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UNDISPUTED | Skip reacts to Nikola Jokić, Aaron Gordon lead Nuggets to season sweep of Celtics

UNDISPUTED | Skip reacts to Nikola Jokić, Aaron Gordon lead Nuggets to season sweep of Celtics
#undisputed #skip bayless #michael irvin #keyshawn johnson #richard sherman

Breakers or fakers and Cowboys or cowg girls as you call them and Dak or duck as I call them occasionally but right now it is time to skip the BS time for Undisputed time for Kean Johnson and me to dive into last night’s NBA Finals preview Celtics at

Denver with the opportunity to validate all the regular season greatness they have displayed so far kesan and I both picked the Celtics to win this game Kean and I were both wrong about this game Celtics had their late chances but as usual it was the Nuggets who made all

The right closing plays hung on 115 to 109 same song I don’t know what verse so Denver won both of its regular season games against Boston home and away and obviously should be favored to win it all again Kean good morning to you sir what’s happening skip you ready yeah

I’ve been ready was Boston ready last night and to you what exactly happened last night well the the the Nuggets happen right start with Joker in with Murray and everybody else on the team in between but you think about it in the fourth quarter the Celtics shot 36% from the floor fourth

Quarter they only managed 25% from three you can’t win games like that when you going up against this type of Team on the road especially and on top of that you think about it they still one of the Celtics are still one of the top two

Teams in the East okay it’s I understand that if if you want to call it a sweep because it’s 20 to Denver versus the Celtics spread out this is not this is not the NBA Finals no if it’s the NBA Finals maybe you’re looking at a little

Bit different skip because you got a you know you got a A number of games spread out over several weeks January 19th was when they played in Boston it’s a totally different situation but you got to think the Nuggets first of all in in the fourth that they’re fourth in points

Allowed in the last five minutes of games we talk about this all the time when it comes to teams that they play whe whether it’s the Lakers or whether it’s the Suns or the Celtics or whoever it is that they’re beating everything seems to be close and for whatever

Reason against this team they they have figured out how to close games out in the fourth quarter with about four minutes or left left in games when everybody else is missing shots they’re making shots in transition they’re throwing lobs they’re dunking they’re knocking down threes so they’re kind of

Like taking your heart away from you late in games and that’s exactly what I felt like happened last night to the Celtics I thought the Celtics for the most part they didn’t play extremely well but they didn’t not have a chance to win the game that a fact they they

Had a chance to win the game but again in that late fourth quarter they missed shots the nuggets made shots and so that’s how I sum it up okay I have said all year even though I have picked the Celtics to win the Eastern Conference the one thing I don’t

Love about this Joe moula version of the Celtics as opposed to the eme udoka previous version of the Celtics is it’s the oldest cliche in basketball since the invention of the three-point line shot you live and you die by the three and they all time live and die by the

Three I have never seen anything like it in NBA history we’re a good team not just some fluky you know off- radar team but a good basketball team that plays very good their third and defense they still offensively just live and die by the three and they effectively died by

It last night even though the the problem was okay so they shoot 11 of 38 so they tried 38 they they average 48 a game so you can say well at least they kind of kept it to a low Ro yeah but it’s 28.9% let just not on the road okay

You’re not going to win that basketball game and unless the home team shoots four of 21 from three Denver was four of 21 so from the three-point line that’s plus 21 points for Boston well isn’t that how they sort of hung in there oh yeah and by the way if they make if

They’re making Boston making it threes Boston wins again okay why have they beaten three teams by 50 plus points why did they beat who was it Golden State by 52 and they beat Pacers by 51 they beat the Nets by 50 why did they do that cuz they just threes especially against

Golden State in the first quarter it seemed like they made 16 threes okay if you’re going to do that you’re going to win by 50 but you can’t do it every night because it’s a hard shot as you know they take the most they make the most but they’re making the most because

They take the most so in in these playoff series if this is the seven game finals well they’re just going to roller coaster ride because one night and you can’t even explain it it’s inexplicable to me it’s like mystifying why why do you heat up some nights and some nights

You don’t I don’t know the coaches can’t explain it you just kind of hope that guys come out and they they it suddenly looks good you know it feel maybe the first one goes in you go oh I like that that felt good and then all of a sudden

They’re all it gets contagious and they all go crazy well porzingis was three three for 10 okay three but he actually in the second half he met when he was making them they felt big to me they they felt like they were real and like

They they kept them a yeah I mean but but when you’re shoot see I I understand the bigs this is the game now shooting three but I just don’t think like you said skip that you need to take as many they shot 38 of them last night and they

Were not even falling at all if they were falling then I would sit and say okay yeah go ahead and keep knocking them down yeah I understand three is more than two but when he’s not falling for you find something else to score your points on okay and and again cuz if

