind everybody we’re going to talk about the match which was something that took place this

Last week it’s been an installment on TNT and we’ll get into that we’ll also talk about some of the best ways to get your game ready here in Spring some good weather here this weekend and this past week in St Louis but I want to start with Anthony Kim 38 years old

12 years away from tour play and he returns to golf joining up with Liv what did you think when you heard the news here well so first of all I know Anthony pretty well it’s a young guy he came out on tour and I got to tell you he was

Much must watch TV Denny super ballsy super aggressive and he had the game to kind of back it up he was kind of in your face like tiger was in your face okay but he played with an edge he played with an edge and he was

Flamboyant he lived a big life he made no bones about it like yeah I’m not going to the gym afterwards I’m going to go out and have a cocktail and we’re going to go that way with this thing and um but it was amazing to watch him and

To watch what he’s doing he used to have these Big Shiny Diamond stutter belt buckles it just golf had never seen anything like that before especially with someone you know Doug Sanders was a crazy dresser with blue shoes and blue socks and yellow and all this other stuff um and a

Really good player but this in the modern era there’s there’s been nothing like it and then Danny starts getting hurt and um he tore ailles tendon and and damaged his thumb and he he’s a guy that in his what second or third year in the Ryder Cup took down Sergio Garcia in

His prime five and four and was stalworth in that team and he was it it was really there was you know when Payne Stewart died we got a good solid you know 15 to 20 years of pain Stewart and we wanted more Anthony Kim was just beginning and you just didn’t know I

Mean Danny he made 11 birdies at austa one year I mean just things like that that that um really really caught your eye you know there’s not that many players that as a another player you’re excited to watch but you know how you and I are with tiger we’re like all

Things tiger we love watching Anthony Kim was that way I guess the question will be why did he step away for 12 years and that’ll be the question that if he wants to give the insight into his personal life whatever the case may be but why did you step away 12 years in

The prime of your career so he had a he had a an insurance policy of at least 10 million bucks that we know of that if he so his injuries were pretty devastating and and and really at the time from what I understand we’re going to have um his

Swing coach Adam shriber and good friend Adam shriber on the show So Adam can shed some light on this as well but I guess they really really took him down and took him to a place where you know he had a lot of eggs in his golf basket

And then all of a sudden it was taken away and I was trying to figure out you know Danny and whatever his brief career was he he won over12 million in three events and a writer cup a President’s Cup I mean he he he was somebody to

Watch and so I know that if he did play professional golf again that con that that insurance contract would be voided and he’d have to pay back quite a bit of money so Liv and I can’t believe I’m going to say this but Liv makes the perfect sense absolutely I

Mean because they’re going to take care of what he’s owed on the back end of that that insurance policy and then also give him an opportunity to play he’s got three rounds of golf there’s no cut I mean it’s there couldn’t be a better way for some competition EAS into it exactly

I don’t know if you watch the videos like I did like seven or eight times I know you did you know he’s he’s he’s just a Brash guy you know he’s he said I’m I’m coming out here to bust people’s ass I like it I mean personally you know

What we need something to happen in Gulf that just catches your attention Liv is doing their thing John ROM still talked about today on the PGA tour you got first and seconde players that are making cuts and winning but no one knows who they are this really Garners your

Attention it’s tough Danny this is a tough time in golf if Rory’s not playing like last week at the Mexican open no offense to nap he’s a UCLA kid I mean great great winning the your first PJ Tour event but D that leaderboard looked like a mini Tour event it sure did how

About when you take that much time away you’re talking 12 years can you get back to the level to compete whether it’s on Liv or the PG tour I I don’t know I mean the answer is no not right away there’s got to be a process involved but you’re

Going to look at a guy that this didn’t come out of the blue he’s he’s been playing and practicing I watched his swing he’s he’s got a very unique swing one of the things that he does that I never could I i’ love to find out why

It’s obviously it’s for control but he chokes up so much on every single Club De he it’s it’s not like a half an inch it’s that’s almost like 2 Ines but he’s he’s got a very unique swing he’s not nearly as Speedy as he was but I mean

That’s 12 years ago sure so you you you go from a 24 year old kid to a you know a 36 or 38 year old kid I mean it’s there’s a lot of water under that bridge I want to go to this again but right now the PGA Tour first and second year

Players are winning How concerned do you think they are with the lack of big names winning even though they’re lesser events but lack of big names winning on the main stage on national television Saturday and Sundays I don’t know what they think but they should be they

Should be concerned I mean we’ve got it’s almost like there’s a vacuum out there de like there’s like what happened you know when Kea left and D Shambo left P Reed left and you’re like okay all right all right but you know now when you have

Rory step away and JT is trying to find his game again Jordan spe gets disqualified after you know you got just crazy things happening you’re like who am I to watch yeah you know and our game is it’s an individual game I know and Danny our sport has always thrived

With a dominant player I mean you you look at Arnold Palmer carried the water for years and years and then Jack Nicholas carried the water and then you had the Tom Watson era the Lee trino you know those guys came along even the Greg nor then you know tiger just snatches it

From him and it’s Tiger’s still basically carrying our water the problem is he does play yeah you know he he’s said what once a month he’s going to play if that if he can hold up man I just don’t I just don’t know so it’s a

It’s a it’s a really strange time the game of golf in general Danny is booming we got more people playing we’ve got more people enjoying it we have things like Top Golf we have things like gimme golf we have things like ex golf all these things that are bringing people

Into the game and we’ve got the game at its highest level played by the best players in the world I don’t even know what to I don’t even know what to call it but it’s fractured it’s splintered and it’s all over the place and I really

Want to watch Anthony gim play but I’m sure as hell not getting up at 325 and trying to find the CW to go to watch him play on on Friday morning yeah so his first event is in Saudi Arabia yep so be in the middle of the night uh here in St

Louis one of the names that we haven’t mentioned that is a name that could move the needle but he’s a quiet guy and very businesslike Scotty Sheffer he still keeps on putting in these top 10 but you’re not hearing a ton from one of the top players in the world are we well

We’re not and Danny it’s one of the things his putting is killing him it’s literally killing him he finished dead last in Strokes gained at the LA open the Genesis La open but still W up finishing where I I mean it was somewhere another top 10 yeah and and

It’s just like what what what has happened is it makes you wonder because this guy has won the Masters and won how many events now I mean he he he has been world number one for quite a while John Ram if John ROM was playing and and had

The start this spring like he had last spring then he probably would overtake him as world number one but that’s it yeah I mean Scotty Sheffer Sheffer is playing such strong consistent golf but he needs to start winning and he needs to try to figure out because you’re

Almost looking at him stand over that Putt and go what yeah I mean it’s just so it’s what’s interesting to see Danny this what typically happens to a a good player when he’s one side of his game is so strong and the other side is so weak that the weak side usually starts

Funneling into the strong side and to uh Scotty’s credit last year it didn’t at all and he put on an a hitting exhibition like we never seen since the tiger days but right now I mean you watch him and you you know he’s Miss it’s not like he’s missing a bunch of

10f Footers D he’s not making those five Footers and things like that that you’d go man so put on your coach’s head you’re your coach and Scotty Sheffer you’re not only swing coach but you’re helping with putting you’re a great short game player Jay what what would

You tell them you know what would you try to get him to do here’s the first thing that I do i’ get him on the green I would love to do this with him by the way you know that I would get him on the green and I’d get a ball that’s striped

And I would have him putt for a while with this ball lined up not putting in a hole either D not trying to hold any sort of putt I want you to stroke the Putt and I want to see how that Ball’s rolling I want to get it on some cameras

I want to get some tech on there to see is that ball being hit correctly because I’m not there if if my eyes were on it I’d probably be able to see it anyway but for his benefit as well because if it is then he’s the worst green reader

In the history of modern golf I’m not kidding you and so my guess is D there’s not something’s off something’s off either the aim you know something is just not quite right and my fear for him is he he starts breaking this down so much that he loses it completely you

Know and probably loses it between the years right now right right well he’s he’s extremely unconfident on the green if that’s even possible even though you’re world number one and you’ve into a series of top 10 like nobody we’ve seen since Tiger Woods so I want to get

You to comment on this so Luke Donald this is interesting so he’s on a roll right now man he is because he wins the Ryder Cup as the captain for the Euro team but NBC’s coverage this weekend as we’ve seen has had a rotation of analysts now the last few weeks Luke

Donald getting a crack at it they’re trying to be more Innovative with what they’re doing in the presentation of golf what what do you think about that do you think it’s a good thing cuz sometimes consistency is better than I age listen you’re a pro with this stuff

You have done you know games in every sport and so you know I I like it a little more traditional I I you know when they had Kevin kissner on the 16th T and it was cold as hell I was like I don’t know man this this just doesn’t it

Just seemed to it seemed the coverage seemed disjointed to me you know what I mean and I um I don’t mind them trying new things I love the new te if you can bring new tech in the shot Tracer how did we ever watch golf Cy before the

Shot Tracer remember they’d follow the ball in the air I know but you’re like where is it where is it could be going over trees over the the patrons whatever yeah yeah yeah and so I love all the new tech I umum I’m really anxious to see

How Luke does you know he’s got an accent that’s a huge huge Advantage um and some people would say that’s part of the normaly of that person in that chair there’s no doubt that’s something that they want to hear no there’s no question about it I mean they are not looking for

I thrown my hat in the ring good uh yeah I I’m not probably going to hear back from them but I you’re definitely at a disadvantage if you don’t have an accent there’s no question about it I mean just look at all the major coverage look at

Even the Golf Channel and it’s just it’s just it’s a non-starter for a lot of things they got Trevor emman who’s a good guy got to come on the show working with Jim Nance as the lead analyst for CBS and they’ve got his brother Mark out

In the field Feld you know so you got two um of the South African accents and then you got Baker Finch who’s obviously an Aussie you got Daddy pepper who is as uh vanilla white as you and I and we both love her she’s absolutely fantastic

But it’s and then you got Colt no who sprinkles in a little bit of you know crazy cuckoo and and with with some fun comments so they’re all over the place but accents are are the Gateway in speaking of announcers how well do you know Vern lanquist I I’ve had the severe

H Supreme honor to have met Vern several times but I got to sit with him in the Augusta Airport as we were waiting for our flights to leave on a on a Monday and we got delayed which I thought was fantastic and I just sat there but he

And his wife he’s just you know when you have that voice you have that voice when your voice comes on it throws me back into the Albert pools and all the phenomenal calls you had but Vern it throws me back back into that yes sir

You know on 17 and then and then Tiger’s fantastic have you ever you know and and so we’re going to miss him a lot I think he’s just a gem well I brought it up because this will be he’s said it this is his final Masters and it’s

