Golf Babe

High School Girl VS D1 Mens College Golfer

In this video Gabby is taking it up a notch. You’ve seen her play two women’s division 1 golfers before. But now she is taking on Division 1and college golfer from UCF University of Central Florida, Nick Estrada. This match is gonna be straight up 9 holes 1V1. Nick will play from the tips and Gabby will play from her yardage. This may be one of her toughest matches yet!

Nick Estrada

I’ve never done a match like this before you guys have seen me play division one women’s golfers before but today we’re taking up another level Division one men’s golfer versus 16-year-old golfer nine-hole match play 1 V One I’m playing Nick Estrada from UCF Vision one men’s golf this is going to be a great little match I’m super excited for this one going to be a lot of fun so thanks for coming out you’re going to play from the tips I’m going to

Play for my teas all the way up there and this is going to be head-to-head straight up 1 V one super excited this is going to be like one of my hardest matches yet so you’re from South Florida right yes okay where where about just west of Palm Beach so near the lockah

Hatchee area oh awesome that’s kind of where I’m from too so we’re we’re kind of near each other all right so we’re going to start off whole one here here we go great Drive absolutely perfect that’ll be fine there it’s like a nice little baby fade low te perfect

There so what made you pick UCF do you have any other like offers from other schools do you really want to stay in state what was like the mindset behind that so I’ve always loved Florida been in Florida since I was 4 years old so Florida Florida schools were a big thing

Oh yeah um and then Co hit so that that narrowed it down a little more and it was between Florida GF coast and UCF and I love the coach and you know the places we got to play so it it was awesome yeah yeah yeah and what year are you I’m a

Junior junior okay so what’s the plan do you want to go pro or you stud what are you studying like how’s that going to work I’m majoring in finance and I’d say the uh the pro route is up to decision uh we’ll see how it goes from here see

How the next few years go but it’s a goal of yours depending on how the last couple yeah just how the next year and a half shape up to see if I really want to yeah that’s a big commitment it’s a ton of work it’s a huge lifestyle oh my

Goodness all right this is wide open good drive out there I’m ripping this drive here we go great drive there first first drive all right there we go two perfect drives down the middle perfect I mean you actually can’t get better than that can’t get better than that besides maybe

Mine a little bit further this this is your ball yeah this is me you’re way up there wow I have Crush never hit it this far on this hole before ever usually I mean like wow usually I’m like up at that tree but that’s crazy that is

Deep I got 13 three yards here looks like the pin’s kind of tucked front left going to aim at a couple feet to the right of this pin little knock down pitching wedge see if we can put one close get okay good shot that was such a clean

Swing that was like the amount of speed when you’re watching like it it’s just crazy compared to my swing you’re just ripping through the ground like I don’t swing it too fast I know but to me it’s like a whole different story I even have to like stop the cart and everything

This is like the furthest Drive hit like what how far was that hole I’m 52 52 yards 40 to the front 75 to the back that’s crazy 54 yards 75 to the back 40 to the front I’m going to go about 3et right just want to get this to the middle of the

Green down ball down ball down ball wow that went far all right little little small swing and it still went far I mean actually had a lot of speed on that at the ball which is a good thing for my Approach shots in future thank you by the way yeah yeah of course

Always fixing divots out here need to make sure yeah I can’t leave a divot I think my divot like the actual divot when like 15 yards up there it was like crazy so it was a clean de it well it’s so different playing here than in South Florida because it’s not like that

It’s not like that much of Bermuda grass yeah it’s a little a little bit different you can actually get a couple pancakes yeah I know in South Florida it’s like all tight all right I am definitely pretty far I don’t know how I hit that 58° front

Stance 3/4 swing like 70 yards but I guess I hit it really really really good got the adrenaline flowing I know I that’s 75 yards to the back of the green I barely hit it but it went that yardage I’m shocked all right got to get a good

