Golf Players

Matteo Manassero ends LONG WAIT for FIFTH DP World Tour win | 2024 Jonsson Workwear Open

Matteo Manassero ended his near 11-year wait for a fifth DP World Tour title with an emotional triumph at the Jonsson Workwear Open.


The DP World Tour remains in the continent of Africa for the third week running, with Glendower Golf Club playing host to the Jonsson Workwear Open. Nick Bachem returns to defend his title after he claimed a maiden DP World Tour title at the Jonsson Workwear Open last year. After a slow start to the 2024 Race to Dubai, in which he registered one top 20 in his first eight starts, the 24-year-old is perhaps rediscovering some form after finishing in a tie for fourth at last week’s SDC Championship. Tom McKibbin will also be in the field this week. The Northern Irishman has finished in the top 25 on all five starts he has made since the turn of the year. Most recently claiming a 12T at the SDC Championship last week and finishing 4th at the Commercial Bank Qatar Masters in February. He’ll be looking to claim his second DP World Tour title having won his first in his rookie season last year. Rikuya Hoshino will also be in South Africa this week. He’ll be looking to find the same form that that won him the Commercial Bank Qatar Masters in February. Others to look out for are Dylan Fritelli, Ewen Ferguson and Jordan Smith.


Wow he has great visualization and a great array of chipping skills but how about that that’d be interesting to see again the ball was 6 in outside his right foot hands way ahead he wasn’t risking getting any kakuya between club and ball job done if he just keeps holding those with

That sort of confidence we’ll all be rather pleased to see it te’s quite well above the Fairway as I say the Fairway slopes from left to right heading left down into Becca country so he will need a little bit of a lock our leader if you can pitch it

About probably 8 to 10 yards on the green coming out low nice big bounce forward yeah you’ve had your break off the te so don’t push your luck too much and he has I think the play there would have been just get it 30 ft short of the

Flag middle of the green get your two P maybe pop it in sure somewhere in the back of his mind I think he’s thinking about holding this my goodness this man has Golden Hands two two chips on the last HS two totally different methods and two beautifully played [Applause]

Shots probably want to keep a little bit left for safety that’ll do admirably oh but it’s a tough one Dom this is going to swing a lot from left to right he’s got to borrow two or three cups left first birdie of the day for Matteo manaco so back alongside Becker in a

Share of the lead out to six and manaco an eagle Pat in name only he just wants two pets for a birdie and some work left there at six manaco to get to 22 under oh lovely stroke for manisero and that’s confidence there that’s a big putt for

Manaco Ping right up at the flag it even though downward it’ll stop very Quicky oh what a shot Dale from Manero again peppering the flag he loves this hole as Dom said he had a cracker in here yesterday he’s got the taste now I think and the

Belief this is a very very slippery putt down the hill I don’t think it’s going to turn very much at all oh just a tiny bit more Pace but coming out of the rough the ball is going to probably not stop as quickly as a lot of his previous shots

So he’s got to take that into account is uphill green quite well above the Fairway oh man he has risen to the task as KN this week and just looking so good got a good feeling oo little bit like eight five and seven as well

Close but it’s going to be a par not a birdie for manaco still a neat and tidy front line no Drop shots a couple of birdies he’s got a fairly good lie it’s obviously in thickish cou but it’s not sitting badly at all he’s just got to

Pitch it on the green on the down slope and it’ll bump forward and run up to the hole oh there you go bit of C between ball and Club scooted off to the right I think he played that pretty good to be fair bogy free today to this

Point just enough of the left hand side of the hole and he does make his part and that could be crucial for manisero both of them have reasonable lies in the bunker slide down slope uh for this first shot but it’s he’s playing it directly to the water so you

Don’t want to be overly aggressive take a lot of sand pitch it out halfway between the edge of the green and the pin oh he’s played a beauty as as he oh my goodness nearly holds it what a bunker shot from Manos Sero nice yeah I mean nice and smooth Yeah

Couple of years ago looked like he’d been hit with a cattle prod when he tried to hit one of those Pats it could go sideways off the pad nicely done 23 under he probably wants to take quite a bit of sand pitch at 15 20 ft short of the hle and make it

Run very disappointing Mano he’s only had two Bogies all week can he avoid a third see the length of put there I thought you know is he going to go claw or he actually went back to the other technique like grabbing the wrist yeah where’s the cutle point yeah the cut off

Point that was about 10 what would you say 12 ft so shot gone Manera back alongside Norris and on the up slope here as well which is his Saving Grace here Tony popping it up oh beautiful bunker shot Beauty if you get an example of how to play out