Interesting you know certain people are always going to be associated with certain events or certain calls certain moments or certain places and to me that’s Vern lanquist at at Augusto oh I I’m with you Danny you know when we sit around and we do fun stuff off the air

And we talk baseball and we do B and John Miller is one of your favorite guys and you imitate him so beautifully but what’s really odd for me is when you get to meet somebody and you have this image of a voice that goes with a body and

Then you put the body with and you go oh yeah you know because Vern’s a short round guy great smile nice guy JN John Miller’s a little like that too bed yes little bit Yeah so it’s just super fun we’re we’re going to miss Vern I don’t

Know you cannot replace ver Vernon lqu to me Danny is like Vince Scully you know what that that name that voice that style is just reminiscent of of Augusta and can’t ever be duplicated we’re going to tip our cap to people always trying to grow the game and they Our Guest

Today and that is the partners of gimme golf they’re coming up also ex golf they’ll be in our next segment but we always love to talk and highlight people that are growing the game and these two groups certainly are doing that yes thank you are tip of the cap is brought

To you by our friends at the dean team Volkswagen of Kirkwood 314 966 0303 talk to Colin burnt over there he’s just fantastic guy and can hook you up with any sort of vehicle yep we’re tipping our cop our cap to Gim me golf Kyle Kenny they’ve got almost 500 members

Over there and it is super super fun it’s non private club is um it’s a everyone welcome and uh it’s it’s fantastic and then ex golf with Drew and Eli and and their team is um they’ve got their own specific technology it’s not like anything else you’ll ever see or

Find and it’s really really interesting they’ve got great event space they’ve got um man I think he said or I think I read Danny on their website almost 7,000 square ft in their their St Louis location and then there’s one out nellsville so we our our our caps are

Tipped to both of these guys and their teams for loving the game for bringing more people more eyeballs more butts in the seats that sort of thing we really appreciate that and it’s the tip of the cap it’s brought to you by the dean team Volkswagen and Kirkwood and our friend

Ken Bert you can reach him at 314 966 0303 all right X golf is coming up and we’re off and running our first segment in the books you’re listening to golf with Jay delsing it’s every Sunday 8: to 10 10 right here on 101 ESPN that was on the Range up next we tee it up as we head to the front nine you’re listening to golf with Jay deling are you driving an out of warranty car it’s only a matter of time before your out of warranty vehicle is in the shop

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Right here in St Louis the Ascension Charity Classic will be back back again with some of golf’s greatest names Steve Stricker padrick Harrington John Daly David Duval Bernard longer Justin Leonard David Toms and more will compete returning September 3rd through the 8th visit Ascension charity for information Dy Business Solutions has

Been enhancing the business of our customers for the last 37 years how do we do it through our expertise in technology better use of data and and analytics artificial intelligence and machine learning we roll up our sleeves and collaborate we build applications and effectively communicate with our

Partner clients to bring their goals and objectives to the Finish Line our award-winning access point program is a community game changer with nearly 100 students in the program mostly young African-American females are making between 55 and $60,000 per year right out of high school that’s right $55 to $60,000 a

Year right after high school graduation that’s when they begin their training CEO Ron Dy believes the talent is equally distributed but access to that opportunity is not so here’s access point providing more and more opportunity for those in and around our community it’s dirty Business Solutions hi this is Peter Jacobson and you’re listening to golf with J deling I’m delighted to welcome the amateur Players Tour to the golf with J deling show the AP team has worked so hard to establish a national golf tour for amateurs folks don’t miss out on

This opportunity if you love golf and ever wondered what all the fuss about tournament golf is then this is for you we just released the 2024 schedule and it is a beast there’s 21 events currently in the metropolitan St Louis area with many more to come but check

Out these golf courses pay’s Valley Ozark National stonewolf Amry P simman Woods Gateway National and a 36hole event on Norwood’s West course and many more okay so the courses are certainly cool and nice but what’s really neat is the way the events are run and how they

Are run the AP team does a fantastic job of closely monitoring handicaps and ensuring a good and Fair competition there are five divisions a year-long points competition major championships elevated events and much much more right now there are over 6,000 members in 41 different local chapters across the

Country and all that’s happened in just over 5 years join now and don’t miss out on the best tournament golf in the country run for amateurs by amateurs themselves go to amateur that’s amateur this is the front nine presented by the Ascension Charity Classic to learn more visit Ascension charity golf for J deling rolls on on a Sunday morning here on 101 ESPN with J deling I’m Dan mlin we’re talking X golf we have the owner of X golf which is located here in St Lewis Drew wbck and we also have Eli Scala who is the

General manager of EX golf guys thanks for coming in we certainly appreciate it thanks for having us yeah absolutely so guys Denny I’m sorry I’m going to jump in here so I I I was driving by the other day and I saw your your spot in uh

I think you call it the St Louis location but it’s in Rock Hill and I said Eli I came in and I just talked to you for about I don’t know 20 30 minutes congratulations on the place tell us a little bit about what ex golf is yeah

We’re EXL for the home of indoor golf and we really try to bring the best 18 hole indoor golf experience that we can to the marketplace so you’re going to tea off you can change your tea height it’s going to remember your tea height then you’re going to hit your approach

Shot if you miss your proo shot like I do most of the time then you’re going to chip then you’re finally going to get on the green and you’re going to putt and you’re going to have all aspects of golf here indoors in a controlled familyfriendly environment and have a

Bless doing it all along the way so people have simulators what what’s the difference with X Golf and simulators and some of the places that you see around town Yeah I’d write to refer to oursel as the zoom of indoor golf you can know everything about it or you can

Know nothing about it and just see the ball and hit the ball and if you’re a golf I like see the ball hit ball yeah when it goes straight yeah exactly yeah and if you’re more of the golf nerd then you can hang out with Eli or I and we

Can break down what makes us unique we operate off of a conjunction of laser cameras and sensors so when you strike the ball it’s going to know exactly your trajectory it’s going to know your side spin your back spin your launch angle and it’s going to have all that

Calculated in about 5 to six feet so you’re going to get that real life interpretation and it’s going to feel just like you’re hitting a golf ball outside as well as some of the more difficult shots that we had in the past which are those short shots yeah so Drew

You guys have your own Tech this is no one else in town has ex Golf Tech and it’s South Korean based right that is correct so straight out of South Korea we brought it here to America which is now known as ex golf America and we have

Our own technology and like you were saying some of those short shots where we really shine is on those short chips and putts where those lasers and cameras are going to be able to pick that ball up very quickly whereas some of your more economical simulators just don’t

Have that capability because most people don’t want to spend that kind of money just to put it in their basement so Eli give us your role with X golf what are you doing um so I’m the general manager at our St Louis location in Rock Hill um

So I see the uh oversee of the day-to-day operations um anything administrative um I’ve got a great team of employees there um I see I mean we’ve been open for two months now so I’ve seen a lot of uh faces more than once we’ve got a lot of regulars already um

We get so many different kinds of people that come in the door um we’ve got your scratch golfers that come in the door we’ve got Grandma and Grandpa just trying to kill some time with the grandkids and you know we set them up you know we set everybody up for Success

So I’m kind of there um I’m pretty much the face that most people see when they come in the door um we’ve got the two locations but it’s just a I mean our Rock Hill location is a phenomenal Community environment Drew why is your technology different and and when I say

Why and then what does that mean for the experience of the golfer that comes through I’d say our best best experience is just the the overall feel of how it is to play so for instance I can play a round of 18 holes in about a half hour

And that’s hitting every shot putting everything out that’s crazy yeah it’s it’s all the little things that you don’t think about either like we just went over some of the hardware issues of some of our more advanced cameras but some of the smaller stuff you don’t

Think about is how fast it allows you to play for instance when you hit a green button and your ball pops up and it remembers your te height so you don’t have to adjust it every single time then you hit the ball it hits the screen and

Then it rolls back so you don’t have to go run and chase it and then it collects the ball brings it back up to you and the time I’m my ball lands I’m already ready for my next shot so it creates this really fun environment where you’re

Not running around you don’t have to chase it you don’t have to go to the computer and hit eight iron to six iron you don’t have to do any of this stuff to change the camera angle so make sure the ball reads so you don’t have the Miss shot it just makes everything

Simple so you don’t have to think about tech you’re just thinking about Golf and thinking about how you can hit this pitching wedge within six feet so you get an auto gimme so you don’t even have to putt the ball that’s what you’re thinking about so the difference between

Say a trackman and X golf is from a technical standpoint it has to do with um what what you guys are using lasers and trackman is basically using GPS right right so it’s using uh radar based or Doppler based technology which is fantastic technology and trackman has a

Lot of good Pros to it uh but we just operate off completely different Hardware our lasers cameras and sensors uh so it gives us a little bit of an advantage on some of those short shots the yeah the pitching and the chipping when you get the track man just gets

Wonky yeah it just doesn’t have the space to get all of those pings so it’s doler base right so you hit the ball pings it pings it pings you know that’s why it does so awesome that’s why you see everybody in the PGA Tour a trackman behind him at the driving range yeah

Because it works perfect for that and trackman’s done a fantastic job of not only collecting that data but giving it back to the user in a usable format uh so it has a lot of good strengths so but if you’re going to do indoor then you

Can take advantage of the fact that we don’t have to we can have perfect conditions trackman doesn’t have to that per conditions we do so it allows us to really hone in on some of those shots that sometimes are more difficult to measure Eli someone comes through the

Doors at uh X golf what are they going to get uh at our you’re damn friendly man our Louis location I’ll be totally honest with you uh they’re probably getting a bush light go through about 12 cases of those a week so outside the bush light and

Having a little fun with a beverage or two what else are you going to get when you walk through so I mean we’re going to get a lot of a lot of camaraderie amongst the amongst the boys that’s kind of our most uh popular group of guys it’s usually you

Know any given Saturday it’s usually going to be four guys coming in um they’re all different levels of you know of golf that they’re playing you’ve got you know one scratch one’s a 36 handicap and you know everybody’s kind of playing on a similar playing field you know

Usually set them up for a scramble or something like that they can get in uh way more holes that way and I’m pretty much bouncing around from bay to bay to bay just kind of you know entertaining we a lot of different hats yeah kind

Kind of like when you came in you saw the absolute perfect day of what ex golf should look like why what what was it that was the uh that was the winter snowstorm that we got a couple Fridays ago dumping snow Danny and guys R there smacking stick and button and chiping

And absolutely didn’t have to work that day but it didn’t keep them from coming to XLF it was it was definitely full too and and guys so Eli how big is the the facility in uh it Rock I called it the St Louis facility in Rock Hill uh what’s

