Golf Babe

Hot Shots Golf 3 – Episode 24 – Old Ladies Have Temper Tantrums Too!

Hot Shots Golf 3 Episode 24: Recv5x takes on Louise in VS mode and then drains a miracle putt in tournament play!


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Hello everyone I’m Rec B5 and I am Sandman 99 and welcome back to Hot Shots Golf 3 yes and today we’re going to do a versus mode and according to the poll the Spike versus Louise matchup at uh uh United Greens Country Club back teas is what won the day yeah with a

Surprisingly good response to that poll yeah that was the most responded thing we’ve ever done to our channel so thank you all you guys who gave us a response on that we really appreciate the engagement pal here we go so I’m not sure how this will go uh

The lack of distance is really going to hurt me and this course is also not especially well uh suited for the draw shot shape so it’s going to be tough but at least I have my high shot trajectory and everything else that I want well you just have to go out there and

Put the ball in the hole in as few shots as possible isn’t that always the goal Yeah cuz otherwise I’d be the one winning all the time Right Well that turned out to be a pretty long drive yeah you caught a little bit of the downward slope there Nice Shot will grease my tires yeah the thing about Louise is she’s bad out of bunkers bad out of the rough uh bad uh at Sid spin mhm but but she does

Have the highest stats in the game otherwise except for power oh right she has the best control the best spin the worst Impact Zone of course yeah I noticed that she had almost no Impact Zone off the te there at all but she did hit perfect impact so

Yep I guess if you hit perfect impact every time it doesn’t really matter how wide your Impact Zone is right that’s right this will be a little to the right of the pin he pushed that to the right cuz I didn’t get perfect impact on the green well it’s my Good but her power is still second best in the game no it’s third best cuz John can hit it further than she can yeah well she didn’t do herself any favors with that backs Spin and that’s a long putt that she leaves a little short chance yeah more than a little I mean 5 ft that’s no not not something you’d want to be left with that’s for sure slam it in there yep well you’re on your way simply the Beginning okay this is where my lack of distance is going to start to make things awkward yeah it’s tough to make the green in two when you can uh you can’t even hit it halfway there on your t-shot right ni shot well I mean I don’t really look at

It as like a an overall drive distance kind of thing cuz you’re always going to a lot of these times you’re going to get extra roll or there might be some other part of the environment you can take advantage of but here I’m actually just looking to hit hit a specific part of

The Fairway because I know that this is like this weird u-shaped dog leg hole and I don’t want to get stuck behind these trees and this looks like trouble oh yep that’s staying in there y my back Medicine oh she might be going back there again she’s going to go back there again H oh my god oh okay no she’s fine yeah she’s just in the rough look at this Impact Zone that she’s going to get now though [Laughter] wow nice shot yeah how would you like to

Have an impact Zone like that’s my real life Impact Zone right there yeah well I think she’s in big trouble on this hole like you can play this pretty conservatively and and pick up a point here easily Well we’ll go seven iron seven iron how about that Sure cuz I think even if you just par this hole that’s going to be enough I might under hit that a little bit wow you did it that was that’s a pretty that was a pretty good Shot Nice Shot is this a par I don’t know it doesn’t matter nope not quite ooh was close but yeah she just about put her ball on mine yeah nice birie yeah I’m only living on Social Security all right this is a real hard hole for people who lack distance

Because my usual spot that I aim for is this tree and I try to get it as close to that tree as possible so I can look around the edge I don’t have that luxury here right and there’s nowhere else I can really go with this all right so I’m

Actually going to try aiming for this spot over here which is kind of a little raised area and I’m going to try to hit that okay you try to hit That take a little bit off that power shot will it my good just because I know the the wind is going to take a lot L of my drive distance out but I’m hoping that uh I can get high enough on that hill to be able to circumvent those trees if I have

To but actually with this wind blowing the way it is I might not have to worry about that just might be able to just aim around the trees and play a shot like this maybe maybe maybe maybe thinking I might want to take another club though and hit perfect impact and uh you

