Talon Course at Grayhawk Golf Club Course Vlog

Full round course vlog at the Talon Course at Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.

What’s up guys today I’m playing the Talon course at greyhawk golf club in Scottdale Arizona the first hole is a pretty straightforward par 4 with no bunkers or anything off the tea I hit a great forward off the tea and left myself with a really good look at the

Green with a wedge in hand flag here is pretty much back middle of the green uh I was trying to go right at it but ended up pushing it to the left I had a long birdie putt here from The Fringe I thought it was going to

Break a little more right than it did but it just hung out to the left if y’all are enjoying this new commentary type of video please let me know down in the comments also if you’re not subscribed yet please hit that subscribe button it’s free for you to do and it’s

The best way for you to help my channel had about 6 ft left here for car and just left it a little bit short for a tap in bogey second hole is a pretty short par 4 I’m hitting forward off the T again in my target line here is the um power

Lines just on the left side of the Fairway I was trying to draw it back in I ended up leaving the club face open and just pushing it way off to the left in the desert I got lucky here and had nothing interfering with my swing and had a good

Look at the green so I’m going right at the flag here I hit a really good approach shot there considering the lie I had and had about a 10 to 12T putt downhill for birdie I ended up leaving it just a little bit short but I’ll definitely

Take a tap in par after that drive the third hole is a short par five with not really any trouble off the see I’ve been hitting Forwood a lot better than my driver lately so you’re going to see me hitting that a lot today I hit a

Perfect drive and left myself a 224 to the green the flag is tucked in the back right corner with deep bunkers right in front of it so I’m trying to aim towards the left middle of the green here I ended up chunking that hybrid but

Because I aimed out To the Left To ended up in an okay spot in the Fairway with a pretty straightforward pitch shout up to the flag I overread my birdie putt a little bit but I’m definitely happy with another tap Park here I hit another great t- shot with my

Forwood and left myself with a really good look at the green the flag here is front center of the green so I feel comfortable just going right at it I felt like I hit a great putt here and if it didn’t take that hop in the

Green I think it had a really good chance of going in it was a little frustrating but I can’t be mad with another tap in par the fifth hole is a pretty short par three at 147 yd and with the flag on the left side of the green I was trying to

Start at middle and fade it over to the left side but I ended up pulling it a little bit left myself with a pretty long putt I ended up leaving the birdie putt short but was able to hit the four-footer for par the six tole is a little bit longer

Of a par for at 459 y my starting line here was the bush in the middle and I just wanted to kind of fade it off that the Fairway sloped a little bit more than I thought and I ended up just rolling off the left side the tree here

Wasn’t too much of an issue but I ended up hitting a little bit of a fade just to make sure it didn’t come into play I think didn’t quite hit the birdie putt high enough but left myself with a pretty easy 2 and2 footer for

Par I was trying to hit this t- shot just left of those trees on the right side of the Fairway but ended up pulling it right into the desert I got lucky and didn’t really have anything interfering with my swing but I had to get this ball up quick and over

That tree in front of me I really misre this birdie putt off The Fringe here and ended up leaving myself with about a 7f footer for par I hit the carpet on a good line but just didn’t quite hit it hard enough the eight pole here is a longer

Part three at 221 yards and with the flag on the left side of the green again here I was just trying to start at middle and fade it to the left I ended up pulling it again and left myself with a really long putt for birdie

The putt didn’t quite break as much as I thought it would and I hit it a little bit too hard but I left myself in an okay spot for par unfortunately I did not take my time with this putt and pulled it to the right so I ended up with another

Bogey the ninth hole is a medium length par five at 562 yd the bunker on the left side of the Fairway is about 250 yd to clear Forwood should have been plenty to keep that bunker out of play but I didn’t hit it very well and I ended up

Closer than I would have liked I knew I most likely couldn’t reach the green here from 292 yards so I just wanted to lay up and Lead myself with a comfortable distance in at about 100 yards I made a really bad swing with six iron here and left myself just off the

