Golf Players

Avoid This – It’s a Destroying Your Ball Striking

There are a number of common differences between the great’s of the game and the amateur golfer, but this one is particularly significant as it relates directly to the golfers ability to strike the irons well.

This weeks lesson will enable you to strike the ball better, compress the golf ball more, achieve a downward attack angle all whilst maintaining more control over the club and ball. I recently helped Phil during a lesson and we worked on this exact move and it completely transformed his game in minutes

So if you find the irons inconsistent, you struggle to find the centre every time and you feel like you lack distance and compression, this is the lesson for you.

As always please let me know your thoughts in the comments below, i try to get back to everyone and i’d love to hear your thoughts and help you with any questions you may have


#Transitionmove #ballstriking #irontips


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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.


00:00 Introduction
00:28 Changing Your Levels
00:42 Pro Vs Amateur Swings
01:26 Iron Swing Impact
03:20 Feel Impact
04:27 The Sink Drill
06:04 Under Water Drill

Today’s lesson is going to completely change the way that you hit your irons you’re going to hit them more solid you’re going to hit them further you’re probably going to hit them more consistently and I think you’re going to hit them straighter as well and what I’m

Going to run you through is a really simple three-stage process and this really completely changed the goal sing of a recent lesson Phil I’m going to put some clips in this video of me giv him that lesson I’m going to teach you today what I taught him and he hit the ball

Exactly like I said much more solid with these irons so it’s all to do with I’m going to call it levels okay what you do with your levels head level hip level knee level and when we look at the best players the pros the people that we’d

Love to play golf like and we look at the average golfer we see quite big differences now you’re going to see some swings on the screen in a moment for some professional golfers I’m sure you’re going to recognize them and what you’ll see is there’s a line on top of

Their head at setup and you’ll see that as they get into their down sing what have they done they have all lowered they’ve got closer to the ground compared to to where they started now let’s have a look at some amateurs you can see I’ve blurred their faces out so

I don’t so you don’t know who they are but have a look at the a goling do we see the same thing no we see the same levels if anything we sometimes see these golfers go upwards away from the ground now why does that affect strike

Why is that so important when it comes to strike well we can demonstrate that quite simply and then I’m going to run you through these three stages to help you achieve that let me take my setup to this golf ball and you can see that my club shaft is

Fairly neutral I’ve got a seven IR here now when we hit irons especially sort of mid to short irons what would we love to do how do we hit them pure and solid we have to have the club descend descending I should say into the golf ball we have

To have a negative attack angle and the only real way to do that is to have some shaft lean so let me take my setup and let me go ahead and move into an extreme setup position I appreciate this isn’t correct but an extreme setup position where the shaft is Lent forward

And look what happens to my head when I do that it got closer to the ground why did it get closer to the ground well think of it logically think of the distance between the end of the club so the sole and my chest think of that distance now

As I push my hands forwards what does that distance do does it get greater or does it get shorter it gets shorter so if I’m going to have my hands at setup here and an impact here the club is going to get closer to me I therefore

Have to get closer to the ground to offset that so if you’re someone who is trying to get your hands forward there be so many of the golfers watching this you’re going to be thinking Chris that’s me I’d love to get my hands forward you

Might be like Phil trying to do that if as you get to the top of your back swing in transition you push and you raise away from the ground you have got unfortunately zero chance of getting that perfect impact condition if you tried to get a good impact condition from

There that is about as good as you can do a dead top so if you want to get this compressed impact hands forward delofting the club squeezing the ball compressing the ball you’ve got to get lower to the ground in transition so here’s the first exercise we would have you

Do you’re going to take a setup you’re going to get yourself a normal setup and I just want you to feel what a really extreme positions like and just feel how your head going down is not a conscious effort it’s not something you’re trying to do I’m not

Standing here and pushing my head down and claps in my arms I’m simply saying here’s my setup here’s my impact here’s my setup here’s my impact setup impact setup impact and suddenly what you start to recognize is yeah this is where I need to be right arm gets a little bit

More bent right wrist gets a little bit more bent my right knee kicks in my left leg extends my hips rotate and my head goes down towards the ground I’d love you to feel this and then from here with my right hand and my right knuckle I can squeeze and

