Golf Babe

Kansas Collegiate Disc Golf Tour | Cade Kohlmeier | F9

Emporia State Senior Cade Kohlmeier battles against 8 other colleges and 35 other college players. Cade is joined on the card by Kansas State’s Sam Howey, Wichita State’s Josiah Farney and Hesston’s Beckham Jantzi. Watch the Front 9 as this card takes on Fairmont Park and the Reds Layout. Who will become victorious?

What’s up guys my name is Kade colem I’m a senior at Emporia State and you’re watching disc and Deals Coverage hello everyone and welcome in disc and Deals coverage our first tournament coverage of 2024 I’m Lucas deal here with the onetime World Champ Chris Smith this is onetime deal commentary Smitty how you doing man I’m doing great I’m glad it’s uh almost spring break here and we don’t

Have any of this white stuff to deal with right now yeah we’re in Manhattan in Fairmont Park and I’m telling you it was 10 degrees at the start of this round yeah man that’s tough you gloves on gloves off hand warmers it it makes disc golf work and not play yep you’re

Right big shout out to the KSU disc golf club Tyler price who did drone work for the next video that you’ll see and Wyatt who got me in touch with him and we’re going to be following around Cade and his card today have you got to play with

Kade before oh yeah I’ve played with Kate several times Kate’s a a really cool cat I like playing with him he’s got a good vibe throws a mile this will be fun to watch yeah and you’re going to get to see me have some drone work for

The first time I’m not great at it yet but it’ll it’ll get better but this first hole 451 ft hole four it’s a par three you just want to get through the Gap you can do 4and or backhand push across this little road which plays casually and

There’s the hole comes in as the ninth hardest toll that was a short look like a short 451 from the Drone yeah yeah and so Cade’s goingon to start us off you’re G to see three other players on this card with Cade cage re and Emporia State you’re going to have four different

College is represented here on the card today and these guys are just playing singles play singles today y okay uh that’s a good way to start your round I would say that didn’t catch up on the edge of the road that’s sliding to 20 feet so really nice drive he’s going to have

An outside the circle look now Sam this dude absolutely crushes is I think he’s throwing a time lapse that he affectionately calls babe yeah that is a crush that’s that pins 450 that’s 470 off the t is Sam K State Sam is K State yep and then of

Course you can see this is Beck Beckham goes by Beck and he’s representing hon Lefty okay out the Gap man these guys that if that holds 451 they’re making it look pretty easy aren’t they yeah I’m assuming it’s not 451 this is Josiah representing witto State another clean shot off the

Te I thought yeah he got a late kick and he’s all Lone Star I think all the witch team is uh because of the sponsorship okay pitching up should be pretty easy you want to put it as close as you can on that green with that little

Housers yeah see that’s why you want to not mess around put it close that thing rolled out to a little bit of tester is this Cade this is Cade I’d love to see him capitalize on a nice drive here he is on the good side of the

Basket uh just left it short that’s okay I mean that’s bonus Sam was quick he he wanted nothing to do with that he just pitched it up oh and you called it yep you know man early cold uphill putt a lot going on there and coming in as a just averaging

Just over par you know par is not a bad score on this hole no not at all and you’re going to see three of them be takes the unfortunate Bogey and we’re going to move right into hole number five hole five comes in at 355 ft the eighth hardest Hole yeah I remember this guy you just throw it out there and goes to the corner of the property flick shot works great um CAD will probably flick it I’m assuming and yeah I mean that snow on the ground could cause a little problems for

Sure if you do have the fence on the right that’s OB have to go over the fence to go OB it’s not going to sneak through it’s not barb wire oh it’s it’s a chain link so you you can EXA you can back stop off of it a little bit Yeah Kade going

Flick 355 is well within his range and yeah that should be a two all day long so then we got Sam yep K State guy apparently sponsored by dis unlimited those are awesome people there oh yeah the best yeah oh turn that one just little too much it’s gonna cut roll

Still a putt not not a PJ like Cade but still a putt this is our witto state representative yeah Josiah that one may be a little turned as well yeah that’s the mistake you can’t make on this hole is turn he actually goes over the fence there wow barely

Barely over but he is OB we’ll get to see a peek at that here in just a second this sets up perfect for Beck with his left Lefty look like he was caught in some kind of a glitch there at the beginning I don’t know what was going on

He does that every time it’s kind of his routine and there you see Josiah’s disc just on the other side of the fence wow so it must have hit and Plinko down and yeah so he’s shooting three here yeah I don’t know anything about any Lone Star I couldn’t tell you what’s

