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Todd Herremans remembers Jason Kelce “The Rookie” and how Kelce changed the game

Todd Herremans remembers the Rookie Jason Kelce and how he changed the game

Welcome to the show everybody this is the farsy show presented by mybookie lovely to have you along for the ride my name is Mark faretta hey uh Todd hermans is going to join the show former Eagles off offensive lineman the Swiss army knife for the Eagles

Offensive lineman uh at the time that he played tackle guard at both sides of the line both sides of the center amazing he remembers the rookie Jason Kelce and I’ve got an otd A little bit in his post playing days awesome guy and he really shed some light on the type of attitude

Jason Kelce had coming into the fry and it’s the exact type of attitude that if you’re already a part of the Fay nobody likes nobody likes the young guy coming into the workplace just be like y I don’t care about past relationships you’ve had with anybody else on this

Team I’m here to do this job no matter what and I was going back and I was looking at some of the U centers that were here before Jason Kelce in recent memory like Hank fry and Jamal Jackson of course uh and um I completely forgot Mike mcglinn

Existed and that was the last starting center before the Jason Kelce era began and for six round pick normally a coach won’t be like all right guys this is this guy’s job now everybody play catchup with this sixth round rookie that’s like a first round draft pick

That’s like a top 10 pick you know what I’m saying all right everyone get used to it this this guy’s the starter from what Todd Harman tells us among many things is it was Kelsey’s job Howard mud was like everyone get used to this guy

Because this is it this is the guy now like this guy Jason this this tiny little this twerp you 13 years later Hall of Fame career this one of those things you’ll never and when we had Dave zenaro on one of the things I’ve talked about uh in the

Past with Dave zero is that Dave loves the combine Dave loves OTAs and he loves going up to those sixth round seventh round picks those undrafted guys and having those con and having conversations TR trying to get to know them a little bit because those are the guys that haven’t been highlighted

Nearly as much as the first second third round picks and all that stuff so he loves going up and having those conversations because in Dave’s Words you never know who’s going to be that Jason Peters guy undrafted Hall of Fame you know you’re never you’re never gonna

Have that guy so you you never know who’s gonna be that guy and Jason Kelce is certainly a reminder of that and apparently he came in and Howard mud was like yeah this is your new center everybody get used to it uh but Todd Herman talks about making the transition

For guys that have to go from tackle to guard like Tyler steen’s going to have to do uh talks about the difficulty for the rest of the offensive line with somebody else calling the signals like cam Jurgens is gonna have in the upcoming season and he also talks about

Jason Kelce and one thing in particular a uniform change change that Jason Kelce made that everyone else was like that’s stupid and then everybody else did it so I really enjoy the conversation with Todd Herman it’s always great whenever I get a chance to catch up real quick just on Mike Glenn

Because I went a little bit of a Mike mcglen Rabbit Hole yesterday because I was like wait I forgot about this dude and he actually called on played about six or seven years in the NFL the Cardinals I think um but uh one of the things I remember was Andy Reid came out

And was like Mike mcglinn’s gonna be our Center for us like Mike mcclin I don’t think he ever even played center so when he received word that he was GNA be a center he went into the backyard with his wife and had his wife uh take snaps from

Him the first person to take snaps from Michael M Glenn apparently was his wife so there you go that’s say you know anything you got to do to get ready for the season so we’ll get into that conversation with uh Todd Herman and all the great stuff you remembers including

Getting a shout out for 879 Thirsty Thursdays at 879 a bar that was open a whole six months because nobody paid for a drink it got the biggest laugh of the press conference anyway I play that cut for Todd Herman who is traveling he did watched the speech and he was traveling

At the time when I originally reached out to him he was at Kennedy Space Center touring it with his kid isn’t that beautiful that’s not astronaut is an interesting postc career choice but okay good for you man H but anyway uh we’ll get into that conversation with Todd herin your 76ers ladies and

Gentlemen laid an egg last night a big old fat egg last night in South Philadelphia against the Memphis Grizzlies they go into the fourth quarter up 12 points you’re like all right no Tyrese Maxi still no Joel embiid up 12 points against a Desmond Bayless uh job marless Memphis

Grizzlies and they find a way to blow a 12-point lead at the start of the fourth quarter uh they only score 15 points in the fourth quarter to lose to the Memphis Grizzlies and I I swear I I had this thought while I was watching the fourth quarter because it’s an it’s it’s

A it’s a normal thought in the fourth quarter of a game where you’re more talented that barely in this case but you’re more talented than another team and it’s just that you’re getting out hustled you’re a th% just getting out hustled I uh you stick it out just to

See what uh they’re gonna be saying with the postgame crew uh and Mark Jackson says it right there basically out hustled which is exactly what it was I I listen to Kelly UB who actually led the team in scoring last night Kelly UB the

Same thing it’s just uh what is it uh uh hard work beats Talent when talent doesn’t work hard and that’s what it looked like Second Chance point after second chance point after second chance Point uh Memphis Grizzlies is getting offensive rebounds getting the putbacks time and time again just plain

And simple got out hustle and Kelly UB said it just like that after the game that their talent got out hust and you can’t let that happen not when you’re supposed to be fighting to avoid a play in tournament like the Sixers are trying to avoid right now who knows hey you

Know what maybe they’re trying to make it into the play on tournament get a couple more games for Joel and to you know get back into game shape for the rest of the playoffs start you know maybe that’s their maybe that’s their hustle in all of this I say that in just

But Maxi is still being evaluated still having what Nick nurse described yesterday as very mild symptoms so maybe Friday you get him back we’ll see but when I saw that he was gonna be missing the game again Kyle Lowry was going to get a night off like all right fellas who’s

