Golf Players

I Became Sam Sulek For A Day (Sam Sulek Parody)

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All right let’s uh let’s get this puppy going so today you know we got uh back and buys so you know the thing is about back and buys is you know you wna you really want to feel the back right you really want to feel the back when you’re pulling through a

Uh you know it’s all you know the back it’s it’s a lot about a feel you know you don’t just want to pull you want to pull with you know intention right you want to you want to pull like you’re pulling the you’re pulling the Earth because if

You’re not pulling the Earth then the water are you pulling right so uh you know you know the thing is what I love about back days you know is like is is just you you feel like a superhero afterwards right you know you know when when you’re when you’re

Hitting your back you get that Vaper you get the you know full pump of what the human body can comprehend right and the thing is who and also who who who who doesn’t like a good bicep pump right who doesn’t like a good bicep pump right who doesn’t like to have little

Mountain peaks coming out of their arms you can win any debate with big arms right oh what’s that you lift more with me bam arms right you know so what am I going to do today um you know uh I don’t really know I’m just

Going to kind of go in and you know really what I’m feeling you know what I’m feeling I’ll be filling I definitely want to do some type of row not necessarily rowing a boat but you know rolling the machine right definitely some type of row maybe

A a tar row maybe a cable Row for sure a lap pull down got to add pull down 100% I might super set it with uh pullovers you know you could call it a you could P call it a super set you could call it a ex exertion of two exercises

Simultaneously going on together right you know it’s uh I think it just depends on how you feel you know I I always say that you know you want to you want to go with uh feeling right cuz because you know when you go feeling that’s where you’re going to have the

Best workout possible and you know get a sick pump with it right now whatever the case may be right whether and it’s not just back you know it’s with every other muscle you know I might also incorporate some forearms too right now forearms you know forearms

Honestly you can get a lot some Wicked forearm pump forearm gain excuse me part of my language with hitting back right and also biceps too because the forearm it it Go coincides with you know the back and the Bice because it’s a pole right it’s it requires grip

Right you know there’s uh there’s a lot to it there’s a lot to it when it comes to back there’s a lot to it when it comes to biceps but really honestly as long as you’re just H heavy heavy weight you’re going to make some crazy gains that’s honestly why we’re here right

Make some crazy games get a nice V taper going and then see the pump afterwards so you know I think uh once we just get going once I kind of get in the flow I’ll uh I’ll see what I want to do and you know make the most out of it all

Right yeah you know I got the whole look and everything you know yeah you know yeah it’s same you know it’s pleasure to meet y’all you know okay that feel good that feels good all right I’m not going to lie I think I just accidentally drank some pre-workout on an accident on the

Floor hey more gains though so it’s cool I can’t see anything okay sick no I could cheat you know be like a crossfitter but you know I ain’t no crossfitter but I’m on for cheat reps you know okay let’s move on all right here we go okay Nice yeah okay one more I think we’ll be good let me get a autograph can you sign my collection of stamps all right 10 11 okay that was a good set I lied I’m going for another set yeah yeah okay nope no tell your meeting me yo I just met Sam solic at the gym yeah Sam solic is right here at the gym y look it’s Sam yo it’s Sam it’s actually I heard I

Heard you’re a big fan I heard you’re a big fan that’s great to hear man keep supporting yeah keep up the support man keep keep lifting you’re going to do your cardio that’s what I like to hear that’s what I like to hear go do your cardio all

Right all right thanks for got it take it easy right on what you talking about heav all right here we go Okay nice okay let’s do I think we’ll do two more sets and then we’ll call it a day no not a day you know still got to keep going but you know what I’m saying you know what I mean okay here we go Okay okay nice good looks all all right all right it’s time I hit my set all right this is a yeah hey what are you doing to my camera hey come on come on scram come on man yeah know yeah I got I gotta Focus here okay sheing out here

Mee and you just have me zoomed in I’m just flexing you just have me zoomed in you just have the really high music like you see me in the background just flexing you yeah I hear meing and mogging my Camera Okay that’s a nasty pump set that a good set that was a good that was a good set that a good set all right all right let’s keep it pushing this is you know this is a machine I really like cuz you can really like contract in a way that not all

Machines could do you can also like force feed reps as you go you know what I mean so it’s great yeah I could definitely go heavier for sure okay that was an exhilarating rep set I think I’ll go one arm see how that feels and then I’ll do like I think I’m

Feeling one one set of each arm and then do biceps and we’re going to check out this pump I’ll throw on a t each side why not I was repping that for a little bit you know you want to progressively overload right where you’re basically you know throwing weight around right cuz then

You know you’re going to get the most gains possible in a short amount of time okay Really squeeze on That okay now that’s what you call a set let’s hit some biceps Okay nice okay one more set and let’s go check out this Pump Okay all right let’s go check out this pump not saying we’re done but you know I just you know sometimes Midway through I just want to see you know what we’re working with because you know I got to make sure my progress is good I got to

Make sure you know all is good right so you know let’s uh you know I’m GNA take this off real quick see let’s do a you know old CH okay all right uh what else can we do uh standard okay oh okay D front double by okay okay all right oh my

Headed oh you know I think I think uh you know it’s a solid pump I’m uh yeah I think I’m just going to continue on and you know I think that’s the video so uh like And subscribe what where did the hair go where did my gains go I’m be honest I

Don’t even need a dress up with Sam this is how I just eat in general he copyed me to be honest


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