The square footage it’s about 7,000 okay okay I mean cuz I want people to understand you’re not walking in you’re not feeling confined you’re not feeling like oh man this place is jammed and I can’t move in here you I I remember watching at one Bay and how many bays do

You have do you have uh we have seven in our main area and one private bay okay and which is cool to have a private bay too but there were there were a couple young kids and I think actually grandparents on one side and then next

To them were some other ladies they had their own thing going and then we had guys playing on the other side and some hooting and hollering and maybe a little smack talk it it was fun absolutely so it’s all kinds of ranges of people that you’re getting and and so with that are

You finding people coming in and and maybe an instructor bringing a kid for lessons and that kind of thing um so yeah we’re still in the process of looking for an instructor and you know if I’m if I’m around and you know I’ve got the time I’m I’m more than happy to

Give people some uh you know some swing tips and everything like that but yeah there there are a lot of people who are extremely dedicated especially during the week who love coming in and spending an hour on the Range because we have that fullon analysis um that you can get every

Detail of your swing analyzed it’s it’s phenomenal probably way too much for the average guy but it’s really interesting if you’ve never had that Tech kind of hit you but what what came to my mind guys was events I mean what a perfect little Corp seate uh you know afternoon

I don’t know OU happy yeah happy hour the food the whole thing yeah we do a number of those different and we do them differently for different people so if we have a group of guys that are all coming in that are all serious about Golf and there’s eight of them we’ll set

Them up for four 2v2 scrambles and they can have like a real competition they may put a little coin on the side they may have a little fun with it or you may have some people that are just here to mingle have a good time and maybe we set

Them up at St Andrews and see if they can hit a 70 foot putt on one of those massive greens so we we try to make it a fun event for everybody and we even do some really unique things in our offseason so one of the things we do

Here in St Louis cuz we’re St Louis is we actually host trivia nights that have nothing to do with golf we just simoc cast because we have all these screens and the projections and the TVs up we actually just do trivia so we’ll set up the main six areas for trivia put the

Screen on simoc cast it put the microphones up and then what we’ll run is we’ll run some like close to the pin competitions to help these Charities like make money in our downtime because we’re aware in May that people aren’t going to come do indoor golf everyone’s

Out enjoying 75 and Sunny what’s the technology like with putting that separates your facility from some of the others it’s really just the the laser so what happens if you look at our floorboard there’s going to be two different laser patches so it’s going to measure when your ball crosses the first

One and then when it crosses the second one both from a speed and from a trajectory so it’s going to recreate that really nervous 5-ft putt that swinger that you have Outdoors we’re going to have that we do it at about 7 to8 feet but it’s going to have that

Same pressure putt when you’re on 18 you’re tied up you’re going to be in our league and it’s for the match and you got a 7ft knee bender and we’re going to recreate that stress that you have on the golf course I’ve had a lot of those

I don’t know about that so in terms of of money what what’s it cost I’ll turn to you Eli so somebody walks through the doors they say I’m ready I want to play 18 the cost of of trying to do this or to to join up on some of the special

Things that you have going on yeah so um all of that depends on the day and the time so Monday Monday through Thursday um we open at 10:00 um up until 5:00 is $40 an hour um we get a lot of our members that come in during those times

Or just some people on their lunch breaks um five to close is going to be $50 an hour and then weekends are $60 an hour so pretty affordable yeah not not too shabby and I mean obviously the price doesn’t vary so the more people you bring the price isn’t going to

Change what’s response that you get from people that are using this now oh it’s the best technology they’ve ever encountered um enjoying it obviously absolutely I mean we get we get nothing but the utmost greatest feedback I mean I couldn’t ask for anything more Eli this is the hard thing about about talking

Golf on on a radio and then trying to describe the tech but there there’s a big difference between what you guys are doing at X Golf and everybody else’s simulators there just there just is there’s from the difference Drew mentioned where you set your tea height and the computer remembers it every time

You’re going to hit driver and it also knows when you’re going to hit driver by the way you know to where the other stuff you’re chasing the ball down and things like that but the putting thing D that you brought up is interesting to me because putting is such a touch and feel

Uh sort of thing that’s created by your visual stimulus so it’s challenging for me when I go to to look because I watched the family you know a little kid was putting and Dad’s like it’s too hard son you know he just hit it you know you

Had a 8ot putt you knocked it like 35 feet past the hole so there’s some getting used to it but it makes it fun that you at least get the putt yeah absolutely let’s let’s ask you this too cuz I know a lot of people are curious

About this driving or listening at home or wherever they’re taking in the show uh you went through the prices but uh hours of operation how to get a hold of you all those kind of things either one of you guys can take that Eli go ahead

All right so yeah I mean we’re open seven days a week um open at 10:00 a.m. uh Monday through Friday we’re open till 10:00 p.m. till Thursday uh midnight on weekends awesome good stuff and and the best way to look up your website and where to go and sign up yeah the easiest

Thing is just to search ex golf St Louis or ex golf Ellis those are both our Central Corridor location and our West County location we’ll pop right on up and you can book a tea time and if you want to play on Friday or Saturday during those popular times I would tell

You to book a te time in advance awesome thanks for coming in guys appreciate it yeah absolutely appreciate you guys thanks for having us ex golf here on golf with j deling that was the front nine on golf with J deling presented by the Ascension Charity Classic we’re halfway home and

Next we’ll make the turn if you’re in the market for a newer used vehicle any maker model then you need to visit the dean team Volkswagen of Kirkwood they are the official vehicle provider of the golf with J deling show my daughter and I both Drive vehic supplied by Colin and the dean

Team Volkswagen of Kirkwood and it’s because we know we can trust them they made the car buying experience painless and easy and their customer service is second to none every single step of a car buying experience was taken care of for us you can reach Colin at 314- 966

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Treat you like family the dean team Volkswagen of Kirkwood the official vehicle provider of the golf with Jay Delson show hi this is Adam bets from family golf and learning center at fgc here in Kirkwood we feature a double-decker driving range two large grass tees with TOA Bermuda grass you

Want to work on your short game we have a short game area too which features a 20,000 ft green three bunkers and zoa surrounds also at family golf and learning center don’t forget about our 9-hole par three course the indoor trackman simulators and our performance center if you’re looking for the best

Golf instruction regardless of skill we can help find out more at family golf that’s family golf family golf and learning center we make St Louis better golf so you’ve been hearing me talk about one of our community’s greatest contributors and most philanthropically inclined companies yes of course I’m

Talking about Marone they’re the largest distributor of general electric appliance parts in North America did you know that Marone is also the largest and most trusted supplier of commercial and residential Appliance Parts hbac Plumbing commercial kitchens and Pools and Spas all of that’s in North America as well that’s right Marone does all

That Marone is committed to supporting our first responders all the branches of service in our military our police and firefighters and many more from the viewing deck at the Ascension Charity Classic founded in honor of our military Heroes to their commitment to Reese across America program Mark hone is here

For you and your family as well as your community that’s markone the official sponsor of the golf with J deling show this is Chris Nagel and you’re listening to golf with Jay Deling this is golf with Jay deling we are halfway home and it’s time to make the turn let’s get back to Jay and Dan golf with J deling this Sunday morning rolls on on 101 ESPN our thanks to the Gang over at X golf that’s Jay

Delsing I’m Dan mlin coming to you from the car Shield Studios and as always presented by Dy Business Solutions all right Jay interesting X Golf and a chance for people to not only use a simulator but a special type techie if you will simulator that get it really

Just gets to the nitty-gritty of what you’re trying to do no it that’s good call Danny it’s so I followed X golf for quite a while they came over to the states I’m saying maybe seven years ago something like that and I was interested in just trying to stay up with them and

So they’re a South korean-based company they’re they’re tech there is it’s a proprietary it’s not anything else I think um Drew was saying that um the trackman and uh the quad Pro and things like that use Doppler and they use more lasers which makes the short game stuff

So much better and and and I’ll concur I I I like that that it the the when you’re on your track man and they set you up and you’re playing a simulator and let’s say you had a bunker shot it just doesn’t do it justice you’re just not quite sure I was

With your daughter Avery at Elevate golf couple weeks ago we were looking at this little shot and she’s like this is weird and I said it is weird you know because you say you have 22 yards and then it just it’s not quite

What it it needs to be and the X golf is is taken care of that now the putting is a challenge it takes some getting used to you got to acclimate yourself to it but I don’t like the auto two putts in the other things I really

Don’t like the auto two puts and what I’m really in what I was really interested and I brought up to you is on the Tiger Golf League the simulator League which unfortunately we got to wait another eight nine months for they were going to do something creative with

The putting and I wonder if it’s online with some of this x golf technology because typically guys when you go to a simulator and you use the regular trackman type technology you get on the green and it’s an auto two putt or they’ll give you a ratio of what your

Make percentage is you know so let’s say if you consistently hit it inside of 10 ft obviously you’re not going to make all of your 10f Footers but they’re going to give you you know you’re going to you’re going to get 08 or something like that so you’re you

Wind up sitting there at at point something under par point something over par as opposed to knowing exactly what you know did I make it or did I miss it not what the averages are like I was really curious with the tiger league if

It would uh if it would take off I I wonder if people would just tune in because I can watch Rory at the time can I watch John Ram remember he had signed up for it and when he kind of said I’m not going to do it that was my first

Indication that maybe he’s headed to live but you get to see tiger head I I wonder if people would have been really engaged into doing that and and here’s what I’m saying is that a lot of people go to an ex golf or go to a simulator

Place and they play and then you could see your speed and your flight uh your spin rate and all that stuff and they can relate yeah so I wondered if that would be something that would take off for Tigers league and I guess we’ll find

Out yeah no and I think the a lot depends on how they do it because you could put a lot of buzzers and and bells on this thing and make it really fun to watch not just Tiger and Rory and their team hitting into a screen you know and

The other thing is the team concept you know there’s got to be chirping gota be got to be chirping right I mean the guys are going to have to you know especially with tiger he’s got he’s got a sharpest needle as anyone so I I I’m really

Looking forward to that now I’ve been to an ex golf facility I went to the St Louis location and I got to tell you folks it’s fantastic it it you get in there the vibe is so positive it’s it’s got the right kind of energy I remember

Walking in I think I mentioned this there was a I think a a couple of grandparents with their grandsons and daughters and they had balls flying and you know and and and doing their thing and then I looked over and I recognized a friend was there with his uh two two

Boys and they were playing they had a little match going and I asked them how the how’s the putting in this they said it’s it’s fun it takes a it takes a while to to to get used to it but it’s fun and then I went and hung out with