Just barely made it around that tree on the green over hit it a little bit too but uh I didn’t want to come up short yep because it’s a raised green oh no oh no why come on yeah she pushed it and hit that Big Tall Tree

Yep well now you can two putt for the win on this hole you don’t need a birdie on this hole now a so close Nice hole out there’s my hair yep nice P yeah you got to be kidding well things are going well so far so far so good this is another one of those holes that’ll be kind of tough though cuz I got to hit this lower Loft Club I might actually I know that’s like

A I think it’s a 1 M pers Second Wind so I’m actually going to try to take advantage of it I’ll aim straight at the pin cuz this green slopes left to right I’m hoping that the wind maybe will take me over a little bit it also gives me a

Little bit more room to hit this two iron because uh I have to hit this two iron onto a fair narrow Target and I’ve gone and over hit it and I didn’t get my back spin out of that so this is going to be tight tight Landing you did fine well I did Mediocre it stayed on I hit the green that oh no she just hit that she hit the tree or the bunker I don’t know she’s all over the place wow the bunker nope she hit the bunker in the rough in front of the Bunker well that’s not going to give her the roll that she wants yeah she’s got a tough putt here to avoid a bogey again can she make it though uh it looks like Noe oh that was close so close well here you go nice hole out

Get a par for the uh The Sweep again birdie chance oh I over hit this slightly oh you sunk it anyway wow in four holes how’ you get so good I mean I used to play spike a lot I I used to really like him as a uh golfer now I prefer uh

T-Bone because of the better distance and all that right but spike is a perfectly good character if you want to play a uh lower rated character with a with a big Impact Zone just give him the turbo spin club so you have a high shot trajectory so do you get another uh cut

Scene here or I do believe so yes yes I do believe this is another cutscene area Yeah [Laughter] yep at last you have defeated Louise a truly itable opponent but the competition isn’t over yet a waiting you are 15 Challengers who have been reborn and sworn to get revenge are you ready to face them wow that’s right so really you’re only halfway there that’s right I’m actually only

Halfway there we’ve got a whole bunch more versus modes to Do oh you still keep doing poorly on the uh slot game afterwards though yeah that’s just never going to be a thing the slot game is never going to be a thing yeah well now maybe we’ll get some more uh versus mode requests coming in

Yeah well I I really hope so you guys I really appreciated all the uh engagement we got on the last one thank you so much yeah so we’re going to play a tournament now maybe I should use Louise for that that might be fun yeah I have no idea

How that’s going to go let’s see here tournament mode you’ve only got five tournaments left yeah well we’re definitely not using clubs with her oh we could get an impact zone or we could uh hit the ball further beginner big eror isn’t a bad combination maybe we’ll go with that all

Right I hope my back’s all right back teas in the winter oh oo bag pipe classic yeah I guess the the the one Saving Grace here is that uh uh bag pipe classic has wide Fairways but if I hit either the rough or uh a bunker that’s going to be

Terrible my Impact Zone is going to be so small then you had best not do either of those things watch t-shot hits ball in in Hazard go now she doesn’t quite hit the ball as far as uh t bone does I think she’s about 5 yard shorter total oh but uh her control

Rating is way better it’s as good as like Zeus’s control rating and her spin rating is just as good as t-bones and she has a high shot trajectory sh she can’t really spin the ball sideways though way over here although you can still make her

Worse at Sid spin by uh giving her the pinhole ball and then she really like can’t Sid spin the ball literally at all no don’t know why you’d want to do that but you Could good shot Nice Shot y amazing I think you’re come on you know what the thing the thing I think that surprises me in these versus mode things is that uh a couple of times you you’ve uh won pretty decisively but uh they they basically your opponent is

Self-destructed right yep yeah the uh standard AI are not that good uh to put it bluntly it’s uh when you go to the higher level versus modes that they actually start to play like something I think the uh at least on on the starting course the highest level uh