Putt here are these greens rolling right now I don’t know I have I have no idea we’re both going to find out what the greens are rolling you’re pin high you’re perfect it’s the right Club just uh pushed a little bit but we got a birdie putt I have like a

60-footer for birie seriously all right I’m going like 5et out on the left be soft with this putt it’s going downhill then uphill not really sure how the greens are rolling I’m making this P this is going right in the hole soft hands in the hole I would say pretty fast yeah that

Pry soft and it went I know it went uphill at the last second but that could have been if that was a flat putt I would have crushed it all right my putts going uphill most of the way maybe downhill just past the hole got to be cautious with the speed

Might just inch a little bit left here come get in the hole good part thank you nice par thank you got this Mark my put I think it’s pretty straight but these marks are really annoying deep holes all right I’m playing this middle of the cup since it’s like a

Three-footer you always want to just keep it inside the hole if there’s not that much break back of the cup this is going in the hole it’s going right in the hole nice two putt thank you all right both pars on the first hole no blood all

Square both on the green and regulation both great drives pretty good pretty good putt for me really good putt by you yeah yeah it was gave it a run on to the next hole got a slight dog leg right here little into the fan start

It left side of the Fairway Let It Fade back good drive thank you nice little cut yeah a little fade no but that’s perfect on this hole if you had your dream situation like fresh out of college what do you want to do like anything you could possibly do any job you could

Possibly work if you want to go on the PGA tour or not what’s your dream situation I have absolute dream situation like absolutely I love traveling so playing in other countries that would be amazing um I have a Latino background so I’ve Loved Colombia I’d

Love to go over there play a little bit of golf over there um and then also if that doesn’t work follow the sales route because it gives you a lot of connections yeah connections and different opportunities that you can for sure go do yeah that’s awesome I I would

Love to travel like all course to yeah I love it like if you could go anywhere in the world colia is your place then yeah I loved Columbia when I’ve been I I’ve never been do they have a lot of golf courses there or is itl not not that

Many golf courses um the country clubs that you know have golf courses they are nice though yeah I’m sure I’m sure who’s your favorite Colombian golf oh as a kid I loved Camilo vas okay so we were talking about him yesterday um except I thought actually I I don’t know if I

Should tell the story but I was sitting next to this guy and he like recognized me and he was like I’m such a big fan I was like that’s awesome he’s like I went to high school with camoo I thought he was talking about the singer and I was

Like and I’m like oh that’s awesome and I I think he he was talking about the golfer now that I know but the whole time I’m thinking like why did he bring that up like that’s so cool but why and I was like we’re on a golf course he

Probably was talking about cam hey Camilo’s a great guy I’m sure I he seems like a great guy yeah 220 to the water I’m going right at the pin stay right it’ll be good though yeah should be fine there little pull but should be fine um yeah so that was that was a

Little bit of an embarrassing story thank you I um yeah I don’t I I was kind of lost in that conversation I’m not going to lie I was I was like so confused right now 127 wind still into it’s like a crosswind too might be that little knockdown pitching wedge again it worked

For you in the last hole so yeah let’s see if I can get a little closer this time a just left of the pin Let It Fade in right at it come left left come back left I think you should be fine I think you’re on the

Green right doesn’t it open up there yeah I think it might kick a little bit left swing though thank you that wind kind of like took you last second I thought it was going to pull back over cuz it had that like little draw yeah possibility of it coming a little yeah I

Was like hoping for it and then the wind just faded out actually I pulled this shot but you know what it’s better to be over here I think for me this is an open green that pin position 96 96 thank you cuz I don’t think that’s sometimes it’s not 100%

Right yeah that’s not right all the time 112 to the back 96 to the flag 73 to the front 50° wedge is what I’m going to hit and if it’s 2 yards short it’s 2 yards short because the pin’s more in the back I’m

Going to go I don’t know if you guys can see but right those like burnt bushes behind the flag on the left edge of them that’s where I’m going like the brown ones I hit the last approach shot really clean so I just got to follow in that