Gonna step up and who’s going to play well for this team uh who’s going to get it going for this uh 1098 76ers team because Tobias Harris had a nice little flash in the pan there with two games and then not so much not so much at all uh 18 points two nights

Ago and last night came up small again on I want to make sure I get it right three of 12 shooting for eight points Tobias Harris in 35 minutes no EMB no Maxi no embid Harris has to step up no one beat no Maxi Harris has step up Harris did not Step

Up um Paul Reed 17 points 11 boards in the game last night uh Kelly UB leted all score led the Sixers with 25 points off the bench in 34 minutes played overall not great Uber also had five turnovers but he was also controlling the ball a lot of the ways

So not great not great for those uh Sixers last night and how about this on the board Sixers out rebound him by nine and on the offensive glass uh surprisingly the Sixers actually won that battle certainly didn’t feel that way in the fourth in the fourth quarter

Um La laravia laravia uh for the Grizzlies had five offensive boards and I think they all came in the fourth quarter last night he was one of the guys that every single time there was a crash to the basket every single time there was a a shot that went up from the

Perimeter he was Johnny on the spot making things happen for this team for that team for the Memphis Grizzlies in the Sixers just couldn’t do anything about it and I know some people might be pissed off about the overturn block on Kelly UB with 12 seconds left to go in

The game Sixers down four at the time I believe that’s sour grapes man they had no business even being in that part of it because they got blown out in that fourth quarter excuse me they scored 16 points in the fourth quarter outscored 34- 16 in the 115 to 109 loss not great

Not great to say the absolute least uh one more thing to go back to the football World avonte Maddox getting released by The Eagles it looks like he was G to get about $9 million next season it’s going to save them about $2 million against

The cap this year so sa EXC me saves them $2 million at cap space this year uh one thing I found interesting both Adam schfer handed at this and Jeff mlan to the inquire hinted at this Avante Maddox and the Eagles could work out a return if Avante Maddox

Doesn’t catch out anywhere else if he doesn’t get an offer elsewhere vonte Maddox when healthy is a pretty damn good Corner when he’s healthy when he’s not fighting his way back from an injury he’s a pretty good corner but he has missed way too much time 55 games in

95 the last 95 capable or possible to play in that ain’t good man can be versatile not necessarily in terms of playing on the inside or outside he’s an inside guy absolutely has played a little safety for the Eagles especially in his rookie year in the NFL uh in the

Early goings was a bit of a playmaker the one that really jumps out to me was the game they were losing in London six seven years ago and he actually stepped up and made a play but uh when he was on the field and he was healthy and wasn’t coming back from an

Injury which was the majority of his career unfortunately he was a pretty damn good quarter earned his contract talked a lot about how the uh he was on this show talking about the importance of the cornerback position when in terms of the slot position and played it

Really well but far too often coming back from injury far too often injured I’d like to see him back but as of right now you know less money and we talked about this when the SE when the offseason really began about how the Eagles could save money we talked about

The possibility of uh moving on from Kevin berer we talked about the possibility of moving on from ronte Maddox and now this is where we’re at but as of right now with the Eagles most likely drafting a corner in the first round and you already have key Ringo

Here you already have Eli Rick and you want to see what Eli Ricks develops into it’s gonna be a pretty packed secondary I am also under the impression especially after our conversation earlier in the week with Dave zero of MBC Sports Philadelphia I’m already under the impression the James Bradberry

Is not back James Bradberry is not back next season they’re going to eat that money and they’re just going to deal with it essentially that’s Dave’s feeling on it that’s my feeling on it and I know everyone was talking about oh my goodness I know everybody was talking

About hoe Roseman saying that this T oh he’s in our plans he didn’t say that the question was is he in your plans yeah he’s under contract there is no more bare minimum thing a general manager a director of football operations a player Personnel whatever there’s no more bare minimum

Thing to say than he’s under contract thank you for that statement of fact it reminded me in all honesty of Doug Peterson talking about Sam Bradford right now who’s our starting court right now who’s our starting court right now who’s our starting Court Sam Bradford right now right now Sam Bradford are

Start quarterback okay okay okay they got a first round pick for Sam Bradford trading in Minnesota so yeah James Brad is under contract he’s not I he’s play he’s played his last game for the Eagles he’s played his last game for the Eagles uh ladies and gentlemen before we get to

Our conversation with our friend Todd Herman I want to uh tell you guys about the great people at mybookie download the mybookie app to your phone use promo code farsy that’s promo code farsy on the mybookie app and you get up to $1,000 redeemable cash bonus when you

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Redeemable cash bonus at mybookie without further Ado ladies and Gentlemen let’s get to uh our friend Mr Todd Harman talk about all things Jason Kelce and we’re the go from here after Jason Kel’s retirement ladies and gentlemen you know our next guest uh 11year veteran in the NFL played

Alongside Jason Kelce of course came to the Philadelphia Eagles in 2005 and uh even got a shout out during Jason Kel’s retirement speech his former teammate right here Mr Todd Herman what’s going on there uh Todd father oh not a whole lot not a whole lot I appreciate you for

Having me on um I don’t know if it’s the shout out you want you know a failing business but we’re all here for memories right apparently it generated some good memories all right for it got the biggest laugh Todd it got the biggest laugh at the press conference for

Something that had some Chuckles along the way those it makes it feel like it’s this underlying joke in Philadelphia that nobody’s touched on yet and then Jason you know classic in Jason in Jason style he’s not scared to say anything yeah really especially if you’re Nick fos but anyway we’ll get

