Golf Players

The U.S. Bank Saga ⛳️ #179

In this episode, the guys recap the U.S. Bank Stadium golf outing. (9:45) Next, the sim league comes to a close – surprise, surprise who wins (27:36). Lastly, they get nostalgic over golf video games (56:40).

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You know what stupid that’s not a stupid song I should absolutely rephrase that is not a stupid song what song I’ve had stuck in my head for three days and I can’t get rid of it is the paratrooper Jump song from Band of Brothers gory gory what a hell of a way

To gory gory what a hell of a way to die and then I I like only know the chorus part right so I Google the lyrics it’s a horribly brutal song it is so sad and so messed up like the final song part of the song is like there was blood upon

The risers there were brains upon his shoot there’s intestines hanging from his paracord shoot and then they like pour him from his boots yeah it’s about a guy that jumps out of a plane during training and his parachute gets Tangled and it’s about the plummet to the ground

Talk about like all the things he thinks about and then at the end they the the medics are excited because no one’s crashed in two weeks so they finally get to do something and then the last course is like his brains and his intestines are everywhere and they poured him from

His boots and it’s like they’re going into fight song they’re like it’s almost like a chanting song too it’s not like a somber if you don’t listen to the lyrics it is a badass song to hear solders Sing yeah or like you hear like uh I don’t

Know like they’ll have a World War II like a paratrooper actually sing it with a bunch of dudes I don’t know there’s that one video there’s one on YouTube like a whole yeah who is it Vincent SP yeah the the odds of me singing the lyrics correctly in any song are probably pretty

Slim like for like like uh ah uh what what was the song on you bet your radio like a couple weeks um the Beyonce one uh uh this th this world is on fire this girl is on yeah and I said were it’s just like Mumble they’re all Mumble yeah

You did this girl is on fire that was not bad you ever think about no I mean I can go high I can’t really go low uh me and and that’s that’s a perfect Testament to my golf game well yeah that is actually well yeah we’ll get to that

Later uh me and Becca have been watching American Idol and uh somebody saying that Adele song who was just a child that you used to sing all the [ __ ] time yeah and it just brought me back to Ryan singing that over and over and over yeah well and of course I’m going to

Keep going with it because not I can’t get many someone liked it yeah that’s exactly yeah all of us were already sick of it it was Filmore was experiencing it for the first time so this is either the best or the worst part about Ryan

Becoming a dad is his son’s going to be the ultimate hype man on Ryan’s worst bits yeah so Ryan’s gonna think they’re really good because his kid laughs at them and so he’s gonna keep doing them I got I got to tell you guys this um for

Like 3 days have we started by the way yeah yeah yeah yeah um piped that the wrong [ __ ] way I’ll call the clubhouse we’ll book in another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluffed their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball then

Now ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the double bogey show presented presented by nicolay law baby new sponsor alert sponsor he’s gonna be on he’s he’s going to be he’ll be hanging with us for quite some time so yeah we’ve got some really important questions to ask U Russell nicolay you’ve seen it

All over the Midwest he is the bald lawyer with the giant beard yep that is on 1 million Billboards I think I think he’s no he’s upgraded to 1.1 million 1.1 million Billboards plenty of questions to ask too I want I mean and and and we will physically ask him these questions

But hey if your buddy doesn’t settle up on three pup poker am I allowed to like bring a civil lawsuit against yeah is there is there’s what’s the minimum yeah you know hey if you like you know if you get if you’re you know taking part in

The Bev cart pretty heavily um and you are driving a golf cart what is what does that mean yeah well Russell is an injury lawyer so the four call might have like some legal gray area where if you call four and someone gets hit I

Mean so we it’s maybe Chang in the game in terms of how then I would like to know if I’m liable for being next to somebody that doesn’t yell four after their shot yeah like are you an accomplice to personal injury yeah yep accomplished to murder conspiracy to not

Say for yeah so plenty of stuff to unpack with Russell yeah but if you find yourself you get hurt in a car crash you’re slip at Walmart give nickay a call they’ll let you know if there’s any uh any anyone at fault and they’ll help

You out if if need be yeah medical bills some suckers they get pretty spendy yes they do yes they do um I have to tell you guys this the last three day and to kind of preface this if we if we don’t put it as a cold open whatever um my kid

Being my ultimate hype man he’s starting to copy everything I do so now I got to I got to be I got to pick and choose what I’m saying and doing around him right wait till he drops his first F bomb it’ll be really funny and then

You’ll be like oh no then you’ll go oh [ __ ] well okay so case number one my dog’s name is birdie yeah um and he’s just been going around saying booby booby booby like like birdie I was like you just you can’t be saying that and then my wife picked him up from

Daycare a couple days ago and when he’s coming down the steps he goes booby and she goes yeah yeah he’s he’s been saying that just about all day now and I’m like oh [ __ ] now I got to watch the F bombs that I drop in the house but

For the last three days he’s been standing in the corner of his room and like almost like Spider-Man like uh shooting the web Bel like with his hand but like closed like half closed half open fist the Spider-Man thing is hard to do for a kid yeah but like I’m

Talking like Palm down and like just throwing his hand out I’m like what I’m like what is he doing and he’s making he’s going he’s Shadow Boxing in the corner Ryan no way oh my God full circle dude I just discovered that yesterday because he’s been like he’s been given the breath too

Like and I’m like what I’m like what’s he doing is like Spider-Man no what I can get a laugh 100% of the time when I shadow box like over top of him kid loves it so now he’s been doing that and now I’m like okay well I hope you don’t

Do that at daycare because we just we you know we can’t be doing that at daycare it’s a self-defense mechanism it’s it’s self-defense training I I’m affirm like every kid should know some sort of like combat sport whether that’s wrestling or what whatever um so it’s

Like buddy we got a couple years before we can start working on that and trust me we’ll start working on that when you’re ready I love it the cycle continues full circle moment pretty soon he’s going to cir going uh I know he’s he’s copy everything sure is already

Well then okay so taking your advice Tyler I brought him to the bunker this last weekend like my wife was she was doing her thing running errands whatever this last weekend and I’m like perfect place to run around at and in my head I’m like this kid is going to be glued

To the simulator like this huge and he doesn’t W he doesn’t watch screens so he’s going to see this huge screen with all these colors balls all around and so I like tried to you know hand him like give him a club I was taking like the little kids clubs whatever had no

Interest at all and like God and I showed him you know I I striped a couple down the middle couple like two three like tight baby it’s kind of sketchy when they’re his age right cuz like you look at him he’s sitting there watching yeah you look back down at your ball you

Start your back swing you’re worried that he got up yep yeah more more practicing on the punch shots than anything but um didn’t pick up on that yet so we’ll have to make a couple trips back here um it’s a great spot for kids to run around and uh yeah lots of heavy

