Top 100 Golf Balls Tested | 29-20

We have officially reached the 20’s! These are all some darn good golf balls. They aren’t the best, however they do plenty right.


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00:00 Intro
1:49 29
3:02 28
4:53 27
6:19 26
7:44 25
9:38 24
11:16 23
12:27 22
14:01 21
15:50 20

What is up my fellow golf ball addicts we are in our continuation we are getting ever so much closer to our top 10 our top five and of course our number one golf ball tested on the channel this is really exciting uh I love the feedback and I appreciate the feedback

Of everyone who’s been involved this has been awesome as always if you haven’t seen the video on how I’m reviewing these golf balls that is in the description below so if you have this is your first time watching first time Channel be sure to check that out otherwise guys seriously I appreciate

All the views I appreciate all the awesome comments you’ve been doing uh the channel has taken off quite a bit and I’m just really super excited about it and really more than anything I’m super excited to get to this top 10 to get to this top five and see you know

Where these golf balls lie and the last one I did ask you guys to uh post what you thought was going to be number one and I’ve got some really great guesses I’ve got a lot of you you know left field one some dark horses they’ve really been awesome but again I

Appreciate those comments they help uh increase the the YouTube algorithm to where now my videos are being shown to more people and I’m getting tons of views so I do appreciate that guys as always let’s go ahead and Dive Right In we are now in the 20s this is 29 through

20 which basically means that all these golf balls really aren’t going to have a weakness I mean they a couple of them might have a small weakness but there’s no glaring issues here all these golf balls are going to get a recommendation from me all these golf balls are worth a

Try depending on the type of player you are uh really what it comes down to is some of them might have had something that was a 10 out of 10 and propelled them up a little higher and some of them might have just been a Flatout seven

Across the board that’s seven out of s 7even out of 10 7 out of 10 7 out of 10 that kind of thing uh but let’s Dive Right In let’s go with number 29 first which of course is the mauno RB 566 so I love mauno on the channel you

Know most of my clubs are Muno I got fitted for him a while back uh and I really do have a soft spot for the Muno golf balls but one that I was really impressed with from the get-go was the Muno RB uh 566 of course 566 meaning the

Number of dimples it’s mizuno’s two-piece golf ball it boasts a really soft springy feel that really jumps off the club it has a very interesting design to it it’s got that Muno blue if you love that Muno blue but also the performance numbers were just really

Consistent here I mean it actually had a very consistent performance across the bo the the board um and I actually had an incredible dve driver number with this despite it just being a two-piece golf ball which is kind of crazy I usually don’t get that with two-piece

Golf balls I don’t get great driver numbers uh most of the time I end up overc compressing them at that point but not the case here I actually get it did really well so uh the mauno RB doesn’t necessarily Blow Me Away in any category

But it just seems to check all boxes it performed with every single Club to a degree the value at $22 a dozen it’s not the best and honestly if that had been a little bit better this golf ball could have been even higher on this list but

It checks all these box nice and evenly and that’s why it’s at number 29 number 28 The Encore Avant 55 this was a golf ball that I tested recently I do like Encore on the channel they’re one of the best directed consumer uh brands on the market and uh

Their intro beginner two-piece golf ball is actually called the Avant 55 a 55 compression very soft very squishy very springy off the club a lot of bouncy ball effect it’s a lot of fun to hit but really there was some phenomenal numbers that came along with it I actually was

Able to get 96 m per hour with my nine iron which is one of the highest I’ve tested on the channel which is awesome the $20 per dozen is really a great deal and actually if you’re a member of encourse Club you can even get them

Cheaper with free shipping so it ends up being something really special there and I even had 110 mph ball speed with the seven iron which is definitely on the higher end of that now here’s the bad part this is one of the few golf balls on this 10 right here that we’re doing

That’s going to have a glaring weakness this one actually the driver numbers I overcompressed it once I got to that point I lost lost a couple of mile per hour lost a few yards it actually performed pretty poorly with the driver uh now that doesn’t mean that it’s going

To perform with badly with everybody if you’re a slower swinger if you’re 85 to 90 mph I don’t think you’re going to lose anything with the driver I think you could actually gain a few yards I think you’ll still get those great performances with a short mid and long

Irons all that but I think the driver will do well for you for for you also excuse me uh I think the ball’s not intending for my swing speed and again i’ I’ve said this and I know I’m repeating it but the fact that it’s this

High and it’s not for me is pretty phenomenal I got some great numbers with it uh really it checks all boxes and again if the design had been a little bit better too it might have even prompted it up uh so there was potential here there’s a lot of potential for this