Footsteps swing the the same way just with the right Club go go go go go go go yeah that’s a great job a little bit short but it’s okay I feel like everything just feeds to that right side like crazy cuz if go a little bit left that water gets

Intimidated I know it’s it’s not even like it’s in play but everything kind of funnels down to the water there yeah so like what is your passion what do you love what makes you do what is your passion what do you love what makes you do what you do obviously you have to

Have some kind of direction to play amazing golf the way that you do and keep at it what do you love I love just experiencing new things I like meeting new people trying out new things playing a new course that’s that’s what I love to do um you love you

Love the the experience you know so it’s not necessarily is it about winning for you or is it more about like the journey I think there’s two differ I think it’s more of the journey yeah some people are like that some people just love to be you know experiencing it trying

Different things and some some people love to just win and that’s fine they’re both they both are fine yeah I mean trust me winning is definitely a a big part of life that I enjoy but you know just it’s being along for the ride that really keeps you going yeah for sure

Yeah you know can’t go wrong I would agree I would agree I’m not like a competitive like killer mentality I got to win that’s not who I am it’s never been who I am I just like to do my own thing and stay in my own lane that’s

What makes me want to do what I do you know yeah both are actually great shots on this a lot closer than I thought yeah on this hole they’re both like exactly the same distance away mine’s breaking a lot all right we got an uphill putt here left to right

Might be a little quicker because of going towards the water but just play it a few inches out let it drip in good speed good P started way too far left thank you this is going to be way out right to left for me I’m going like a foot out

But then again it kind of goes left to right at the last second this is all about speed on this putt oo it pulled right away like crazy all right I need to make this right dead straight if anything inside left to right but this is this is

Just dead straight like the last put little three Footers just got to be straight in the cup in the cup so you said experiences are what keep you what keeps you going for playing golf what was your number one experience in the past year like was there a team

Moment was there a place you played what was something that was really exciting there were a couple places I played uh full semester with with my teammates we played in the Big 12 match play and you know we didn’t give it our best out there but we had a great time great

Bonding experience played really sweet place in Texas um that’s cool Michigan was another fun place we went we stayed at a casino 18 plus so be staying up the exact same Casino when cuz I’m going up to Michigan and I don’t I don’t know anything about Michigan but I know it’s

Like in the upper peninsula I think yeah it’s so far yeah that’s right I know about it um and I’ll be playing some golf there stay tuned for that um yeah that may be actually funny that we’re playing the exact place this is part five

Here reachable for me too I just got to get a good drive yeah and it’s the same place yeah is it the same place yeah no way got a little reachable dog leg left par five here going to take it try to keep it close to the left edge of that

Bunker but hit the Fairway give myself a shot to go for it and two great drive thank you really good there kick just a little left I think you’re good right yeah money all right Perfect all right let’s smash this drive we need to drive like the first hole so going be perfect

All right works out there good like one stay away from that bunker as much as possible that’s going to Tumble forever all right we’re good both reachable for us except I’m playing from different te than you are every single part three is like 13 yard yeah you are way up there

So how far like how far do you hit your 3w around 255 255 and how far is your driver like 280 290 yeah around 280 definitely not the long ball out there so you’re 246 so you can definitely reach this 242 you don’t want to go long so I might

Just hit a Hybrid see if I can connect with it and it gets up there probably play it towards the middle of the green wind might be coming a little bit off the right so it might work it towards the pin put a good swing on it give myself a little Eagle p

Get left get left get left that’s a really good swing from that lie good shot thank you yeah that’s a tough lie I was thinking right before you hit it like ball above your feet with a hybrid is out of the rough might have 100 foot putt for Eagle but we’re

Dancing Yeah you’re still hitting a putt hit 178 I’m going to hit my seven wood which I’m actually not sure how far that goes I’ve only hit this club like a few times I’m not going to lie it’s like totally new we’re going to figure out

