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India v England 5th Test Day 3 – 9th March 2024 – Full Commentary

I don’t like Cricket oh no I love It a very good morning and welcome to the third day of the fifth and final test match between India and England from the beautiful Himel predes C Cricket Association stadium in the wonderful northern city of tarum charow in the foothills of the mountains and it’s uh it’s an obvious

Gag but England have a mountain of their own to climb today with India 255 runs ahead they will resume their first Innings on 473 for8 from 120 overs leading as I say by 255 simple job for England claimed the last two wickets score 450 and put pressure back on India in their second

Innings with the Target in the region of uh 180 or 200 it’s a massive massive task but at least they have set a precedent to doing something similar in the first test match in hyderbad doesn’t that feel like a long time ago one of the highlights though for England has

Been the performances of the two spinners sh bashier just 20 years old he’s taken 16 wickets in three test matches so far with the possibility of a couple more to come and he’s on the verge of a second Fifer in the series but Tom Harley the left arm spinner is

The leading Wicket taker in the series with 22 that’s both teams leading Wicket taker in the series um and uh he was having a chat before the start of play with our man on the ground Cameron ponon b Tom Harley another long day of bowling yesterday how you feeling today uh yeah

Have uh a little tired today but um you know I thought we stuck at it really well yesterday and um you know we’ll still have plenty of energy for today Ben Stokes a remarkable cricketer uh having England win field for however however long comes on takes we with

First ball did that cheer you up or you like I me like why is it so easy for him yeah I think I just had a feeling that it was just going to happen you know he’s a special cricketer and make special things happen so I think it was

The right way for him to get his first Wicket and it you know it provided a lot of energy to us to be honest how has the Wicket been playing is there a chance that it’s holding up so England are confident of chipping away at this lead

Yeah I think so I think um you know looking at it uh before the game started uh being slightly used already uh we thought it might break up bit earlier but it’s probably played um better and probably a touch more spin um as well so hopefully it stays pretty good for the

Next few days and we can um put on a show there’s two wickets left for England to take this morning have you got your eyes on both of them or essentially saving one for Jimmy Anderson uh I’m not sure I’ll see what the skipper thinks this morning um you

Know uh yeah it’s out of my hands how’s it been kind of playing alongside Jimmy Anderson he’s obviously on so close to this m of 700 wickets what’s been like to witness him firstand oh it’s phenomenal he’s such a he’s such a great athlete to be to stay at this um

Competitive at this level for so long it’s fantastic and you know that’s he puts he’s got himself in great Nick and you know it’s not surprising he’s been able to be so good for so long that was Tom Hartley chatting time man on the ground Cameron ponsonby

Alongside me today for the first 20 minutes uh Steve harson Well wouldn’t that be just the perfect day really with uh Jimmy Anderson taking one of the remaining two and show bashier the other and then give one a five Wicket Hall and one a 700 Wicket Hall yeah good morning

Maners good morning everyone yeah that would be the ideal I wouldn’t go with Jimmy I must admit I need to get these two wickets as quickly as I possibly can so I’d be going with Woods extra Pierce um against the tail end of first Cup starting um and yes bashier would be

Would be somebody I’d go with first up because you’ve got the uh the left-hander of K yav in there as well so it’ll be nice if bash gets his fer I think Jimmy woulds here let’s get off the field as quickly as you possibly can

And see if we can you know create an upset England has to bat for 100 overs if they go at four an over that’s 400 that gives them you know around about 140 150 well 140 lead and if they can get that then it gives them something to

Go out but first of all they need the two wickets to get them in the position to B 100 overs if they don’t B 100 overs they don’t stand a chance yeah they need 450 yeah they need 450 but I think the way this this team

Scores you the way this ground has been scoring the way they run has been going so far in this series in this in this test match around about four and over is where where it’s been at so that gives them it that gives them look a chance to

To put some pressure on on India and see well you know after the debark of the first day we’ve shown our character again and I think if they they have to about a minimum second uh third Innings third Innings of this match minimum 100 here’s the first ball sh Basher is

Bowling to jasm bura and he immediately gets the scoreboard movie with a single pushed into the offside and India move on to 474 for8 so very good morning and a very warm or chilly welcome actually to our listeners on talk sport joining us for the first set joining our