Equipment think honestly you’d think it wouldn’t be a good spot but they just have room to run and they like that yeah yeah I threw them in a rolly chair and we literally did laps around the warehouse pushing him he was [ __ ] loving it so plus couple years we got

Razor scooters out there actually be enjoying one of those y might have to throw some ankle guards on him some Shing guard like uh get get get some soccer Shing guards yep protect the ankles yeah cuz I mean if if he tries to do like like the full 360 tail whip and

That sucker hits him in the shin it could shatter yeah I mean at his rate of mimicking the Shadow Boxing you better not show him how to tail whip at any age cuz yeah ankles are gonna be destroyed one more kid story before we we talk actually talk about golf what you people

Came here for um did the boobies thing I taught my oldest son this joke and then I was like the rule is you can’t tell this joke unless dad’s with you and uh he told it to my sister and she got on camera it’s really funny what kind bees make milk I don’t

Know what kind of bees boobies he’s been going around thinking he’s the funniest kid alive telling that joke I was like you cannot tell that joke at school you have for me to be in the room that is funny that’s great actually well I mean and that’s what we

Look forward to as dad’s right that’s that’s that’s the whole game is just trying to make your kid laugh and vice versa and making mom a little uncomfortable was fun yep um all right golf related we we owe the folks an update from the bank oh yeah okay so oh

You guys didn’t well here’s the thing so blizzard got stuck at home oh that’s right so you just released the first half of that yeah okay it was like a 35 40 minute episode yeah so Tuesdays we normally we do do our full podcast Tuesdays is come on Wednesday and

Tuesday we’re going to do the post US Bank Upper Deck golf recap um didn’t happen office was closed down uh for everybody except me naturally I mean I was the only one here for like three hours uh you got to grind there two other people here you got grind in the

Dark to shine of the light anyway Ryan so we didn’t get the we didn’t get any recap in um but go going into Upper Deck golf like before we had even left for the cities and then even just walking into the stadium the reviews were from people

Were this thing is [ __ ] awesome and naturally it looks awesome right you’re in a you’re in a football almost a brand new football stadium or a baseball field or whatever and it’s like okay this gonna be sweet um and it was it was it was just that now if you plan on going

Upper Deck golf you don’t need uh an eight or a nine iron like if you can hit you can h a pitching wedge 115 yards that’s the that’s the highest club that you need yeah I think the the longest hole based off the yardages they

Gave us at each hole was like 123 yeah yeah pretty accurate yard very ACC nailed it um so I would completely agree with what everybody is saying and I would highly recommend if if something is coming to your area that you uh make sure you book a tea time and make sure

You book it quick if you can get on like the VIP registration list meaning you get like first crack at it you have to do that because when Tyler was in um the tea time the te- sheet essentially they were flying off the shelves yeah I picked at 10:15

A.m. and was typing all of our names in and whatever booking the number of tea times and going through the questions and stuff by the time I got to the checkout everything was booked up until two or 115 or whatever we got yeah and it was a matter of a minute tops yeah

Crazy so and that was the earliest one on on three days that was available yeah so Friday Saturday and Sunday the 115 on Saturday was the earliest one in all three days in that minute of time y yep what did uh what was your guys’s uh

Thoughts on on the whole thing I thought it was awesome first of all I thought it was awesome um my only regret is that I had maybe one too many beers the night before so I was a little Topsy turby and being up in those nose bed when you’re up there sending a

Golf ball you don’t like heights either way though do you I’m I it’s not that I’m scared of them I respect them I’m not scared of heights I’m scared of falling yeah no I just like I yeah it I I wasn’t ever scared but like I’m just I

Don’t know whatever doesn’t matter yeah um you’re micro height phobic sure it makes you uncomfortable it doesn’t scare you yeah I’m just like I don’t want to [ __ ] stand next to us if I don’t have to so who knows how how like what the weight capacity of that net in front of

You is that’s the thing is it’s like okay so there’s the platforms up there and there’s a net on the front like top golfer sweet shots right yeah but if you were to fall through the net you’re only going to fall four feet to the row in

Front of it yeah you’re never hanging over the ledge there was never actually any risk of a fall off the stadium yeah you’d have to be like up in like up in the uh the beams like the Raptors if there’s any sort of injury and then there wasn’t but like when you’re S

Standing there over your ball and you’re looking at the front of the platform you can’t see the row in front of you so it does look like there’s a drop but there isn’t y yeah uh so I was dealing with that uh the mental battle I was going

Through of being Topsy Turvy and trying not to you know freak out about it was unbelievable by me um but yeah no I thought it was phenomenal highlight of the day if you guys not to brag but uh when I hit that ball through the rafters

In the stadium and then I birdied that same shot who who was it that hit the rafter was it you no I speakers yeah you you hit both you were both of them you got Jake snuck one through the rafters of the ceiling of the bank and then you

Also hit like a speaker or something yeah so not to brag but I left my mark on the stadium so yeah there’s G to be one crackly speaker now for every Vikings game I also understand why they don’t allow anything like higher than an eight iron in there oh yeah number one

You don’t need it and number two I bladed one across the stadium at one point yeah and and of course like drivers of course like are not allowed into the stadium um because yeah even if you even if you blade it an eight iron like that could go halfway up the like

The first deck on the opposite side of the field dude if you clipped one and you really got a piece of it there’s no doubt in my mind that you could potentially hit somebody else if you were trying to hit like a fat flop shot so you’re swinging hard with the club

Face super open and you bladed the [ __ ] out of it yep you could span you could go end end zone to end zone easily 100% um what about you Tyler um yeah I thought it was really cool u i I do have one gripe and I I wouldn’t be giving the

People an honest review if I didn’t tell them my one single gripe I do wish there were more holes that was going to be my thing as well I think it was just it was just a little too quick well and and it’s a good thing honestly like makes

You want to come back for more Yep yeah I wish there was like an option to like a a pass for the day you just keep playing like you pay whatever three times the amount but you just keep going as many times as you want or just I I

Know it’s probably not possible with safety and whatnot but just maybe adding 12 holes I we always talk about how we love 12 holes of golf it would have been perfect there as well for sure um that was my only GP otherwise I thought it

Was a super cool event um I would do it again for sure me too um you just you can’t you can’t beat playing at your favorite stadium in the entire world no I I completely agree I mean there it’s a sea of purple seats out there and to

Think that like we were in US Bank Stadium when there was probably no more than 500 other people it’s a stadium that that seats how many 20 to 30,000 no no 65 okay whoops 65,000 people I think in the Super Bowl then they got like it

Was like 80 cuz they take the armrests out and they can fit like another 20,000 seats wow um so yeah was it was it was kind of unbelievable um couple things that I I I would have maybe liked and this is just like a perfect perfect

World um 73,000 yeah for the Super Bowl 66860 for most regular season games wow that’s insane um if you could get like a driving range pass so like uh maybe on like one like on one end zone of the field like on the first or second deck