There later uh here’s the moment where you and former teammate Brent celic uh got the shout out during his his retirements I won’t forget Thirsty Thursdays at 879 a bar owned by Brent celic and Todd Herman that stayed open a whole six months because nobody paid for a drink poor business practices indeed

That bar may have closed quickly but the friendships at Forge remain open to this day I mean it really is it’s a I mean I know it’s a slight you know funny jab whatever but you you were invited to be part of the uh Amazon Prime documentary

With Jason Kelsey was sitting there at the table when he’s contemplating retirement um what was it like to at least just be remembered for helping Forge those memories and those friendships um well you know I don’t think that we necessarily started the bar with the idea that it was going to

Generate a lot of profit I think it just sounded like a good time and uh kind of a camaraderie you know building location which it turned into you know we had a lot of fun a lot of good times and as Jason mentioned a lot of good memories

Very poor business practices uh I it was my only dabble in the restaurant game I’m not going to ever touch it again um you know there’s certain people that have a lot of success in that industry and I’m not one of them so um but no

It’s cool you know it’s just it’s funny that you know that that’s something that you would mention cuz you know like I said not one of the memories that I probably would have brought up but uh this wasn’t a speech about my memories and I’m glad that you know that could

Have a lasting effect on someone as you know who’s probably the biggest celebrity in my phone now oh wow listen when it when it comes to um watching the speech I know you were traveling you have to watch it a little bit later what were some of your

Takeaways from hearing a friend of yours like that you know finally hang it up um you know Jason’s just always so I feel like he’s he’s very well spoken and authentic especially as and he’s thoughtful with his words and you could tell that that wasn’t something that you

Know obviously he prepared for it he knew it was coming um he’s just such a good writer uh he’s I think he can get his emotions in words on paper very easy and then able to read him to the world I would love for him to

Write a book um but you know if that was only a couple months of thought or maybe you know to to put that speech together imagine what kind of a speech he’s going to have with five years you know uh yeah um it’s gonna be it’s gonna

Be pretty epic because I know all of Philadelphia is gonna invade Canton Ohio man it’s gonna be it’s gonna be it’s gonna be crazy uh you of course were there when he came in you were a seasoned Veteran by that time when he came into the Philadelphia Eagles I’m

Just curious your your early impressions of a very young six round pick Jason Kelsey coming into the overare complex and also Lei Valley well it was a to be honest it was it was kind of a weird scenario for me um I was really tight with Jamal and they kind of brought

Kelsey in to fight Jamal for the spot and you know Howard mud kind of had anoint J anointed Jason the the next coming like this is your guy he’s going to be your center for the next however long that you want him to be um and he’s

Going to be a Cornerstone of your program that’s basically what Howard mud said and he was absolutely right but you know when you hear those things coming in to challenge like one of your closest friends positions it’s a weird scenario and so Jason was always like you

Know um very authentic um he doesn’t really he never kind of cowered or bent depending on who was talking to him type of thing uh and he almost seemed like uh a prick like I’m here to do this job you know a lot of guys come in early and

They want to make friends with the vet or they want to you know sit there and and be well liked and one thing I remember about Jason is it didn’t really seem like he cared if he was well-liked he’s like I’m here for a job I’m here to

Be really good and to have a long career and that seemed like his mentality and obviously you know he warmed up and and became great friends and and stuff and you know I it was uh I don’t think that it was unwarranted the transition and center and stuff you know like everybody

Has their moment of of being done and moving on and stuff and there’s always a new birth of new talent and stuff happened to me um but it was just uh you know it’s it’s weird how I could develop such a close relationship with Jamal

Playing next to him for so long and then also have the guy that comes in to replace him be just as close of a relationship with you know it’s just it’s cool you know and that’s the game of football um there’s so many like Jason said in his speech there’s so many

Beautiful things about the game of football you know is is there a moment where you kind of bought into what Howard mud was selling as far as Jason Kelce went like okay oh now this is why I see the Eagles this is why they need

To make this change now and make him the center yeah well um he was always very fast and gritty and gutty and very smart um but yeah like me I was I was there with Juan and Juan was like you know I need huge offensive lineman he just wanted big

Dudes ju always said Mass kicks ass and that was like his his phrase you know um and when Jason came in it was kind of contrary to that that mindset you know and so it was kind of like wow is this really going to work because he is very

Undersized you know he’s a transition linebacker and um but he’s fast you know does like fast and strength and power and Agility make up for size in the offensive line and stuff and uh that was a question and obviously it does you know he’s a he’s a rare Talent um and

You know I text him after he decided to retire I told him it was an honor to play with him because you know the development and you know in 2016 a lot of people were writing Jason off and he had that coming too and I was

Out of here by then I think that was maybe 15 or 16 was my last year and um you know he just put his foot down and said no I’m I’m here to stay and and I’m going to I’m going to turn this around and be a baller and he R rattled off

Eight you know consecutive very impressive years um just very impressive to watch and see happen and um thankful to be part of it you know uh as as you get done playing and you look back you know you see guys that you played against and played with getting inducted

In the Hall and stuff like that you just feel I guess very blessed to you know have been in their company been able to play with them and share moments with them and you know uh yeah it’s just really cool to see it happen yeah I like you surround yourself uh with some

Fantastic people because mutual friend of ours here and also someone we both used to work with you in a more physical capacity uh Trey Thomas and you you guys have a great show now on YouTube between the vines with Trey and Todd tell me a

Little bit about that yes sir so uh that was actually I have to give credit what credits do Trey’s idea um oh oh Trey wanted to be around wine shocker right so Trey actually had this idea last season um and we just didn’t pull the trigger on it and then you know