The sand that’s it right there now manisero that bunker shouldn’t be in play for him but he needs to keep it a bit left to that anyway need a to finish with a few really nice straight drives might was better balance but is it heading towards the bunker no it’s not that’s absolutely

Fine andero now from 196 yards pin right at the back of the green on the left hand side he wants to just try and go for the middle of this scen try and get it onto that back plateau of the green and he’ll be very oh what an ey

Shot yeah that pin setting that left ball and it D and yeah just filtering on down towards the flag beautiful shot there seriously over RIT stroke looked okay there was no jumpiness in it and tight into that right hand bunkers you don’t want to push it out to the right

Keep anything a little bit leftt of the FL oh what’s he done what he look utterly disa I don’t think he he got that no he get stri he thought that was water all day long he thought there was water hasn’t hold much over the last few holes but he’s got a chance

Here and this time he does get it that is wonderful that is just wonderful so manaco back alongside Tristan Lawrence brilliant at the semi- you couldn’t ask for a lot better and there’s a little bit of break in this it’s going to add to now a little on the

Right two in a row for manaco and he climbs ahead of Tristan to 24 underp power what a time to pounce and you can see there he hasn’t opened the club face up that much and he has played an absolute Blinder of a shot that is just under the pressure of the

Situation that is glorious to take a twoos shot lead down the final hole huge gets it that’s massive two shot Advantage going up 18 that’s huge don’t he he needs one really good swing I tell you what he’s just feathered that down there he’s just Ultra smoothed it

And stay on the short grass that is a that is just a beauty under the circumstances the flag Oh short of the flag will do nearly holding it they’ll do better 15 ft is even better this is just I mean it’s just fabulous could he close out with a

Birdie it would be four in a row to finish of course he can and ladies and gentlemen we are seeing something very very special here because manisero has come back from the depths of golfing despair not just to compete again on the DP World Tour but to win again wonderful

Stuff the most heartwarming of stories manisero is back Gentlemen please give a warm Round of Applause for our champion mat [Applause] manaso mat what an incredible day um took long bit of a delay but uh what does it mean to you to finally break that streak of close to 11

Years without a win on that DP World Tour H it’s uh it’s incredible I I don’t know I it’s really difficult to put into words uh I’m definitely really proud of of what I’ve been through uh and but you know I don’t want to I don’t even want

To speak in like in a in a bad way I just want to enjoy the moment and not even think about the tougher times has been has been an incredible week this week and uh the week weekend was uh with a lot of emotions like 30 40 minutes ago

We were almost thinking of going to tomorrow and postpone again uh the like the tension and the emotion so I am so happy that I that I lived these emotions again on a golf course and that’s pretty much all I have uh in my mind right now about this

Last couple of days if you go back to the round itself um you got off to quite a steady start took you a while to get your first birdie um but once you turned I mean I think from the 15th on the commentary they thought that ball might

Be heading for the water but after that you really put your foot on the gas yeah yes uh I thought it could have too luckily I had a I had to hit that s iron a bit easy because it would have been full would have been too much club

And and I guess the altitude helped there a little bit kept the ball in the air uh yeah I mean that’s what golf is you cannot predict anything anything uh and and sometimes a shot that doesn’t feel great ends up being uh the birdie opportunity that kind of switch switches

Everything um so I mean to finish like that was I don’t know it took what is it two and a half hours ago that I played 15 so I’ve been through a lot of emotion since I try to to stay calm and uh it seems like it was it was written

Somewhere almost you know to finish after restarting to finish with two more birdies uh it’s uh it’s just crazy it’s very difficult to put in towards what I what what I went through and what I thought in those last four rounds so you watched a bit of football during the

Break hopefully that calmed you down when that Pat finally saying onone 18 um the emotions just burst out yeah yeah I mean you you kind of have a an a drop uh of emotions that build up for a for a for for a few days actually

Since you know smell you can have a chance then you you make that partt and and all the tions drop and uh and it feels amazing and it feels so good to relive those moments you know uh at the end of the day it’s very obvious but

That’s what that’s what we that’s what we practice for I was tell saying to to job my K it I think it was on five that we’re we’re a we’re strange because we live for emotions emotions that are very out of our comfort zone and they’re sometimes difficult to handle but we

Live for those and we enjoy those so yeah amazing congratulations thank you very much to watch another DP world to video click here and to subscribe click here


  1. Becoming wealthy so young did not change him one bit and seeing him win is already the highlight of the year – what a great guy

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