Bend the club shaft that’s me in a position where I can put pressure on the back of the club that’s what the great players do so this is your first little exercise now the second exercise is just learning how to get from sort of the top

Of the back swing to this position so I’m going to take a goop I’m going to place it AC cross my shoulders and I call this the sink drill I love this take a setup and what you’re going to do is you’re going to make your back sing

Your rotational move this way and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to shift towards the target so some lateral movement but as you do that as you shift towards the target I want you to sink into the ground this way notice how it’s one sort of fluid Blended

Movement I’m going back and I’m sinking into the ground and you’ll see that as I do that my head starts to get closer to the ground now effectively what I’m doing here is I’m building pressure under my lead side which is great because I can use that pressure in a

Moment to work out into this really nice high extended position but it also gives me that slight lowering that we see all the best players do think about the bottom of the club think about the sole where do that sole start resting on the ground where where should it be post

Impact underground if we’re going to have that negative attack angle the sole of the golf will be lower than the ground at some point how do we do that if we don’t have some amount of lowering in our goaling so your second little exercise you felt where impact is turn

Shift sink and feel like your levels are going down do this at home in front of a mirror in front of reflection so you can see exactly what you’re doing doing brings us on to our third drill this is what I call the underwater drill I want you to imagine that it’s

Setup there is a line on top of your grip that represents the water level so you could be standing in the swim Pole or a river or a canal or whatever it may be the water is on top of this grip and I want you to in transition and into

Your down swing get the grip underwater so the butt of my club is now underwater how did I do that well exactly the way that we’ve just gone through in this video that second little drill and from here I could now get into that lovely impact position so the

Underwater drill is to do that but actually spring up out and hit some shots so we go up grip goes underwater and I use that pressure that’s under my lead side and now push me out into my finish position and I’m able to strike it really pure and really

Solid even though my feelings are pushing up and out this way I never want you to have the feeling as if you’re hitting down or staying down or the golf club is moving down through impact your feeling should be Up and Away the only way you can do that is if you’ve made

The right movements if you’ve done what those great players do they have this sinking movement which allows them to push up and away so many of you are going to have this first movement here here and then are trying to force the club down into the ball and you might

Have seen yourself have these kind of looks to your Go sing very difficult to recover from there so let me show that drill once more setup there’s the water level back grip goes underwater and then I spring up and out look how good that strike is I mean

That’s a half swing but it’s compressed it’s struck and landed the club Target side of the ball so I know my attack anger was good and it felt incredibly compressed and pure off the golf club so if you want to strike your RS better which is what Phil said he came for his

Lesson this is what I did with him got him to use the ground got him to lower himself so he could use those energies through the ball he suddenly started to hit it hit it longer hit it straighter it hit it higher as well if you follow

These steps you will have those same results


  1. I've never heard the head position insight. Good stuff. I just checked in a mirror and realized I do this correctly now just from using Golferroulette so much. Love that site it fixed my swing

  2. Makes total sense that we need to lower ourselves towards the ground to finish the shot past the ball and to take a divot, otherwise we would just top the ball every time. Another great tip Chris, you’re a genius.

  3. Well explained 👍 ….timing is everything though, and I think I might overdo it occasionally which leads to moving towards the target too much.

  4. Brilliant Chris. Thank you. Being an Australian, discussing cricket with an English lad, possibly isn’t ideal (lol). However, a simple way how I explain how you can hit the ball further, with more consistency in reaching your target is to also look at how far and accurate top cricketers chase balls down, stopping 4’s, gathering the ball and the weight transfer and movements made to throw the ball as far as they do and land it consistently in the keeper’s gloves. Also being a Melbourne lad, home of possibly the largest ground area and stadium combination they are throwing the ball at times further than your average golfer can hit their driver.

  5. This is so me with my irons that I keep topping the ball. This video is going to be so helpful for my game I can’t wait to start trying it.

  6. Chris I need to ask with this method does it refer to all irons and wedges or just certain irons? As I would like to know how different it is for wedges if any different.

  7. Chris, this was the best advice I’ve ever tried. I went to the range today and kept that feeling of sinking to the ground. I also felt more balanced coming through post impact. It’s amazing how straight, high and further the ball went. It will take some more practice but this was so much fun and so helpful. Thank you!

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