Fat Perez’s Surprising Driver Swing Breakdown

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Hey golfers! In this video, we delve into the mesmerizing swing of Fat Perez, arguably YouTube’s favorite golfer. Known for his impeccable technique and consistency, there’s a lot we can learn from his approach.

Throughout the analysis, we break down four key elements of Perez’s swing that we can all integrate into our own game for better results on the course.

Firstly, we explore Perez’s narrow stance, which sets the stage for a controlled and balanced swing. This simplicity in setup translates into his consistent ball striking.

Next, we examine Perez’s backswing, noting his efficient use of hands and arms to achieve a well-aligned position, setting the stage for seamless sequencing between hips and shoulders.

Moving into the transition, Perez’s deliberate pre-setting of the club shaft ensures a smooth path into the downswing, emphasizing the importance of personal preference in swing mechanics.

As we progress through the downswing, we appreciate Perez’s commitment to maintaining alignment and balance, ultimately leading to a crisp impact position.

While there are areas for refinement, such as maintaining hip position through impact, Perez’s overall swing demonstrates a simple swing sequence that contributes to his remarkable consistency and success on the course.

Join me as we analyze and appreciate the beauty of Fat Perez’s golf swing, and perhaps pick up a few tips to improve our own game. Don’t forget to watch the swing in full speed to witness its full elegance and precision.

Hit that like button, subscribe for more golf insights, and let’s continue to learn and improve together on this journey to better golf. See you on the fairway! ⛳️

0:00 Intro
0:43 Shaft Parallel Backswing
1:10 Arm Parallel
1:53 Transition
2:57 Downswing
3:30 Shaft Parallel Downswing
4:21 Impact
4:58 Full Driver Swing

Maybe YouTube’s favorite golfer fat Perez has a beautiful swing he’s not a guy that you want to meet in a match play he’ll probably kick your butt and I always like looking at amateurs on YouTube that have simple swings that we can learn a lot from so let’s dive in

And see the four main things that I like from fat pre’s swing that we can all use a little bit more of in our swing the first thing you’ll see pretty narrow stance not very wide which kind of gives us a tip here that he’s not going to

Have a super long big back swing if you have a narrow St it’s going to be hard to keep your balance if you take a big swing so short and simple that’s why he’s so consistent on his ball striking from here let’s take a look uh get back

To shaft parallel and take a look at his position here one thing I like here is that to get to shaft parallel he didn’t use a big shoulder turn he used his hands and his arms to get to this position which is setting himself up for really good sequencing between his hips

And his shoulders the other thing you’ll see here is that his shaft is aimed about where he is aimed everything’s in line at this point in the swing and his Club face is perfectly Square in comparison to his his spine Angle now if we move up to arm parallel in his back

Swing you can see now his arm is aimed at the same position in the Fairway that his shaft was aimed at at shaft parallel um again everything is nice and in line with where he’s trying to hit the ball another thing you see here is his

Transition at the top is going to be a very simple one and so what he’s doing with the shaft at this position is almost presetting it to be shallow that is usually more of a personal preference some people uh myself included I like a steeper shaft on the back swing and then

Let myself have time to shallow it in the transition um again personal preference you see success both ways now as we get to the top here you see a pretty simple turn we’ll get to the top of the transition you can see here he has completed his back swing if you

Notice his weight is into his front side or will be very very soon and his shoulders are still closed to their maximum shoulder turn again that goes back to our takeaway here his shoulders are staying sequenced with his hips if his shoulders started too soon he’d be

Out of sequence and it would be an arms dominant swing he’s keeping his shoulders turned as his hands finish his transition that way he can now deliver the club head with his shoulders and his core and not his hands and arms steering the golf ball and one thing to note if

You look at his hips pretty much aimed right at his Target his shoulders are almost a 90° turn impressive flexibility and a big reason why he’s able to have such good ball striking and such a well-timed swing is he has a lot more flexibility than most of us from here

You can see he’s going to drop his hands and that golf shaft is going to look a lot like it did in the back swing when he preset it to be quote unquote shallow um again not a coincidence that he’s in the same a similar position that he was

In the back swing whether he’s done this uh on purpose which I know he’s very very intentional with his golf swing um or this is just kind of how his golf swing has always been I really like that he’s simply just mirroring his downswing to his back swings it makes things very

Simple a lot less to go wrong now as we get into shaft par with the ground here um you know it looks like we didn’t have slow-mo so the shaft is not quite parallel with the ground um you’re going to see if it was in slow-mo that club

Face would be perpendicular with the ground that indicates a square Club face it’s always a checkpoint that I like to use in my swing is my club face square at shaft parallel in the downswing and it is if that club face is perpendicular with the ground another thing here that

You know whether it’s a simp symptom or a cause of a good swing the tucked right elbow he has a nice on plane into toout swing path on his way down and the amount of daylight you see between his left and right arm and that tucked right

Elbow is allowing him to swing inside the golf ball and not come over top of it and potentially lead to a slice now as we get to impact here um one thing I think if I could be uh offer a suggestion to Fat PR is keep those hips

Back a little bit it’ll give him more room uh to bring his hands through and and provide a more consistent impact position you can see he he slides towards the golf ball just a little bit which um can make ball striking difficult on some days but overall a

Very balanced position at impact which is why he’s so consistent and why he’s such a good golfer now let’s watch this swing in full speed one time through and you know I bet that this ball is going to go right where he’s aimed because everything looked really good in this

Swing dead straight right where he was aiming right in the middle of the Fairway


  1. Great breakdown! If you’re going to be breaking down YouTuber swings could you do a video on George Bryan’s swing?

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