How far it goes right here it’s going to be a good one keep the face open hold the angle on spe at the wall get left left left left left left settle settle I don’t know if we stayed on the green or not yeah we’re both stay on

We’re both both have 100t for you know what it is it’s like that pin you don’t want to go for that on a par five and you’re like you’re hitting for two and you can get on the green why go for that and go in the bunker potentially a

Little tough to be aggressive to that pin yeah I mean yeah you don’t want to go for that it’s not it’s not worth it why is this cart so slow I I I’m not moving I swear I’m pressing on the gas it’s not going anywhere it’s really

Annoying like it’s literally going 13 M hour my electric scooter goes faster than this I’m like obsessed with electric scooters I have two I love they they come in CL for col I don’t have one you don’t have one but I heard a lot of the

Kids have electric a lot of people have I know I played with a girl at University of Miami and she was saying that her entire team like literally drives on electric scooters to the course to practice this popular where um where I live everyone has an electric

Scooter but I didn’t realize that for college golfers they all use it to get to practice cuz you know golf courses are far yeah ours is like 4 and 1 half miles so it might be right in that uh yeah it’s kind of like in that range

Where you can kind of use it cuz I think mine goes like 10 miles so I think I’ve ran to my facility a couple times a little jog in the morning oh that’s nice wow we get any further away from the hole while being on the green

No but it could always be worse yes that’s for sure O Mine goes like there’s this like big dip right on the right side of this hole all right so we got a you know a hefty 70 footer here um it’s going to break a lot to the

Left probably like the last 15 ft so we’ll play it up there it’s all about speed here give myself a good second putt oh that’s had to play it way more right than that settle see that one rolls away mine goes rolls away right here in the middle that

Took off this is a weird green especially where that pin is I think mine’s left to right actually because I do not want to be in this ditch all right let’s make this P good speed it’s all about speed here no it’s too hard sit down sit down

Sit down oh runs away from the hole there oh shoot it really takes off past the hole Yeah that’s crazy EAS it’s all I mean that pit position is so far like close to the rough that it just all goes like this H well that’s not the two

Birdie putts we wanted no at all all righty we got a big clean up here for the birdie not the best first putt by both of us play this probably just outside left it’s almost worse cuz I saw yours and I did the exact same thing yeah not the best for first putts

But going to make this one wow that came off so far left all right to win this hole I got to make this I’m making this cup back of the cup here we go all right great birdie there put a lot of putting practice in recently so I’m

Just like hoping it’s going to pay off it did there all right that was a good putt thank you one up after three lot of golf to play got a part three next that’s I actually like that hole so yeah part three is sweet yeah I like thatle a

Lot actually almost had a near hole-in one Sunday landed just past the the pin about 7 ft behind on this no no no it was at a course called Stony Brook I was playing with a few uh few friends and lipped out back spinning oh you ever had

A hole in one before I’ve had five so my favorite on hole 11 yeah I love thatle it is an awesome hole that is the best hole to get a hole in one on I’ve been trying to get a hole in one on that hole my entire time playing there and I can’t

Get a hole in one on the hole You you can’t force the hole in one where was the pin position was it over the bunker front right front right so like right over the water I don’t think the bunker was in play so no so it’s way right

Which is almost even harder because then you got to go over that wow five home ones I can only do remember that I have two but oh two is a two two is good two is a lot it’s good but one was off a mat

So I don’t know if that counts all right we got 178 yards here see the pin is tucked that’s never how it is on this hole and that just annoys me it’s never like that yeah usually it’s Center yeah pretty much always Center um wind’s hurting a little bit so

We’re going to have to hit it pretty good um just kind of aim at the stick and Let It Fade just a few feet right of the PIN I was going to say hole in one today it’s got to get there go oh all short that was right at the

