HOW DO YOU PLAY GOLF | What Are The Rules Of Golf | Why Play Golf | What Is Golf | Where To Start?

If you don’t know where to start THIS IS THE SERIES FOR YOU!
If you have been sent this by somebody who loves you, please watch the full series, we promise it will be worth it!

Golf shapes our lives on a daily basis. Whether it’s about getting out in nature, couples therapy or a bit of stimulation and exercise. It’s a sport you will never get bored of but in fact grow old with it.

We really hope this helps you understand golf a bit better. This first video is simply about how you play golf from start to finish. We’ve included some of the basic rules and principles of golf.

In the coming videos Sara will explain what golf etiquette is. How you should behave on the golf course for a casual round and for competition rounds. There’s penalties for not doing certain things and theres penalties for doing certain things, so it’s best you watch the series if you want to be playing with all different sorts of people. You never know who you get paired with on a round of golf at home or abroad, so better to be over prepared!

It can also be daunting to enter the golf world as a newbie but don’t worry, Sara will show you some simple things you can do on your round of golf that will make you LOOK confident on the course, nobody will know you’re a beginner…

If you’re looking to enter club competitions or general golf competitions, we will be making videos explaining rules and regulations so that you don’t get caught out. Some people take golf competitively and the rules are in place to make it fair for everyone, therefore most golfers will agree with you anyway!

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Welcome to a very requested beginner series we’re going to cover rules of golf golf etiquette jargon that newbies and non-golfers aren’t aware of and my favorite one how to look and feel confident on the course even if you’re not so stay Tuned the aim of the game is to get this ball into this hole but it’s the only sport in the world where the lowest score wins by that I mean that you have to get the ball into the hole in the least number of Strokes possible and you

Can’t use your hands you can’t use your feet you can’t kick it you can’t pick it up you have to use what you guys might refer to as sticks but we call them golf clubs we’ll get on to golf clubs later first I just want to guide you through

From start to finish of how you would complete a whole and the main terminology that you would use in golf so where do you start right now what I’m standing on is called the tea box this is where you will start and play your first shot and then you end up on the

Green where the hole is there’s multiple tea boxes at golf courses and that’s based off distances so there’s forward te’s there’s middle T’s and there’s back te’s I would play off the forward te’s based off my ability and my choice you can actually pick whichever te’s you

Decide to play off now there’s 18 holes in golf so we are on hole number 14 and that will also be marked out by these markers you’ll have these markers at every single T box and you’ll have the number of the hole on it and you’ll have

The distance of how far the hole is from the t- box so each hole has a par and Par is the number of Strokes you’re supposed to take to get the ball into the hole so as you can see from this hole it’s a par four which means it

Should take me four strokes to get the ball into the hole there’s three different pars there’s par three there’s Par Four and there’s par five so obviously On a par five it should take you five Strokes to get the ball into the hole when you’re beginning golf do

Not expect to get the ball into the hole in the correct pa pa three will always be the shorter holes and par five subsequently will be the longer holes at each T box you’ll also see two more markers with colors on like this and you

Must tee the ball up in between the two markers and behind the markers why is it called a tea box so on the first stroke of every hole you’re actually allowed to tee the ball up slightly off the ground so you have a much better chance of a

Clean strike and back in the day they didn’t have little wooden teas they used to use wet sand and make like a little mound to sip the ball up and tee the ball up on top of that and the wet sand used to be in a box hence why it’s

Called tea box today we have these wooden things called te’s make sure you pick up your tea after you hit your shot you guys might be wondering why I’m wearing one glove and one one hand you wouldn’t wear gloves on both of your hands that’s because predominantly you’re gripping

The club with your left hand first your right hand goes on top so you only wear a glove on one hand so after hitting the t- shop all the players will walk to their respective balls luckily mine’s landed on The Fairway now the Fairway is what we call the middle ground between

The t- box and the green that’s what you’re aiming for however not always are you going to land on the Fairway so you should be penalized for hitting a bad shot right that’s what we call either side of the Fairway the semi- rough the semi- rough is where the grass is cut a

Little bit higher than the Fairway and then beside that is the thick stuff the rough which is even longer than the semi- rough and the reason is it’s just going to be a lot harder to get your ball out of the rough and back into play that’s why aim for the Fairway along

Your journey of getting to the green there might be some lovely obstacles in your way such as this bunker so bunkers are huge holes in the ground full of sand and it is much harder to get your ball and strike it out of the sand so that’s why this is what golfers call

Trouble and we want to stay out of the trouble there also might be streams lakes ponds or masses of water just like behind me that you want to keep your ball away from because of course that means taking a penalty drop and we’ll get into that later the flag or the pin

Interchangeable words that mean the same thing will sit on what we call the green now the green is this part the most manicured part of the golf course it’s where the grass is at its shortest and that’s because you only use your putter to literally roll the ball into the hole

