PRGR On Course Review | It will help you play better golf #theweekendshow

In this week’s The Weekend Show, I take the PRGR launch monitor which I reviewed 2 weeks ago indoors, to test it outdoors and how it can be used to help us all play better golf out on the course. It allows me to check my club head speed and shows how much not warming up effects my speeds but I test it on different scenarios including, shot shaping, pitching and chipping.

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Hi, I’m Andy and welcome to my channel GolfMadDad.

I am Golf Mad and a proud Dad. On this channel, I make fun and entertaining golf content including course vlogs, challenges, and product reviews but I will also document my journey of ‘speed’ as my long-term goal is to aim for the Long Drive senior tour!

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Hi guys and welcome to another weekend show so two weeks ago I tested the pr gr indoors against the £10,000 gc3 launch monitor and the results were fantastic but today I’m going to head outside onto the go golf course and put it through its Pacers on

The golf course to see if those results and accuracy play out on the actual Golf Course put it into different situations in terms of the long game short game how accurate is it again when we’re out on that golf course but also today if you’re in the UK it’s Mother’s Day and

Mothering Sunday so we can’t go through this weekend show without dedicating this to all the amazing moms out there so for me personally obviously they could wouldn’t be a golf mad dad without my wife Mrs Golf mad dad for those of you that know her she is the most caring

Kindest person and hardest working I know so I’m very lucky to have her as my wife and the mom to our little boy so together we bring up a special little boy we run a PR business together and even though she’s dealt with lots of big

Celebrities in the past is a little bit camera shy so that’s why we still calling Mrs Golf my dad but big shout out big love so thank you Mrs go my dad and Happy Mother’s Day also sending much love to my mom again one of the most caring people you could ever possibly

Meet my little boy absolutely devotes himself to her so happy Mother’s Day Mom you’re a very special person and we love you lots and to my mother-in-law again another special very caring person so I’m lucky to have such caring people in my life so let’s make make sure all

These moms in our life have a fantastic day today so all the moms watching down this lens hope you have a very special day today and for the guys down there let’s make sure we go and treat our moms extra special for today so I’m heading

As I said to Sherin Golf Course actually have not been up here for the past couple of months in terms of golf like a lot of courses in darbishire we”ve all had it tough here clay based courses it’s been so wet so I’m excited to get

Back out on the course here catch up with a few people it threatened to get a bit warmer this week but it’s absolutely Baltic today so coffee is in hand so let’s get to the course and put the prgr through its Paces happy M’s day All right guys so as I said I want to put the prgr fruits Pacers out on the course have a play with things we can look at clubber speed ball speed Carri distance how much can we use this out on the golf course as it is so portable and

Quick to set up so quick disclaimer when I put it against the gc3 with the gc3 you can set things like temperature altitude so the gc3 when I tested it it was 70° F obviously with the cheaper prg I don’t know what the algorithm is set in terms of what it

Uses for temperature so carry distance we’ll see how that goes cuz it is about 8° at 46° F if any of you know what’s that set at let me know in the comments below and we’ll give it a go so we’ll test it out we’ve got some driver short game so

We’ll check some numbers and see how much we can use this out on the course as well as obviously it’s a fantastic aid for our speed training over speed training at the driving range right so first up driver big dog come straight out the car not warmed up so let’s see

How much speed I’m losing by not warming up so set this up 5 ft behind indoors when it’s nice and warm I’ve just got a t-shirt on I cruise at about 120 to 125 mph clubber speed so as I said it’s cold got about three layers on not warmed up

So when we walk in to that first te not warmed up how much speed are we giving away so let’s hit a couple on here the winds into but I’m more interested in the club head speed and the pull speed and see what the strikes like but definitely the club head

Speed let’s try and smooth one down here see if it picks up the Data all right so first up definitely cold swing of the day if you can see that but I’ll take a photo of it anyway so Club speed9 ball speed 170 smash Factor that’s not right but anyway ball speed 170 was a little heel strike just gone down the left total

Distance 311 definitely not gone that today on that club speed that’s C the smash factors way out but as we saw but as we saw from the data the ball speed was always spot on Club head speed definitely felt a little slower so 109 definitely about right right let’s hit one

More right let’s hit one more try and give it a bit more beans I don’t want to be losing 10 12 mph by not warming up and the body being cold also little disclaimer I did just get to shireland forgot my memory card so I’ve had to go

All the way back all the way back here again so I’ve had about an hour and a half in the car so I’m definitely a little bit stiff as well another excuse but another reason I really need to warm up first but I better a strike got the speed back up there right

I show you the screen grab of that one but 124 Club head speed ball speed 172 total distance 316 it’s not gone there we’re into the wind it’s cold so the algorthm is definitely set to a warmer temperature but 124 Club head speed jumped up from 109 not bad first