Going on there the disc that he threw is the only one that I am familiar with that’s the walker okay stable yep exactly feels a lot like a a rock of some sort so Sam about 40 feet decent bid that’s that’s a great bid that’s a great

Bid so our Lefty Nails it capitalizes on the Lefty hole Yeah that’s a fantastic bounce back that wasn’t an easy putt either that was a that was a tester yeah he putts with an Envy which I thought was extremely strange but everyone has their their disc that they

Like cleaning up for a oh that was a bird for him no that was par he had a good good bid right okay yeah your graphic I think threw me off I looked at the bird on oh under Beck yep man Kade is just licking his chops

Watching these dudes work and he just has this little tap in there it is yeah so he’s going to be our first one under par and we’re going to jump into hole number six hole six comes in as the fourth hardest it plays back same direction we

Just came from two holes ago if I remember correct yep a big forehand or a turnover a late Turner or a forehand or or Cade might even I mean there’s no OB r i don’t believe to be so Kade May Noe Kade is going to

Flick good G if you can get it yeah on the right side I think it does get pretty hairy over there it’s tough to get through if you end up on the right side of those trees yeah yeah that so like I said that’s part of his little routine I think he’s just

Trying to engage his hips of REM remind himself to to use his hips his shoes would last twice as long if he didn’t do that oh I don’t know if I liked Cage play very well looked like he was laying up and I would think if you were going

To lay up you would just throw a back end to the left side of the Fairway so you could have an easy scramble no matter what what yeah I think he’s just on the edge of the tree so he should be okay and Sam’s going big

Here I got a little turned a little early yeah not quite what he was looking for this hle comes in at almost four it comes in at 3.75 so going for the birdie is a a big ask yeah no doubt going for big turnover for J high

Enough that was pretty good camera work kendri you KRA KRA yeah I’m behind so she gets to do the real work I just sit there with the tripod pretty lucky to get to that uh opening oh yeah look at that shot really nice chip in for sure I thought this was an interesting

Play I don’t know why he didn’t just go back back hand left hand here um but he goes with this little step out forehand yeah does he pull it off not too well yeah he just got caught up just on that Branch there it’s you know probably just a

Comfort thing but I thought the back end could have been super easy there seems it Kade going Pat and pending easy work yep shouldn’t be a problem for him and Joe has nothing over here so he’s on that other side of the trees and he’s just having to to pitch through hopefully

Wow couldn’t find any way up and over apparently oh and here’s Beck after his his approach got little squirly on him that one Hiser out yeah let’s get in for the get in for the four and move on so this is Joe trying to save a three yep let’s see if he has

It ah not a bad y solid bid Sam clears it up now Kade kade’s off to a solid start dude yeah how many uh I don’t quite remember on this one I’m getting it team Regal each team has four players right yes so I think there were at least four cards

Then yeah because there was I think there was eight schools here yeah and are the are these guys playing stroke play yeah they are okay 20 35 ft second easiest hole when it comes to uh muskets this is about as good as it as close as to one can get here at font

Park it is a little bit of a poke and hope towards the end but it is those trees just I like it and I dislike it at the same time it’s one of those things where you can get some really bad reactions Cades going flick

And he just got caught up is that a back stop around that pine tree this this tree down here towards theen like has a little back stop for it interesting so the back stop let me see what you’re talking about oh let’s look at Sam shot here right

There that lone that lone Christmas tree looks like it has a back stop behind it don’t think it does I think that may be I don’t know what that is but I don’t think there’s a back stop there that I remember Lefty hole whoa going big

Oh he wanted it too bad he was licking his chops too was he trying to go over the top I think he just got high on him I don’t think so I think it just lifted ah he turned that one a little yeah so they’re probably all

Looking to that is 100% a back stop they’re trying to all just trying to scramble get oh you’re saying for like for baseball well it looks like one but I think it’s to protect that tree from discs or whatever’s behind it yeah okay I thought you were talking about

Something else then yes the last time I played here they didn’t have two uh two sets of pins they have that on every hole let me think about that yeah there was two baskets on each hole didn’t think about it at the time but yeah definitely

Two all right Sam has a has a decent look here he needs it too he wants it yeah oh he’s had he has the one on every one of them he’s not missing him short no they have good pace and they’re coming by chain High soon as he gets

Them lined up they’re going to be going in be a grid putt for Cade there we go got it there we go sweet putt the rest of these guys should be able to he gave a little smile there I think emac was standing right behind me I think Kade said something to him

Before about making it I know he probably said Jam sash there we go these guys are out of here yeah let’s see if Josiah can clean up as well all right before we jump into hole eight we’re going to get to see a new little segment here I guess not