Eli a little bit and man guys are drinking beer and having fun they also have TVs up so you know you got the blues on you’ve got all sorts of different things on and it’s um it’s fun you can go there for sheer Recreation you can go there and just have a a

Bachelor party a a a happy hour with the with the folks at the office or you can rent the entire place out and have all sorts of different things going on you and I’d have smack going and games going maybe a couple dollars on the edge there

Somewhere along the line of course we would yeah we would it’d be fun all right so you can email us J at J delsing we do have emails coming up later in the show but I thought this one would be perfect let’s just do it right

Now it’s Steve at belfont neighbors Jay how does Neighbors come on man that’s backyard I know right where I grew up how does a simulator replicate replicate being on the course he said just simply I want to know how this thing works no Steve great question and leave it to

North County let’s keep this simple I love it I love it but what what so what they do is they get out and they GPS the entire area Okay and then they they’ve got this Tech that the uphill the downhill the things like that the views

Are all relayed to the screen and what you can do with some of the tech uh X golf is a little different but some of the tech is you can change your perspective if you move to the right it’ll change the look of the green if

You move to the left it’ll change the look of the green as well and so um what it’s basically doing is um um using all of the coordinates it’s mapping out the golf course and then adding color adding sand traps adding some of the different conditions and and the older the the

Newer Tech it’s getting better and better and better and then when you hit the golf shot Steve that’s the easy part for trackman because that’s what trackman does right trackman registers your path of your of your Club the face angle is it open is it shut is it Square

How fast is it’s going then what the ball does how how much spin does the ball have does it have um side spin on it how much left or right it’ll show you at the speed that you hit this ball with this amount of curve this ball would

Have hooked or this ball would have sliced x amount it gives you all that data and it’s interesting if you play enough Steve you’ll relate that feel that you just did and created in that swing with the shot and you and you can try to correct it so it’s interesting

You’re a teacher that when you take out your students you love to basically be on the course on the course feel the feel of a real shot on the course unfortunately not all the time can you go out on the course cuz it’s freezing cold so I’m assuming that you use

Trackman a lot as a teaching tool as well oh yeah it’s a it’s a phenomenal tool I mean a lot of kids Danny will only get on the you know the Less in with trackman that’s over the top as far as I’m concerned if the weather’s good

And we can go out and hit some balls in the range I don’t really need track man I mean if you’re if if you want to do a practice session and compared to your last numbers that’s totally fine but you hit a ball and I’ll tell you if that’s

Good or not I don’t need track I don’t need trackman to tell me that’s going to play in any League PGA Tour LPGA Tour your men’s league on Friday it’s going to I can tell you and if if you know how to duplicate what you just did you’re go

You’re going to be just fine Danny I have to say this a lot of times you’ve really got to watch the personalities that get involved with the numbers and things it’s a big black hole for some people because you can get so wrapped up in this that you forget this is a bat

Ball game what’ you shoot right not what it look like what’ you shoot and and I have seen players absolutely ruin their careers this way no question how does it work when for at the Ascension Charity Classic I would walk up and down where guys were hitting balls on the Range and

They had the little you were geeking out of I loved it I was all over the place I thought it was awesome I followed you and then I’d follow other people and then I’d go watch guys hit on the Range and just in amazement but they have that

Little track man behind them or to the right of them if they were left or right-handed golfer be on the right side and then I just saw him right after that look at their watch or look right at their phone yeah that’s the integration is unbelievable and trackman leads and

And I think um Drew even mentioned they do a phenomenal job of taking the data and then presenting it back to the golfer so you can get this stuff integrated on your phone so that you’re not cons before Danny it was hit and then look down at the the the screen on

The machine and Tred and decide for everything now it’ll go right to your phone right to your watch right to your coach’s iPad yeah yeah and and that’s that’s the ideal way it’s just Danny it’s just getting more and more proficient and more the systems are just getting better and better and

It it’s it’s it’s super cool man I mean it’s super cool is it entirely necessary for everybody that loves golf to do this no no let’s let’s be honest but if you’re a single digit hell you may not even like it if you’re a single digit

Just want to play the game and go do it but if you’re a guy that likes to kind of nerd out like you and I do and geek out there’s room there’s room for that but just remember that’s not the end the end is getting the ball in the hole what

Did you shoot my four beats your five unless you get a shot or two every day of the week so just remember that folks it’s it’s fun but don’t get lost in it coming up later in the show the partners of gimme golf that’ll be Kyle Walton and

Also Kenny Riley are thanks to the guys at X golf for stopping in studio coming up more news and notes around the PGA Tour you’re listening to golf with Jade eling that was making the turn coming up we head to the back nine you’re listening to golf with Jay delce do you

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For a concert or cards or Blues game and now for the St Louis city soccer game please come see us at Maggie O’Brien’s before and after your event take our shuttle to and from or stay inh house and watch your favorite team on our multiple highdef TVs we look forward to

Seeing you soon soon at one of our two locations in Sunset Hills on South Lindberg or downtown at the corner of market and 20th Street Union Station is next to us hey Jay deling here and I know I speak for all of we golfers we’re always looking to try to improve our

Game for me that means I go to one place and that one place is pram golf in Brentwood Tom deg Grant opened his family business in 1975 with a goal of providing St Louis with the finest in golf equipment instruction and Technology whether you need a new

Rangefinder your first set of clubs or anything else you can think of proam golf has just what you’re looking for if you’re a scratch handicap or you carry a 20 handicap come visit pram Golf and inquire about a lesson from Tom to gr he’s been fixing golf swings and

Making St Louis better at golf for over 40 years go get your gear lessons or anything golf related where I go and that’s proam golf in Brentwood you can also visit them online at proamgolfusa that’s proam golf it’s proam golf proud sponsor of the golf with J deling

Show this is golf with Jay deling the back nine is presented by proam golf located in Brentwood see what proam golf can do for You Coming up a little later in the show we visit with the partners of gimi golf that’s Kyle Walton and Kenny Riley that’s Jay delsing I’m Dan mclin we call this golf of J delsing every Sunday 8: to 10: on 101 ESPN coming to you from the car Shield studios and is always

Presented by Dy Business Solutions simple question we the match did it become good again again this last week no you didn’t like it I loved it I thought it was great I like I love the girls I love the girls aspect of that love Lexi making that bomb for eagle and

$200,000 for I I did like the the little closest to the I like just mixing it up a little bit I’m a huge Max Homa and Rory fan I don’t know Danny it just seemed I I don’t know it just didn’t have oh come on fun it was fun but it I

Was I love it when Max say he wasn’t playing well and he said are going to think I don’t like charity I know I know for people that don’t know the money goes to charity right he’s such a good he’s such a good dude I got to tell you

What I my okay let me just ask you here’s where I’m going with this all right what was your favorite match it’s obvious Phil and tiger okay okay so well you can’t match that though I know I know I I I do love the fact I I feel like the

LPGA are ballers and they have so much to bring to the table and I love when when people get to watch them play I mean there it’s just it’s it’s so good um and Rose Yang is a just a she’s just a uh upand cominging star for people

That don’t know so it’s Max hom Rory maroy Lexi Thompson and Rose Yang so those that group that quartet was out there I did like the female aspect to it I thought it added to uh the night I I shouldn’t I guess I shouldn’t have said

No I I like I watch golf at any opportunity I can it’s not you watch mini golf you’d watch put put oh I know I just I felt like I almost felt like the lights made it it was super cool but made it really weird for the players I I

Did too it was some of the Shadows I thought were bothering them it wasn’t lit quite as well I thought as others it looked darker to me something was off Max hom he’s usually a straight hitter he fouled some balls off like in deling territory like the one time I saw him

Coming out of the you know what to remind me of D was the Field of Dreams when the guys came out of the cornfield Max he poked his head out of those Palm treats I’m like Max come back yeah it was it was it was it was I mean they

Raised a bunch of money for charity I loved watching the one Club challenge I thought that was I thought that was really fun I don’t know maybe I was just thrown off a little bit by the lights it I love the idea of like let’s do some

Prime Time Golf so I was just going to ask you that do you think that that could happen so maybe not all four nights of an event but you put the the final round or something maybe you start on a Friday yeah and you got Saturday Sunday and then Monday is prime time

Yeah now I understand you’re not going to go against football you’re not going to go against certain things that are found it find a downtime in television and put it on Prime Time and put it under the lights and I mean a main event yeah I’m not I’m not talking the Masters

But I mean a p a PGA Tour stop something different to try to get more eyeballs to watch the game I I mean I think it’d be fantastic the only problem that you have D is it Spectators you know you’ve literally got to light up like 250 Acres

The whole thing yeah just light the whole thing up like I’m waiting for somebody to dome the whole thing right you know so we can play 247 anytime we want but I I I think the tour is missing out on that aspect where we we’re too caught up in some of the older

Traditions that we have D it’s like let’s have a little fun like live golf having like a rock show what no but I mean let’s let’s just find that happy medium and figure out Danny you know what it reminds me of I was thinking about this I want to get your opinion

We’ve talked about this for hours and hours off the air I bend in your ear while you’re playing golf you’re probably like can you just shut up and let me hit this shot well maybe it helps me when you talk we go a you think about

The ABA and then the NBA and and and that whole merger you think about the AFL and the NFL and then the wh and the NHL and somewhere along the line those guys were’re in opposite ends of the planet and have all come together I’m really thinking somewhere on the

Line we’re going to do this okay we figure it out y but we’re going to take away Danny this bring in the stuff that was meaningful on a like maybe the team concept is the biggest thing that we’re going to pull from Li that for me is but

We’re sure as hell not going to pull the shotgun start like the ABA colored basketball when I was 6 years old and watching the St Louis spirits and the and Dr J play I thought it was super cool that didn’t make it to the NBA because it doesn’t need to also you’re

Going to the bottom line is you’re going to get the big names back you’re going to get the best players in the world back you’re going to have the world golf rankings actually mean something because everybody’s involved y so the the the depth of the com of the combination of

The two will add to it you’re going to have the flavor of the PGA Tour and I’m not sure what you bring over from Liv you mentioned the team concept that would be it for me the team concept would really mean something if you could explain it well to the average fan golf

Fans will get it average fans it’s going to take a like because if you tune into a live telecast you’re like wait a minute who’s when and what and who’s what are the pairings no it’s all it’s all over the place it’s just jointed but but Danny I think it needs to be

Developed I mean Liv does a horrible job at developing anything so I want to go back to the match just for a moment yeah why not put this thing at historic venues like they’ve got to be some I’m not talking about you’re not going to

Get it at Augusta but I mean some of the greatest golf courses in the world try to get and say look we’re going to do this no no doubt we’re going to do it at Pebble Beach right we’re going to go down and uh we’ll go to Riviera you know