One right guys so as you can see from the te fun useful piece of equipment if you want to check the club head speed for that day the ball speed if I’m just playing on my own if you’re playing on your own we can pop it down takes 2

Seconds to set up haven’t said other videos we don’t have to sync it to a phone so no setting up issues just literally put it down five feet behind as you can see I just put it up on the box just to raise it and I seem to get more consistent

Readings so let’s have a look at pitching obviously we can’t look at spin numbers and launch angles on this but we can look at carry distances and ball speed so here I’ve got 75 Ys um into the wind on here so I’m using Max Winter conditions here so let’s have

A look if it picks up the carry distance ball speeds got my 58 try and clip a few so the pin is 75 but it’s cold plain into the wind so let’s see what the carry distance is on the Prgr oh just pass pin high oh and it’s not picked it up all right first test best fail on the wedger so far three four 5 let’s move it a smidge closer let’s check we got that set up properly not hit from one of these mats for a while and you forget

How spinny they are as well give this one again see if we can get a read him it’s red It so I think first one I was just a tad too far I think it say between 4 and 6 ft that’s probably 4 and 1/2 ft away let’s have a look at the numbers right we’ll go and have a look up there with the car distance but a

Quick overview it’s got a total of 87 yards which I’ve hit that about 90% which is about my 90 yd swing with my 58 so pretty good reading so far and also as I was setting up just remember to flick over to the club what we’re using

So I picked Sand Wedge on there and that I think helps with the algorithm when it’s working out carry distance but pitching distance pretty accurate I’d say right guys so we’re up at Green side actually as I started walking up the wind is actually not where I thought it

Was I’ve actually looked at my weather app as well so it’s actually off the right ever so slightly helping so actually in distance terms so in factor in distance I don’t actually have to take any yard just off as the wind is ever so slightly helping and off the

Right so the pin was 75 so 6 7 so it’s actually pitch there’s a pitch mark it’s pitched 83 yards the prgr said 87 so with it being cold and it’s slightly helping a bit that’s not far off on that so in terms of carry distance I’d say a pretty good start

Which was backed up by the indoor data showing ball speed carry distance pretty spot on so a great start in terms of performance from the prgr for the first pitch of the day so in terms of pitching I think what it shows is that I could build with good

Confidence if I’ve not got access to a highend launch monitor by using the lower-end prgr I could actually build a wedge distance control system by using the prgr whether it’s on the practice ground or a bit of field you can go to but let’s also see how accurate it is

When it comes in terms of chipping again obviously we can’t see the spin launch angles so when I’m doing my short game I’d like to see the spin numbers which we’ll use the gc3 to do later on but in terms of Carri distance how accurate can

It be with just little chips the pin which is close to you guys is 22 Ys so I’m looking to carry this around 20 Ys let’s just see if it will just pick up this carry this Pitched at exactly 22 y wow let me take a photo of this for you guys come and show you I need a little run to get warm so it’s pitched exactly pin high so that was 22 yds as from here but you’ll see the popup as well it’s actually read

Total distance 23 yds ball speed Club Ed speed don’t really need to know that on here I would be looking at spin with the gc3 but for a little chip 23 y it’s pitched 22 and a bit yards that is super super impressive but what’s also super excting with that is

Obviously so easy to set up I feel I could build a pitching distance now by using the prgr out on the course on the practice ground but also in terms of around the green for my carry distance so if you want to carry 10 15 20 yards

From first testing it looks like I can also use the prgr to really dial in that short game as well wow on to the next one right guys next experiment can we use the prgr to see if our math skills or Golf Course IQ in terms of distance

With the conditions is working so here I’ve got par three it’s 123 yards to the pin it’s downwind so for those who don’t know how I work out the wind is when it’s downwind I take off half% for every mile an hour when it’s downwind when is

Into The Wind I add on 1% for every M hour of wind so here I’ve got 123 yard pin it’s 60 MPH it’s gusting at 20 but I’m going to take it at 16 mph wind so so half that 8% 123 roughly around 113 114 shot so obviously the prgr is not

Going to equate the wind so if I play roughly around my 113 Yard Shop I’m trying to get this to read 113 as long as I get a good strike let’s see where it’s landed and see if I’ve worked out the wind conditions accurately so this could be a

Super cool tool to work out if you’re working out conditions out on the course correctly and adding or taking off enough distance when it terms of cold wind or things like that so let’s try and hit 113 shot again we’re on these Ms so it does add a little bit

More spin try and hit my 113 is shot I’ve heard a beep see what it’s read if anything right so we got the data I’ll go and talk about it where that Ball’s finished up right guys so we’re up at Green side got to say I’ve not really

Thought about using the prgr to check how my distance cont control is in different conditions but so in terms of the prgr I tried to work out or I tried to hit my 113 yard is shot on the prgr it said it was going 110 yards so it’s

Actually pitched here and stopped here so if I’d have hit the 113 carry which I would have hit it would have been 1 2 3 so if it hit my 113 I would have only been 1 2 2 and 1 half three yard short of the actual pin so what’s good with

