How to Separate the Lower Body in the Golf Swing

GRF Golf Coach George shows his student (also George) how to separate the lower body from the upper body in his golf swing.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

Clean on the strike we’re going to work on that for sure yeah but brilliant starting to get this ball very consistently turn and over right to left yeah yeah good upper bodyi fired a bit early but that’s what that’s where we’re going to go the action is fantastic it’s

The timing and the space that we need to explore but that’s in relation to upper body because what we need is the lower body and the upper body well we need all the joints separated really but if we think about it in a broad terms separating lower from upper your

Tendency has to been and that’s where you sort of over the top yeah comes in is that it’s kind of all been moving a bit too much together so the pressure is moving at the same time the mass is moving so it’s effort yeah but also this whole structure is moving

Together yeah and you can see how that gives me the old over the top stuff so what we want to be able to do is is for a lower body to be doing something yeah and the upper body to be reacting to that so we need to explore

Different planes of motion you take that step on the board and just hold it like this so down at the side that’s it and for this one it is just going to go straight up and down so it’s not going to go around the body right and

When we’re up here one hand will be on top one hand below and then when we go the other way in the reverse so we’re just not having any of this go on exactly that and tip a bit more so what you’re doing here is you’re separating your pressure

Shift from the swing yeah fantastic we’re going to number this so the The Rock forward is your one that’s your little forward press thing your two is the Tipping of the board to throw it back and then your three is the The Tipping of the board yeah forwards go

Again for me 1 two 3 I explore getting into that three earlier yeah well done very good when it’s a golf club in your hand it is always going to be trailing you so you’ve got to be moving way ahead of when you want this golf club to move yeah you and up

To now have been moving at the same time as the golf club’s moving whereas now we’re going to be doing all this business that’s a frontal plane rotation frontal plane really helps us get the club up yeah and then we we’re going to go into this for the next part sort of

Sequence once it’s gone frontal then it will start to go heavily transverse so this being frontal yeah yeah transverse is what we what generally people refer to as rotation so turning the shoulders and the the pelvis and all that sort of stuff it’s all rotation just in

Different planes but now we’re going to just have our attention on some transfers so step back on we’ll start here and just watch me first so keep eye contact and your body will see what I’m what I’m doing so I’ll go one rep back and through then once I’ve gone you

Go yeah you go fantastic awesome yeah very good very good this is perfect demonstration so there’s a big pressure shift and then that reacts and then as that’s reacting going on the way back you’re getting busy with the board going the other way and it’s reacting to you the other way

Yeah awesome what we’re going to do now is we are going to go from frontal to transverse in the three so just watch me first hi guys due to the high demand on the golf trips we’ve got another trip plan for Gloria in Turkey in April it’s from the 21st to the 25th

And we’ sold four places already so these trips are exclusively for a small group of six people so there’s only two places left if you’d like more details please contact fars at grf atol trvel and he’ll be able to give you all the information you need and

Hopefully we see you there frontal one frontal two and then as I drop into three transvers one two three yeah does that make sense yeah one two three very good yeah very good same thing one two three but with a club now yes good so they go again and hold

It yes now what I want you to explore is can you still rotate away from the target as in back there yeah without these can just go up a bit but just exploring with the Torso and the pelvis can you continue to rotate that way as you drop into your three so

It’s on it’s on the three that you go heavily into your transverse away from the target but drop in towards the target one two three yeah awesome yeah one two three and with this right leg you can let that Flex a little bit if you want that’s it

Yeah awesome so at the moment we’ve done one 2 three yeah one two three that question you just asked is about number four which we’re going to do in a bit but yeah just play a few shots the shot really doesn’t matter okay yes we’re going to seek some

Feedback from it each time but we’re not interested in whether it’s a good or bad golf shot we’re interested in your ability to sense your one two three wow what cracking shot just sounds different it sounds very different see how much further it went as well yeah

Wow so that is one I was talking about earlier generally if we’re bringing it in you know that stuff if we’re sort of dragging it in towards us isn’t going to be as quick as if we’re letting it accelerate away from us and you just let that club accelerate away from you big

Time very good very very good yeah it’s so much different when you when you when you’ve get into that position is it yeah and then and then get out it’s it’s a it’s a space you’re passing through really super that was better strike on it much better oh

Wow look at that yeah beautiful that had flow and whip if you can go longer into that three or earlier into that three oops go Club then if I can step in yeah so that one was very much you just you just didn’t really get back into

Three anywhere near sort of early enough it was like one two three yeah explore not like a metronomic one two three strike it’ll be more one two three strike yeah so really nice and active between the two and the three one two three and then you get your strike after really good really

Good oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is it that’s that timing is fantastic don’t worry about the direction for now Twi it for forward one two and then hold it on three one two three and then from there spring up yes well done one two three and then this that’s

Your four yeah fantastic oh wow really good oh so good with the Body Action so so good the only thing we could have done is gone a little bit more that way isn’t it yeah you’re already doing it and and your next pre swing but the flow of

That the flow and the Whip and the you popping up going vertical to release all your all your flexions was awesome yes oh you got this thing whipping away Now oh wow nice and then he’s gone to stiff it and maybe he’s going to make his birdie instead of his P up Sensational that was awesome uh right Driver


  1. GRF has transformed my golf game, can't wait for the season to start , going for it this year

  2. Had my first lesson with a pro over here in The Netherlands last week, she uses your vision. I shot the lights out at my round last weekend, insane! Certainly hope I can attend one of the meeting you guys organise one day. Untill then I will keep checking in with the pro over here.

    Youtube content looks very good and easy to translate to my own situation as well, keep up the good work!

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