Secondary versus mode characters can shoot minus 19 if you put them in stroke play so they’re as good as me on the earlier courses and you kind of have to use the later courses to try to give yourself a chance which means you also have to be

Fairly good at the the later courses right yeah I noticed too they don’t have those uh cheesy you know 180 yard chip-ins and stuff like that like they did in I promise you that will come I promise you it’s coming come on get the bird it’s okay it

Just isn’t coming on uh the normal difficulty level here oh and it’s not as frequent because like for example all the greens you might notice on most of these courses are very large even the hard courses the greens are very large yeah and so they have less opportunities with

Tiny greens and then you know hitting the ball uh just off the green and then chipping in right less opportunities are available for that kind of Thing I think even now she’s got to be control rating with that big airball so she’s going to be doing perfectly fine out Here well things have gone fairly smoothly so Far okay I got my super Back Spin that should be good I think you’re come on get the bird it’s okay the birds in her nest not bad for an old lady what is that that she’s destroying with her putter anyway I think it’s a rose or a flower or something good luck

Some kind of Flower that might be a little bit over hit but we’ll see how that turns Out amazing I think you’re on come on get the bird no problem get the well you’re not any worse off than usual on this hole y I find it’s easier to over hit the ball when you down Club I don’t know why it’s just when I

Down Club I have this problem where I over hit the ball whereas if I were to stick with the initial Club I’d have less problem with that but then I might not get the shot trajectory I want to hit that little narrow Parton uh see because she hits the ball

Straight we could do this yeah but I kind of feel suicidal doing this that’s a pretty narrow Gap you have to be very precise yeah you do I don’t know I don’t know if I want to do that on camera maybe someday but I don’t think that’s today oh I’ll bet

Your viewers want to see that okay we’ll try it I’m probably going to die if this goes out of bounds it’s your fault no it isn’t yeah oh yeah you made it no problem I know I I always try to hit it through there with characters who hit like Fades

And draws and that’s a recipe for trouble I can see that yeah but uh in this case that just might have made the hole for you right quite possibly we’ll See o i shanked that that’s going to be in the bunker possibly nope I cleared the bunker yep made it on to the front edge of the green you got like a half a mile long putt but what is that uh how can you even

Read a break from that far away wow I just average things out uhhuh and then just try to do my best oh I hit that a little too hard that might go off the back go in better go in oh look at that wow yeah you just Tred try to look at

The all the lines and average it out right oh or just close your eyes and hauler [ __ ] oh man wow I can’t believe you made that and the way that that broke too was unbelievable it was like a half circle Yep that wind isn’t strong enough for that I don’t Think that might be under hit oh maybe not SP amazing came back I think you’re come on get the bird The bird’s in her nest yeah that’s a Rose wind wind Wind I don’t know I think the par 3s on this course are really tough eh they are yes very tough I over hit this but probably better safe than sorry yeah you don’t want to land in that bunker in front of the hole I don’t think good yeah you’ll have a little little bit of a long putt there but the way you’ve been pulling Miracles out of your

Ass maybe you’ll maybe you’ll put this one in too God Better go in oh look at that you made that one too like I say man sometimes you’re just on okay yeah that reminds me of the old movie CAD Shack and Rodney Dangerfield pulls out his Putter and he’s got an electronic setup hooked up to the putter

That creates a electronic grid over top of the Putter and then he looks through a sight down the putter shaft and and uh it tells him when he’s aiming the right way God oh I don’t think I cleared that I got a really bad percentage off the te there yeah from the [Applause]

Rain now might be pretty tough there now Yep well but I’m out in the Fairway at least yeah boy did you lose a lot of distance from that hoe yeah it’s because of the the the rain I guess the snow but yeah the Rain oh that terrible percentage that’s killing me well you can probably still save a par here anyway maybe she’s bad in the rain as well might be I don’t know ooh that was close yeah wow oh these greens aren’t easy right no go go man that was just a terrible power