What I mean because you got to be on the west coast cuz you need the light but places like that uh the waste management we could do a bunch of holes that have people around par 3s not just 16 but do it at do it on other par 3s just try

Something different absolutely I don’t I I why not we’re dying for stuff in Prime Time Sports right now since the NF Danny since the NFL’s left our life we’re like what are we going to do what are we going to do man we got I mean and look

At what the NFL’s doing they got a Monday night game Saturday nights Sunday nights Thursday nights I mean they’re trying to spread this thing out cuz they know come they come on man it’s mustat TV I I the thing I love though is seeing the personalities come out you do find

Out more about the personalities of the players y you know if you’re talking about Lexi Thompson or you’re talking about Rose you got Rory you got Max hom you you do see them in a different light relaxed atmosphere and all of a sudden few people out there if not hundreds if

Not thousands say well I really like that maxom guy I know about Rory but I’m finding out more about maxom I’m going to follow him I like him absolutely I mean and that’s the way it goes and that I mean I don’t feel like the tour has

Ever done a good job of exposing some of the other players now what has helped not my generation but what has helped is social media Max Homa is a rockar on Twitter or X whatever we’re called it these days and that’s that’s that’s has made a difference in his brand he’s got

His own little following because I I think what he was doing Danny at one time he’s like send me your golf swing and I’ll break one how cool is that great yeah that’d be amazing yeah I mean I do that in a heartbeat I just old and

Don’t know how to work X and don’t you know never think about it but I think it’s just fantastic do you think Lexi Thompson could make a cut on the PGA tour she’s been close in the right in the right in the right condition right in what place and what event at the

Right conditions I think so but I mean what’s what are we gaining by that oh I think you gain a lot do you I do I think a lot of people would pay attention I think it would enhance the women’s side of things if I if it could if it would

Help grow the women’s game you know what I think about the girls they they can help more of the folks that are listening to this show and more of the golf Enthusiast than any and than the men’s game by far you don’t think if she

Made a cut and all of a sudden I don’t care where she’s paired I don’t if she’s the last one that made the cut you don’t think that would make a difference I do I think there’d be a lot of people that say I want watch her compete let’s see

What this is all about well I I got to tell you she can play yeah I me of course but but she had three brothers and they were all I mean you could tell she she takes a rip at it and I’m a huge

Fan of hers I I if it if it’ll help grow their game and help I thought the match did a phenomenal job of showcasing what some of those young ladies can do I mean Rose is a much different player than Lexi Lexi’s a strong bomber Rose is like

She’ll just She’s Like a Surgeon you know she gets her iron game going she straight off the teak putt the lights out of it she could take you down as a player back in the day would you have been on social media or would you have

Stayed away from it cuz it can be good and it can be bad it can be the good bad and ugly I probably I guess it would have depend depended on your sponsors too yeah if you could have highlighted them through social media and you’re

Going to get a nice check yeah of course you’re going to do it yeah no no doubt no no doubt about it I think it would have been different D because it would have been presented to us you know like the PGA tour now has all of these groups

That come out when you first get your card and they explain stuff to you and here’s how to do because you know it came along I’m like what is it my daughter’s like no dad you put a hashtag I’m like what’s a hashtag I didn’t know

What to I you know I didn’t know what’s going what’s the at sign you know anyway um but that’s what happens and I mean nowadays um when we had Adam Wayne Right on the show a couple weeks ago he talked about how important social media was for building up guys’s career and getting

Them known and and and things like that so can be good it can be bad I I would have thought of it differently de to me it just seems like if you and I go out and we’re going to get a stake and we’re going to have whatever I’m not taking a

Picture of it I’m not telling One Soul where we are I’m going to sit there and hang out with you my buddy and we’re going to eat and we’re going to have a time and I don’t want anybody to come you know and my daughter’s like Dad take

A picture of your food I’m like no I’m just going to eat it I’m not I’m not doing that I just don’t get you know yeah I don’t I don’t have that I missed out on that Gene or something well I think what you could do too is turn off

Your notifications so that people could not reply to what you put out there and just say okay here I am put my stuff out there take it however you will yeah and that that to me would work I think the other thing though it would be cool to

See cuz I’m I’m one of these guys when I see Phil Mickelson on social media I stop and read what he has to say but he does like little mini lessons on Twitter sometimes that I see or different uh Instagram or wherever I catch it and I

All of a sudden I click on it turn up the volume and I’m watching him give me a quick lesson I find that awesome when a guy like Phil Mickelson who’s liable to say anything Danny well that’s the other thing he you never know what he’s

Going to say and he would talk you know when he was trying to work at the for the PIP money for that player involvement program and things like that and I was like what is he talking about you know he’s driving a golf cart around

With the p with a water maker trophy I loved it I thought that was F fantastic he woke up with it in in his bed the next day I thought it was just fantastic I mean his wife must be like all right I’m out but the tour though will reward

Monetarily players for being higher up on their not their engagement but how many likes they get or just their social engagement I guess is the best way to put it right no that program has got 100 million bucks in it and you know Tiger’s still leading every year I mean all he’s

Got to do is open his bathroom window and he’s going to get you know 10 million likes or or how about when he when the plane pulls out of the hanger you know they’ve got the tiger plane tracker and there’s another you know 5 million people I mean good luck with

With all that Denny I saw something interesting it had the top five um athletes all-time earners on and off the course MJ number one at like 3.9 billion you know number two Tiger Woods I figured it was Tiger 2.5 billion yeah yep Jack and Arnold were in the top four

And then the the next one was a uh is either race car driver or it was a soccer player yeah or a soccer player I I want to say it was a soccer player but it it’s just interesting when you think about that that person that dominates

Our game to that level LeBron is a million dollar guy yep LeBron’s a million dollar guy you think of there’s just those are gener we’re we’re so fortunate as lovers of Sport All Sport when we get a guy like that man we need to keep him around as long as we can and

Enjoy him absolutely that’s Jay deling I’m D mlin coming up uh in studio they’re just standing outside our studio they’re going to come on in and we’ll talk about gimme golf something that you may be interested in as a golfer or maybe your friends or family are golfers

And this is a fun way to do it here in St Louis Kyle Walton and Kenny Riley are coming up on golf with J Delson red bird Heating and Cooling sponsors the veterans vocational Apprentice program Jed Dickinson a retired Navy man will teach mentor and sign off on educational and mechanical

Work hours to help you get fully licensed while you work and get paid by the company what a great way to launch your career as a fully licensed hbac specialist call redb Bird Heating and Cooling today at 314-320 9507 that’s Redbird Heating and Cooling this is Paul ainger and you’re listening to golf with J [Applause] dson hey this is Jay delsing for SSM Health Physical Therapy our golf program has the same screening techniques and Technology as the pros on the PGA tour use SSM Health Physical Therapy has the tiess performance Institute trained physical therapist that can perform the TPI screening on you as well as use the

Kvest 3D motion capture system proper posture alignment Etc can help you keep your game right down the middle we have 80 locations in the St Louis area call 800 5181 1626 or visit them on the web we at SSM your therapy our passion this is Adam Betts

From family golf and learning center located in Kirkwood our motto is play your best golf we have the best instruction for every skill level two female instructors along with our eight PGA instructors we’re there for the kids and the adults who are starting to play and trying to refine their game family

Golf and learning center features a double-decker driving range grass te’s and a short game area along with indoor simulators and a performance center that’s not all don’t forget about our back n Bar and Grill find out how we can help you and your family head to family golf that’s family golf it’s family golf and learning center where we make St Louis better at Golf Sunday morning on 101 ESPN it rolls on this is golf with Jay delsing that’s J deling I’m d mclin as always coming to you from the car Shield Studios and presented by Dy Business Solutions we have in studio Kyle Walton and also Kenny Riley partners of gimme golf which

Is based right here in St Louis and guys thanks for coming in we appreciate it to be here yeah let’s uh start with gimme Golf and I’ll start with you Kyle what exactly is gimme golf uh that’s a loaded question um a tough one to start with

Huh but uh it’s uh yeah I would say that in its basic sense it’s a subscription based model um for people to have access to Affordable Golf um at a higher level it’s a golfing Community um that that is uh sort of passionate about uh playing golf and we we basically have Revenue

Share deals in place with multiple courses that our members have access to and then we have clubhouses that have simulators and places to hang and be together and it’s sort of like our clubhouse just away from a golf course so Kyle first of all the everyone welcome yeah everyone only everyone only

Yeah it’s it’s just fantastic so guys talk about this business model talk about because I grew up as a mun guy you know we didn’t have we we bought a membership for the year and played as much as we can and and and but this this whole concept can just revolutionize the

Game so to speak yeah I mean I think uh yeah the only thing I’d say about I’ll let Kenny uh have a chat but I think for us it’s it’s actually um not very Innovative I you know I was fortunate enough to go to Scotland in April and if

You know played St Andrews and over on the right side of the 18th green you have three different uh Clubs St rule Club St Andrew’s golf club which is affiliated with the city not not the course and you have new club right and all of those course all of those clubs

Have their own bar they have their own uh Club Champion they have their own community their own culture and they play public they play public golf courses and so for us that’s sort of what that that idea came from is like hey like we can build community and

Culture I know what golf pros have to do on a daily basis yeah it’s a lot um why don’t we do what we’re good at and then we can point our members at these golf courses and create you know monetary benefits and and create ways for them to

You know for us to give back to public golf but also do what we’re good at which is build community and culture Kenny how would you describe it uh yeah and you kind of hit the nail on the head uh Kyle when he he came to me before the

Business started and kind of uh laid out the plan on how to open this up and and have it be you know truly everyone only and blew me away you know kind kind of grew up playing a different kind of golf uh here in St Louis but uh playing with

Kyle and playing with uh the people that kind of embody this style um I have never played better and I’ve never had more fun on a golf course but but um you know ever since Kyle kind of brought me into the fold uh we’ve just seen more

And more people get hooked on this idea of it’s more about the people you’re spending the time with outside and less about going out and shooting a score but you know there’s there’s place for it all you know what I mean but um now with 400 over 450 members like w

Congratulations we just got you know someone joins and you immediately have uh 400 new best friends it’s unreal Kenny I tell people all the time it’s not about the quality of golf it’s about the quality of people that you get to hang around with and and when um when I

Started my golf thing it was a cadd it was caddying at Norwood and when what I was privy to conversationally as a you know 13-year-old kid I had no business being in that room don’t repeat what you heard yeah exactly do as I do not as I