Or whatever they just had like like 10 hitting mats that you could I don’t know you pay an extra however many dollarss and you can just like hit his you know you get maybe 30 40 50 shots just from a driving range just to like because what

It is is it’s every hole you get two balls for every hole with your registration so you’re taking 18 shots um and me being the type of guy who I I just I would like to swing all day uh to be able to go hit 50 shots at like

Different targets um from One Singular spot would have been sweet yep um also maybe incorporating like uh I don’t know having hypothetically you got like Justin Jefferson or kurk cousins like uh meet and greet at one hole or something like that I think they try to do that at some

Of them okay sure and I know that would create a massive bottleneck yeah uh or maybe like I don’t know don’t do it at a hole you can have them just like in that bar area start like have a table so was like the one Vikings game I went to with

Grandpa Dave uh we got like I can’t remember the name of the past like the Vikings Voyage or something so there’s a giant there there’s a room like the one we were in while we were waiting to start golfing and there’s like a bunch of food and games and like and then

There’s a spot where you can meet a former player and they just had like their own table so people could go over there okay and then also do stuff so you could have someone come in and do that maybe yeah that’d be sick but I mean

It’s off season so I’m sure most of the guys are like not in the area yeah you’re going to have to get a like a local homegrown guy Chad Greenway would have been perfect an ex Viking I mean if it was maybe the summer you could have

Snug someone off from like OT or something yeah mhm no I agree yeah phenomenal time um wish there was more holes just because it was it was that fun I wanted to just keep going keep going keep going one thing that I think I I might have said

It during the round but I was like dude I’m kind of glad that there’s no top Tracer like for sure you that there like I know that that sounds kind of counterintuitive but like part of the fun was like everybody had to be dialed in on where like Ryan’s ball went or

Whatever and then we had our physical scorecard with us and like so much of I don’t know the tangible stuff it was like it was kind of it was more old school yeah where like you had like you can’t look at a screen and see how far

Away from the pin like the very I think it was the very first shot I took it was in question whether it was on the par or the birdie line around around the pin um and I kind of like that element of it also like just the tangible scorecard

Too there’s no like app that you can you know enter it it’s I don’t know it’s it’s different kind of brings it back listen to us it’s nice to get back to how golf is normally played % of the places well I mean so like even compared to like sweet

Shots or top golf or something like that like you hit the shot and then just immediately turn around to look at the screen to see what happened it’s like well that I mean that kind of sucks especially if you’re golfing there at night watching the little stinger out

Into the darkness is [ __ ] sweet yeah but yeah uh last thing I got to add too is we were on watch for two hole in ones we’re on watch no nothing nothing happened um yeah nothing happened but we were on watch for two hole in ones first

One now there’s a physical Cup on each pin and in order to get that cup you obviously like you ain’t going to drill into the turf you have to like have a a raised piece of turf that then you have the cup in the middle it’s like a mat

Like a it’s a the flag the pin then a little mat and there’s a ho like where the where it should be on little mat so unfortunately that lip of the mat is not flush with the turf yes so you can’t roll it in so you can’t you got to

Either H have enough speed on the roll to pop it up over the lip of the turf or have a bounce time perfectly or dunk it yep yep so I think I I I rolled up to the lip of the turf which is probably no

More than a foot yeah from the from the cup and Trevor also was like really [ __ ] close at getting a hole in one as well we would there would have been two potential like lip out hole in ones or actual hole-in ones but the lip of

The mat stop them yeah well even all the balls just like you have to navigate through the balls it’s like it’s pure luck at that point um yeah they should give like a give like a car or or like Viking season tickets you get a hole in

One there was like a package we didn’t sign up for was it like Toby you get like two Toby Keith yeah uh tickets to the US RFB yeah just just been top of mine for the last three weeks yeah rip RP Red Solo Cup um Kenny chzn tickets two Kenny

Chesy tickets for the hole in one on it was like number seven or eight or something like that but rest in peace t t TK love you manam um so yeah yeah uh results Jake and Ryan were they only won by two but they were in full control the

Entire time you could uh if you again two shots each person each Hole uh if you if you I mean if you birded your first shot or if you’re like hey power’s good enough you we said that you could save your second ball for a future hole

So you could take three or four shots at another hole which I think made it more fun I agree yeah I agree cuz like realistically you could have saved all 18 shots for nine if you wanted to yep but none of us did that obviously u i i it was because of the

Clubs but I played really really bad you did yeah yeah I had one par and but so like there was I one time I got it inside the Outer Circle not even the little I I didn’t get a single I had a couple that rolled right out out of the

Birdie yep and that was the one par I got and then I had a couple hit pars and roll out but most of my shots were just [ __ ] errant yes they were my first my first swing you remember the first shot I took it shot straight away from my

Body and just rattled through the bleachers shanked it yeah yeah a fullon hosle shank straight away from my body almost decapitating the person straight across from my chest yeah and I was like I was like oh God like we drive three and a half hours yeah 100 bucks a person

And then I don’t I don’t want to see this happen yeah because I’ve been there it’s not fun so I was basically like I did I did was having I was being kind of pissy for like three holes and then I we got to like a really high up hole

I was like this is too cool of an event for you to be a little [ __ ] about it Tyler so suck at the [ __ ] up and have fun and I was like okay and I just like after I had a conversation in my head with the voices U settled down and then

Enjoyed the event but I was I was upset with myself to start oh for sure I mean it when things it would be different if it was on like whole eight yeah and you like had fun before that but the first shot of the day um yeah I can’t imagine

What was running through your head at that time and then I was thinking about all the stupid jokes I made about blame in the clubs and I was like [ __ ] a I was like I really did get out ahead of it so uh so don’t put that in your brain

To start uh I did actually hate the grips on the clubs but I did like the clubs speaking of grips oh yeah you got new yeah okay so overall I I’m giving it a 10 out of 10 no I mean just because number one it’s at US Bank Stadium we’re

Playing golf uh we’re having some beers and we’re just overall having a good time mhm I’d do it again I’ll to give it a 8.9 okay it needs to be longer okay I’ll give it a nine out of 10 yeah I just think it needs to be

Longer that’s and then another gripe I hated the [ __ ] pencils they gave us for the scorecards oh really they they’re so light colored you couldn’t see [ __ ] and the scorecards had like their logo embossed behind the grid of the scorecard so to even see what I was

Writing you had to find the tiniest little bit of white on that square so you could actually see the the written maybe a Sharpie is yeah a pen or a Sharpie solves this problem and it is the tiniest gripe but that’s what takes

It from a 9 to an 8.9 okay okay a 01 deduction for the scorecards and the pencil sucking I had a a statistics teacher in college who um so if you didn’t if you didn’t fully write out your last name you just put like uh so

For me Ryan s. period um he would take off an eighth of a point for not fully writing out your last name what a loser so kind of sounds like that 0.1 points for uh for just scorecard inefficiency yeah yeah unreal yep um so yeah shout