Exclusive Ball by ball commentary on talk sport 2 we’ve been with you every single delivery of this series from the very first one in hyad third day and uh possibly the final day of the fifth test match uh let’s see how England do B armi singing Jerusalem from The

Pavilion end with the wonderful views of the Himalayan Mountains sh Basher into the left hand of k y who had it beautifully yesterday and that’s pushed away defensively on the leg side just tucked off his hip both K and J bura faced exactly 55 deliveries yesterday frustration for England just when they

Thought they might have been able to nip out the tail for he comes yadav once again Bash away defensive K plays away defensively on the off side lead now 256 which is exactly the uh highest first Innings deficit uh conceded by a team to win a test match I tell you what

B army you’re in good voice this morning that’s one of the best Jerusalem we’ve had in the whole series yeah I think that’s possibly might be thinking last this might be our last chance to get the you know the the warm the tonsil garle and

Off we go for the last final Harrah with Jerusalem here’s bashia and uh drags that one down short enough for yov to push away through the offside Simon Finch is a very very fine Trumpeter and uh a good man too and he’s the man leading the

Singing 475 for8 Jasper bumra is on 20 like uh the vast majority of fast Bowlers loves his batting jper Bomer bashier into him again and he plays defensively rock solid behind this I think it’s two aspects har me I mean talk us through Jasper Bomer’s batting he he obviously he loves it he

Loves every minute out there is it because he used to be so hopeless or is it because every minute he’s out there he doesn’t have to bow bit of both I think it’s a bit of both yes I think he’s worked so hard on his batting you

Know coming from a genuine number 11 up to number 10 and showing the the defensive qualities that he’s got which gives him a chance you know the longer you’re there the more chance you’ve got of playing that big shot and he has got the big shot in his in his game but he

Um it is always from a fast bowler’s point of view if you can frustrate the top order likees to duck it Crawley Pope and and root they’ve been they’ve probably been thinking about their batting for what an hour last night and you know especially however long they’ll

Be out there this morning but what this is telling me is C’s bed 59 balls bum’s bed 57 balls this Wicket is still a belter grim Swan we’ve seen for the local broad the host broadcaster he did a pitch report beforehand and he used saying it’s still rock hard it’s still

Held together the cracks aren’t there opening up and widen so England have got no real demons to go at Jimmy Anderson it is and his first delivery is defended Rock Solid by C vov into the offside the pitch has been absolutely blameless hasn’t it I mean it it you

Know it’s not inconceivable actually to say that it’s getting better Jared Kimbo be able to tell us more with the assistance of Crick viz and his um ball Behavior ometer morning Jared um there is such a thing isn’t there uh Crick don’t have data to the pitch from Indian

Matches here’s Jimmy Anderson there then Yad drives and thick outside edge all the way down to Tom Hartley on the third man boundary well we’ll go with the evidence of your own eyes Vibes Vibes you don’t like Vibes I do I I mean you know what that first

Session do you remember how much it swung the ball swung nothing to do with the pitch of course but I mean might have do 10 degrees cooler than than it is right now but yeah that first morning boomerang surj this swung at miles but I think the moisture in the air we haven’t

Had a new ball at that time of the morning you this this this new ball is what 30 overs old so we’re not going to see a massive amount of Swing we haven’t really seen any demons too much off off the ground possibly some slow balls we’ve had some

Spin off the wrist spin Jimmy Addison in again to Jasper bum tries to play it away on the leg side and uh actually hits a Leading Edge and trickles straight back to Jimmy Anderson I mean there’s there’s no cracks in the pitch and there was a sort

Of air of resignation to Graham Swan’s voice when he doing his pitch report and saying there it’s rock hard there’s there’s not a crack worth mentioning in sight on the pitch as as you say absolutely nothing for Inland to work with really there’s there’s no significant foot marks there’s no rough

Bumra plays defensively again straight back to Jimmy Anderson no run India 476 for8 England would now have to create a test record coming back from a deficit of 258 highest ever deficit overcome as I said the winner test match in the first Innings is 256 only four times in the history of

