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FULL MATCH — CM Punk, John Cena & Big E vs. The Shield: Raw, Dec. 23, 2013

CM Punk is joined by John Cena and Big E as they tackle the The Hounds of Justice on Raw: Courtesy of Peacock and WWE Network.
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[SOUND] [NOISE] >> And Seth Rollins looking on as it appears Dean Ambrose is gonna start things off for The Shield. >> Speaker 2: [LAUGH] Listen to the WWE Universe here in Austin, Texas. >> Speaker 1: John Cena will feed off the WWE fans and here we go with our Main Event.

Cena, Punk, and Langston against The Shield. Dean Ambrose, current United States champion, he’s held the title since May when he went into Extreme Rules. Ambrose, currently the longest reigning champion in WWE. >> Speaker 3: And Dean Ambrose winning in his first ever title match.

>> Speaker 1: It’s Seth Rollins now, Rollins and Reigns are the former Tag Team champions, they won those titles the same night Ambrose won his United States title. >> Speaker 3: And thanks to the New Year’s baby, they lost it to The Rhodes Brothers.

>> Speaker 1: Yeah, The Big Show, John, of course, referring to. Cena whips Rollins across the ring, Rollins, who can use his quickness here tonight. Nice shoulder tackle by Cena. And here comes Cena. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: And there’s the sideslam, and Cena’s gonna go for the Five-Knuckles-Shuffle early. [NOISE] >> And

Rollins wisely scoots out of the way. [NOISE] >> Everybody has been involved on Twitter tonight using the #RawChristmas. [NOISE] >> Many talking about the return of Batista next month. [NOISE] >> John Cena, you gotta wonder how he’s gonna rebound in the long run as Roman Reigns comes in off the tag.

Cena, of course, losing that match eight nights ago, John. Tables, ladders, and chairs against Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. [NOISE] >> That’s an interesting matchup here. >> Speaker 3: Yes, it is. >> Speaker 1: One of the things Reigns is gonna learn is that he’s not gonna be able

To push Cena around. >> Speaker 2: No, he’s not, and not be able to intimidate him either. >> Speaker 2: Or maybe he will though, with a Samoan Drop! Reigns to the cover, can he knock off Cena? Hook to the leg and a kick out by Cena.

But now he’s in The Shield’s corner, and Roman Reigns begins to dominate. The Shield have taken control. Can Cena get back in it when Raw rolls on? And we are back on Raw Christmas, The Shield versus John Cena, CM Punk, Big E Langston, Six-Man Tag Team Action.

If you joined us on the WWE after in the commercial break, this is what we had a chance to see. Watch Roman Reigns, John, and a Superman Punch. >> Speaker 3: This is a thing of beauty. >> Speaker 1: Seth Rollins and John Cena in the ring right now, and

Rollins is taking it to Cena. Is it enough to put the John Cena away? Hook to the leg here and a kick out of two. >> Speaker 3: You ask how John Cena would respond, I think we know how John Cena is gonna respond.

He loses to The Rock in an epic match at WrestleMania, comes back the next WrestleMania this past year and defeats The Rock in another epic match. You don’t become a 14-time world champion not being able to rebound. >> Ambrose, cover, kick out by Cena.

>> Speaker 3: And I tell you in a match like that, there’s no shame in losing. You will make a simple mistake against guy like Randy Orton, or if Randy had made a mistake, John Cena wins. >> Speaker 1: We are referring to the epic tables, ladders, and

Chairs match eight nights ago at the TLC Pay Per View in Houston. The night where Randy Orton won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. John Cena, though as JBL mentioned, is a fighter, won’t let that get him down as Ambrose gets Cena now in a sleeper hole.

>> Speaker 3: That match united two titles that were split in 1963. >> Speaker 1: The eccentric, Dean Ambrose, has Cena down momentarily, but Cena trying to fight back and fight out of this. [NOISE] >> Ambrose may have cinched in John.

>> Speaker 3: [APPLAUSE] >> He’s got in the middle of the ring, John Cena could be in some trouble here. >> Speaker 1: Cena down to one knee. [NOISE] >> Look at Punk trying to rally Cena, along with Big E Langston, and the WWE fans. [NOISE] >> Power of Cena trying to

Make it to his corner, make a tag, and he does, and here comes Punk. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: And he made the tag to Punk while he was still in that hold. >> Speaker 1: CM Punk has suffered bruised ribs at the hands of The Shield and spears from Roman Reigns.

>> Speaker 2: Here we go, Air Punk! >> He’s taking out what The Shield calls Punk’s three thorns in his side. [NOISE] >> Nice deck maker by Punk. Listen to these great WWE fans here in Austin. Punk with a Running High Knee, follows it up with a clothesline. [NOISE] >> And

Rollins trying to cause the distraction, and it works. [NOISE] >> Dean Ambrose heading right back out. [NOISE] >> Trying to take advantage. >> Speaker 3: That’s the teamwork of The Shield. >> A suplex right outside here in front of us. >> Speaker 3: And that can be the difference between three great individuals

And one great team. [NOISE] >> Shield said that it takes pleasure in bringing CM Punk pain. [NOISE] >> Listen to Reigns just barking at Punk. Cover by Ambrose. Punk stays in it. [NOISE] >> And here comes Rollins with Big E Langston begging to get in this match.

[NOISE] >> The Shield still furious at CM Punk over what happened to TLC. [NOISE] >> You dig? >> Speaker 1: CM Punk knocking off The Shield in a three on one match at the TLC Pay Per View. It’s been called a minor miracle, indeed, it was. [NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] Struck.