Out to uh Nick and Carly hooked us up got us into a suite for the podcast and it happened on super short notice um the hospitality was phenomenal um I walked right in with the Celsius and the ladies at the front desk how the hell did you get in here with that

Had an esort I literally just walked right in I they didn’t they didn’t stop me so um but I’m glad I had that cuz we were rocking um okay so Upper Deck golf would highly recommend now oh yeah for the for the competition as well Jake and I each had Jake could

Technically claim he had three scores on the card um but they were ties with Ryan so it’s the same same score it’s going to get put down scr those are me those are me those are Jakes I did hit the par first but there was there was only one

Hole each of us where we had the lower score of the four of us so it was basically Ryan versus Trevor which I mean that’s just that’s a that’s a shoe in for me and the one hole I got was a [ __ ] it was the my one my lone par

Yeah well at least you got that one though you know um and we did film the whole thing so yeah we’ll cut it up yeah we’ll put that out in July okay we’ll put that out a home opener for the Vikes yeah yeah

Um God how was I going to I was going to transition this not sure I derailed you what are you trying to talk about well I was going to just give a quick uh end of year final final finale of the yubeta simulator League oh

Yeah yeah we got to tell people how it ended um because again last week was just straight Upper Deck golf we never got to film the the the post round recap um so we never got to give you an update on Sim golf now oh what I was going to ask you

Is did you guys know that my team had lost in the semifinals when we were at US Bank I had no clue I didn’t know until yesterday okay because in my head I’m thinking the round that the other team we were playing against was playing was

The night before I had I had left I didn’t know the result so I asked like whole three I’m like hey you guys know how no one Blair did last night like you know this is this is to get into the championship and no one knew but in the

Back of my head as I was driving home I’m like those [ __ ] knew dude if I knew I would have absolutely used that as ammunition to derail you in our okay I I was just I was more so thinking that you were holding it back from me so that

I would continue to have a good time oh I didn’t I was my I was trying to ruin your time okay okay because a result of that uh did not go in in our favor yeah so you guys got knocked off by the four seed the one seed got

Knocked off by the four yes and and and it it was a I mean I put at least 30 minutes of strategic thought into how we were going to approach the semi-final round now again the higher seed that being us gets to First choose either the

Course or the game they play on and in my head it’s like okay well if we choose combined score which we’re going to win every time on a full course if we choose combined score they’re going to pick a par three course and their odds of

Winning are much much better if not they may be the favorites at that point honestly if you would have picked the part if You’ have done combined total and they had have gone par three you would have wiped the [ __ ] floor with them cuz player sprays it everywhere here’s the thing they

Played they played a par three course in the quarterfinal round and they were like 14 under Blair had three Net hole in ones M because if he got a double bump on a hole I mean he could he he could par that hole for a net hole in

One so I’m like okay well let’s pick the hardest course possible uh that means that me and Jack are not going to have fun as well as the other team’s not going to have fun because it it is it’s the hardest course on GS Pro and in my mind that is Beth

Pagee black yeah Beth Page black with the there’s rough and there’s deep rough and the fairways are 10 yard wide and if you don’t hit the Fairway um you have to Club up at least twice just to get anywhere distance-wise yep which I think is a simulator error it can’t be like

That in real life it’s it’s crazy no it definitely is cuz someone coded the regular rough as deep rough even though it’s like the first cut on The Fairway so it is a simulator error but yeah cuz like like I understand the rough at Beth Page black is probably really hard rough

Because it’s a professional course and professionals talk about it yeah um but to take 35 yard off of my eight iron I just don’t buy that for a second it’s insane unless the [ __ ] grass is a foot deep correct it’s not real yeah no CU in Gs

Pro when you’re making the courses you have the option for there to be your Fairway your first cut your rough and your deep rough and there’s there’s no rough on the entire course it’s just deep rough yeah so I don’t know whoever made Beth pagee black you [ __ ] up no

I’m just kid but it also made for a good option of like hey if if you’re playing net you’re playing handicap system you’re trying to beat this [ __ ] four seed let’s play Beth Page black yeah uh we were 200 under Net score um I’m thinking I was nervous I didn’t think

That that was going to do it but in the back of my head I’m like well if they if if if we can’t hit a fairway neither can they and they’re going to be you know they’ll be like two overnet whatever um so they’re playing with a

Bump on every hole so a bump on seven holes and two bumps on two holes and we are playing with five total bumps okay so we go 200 under net they have a so they’re looking at they have 11 bumps they have a six-stroke Advantage yes and

Turns out uh Jack and I regardless of the course cannot hit a fairway we were 0 for nine uh sorry 0 for seven because of the par threes 0 for seven uh on hitting Fairways and that just automatically puts you in bad bad positions and the way it worked out is I don’t

Know how Noah knew this Noah’s what a 16 or 18 handicap and for some reason on a random day he can just turn it on and play decent uh so I watched the first half of the round he he took a page out of the old Tyler book and he only teed

Off with his hybrid and he would hit it 200 210 down the middle every single time and if you can play your second shot out of the Fairway you’re it I mean even if you can get within 30 yards of the like your chances with uh the the amount

Of bumps that they had are very very good yeah they didn’t make many greens in regulation but they were always close to the green after their second shot where it’s had a pretty easy chip yep so it turns out we lose they they go 6

Under net we lose by four wow and uh so we’re knocked out we’re knocked out the championship and I would be lying if I was saying that I hope they lose in the championship but I really wanted them to win I I see a lot of people think the

Opposite like think think the way you don’t there most people want the team that beat them to lose I never do I always want the team that beat me to keep winning because then it makes me look way better cuz then you lost to the Champs you know yeah I’m the same way

With like the Vikings like if the Vikings get knocked out of the playoffs like last year I wanted the Giants to just run away yeah because that makes our Giants loss look so much like better yep and like I cheer for the NFC North because like yeah well those guys beat

Us or played us twice this year and now they’re doing really good that says a lot about us yep for sure um but yeah sorry continue no I what um they’re playing miles and Jay in the championship and of course I don’t want to have to [ __ ] sit here and listen

To mile [ __ ] backtack simulator League Champs whatever well I think Blair and Noah ended up losing by one stroke MH yeah they both they both eagled the last hole of the championship match if miles and Jade just birdied it they would have tied went into a playoff

And I don’t think you know miles can say he can say how clutchy is in these situations but we lost in a playoff hole last year to you who was it you and me and Noah yeah beat you guys in a playoff hole so Noah was already one and0 in

Playoffs against against miles and um I really wanted them to win didn’t turn out that way luckily it was it was competitive cuz last year’s championship we I think Miles and I won by like six or seven strokes so um Sim League it’s officially wrapped up miles is back toback champ

Which [ __ ] pisses me off who won between you two and for third and fourth yeah so okay so we I I don’t know you guys played last night third and fourth Play Place match uh me and Jack against um against me and Allen Jake and Allen