Percentage off the te There sometimes you just can’t [Applause] Win can I at least hit the Green from here well I don’t know maybe maybe maybe I hit that building get in all kinds of Trouble well you made it past the building bunker look at that power percentage wow how do you like that 35 to 95 that’s a pretty big uh spread there so basically you have no idea what you’re going to get here right that’s right yeah Yeah y good well you still have a chance for a birdie here yeah I’ll take a 54 the birds in her just slam it in there not bad for an old lady man is this snow going to stop dare I love the snow in real life I don’t love it in this game

I don’t have a lot of power shots to spend on things like snow Yeah Louise doesn’t get as many power shots as some of the power characters do that’s right it’s because she’s got all these other advantages that uh she doesn’t get as many power shots well

Y good I actually hit the front of the yeah you hit the front edge of the green there you were lucky you made it up there I think it was just the velocity from the fact that I was hitting a two iron that let me do that the bird’s in her

Nest not bad for an old lady well so far your putting has been spot on today yeah I don’t know what it is I actually I still think that that was the a couple of those long ones were pretty cheesy but I don’t know well I actually

Feel somewhat tired today so I don’t know what’s going on with the putting maybe I’m just more relaxed well you know how it goes some every now and then you have one of those days where it just seems like you’re you’re uh doing everything right yeah sadly I hit it too far it’s

So hard to hit the right spot of this Fairway to be able to see in between all that yeah did I get that high enough to get it over the bunker maybe not yeah okay I’m fine a good conservative shot yo a lot of these shots will cause you anxiety under normal circumstances

Right yeah nice good y amaz that’s just a normal Back Spin shot yeah wow you almost SP it in too the bird’s in her nest not bad for an old lady yeah it was because of the headwind there that I I hit that normal backs spin Shot Okay now I’ll probably run out of power shot soon but at least I’m able to use them on these par fours I’m happy to use them on the par fors well some of these par fours are very long right that’s right I mean I know on

Uh course that we that we played often in real life there was a par 4 that was only like 460 yards or something like that yep or par five I mean sorry yeah relatively short power five yeah but the thing is though it was in a half

Circle right so you couldn’t go uh straight at the green anyway hello it’s okay well that’s okay they can’t all be winning Holes the wind o I was hoping I’d get my super Back Spin there to clear that bunker I’m not sure if I did oh I did but uh I still ended up getting a bit more power than I wanted come on get the bird it’s okay ah yeah double break hey yeah well

See I’d had a an experience not too long ago where uh my double break the base part where it’s very slopey at the beginning uh had more of an effect on it but uh it’s it’s always difficult to tell with those things you they can be R

They’re not impossible but they are very difficult yeah Three Wood Forwood what do you say maybe no I don’t like that let’s reine that Good no stop come on get the bird the birds in her neest not bad for an old ladyy good Luck H nice job yes yeah that helped you come on get the bird it’s okay uhoh I might have under hit that no you’re okay it went in not bad for an old lady well your competitors again seem to have fallen off yep yeah I don’t think they ever really

Get competitive in uh the tournament mode if I’m honest the tricky part about this hole is that I don’t have the usual s spin Arsenal that I usually Have so I have to be cautious these last couple holes are really taxing on your s side spin that bush in the foreground going to be a problem or it might Be and I over hit this oh looks like you clipped a couple of leaves but so Uncool Hello Don’t Panic keep calm it’s Okay well Okay oh you have a comfortable 10 shot lead with only two holes to go so yeah I guess I could hit it out of bounds and still win this tournament at least probably Wow good one way over here that’s Long see even though I don’t get a better Impact Zone by doing this instead of that yeah I think it’s easier to avoid under or over hitting the ball if I do this okay do this then that’s why I’m doing This cuz I can control the maximum power that I’m going to get out of the shot y good one well that was actually a pretty good shot this is a little bit shorter putt than your last Eagle chance yeah oh I did oh you have your ups and downs today