Say right but um so for for the people that don’t know we’ve got a clubhouse in St Charles we’ve got a clubhouse in and Fenton correct we’ve those are places that they’re like hang golf specific Hangouts there’s Sims there’s a beverage or two there’s there’s Barber Shop yeah the barber

Shop anything you could think of and guys there’s tournaments or Sim leagues and then but but what’s really cool is that right now you guys have access to over 15 different area golf courses so wrap all this up how it’s just super cool yeah it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot it

Is a lot to explain that’s why we uh tend to just ask people to come in and see us um it’s it’s the the clubhouse is worth seeing um either one of them one in Finton or in St Charles and then just trying to really understand what we do I

Mean our members can make tea times at the 15 courses just like anyone else would and then when they show up it’s a different price for them um we’ve negotiated that on the back end we pay our golf courses 12 months out of the year so if there’s 6 inches of snow on

The ground they’re still they’re still getting a check from us well Cal from golf perspective though that’s that it truly has to for things to work there has to be this you know both sides of the table have to have value and for you writing a check to these guys in

November December January you became a lot of people’s really good friends I mean I think in in in theory what what we say is we want them to tolerate Us in the summer and and love us in the winter right I think that’s the best way that

This works because we do play these golf courses in the summer and we put 9,800 rounds on public golf courses and we paid out almost $200,000 this year to public golf courses um from this Revenue share plan so we’re trying to bring value the golf course is our customer in

Theory and we need them to like us or this business doesn’t work as well right so Kenny U somebody signs up ex exactly what are they going to get so you got the two different clubhouses but also access to 15 different P public golf courses throughout the area yeah correct

So basically when a new member signs up they get an email from Mr Kyle Walton over here uh kind of outlines the ones and twos as far as how how to book te times both inside and outside uh we have a online community in a slack Channel

With about 500 deep right now um basically it’s our town hall so it’s an easy way for us to have direct access um we have uh the te- sheet is one of the most used threads in this app is it almost like an instant newsletter though

Two guys I think KY you were telling me when we were together that you throw something out there and automatically it’s not like oh we’ve got all this lag time where PE people are bouncing back at you right away that’s the te- sheet in general like uh you know on a day and

Nice day or uh vice versa on a on a not so great day uh people post and you say hey I got a tea time at uh you know Crystal Springs quare at noon uh I got three spots open and what usually ends up happening is that the next two te

Times after that or even before hat that gets booked and then there’s a group of them out there but uh the indoor access too I mean most of these guys uh come two three four times a week uh because it’s their spot this is their place to

Hang this is their Clubhouse so it’s pretty neat um as a new member to kind of walk in and then automatically you you know be you know introduced to some people and and and offered to join in on a on a on a game or or for an hour of

Sim time um it’s a pretty welcoming place here here’s the thing that I noticed D when I walked in the vibe is just super accommodating it’s just very chill you guys had some leagues and stuff going on I want to get to that in a minute but let’s talk about the

Different membership options for so kind of run through that I think there’s five different options for for folks to look at yeah yeah so we have a what we call the clubhouse membership which is like a practice membership that starts off at 95 bucks uh per month you get uh some

Free access to the Sim Time 1 hour a week um we have the uh clubhouse Plus Membership which basically allows 1 hour per day of free Sim time on the trackman simulator uh we get into the green grass access into the network golf courses uh

The GGC green grass is 125 a month uh that allows access to all 15 properties um you do have access to both club houses they’re reciprocal so you can you can go down to either Club um moving up from that one would be the max membership so this is the you know the

Kind of the best value wrapped up into one um which is access to the outdoor Network and one hour of free Sim time every single day Kyle how about the golf courses that you have available for people throughout the Su well throughout the year but in particular they’re going

To play in the summer so some of the names of the golf courses that the guys and gals have access to yeah this is a this is like a a quiz um I got I got right here bro we don’t we don’t do anything that difficult on this show

There’s no way yeah so I mean I know our we have our We have basically courses that are sort of free um and that just means you check in they get a cart and they get to play um there’s a couple courses that are 10 bucks couple courses

That are 20 bucks um yeah and so we have uh we have Eagle Springs um golf club flent uh Ballwin Golf Club you got you got um Sun Valley you suek Sugar Creek down south Spencer te y Rolling Hills Eagle Springs St Peters uh The Orchards Bel Park Woodlands Cloverleaf Rock

Springs what am I forgetting quy at quy at Crystal Springs yeah and um that’s I got it yeah yeah that’s that’s somewhere around they’re out there yeah yeah yeah little bit everywhere so I I imagine that uh having access like that is one of the the feed some of the feedback

That you get from your members is like man we we get the chance to play we’ll find a place to play one Place may be packed but we’ll go find a place to play well was one of my favorite questions to ask potential members or or people that

Walk in it’s like where do you play your golf at and they say all over I said us too us too and uh they they do kind of we go through the list and they’re like man I I play there all the time I love that course and it’s a it’s a pretty

Easy uh conversation to have because they’re already playing they’re already doing the math and for them to be able to be uh welcomed into a club of like-minded individuals uh be able to play the golf course coures that they want to play at a a rate that’s even

More advantageous for them to play more um it’s a win-win yeah and it doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t play golf anywhere else right they they’re pretty they’re obviously pretty uh loyal to the network but this you’re talking 125 bucks a month1 $95 a month like we

You’re in a a realm that’s you know at least our goal is to make things affordable yeah um you know I think that there’s there’s you know there’s plenty of socioeconomic diversity in the game of golf and we’re trying to make sure that we create something that is

Available to everybody we have members at that are members at like Westwood or members at uh country clubs that are just like hey like we love what you’re doing you know we probably won’t play your golf course as much but we love what’s going on here here you know do

This and we got guys that are like had a guy the other day that had a medical emergency was like can you wait to pop my card next week and it’s like absolutely like yes like that’s awesome these guys play every week we want that

You know we want that energy in in our space so guys when when I came in to and visited the St Charles location besides the fun you had a an like an event in inside an event I guess you had a guys were playing there’s leagues and there’s

Some smack talk and all this great stuff going on but you had a Skins game and what was interesting so the Sim golf is a blast but putting is problematic correct not for you guys well yeah we just kind of took it out of the equation

Um we call it cartoon Golf and uh we every winter it it’s it’s very it’s the place to be through the week at gimme Golf Club yeah it is um yeah the we have leagues that you know start at 6 o’ second wave starts at 7 o’clock and then

We have an open Skins game um after those leagues are finished uh yes the and that could be in both clubhouses at the same time this thing is live D it is super fun I’m going to interject go ahead no absolutely right uh it’s it’s

Wild you know we we get uh to some pretty crazy pots for indoor cartoon golf but I tell you what it brings out a lot of people and that’s great you know we want people to see this in a a uh in a way that is it’s alive when you walk

In there but yeah for the putting on the simulator it’s kind of a head scratcher um you know what we’ve done is you know we have a an auto two putt once you get on the green so we’re all really good Putters inside but after around every

Single pin there’s an 8 foot gimme Circle and what we’ve done is if you get inside that gimme Circle it’ll give you a readout um and we actually have 8 feet struck out on our green you got a green inside the clubhouse you walk in and

They’ll say hey hey hey and he’s got this putt for an eagle to win a skin and everybody stops everybody stops and gets around there and we had a guy hit one in there like four feet yeah yeah and everybody stopped it was great he turned

Turned he He Turned he he turned around turned around saw Jay and was like hey Jay’s it’s a pleasure meeting you I listen to you all the time you were like oh great I was like hey let’s watch you make a four-footer in front of Jay now totally

Miss you got the Shaky Knees so it was so good but this this energy in this Clubhouse was so much fun because you can get a putt what up to 30t a 20 20 foot yeah 20 foot yeah so an end to end from that is an eligible Eagle putt but

Uh you know we have 8 feet struck out so if you get your five-footer and the rule is is that you everybody has to be off the green but that’s pretty much the Only Rule so you can say and do whatever you want for this person while they’re

Putting and during the Putt and there’s a lot of good track this is like you and I the way we grew up on North and South County remember you were T and I was over at norw there was it was going everywhere there was there was games

Going on Tower T had the lights partially there on the the putting green so there may or may not have been as few games going on with that I mean there was money flying all over the place so it was a lot of fun our guests are Kyle

Walton and Kenny Riley partners of gimme golf club and uh I I want to talk about the facilities just for a moment so you got two facilities how big are they and again how many bays do you have and then what is in there you you got a bar you

Got restaurant you got food you got all kinds of things going on so it truly is kind of like a party once you go in there absolutely so the St Charles house is the the first house that we built we kind of grew the business out of that uh

Just under 6,000 square F feet uh three trackman simulators single CH single chair Barber Shop um we do have a barber shop yes the humble Barber he’s fantastic how the hell did you get a barber shop in a golf facility I tell you what man it’s h it’s the best

Waiting room in the world L if you’re going to go get a haircut and you got to wait for a few minutes where else would you rather be you know what none of us do anymore is our shoe shine but if you had somebody sh you know cuz we all are

Wearing you know kicks or whatever but yeah it’s perfect that’s great yeah so as you walk through uh you know it’s a kind of a shotgun uh building we we have the longest uh brick run on Fifth Street at about 138 ft so people just go oh my

Gosh there there’s more there keeps going back um exciting spot for us is we are about ready to open a uh a tap room so uh a North County staple cinos uh the owners are claiming that spot as a home and and we are about ready to uh to

Unveil some some really good beverages some of the best whiskey uh you know availability here in the state so we got a lot of plans here um we’re we’re phase two of the construction as far as making our our patio accessible outside getting some food options so really exciting

Stuff uh the south house is located off of uh basic Rudder Road 270 in soccer park right right next to the fabic building back there but uh Fenton Industrial Park beautiful spot um Kenny Hendrickson and Megan Hendrickson are business partners in that uh they own and operate that South house but uh they

Took a lot of familiarity of the uh St Charles house and and kind of did it at 2.0 um it’s it’s absolutely beautiful in there yeah there’s and folks there’s all sorts of things going on here we had a little pizza drop off when I was with

You guys over there there’s you’ve got some some clubs things going in the back with little repair you can order some things there’s Les you got lessons going on back there we do have a couple of instructors that work alongside with the club um I think a couple of talks with

Even more so to kind of expand that um yeah lessons are available as Jay was leading to um anything from from Custom anything to to new pre-owned all that stuff it’s kind of My love language they call Kenny the Arms Dealer I did earn that next the Arms Dealer I love that if

I can’t get it it can’t be got you know I love that I love that yeah that’s very cool guys one of the things that we’re trying to do on the show is to grow the game and this um we’re heavy in the Pro game and and for the men and women and