Yeah TBC Scott still back nine we were 10 it combined score yeah um we were 10 under net okay so I had a 10 on the scorecard and Allen had a nine so holy [ __ ] so you lost yeah congrats you guys shoot uh I don’t

[ __ ] know I shot a 38 I shot like I actually and with a 10 on the scorecard I ended up shooting like two over Allen shot seven over so we were n okay okay okay yeah um yeah pretty [ __ ] bad actually great oh yeah third place

Um it doesn’t matter that that round did not matter it was just more so for fun yeah it was just to keep playing yeah yeah truthfully I was playing with your clubs last night Ryan it was like yeah any other yeah whatever um I got fifth Trevor [ __ ] forfeited for fifth and

Sixth he had he had two weeks to play they never played he’s gone this week not going to happen so Jared and I two victories this year let’s go both over Jared and Hannah come on now and one of them they didn’t even play so and the team that knocked us out of

The playoffs got fourth so the team I wanted to keep winning didn’t sorry well I mean okay J just makes me look worse biggest thing you do number one is just show up yeah because then you at least give yourself a chance you guys showed

Up um I was there for your for your last round and you guys just have fun yeah we shot our best round I think we would have won regardless yeah we were like 11 under or something scrambling oh yeah so Sim League’s a wrap we got third place

You guys got fifth Jake got fourth that’s it so questions for you guys um a lot of people want to keep playing um a lot of people don’t do we want to do a individual league with all the people that want to continue playing cuz there’s not enough

People that want to keep playing to do another team League I would love to do an individual League I think that’ be all right so I think what I want to do is I want to do individual league but make the people play with their opponent

Okay so it’s still always two people on CU otherwise the simulator is going to be too full and there’s no like honor System it will become a Pure honor System where someone’s playing by themselves yeah I mean yeah I Jade giv himself aot that was just a practice

Swing well [ __ ] the air compressor went off my back swing so you better give me another one I dropped a club Allen had a very important shot yesterday and I dropped sorry Ryan but I dropped your wedge on accident on the concrete but uh I before when you asked I said I said

What I said yeah no problem and then and then you like yeah please drop them on the concrete for me and I go and I go Ryan I’m good to my clubs too it’s no big deal I don’t think I’ve dropped a club like that in [ __ ]

Months and so like how bad did you drop it like I was like just from from the knee height I had it standing up like this and it just tipped over the head hit the concrete or the hand the the head was at his hand sorry is there a dam is there any

Damage no no there’s no damage if anything he broke it in for you more it’s got more pop now Tyler in the back of my head I I KN well I said number one stay away from the driver um because I’ve seen you hit drivers and you’ll scrape the paint off

Either the top or the or the bottom of the club and anywhere the paint off everywhere but the face I said anything else is freaking and then and then and Ryan I’m going to be honest dude I completely did not listen to your no driver comment I he’s never gonna let

Use CL again that’s that’s fine I’m never going to need to hit them ever again it’s you do and I was absolutely peering the driver I think I got a shave two inches off the driver too I was hitting it phenomenally I didn’t have a single bad shot except for that hole you

Got a 10 on uh yeah yeah except for that one but I hit the Fairway on that hole Ryan Ryan it’s okay he he’s did it for the podcast don’t get mad get it it happens Jake um he’s so mad no no no no it’s but it’s

Also like I mean that’s why I have trust issues with with lending my stuff out to people you be like dude they’re just golf clubs it’s like I get they’re just golf clubs but they’re my golf clubs and they’re like it’s it’s your golf clubs are a piece of

Who you are and it’s a piece of who you are as a golfer and a person and the bag like your bag is exactly how you want it and nobody and I I if I go out there right now they’re probably I mean and this is the least of my worries but the

Clubs are probably in all different spots correct I no I think I tried to put them back in order I you went you have driver hybrid in the top and then you go driver hybrid three wood in the top yeah I didn’t even touch three-wood

Um and then uh yeah you then you had low clubs to high you had your driving iron and then the whatever all the way up and it is like the I mean there’s probably going to be times I’ll be have to hit off a gravel road somewhere and like I’m

Going to chip up my it it just it doesn’t matter also Ryan you whenever my bag was around like in the simulator back at the old spot I would just stumble upon you just hit my clubes out of my bag so but I think of all people

You can trust me to take good care of yeah but still but I’m talking about like the quality of care that I’m going to take of I’m going to take of something that I borrow from somebody else is going to be top-notch you should you should know that uh

That’s not true I borrowed you my chops I once and now the [ __ ] guard’s broken I believe I did I did clean it up pretty good before I gave it back and I didn’t realize the guard was broken until you told me if if

If it if it was is it an actual issue yeah that Springs busted in there I just got to take it off I mean it was annoying me anyway I left it on I usually take them off of there cuz I know what I’m [ __ ] doing I don’t need

Safety I’ll just buy a new chop sa because like 80 bucks yeah that one and then we’ll keep the one that your old one at the office here uh you should buy a new one for the office cuz if I take that guard off and then someone cuts

On it with no guard then miles is getting sued he call he’ll be calling niola maybe I’ll maybe I’ll just take I’ll I’ll take the chops off for my own personal use yeah um you know what Jake it doesn’t even matter the wedge is still going to hit the way it hits the

Driver is still going to hit the way it hits and truthfully I thought you were joking about the driver because all you just said was yeah only if you don’t hit him like you usually hit him I think that’s pretty much all you said that does make it feel like a joke yeah

Exactly um Jake dropping the club on the concrete made me think of like what is the what is the thing that happens on the golf course that makes you cringe the most like when some when I hear a driver hit rock or hit concrete oh that sound it’s like nails on a

Chalkboard yeah like that that noise sucks like hearing a ball hit the pin sucks because you know it’s not in there mhm I think uh like great question huge like I think a huge colossal flop onto the green and then hearing the sound of a ball leaving a massive crater on the

Green I think makes me cringe a little bit I love that I know that’s what it’s there for but I like on a day when it’s really wet right and I know that the ball stuck a half inch into the green that makes me cringe on a normal day

Normal day we’re chilling I love the sound of balls hitting the green but uh when I know that it’s a half an inch into the dirt yeah that’s oh I [ __ ] love that that too I even when it’s wet that look like my favorite sound uh one

Sound that makes me cringe on the course is when when someone just absolutely digs an iron or a wedge into like into the grass into the turf oh yeah um and we’re not talking like good ball contact here we’re talking like a 3inch deep beaver tail that comes out before the

Ball it’s so and it doesn’t really even reflect a sound it’s more like how do I want to describe this it’s hard to describe it’s it’s t you’ve shot plenty of deer before I have it sounds like the a thud when when you make a good shot on it like

That sounds that sounds great but when somebody digs a club three inches deep into the Earth yeah it uh I I would prefer to just look away I mean honestly I think the only the only two sounds that might rival the driver hitting concrete sound as far as like shittiest