Pin though as soon as you hit that I was like got caught up in the wind yeah that’s yeah you’re right you know this course is very open which is a good thing but then again that means that there’s going to be a lot of wind that

Comes right through it yeah cuz like especially on this hole pretty flat so it’s all just course can’t get a bit windy for sure choke down pitching wedge oh come back come back come back come back I just left it open I just left the

Face open on that shot got to be a little bit more aggressive on that shot def on the green it’s fine but I was not what I was expecting I just completely once I hit the ball just open the face all right we’re fine I definitely

Believe you can make it up and down for there your stance may be a little weird from there but I think your short game should be should be good enough for that shot I hope so thing is you actually I thought you hit a good shot on there I think the

Wind just got just yeah I ate it my my ball got eaten up by the wind think you have a stance going to be stepping in the bunker so now when you play that shot because this is like a shot I have such a hard time with if my feet

Are in the bunker my brother who’s 12 who has never touched a golf club ever hits the shot better than I do where just so I know are you choking down and like just chipping it up there are you going to hit a high shot and land it

Like what are you going to do with this shot I’m still trying to I’m still trying to figure it out it’s it is it’s a tough shot in general I mean when your feet are so much further below the ball you have to choke up a lot yeah but I

Also don’t have that much green to work with it goes downhill after the hole so it’s uh it’s a tough shot in general so I’m going just try to hit like a high soft pitch that’ll hopefully stop I might go a little lower with this

One I don’t think it’ll stop if I take it high go didn’t give it enough juice all right that was pathetic that’s like an impossible shot you’re choked down to the shaft and there’s nothing else you can do yeah connection was good it was just yeah you actually hit it great had

To swing a little bit harder from here it looks severely left to right so I’m just going to go a foot out this again another one that’s all about Pace although these greens break a lot it’s really about pace down head down going in the hole all day be good be good be

Good nice butt thank you it’s good this Fringe is pretty hairy I should probably be chipping this but we’re just going to go ahead and make it to try Tyler the hole hit it firm right at the right at the cup oh be good get in the hole get in

The hole wow that’s a good putt thank you he gave up a good fight on that hole I’m not going to lie what made you putt that rather than chip it because also this is like more like bent grass than Bermuda so I would find it harder why did you put that

For me whenever I put the putter in my hand I think it’s a better chance to make it now a lot of guys would chip that yeah but me personally I feel a lot more comfortable if I’m like giving it a run great so I could see that for sure

Um for me it’s like if I have anything under 15 yards and there’s not that much like Fairway to work with I know I can make a chip sometimes people are just different a lot of people you know a lot of beginner golfers or average golfers

Will say you know put it from 100 yards yeah and it’s like why I can understand that but some good players want to putt it too because they feel more Comfort my putting speed’s good so I mean it usually uh if you it’s just all about where you feel comfortable making it to

Save it you know for sure another par five here another par five here into the wind so maybe uh might make it a little bit harder to get there but uh hit a good one and see what we have left for the second it’s right at the

Pin oh that is mighty right get left get get I think it’s pretty open there yeah it’s on the other hole we have a little layup shot okay you know what you’re going to be open you see up the ball so low and recently I’ve been putting that

Into play for myself I’ve been seeing it up super low it’s helped my t- shots tremendously yeah it’s good it’s easier to control the ball my coach has said that a bunch um how it helps and and also if person that can you know if

You’re a person that their Miss is a um draw then hitting the the low te is going to fade it yeah yeah sometimes it may come off a little bit spinny but um what is this to the water this is 245 from to the water for me so I’m still

Going to hit driver this is a little bit fluffier grass this time of year so I’m going to hit a driver and I’ll be fine I’m going to try and stay a little bit right should be good there good ball little bit of a down the middle but I

Think that’s just a lie sometimes like even a centimeter for me especially with the driver if the tea box is just a little bit elevated I always pull it so I know you’re going to play uh Island Resort and a lot of those t- shots out there the tea boxes are heavily sloped