Test Cricket has a deficit over 200 been overcome so there’s an lot of work to do here’s uh Jimmy Anderson once again and forward comes bumra pushing that one straight back up towards the England Captain Ben Stokes many years ago actually uh would have been J bua made his first

Appearance for India and it was an Indian a team and they were on tour in Zimbabwe I had a chat with him I asked the media manager who I could have a chat to and he nominated jaset buer on the basis that he spoke the best English Anderson

In again bumra plays defensively up towards mid on and I asked him why how it was that he was so good at bowling Yorkers he said that when he was uh growing up in the house with his uh younger sister and mother uh he was indoors and he used to bowl with a

Tennis ball in in the house and it had a wooden floor and he used to Bow against uh the floor and the wall and this noise of used to drive his mother and sister absolutely mad and he worked out that if he bow the ball right into the the

Crevice between the floor and the the wall that it wasn’t a double noise only made one noise yeah and that apparently was much less frustrating he’s good at it catch pushed away by Yad off the pad it would be wouldn’t it you could put up with a duh rather than

The whatever he’s done he’s uh he’s mastered it perfectly because he got it to go in and he’s getting it go out as well when bashier in again and Y plays defensively course what he couldn’t do by himself indoors was bad well I don’t know he put that would

Would have been that would have been three or four good because he then have to throw it into the ground it bounce off the wall then he has to hit it twice more so I’m sure that would have been sure I’m sure his M would have been upset about

That bash and again yov plays defensively up to Mid off there’s no run yeah Mrs B might have been s well you’re only allowed to face full tosses so 476 for8 here is bashier again and uh this one flicked out on the onside for another single wide of heartly just

Explain to the listeners um why India are batting on here that I there are bound to be lots of people listening thinking what are they doing what’s the point of this got three the game’s not scheduled to finish till Monday so I think that’s one aspect of it you know

Keep England out there as long as they possibly can and also you if the pitch is not deteriorate and there’s no point giving England the best chance to bat on it bashier in again around the Wicket now to J buom the slip in place that’s Joe rout he comes forward and plays

Defensively as a captain you when you’re looking at declarations you’re looking at wear and tear of the surface as well and the minute you see a ball go up or the minute you see a ball go down you think oh I might have a bow in this but

You this is going Gun Barrel straight and it’s bouncing perfectly bashier with some air on this tossed that one a bit higher bumra however was not enticed into the attacking shot guides it away to Johnny BTO and uh at cover and there’s no run end of the over 477 for8 especially when

You’ve got tail Enders batting on it as well cuz it’s it’s just it’s it’s a slow death is it you’re really you’re making sure that the the Batters are thinking about not only their their next half an hour the first half an hour half an hour of their their batting experience but

You know they they’re thinking about it slowly because they’re not chasing a ball to the boundary there’s not many big shots being played if if for instance if India were 477 for four the likelihood is they’ll be going at five and over and you know Jerel if he’s in

Or Jade of he’s in big score banging it everywhere these Lads are just picking up singles one two and over Jimmy Anderson in and uh that’s driven by the left-handed K yov to Mid off I one correction to that Jas Boomer story actually it was effectively an

Indian 18 but it wasn’t called it was it was an full India team just that uh most of the big name regulars didn’t play so it was actually it was a one day tour uh to Zimbabwe in order to for Zimbabwe to generate enough money to

Keep the game alive in the country as India does with so many other countries and Indian tour is uh provides income for years to come for many countries yadav again forward playing defensively and there’s no run the interesting thing about that though was that there were literally seven or eight regular senior

Players who were left out of that team buer is one of uh half a dozen youngsters who were making their first appearance for India but Ms dony actually went as Captain he cuz he he was excited by the prospect of playing with all these youngsters and having a

Look at them for the first time here’s um Anderson again and bangs it in short and K yadov actually that had a bit of pace on it bit of lift and that inconvenienced cuep yadov momentarily yeah bounce good Bounce from from Anderson he he dragged it he bowled it

Into the ground it was a genuine bouncer got up banged him on the glove it K hadon did he hit him on his left hand I think it did didn’t it no no was his right hand his right well there he’s done very well to get his left hand out