Stuff but from the local standpoint we just covered the high school boys um last week the uhy does a a Ser their spring season series with us so we’re doing a little preview but growing the game here we we’ve got to H how do people get in touch with you and how um

What are the plans in terms of are there more clubhouses coming obviously golf courses are are welcome anytime right but but what what’s the what’s the future look like yeah I mean I think uh we we have been approached by I’d say five to 10 different people about opening up uh

More clubhouses and I think uh the best way I could put it is is we’re not going to say yes to all of them and we’re not going to say no to all of them so um we’re talking with people trying to make sense of it try to see what makes sense

Where makes the most sense and and how we go about it uh intelligently um you know this is sort of a bootstrap business uh you know we’ve done this all on our own and we’ve tried to you know have slow growth be somewhat intentional um so you’re sitting down with two bootstrappers

Right here hustle a little bit we’re husters we love it so yeah memberships are definitely available we’re we’re definitely taking members um we you know we typically our our contracts with golf courses run from March 1 to March 1 um so a lot of the like the five new

Courses that we just had are going to kick on on on on Friday um which will we’ll basically open up you know five more courses to to our membership so what’s the best way to find out look up contact you guys whatever they need whatever answer that they’re they’re

Looking for out there what’s the best way to do info gylf is an email that we’ll get and we can answer any questions uh anyone’s first experience at a clubhouse is on the house you guys want to come through we’ll give you an hour on the Sim bring a couple buddies

Got to check it out yeah it’s it’s just one of those things that you just need to see to to understand honestly if you just like golf like you just need to see it I think you know I think what we’re doing here is fairly Innovative in the

Space and I think it’s would worth anybody that that enjoys the game of golf to come by and see us so info golf gimy golf is our website um at gim Golf Club on any of the socials guys lastly where’ the name come from I mean

Obviously we know would give me but were there others kicked around ah I mean there was a handful of them I I think most of them uh were more towards like good golf right like you know like we we toyed with like scratch and a couple different things but I think ultimately

Um URL availability and this idea of like give me golf and give me golf like just made the most sense hey guys thanks for coming in it’s be a fun summer for you guys and thanks for what you’re doing in the St Louis Community too thanks so much you got it Kyle Walton

And Kenny Riley partners of gimme golf we’ll be back with more on golf with Jay deling in just a moment I’m delighted to welcome the amateur Players Tour to the golf with J deling show the AP team has worked so hard to establish a national golf tour for

Amateurs folks don’t miss out on this opportunity if you love golf and ever wondered what all the fuss about tournament golf is then this tour is for you we just released the 2024 schedule and it is a beast there’s 21 events currently in the metropolitan St Louis

Area with many more to come but check out these golf courses Payne’s Valley Ozark National stonewolf Amer Pimon Woods Gateway National and a 36hole event on Norwood’s West course and many more okay so the courses are certainly cool and nice but what’s really neat is

The way the events are run and how they are run the APT team does a fantastic job of closely monitoring handicaps and ensuring a good and Fair competition there are five divisions a year-long points competition major championships elevated events and much much more right now there are over 6,000 members in 41

Different local chapters across the country and all that’s happened in just over 5 years join now and don’t miss out on the best tournament golf in the country run four amateurs by amateurs themselves go to amateur players that’s amateur play player get ready to watch a Legends of

Golf up close when they compete at historic Norwood Hills Country Club right here in St Louis the Ascension Charity Classic will be back again with some of golf’s biggest names Steve Stricker Padre Harrington John Daly David Duvall Bernard longer Ernie El’s and more will return September 3rd

Through the 8th at Norwood Hills all tournament proceeds go to area Charities serving North St Louis County Youth and families sponsorship opportunities proam forums and more information available for you at Ascension charity are you driving an outof warranty car it’s only a matter of time before your outof warranty vehicle is in

The shop costing you thousands of dollars auto repair costs are up nearly 20% from last year which is four times the rate of inflation if an unexpected break break down happened today would you be ready for that well now you can be with a plan through car Shield even

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Daily essential when you enroll in a Car Protection Plan through car Shield you can look forward to the following the price will never go up no matter how many claims you file or no matter how high the mileage on your car increases car Shield offers protection plans that

Start as low as $100 per month that’s $100 per month they have repair coverage for up to 5,000 different parts of your vehicle plus when your car breaks down and you’re stuck on the side of the road you get 24/7 Coast to Coast roadside assistance you also get complimentary

Towing and Rental Car options car Shield has my back and my car breaks down and they can have yours too call Car Shield today at 8465 6550 or visit it’s carshield proud sponsor of the golf with J deling show you’re listening to golf with J

Deling to connect with Jay log on to jelling you’ll see the latest equipment find the latest Innovations in golf and get tips from a PGA professional that’s J deling Dy Business Solutions has been enhancing the business of our customers for the last 37 years how do we do it

Through our expertise in technology better use of data and analytics artificial intelligence and machine learning we roll up our sleeves and collaborate we build applications and effectively communicate with our part partner clients to bring their goals and objectives to the Finish Line our award-winning access point program is a

Community game changer with nearly 100 students in the program mostly young African-American females are making between 55 and $6,000 per year right out of high school that’s right $55 to $60,000 a year right after high school graduation that’s when they begin their training CEO Ron Dy believes the talent is equally

Distributed but access to that opportunity is not so here’s access point providing more and more opportunity for those in and around our community it’s dirty Business Solutions family golf and learning center no matter your age or skill level family golf and learning center located in Kirkwood has something for you

They’ve got it all PGA and LPGA instruction double decker driving range par three Golf Course trackman simulators a large short game Green Design to help you with all your shots around the green bunkers rough and zoa Fairway pitching and now open the TOA Bermuda grass teas the best Turf to hit

From in St Louis it’s all at family golf and learning center to schedule a lesson or to find out more visit family golf that’s family golf family golf and learning center we make St Louis better at golf hey Jay delsing here and I know I speak for all of we

Golfers we’re always looking to try to improve our game for me that means I go to one place and that one place is proam golf in Brentwood Tom deg Grant opened his family business in 1975 with a goal of providing St Louis with the finest in golf equipment instruction and

Technology whether you need a new Rangefinder your first set of clubs or anything else you can think of proam golf has just what you’re looking for if if you’re a scratch handicap or you carry a 20 handicap come visit pram Golf and inquire about a lesson from

Time to Grand he’s been fixing golf swings and making St Louis better at golf for over 40 years go get your gear lessons or anything golf related where I go and that’s proam golf in Brentwood you can also visit them online at proam golfusa that’s proam golf it’s Pro amolf proud sponsor of the golf with J Delson show Hey St Louis Eddie McVey here from Maggie O’Brien’s when you head downtown for a concert or cards or Blues game and now for the St Louis city soccer game please come see us at Maggie O’Brien’s before and after your event take our shuttle to and from or stay inhouse and

Watch your favorite team on our multiple high def TVs we look forward to seeing you soon at one of our two locations in Sunset Hills on South Lindberg or downtown at the corner of Market 20th Street Union Station is next us Hello friends this is Jim N and you

Are listening to golf with my friend J [Applause] [Applause] Delson Heading down the stretch on golf with J delsing from the car Shield Studios presented by Dy Business Solutions with J delsing I’m D mlin again our thanks to Kyle Walton and Kenny Riley partners of gimi golf here in St Louis for stopping on by love the concept and I’m sure that

Golfers that are associated with this they’ve got a large membership they probably love it too oh they’ve got to love it plus these guys just have a Cool vibe Danny I went to the to the St Charles Clubhouse I’m like I got to see what’s going on with here because folks

If you look up givey their their picks are look like something that you’d have at your family reunion you know that’s just it’s it’s well done but it’s not like over-the-top you know uh all tricked out and everything it’s a bunch of guys uh having fun drinking a

Beer playing golf giving her boys a hard time while they’re trying to shake down the three-footer and um the thing that I just love you know this is the way that you and I grew up we grew up on the mun side we did not know what the inside of

A country club look like and that’s good well I liked how he talked about camaraderie y so if you don’t know somebody we’re going to pair you with somebody that you don’t know go shake their hand hi I’m Joe oh I’m Tom okay hey let’s go play nine holes let’s

Go have a little fun and then I’ll meet you back at the the clubhouse with our other people that are there and see you get a group because it can be intimidating you think about playing golf and if you don’t know anybody you’re worried about your game you’re

Worried about how you look in terms of your swing all those things come to mind it can be an intimidating game no there’s no question and what’s what what’s super intimidating when you start Danny is that you’re not good and what I mean by that is if you’re an athlete and

You and I pick up a tennis racket we’re going to be able to hit the ball back and forth a little bit I mean we’re not going to be great but we’re going to be able to put the racket on the ball and get it over the over the net and go back

And forth that’s not the case in golf it’s such an unusual game side on game you’ve you’re bent over you’ve got your body on one plane you’ve got your arms hanging from different your arms want to break up and fly all over the place you describing my swing right now do shot

Danny anyway it’s a it’s it’s difficult and it that’s the most intimidating part nobody likes to not be at least slightly proficient at something and then when you’re around somebody else who is really good and you’re also in this we you know uncomfortable environment well these

Guys have taken taken care of that yeah and I mean I I I love that I mean they’re drinking Bush light you know God bless them and I I got to tell you going over there and watching this live skin game go on for the South Clubhouse and

The St Charles Clubhouse and then having a guy hand over you know there’s so much going on there’s all the Sims out there guys are talking there’s games going on and then all of a sudden whoa whoa whoa whoa you know Joe over here’s got a putt

You know for eagle and everybody’s like oh you know so they all come over they measure it out Danny so it’s like if it’s an eight-footer you get an eight and then it’s like best luck to you buddy K yeah and and um I saw one guy

One fell missed a short shorsh putt but another guy stepped up up there and knocked the 20-footer right in the heart and I was like that’s FB how about really awesome one of our great sponsors is SSM Healthcare and Brad Henderson is our buddy and Brad was in studio a

Couple weeks ago and I know they have a really important uh charitable event coming up and Jay you wanted to mention it here on golf with Jay delsing yes absolutely and we appreciate shortcat we appreciate SSM for all the support it’s the 10th Annual SSM uh Health Physical

Therapy Run for the mission uh Colton’s cause it’s 2024 it’s down at creef cor Lake you can um reach out to those guys and sign up heck you can just go out online like I did and um it’s it’s right there it’s um April 20th the race starts

At 8:30 in the morning it’s over like I said at creep cor Lake down in Maryland Heights and um yeah get out there get some exercise raise some money for a great cause let’s jump into some of the emails and this is is Mike from South