Golf ball it does come in like green yellow some matte colors which gives it a little bonus too uh but yeah it’s in the 20s it’s worth a shot it’s a great golf ball especially for people who need forgiveness slower swing speeds it’s worth a shot number 27 The Encore Elixir

So Encore actually gets back to back here which is really cool so the Elixir is actually their next step up it’s their three-piece Model golf ball urethane it comes in at $30 a dozen uh which is a good price but you have to pay the shipping unless you know either

Meet a certain amount or unless you’re part of their Club but again the potential is there the potential for Value here is really good if you end up being an encore member and you get certain percentage off a three-piece urethan golf ball actually goes down into like Vice levels here so that’s

Really good for the value but also the performance wasn’t bad either with this golf ball I was actually able to get amazing hybrid numbers and actually incredible driver numbers it’s one of the few golf balls I’ve averaged 250 yards with on the channel which is phenomenal um just average N9 iron and

Subpar 7 iron though which is a real shame because if those numbers had been better again we’re looking at you know top 15 top 10 possibly uh but I just it just didn’t compress that well it was a little Dead coming off the club when I had those short irons uh which isn’t

Always a bad thing as long as it was average or consistently average that would have been fine but I actually lost a little bit and I don’t like losing especially when it comes to this level level of of golf ball field I have there’s going to be a lot of golf balls

That are consistent and I don’t lose anything so again really good here I love what the Elixir did it has a great value great durability uh and if you’re in that direct to Consumer game and you end up liking them and you join OnCourse Club you could actually have one of the

Best values and and performance balls for the money in the industry number 26 the Pinnacle soft yeah believe it or not Pinnacle makes some darn good golf balls so they actually have two different models they have the Pinn P soft the Pinnacle rush and for those of you with the Bingo

Cards the Pinnacle Rush has not been called yet so the first one we come to is the Pinnacle soft not meant for my swing speed definitely a softer golf ball meant for slower swingers and uh the reality is even though it’s meant for slower swingers I still had a lot of

Success with it I had a great consistent performance when it came to the irons as well as the hybrid um unfortunately I did overc compress the driver again just like the case with the Avant 55 so it just unfortunately I lost some distance there cuz it’s too soft I overcompressed

It uh but it has really good durability and here and really where this golf ball also comes into play is they’re easily getable you can get them at Walmart you can get them in Pro Shops you can get them you know really anywhere anywhere you do your shopping but you get 15 golf

Balls for $20 which is a really really good value especially for a golf ball that comes out of the Titus plan which yes Titus owns this company they they make this golf ball uh so really good as far as durability consistence consistency you know just the overall

Design of how they make it you can just tell it comes from one of those plants it may not be the premiere plant but it’s still one of a Titleist plan and that’s nothing to scoff at so Pinnacle soft does a really really good job it doesn’t do anything fantastic but again

It just checks a lot of boxes and if you’re someone with a slow swing speed it’s a really low risk to go spend $20 get 15 golf balls and try them out number 25 the euther tour icon so this is one that I definitely wouldn’t have guessed if you’d given me some guesses

You know where this golf ball would land uh it would not have been anywhere close to here I don’t really recommend it to that to that many people uh not that it doesn’t deserve a recommendation it just it didn’t really stick in my mind when I

Did the review at the time uh but here’s where this golf ball comes into play it was a decent value at $30 a dozen it was not urethane so definitely not as good of value as The Elixir that we just covered a second ago uh but you could

Get them in stores they were accessible they had really cool designs they had interesting you know bomb and Flamingo and stuff they tried to be fun they tried to be different I give them a little credit for that uh but really when it comes to the performance numbers

That’s where this golf ball kind of propelled itself a little bit ahead because the 9 iron was truly amazing it was a fantastic performance with the short irons and then across everything else uh it was just slightly above average and really consistent really consistent slightly above average uh

It’s always good in my book you know you always know what you’re going to get the durability actually was really good as well you know again it just does a lot of stuff right that nineiron performance definitely helped Propel it for sure as well as the design value just those

Little things there um in reality I’d probably recommend the Elixir over this golf ball but based on the scoring that’s just how it came out but they don’t make this golf ball anymore so it’s kind of irrelevant so yes it fits here but now that they don’t make it

Anymore maybe they’ll come out with a a different design maybe they’ll come out with a different model that matches it uh but at this time I I tried to look on there to see if you could still buy them and you can so it’s kind of irrelevant