That is actually the working out and the maths with the wind was not actually too far out if I had added three more yards on I would not be far off my target so the prgr has actually an additional benefit is that we can check whether our

On course working out golfing IQ is as good as we want it to be and if not we can use it to get better I just love this thing right guys thought i’ give it a little test in the bunker could it be used to work on distance control for the longer

Bunker shots 30 yards 20 yards 40 yards I’ve hit a couple it’s not picking it up so it’s only measuring Club head speed obviously if we’re doing this on his own we can just put markers out but I just wanted to give it a go let’s just try a couple

More oh actually it’s red that one I’ve hit a couple before that could be very interesting so on here we have got carry 17 yards let’s Try 17 yards oh wow this machine for £180 just gets better and better right let’s give that one of go again we winter condition position is still here so we’re using compact sand it’s a left hip release but that was cool right the reason why I

Wanted to test with this is so I roughly know if I’m hitting the same distance behind the ball in terms of 20 30 40 yards I can just control distance with imagine how far throw that sand wow two out to two and that was my long

And bunker shot don’t if you see me on camera right 36 yards that one I’ll be back in About wow it’s a muddy Ball but 35 Ys let’s get back 35 Ys 36 yds that is super super impressive so throughout practicing a practice bunker if you’ve got a practice bunker at your facility now we could be hitting plenty of balls in a controlling that distance again obviously we can’t

See the spin but in terms of distance control I’ve got my 54° I could try and dial in my 20 30 40 yards wow I did not expect that from the bunker I just love this thing okay guys so next en course usage for the prgr we can check distance

Control with shot shaping as well I know from hitting on the indoor Studio my 9on it’s roughly around 168 on the carry if I hit a little cut takes about five six yards off if I hit the draw goes up to our R 72 Nick valdos a big one for this

He uses that to take and add on his distances for him to hit the fade I saw something the other day his feeling is that his form is pointing to 2:00 to hit the fade and as the way through he’s form is pointing to 10:00 to hit the

Draw so let’s hit a couple of NES we’ve got the par three so I’m just looking at carry distance here out on the course to see if we can control carry distance on terms of that then it’s up to me to control strike conditions everything

Else so first off I’m going to try to hit a little cut little push cut again straight up there so as you’ll see from the popup photo here straight away carry 159 and it wasn’t the best of strikes but as I said my stock goes around 168

When I’m on the indoor studio so we called little cut I’d expect that to go around 60 160 H 159 so now if I hit a little draw obviously With the Wind off the right it’s going to go even further but I’m looking here let’s see if this goes up to

Around 170 without trying to whack It big high draw oh I think that’s pin high as well so again just super impressive I’m in the indoor Studio stock 99 around 168 had a little drawer in there and that was just a nice High 5 yard drawer carry distance 174 I am adding 5 six yards with the

Draw taking off 5 six yards with the fade it’s a super impressive tool guys so it shows you can distance control by also adding Fades and drawers and we can check this out on the course so simple to set up just an amazing tool guys all right

Guys hope you enjoyed the encour review so far if you do if you want to hit that like And subscribe it’ be a big help to the channel would really appreciate it so we can see we can use this to check driver speed pitching distance we can

Build a wedge Matrix system we can use it for chipping even out of bunkers shot shaping control distance control check carry distance but obviously the most fun and what the prgr is designed really for is to go check that speed and Chase that speed so when we’ve got open

Fairways we can Peg a couple up see how fast we can actually swing this club see if that gym work all that speed training has been paying off but hopefully when it warms up we’re down to t-shirts whole lot easier so let’s give it a smash almost done in the middle oh right

Guys cold stiff still 125 mph clubbed speed just a whole lot of fun right guys hope you enjoyed that episode of the weekend show as you can see I absolutely love the prgr also out on the course it’s shown from today that it’s so useful and it could help golfers

Of all age all ability so we know it’s Mother’s Day I’m sure there’s a few golf mad mums out there so it might not be too late to go hit that button and go but if I had an affiliate link I would definitely leave it in the description

Below but whatever your age ability I definitely recommend get in the prgr if you can it’ll just be a great training aid and help improve your golf immensely than guys enjoy the rest of your weekend enjoy Mother’s Day go treat those moms very precious people so till next time guys laters


  1. Great content Top Lad,butYou don’t want to be left on the 4th,course was very good yesterday.keep up the good work based on your vlog going to get one of these come the finer weather

  2. I've had one for two years and i use it both on the range and the course. It will register swing speed without hitting a ball for people who are working on swing speed for distance. I get better reading when set at four feet from ball. Really good for smash factor but it's always a little off total lenght when tested with range finder. But for that price, it does a good job. Do i recommend it as a tool to practice for the average golfer, it's a yes. Always use the same balls to get more accurate data.

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