Of the way just clipped the right index finger Jarred it back Anderson in Edge gone Anderson has his 700th Wicket Ben folks takes the catch and the celebrations begin Anderson is enveloped in the arms of his teammates Jimmy Anderson the outside edge of Co deep yadav’s bat and this

Extraordinary career has reached its Zenith with Jimmy Anderson becoming the first fast bowler to reach 700 wickets unbelievable achievement from Jimmy Anderson 700 test match wickets more than any other seamer likely to ever have in the uh in the history of this game gone with a bouncer set up

Perfectly with a Yorker sorry with a a full ball outside side off stump for the batter to to rock forward and find an outside edge he did he probably did that the first second third test match Wicket when he was 2021 but to do that at 41 is

Unbelievable stand of Ovation for the Bary Army for of for England’s the all-time grit 187 test matches 700 test match wickets the true champion an unbelievable Ambassador for the game of cricket not only in this country but for around the world with a long longevity a little punch of the gloves by Muhammad

SJ as he walks past the great man Jimmy Anderson 700 test match wickets wow his test match is in India he’s 41 years old and he’s just bow a really quick bouncer to smash a guy on the cloves and Then followed it up I mean the athleticism you know that Jimmy Anderson

Still has is just remarkable maners none of this should be happening no Aima should not take seven 100 wickets in test matches um you know somewhere Courtney Walsh is looking on just nodding sagely at at all of this just a remarkable record well Ben Stokes provided England’s highlight yesterday with his

First Wicket in nine months of ball in nine months Jimmy Anderson has provided today’s highlight maybe there’s more to come first delivery to Mohammad siraj just pushed away out in the onside and uh there’s no run it it was a classic setup wasn’t it it was it was a classic

Setup from somebody you know a fast bowler in there of informative years when they’ve got you know a lot more energy and a lot more I think enthusiasm in their legs but he’s talk about enthusiasm he’s still got a great enthusiasm for the game 41 years old a nice smile just a

Hand in the air oh that’s an inswing Sur who leaves it alone and is relieved that it misses the off stump and what over what a moment what a memory Jimmy Anderson when he smiles he does so almost reluctantly doesn’t he he does yeah I was just about to say that he’s

He not like the fuss that that is is going his way he’s not you know Stuart broad was fan byan he was a showman he’s somebody who Who Loved this did Stuart and there’s nothing wrong with that brilliant you know bro was somebody who complimented Anderson you know

Unbelievably well just simply because of you know the way the two of them were different in height different in stature but different in character as well see a picture of M and Dad of uh of Jimmy Anderson where the uh the families are on the uh on the I think imagine it’s

The uh the ECB box and the family box um proud parents proud man brilliant brilliant achievement this achievement I don’t think will ever be beaten oh bashier is beaten just buom outside the off stump here and there’s an appeal for a stumping Ben folks is not very confident but he’s

He’ll ask anyway and it’s been referred to the third umpire yeah it’s been referred to the third umpire but I think I’d be if I was Ben Stokes I’d be asking for the catch as well I’ve got two reviews remaining I thought there was a noise there as well so because of the

Stumping he can’t ask for the catch as well but I think he’s might Nick this there was definitely a noise before Ben folks caught that whether he scried the bat of the floor not so sure incidentally on the subject of uh Mr and Mrs Anderson you can see where

Jimmy gets his jeans from they look terrific slow oh I tell you what this stumping might be a bit closer than we thought it’s on the line it his foot’s on the line is it behind I want to see this I think this we need the uh the St camp this yeah I

Think it’s a millimeter behind when the baale comes off there yeah behind but it’s not very clear to be fair I could see how 20% of people would give this out maybe 80% would give it not out yeah for the good of the game I’d love to

Give be giving it out he’s he’s a number 11 So based on that I’ll revise my estimations say 40% we give it oh here we go this will be a good go the stump cam I think he’s just behind there isn’t he I think he’s on the line I think he’s

On the line I’m not I’m not convinced that there’s anything behind this line is on the line he’s got a good the if this is an opening batter is not out and cuz it’s a number 11 might be out give him out off you go let’s get on with

Again Kumar on the second one Kumar D if you can is the man struggling and he’s doing well though he’s asking for all the right things here yeah I think that angle suggests he’s in but it’s not by much can you go to the St fish please I I think he’s going