Both directions oh no that’s like my worst nightmare I have such a hard time with that and it’s like you don’t usually get that no because tea boxes are supposed to be like pretty flat for me if there’s like a tea box that it’s like this or like this it just directs

Where my ball goes we found the bunker we’re just going to try to pitch out with a seven iron give myself a wedge in to a par five hoist it up over these trees I’ll play okay so 140 to where those people are right there which is

Where I want to hit it so I’m going to hit my six iron it’s 230 to the pin I’m going to my six iron layup ah sit down PR good there that definitely way went way more right than I anticipated 120 I have 50° in hand the wind is in

So got to try to keep the spin down a little bit as it flights up it’s going to be short said a good one pushed it all right good shot what did you hit there what club was that 50° there’s no problem with hitting a wedge shorter if it’s accurate it does

Not matter what club you wow we were right holy cow he hit a 50° I’m probably going to hit a 50° too yep 97 perfect pin’s kind of in the middle so it’s good spot all right let’s a really good one speed the ball hold F just get left that’s the only thing ah well we’re in the exact same position I actually didn’t hit that bad too if I hit that at the pin and I didn’t push it it would have got gotten the distance but I hit kind of like a cut

Oh I love this course though it’s like yeah it is sweet not as it’s not super super challenging but you know enough to be really good course it’s manicured well yeah just open which I love I rather like as long as it’s open off the

T- shot course is good for me yeah you hit it straight though yeah some that didn’t break at all pretty straight good speed but did not break maybe one will fall for me do you want it in or out you can just leave it in in okay play it like right

Center didn’t move much at all oh good putt get in the hole oh good putt nice run at thank you all right what is that hole was that the fifth or the fourth hole Fifth Fifth Fifth hole two down through five then we got six seven eight and nine this is such a

Tough hole yeah we got a dog leg right these trees make the t- shot look a little bit intimidating but uh a nice little low fade starting at the right corner of that bunker Let It Fade back towards the Fairway hold there should be Fairway yeah you should

Be fine there I think it opens up more on the right side than you think from this T shot all right here we go get right that’ll roll forever it’ll roll hopefully it’s safe there I do not like this hole at all it’s like a wide open

Fairway from here and I just can’t seem don’t like the look of it can’t seem to hit it on Instagram I saw this video of like in basketball when you grab the rebound you go coast to coast and then you grab a layup there you’re trying to

Go get a layup and when there’s nobody behind you is like the time when you miss the worst worst shot pins in the back downwind 160 I don’t want to fly the back with eight so I’m going nine see if it’ll fly back there wow that is absolutely perfect it

Goes sit down holy cow flew the green with nine that is a great shot like wow you couldn’t hit that more perfect no that’s that’s a shame to see wow gosh I was thinking if CH that far from the hole over there cuz I think it

Kind of like holds up in that rough kind of thing did we get the wrong yardage no or do you just hit it that far 160 I guess I just absolutely FL n yeah 110 for me I’m going to hit my pushing wedge choke down pitching wedge all right

Let’s hit this right next to the hole come back left ooh that is not what you want there but I thought that that I really thought that that lie was going to pull it I guess not all right and you were saying I got to get it there

Too yeah I didn’t think I was going to get all the way there oh now we’re shortsighted ground’s a little muddy back here I have to try to pull something off we’re too down I have to show some Finesse a good chip great chip thank you thank you again all these puts have been about speed for me all these putts have been about speed it’s got to be soft with it I’m making this PT this one’s going in the hole harder harder harder go go go go go

Go go really thought that was going to go downhill kind of killed it at the beginning we could go good good if you want good yeah yeah H put three Footers SC good get on that all right so two up on six holes this next hole is a dog leg

Right right oh this next hole is a dog leg right right yes it’s like got a huge bunker all along the Fairway what course do you guys play at practice at our facility is at Twin Rivers it’s a small public course but our facility in the back is pretty nice oh nice