Sounds on the court are the [ __ ] beeping on the backing up of a cart oh my gosh and then hitting a shot and just hearing it RI like Ricochet around trees in the woods yeah um obviously another another cringeworthy sound is um when somebody hits into a Housing Development and uh

We’re maybe looking at having to replace shingles or um a the railing of a deck or possibly even a window um again if you are out on that deck nicolay La great great person to call if you are personally injured yeah so we will have Russell on the Pod I think

Four times and so we got to come up with our questions to ask him and I that’s one of them for sure like am I really liable if I hit somebody’s house yeah yeah um I think another terrible sound is while you’re driving a golf cart

Maybe going a little bit too fast and you hit a bump and you hear your clubs Ratt bang bang together and then you have to do that thing of like did I remember to put my club head cover back on on the last T box that’s the only

[ __ ] argument the stupid iron cover people can have on they don’t ever have to hear that noise for sure um they they do have they do have bags now that are like they’re like stabilizing bags I think those are cool I kind of want one like they’re like AIO or AIO or however

You say I think Ogio OG I oh are those the ones that have the little uh like the comb around the top side that keep your yep cord organizer on a desk type of thing yep yep well here’s the thing too typically when I take my my driver

Head cover off on Ho One it never goes back on it doesn’t go back on because I’m just say I just you know it’s the tallest Club in your bag it usually sits above the other ones but when you do hit a bump and your four iron hits the bottom pops straight up

And nicks your oh God it just makes me makes your insides crawl yes Nails on a chalkboard on the course all of your clubs rattling bad I’m going to have to invest in one of those bags at I think there sweet that’s just be silent like especially on the

Push cart CU everything is all bumpy on the push cart oh for sure now I got to I mean I got to think by jamming my the grips through the little thing I wonder how bad the grips go quick I wonder if they gum up or if they get worn out

Faster or it’s a good question but I mean it’s better than the grip scraping on each other like that’s what they do yeah that is true and and I I still stand by this point that um the the 14 slotted golf bags or 13 slotted golf

Eggs are are they’re miles ahead of like the whatever the four or five slots that you can put two or three clubs in because even like okay so if you if you have a a stand on your bag um your bag is sitting at a 45 degree angle and

You’re trying to get a club into the bottom slot every other club is is drooping down to the bottom so you’re ramming your you’re ramming your grips in I I just got new grips on my clubs and it’s already happened a couple times I’m like son of a [ __ ] that is not

Ideal or those really cheap golf bags well I mean some bags do some bags don’t where the divider goes all the way through to the bottom type of thing like just knowing that like some really cheap bags only have the divider just to the top and you know that you it’s got an

Individual hole but then it’s immediately gone and everything’s rubbing on itself anyway yeah yeah have you guys ever thought about um dividing your like if you do have a four or five slotted bag dividing them out with PVC pipe yep I’ve thought of that thought about doing that many times just have

Never done it now you you’d have to get big enough PVC to where it like um it’s uh it’s pushed out to the side of the slot so that they’re not they’re not wiggling around and whatnot but I think that would be a great idea yeah I mean I

Have a a slotted bag that I think I’m just going to switch back to Granda day have got it for me it’s the exact he he bought me a golf bag for Christmas I told you guys this like two years ago mhm he didn’t realize he bought me the

Exact same bag as him I thought it was like a fun bit he’s like here you go I got you the same golf bag I have cuz we’re buddies and we golf together he had no clue he did not realize that it’s the same one as him like how did you not

Know he I don’t know it looks different when there’s no clubs in it like I thought it looks cool his is also probably 10 years old older than yours or whatever not even he he got that like two years before that okay well funny yeah I thought it look cool or what yeah

Um have you guys seen the uh golf bags that only have slots for your 3-wood your hybrid and your driver down the main part of the golf bag down the shaft for lack of a better term and then around the outside of the golf club in a

Really tight pattern are Clips on either end that are vertically spaced out so that you clip your golf clubs your irons into the outside of the bag and they your irons wrap around the outside of the bag interest I have not seen that I’m GNA try and give you guys a visual

Here so here you go yeah huh I have never seen anything like that so the the grip is at the top of the golf bag yep and the head is at the bottom yep so what if you clip it down like too high like too high towards the

Grip you go to set your bed down and then your Club scrapes against the ground yeah I I’d be very willing to try that I think it looks kind of cool yeah it I mean it’s got a little protector on the bottom okay where your iron heads

Would be okay so like it’s got a little tray that the heads stick in um but yeah I don’t know it’s a really interesting looking thing the main problem with that I think would be grabbing the right Club you can’t see that if long if they’re in

Perfect order you’re fine yeah for sure but you can’t see the club head so you don’t know what club you’re grabbing y so if they stay in perfect order really good idea what brand is it um uh deck de o l t I think deol hit us up we’ll give

Him a [ __ ] Fair Shake yeah we will um what else you got like in terms of I I I just had a golf Innovation idea we haven’t had one of those in a long time give it to me why are they not making golf bags that have the push cart just

Collapse from it dude deols got him shut up I’m dead serious I literally just looked up the brand and they have that with the bag we’re talking about no way yeah so does the does the they’re getting a DM in like 20 minutes does the push cart

Collapse yeah the bottom Wheels fold out like with the bag yeah yeah okay and I know I know I’m assuming I know what you’re thinking of um when we went on our first vacation with our with our little one a month ago um we had to buy

A new collapsible stroller and so this thing folds up into like a two foot by two foot little square with a handle on it and it is the sweetest thing ever yep is that kind of what you’re referring to no so I’m thinking like think of a less

Cool stroller that just pops open like this right it’s just a hinge at the bottom and then it locks and so you have now your wheels are there and the seat is there okay think about your golf bag standing up normal but it’s got a thing

That pulls down and then locks and now it has wheels it’s just a push cart now there’s a wheel on the front and there’s and it’s always attached to your golf bag always attached to the golf bag it’s just on a hinge and then it the wheels

Go up so if you’re on a cart it can still sit up on the cart rack on the back of the golf cart and if you’re walking it just comes down on a hinge and you have your push cart with you at all times there’s no adding your bag to

It the wheels are just on it yep I’m looking at this right now apparently they’ve rebranded to golf GM geum it’s called GM Grand they have three models they’ve got one with three whe Wheels three big wheels like a traditional cart and they’ve got one with two just a

Two-wheeler with the peg in the front right and two regular siiz Wheels their cheapest option is one with little [ __ ] Caster wheels on the back that a dolly yeah like that yep um and then their highest end version is a fully electric one that follows you around no

[ __ ] it follows you or you have to remote control it water oh waterproof remote control I guess okay so there is the one that like just follows the tag in your pocket sure yeah that’s those are sweet um I could really get on with one of these These are [ __ ] sweet

Well because one of the worst things is having to like if you if you’re if you grab your golf bag you throw it on your shoulder and then you have to like I you got to bring it into the clubhous or like trying to shimmy yourself and like turning fully sideways and like