You become aggressive and you get to the cup you you can get N1 and that’s your three right there yeah and so then they’re stuck often with porzingis trying to guard yic and he’s just not physical enough he do have enough girth and and we talked yesterday about

How you know Joker is slim down some he still looks pretty portly but but he can throw his weight around and when he throws it into porzingis porzingis is taller than he is but it doesn’t matter you know cuz his trunk is a lot wider

Than I I would say okay so there’s one guy in that Celtics locker room who has as you say that dog in him there’s one guy you can trust in the biggest moments and biggest games and he’s the new guy he’s Drew holiday and I still say

Milwaukee will miss him as much as the Celtics will benefit from having him in big playoff games because he is a big play maker on both ends of the floor how did they get back in the game last night he made two big late threes in the

Fourth quarter only two that he made he six okay and and they were huge they they were they were momentum where they’re crucial where you say oh that that had to be made for them to have a chance all right so then we get to a guy

Who I’m not sure has enough dog in him that’s Jason tatman I’ve talked about him for years on this show I’m I’m going to remind everybody he’s in his seventh NBA season he is a great guy he he is a nice guy he is the nicest guy I’m just

Not sure cuz I’ve never been sure he’s that guy when it comes to making basketball shots big big plays big plays big moments I don’t see enough of him he’s had a rocky year in crunch time what they call clutch time he’s 32% in clutch time this year they’re obviously

A really good team they’ve had historic moments this year but in these games in the biggest moments he’s got to be their best player and I’ve often said to me Jaylen Brown’s a little bit I would take Jaylen Brown over Jason well that that

Ation came up a year or so ago when they were talking about moving some pieces around Jaylen Brown was mentioned and he wasn’t feeling he wasn’t very happy about it but he wind up getting a super Max and stand with the Boston Celtics so look Tatum hasn’t had the best year he

Hadn’t had the best success in the playoffs he has not they anointed him as their guy he’s the face of the franchise and he their guy he’s probably got to do better at times but I’m not so down on him like you skipped to the point where

I’m now going to start picking Jaylen Brown over Tatum because Tatum is supposed to be the guy yeah and he’s not living up to the expectations of what people think he should be he’s a hell of a basketball player man he’s a hell of a basketball player last night Jaylen

Brown was the guy cuz he scored 41 with 14 boards that’ll work and and porzingis gave you 24 and 12 that’ll work but the guy the face of the franchise he had kind of an ad kind of a


  1. Celtics shot 64% from the free-throw line and nuggets shot 95%…Tatum didn't play his best game but he gets doubled every night and his navigation was off.. he has a few bad games and the media with the scrutiny is unreal lol

  2. No discussion about the brilliance of the Nuggets, and all discussion about what the Celtics did wrong. Typical trash sports media biased towards talking about stupid big market teams

  3. Also, silent hating on the Nuggets is just ridiculous.
    Every take these "experts" make is from a point of how THE team(insert Lakers, Warriors, Boston here) lost from the Nuggets.
    Well who cares?! Nuggets were just better.
    Praise them and talk about them for 1 fricking minute of the segment!

  4. I’m a Knicks fan so I hate saying this but if Boston stop jacking up 3’s they would be tough to beat

  5. Does anyone else think Keyshawn is just terrible?? I mean he is so basic in his perspectives where I know what he’s already going to say 80 percent of the time. Seems like he’s a nice guy, but Skip is bland also and needs a charismatic co host with interesting takes to balance.

  6. Missing and making shots is apart of the game can’t use that for hypothetical wins and losses Keyshawn Johnson 🤣🤣 Nuggets were just proving that they’re the best team in the world with the best player on the planet

  7. Is this that Skip guy who disrespected Jokic 2 years ago and his well earned MVP???? Now he is saying things like this… how someone can be put on the ground, insane.

  8. Nuggets back to back champs. What a great time to live for Nugget fans. Let go Nuggets!!

  9. Jokic is playing in third gear now when play off start that dude will go to anouther level in his 6 gear he will dominate any body they play he will go for 35 15 10 average with high percentage shoting.

  10. The segment is "What was the key factor in the Nuggets close win?" and all they do is talk about the Celtics. This is so lame.

  11. The nuggets shut down their 3 point shooting game. They've done it to other teams. The nuggets have been tuning up their defense for most of the year and are getting more successful in beating good offensive teams. The NBA will never be able to shut down the defensive game because thats how great teams win games. Good offense is not as fun to watch as great defense, and that's just why basketball is a great game to watch.

  12. I don’t know Tatum even a little, but I met him once. I wished him a great game; he looked at me like I’d called his mom a name, and said nothing (save for an annoyed grunt and accompanying eye-roll). Not so sure he’s that nice of a guy.

  13. 9 min of BS…9 minutes about the losing team! They didn't talk a min about the Nuggets??? Unbelievable!!!!🤦🤦😵‍💫😂😂

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