Obviously like the great planners we are uh started talking about it again after the season started this last year and decided to just get the wheels in motion and start I think maybe three or four games in and then you know we had our our first season of between the vines

Where we traveled to local wineries you know checked out the process of how they made the wine sampled their wine talked to their their wine makers or the grower or the owner whoever wanted to talk to us and then uh chat football about the most recent game and stuff um we were in

The midst of trying to transition uh into the offseason into something else uh we decided that it’s probably best for us to shut it down until maybe late April and then we’ll bring you season two with a little more organization a little more thought um looking forward to it though maybe a

Little more funding would be great Cy that I hear that I hear that uh well it’s great I was watching a couple episodes you guys had Landon Dickerson on that was a lot of fun so I’m sure I’ll be checking out more of it um when

When it comes to the transition that has to go on now with the Philadelphia Eagles offensive line you mentioned Jamal Jackson how close you were with that Eagle Center you came in I think Hank fry was still the center Mike m Mike mcglinn I no offense to him got

Exist um what’s it like for a offensive line other than the the personal aspect in the relationship there what’s it like for the offensive line to transition from one Center to another that’s a good question um there there’s a lot of differences I mean the game’s the same the plays are

All the same the calls are all the same and generally they’re seeing the same things um some of them might see certain things quicker than others and stuff like that some people might want a lot of help from the tackles and guards echoing stuff um some guys are very

Vocal and they just handle it all but I think physically Everybody Plays different you know like Kelsey was fast as [ __ ] he stepped on my foot constantly um you know so that was another thing like I had to get a bigger split with I had to get further away from him before the

Start of the play um because he was so fast and you know as soon as he moves that ball he’s going so uh sometimes I didn’t get off the ball on time a little late sometimes you know uh and so he would step on my foot or something and

You know you learn certain things like that um but more of the physical things like that you know uh Frey was um his feet weren’t super quick and I didn’t play a lot next to Hank maybe a little bit in training camp and stuff

But I was more of a tackle um also the silent count is a different form him you might have the same but you know Kelsey’s became kind of a a fluid motion um to as this career progressed and Jamal’s was a little more I guess you could see what’s the

Word I’m looking for distinct um where the end of his head motion was and the ball was going to be snapped and Jason’s a little more of a gray area you know um so there’s just all sorts of like little nuances um with different centers in the game like that but essentially the

Offense is the same the calls are the same it’s still football um and yeah I would say you just have to pick out the differences from each guy and and you don’t really learn that until you’re playing right next to him you know and they step on your foot five

Or six times and you’re like wow he’s he’s really fast obviously that’s the thing that’s the one thing lingering in my head right right damn I gotta get faster on that um well another thing about that is is like I remember we all wore molded cleats right the we called

Them The Cadillacs they were big chunky lineman shoes they felt like comfortable hiking boots you know and the the cleats were molded rubber so they weren’t like piercing um they were like mud what what you would see guys wear in like a muddy game or whatever and receivers wear these cleats that are

Detachable like like Pokey very Pokey like very grippy you know and Jason when he got in the NFL put on these like uh you know uh detachable cleats receiver cleats and stuff and like cleats the linebackers wear and stuff and we’re just like oh what are you doing you can’t come out

Here with those on you’re gonna you’re G to break our toes and you’re going to be stepping all over us he’s like we better get the [ __ ] out of the way because I’m not going to change my shoes this is how I play this is how I play so I was like

It’s a new era and then all of a sudden I see Evan matys throwing them on and then I’m sure dude I don’t even know if anybody wears molded anymore wow I never KN I had never heard that that is amazing I could see why you wanted to

Change your uh what your drop step so quickly well yeah the split the drop step all that yeah yeah wow uh that’s i’ never heard that before that’s incredible for when you were when you were playing with the Eagles one of the things you were always known for is that

You could play multiple positions on the line of scrimmage uh very well at a very high level we have this guy now Tyler Steen the Eagles have this guy Tyler Steen that was a tackle in college now he’s going to be playing most likely he’s goingon to be playing guard what

Advice would you give any young player coming into the NFL that’s going to be have having to play multiple positions on the offensive line even though he’s going to have to step out of his natural comfort zone of tackle and move to the guard spot

Um I mean I I would just tell him like if if you want to be on the field find a way to get on the field and if it’s at guard get out there if it’s at you know uh Center get out there and play that

You know uh if you want to get on the field and the coaches think that you got the ability they’ll find a way to get out get you out there the thing I think is the hardest is probably flipping from left to right um I don’t think it’s that hard moving from

Uh you know tackle to guard and then back out from guard to tackle and stuff I think most guys get either right-handed or left-handed as an offensive lineman um because colleges don’t they don’t flip sides uh I know when Trey played at Florida State they

Had a power side and a speed side and that’s kind of how we ran our offense in Co in high school um but once I got to college there was a right side and a left side and that’s how most the N pretty sure all of the NFL is like that

Um but yeah so there’s not a lot of guys that work both staggers um you know it’s kind of like trying to throw if you’re right-handed and you throw a baseball right-handed it’s like okay and I’ll throw it left-handed you know it’s it’s that kind of muscle memory or Comfort or

Something like that so uh it’s just a matter of doing it you know you could teach yourself to shoot an opposite hand free throw it just takes a lot of work and a lot of practice so I guess my advice to you know Steen or anybody else that’s trying to play multiple positions

Is just stay after and make sure you’re getting equal amount of reps in the opposite stance that you took that day and practice in the other in the stance that you’re playing a couple more points out one has to do with the the end of

The season here for the Eagles I want to get to that and what your opinion is as to what happened but also Jason Kelce we know that cam Jurgens is GNA be taken over as the eagle center now but leadership position they could also be down according to reports Fletcher Cox