Drain the 75f footer and then miss a 15-footer yeah well you know when you’re on you’re on when you’re not you’re not yeah all right what are we looking at if I hit the ball here obviously it’s going to roll down that Slope that’s long big one a long one well that looked like it went okay and you can go right between the Tower and the castle there in order to Yep well that’s kind of what we were looking for Here n that’s not the best shot I ever hit oh well it got the job done it’s a little bit over hit good I think you’re on come on get the bird stay Solid oh I over hit that that’s going to be missed oh no it’s not no they went in not I don’t know every putt I thought I had I missed and every putt I thought I missed I had it’s a reverse psychology thing but I still got like four pars here right it

Was that eagle that saved this round and stopped it from being absolutely terrible well minus 14 that’s probably a course record for the back te’s for this whole course yeah it might be you totally won yeah you you totally won well I didn’t get any bogeys at

Least oh you got the side spin ball what’s how different what’s the difference between that and a turbo SP spin ball so turbo spin increases your back spin while side spin uh increases your side spin oh okay oh my perfect impact was abominable in this round yeah

It was like way below your usual uh standard but but then I made that 74t putt I don’t know it’s just a thing man yeah it’s just a thing oh that was actually my longest putt my my previous longest was 70 ft yeah yeah I’ll bet the the previous longest

One didn’t have quite that much of a break though yeah well it also didn’t have an eagle at the end of it either probably yeah cuz uh that that sinking that putt ranks right up there with uh like dropping it in the cup from 200 yards away right like H

Wow well we haven’t done that yet either I don’t think well King rank is your new rank yep all right so that was quite the uh exciting day yes it was with some uh pretty amazing moments it was a good game mhm but anyway Mr Almighty golfer H what’s the

Plan for next time well uh next time uh I was thinking we could either do uh another joint stroke play or I’d do uh maybe I’ll start switching over so I’m not doing double tournaments anymore cuz we only got four tournaments left yeah so I’ll do uh tournament match play yeah

So yeah cuz eventually you’re going to run out of tournaments and then you’re going to end up just playing uh match plays although I’m expecting at some point that the match plays will start taking longer because I expect the uh AI will start to become more competitive

And I suppose if we need to uh fill out a good quality episode I can shoot for high score on some of these courses too yeah okay well you know what maybe we’ll play this one by year and see if anybody in the comments section has anything to

Say about what the next episode should be yeah all right sure so until next time I am samman 99 and I’m Rec B5 have a good one


  1. 15:44 I wonder if 3’s below average standard AI made the Devs decide to have the Standard AI to become above average in some of the games after this (Looking at you World Invitational)

  2. Well since you asked for requests I actually have a few. To start with I want Zeus vs Tiffany and for that one you have to choose to have that game either at Mt. Sakura or Aloha Beach Resort. Next will be John vs Jonnie at Western Valley. Finally for my third request is the battle of the beards with Mitch vs Pete at either Bagpie Classic or United Forest. Have fun.

  3. Seem I have missed a lot since I could last watch. Stupid ISP issues… But I'm back and with more JP-side trivia & tidbits!

    Louise in JP is instead a diva/model named Rose, whose elegance is matched by her skill on the golf course, and her anger when she doesn't perform well.

    Fun fact: In the JP version of Rose's defeat cutscene, she actually has DIALOGUE! Roughly translated as follows:

    (player sinks putt)

    "Ohhh… *(moans in an overly dramatic sad tone before standing and facing the player)*"

    "I lost… (shakes player's hand) See you…" (Walks off)

    (walks to back of clubhouse)

    (Rose looks around)


    She shouts a long "SOOOOO!" and "KEEEEEE!" which are just usual Japanese frustrated shouts, though one could also argue the SOOOO can be misheard with a small silent Ku- in front, which Kuso means the F word or Sh–, you get the idea.

    (Rose then looks to the camera, angry that her tantrum was seen)

    I'll go over her animations compared to Louise more when/if you get to HSG4, since they both return there and once again share the spot, and this goes for all 3 versions of that game. I'll also give trivia & tidbits on who I missed when/if you play as or against them, since it'd be bad manners to spam these on the older parts as time has passed them.

    Can't wait for the hard mode matches.

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