Shuffling inside of a door with your golf bag on your shoulder is it’s the worst yeah I didn’t even think about this like even if you are a cart only guy like think about Rose Creek’s parking lot that’s a long ass parking lot to just be able to push cart your

Clubs all the way to the clubhouse for sure and honestly if if if I would be more on board with walking if this was the case because then you don’t you know there’s there’s not you don’t have to bring your push cart and your bag correct correct it’s it’s it’s all in

One yeah I agree except don’t buy it from golf GM cuz it’s $1900 for the remote control one no no no for the basic one shut up for the electric one oh my God it’s 6 and a half Grand [ __ ] it’s 5600 so what that’s like that’s probably

Six and a half Grand yeah six grand on the nose actually Jesus all right they’re not getting DM I don’t want a $6,000 push cart I mean I do want that but that’s just not who we are God no you can rent push carts for like two

Bucks at some courses I will I will put my clubs on the shitty rental push cart before I buy a $6,000 push cart well even, 1900 for the basic one why does this thing have carbon fiber Wheels get you going off-roading I mean we are shitty it just doesn’t need

[ __ ] for $6,000 it better have an espresso machine an air fryer and some Goose repellent to keep those [ __ ] away from me yeah well even if it’s like if you could somehow incorporate the wheels into the into your kick like your your kickstand or your stand yeah that’s

What I’m saying okay okay yeah um if someone out there is Handy and likes to build [ __ ] and can draw it up and and even if it’s you just like 3D print some Wheels you should absolutely do that I got an idea for it in my head right now

Because even if it was like yeah dude even if it was like I can make it work I got it I got it in my head I’m going to I can’t weld very well so I might need someone to help me weld but I got an idea for it in my head I’ll

Work on a prototype you’d have to be able to stabiliz cuz those legs like if if the legs pull out past where they’re supposed to go if on the on your stand I’m I’m assuming they could Bend or break off or yeah unless you put a brace

Between the two of them yes y yep yo guys we’re good I should just started on McGregor selling one for 150 bucks that’s just got it’s like like luggage there’s nothing I hate more than just coming up with what I think is a cool golf idea and then it exists yeah

It’s just kind of like see that one there that’s solely for bringing it to the clubhouse that one’s not for off-road and no the wheels imagine trying to go through the rough with that yeah we need an ineter interesting cuz all you need to

Do is just have if you wanted to do it that way all you would need is just like a swivel down one that has the screw yeah like the little thing you screw yeah that right there yep [ __ ] a dude why do they they invent everything

Already can’t you just let us have one how does it how does it stand up cuz the wheels the wheels are are go past the bottom of the bag yeah I don’t see any imagery on that so it probably has the the stand little feet that sck out so

Like when you tip it down the feet come out and then it just sits there yeah that’s a phenomenal idea actually how much is that one that you just showed us uh give me one second not $6,000 I guarantee that yeah dude I hope so zero friction is the brand name um

26949 nice um and it’s little arms that stick out not bad yeah I think I think we should take a break I have one little more Story one story I want to share um it’s not super cool but we’ll be back in a little bit sweet we’ll make it cool

Yeah what a [ __ ] teaser I just gave all right we’re back um within the last three weeks I bought a knockoff what would you call it a fake Game Boy from Jake sure yeah it’s a handheld emulator you sold that already yeah I got he bought the bougie one I

Bought steam deck holy [ __ ] yeah so it’s like a I don’t remember the name of it and bernick something it’s an AM bernick rg35 XX essentially it looks like the original game boy but it’s got a a fuckload of games on it PlayStation Nintendo everything pre2 2002 except the

N64 okay is on this little handheld game boy and I don’t know how the world missed it I don’t know how I missed it because I love video games specifically RPG solo players and sports video games mhm golf video games should have been popular 20 years ago I played Tiger

Woods 2003 for the Game Boy Advance last night yeah for three and a half hours really it was phenomenal even on a handheld console almost 20 years 20 years ago over 20 years ago hm it’s so much fun you can do a ton of [ __ ] the graphics

Are ass but who cares it’s a fun ass game like Mario Golf is a blast why is the golf video why did it take till PGA 2K9 to really make golf video games mainstream like was that a PS3 or PS2 game is it Game Boy Advance uh no but I

Tiger was 03 I think was like it’s probably all platforms is probably what they did yeah the one I played was for the Game Boy Advance yeah so there’s probably a PS1 or a PS2 port Tiger Woods PGA 2 or 2003 okay like I remember that being kind of popular but I’m dead

Serious I think these golf video games should be up there with FIFA and Madden I’m I’m right there with you dude there are so you said you like RPG games okay and you like golf mhm um the later entries into the Mario Golf series are Mario Golf RPGs were you beat people and

Level up your Mario and you get like the you beat Bowser and then you finally get the Big Driver all that stuff it’s like progression based there’s a ton of really [ __ ] good golf games on the market that people just like don’t know about yeah it’s weird it’s like golf has

Had a Renaissance right and like I think that’s also plays part into why 2K9 was so popular like every streamer that was doing a sports game for six months was streaming PGA 2K9 yep mhm and so that was the first time in my at least my

Life that I had seen golf games get popular and now playing this one and the way Game Boy Advance games worked back in the day is nine times out of 10 with the sports ones there was like a console version and then they would dumb it down

For the Game Boy and then put it out on the Game Boy as well and this is barely dumbed down the only thing you can’t do that you can do on the PlayStation version which I also played on there is like sponsorships and stuff okay like getting Club deals and upgrading your

Clubs and whatnot you still get to play on the tour you play all these events um the field is a little more limited like there’s only 12 guys in every tournament but uh but still it was an absolute blast and I played it for so long interesting like I was just chilling

Because I’ve been playing Pokemon on those things just burning It To The Ground I’m like you know what this game this thing has thousands of games on it I should play some else and I found Tiger Woods and it was an absolute blast interesting so like why why have

Why what took so I don’t know I mean I think truthfully if you also here’s actually kind of a fun golf video game story uh for the GameCube there was a game called like extreme golf or something like that and it came out in like 2001 and the whole gist of it is

That you can play golf as scantily clad women and hit the ball 500 yards like it’s just girls and bikinis and they’re just yeah just whatever when did this game come out 2001 maybe so the thirst traps were extremely pixelated and just boxy boo yeah boxy boobs all over the

Place here I was say like like it’s like The Simpsons they were predicting the future of what golf would be and that’s what it is right there yeah maybe not 500 yard drives but damn you know everything else pretty damn close best part this game came out in

2001 uh the narrator for the game is Steve Carell before he blew up so it’s like Michael Scott narrating like boob physics in a golf game yeah that’s kind of wild that’s pretty funny yeah well I I feel like just where the sport was at like in 2003 there wasn’t nearly as many