Really a segment but something a little special for you you never seen this a DDC Double Take oh boy let’s look at that one again it’s count of steps one two three four you he ever going to get there yeah I’d guess it was just outside

The circle that was a solid putt yeah and holy tell me about it Smitty well you got to hit this little Gap off the te and 307 feet slight left bender and back to the right this is an interesting hole I’m guessing kade’s going to flick again

Yeah I think Flex forehand y the flex forehand I think plays the best here if you got it P eight comes in as the ninth easiest hole oh that’s good comes back Heiser very well done yeah sweet another another inside the circle putt for Cade so Sam also lining up the uh the

Flex flick this whole just Fairway just lines up perfect for this it really does yeah Flex flick if you if you’re going back in through there that is going to be work ah little low little low here’s your favorite thing yeah I think I like the uh Flex flick

Better than the Lefty line that Lefty Line’s touchy oh no see easy to pull it and he almost hit the guys on the next T hopefully he’s landed in a spot where he has a fairly easy up and down he didn’t gain too much forward progress little too cooked yeah but he’s

Out of the Gap should be easy up and down yeah yeah be’s in a tough spot here that is tough oh and it didn’t get the skip he wanted that snow said no boy stretching way out there for Sam looking at a long patent pending it’s tough to generate enough

Speed and keep the disc turned over unless you’re him that was nice that was nice that was really nice oh that Heiser out a little early yep leaked out early still makeable yep and once again kage’s just watching these guys just act down the Fairway and he’s just

Sitting there thinking give me another one that’s a good putt it wanted to sneak out yeah that was a nice putt same thing yeah Cade must be really close here we go little bit of meat left on it he always fakes me out with that little bump fake there that’s his last

One before he goes in oh Kade you talked about this you see his glove on the ground it’s the glove on glove off situation all day yeah it’s brutal a lot of times I’ll just keep a hand warmer in my glove oh no oh wow hand warmer in my glove and

Use my glove like a mitten okay I think the next to is a little shorty isn’t it yeah hole nine 311 seventh easiest hole I think it plays like yeah straight Gap shot over a little fence yep over to the right yep I remember this one right up to the guy’s

Backyard yeah this is just dead straight until the end oh that’s cool the baskets are just mirror images of each other yeah that’s good that’s neat Kade G flick again in must be just enough turn to make the flick flick worth it or he’s more confident hitting that second Gap with

The flick I think that’s it I mean the first Gap shouldn’t be much of a an issue for any of them oh just a little early and he’ll should be able to get up and down he didn’t look like he fought in there too far Sam also going forehand here

Too early also isn’t it it had some nice turn on it oh yeah that’s a flippy disc oh that’s great little long but nice shot give him a putt so Josiah see if he can get a nice turn on this one I don’t see exactly where that went

There it is oh he just hit a little early easy up and down easy three now got our Lefty he’s had a couple Lefty holes that he hasn’t taken advantage of see if he can get this gota gotta get this one early wow and hit the tree dang easy up

And down should be easy up and down it’s just on the edge k even got a little jumper here doesn’t he he’s got to got to look that’s pretty fortunate for his much as he saw that off to be that wide open and easy uh just didn’t have the the height on

It nice little pitch up yep another one oh another good bid he’s putting them all just right there and then Sam here for the birdie our lone birdie attempt from about 25 looks like he’s got the the hand warmer in the pocket you saw him go for the

Pocket V nice for him to pick this one up stay within a stroke a cade close man that’s my least favorite Miss never had a shot Joe cleans up and I think we’re all gonna sneak away with some pars here no Sam’s not happy about that one nope that

One’s going to sting a little bit all right let’s jump into hole number 10 I love this hole it’s an easy one I think but it uh plays right on the Rocks 246 ft third easy hole yep cross the roads OB yep and then

OB road on the right as well there we go oh I think the rocks are new since I played it as well oh yeah yeah I think it’s a good addition yep just gives a little short hole a little bit of character looks like cage throwing some sort of a putter yeah he’s

Throwing a newer judge I can’t remember exactly what these are called um but it’s a new plastic type just had become legal just recently I think it’s the judge OS is that right I think so I got one I threw it a little bit it was pretty nice I’m a suspect guy

Though so I don’t need anything like that yeah you may not need that but Cage’s probably happy he had it because that shot was pretty sweet oh Sam turned over was turned yep and there we go OB dang yeah that’s uh yeah he he really cranked that over with some anheiser oh

Boy the glitches are catching on Josiah’s glitching out now that looks nice yeah oh hit the rock baby a little short little short but yeah perfect line yes still a putt I’m pulling for Beckham he got to get something going here we go dude it’s a little high it’s gonna Leo