But it was a good golf ball I am going to try The Ether tour pro no icon pro pro icon excuse me I’m so sorry those names are weird sometimes the pro icon is available and I think they have another one coming out this year as well

So I will be testing those to see if those are any good um so for now you know when it comes to a golf ball like this get the Elixir number 24 the vice tour Vice is nice baby and uh although there’s still some Vice golf balls that

Have not been mentioned on this list we now come to the vice tour which is their intermediate model it’s the three-piece but it’s not a urethane it’s more of a a Derlin iometer blend I believe uh but it’s still threepiece and actually comes at a pretty incredible value now if you

Just buy one dozen at 27 28 dozen the value is okay I mean it’s good but it’s not great but once you go online and you go to and you buy these in bulk you’ll actually get them for $21 a dozen if you buy five or more and if you end

Up liking them which I never recommend buying five or six dozen before you’ve tried a golf ball but let’s say you do try them and you like them $21 a dozen is an incredible value for a three-piece golf ball it’s one of the best I’ve seen

So really honestly a 9 out of 10 or a 10 out of 10 when it comes to that that value but I know you also want to know about the performance numbers which with the vice tour they were actually really really good now the vice tour is not

Going to jump off your Club you’re not going to see massive gains in distance or anything like that but you are just going to get a really average consistent performance across all your clubs that you can know you can trust uh and you’re also going to get that added spin as

Well from it being a three-piece model and then of course Vice always has some really cool designs too they always have a really I mean I love the way Vice looks I love how they do their golf balls the the packaging everything’s just really cool uh it’s a fun golf ball

To play it’s a fun it’s fun to be part of their Community essentially it’s fun to be a vice player it kind of symbolizes that you’re someone who likes to have fun out on the course uh so I love what Vice does and the vice tour is one of my

Favorites for sure number 23 the Wilson Duo soft plus so this is another golf ball unfortunately that they are not making anymore I think they’ve changed the model of it there was the duo Optics there was the duo soft this was the duo soft plus it came out a few years years

Ago I think they’ve kind of updated it and done something different for this year however I still tested it I still want to share my numbers on it and basically what I came up with was a golf ball that although had one of the lowest compressions I had ever seen I mean

Being super super soft I mean really soft 35 compression I still had consistent gains across the board including the driver which is really phenomenal I thought for sure I would over compress it but Wilson does such a fantastic job with these golf balls a lot of their dollar a golf ball $150 a

Golf ball they’re they’re just phenomenal they really perform well there’s been a lot of them so far there’s still a lot of them to come uh and this one’s no different it really performs well it has an amazing value at around $20 a dozen uh that’s right there

With what the majority of both of them it actually is cheaper than most of them now uh but really a great golf ball especially for beginners or slow swingers people wanting a lot of forgiveness um you can’t go wrong with this one it does a lot of stuff right

Number 22 the mauno tour 2022 so uh you know if you if you have your bingo card out you’ll remember that the mauno tour 23 model is pretty low on this list unfortunately it did not do that well they made a lot of changes um it’s unfortunate but the 22 Model that I

Intested of the Muno tour was nothing to scoff at I actually performed a lot like how the Muno x23 model did don’t ask me how that works that’s weird but at the time I tested the Muno tour 22 Model uh it actually broke a few records at the

Time it actually had the highest performance as far as driver at the time it had the highest performance as far as uh hybrid at the time now granted I didn’t have as big of a ball field that doesn’t quite hold the same weight as it does now but still really good numbers

Across the board as far as being a tour golf ball from one of the big lines it had a great value it was only 42 a dozen opposed to your 45 your 50 anything like that um and you know again if you’re a Muno fan it just had a really cool

Design to it it just was really simplistic it had that Muno logo it checked all these boxes and then it just jumped off of the big clubs it really jumped hard great spin numbers great feel around the greens uh it took me by surprise yes I have a a soft spot for

Mauno you know that I mentioned it earlier uh but this one was the real deal but here’s the thing it’s not relevant anymore because now they came out with the 23 models uh the 23 models the regular tour did not do so well but the X has not been mentioned yet so just

Kind of keep that in mind so don’t quite give up on Muno balls yet because uh we’ll talk more about the X when it comes up number 21 the Wilson tour velocity so this is one of those golf balls I was just mentioning that that is really underground you see it in Walmart

And you think ah you know cheap practice balls you know guys who lose you know 12 around but then you test it and you realize oh my goodness there’s some Firepower in here so uh first of all let’s just start out with the value about a dollar a golf ball some people

Are even getting them cheaper than that now cuz they’re going on clearance uh I don’t know if WI is going to continue this line or not in 2024 we’ll have to see they they change stuff up all the time but here’s the thing if you can still get these golf balls they are

