Golf Players

Paul Casey Post Team Win Presser Crushers GC Sunday | March 10, 2024 I LIV Golf Hong Kong 2024

Paul Casey Post Team Win Presser Crushers GC Sunday | March 10, 2024 I LIV Golf Hong Kong 2024

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Okay let’s welcome Paul Casey from crush’s GC I am the team that’s all that’s left Paul well played this week uh we’ll just start on uh on the individual tide second here in Hong Kong can you just sum your week up for us yeah it was a really good week

Um I’ve been feel like I’ve been trending uh my Coba was better than last year sort of and then um Vegas was a maybe fifth or something like that um going the right direction I struggled a bit last week but I didn’t have Johnny with me my cadd either um um he he

Didn’t make it to jeda so uh he’s back on the bag this week and then a a second so I mean you know some great golf I’m not I’m not going to measure it on um on the playoff Hall on one t-shirt or something like that um it was a really

Good week awesome as a team you brought your winning form from last week in Jedi can you just sum up the week here in Hong Kong uh and the the past couple of weeks on the road it’s awkward I can’t cross legs um summon up the week for the the team

Yeah so proud of my team my team’s awesome even though they’re not here they’ve all deserted me I make my apologies for my team um Charles Hal’s got a flight I think at about 7:30 and so does Nick is caddy but I’ve got no idea where Bryson is he’s got no excuses

Um what a what a great group of guys um we’ve got something we spoke briefly about it after jeda that we’ve got something that you can’t measure and and I firmly believe that um we um you know we’re all very different in our approaches on how we not only play

Golf but how we how we um prepare for the week and various things like that there’s not a lot of similarities or um you know similar traits um but I think that’s what beauti what’s beautiful about it and and we spoke after we won the championship last

Year Bryson is and I’ve had some experience at Team golf Bryson’s being a bloody good captain and I think part of that being a good Captain is letting guys do what they do best in order for them to you know go do what you need to do to play the best

Golf he doesn’t try to necessarily control us um and you get what you get you know we’ve had some great results uh jeda was obviously a shock I mean that was out of left field the guys shooting 20 under power on Sunday was was ridiculous um

But even today um I don’t think we even on the leaderboard with sort of nine holes to go so so proud of them I think you started the day seven shots behind going into the final round is there a particular moment during the round when you feel like the tide

Turning for the team for the team yeah honestly I actually didn’t look at the leaderboard um I I was too busy playing with Brooks and Bryson I was too busy trying to beat those two great players um you know Brooks um Brooks dropped a couple of shots um but Bryson suddenly

Got going going with his his uh eag on 13 and um sly like oh oh you know here we go classic Bryson so I just wanted to stay ahead of him and I was not paying any attention to the team element um normally I do well that’s not that’s not

Right I mean I was I was actually I was hoping for a team playoff because we’ve not had one yet and I still kind of want one but I didn’t think we would be involved I didn’t think we were going to be a part of that all Rippers and even

Majestics were up there sort of third or fourth at one stage um so no that was a it was a shock and I got my head down personally for the last few holes and so didn’t pay attention to it uh the good people of Hong Kong have

Really turned out in force this week can you just describe the atmosphere throughout the week and what’s the support being like for you guys it’s such a great City I love this place it’s been a while since I’ve been here having played a few Hong Kong opens um never

Played the golf course particularly well until this week but what a city um and a cities are made by uh its its residents and they are they’re fantastic people um we’ve had a wonderful time this week um I must say massive thanks to everybody in Hong Kong but certainly

The members of Hong Kong Golf Club um Peter Lamb I’ll pick one person out for treating um so many of us uh to some amazing food this week um yeah an absolute Joy you know it was it was a buzz you know this goes down as um Adelaide’s probably the one that we’re

All measuring things by um but Hong Kong should be very proud of themselves over two Mike well Ju Just to confirm so during the round today you and Bryson never had any kind of conversation about how the team was doing that hey we we got a chance at this thing that type of