Be dang man and those are uh those are quite long long putts on that little bit of an elevated unit you running this 5050 bid yeah little lofty yeah that was depends yeah kind of depends what’s going on in the round he was thinking about this for a

Second he’s uh he’s 10 or 12 feet closer than oh perfect height perfect height yeah buzzed it by though he’s gonna have a little work left to do I think they might get to throw again before Cade oh just a little low the rais basket got him come on

Kade this is a scary distance for me see every time he gets me with that pump fake if I’m playing on his card I’m walking through almost every time he he hit exactly good putt though yep Kade got the bird see if Sam can clean up here yeah

He’s go to hit this for bogey right yep oh Corner Pocket oh that didn’t run by as far as I thought that was a really nice putt from way out there went by Chain hind ended up with a fairly routine cleanup hole 11 fourth easiest 344 ft par

Three obviously you got to cross the roads that shouldn’t be an issue basket’s tucked back in this little uh Cove Behind These trees yeah the only thing you have to worry about is those trees coming up a little bit early on the left and right so you gotta throw

This more straight than you think and you gota worry about nailing that dang sign it’s true little low burner yep low burner it’s gonna end up in the stuff left isn’t it not quite no little short too I think that was a Firebird out of

Him so Josiah looking to put a move on one that looks good yeah come on get in there get close little short but the perfect line and he’s going I think this is babe I think this is his time lapse yeah in there he’s spin

High got caught up in a little bit of stuff but should have another tough Lefty hole Yeah that’s good just get to the middle that’s a good play Pitch up kage’s got an outside look here is he gonna jump it I think he is oh it’s a good run yeah there we go

Oh right there right there huh I can’t believe this would come in as the fourth easiest hole these guys are all outside the circle except for this this is our only inside the circle and what a great lie to end up with from 12 feet I know that’s so

Frustrating there we go cap you made it work yep bounce back right after his bogey so front nine even for Sam kade’s going to be three under and then uh Josiah and Beck just a little overpower we might have one more hole do we we started on three and we started on

Four yeah got hold 12 I can’t count well hold 12 462 this is a long one fifth hardest hole comes in at 3.6 must be playing are we playing all red baskets yep we was playing Reds today and this one I think there was a I think the wind was playing some tricks on this one looks smashed oh he hit something early and then hit something again and didn’t

Go too far yeah that’s over halfway so hopefully he can get it is Cade looking at Heiser the whole way yep animal messing with the wires and the pole I think he’s thinking better of it now think he’s going to go up the gut oh that one turned over a little I

Think there’s a is a headwind or something long as it stays safe he’s fine yeah I didn’t see where that ended up but I think he got quite a ways down there just kind of stayed on the right hand side it’s turned a little H yeah he got the

Tree yeah I remember this being a long hole out of the range of most people because there’s not a lot of airspace to work the flex line that you need to work to get the dist oh no backham big time shank yeah getting the old disc and Deals Jinx is that it

Huh oh there that’s a good forehand give him a putt no no not quite what is that a a new tree right there beside yes so there’s a couple there’s one ahead of them too and you’ll see that during the girls round play some tricks uh that didn’t turn over as much

As he wanted but he’s out as well he’ll have a look yeah outside look I thought this was an interesting play I thought he could just go straight here but he’s going with a sweeping High Spike Heiser with the forehand maybe this first tree was oh wow he literally hit under the basket

And then uh had that kinde of reaction yeah see Cade was basically pin High I mean you’re that’s really all you’re looking for is the easiest three in the world on this hole y 3.6 par average so yeah you take a par you’re you’re getting Strokes come on Joe you are you are

Today for sure in this cold W cold wet conditions yep all right let’s see if Sam can save Oh no just laying it up Cade for three there’s that uncomfortable distance again yeah I missed two two out of three attempts from that long those start Weighing on your conscience a little

Bit so two Bogies I think uh Beck’s going to tap in here for bogey as well and joai is the same so I think this hole got everyone y probably played I mean could have played as a part four today no doubt all right so let’s take a quick

Peek at the rounds Cade two under Sam plus one Beck plus 5 and Josiah plus three and honestly looking at these scorecards Cade only that one blemish on that final hole he’s missed a couple putts but honestly he’s riding this thing and I’m excited to see this back nine so make

Sure you check it out with us again shout out to the KSU disc golf club for getting all of this set up appreciate all that you guys do we’re going to jump into the back n make sure you come along with us if you have not please go ahead and like the video

Subscribe comment on it do all the things that help us and really appreciate you watching we’ll catch you on the next one take care bye-bye now


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