On the defensive side of the football you were with the Eagles long enough where it seemed like there was a lot of regime change if you will there was a lot of leadership change potentially there or in your time there with the Eagles what happens to a locker room how

Do they find the next leader how does the next leader emerge how does that go down when you’re a player um well I think the way that you want it to happen is before you lose the bulk of your uh seniority leadership you kind of want your up incomers to naturally emerge uh

It’s not something you can force uh if you try to force somebody to do it it’s going to it’s going to be ingenuine um it’s not going to feel right and uh Philly will sniff that out in a heartbeat um but I think you know seeing

The BG’s gonna come back that’s I think that’s huge for the locker room and just having his presence um losing kelse is going to be big you know it was going to be big anytime not just because of who he is but because of the position that

He plays on the field Center he’s been there forever um and then just the knowledge that he brings onto the field uh I think from what I hear he’s going to still be around quite a bit so I think that he could still have uh you

Know quite a bit of a a leadership presence with those guys he’s very well respected in that locker room I think it’s probably going to be a good 10 15 years before uh before the respect level starts to decrease or diminish at all um

If it does at all um but uh yeah it it’s tough It’s natural it’s something that you just got to kind of figure out but I think that they’ve got a solid foundation of guys um Lane still out there you know and also I think a big

Thing that has to do with that is if you were making this if Kelsey was retiring and they decided to get rid of Nick serani this year I think that that would be a way bigger deal um you can’t have all the disruptors happening at once you

They did you know get a new coordinator system in uh with offense and defense um but you know I I think think that that was warranted it was needed um but I think that if if if it all got swapped out and then these guys are retiring it

Would have been it would have been tough for for the transition a lot harder but I think that they’re I think they’re in a good spot right now what is your opinion as to why the Eagles and how the hell the Eagles went from a 10-in one

Team number one seed NFC East in the back pocket to limping into the playoffs and then getting bounced down the first round what the hell happened there Todd Herman well I don’t know that’s a that’s million dollar question I mean I I can’t sit here and act like I have Insight

Intel or I know what exactly went down but you know just from from watching it we started out 10 and one um a lot of those wins weren’t super decisive early I mean they were wins and it’s very heroic how it happened and it was almost like they willed themselves

To win but it wasn’t like wow that was an impressive win we’re just going to walk through this season you know and we’re kind of waiting for that game to happen and that game never really happened and I think people got more caught up in the numbers than the actual

Product so um and as the season goes on I think that your weaknesses kind of get exploited um other teams start to to dial it in and sharpen it up and if you’re not focusing on that stuff that might get covered up or brushed over because of your awesome record and you

Know heroic you know Game ending wins and stuff like that uh I think that you know it could be uh I think that that’s kind of what happened um yeah is it is it possible because I’ve heard all the everyone Jason Kelsey flag pretty much everyone in the locker

Room talk about how much they love Nick serani and he’s a great coach and great leader and and all that is it possible to really respect and love the hell out of a coach and then just not be able to dial it up at the end of the season like

That like unfortunately like the rest of the season played out for him it is I think it is it’s totally possible I mean the guys that love Nick are and are coming out and Swinging you know really to bat form are the veterans and he’s a players Coach and he’s been taking care

Of the veterans and Veterans like to be taken care of you know um some of those rookies need a kick in the ass and they don’t need a friend they need a coach and you know some of the younger players they need the guidance and they don’t

Need a buddy um some people can be their friend or their their buddy and also guy them it’s a it’s a it’s tough to do uh Jason’s one of those people that can do that um I don’t know I don’t know if Nick serion is or not uh we’ll see but

He does have a an impressive record since he’s been here you know you can’t take that away from him he’s been here what three years three three years all uh three years in the playoffs all all three years yeah so like the success is there you can’t just say oh that’s just

Because he was handed a great roster or anything like that I I I think that there you know there’s a lot of validity to his success um and I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to completely say serani should have been fired you know okay fair enough fair enough um I do

Want to make sure people are following you on social media of course at Todd Harman of course on social media there uh also making sure people are checking out if you guys want to catch up on the action happening between the vines with Trey and Todd make sure you’re doing

That and then a little road trip for you you were just a Kennedy Space Center apparently you’re going to be an astronaut now restaurant business not so much astronaut definitely happening dude I don’t know I’m way too claustrophobic I can’t even do the flight simulators I

I was trying to tell my wife look at my son he’s so nervous he doesn’t want to do this I think I was just kind of speaking for myself through him um and your wife is the business person now she’s the Mover and Shaker what’s she what’s she up to so uh Elizabeth

Started a uh a real estate and Lifestyles service business called Birds nesting um and the idea from this was when we moved to any I Apolis for my last season uh we didn’t know anybody really in the community it took a long time to settle in by the time we got

Settled I kind of got cut uh and so we just felt like our time there could have been spent so much more enjoyable um if there was somebody that would have found us a place to live been like look at here’s all your great restaurants here’s

A doctors if you need a doctor so what she’s doing is she started a company called Birds nesting and that’s exactly it she is a real estate agent but on top of that she will find you the right Community the right schools the right doctors and just get you plugged in to

Make the players the coaches be able to focus on the field and not have to come home and listen to their nagging significant other because they don’t have any friends or a gym to go to or anything like that um but yeah it’s uh it’s awesome uh I’m very proud of her

She’s been working really hard on it um and she’s trying to dial that in for all of Philadelphia athletes and Executives such such a a sweet young lady she um I met her at the I think it was athletes for a cure I think it was the golf fting

