5 Distance Drivers Every Disc Golfer Should Try!

Counting down the 5 best distance drivers we think are worth a shot!

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What’s up everybody welcome back today we’re going to count down the top five distance drivers that every disc golfer should try of course there are some caveats but let’s jump into it we’re going to start with number five and go to The Clash discs Wild Honey this is a

Super under stable driver that especially if you’re looking for your first ever distance driver it’s going to be great for you but also amateurs are going to be able to get more distance with with this disc than pretty much with any other disc and more advanced

Players are going to be able to throw crazy shot shapes with it turn it into a roller disc is really high quality plastic we love Clash discs we always recommend The Clash disc Wild Honey to pretty much everyone it is a disc that you can grow with if you’re an absolute

Beginner and it’s a disc that is going to go straight in the bag as your big distance guy for amateurs and even more advanced amateurs before we jump into number four I want to remind you guys to subscribe to the channel and like the video if you enjoy this kind of content

So we know to make more content just like it and our number four is actually going to be the dis Mania Enigma we have loved the Enigma for a very long time this is going to be a little bit more overstable than a honey but not by much

It’s going to be more of a straight flyer for advanced amateurs newer amateurs are going to be able to throw this on like straight lines or maybe Hiser that just holds nice Hiser the whole way Advanced amateurs are going to be able to absolutely crush this thing

Super underrated disc out of dis Mania because the dd3 is all the hype for good reason but the Enigma for amateurs is going to get so much distance the Glide is insane especially if you can find a vapor plastic Enigma I don’t know what it is about those that make them so

Dramatically different and better than every other Enigma but those things are insane if you see them in a used bin somewhere buy it no matter what the cost um that is crazy advice yeah even the Neo enigmas are fantastic distance drivers so be sure to check them out up

Next we have what we have said on the channel to be some of the best plastic in the world we have the Royal Grand strive this is a prototype but it is meant to be the understable brother or sister of the arrive it’s a 13 speed but

The rim really doesn’t feel like a 13 speed it’s not that crazy I know a lot of people including myself do not like how a 13 speed sits in the hand uh but this one feels fairly natural and of course the Royal plastic is insane I would compare its flight to a Grace

Actually maybe a little bit more understable but a tick up in speed maybe two ticks up in speed I don’t know numbers are kind of relative but absolutely incredible disc and like we said the best plastic in the world so whenever they put out a new disc where

We like the flight it’s going to be on one of our lists because the plastic is so so good okay coming in at number two this is always a controversial topic whether we say it’s good or bad or whatever people somebody’s going to have an issue with it yeah uh but we are

Going to say of course the Innova Destroyer a lot of people who watch our videos are brand brand new to disc golf and of course you need to work your way up to distance drivers and if you’re doing doing that the Destroyer is your goal the Destroyer is like the ultimate

Power in the world of disc golf it’s got incredible Glide you can get them in a ton of different Plastics super reliable when you find the right stability but it’s kind of cool cuz you can find more understable ones or even lightweight ones cuz they’ve been around for so long

And work your way up to more overstable destroyers they’re just known to be the biggest distance drivers on tour so if you are somebody who your goal is to be an advanced amateur or maybe even an Mo player a mixed professional open player you really want to work your way up to

I’d say Destroyer some other honorable mentions of course are going to be the dd3 the force from Discraft anything with that usually the numbers are 12513 on all of those and they’re very similar just depends on the plastic or the company that you like but the Destroyer really is the Staple in every

Professional’s bag or they wish it could be if they were sponsored by Innova anybody who can throw it pretty much is throwing it Destroyer is at number two maybe controversial too high on the list maybe controversial too low on the list let us know what you think and then at

Number one before we jump into it again don’t forget to subscribe and let us know what we miss let us know what distance driver absolutely every disc golfer needs to try at some point in their life but at number one we’re kind of cheating we have a combination of

Discs uh but it’s a slot in the bag that I genuinely believe especially amateur disc golers should have they’re going to find the most distance in this slot and that is an 11 speed typically it’s going to be 115 -12 somewhere around there but we’re going with the Grace we’re also