Left side of the Fairway the bunker in front of me is about 50 yard short of the green so it’s really not in play I ended up chunking this wedge shot though and left it short of the green I hit my Chip Shot a little bit thin and

Left myself about an 8T punch for par but I ended up lipping out for another boot the tle was a longer car for at 4 54 y but the Fairway starts a narrow at about 300 y so I decided to hit forward here to make sure I had the best chance

Of hitting the Fairway I hit a perfect t- shot right down the middle but got pretty unlucky that my ball stopped on this Ridge and left me with a pretty tricky lie I knew this ball was going to move right to left with this lie so I

Aimed out to the right a little bit and unfortunately it didn’t quite come back enough and ended up a little bit right and long of the green the ball was sitting up in the rough here a little bit and unfortunately I just slid my club right underneath and didn’t quite

Carry the ball into the Green I hit my power put on a great line but just left it short for a tap in bogey the 11 pole is a medium length par three at 163 yard with the flag near the middle of the green here it’s it’s a really good opportunity for me to get

Aggressive and try to break this bogey streak I hit it just right of the flag and had a really good look at birdie it didn’t quite break as much as I thought it would but I’ll definitely take a tap in par after four straight

Boes my target line in the par 4 12 hole was the left side of that mountain but I over faded it a little bit and left myself in the left rough I hit my Approach shot here really fat but fortunately it carried the waste area I had an extremely tough pitch shot

Here with the pin tucked in the back right corner of the the green I ended up hitting it almost perfect leading to my best up and down of the day the 13th hole is a super short par 4 and it’s only about 275 Ys to the front

Of the green with Hazard up the right side and the green heavily guarded by bunkers I decided to play it safe and just hit five Ron into the middle of the Fairway the flag was on the left front of the green and I had to go right at it

To make sure I was on the correct tier I slightly pulled my wed shot and ended up about 40 ft away from the hole after it rolled all the way down into the other tier I ended up with a very frustrating bogey on one of the easiest holes in the course after three

Putting the wind really started to pick up here on the par five 14th hole my target line here was the carts in the middle of the Fairway but I ended up pushing it way left into the desert the Bush was in my line to the green so

I kind of had to punch out sideways here I had a really good look at the green after punching out and even though the flag was on the right side of the green I decided to go right at it since there’s really no trouble to the Right I hit a great putt from the French here and finally made my first birdie of the day the 15th hole is a pretty long par 4 and it was playing straight back into the wind so I decided to hit driver the pin here is tucked in the

Back right corner so I was just trying to hit the middle of the green the wind pushed my ball way further left here than I was hoping and left me with a really tough long uphill putt after leaving two putt short I ended up with another

Bogey my target line here on the 16th was just left of that mountain in the distance I ended up pulling it a little bit to the right but still ended up on the right side of the Fairway the pin here is tucked on the left side of the green so I was trying

To fade it in from the middle but just didn’t quite get it to fade enough and left myself a little long but the putt Grove a little bit more than I thought it would but I was able to save par from about 4T the 17th hole is a really cool short

Part three with an island green I hit a great shot that spun off the back slope and left myself with about 15 ft for bir unfortunately I didn’t quite hit it hard enough and ended up with a tap in par the 18th pole is a really long car

Five that I was playing as a three shot my target start line here was the right side of the bunker on the left side but I ended up pulling it way right into the right bunkers I made a stupid decision here and tried to hit six iron over that tall

Lip in front of me I hit the face of the bunker and had no idea where the ball went I got lucky after walking over to my cart and found it sitting in the middle of the Fairway on my third shot I knew I couldn’t reach the green so I was just

Trying to lay up to about 100 Yards after pulling my wed shot I three puted for double b to end my round I ended up shooting 8 over for 80 so definitely not one of my best rounds but I hope youall enjoyed watching and please make sure you hit that subscribe button and let me know what you thought

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  1. US courses look awesome, Love the commentary, gives us an Idea what your trying to do on the course.

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