Athletes for a cure just awesome you both of you guys are great obviously but uh that’s awesome congratulations to Elizabeth that’s fantastic man absolutely Todd so great catching up with you man I look forward to a whole new season of between the vines with I think we’re coming either early

May or late April bro fantastic fantastic Todd Herman ladies and gentlemen the Todd father himself make sure you’re following him on all social media platforms make sure you guys subscribe right here on YouTube to between the vines with Trey and Todd great stuff uh on your friend and former

Teammate Jason Kelce as well Todd Herman ladies and gentlemen Todd thanks so much no problem how much fun was that man great to catch up with uh Todd Herman we haven’t had him on the show in a while I think the last time we had him on the

Show uh was when he talked about to fight at training camp with Hugh Douglas now Hugh teed it up saying that Todd Herman is a rookie in 2005 was trying to you know make his presence known announce his presence with authority as a rookie should and he and Hugh got in a

Little bit of a tussle if you will and I remember Hugh’s line was if you’re walking off the field old man take this with you boom and then he def now Hugh the guy that was on the receiving end of the tussle said Todd did exactly what he was

Supposed to do with that situation in the football context veteran and rookie Todd Herman did exactly what he was supposed to do Todd the next day was like when I saw him it was actually after I saw him when I saw him next was was that that athletes for cure and Todd

Came on my show and he talked about it and um we were both laughing about it he just like man you made me seem like a punk um but how about that going back on the Jason Kelce stuff that he talked about Jason Kelsea was you know what did

He say some prick coming on the team you know I’m here to do a job and look that’s exactly whether you’re the number one overall pick or you’re a six round pick you’re that’s the attitude you’re supposed to have right isn’t that what we want and our athletes to have least

Hey I’m not here to be a backup you know no one’s supposed to show up and be like I am here to be your backup no you’re supposed to want the job Jason Kelce wanted the job I love that they’re marveling in how fast he was and when

You think back on it for all the wonderful things I heard about Juan Castillo that you know a mass moves ass is a very common and uh common thing people have said about Juan Castillo Trey Thomas being one of them many times one of those big guys and then the transition to Howard

Mud was totally different in the Andy Reid era now all of a sudden this guy was going to want smaller more Nimble offensive linemen what what especially at the center position what and Jason Kelsey was out there flying around and how about him stepping away from The Cadillacs as Todd Harman put it

The big old bulky spikes and Jason Kel walks out there in soccer cleats no no that’s a bit of extreme but he walks out there in things that are built for Speed not necessarily for comfort and the amount of times he stepped on Todd Herman’s foot when Todd

Herman was lined up at guard getting ready to do his split that is um that’s pretty amazing it’s pretty amazing there little things like that that only guys that played right there with Jason Kelce can tell you about imagine being one of those more grizzled veterans on the offensive line

Imagine being one of those guys that came in here under Juan Castillo you’re ginormous you’re a ginormous human being and all of a sudden this this we fella rookie out of Cincinnati comes in it’s like this is my job now look at me I’m the captain I’m the captain now and

I’m gonna wear these little dainty spikes and then Evan Matthew starts wearing them and Todd Herman’s of course everybody else as well by the way one one last thing and Todd Herman reminded me of this so I told you guys the story after Kelsey announced his retirement

This was Tuesday morning when I was doing the show um told you about you know talking to Jason kelce’s rookie year and being like this guy really this this this is the guy this is the guy and but liking his personality I was like this guy’s got a personality on him fans

Will love him if he develops into anything you know but then I remember I had to go there to shoot something uh we were taping promos I think it was and I was there with Jason Kelce I was there in the room and they were sending a whole bunch of people in

Jason avat was one of them I think I Just sh my head and Jason Devon’s like oh you opened up the the sunroof there buddy yeah me too like oh and then we had uh Evan matthysse and Jason Kelce walk in the room and these two from what

I remember in the early goings were buzz and buddies like boom right out of the gate besties if you will okay and Jason Kelsey walks in he’s like Evan how do you want to do this good cap bad cop and they were like standing back to back for

The promo for a second and it was like okay you lay it on them real nice and I’ll be the I’ll be the bad guy and that’s what Jason Kelce said I just remember thinking this guy is every bit of a personality that I thought he would

Be and then he turned out to be pretty damn good pretty damn good as well one last thing with Todd Herman and as far as what he remembered with with Jason Kelce was uh you talk about a guy just stepping right into the role of leadership and after I talk to U Todd

Herman’s I was on social media this is last night and I saw the clips on New Heights podcast of Jason Kelce and Travis doing their show and Travis is welling up with emotion and Jason is trying to fight it back thinking he’s done enough crying I

Guess for the week and um they said all right let’s roll the the salutes let’s roll the let’s roll all the congratulations on a great career Jason Kelce and then up on the screen is Shaquille O’Neal uh the P PT and Eli Manning Chris Long Jordan Milada Jaylen Herz Nick

Fos love the speech to which Jason Kelsey said I bet you did by the way he also said on the podcast that they reached out to Nick F he reached out to Nick fos and his wife would be like hey can I talk about your pay on yeah okay

Cool they both approved which is funny because I’ve heard in the P that Nick Foles does not like that moniker he might be the only person on the planet that wouldn’t want that moniker but okay um a whole bunch of guys but one of the ones that really

Stuck out to me oh Jim Tomy Jim Tomy was on there of course longtime Cleveland Indian beloved still by the Cleveland Indians and uh Jason and Travis Kelce too I’m sure and they were free oh tomy’s on there you know uh so he was wishing Jason Kelce congrats on

