If I Wanted to Drop 20 Shots in 4 Weeks I’d Do This

This simple golf lesson took me from scoring in the 100s to scoring in the 70s. I did this golf swing drill for 5 minutes a day and it led to a huge improvement in my golf game.

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I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my channel where you can learn how to play the best golf of your life. Whether you are an expert golfer looking for a quick swing tune-up or a beginner looking to play better. I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing coach is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My goal for you is to have the most fun of your life playing golf. You’ll be hitting farther, straighter, and playing better golf by watching these videos. What are you waiting for, let’s get started!

I used to be your typical 100 shooter golfer I go out and fire a cool crisp 126 for 18 holes and I did that all the time I was spending a lot more time in the woods and in the lake kind of like Crocodile Dundee instead of spending

Time down the middle of the Fairway and it might surprise you that you could drop 20 shots in 4 weeks when you learn what I have to show you today just some simple swing changes because if you’re spending a lot of time in the woods in the hazard doing chip out sculling shots

Over the green all of that adds up over the course of a round so when you start doing the things I have for you today hitting it more crisp hitting it farther spending less time out of play you’re going to see a dramatic Improvement in your score it doesn’t matter if you’re

100 shooter you could get down into the 80s after doing these things if you’re a 90 shooter this can put you into the 70s so let’s get started with the first thing that helped me shred shots off my score and that’s the idea of controlling

Your contact I get over the ball with my old swing I put a little shift on it here a little shift over here and I don’t want to destroy this grass but it looked something like divots everywhere it looked like a goat pasture whenever you went by me on the driving range and

They say ooh you couldn’t even watch it it was so ugly because I had no idea where this club was coming into the ground so the first thing I learn to control my contact point and you should be doing this right now because if you’re not you’re missing out you start

Learning to do a more centered golf swing what do I mean by centered well it just means that I’m turning in a circle I’m no longer thinking in a line if your golf swing is a circle you’re going to play Great Golf the rest of your life it

Doesn’t matter who you are just imagine I’m over the ball here and I’m just going to turn I’m just turning around a fixed point my spine just turn around this fixed point that club boom boom it’s it’s it’s right after the ball and look at that it’s every time I it blows

My mind how simple that can can be if I just keep my head in place I don’t do any movement of my head off the ball everything else is going to happen and if I keep my head in place and swing my shoulders boom I’m centered and the way

Through boom I’m centered Boom the contact Point Let’s just hit one because it’s fun to do the golf swing like this it’s fun to create solid contact so I’m getting over the ball and I’m just going to turn around this fix Point by keeping my head in

Place and that’s it a mashed potato golf shot that’s my first shot of the day I didn’t even do a warm-up I never do warm-ups for these videos because I want to show you how if you just work with a few simple things you can come out 5

Minutes before your tea time and do that and then Mash your driver too of course there’s a couple things you can do to really get your swing beam more centered one you got to unlock the hips you just got to get hippie with it instead of me

Keeping my leg flexed you see this a lot today getting l l or loading up well instead of me doing that which caused a lot of tension in my leg and my lower back I don’t like the feeling of that I like to just straighten my leg I

Straighten my trail leg when I do that watch what happens with my shoulders boom they start turning around this fixed point so I’ve already preset it wow fixed Point maintained and then from there I swing the shoulders more boom I am turning almost like he could drop a

Stake right through my body and Jack Nicholas this was one of his favorite swing he actually considered this the most important part of the golf swing there’s one most important fundamental that you must work on and that’s head position feel as though there was a shaft that came right down through my

Head and down through the middle of my back and I rotated my upper body on that with my head remaining there right in position my head can turn but I don’t want it bobbing up and down I don’t want it moving back and forward and you do it

And you strike it beautifully so I get over the ball I hit ball first again you know the next thing I would practice if I wanted to drop 20 shots in 4 weeks be working on my left arm see this lead arm controls contact too so I’m going to

Swing my shoulders back I’m going to keep the lead arm straight whenever you bend this arm like you notice when I did these little rehearsals I never letting the arm Bend and that’s because the club is allowed to strike the same spot every time if I was to shorten this

Arm well where’s that club coming to the ground now I don’t know I have to straighten it at some point oh oh maybe that maybe that ugly move that’s not a good appetizer either I’m not ordering seconds of that now we want some crispy golf shot so what we’re

Going to do instead is just keep that lead arm straight when I keep it straight and you know you think you got it straight you you don’t have it straight enough you just got to get it straight and it should stay this way throughout the whole swing it’s that

Beautiful and let’s see what happens here I’m going to just set the weight a little more forward I’m going to stay Center I’m going to keep this lead arm straight I’m going to hit this ball oh my goodness you know every time I do that I’m always worried that I’m going to

Duff it and every time I tell you on camera it goes out clean because a one arm swing you think oh it’s it’s impossible no I just kept my body in place that is possible when you start having a circular golf swing that will shred shots off your game that will get you

From 120 to 90 or 80 right off the bat you just practice that on the Range give it like a 15-minute session don’t even worry about hitting more balls just go stay at home and and just practice this at home you don’t have to spend hours on

The Range if you’re working on the right things that’s what I’m trying to say you can take that cruise ship take a break come back your swing is going to be there this is still going to work at the end of the day the next thing I’d learn

If I want to absolutely mash the ball and I want to take it to the next level even get my score going down even more is how to hit the ball farther because if you’re hitting it shorter you still have to do that second shot on that

Power four maybe you’re in a spot where you’ve got to hit Three Wood every time from the Fairway just to get to the green that’s not fun you’d rather be hitting something like a seven iron or an eight iron or nine iron so when I

Swing back if I can get my left shoulder under my chin I have accomplished a beautiful full turn and I’m going to swing this club faster just by allowing the body to work natural so just get that left shoulder under the chin let’s do it let’s send