Cool so again short dog leg right just trying to put a hybrid in position give myself a wedge in AIM just right at that second bunker on the right great shot thank you so like for the recruiting process when you visited the campus or was it during co could even it

Was during Co I couldn’t take any visits wow yeah so that kind of went into it brand new had no clue what I was getting myself into but I mean it’s a great it’s a great place school’s great yeah um Big 12 normally would you go and see I don’t

Know how that works when you see the campus you’d see well not this campus obviously but you’d see the facil and meet the team and everything like that usually you schedule a visit you go see the facility and all stuff yeah 196 to the bunker so I’m going to go fivewood and

Hit a little bit right oh was hit perfectly just got to stay right think we’re good sit down see it a good shot all right we got 113 wind a little bit down off the right pretty stock 54 degree just got to take it right at the pin got to make a

Birdie got to get something going a little left good shot thank you not as close as we want but we’ll have a shot 94 middle of the green pin 120 to the back 75 to carry little uphill on the green I’m hitting a 50° goes like 100 go go go go

Go go I hit that like a centimeter it turned out pin High cuz I ripped through it as soon as I felt that I hit it a little bit before the ball that’s the benefit of speed at the ball like max speed at the ball even though I waggled

A little bit up top and hit it like a centimeter too thick it still got to 97 98 yards and that’s pretty crazy I’m going to go back and fix my divot though because car path only and that was a big one that was huge it was like a big we

Got a little slider here play it fall in got to give it a good run here oh enough I’ve got a slider mine’s super downhill super left to right got to be soft with this pot you’re good there don’t worry about that was like rolling in slow motion

That was like that was to take me out ah that was rolling in slow motion I was literally rolling into but I’m actually happy that I didn’t go past the hole though I could have given it more I could have given it way more all right we got

197 wind’s pretty dead we’re going to just have to fire at this pin I have a soft five iron here just a few feet right a good one locked it again get all right and there’s a lot of down wind I’m over the green Wow I’m doing the same thing as you I’m just pushing it out there yeah the blocks are no fun yeah I’m just like it’s cuz every pin position is left so it’s just you don’t want to go yeah for a for a fader it’s like midswing I’m telling myself move over right every

Single time you landed on the green it rolled out that much it’s crazy yeah we’re not in a we’re not in a great spot here essentially has to go in mine’s pretty far actually really short let’s give it a run knocker in that is not nearly enough go go go go

Go go go that is horrible ah little left to right I’m going right around here speed be off with it you don’t want to be past this hole Let It Die into the hole soft soft soft soft go I thought that was going to be crushed great speed thanks that’s good hurry

Got to see one go in even though it doesn’t mean anything yeah it does you’re good get in the hole your putting has been great all day speed can’t find the bottom of the cup but the putting’s been good all right guys that was a great match I’m going to link Nick’s socials

In the description so you guys can go follow him on his journey that was a great little match I had a great time I did too you know thank you for having me out here I got my butt kick no no no we’re going to have to do it

Again we’re have to do another rematch he’s a great guy thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. Old saying, there’s always a first time for everything, keep doing what you’re doing, because your channel keeps growing! 👊😎

  2. You're so wise beyond your years kid. You always ask a lot of interesting questions that we would like to know.

  3. The dream or the nightmare in West Branch Michigan are great! I live in the thumb of Michigan, have my entire life.

  4. Nick didn't win the match. But showed himself to be a gentleman to 10's of thousands of loyal Gabby fans.
    Fun stuff from Gabby and Nick!

  5. My public club doesn't have a flat spot on any tee box, lol 😂
    Wouldn't know how to hit of a flat, level tee box

  6. Ha – Gabby show serious ability to ask great questions and probe for good interactions – like media level talent – dude needs to get off his phone trust me there isn’t anything in that phone more interesting than Gabby

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