Retirement happy retirement all that stuff one of them that really stuck out to me was Chris long now I’ve told you guys before Chris long is my favorite athlete to have ever covered hands down and Chris Long uh said you’re the first person that I ever this was so telling he told

Jason Kelce you’re the first person I ever played with that I looked up to who was younger than me I think about that looking up to someone who is significantly younger than you and at the time when Chris Long got here had not won a championship Jason

Kelsey had not won a championship Chris long was obviously here the year they won the championship and I I thought that was so incredibly telling of the personality and the leader that Jason Kelce was and is you know you’re the first person that was younger than me

That I looked up to pretty incredible uh and then a little nugget a little nugget that if you really weren’t paying attention you might have missed it Todd Herman’s did let something slip did he let something slip from what I’m hearing Jason Kelce won’t be far away from that locker room what come

Again I I look I put it out there when we had Olivia Riner on the show a couple weeks ago and she was talking about Jason Kelce potentially When She interviewed him in Baltimore at the AFC champ AFC Championship game um he had said he could be around it he’s like if

I’m not in it I got to be around it I never want to feel like an outsider when it comes to an overare complex okay all right so what does that mean and then I pointed out Conor barwin good friend of his Connor barwin helped produce or did produce rather the Jason Kelce

Documentary on Amazon Prime he’s around the team he’s a Special Assistant Jason Kelce potentially that that that kind of title I I wouldn’t be shocked if by otaa rolled around around you would heard oh Jason Kel’s back with the Eagles as an advisor to hoe Roseman or to The

Scouting department or whatever the case may be I have already made my case that he should be a sports ambassador of Philadelphia should be a an appointed position by the mayor where any new athlete coming into Philadelphia Jason Kelce is right there to greet them and

Tell them hey look here’s the deal you might have heard some stuff about Philadelphia I’m here to tell you how it really is I told you this is something that every team does in in some capacity they hey how do you answer a question about another player uh you don’t you

Have to ask him hey another player in a contract that’s not for me that’s for him how do you answer qu this is how you answer questions in Philadelphia this is how uh if if you get booed how do you handle it yeah I’d boo me too is the

Best response it’s the best possible response hey how what you think about the fans booing you I would have booed me too that’s the best thing you could say it’s even better than uh you know fans can do what they want um but yeah Todd Harin just let a

Little little AIT drop there that he could be around the team this year which I don’t think would be a big shock to anyone look people talk about the the ESPN thing they talk about being in the booth during a game Jason Kel’s got his podcast these guys’s family young

Family uh you don’t want to be away from that even if it is only you know on the weekends production means you got to sit on sit in on going up and back and forth to Bristol if it’s an ESPN analyst gig he’s got that he’s got that it’s not

Like it used to be in this beautiful digital world that we live in now some people can just sit at home and do their job it’s not a bad gig it’s not a bad gig imagine being Jason Kelce uh but my thanks to Todd Herman all that

Great stuff man that was that was pretty fantastic pretty fantastic um before I get to our sponsors in the chat check I want to me reference Pro Football Focus pro football focused in a ranking of the top 101 players top 101 players from the 2023 season this past football season and

Would don’t you know what the day they put it out there was the day that Jason Kelce decided to hang it up and number 86 on the top 100 101 exy top 101 players in 2023 at number 86 ranking in at number 86 was Jason Kelce now since then uh one

Two three four four other installments of this have come out uh if you haven’t seen it yet Jaylen Herz ranked in at number 72 on this top 100 one players of the 2023 season jayen Carter well hold on just for perspective Jaylen Herz came in in at 72 Matt Stafford came in at

58 okay uh at number 68 Jaylen Carter was ranked in at number 68 number 61 laye Johnson at number 61 Lane Johnson number 61 Jordan Milada now if Lane Johnson is at 61 where do you think Jord Milada ranked in Lane Johnson 61 Jordan Milada

42 I I’ve got all the confidence in the world and I really I really really like Jordan Milada but holy pots and pants 42 that much higher than Lane Johnson Good Golly uh and just for perspective not necessarily with the uh left tackle me right left tackle

Position with Jordan M uh a guy that’s rumored to be attached to the Eagles here uh guy that was under Vic fangio with the Dolphins last year a linebacker Andrew Van Winkle GLE excuse me Andrew was thinking of fony uh Andrew van GLE was ranked in Jord Milad at 42 Andrew

Van GLE at 41 so top 41 players there as a linebacker possibly coming to Philadelphia I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I don’t believe it let me tell you about the great people of the game time app hey if you want to see Jaylen Herz if you want to see Jaylen

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And see how you wonderful people are doing on this fine Thursday morning why ners wine good morning fary hope you enjoyed your screenshot uh brought lots of laughs yesterday yes I very much enjoyed it thank you for changing it you know what I didn’t check is it still up there

That’s Xavier mckenny still uh plays for the faries it was that he played for the h the Wong Wong dong Wong dong something of the NFL let’s see here no American football safety who is currently a free agent it’s fun while it lasted wi ners wine thank you Sean GL good morning

What’s going on Jason good morning Sean GES Howard mud man Jason Kelsey has I think I might have told you guys this before once referred to Howard mud is the most interesting man in the world mud is a man for Kelsey good morning everyone good morning Sean KRA

Sean glesby Tobias is silently will silently step step to out other teams step up to out other teams okay maybe to show off Sean K crumble a noow the door is slowly closing for them play in game here we come that’s what it seems like definitely a play a tournament Team game

You shouldn’t have lost yep I concur against the Nets and last night for those that didn’t see the show Sky Drive vonte Max is on toobe Dean we give nioby Dean any um scrapple but he still got hurt but yeah vonte madx tried scrapple for the first time on the show with me