Phenomenal they spring off the club they have a lot they’re a lot of fun to hit great performance consistent performance but also on the uh hybrid and the nine iron I had really good performances and got really good gains on yardages too gained about you know three four yards

Per club which was really awesome durability is good it checks that box it’s very consistent which is awesome really good forgiveness there um but again what really helps this golf ball a lot is not only being consistent and having a lot of ball speed and uh it’s

Really that value because the design on this golf ball you know it looks cheap when you play it you don’t have a lot of confidence you’re looking at it thinking yeah this is a secondhand cheap ball which is a shame if they improve if they improved the design of it and made it

Look more professional more you know more Sleek more more a little more confidence when I’m looking at it maybe a decent alignment tool this golf ball could be top 10 it has the potential that’s how it was so again we’ll see if they continue this line I don’t know if

They will or not but if you can still find them definitely try them out I’ve had some good success there’s been some good feedback as well on the review if you go to the review I have of that there’s been some really good feedback of people who have been buying them on

Clearance now and saying hey I I would have never anticipated this would have been awesome but now that I’ve played it you’re right it’s phenomenal number 20 the Wilson Staff model boy lot of Wilson’s here got to give Wilson some credit I think they’re really underrated and uh especially this

Golf ball this has to be one of the most underrated balls that they have um the Wilson Staff model of course is their tour golfball I tested it a while back and I had some really darn good performance numbers especially since most of the time Tour golf balls aren’t

Meant for me they’re not meant for my swing speed they’re not meant for my skill level um you there’s only been one golf ball that’s been that so far and it has not been mentioned but this is definitely my second favorite tour level like expensive top-of-the line Tour

Level golf ball it really is it’s my second favorite uh I love what it does it has an amazing design to it uh as you can see I mean the font the logo the way Wilson’s made it look it looks professional it looks sleek it looks like something a really high-end tour

Would player would use uh simplistic love the you know alignment tool in design just keeps it simple kiss keep it simple stupid they do that really well it feels premium has a nice thick coating of urethane on it uh but really also where it really comes into play is

It had amazing performance numbers despite the fact that I didn’t think it was for my swing speed may maybe it is based on these performance numbers uh because I actually got great numbers with the mid iron uh the driver numbers were one of the best I’ve tested on the

Channel I mean really gained some yards there gained about seven or eight yards there which was really phenomenal um the value although the value isn’t going to be good normally as far as you know being 50 a dozen they do offer a couple times a year buy two get one free and if

You jump on that deal it it becomes insanely good like really good for a tour golf ball uh but yeah I I I think it’s underrated uh actually what really gave this ball a hit was the short irons I actually lost a little bit with the

Short irons and if that short iron it compressed a little bit better and and maybe gained a couple yards you’re talking top 15 top 10 I mean it really could have it could have been number one it could have been the best Tour golf ball as far as tour level golf balls

That I’ve played so uh I think that a lot of people don’t take this golf ball seriously the reason I I mention that is because when I do try to describe it to people they look at me like I just told them the Earth was flat

Uh you know it’s like they’re like oh yeah you like the tp5 or the prov1 I’m like you know the Wilson Staff model’s pretty good and they’re like they’re like Wilson like from Castaway the movie and I’m like no like come on Wilson has the most championships in golf like

Let’s not forget that Wilson for the greater part of the century ran the sport of golf uh just because they don’t spend all this money now by signing tour guys and paying them hundreds of millions of dollars and you know all that and going public and all that stuff

Doesn’t mean that they still don’t know how to make good sports equipment some people like to still work in the shadows and just be good all right we’re all the way through 20 so now from now on everything’s going to be in the top 20

Uh you’ll get that in a few days I appreciate you guys as always I appreciate you watching top 20 is going to be awesome this next list I don’t want to give anything away but there’s going to be some surprises there’s going to be some Shockers both good and bad

This is where the drama really starts so I’m excited we’ll see you in a few days


  1. I play Vice Pro Soft, my go to ball, i got fitted for club i was hitting prov1x during the fitting i ask to compare to vice pro. it was almost exactly the same stats. only 100 rpm les spin

  2. Has the Maxfli Straightfli shown up yet? Watched all the videos as they've come out but cant remember 😂

  3. You called the Vice Tour and now I only have one ball in the game! Thank you for getting the review out. I'm excited for the next one!
    Also, Taylormade just released the speedsoft and I am very interested in your review. It looks pretty and the alignment tool would make you proud.

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