>> Speaker 3: I think it’s surprised even CM Punk. >> Speaker 1: Punk would blame The Authority for sticking The Shield on him. And again, the injured ribs, the lower back of Punk. [NOISE] >> You heard Rollins saying that Punk caused his black eye. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: It ain’t ballet.

[NOISE] >> Speaker 1: I like this. >> Seth Rollins is aggressive. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Shield is such a unique team, they all three bring something so different to the table. [NOISE] >> But together have been virtually unstoppable. >> Speaker 2: Man! [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And

Now CM Punk could try to get back into this match. Rollins, though, makes a tag to Ambrose, and look how he cuts off CM Punk from his partners. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Textbook tag team wrestling. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Shield gets a game plan, they stick with it. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And

Ambrose driving Punk right back to his corner. [NOISE] >> Great strategy by Punk and company. [NOISE] >> Now Roman Reigns, how impressive is this Reigns? >> Speaker 3: [LAUGH] That Superman Punch that we showed that came from the man says it all, who else could do that,

Much less deliberate as effectively as Roman Reign does? It’s a rare blend of speed and strength with athleticism. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: Reigns trash talking, it infuriates Punk and Punk fights back. Reigns though, and that bear hug’s gonna target the injured ribs and back of Punk.

Remember, spear after spear have taken its toll on Punk. [NOISE] >> This is our Main Event tonight on Raw Christmas, we’re at the University of Texas in Austin, The Shield against CM Punk, Cena, and Big E Langston. Is that it? Punk stays in it.

>> Speaker 3: CM Punk being manhandled right now by Roman Reigns. >> Speaker 1: It’s been some night tonight, we can report now that Christmas will happen, it will not be canceled after the Good Santa, Mark Henry, knocked off the Bad Santa, Damien Sandow, tonight.

>> Speaker 3: Some good Santa, he stole a bunch of gifts. >> Speaker 1: Reigns, cover again and a kickout. We also had a Christmas present on a Pole match won by Fandango. Who now gets an Intercontinental championship opportunity against one of the men in this matchup, that’d be Big E Langston,

Monday Night on Raw, on Raw New Year. The Wyatts had a great battle with Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and Daniel Bryan. We had the breaking news tonight, John, that The Animal, the six-time World champion, Batista, is returning next month. >> Speaker 3: Maybe you thought WWE couldn’t get any hotter,

Wait till you see Batista come back. >> Speaker 1: And we kicked off the show with a season’s greetings from The Authority, and WWE World Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton, giving himself as a gift tonight to The Authority. >> Speaker 3: What a great man.

>> Speaker 1: And now we’re at our Main Event, CM Punk creates some separation but desperately needs to make a tag. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Dean Ambrose with a preemptive strike. >> Speaker 1: Wow! >> Man, that was incredible! [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Just

When you thought there was gonna be a rally for Punk’s team. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Roman Reigns has taken out John Cena. >> Speaker 1: Look at Ambrose, mocking Langston, Rollins as well, and Langston’s helpless. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Now we haven’t seen

John Cena since Roman Reigns took him out, Cena never saw Roman Reigns. >> And Punk caught Ambrose! And again, Punk creates some space to try to make a tag. [NOISE] >> Reigns, and a fingertip away. [NOISE] >> Reigns, nobody home,

Now Punk’s gotta dig, he’s gotta dig to make it to the Intercontinental champion. [NOISE] >> Here comes Rollins and here comes Langston! [NOISE] >> Big E Langston waiting for this moment! [NOISE] >> He’s been out on the apron a long time, great belly to belly to Rollins.

[NOISE] >> This Langston is so explosive! >> This young man is stepping up. >> And powerful! >> Speaker 2: Opportunity knocks and Big E Langston kicked the door in! >> Big E with a big double splash! >> [APPLAUSE] >> And the straps are coming down.

>> Speaker 2: [APPLAUSE] >> It’s party time in Austin! [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Gonna look like a- >> Sixth street brawl here in a minute. >> Speaker 1: And Ambrose makes the tag, Rollins saves himself. And now it’s Dean Ambrose, and Rollins caught him. Here’s the cover, hook to the leg.

>> One, two! >> And Cena saves the matchup. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And now Rollins caught by Cena. >> Speaker 2: Wow, that is strength! [NOISE] >> Man! >> A spear! >> [APPLAUSE] >> What a spear by Roman Reigns! CM Punk off the top rope, there’re bodies everywhere. Here goes Rollins.

>> Speaker 1: And a knee to the back by Ambrose. >> Speaker 2: We’re left with the two legal men, Big E, Big Ending! >> And he got him! Langston, hook to the leg! >> One, two! >> And now it’s Rollins and Reigns! [SOUND] That’s gonna force a disqualification, and

Now The Shield assaulting Langston. [NOISE] >> Speaker 1: And now they’re mauling Langston. [NOISE] >> Speaker 3: Welcome to the deep end, Big E. [NOISE] >> Speaker 2: You wanna swim with sharks, sometimes- >> Whoa! >> Going for the triple powerbomb.

Now it’s John Cena, and Cena and Punk coming to the rescue of Langston. And a big double clothesline! Here we go, AA, Go To Sleep! [NOISE] >> Cena, Punk, and Langston standing tall. [MUSIC] They thwart The Shield tonight, what an incredible Main Event!

Punk and Cena, and the rising star of Big E Langston. [MUSIC] What a Raw Christmas, John. >> [LAUGH] You said they were a formidable team, I don’t think that covers it, these guys are incredible! [MUSIC] Welcome to the deep end, Big E. [MUSIC]


  1. Please upload dolph zigger & The Usos vs. The Shield, The Undertaker & Team Hell No vs. The Shield, RVD, Big Show & Mark Henry Vs. The Shield and Christian & The Usos vs. The Shield full matches.

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