Thing no it’s um no I was more asking him why the hell we’re wearing four different outfits as a team we’ve all got the same shirt on which we should have taken off and put on war on the podium but everybody clearly we we have a we have a group

Chat clearly nobody chats to each other in our team so well I was going to ask you what what happens between the end of a second round and the start of a a third round particularly these last two weeks with the team do you guys say anything do you have any does priceon

Give you a pep talk do you is it just business as usual what’s what’s the approach during that time no there’s there’s um I mean I won’t won’t it’s um it’s usually like let’s go get this something to that effect in in various forms you know uh on a group chat that

We have um something to that effect you know let’s go let’s go take care of business tomorrow that kind of thing goes around um lot we’ve got a lot of encouragement within the team on an individual level and I think that just kind of takes care of the the team element if

If whoever Charles plays well everybody else great playing Charles you know it just feeds itself you know it’s it’s nobody singled out I mean I know you look you know Bryson gets all the attention as he should if I hit the golf ball like that you’d give me more

Attention but it’s you know um the rest of us don’t actually it’s quite nice because it takes the pressure of us to a certain degree we kind of just float around underneath and do our thing and um he’s happy to take the take the attention and um yeah but there’s

There’s uh if I’ve necessarily answered your question we just say we’ve got something we keep encouraging us each other and that ends up being a great formula for the team success did you guys have any chat when it was announced that there were four scores were going to count on Sunday

Because obviously that seems to play into your favor yeah I mean my initial thought was I was a bit I wasn’t sure just on the basis of if there’s an in injury or illness what happens you know what’s what’s the what are the logistics for

That and I’m I wasn’t my opinion was I wasn’t necessarily sure of it when it was announced but then on the flip side if you can take that out of it and nobody gets sick or injured that’s awesome for us that’s almost unfair we have the depth we have the strength

Um so I I feel like any one of us on our on the crushes can win any given week on any given golf course one last question for me just kind of take us through the the playoff Hole uh maybe what was going on after the t- shot what you I don’t I

Was just trying to you know it’s such a difficult t-shot it’s maybe the most difficult t-shot on this golf course and the most penal because you get it either side you miss it left you miss it right you’re blocked out by trees and um you know a treacherous green with a lot of

Lot of pitch to it um you know as Abe showed if you stick it in the middle of the Fairway you can be very aggressive um bird is still an unbelievable score in that hole um I personally after the just leaking the t-shot right just trying to get it

Down to a nice yardage and and be aggressive which is what I did you I’m not I’m not measuring my not measuring my weak on one hole it was a great week loved it um and and very happy for Abe Abe’s an absolute sweetheart love him and um very happy

For him to get a victory and I you know hopefully I’ll get mine soon Paul uh the 16th hole that birdie from the bunker I mean it was not just needed for you it was needed also for the team and you did that that was some spectacular Bunger I was just focusing

On myself though in reality I mean I had a one of the my keys this week I had a great attitude and and yes I was very aggressive on that second shot I mean landed just mere inches away from the cup um which was not where I was trying

To land it I was trying to land about three Paces short um but I was proud of how aggressive I hit that shot and the swing I made um it was not that difficult a bunker shot if I’m being honest the grain was into me and it was quite flat and the ball

Was maybe on a tiny bit of an UPS slope so you know but I was I actually didn’t know the scores so um I knew it was close it wasn’t until I hold it and I looked at the leaderboard and realized where I was but um it was

Still the whole in fact the the week was great but the round of golf was round of golf was today maybe one of the best rounds of golf I’ve played in six months or a year Paul thank you very much congratulations this week thanks thank you everybody


  1. Their preparation might be different, but they are TUNED IN to each others' VIBES and NERVES and TEAM GOALS.
    Tremendous team cohesion and coordination, way to raise their levels on Sunday and fire at pins and make putts, and never giving up.

  2. Yeah, I remember Bryson saying he was POd he didn't beat Paul (in a friendly manner) when they were paired together on the last day. LOL They compete against each other more than against the other teams. That's why they keep climbing the leaderboard.

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