People playing golf no in the general public and and so I was 10 years old at that time I again I was playing NBA Live I was playing street right like Street volume one 2 three um I was playing Madden college football ATV afro Fury 2 like

Golf was never even at on the at the top of my mind to play on video games yeah and if you were you’re going to play Mario Golf toad stool tour whatever you know and now I’ve played like a handful of the sports games on this thing now

And this Tiger Woods game is faren away the best sports game on there interesting like the only other sports game on there that Rivals it is Backyard Baseball okay which that the blueprint for that has been around for years backyard yeah we knew that one was

Going to be good yeah also they should have done a backyard golf game they absolutely should have uh but I’ve been playing as uh Stuart sink okay um he’s got a lot more control than everybody else uh tiger Just Hits [ __ ] bombs in that game uh but it’s a blast yeah uh

Got the US Open tonight so I’ll let you guys know how that goes do you guys think I mean you want to talk about uh hitting a market at the right time like if someone was to release a like a YouTube golf game for console or again

For like Game Boy whatever with like golf YouTubers in it yes so in you know instead of professionals you can go through and you can like you can play as Grant Horvat or Garrett Clark or fat Perez or you know Bobby fair whatever I would probably play as

Trevor I would not there would be better options to sorry Trevor I just I I wouldn’t even play with myself not here to defend himself I wouldn’t even play with myself forfeited this podcast just like he forfeited our fifth place game unreal um that would be a I feel like

Right now I mean you even if you just look at the numbers look at the uh look at the TV ratings for PGA Tour um even the the ratings for live are not that great I feel like people are just in this Middle Ground of like who do I

Watch now Scotty sheffer’s playing over here but John ROM’s playing over here so it’s almost like a it’s a conundrum of like what do I watch um I mean YouTube If you say YouTube golf is not taking over you’re completely wrong I don’t think there’s a lot of people that would

Say that but uh number one it’s getting the younger generation into the game it’s growing the sport as a whole um and number two it’s it’s at the it’s at the top right now I mean if a YouTube golf video could get a million some views and

That’s more viewers than a PGA Tour event yeah over a four day span correct yeah all this is a wild idea and it could either be awesome or a terrible video game okay but what if somehow The Sims got hooked up with EA and you played a full like sports kids Journey

Like through high school he’s playing three Sports and then in college he’s got to pick one to get recruited on and you basically play The Sims but it’s through this kid’s sports career yeah that would be fing sick cuz they got all the engines to play all the different

Games right yeah they can combine it yeah and you choose like when you’re going to go practice what you’re going to practice and you start out at a base level of like whatever you’re you’re you’re a 10 rating or you’re a 20 rating it’s like yeah if you if you do too much

Practice like in the morning your grades start to slip and D1 schools are like this kid’s dumb that would be you got you miss two weeks cuz you got an F on your report card yeah wind up going D2 nsic not good enter enters the transfer portal yeah that would be very

Intriguing um it would take a long I mean there’s obviously stuff you could just like I’m sure Sim through um that what they call it yeah simulate through yeah or it just be like uh set it up like an MMO like that type of thing like

Uh I don’t know what that is MMO it’s like massive multiplayer online game so like you you have your one character and then people across the globe have their one character and then you’re play the same server yep you level like Runescape or World of Warcraft or MMOs yeah I

Don’t know that game would either flop or I think do really really well because people do like the super immersive games but then there’s also people who want to just roll in and play a quick game of Madden online no I think that’d be sweet

Yeah I don’t know if you guys have seen uh the college like EA Sports college football got announced uh for this summer and yeah um they’ve recently been talking about how there’s like 10,000 players now that are in the game so there’s 10,000 like people who are in NCAA football there’s 10,000 actual

Collegiate players in the game um I’ve heard talks of like that they’ve really expanded the high school mode for NCAA college football and so having yeah because they now they can’t make money freely off college students so they’re gonna try to make money freely off the high school exactly yeah um but they’ve

Expanded the high school mode so being able to take a character from your high school then play your through college and then also buying like the regular Madden game and having that character transfer over into the Madden game will you be able to do that no but that would be sick like they

Should do that why wouldn’t is NCA is an EA game they’re both EA why would they let them talk to each other like that I don’t know don’t know they’re probably built on the same [ __ ] engine anyway it’s all cash grab you know it’s why not have them translate yeah I’m thinking

Even like in the like The Sims feature that you’re talking about like you can send out direct me like you can get on Instagram and send direct messages to like these Pro go likey you want to play around or like hey can you you want to

Watch me hit balls or give me some tips or whatever like it it all factors into your sucess yeah you choose your study like do you want to study YouTube videos you want to hire a golf coach y ya y yeah I think it’d be kind of fun that

Would be I mean it would take a long time but also like you’re like you are controlling the destiny of that person yeah it would have to be like all the EA sports games this game would cost a lot of [ __ ] money oh God because it would have like hockey engine the FIFA

Engine the baseball because EA has a baseball game right uh no no okay anyway but they would have to have all those so you could pick which sport and then you’d have to yeah but it’s a cool idea I think yeah PC could handle it yeah I’m

With it yeah huh I’m with you okay we’ll we’ll Maul it over we’ll uh I mean you know you want to build it if you build it they will come I’ll just have chat GPT write me the code and yeah you’ll be all right yeah um one last

Recommendation for you Tyler if I got it um there’s a game called golf story on the Nintendo switch and it’s a full like kid to adult golf RPG but it’s a little more cartoony and not like very serious um but like think think like I don’t

Know it looks like stardo Valley but you play top down golf in it like vintage golf games so big recommendation I’ve never empty recommendation because I’ve never played it but I’ve heard just really really [ __ ] solid things about it and yeah I I’ll I’ll give it a sh a

Shot is it how much is it it’s probably 10 bucks or something like that yeah cuz those like obscure sports games are usually really cheap on the switch Yeah it’s yeah it’s what Mario Golf should have been okay cool all right guys that’s it there’s my short little shitty

Story that I was going to tell you guys it’s all we got for the week um full swing comes out today this episode drops Wednesday full swing comes out today uh I’m I’m G to dive right into it I rebooted let’s say uh how many episodes

10 I I don’t know I would assume 8 to 10 I’ll I’ll check and then we’ll set a numbered for all of us to watch okay by next week yeah I I I mean by next week I could probably have I mean I could probably have it finished spend all

[ __ ] weekend on it I’ll be watching while I’m taking a [ __ ] in the morning you know okay that’s all we got guys um full swing today Eight Episodes let’s do one and two next week okay talk about it next week love all right love you you

Piped that the wrong Fu way I’ll call the clubhous we’ll book in another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than now Breakf his ball

1 Comment

  1. love my Ping cart bag. Almost same size as a staff bag, but is reversed so the longer clubs are closer to the front of the cart. Also has a cooler pouch pocket and 14 individual bins for clubs. Used to think that was so dorky but I appreciate it now with age

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