And he liked it look at Avante he likes it um but yeah great reference Sean thank you uh Jason a April good morning April what’s going on uh Sean gby I can truly understand how all Vikings fans hate the Eagles NFC Championship game Super Bowl in their brand new stadium in Sam

Bradford Sam Bradford lante it’s been real says Sean kill Ricks mcferson will be the new slot certainly seems like it Sean K rain scrapple is not for everyone uh scrapple wasn’t meant for a Vante nothing beats a scrapple oh scrapple egg and cheese breakfast sandwich you know scrapple egg and cheese everything

Bagel soft pepper ketchup little Sriracha little Sriracha I’m in my happy place I’m in my happy place twins what’s going on SE Jason k size is incredible absolutely kill R remember Mass kicks ass what good morning fary where what uh oh it’s very nice Joseph thank

You man appreciate it Todd Herman was an underrated is an underrated Eagle 1117 fire serani yeah how can we sustain a culture if we keep bringing in a bunch of mercenaries rentals to plug holes left by draft misses well I’ll say this now it’s going to be difficult

Before it wasn’t that you had Fletcher Cox Brandon Graham Jason Kelce Lane Johnson the core four if you will now the core four is down to two with Graham and Lane Johnson that’s no bueno I think about that that is no bueno yeah was Greg Ward on that champ was on

The Super Bowl team was he a practice squad guy that year I feel like he’s he’s too young uh let me just check that out I’m just GNA see if Greg Ward was I don’t think he was that’s my first yeah no he was not he 2019 okay by

The way one of the things that uh that came out of that Stephen Nelson Darius Slay interview was they both were talking about Greg Ward like this oh everyone sleeping on Greg Ward Greg Ward’s good all right let see him get that opportunity Kelsey retired God is dead

Thank you ridiculous J say her oh thank you very much yeah har Herman is great Todd Herman is great um I’m sure they approve of him saying that about BN bdn damn right New Heights episode with Chris Long of Bo Allen was fantastic I gotta go back and watch

Those makes sense both went to Cincinnati him and barwin yeah yeah they’re buds oh April I boo me too definitely a better response then for who for what I remember that game man I remember thinking he should have caught that oh he was afraid of getting hit and then

For who for what oh baby what a spicy meatball that was something interesting about Kelsey’s speech he spoke about the flowers regarding Nick serani saying that sometimes they get wrecked but the roots still remain I thought that was telling I agree ridiculous I thought that was I

Thought the same exact thing it was in my notes I mentioned it on Tuesday morning I love that he shouted out the flower speech Todd didn’t seem to have full conf confidence in Nick says Joseph um I I don’t I don’t I didn’t get a big

Vibe on his feel for niani one way or another but maybe I missed it maybe I missed it Sean krain Sean gby sorry uh Pro Football Focus always just throwing that poop against the wall hey how you doing nice to see you Zig love oh thank you Zig very kind appreciate you

Oh that’s very nice EIG much appreciated thank you uh o pork roll pretty solid April I’ll I’ll take a pork roll egg and cheese any day pork roll I do enjoy pork roll my thing is if I have pork roll like whatever it is maybe this is maybe

I’m just a fat bastard but if I have a pork roll egg and cheese I need a second pork roll egg and cheese like I can’t just have one pork roll egg and cheese usually because if I’m having pork roll I’m having it on a on like an English muffin you

Know I’ll need two pork roll EG and cheese sandwiches but if I have scrapple egg and cheese even if it’s not on the everything bagel I will just have one that’s my only thing and then I’m eating more bread and we don’t need that you

Know what I mean uh loose sky sky lifter what’s called fary I didn’t I don’t know if you seen it but Debo’s comment warm my heart seeing the red Cowboys Suk and defeat warms my cold Philadelphia heart what did Debo say now something different something new

Um please tell me it was a shot at Jason Kelce because that would be that’d be funsies uh wait how does Google work here we go Deo Samuel uh let me hit news see if anything oh 22 hours ago oh yeah okay heartbreak oh just being being the fact that he’s got he’s

Heartbroken you say anything about Philly just so heartbreaking to lose the Super Bowl second time in the last five oh second time in the last five years other players be able to put their knowledge uh it’s kind of hard because basically our job is football so it’s likeall

Right let’s use this as motivation where you get back in the lab just to put yourself in a position and try to do your best to get back Samuel said people just say there’s always next year but I heard that in 2019 and it took four more

Years uh to get where we’re at so it’s not that easy as people think to get to the Super Bowl it takes everything it takes me me the coaches the people upstairs you bring people in to help for everything to play out right you’re just not going to snap your hands fingers uh

And be back in the Super Bowl again I don’t want Chris Sims popping up on my screen get out of there yeah I don’t know I don’t know people it’s kind of crazy it’s kind of crazy uh yeah I did not see that Luke Sky lifter but yes

I am happy too if any 49ers fan is said that means that I’m happy it means that I’m happy thanks everybody in the chat you guys are wonderful as per usual make sure you guys smash the like button on YouTube make sure you guys subscribe to

The fary show on the far fary Show YouTube channel and Jacob media YouTube channel as well appreciate you guys my thanks to Todd Harman uh for joining the show a lot of fun lot of fun we’re G have to replay some of that stuff with Todd uh for tomorrow’s program as well

Uh thanks for watching thanks for listening you guys are just wonderful as per usual shout out to the Flyers get conditional first round pick love to see that Danny Brier making deals one TR trade deadline tomorrow for the NHL so there you go thanks for watching thanks

For listening you guys are great as per usual this is the farsy show brought to you by mybookie catch you guys tomorrow same time same place see you guys Then yeah

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