Cleveland #Golf puts Zipcore in Their New XL Irons!

For the first time ever, Cleveland #Golf has taken its zipcore technology and put it in a set of their irons!

What is zipcore (and mainframe and hydrazip)? Watch the video and find out!

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What’s in the box welcome everybody back to the YouTube channel that uh that range life a YouTube channel sometimes about golf uh got yet another box uh it’s been a busy month two months or so of getting this stuff uh in the mail uh and just for you newcomers first of all you

Should subscribe to the channel you should hit the Bell uh and uh and then I’ll open this right after you like this video I’ll wait now this isn’t necessarily a review of what is in this box this is just kind of an inform so to speak we open it we

Give our first impressions and we tell you uh what this product is supposed to do uh so we will review whatever is in this box later which is why you should subscribe and hit the Bell so that you know when we’ve done a review uh of uh whatever’s in here

Um yeah that’s basically it oh you can follow me at Chris mccuan uh over on Tik Tok and Instagram uh and you can follow my uh my cohort if you will uh Bill Bush who does all of written reviews for driving rang and you can

Follow him at rang Heroes all over the platforms he’s everywhere all the time so uh what do you say we uh cut this thing open shall We nice easy cut all right get this always difficult here we go paperwork and protective packaging always good and here we are with our clubs boy and let’s move this out of the way now too great over there the magic Unwrapping there we go that happens right there all right so what do we have we have the new Cleveland ZIP core XL irons make sure we get a nice good shot there uh let’s start let’s just grab what’s what do we have here let’s grab a nine iron here’s some first looks of

It pretty nice if I do say so myself um so what’s the deal with the zipe XL irons well first of all for the first time ever you’ve got zipe in irons so that’s a big deal uh and I’ll I’ll tell you why here it momentarily um but

We’ll start with the face as we usually do there you go there’s a nice shot of uh the Cleveland zipcore XL face now this is um behind here is what they’re calling Mainframe technology uh and really the Mainframe technology piece of it is about forgiveness so what

Cleveland did was they took a a bunch of shot data from all types of golfers across you know different handicaps basically and they fed it into an AI program and it helped design the face for maximum forgiveness so if you are a scratch golfer you’re going to hit it

Squared right in the middle of the face but for the rest of us mere mortals uh we may be here and here and here so what this Mainframe technology does is it takes this sweet spot and kind of expands it across the face which means on Mish hits they’re not quite really

Mishits anymore right they’re they sort of act like the sweet spot and you still get that ball speed uh that you would if you hit it in the center of the uh of the face now the other thing that’s on this face is what’s called what’s called

Hydro zip uh face blasts so the hydro zip it’s it’s very interesting actually it’s it’s Loft specific grooves so where you want less spin uh off the face say the five iron they’ve made these grooves wider but as you go down the irons I guess

From 5 to 7 to 9 I say this is not yet two a nine uh those grooves get smaller together uh which means more spin so again helping that everyday golfer uh kind of with the technology between the main frame and the uh and the hydro zip

Uh face blast there uh which makes really makes a lot of sense they also have on the bottom of here I think they’ve had this on a couple models now um they’ve got a V shaped Sole and this is why we test these uh Outdoors so it’s starting to the weather’s starting to

Get better here in Chicago but we want to test this Turf interaction because that’s really what that Z or I’m sorry sorry the the V shaped sole is all about uh you can also see it’s a little thicker sole right these aren’t Blades by any means uh thicker I’ll go do up

Here for the top line so you can see that there’s your Top Line uh pretty standard looking uh clubs for Cleveland I have here in my hand a seven iron these are the uhx launchers I love these irons you can tell that they’re played they’re nice and dirty uh

But again pretty standard give you another Top Line there look and the sole there we can go head ahead now this is a five or this is the nine so let’s grab the seven here if I can that’s a five like I said grab the seven here and

Do a like for a like comparison you can see there’s a vshape on that uhx just like uh the XL uh little thicker sole certainly uh and then uh the top lines again pretty pretty similar overall now let’s put this uhx aside for a moment we’ll put the five iron over

Here let’s talk about zipe uh technology a little bit shall we this this ZIP core technology is really around uh maximizing the face Flex so again getting that trampoline effect uh that core restitution right up to uh to the maximum of 83 uh by the way core Co

Or core restitution uh is a ter uh is terminology around uh you know when you strike the golf ball with an iron how much energy is transferred back into the ball so what what club manufacturers to do if you you got to 1.0 You’ that’s maximum core uh but that’s also illegal

In the game of golf so they push that that face Flex to get as much uh energy back into the ball and that maximum is 83 uh I I can’t remember they said somewhere what this was it’s around 080 so it’s it’s going to give you along with your Mainframe forgiveness anywhere

On this face that zip core is going to give you that face Flex um along with if you look back here oops uh you’ve got kind of the cavity back weight waiting towards the bottom towards the sole of the club uh and that is uh to get that

Ball up in the air so um that’s really the physics behind what’s inside uh this iron um all my experience again we’ll do a review later but all the experience I’ve had with Cleveland irons uh same with their wedges they’ve got the zip core a cbx4 now wedge that’s out uh I

Have the 52 last year’s 52 in my bag I love it uh it’s a it’s perfect it’s just perfect for my game I’m not a center of the face every single time golfer uh and I can’t imagine the zipcore XL irons will be any different so excited to test

These be sure to subscribe to the channel uh hit the Bell so you know when we did test these um hopefully we can get outside soon and I can start to hit some golf balls uh in the open air off the ground rather than Turf uh or fake

Turf if you want to call it that um but yeah that’s it these things look they look the part I’m into it give you one more overhead look there These are nice These are nice yeah all right that’s it uh thanks for watching uh my name is Chris mccuan

You can follow me at Chris mccuan uh on Tik Tok uh on Instagram and uh we’ll see you next time


  1. I am currently playing the Cleveland UHX irons 5-9, I wonder how big a difference upgrading would make ✌🏻

  2. Damn…been looking at a-set of used graphite UHX irons 4- gap wedge. Might have to wait and look at these

  3. To me it’s a Srixon ZX5 MKll iron, I could have saved a ton of money and bought these 🥴

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