Talking the let me find it we’re also talking The Wraith and then we’re talking the new disc craft Drive uh we’re not actually sure the numbers on this but we looked up the PDGA Dimensions very similar to a wraith the rim feel is very similar the flight is

Very very similar so we’re going to say we’re going to throw the drive in here for now don’t know the numbers yet uh but that 11512 slot genuinely is something that everyone needs to try you can get a ton of distance out of these especially if you’re a sort of more

Intermediate amateur 12 speeds are not going to be thrown the right way if you’re not throwing more than like 400 feet if you’re throwing under 400 ft these 11 speeds are going to be your go-to you’re going to absolutely love them especially on open courses but yeah

That’s the list guys be sure to let us know what you think what did we miss and we will see you in the next one stay swanky


  1. the fact the scorch isn't on this list is criminal/ it glides for days when you're talking about the 11 speeds 11 6 -2 2

  2. Lol destroyer. Yeah – taking your friend out on their first outing?? Give them a destroyer. Dudes, no. I guess the other suggestions were not horrible but yeah…seems like you guys just picked current popular discs. New Title: “Popular Distance Drivers”

  3. If you are a beginner or lower arm speed player, you need these discs:

    1.) Latitude 64 Diamond
    2.) Innova G-star Mamba
    3.) Innova Tern
    4.) Discraft Avenger SS
    5.) Prodigy D3 in Air spectrum plastic

    Any of these discs will increase your distance if you throw in that 250-325 ft range. I’d recommend sticking to 165 gram discs or less. My Star tern for example is 147 grams, but goes crazy far compared to other discs in my bag.

  4. I've thrown the Drive, Grace, Strive, Wraith, Enigma, and Destroyer. For me, without a doubt the best driver for maximum distance has been the Strive! I am getting more shots over 400' now than ever before because of this disc! So much glide, just enough turn, and a reliable fade at the end with a slight bit of skip forward. This thing bombs!

  5. Just want to add to the destroyer spot, the echo-star destroyer (specifically, the Jessica Weese destroyer) is an absolute bomber. It is flippy, but has the fade you'd expect from a destroyer, and from someone who always threw a grace as my main distance driver, this thing goes like 50-75ft further.

  6. Boatman from Westside disc is an absolute sleeper of a disc that a lot of players from all skill levels can take advantage of

  7. Should definitely try out the new Gateway Ether and Realm, maybe even the GOne. I was super surprised at the new drivers Gateway has come up with.

    My best comparisons would be that the Realm is like a Destroyer, Ether is like a Wraith, and GOne gets a little more flippy like a Wild Honey. Those comparisons probably aren’t spot on, but I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  8. Wave over Wild Homey, and Maya should be there. Same with an Emperor over the Destroyer. Personally, I think a DD or Term should be in the conversation seeing as the Grym is OOP.

  9. Destroyer has so many variations, most advanced amateurs are going to really like this. I have a gstar one that is one of the flippyest discs in my bag, and a 159 Blizzard Ice one that pushes far and fades hard… real hard.

  10. First of all…DD.. second of all…DD1… last thing….The s line DD3, and paradigm are both better than the Enigma.

  11. My top ones people should try would be as follows.
    H3 V2
    DD1 is pretty sick too.
    Enigma is a good disc as well. Honestly, any of these are great to throw.

  12. I threw an enigma for a few months before losing it. I enjoyed throwing it, but not enough to replace it. Other than the Mamba, I throw all of my distance drivers forehand. For me, I get my best results with the Bolt and the Trespass. Not that I believe that either of them should be in this top 5, in regard to that I think it is a fair list.

  13. If you have a slower arm grab an echostar destroyer I usually throw Calvin’s but if I’m on an open hole it just BOMBS

  14. Wraith in the blizzard champion plastic. The Vanish, Wave, Boss in the blizzard champion plastic, Scorch and Hades. All light weight (under 160 grams).

  15. For anyone who has under 300ft, the Maya is my go-to driver. Thrown flat I get good s-lines, with some anny it rides a turnover line a long way, and with light hyzer it flips up and runs straight. And I just added a used g-star destroyer that I throw well into a head wind.

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