So you don’t use your wedges you don’t use any of the other clubs but right now to finish off the hole I’m going to make what we call a putt and that’s a hole complete so you should make a note of how many strokes it takes you to get your ball into the

Hole it will come down I promise on a par four if it takes you five Strokes to get your ball into the hole that’s what we call a bogey one overpar if you’re two overpar which would be six Strokes On a par four that’s called a double

Bogey and if you’re three overpar that would be seven strokes On a par for that’s called a triple bogey we don’t count the ones after that now if it takes you three Strokes On a par four to get your ball into the hole that’s one underpath that’s called a birdie and if

It’s two underpar that’s called an eagle and if it’s three under par if you’re lucky that’s called an albatross and On a par for that would be a hole in one so this right here guys is called a golf bag inside your golf bag you’re allowed

To have a maximum of 14 clubs in your bag so as you guys can see I haven’t actually got 14 clubs however I’ve been playing golf for about a year and a half now so you don’t need to get every single Club some of you may have a

Question of why 14 clubs why can’t we just take one club and use that to plop the ball around the golf course well if you look at this this is the driver this is the club that will go the furthest in your bag and this is what we call the

Club face now the club face on all these different clubs will have different degrees of Loft and that’s because you can imagine if you hit this driver 200 yards and the hole is 350 yards that means you’ve got 150 yards left to the pin right so then how are you going to

Judge and gauge how much effort you should put into hitting the same Club into a different distance it would just be guesswork wouldn’t it so that’s why in golf your swing is supposed to be the same and you just use different clubs for different distances so that’s where

All these 14 clubs come in so the driver should go your furthest second to driver we have what we call woods now Woods have a little bit of more weight on them they have a much wider Club head this is what we call the club heads however the

Face will all vary depending on what wood you’ve got your Woods can range from Three Wood all the way to n wood next guys we have irons so I’ve only actually got a seven eight and a 9 iron which again just shows you don’t need every single Club every single iron to

Be able to play but ions are called ions literally because actually made out of iron or steel back in the day and the club head is much smaller than the wood as you can see and there’s different types of irons you can get some with cavity backs and you can get some

Without cavity backs but that’s getting too technical so we won’t get into that I’ve got 7 eight and nine but ions range all the way from a two iron to a nine after irons we’ve got wedges most golfers will typically have around four wedges in their bag so wedges range from

Pitching wedge gap wedge which I don’t have a sand wedge and then a lob wedge and again all these mean that there’s different types of Loft on the club and the more Loft you have on a club the higher the ball is going to pop up in

The air which means the shorter the distance so wedges are used to chip around the green last but not least we have the lovely putter so this obviously is an absolute must in your bag because you can only use a putter on the green so you’ve got to get a putter if you

Want to practice your putting and you actually want to finish the hole I recommend starting off with a pitching wedge or a nine iron you can easily get them off eBay secondhand or secondhand gol shops will actually take you to one but a putter a wedge or a nine iron and

Some form of wood so obviously I would go with wood number one which is your driver so at least you get the hang of using the longest Club in your bag now you might be thinking how do I start golf so you’ve got two options number

One is the Rogue option which is go to a driving range most driving ranges do have clubs that you can hire so you don’t actually need any clubs with you go to the counter ask for a basket so you buy a basket of balls you go to a

Bay by yourself and you can just hit balls or option two which is what I recommend is you actually book a lesson because most likely your lesson is going to be in a driving range anyway so you’ll become familiar with the range you’ll know what to say in the counter

You can hire your clubs your coach will tell you what to work on and you actually have some sort of direction to start again you don’t need to buy any clubs you don’t need to buy anything you can rock up literally just by yourself just wear some trainers if you like this

Video and this video has helped you please don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button please hit the like button and comment if I’ve missed anything else out because I have missed a lot there’s going to be more videos where I explain what a sort of clubs you should go for

What golf etica is how to actually behave on the golf course and like I said my favorite one how to look and feel confident on the course even if you’re not so comment whatever questions you have and I can make a specific video just for you I have tried to simplify

How to start Golf and what golf is but believe me guys you’ll learn so much more when you actually hit the driving range and start practicing it will all just become so much more normal so whether you decide to go Rogue or you decide to actually take a lesson get involved


  1. So many gems in this video wowwwwww!!! I’ll watch this a few times to really get it all but I love how simple and to the point it is. Thank you for making these 🔥😍✅

  2. Very interesting indeed Sara….
    Particularly the lexicon ( in other words the terminology used or the "jargon" applied)

    Take for example the names for "shots " or should I say the names used to describe the result of a shot

    Apart from the first one, all the rest are referring to birds .

    I was wondering who on earth dreams up these sexy names😂😂

  3. Great Series Sara, this will definitely inspire many new players to get started and know where to start and get the most important general knowledge.

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