It oh that had a lot of speed there is some zip on that ball stayed near a long time so we’re compressing it and we’re hitting it farther more power and beautiful ball striking we have not HIIT behind the ball once here so we’ve got a crispy

Clean contact point and we’ve got a nice far golf shot that’s going to be a lot of fun to hit there it is again beautiful same contact Point how long can we keep doing this as long as we want and it’s not because I’m a pro these things started happening

Immediately when I made these changes just like day one day one was like this day 3000 right now is still like this it doesn’t take a whole lot of practice you just need to practice the right things working on the right things so set it shoulders let’s turn the

Shoulders let’s hear another mashed golf shot oh that’s so beautiful this sound and this this is what I’m teaching in the seo. golf online golf school I’ve actually got a free mini course at Dolf that shows you the things you need the top three keys you need to be a

Great ball Striker learning how to do these things more specifically golfers who join seo. golf see an average Improvement of nine shot Improvement in Under 12 months it’s amazing what golfers are doing with this simple system and that ball it’s just a mass potato and when it it just sounds like

It sounds like a bowling ball hitting a car door not that I’ve ever done that but it’s like got a crack and a bowling ball hitting a car door sound okay so the next thing and this is for those of you who are saying Tom yeah

I’ve already dropped into the 80s and I want to get into the 70s and lower well I got something for you so you’ve been hanging out with me here I appreciate you hanging out we’re doing some awesome things on this driving range at tradition Club right now once you get

Really really good at controlling contact you’ve got some more distance off the T we’ve got to learn how to hit the ball straight to our Target this is going to keep you out of the hazard you ever wonder like uh when I was shooting in the hundreds I might hit three or

Four balls out of bounds so yeah you got the stroke and distance penalty right there but then you also have the penalty of ring and maybe you’re in a crappy spot off the tea and you got to hit a chipout shot and you got to hit another

Shot maybe you SC your shot over the green that adds up being 10 or more shots over the course of a round so hitting it straight is going to keep you out of trouble with the law of golf that’s why we work on keeping the club face Square so whenever I finish

I’ve got a great drill for you whenever I finish my swing and I’m working on Direction look at this club face here you see how it’s pointed a little bit 45° to the sky it’s not up like this it’s not turned over the reason why is that I’m keeping the club face extremely

Square in the swing and by extremely Square I mean I am keeping the angle that I start with here at a dress I’m keeping this all the way to the top back swing I’m not changing it I’ve got the quietest hands this enables me to know

When I get over a shot I got a great idea of where the ball’s going to go it’s kind of like the shot is already hit before you take the swing back that gives you confidence that’s a great feeling over a golf shot so keeping the

Face Square what do I do I just work on keeping the hands quiet don’t turn the hands so if I turn my hands in the takeaway I’m open and then when I get back to the ball I’m open so I gota like turn my hands and then somehow the down

Swing turn my hands again and that whole idea of getting more speed doing that all I’m doing is this there’s no speed in that you know there’s speed in the opposite there’s speed in hitting like this just try it for me go to the grocery store get a can of peaches and

Just Chuck it down the hallway that’s going to go pretty far then then try and do this with it well that does nothing where’s the momentum going boom to the to the Target don’t do that with a can of peaches but you get the idea so we’re

Going to send our momentum to the target with quiet hands so when I swing back I don’t change my hands I don’t change anything with my hands I’m swinging my shoulders keep swinging my shoulders boom I’m Square when I start down keep swinging my shoulders I’m Square here I’m square at

Impact I keep swinging the shoulders through and look face is now 45° to the sky it’s Square it’s Square it’s the only time you want to be a square is in golf it’s a good time to be square so I’m going to practice hitting some shots where I finish like that just

Right here just to see where the club face is and I want it to point Square so I get set I’m going to swing my shoulders on the way back and I feel that face staying very Square on the way through the ball is going to start much

Straighter I always run into problems I used to try and release my hands and really turn it over a ton and that would lead to nothing but left or right cuz I was always timing my swing if you want to be great at gol and you imagine Pros

They don’t have time to time and if they don’t have time to time you don’t have time to time you think in a pressure situation you’re going to count on this happening at a microc of time this this is the start direction of your ball and

You want to you want to determine that start Direction by doing this through the through impact I’d rather do this oo that’s shiny good shiny object right there that’s that’s called a trophy that is winning because you’re hitting your target so often you’re hitting greens you’re making birdies and

Pars so we keep it Square be square keep the face quiet keep the hands quiet swing back with the shoulders there it is again there’s birdies right there tweet tweet hear that one in the woods bird going tweet tweet if you do these things you learn how to control contact and we covered

That you got more power and then you look at how to keep the face square and down swing what else do you that that is a 20 shot swing because you’re in the Fairway you’re longer so you’re hitting more greens your pars and birdies the chance of you making a par and birdie

Goes up you can do [Applause] This [Applause] [Applause] A


  1. Still dead hands? When I do this stuff, I tend to stand up in the downswing. Thoughts on that?

  2. Great video Tom. Can’t wait to try what I’ve learned. I’ve been watching your videos for over a year. You are such a great teacher. Easy to understand. Thank you.

  3. Am I bumping my lead hip towards my target to have that 60/40 or 70/30 weight balance?

    Also why have other golf instructors teach to move the golf ball in different positions with different clubs compared to stack and tilt and having the golf ball in the same position?

  4. Your swing in this video appears to be a little more steep and not quite as deep compared to earlier video when you talked about keeping backswing more shallow. Any reason for the change?

  5. at 11.50 until 11.55 the ball keep staying in the same position in the ski!!! What kind of effect was that!!! Amazing… lol… 🙂

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