County and again if you’d like to email Us JJ deling jjing spring Jay what is the hardest part of your game to get back oh man for me Mike it’s the um it’s my short it’s my short pitches it’s my from from 10 yards to 50 yards I

I’ll hit one really well and I’ll get I won’t even get the next one on the green you know I just don’t have that sense it comes back pretty quickly but for me it takes you know 3 or four or five days of really good reps but I need the warmth I

Like I need my hands feeling nice and not cold you hate playing in the cold I don’t I such a baby I don’t know many people that do like playing in the cold the die hards will go out there but my man Jay deling he ain’t going out there

No sir you asked me a couple times and then I looked at your text I started like laughing I said no matter what you call me I’m not going out there but oh man some of the times if this were when we were younger oh boy I mean I we’ if

It was around 50 you’re out playing oh 100% well that’s what the boys in the Spring High School season and I had a lot of great compliments with your visits especially with the kids from slooh hurt from their ad saying I really enjoyed the uhy prep series thanks for

Putting our kids on um that’s what they deal with right now baseb is in the spring for high school kids it’s a tough time man it’s a tough time to play in these Sports where you got Bat on Ball and all of a sudden you you get those

Zingers man they they hurt oh Danny you hit that you hit that for iron off you know half a Groove low and it just sends that shock wave up all the way through your neck I was just talking to my buddy Hank Miller and his son jack is a junior

At um Parkway West and they were out playing the other day and I said not on Tuesday and he goes oh yeah they were playing on Tuesday and he jack shot I think like a 42 and I said the wind was blowing at least 42 you know the wind

Was blown and he he said yeah and um so the boys are out there I know Luke your son is is going to lead the uh the prior what’s the PRI Rebels the Rebels the PRI Rebels and um um we’ve got um Bubba Chapman with uh the shaman OD guys and

Then we got the Two Fellas down at slooh we’ve also got um Harper uh it’s playing a lot of good golf at CBC so we got a lot of kids to watch it and uh the uhy uh prep profile series is super super fun a lot of fun Susie and Kirkwood bad

Habits Jay over the winter to be aware of that you can pick up oh boy where do we start well I think I think the biggest thing Susie is watch your expectations when you come back just ease into it a little bit it’s not human

Nature it’s not my nature at all I don’t know how to really do that well but the golf is tough here in the spring it’s the toughest time of year to play the courses aren’t very good the rough has not been cut for months and months and

Danny if you go out and play just pick a number a 6,000 yard golf course it plays 6,000 yards it’s not what we no you yeah the first of all the ball doesn’t carry to your point second of all it doesn’t roll because we’ve you know we we just

Had five Ines of snow last week it’s it makes it tough makes it really tough you bring up a great point do you Club down usually in the spring AB absolutely take one extra Club listen folks it’s never a bad idea period if you’re ever in between clubs

Take one more take one more it just gives you I I think I told you the story Danny but I was watching over the years and years I played thousands of prams and I bet you four times in all those all those years did a did an amateur

Player his get his ball past whole high it’s okay if it goes you know four steps pastle it’s it’s okay you can putt backward you know back towards the hole and it just doesn’t happen because most of the time the amps have an idea in their head they’ve got 150 yard shot

It’s a maxed out one out of 12 eight iron shot and maybe it’s a one out of 12 and you pull it off but for the most part that thing comes up short right or left can you get in bad habits Hitting off mats oh yeah absolutely it seems

Like a lot of people you get the heated Bays which is great you’re swinging the club when it’s so cold out but you can get in some bad habits I would assume you absolutely can Danny and that’s why stick to your stick to your hybrids stick to your your your Fairway Woods

Maybe a fairway metal and a and a and a driver you can hit some short shots just don’t not not too many the the the Mets are listen they’re 100% better than they ever have been so the tech is better but it’s still there’s still a lot of Bounce

Factor that works in there you can hit a lot of shots fat look up and the ball will still fly and so we we want to not yeah that’s when you get and and the reason I’m saying this is that it is a massively Stark difference than when you

Go out on the grass as soon as you get to the grass and hit that thing a little heavy like that the ball goes 12et in front of you sure you know what I mean so that’s that’s what I’m talking about so you just be mindful of that but

You’re getting your swings in don’t get too tied up to where the ball’s going work more on your longer stuff and then once the weather gets good get right out to that short game area this is Tom in North County says Jay huge fan of the show just tell me what your favorite

Club to hit what is it I love my 58 and a half degree wedge it’s a it’s a vky uh it’s a I got a little custom grind it’s not huge like some of the guys go crazy with some of the heel and toe grinding

And things I’ve got just a little bit of the heel ground off and um and a little bit of tow waiting but I I just I love hitting it I I love practicing with it and I wasn’t like that when I was a kid because I was just not very good with it

But I’ve gotten really good with it I can hit it really super low and Spins I can hit High soft ones and so that’s my favorite Club yeah all right Mary in South City love the visit that you guys had earlier or at least the talk about

The match why do you think Jay that women look so technically sound when they play the game of golf well I think I think they actually are Mary I really actually think they are I said f and I would say first first and foremost the women are not overly concerned with

Speed like the men are only not only majority speaking are concerned with speed men’s game is about speed the women’s game it’s not it it is not and you see the South Koreans in particular now Nelly quter is my favorite player to watch I love watching her but I got to

Tell you I also love watching Lydia Co you’ve got opposite ends of the spectrum there Lydia CO’s 5 foot tall um Nelly’s six foot tall Nelly looks like she was born to swing the club Lydia they just take a take a apart the golf courses so differently but Danny there’s so many

Just seriously technically sound golf swings out there and and they’re swinging at a speed that’s relatable you know when you start looking at the men get that 180 ball speed that’s not relatable there’s you don’t you don’t just you know there’s nobody at the club that can do that but watch those women

And they’ll show you they’re working on their form their work their Rhythm the rhythm of their golf swing Danny if you pick out anything watch the rhythm of the of the women’s golf s it it just doesn’t get off that often this is from Dan in the studios of ESPN at 101 so

This is from me are there training devices that you like to use I’m not talking about looking like Tin Cup here yeah yeah yeah on the Range but are there training devices that you like that’s a great question because next week we’re going to get yeah we’re going

To wait to go Dan we’re going to get um Jim Hackenberg in he is a creator of the orange whip folks if you don’t know what the orange whip is I’m sure you’ve seen him at the golf club or at the driving range somewhere someone’s got a little

Orange ball sticking out of their bag folks that’s called the Orange whip it’s got a very flexible flimsy shaft that helps you figure out how to load the head and create um oh gosh what do I don’t want to call it drag I want lag I

Want to call it lag in the golf swing so that your hands get through the ball uh ahead of the club head and create a little more pop a little more speed a little more power it also can help you figure out how to flight your ball how

To hit it higher how to hit it lower it’s really interesting Jim is a cool guy he played college golf he’s a golf fanatic and he’s got a he’s an inventor he’s got a lot of really cool things um so we’re gonna get to talk with him next

Week but the orange whip Danny has what it’s just a great way to your first couple swings of the day it almost makes me feel like back in the day swinging like either Ben Hogan or Jimmy dearit or Jean Sison it really does because the shafts back then we didn’t have all that

Tech and some of those guys that I was mentioning we’re still playing with Hickory shafted clubs not Hogan and those guys but we still didn’t have the tech and the and the shafts weren’t built like they are today and so they had so much more flex and the ball

Consequently Danny because we we were playing that bat ball the the flex in this in the shaft and the Cur the ball just curved like crazy it absolutely curved like crazy so the orange whip is is definitely my my favorite trainer very quickly is there another item that

You like that you would you know endorse that you say yeah this is something that’s pretty good again pretty quickly here yeah Denny the I love the part the putting Arc and there’s a couple of other putting devices I’ll come back next week with those but the putting Arc

I have one of those it’s really really good they have a large one and a tiny one that’s only about a foot long that fits in your bag but it’s really really awesome to help you work on not only the face rotation but the path of your

Stroke and simp simplifies putting a lot want to thank the guys at X golf also Kyle Walton and Kenny Riley from gimme golf this has been a great show always fun to be with you Jay Danny love you love doing the show with you guys thanks

So much for coming in hit him straight St Louis this is Jay delsing my show golf with J delsing can be heard every Sunday morning from 8: to 10: right here on 101 ESPN and as always it’s brought to you by Dy Business Solutions to tune in for

The latest from the PGA Tour the LPGA Tour our local Golf Scene and much much more that’s golf with Jay delsing featuring the biggest names in golf every Sunday morning from 8: to 10: on 101 ESPN this is Adam Betts from family golf and learning center located in Kirkwood

Our motto is play your best golf we have the best instruction for every skill level two female instructors along with our eight PGA instructors we’re there for the kids and the adults who are starting to play and trying to refine their game family golf and learning center features a double-decker driving

Range grass teas and a short game area along with indoor simulators and a performance center that’s not all don’t forget about our back n Bar and Grill find out how we can help you and your family head to family golf that’s family golf it’s family golf and learning center where we

Make St Louis better at Golf I’m delighted to welcome the amateur Players Tour to the golf with J deling show the AP team has worked so hard to establish a national golf tour for amateurs folks don’t miss out on this opportunity if you love golf and ever wondered what all the fuss about

Tournament golf is then this tour is for you we just released the 2024 schedule and it is a beast there’s 21 events currently in the metropolitan St Louis area with many more to come but check out these golf courses Payne’s Valley Ozark National stonewolf Ambry Pimon Woods Gateway National and a 36hole

Event on Norwood’s West course and many more okay so the courses are certainly cool and nice but what’s really neat is the way the events are run and how they are run the AP team does a fantastic job of closely monitoring handicaps and ensuring a good and Fair competition

There are five divisions a year-long points competition major championships elevated events and much much more right now there are over 6,000 members in 41 different local chapters across the country and all that’s happened in just over 5 years join now and don’t miss out on the best tournament golf in the

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May have his personal cell is 314 974 2243 you can also find us online at peoplesnationalbank is here for all of your banking needs hey Jay deling here and I know I speak for all of we golfers we’re always looking to try to improve

Our game for me that means I go to one place and that one place is proam golf in Brentwood Tom degrand opened his family business in 1975 with a goal of providing St Louis with the finest in golf equipment instruction and Technology whether you need a new Rangefinder your first clubs or anything

Else you can think of proam golf has just what you’re looking for if you’re a scratch handicap or you carry a 20 handicap come visit prom Golf and inquire about a lesson from time to gr he’s been fixing golf swings and making St Louis better at golf for over

40 years go get your gear lessons or anything golf related where I go and that’s proam golf in Brentwood you can also visit them online at proam golf USA that’s proam golf it’s proam golf proud sponsor of the golf with J Delson show

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