Out I I I I would I think it’s 50 50 I actually think he is going out he seems to be out yeah I think he’s trying put this way I think he’s find trying to find a way to give it out I think he

Wants to give it out I made my decision there’s no part behind the popping p uh he’s out sh bashier has a five Wicket hall for the second time in the series and jper bura stumped folks bold bashing here giving sha Basher figures of 5 for

173 buom goes for 20 and India have been bowled out for one uh 477 for an overall lead of 259 what a performance from sh bashier and Jimmy Anderson taking the last two wickets not before a partnership for 49 for the ninth Wicket but uh England have successfully achieved part one of their

Task for the next uh 3 Days by taking those two wickets quickly uh they just have to score 450 now and uh reverse the pressure back on on India but it the pitch is still very very good so it’s blameless anyway it’s Jimmy Anderson’s moment Jimmy Anderson’s moment job done

Excellent from Sha bashier but an unbelievable achievement Jimmy Anderson’s reluctantly taking the Applause off his team and off the crowd he’s trying to let his teammates go with him he’s trying to give Cho bashier the the Limelight as well but none of them are letting him go yeah Jimmy’s he’s

He’s a he’s be reluctant when it comes to the Limelight but what an achievement he 700 test match wickets it’s it’s it’s Unthinkable and you know it’s making your eyes is it really is it’s it’s quite emotional watching somebody who you’ve you’ve played a lot of cricket

With spent a lot of time with and seen him you over the course of the last 10 years you know when you when I finish to go on and to be this this iconic figure of English Cricket of world cricket so to to see him have his individual deer

In this in the in the spotlight I think is uh makes it all more special you he is a wonderful character he is somebody whose longevity is will never ever be beaten and you I like Jared mentioned before he he’s he’s a bowler Bowl in Indian conditions he bowls a bouncer

Then he bowls a a perfect setup ball which is nicked off from a a good length coming forward he doesn’t matter whether it’s a tail Ender or not it um this has been a an iconic dear for English Cricket because nobody will get anywhere near 700 test match againsts in the

Future and a nice little touch at the end there sh bashier give the ball to Jimmy Anderson as he was walking off Jimmy Anderson give it back to Shah bashier to see no you’ve got five foot you take the ball off so shaah bashier has got a ball as a souvenir that he’s

Taking his second f for In First Class cricket and in test cricket and it’s the same ball that Jimmy Anderson took 700 test match wickets that will be worth an absolute fortune in the future Anderson we see him pictures of him rais in the the ball pointing I’m assuming to Mom

And Dad um proud dear for the Anderson family proud dear for English Cricket because an absolute Legend’s gone by a milestone that nobody will get anywhere near and uh the lad from Burnley who uh made his debut for England 21 years ago yeah I I suppose the other thing is

That he could say to show B I’ve got 28 of these already yeah he could he could do in but he’s not like that that’s the thing yeah broy W Stuart w but no Jimmy yeah sorry Stuart but no Jimmy Jimmy wouldn’t um and there there will be a talk of you

What now for for Anderson after this test match um I think he’ll quickly rebuff anybody that thinks once he got to 700 cuz there were people thinking get to 700 and then does he make a decision I think that decision would be Rob Rob ke Ben Stokes Brendon McCullum

I’m available for Lords in a few months time and I’ll be there just to look at the Bing um let’s begin with SH bashier five for 173 and once again there might be some people who who wonder whether that’s a a double-edged sword or or a a slightly um bitter pill that should

Taste a bit sweeter the fact that he’s gone for 173 please correct that uh impression cuz it’s 5 for 173 and he’s bowled 46 overs so I mean You’ you’d almost be more proud of of numbers like that than you would have you know of an easy sort of five for

60 100% agree I really do 100% agree he’s both thought you know to both you know thought he six overs in a test match especially at the age he’s at the uh the infancy of his of his career never mind his his test match career um and Jimmy did that yeah Jimmy Anderson

Did that came into the the England team met debut in 2003 with very little first first class experience behind him um selectors plucked him out of nowhere seen him playing you know for for Lancer second team into the into the first team so for sh Basher to start on a journey

Where you know one of the the greatest of all time has has had had a career very very similar where he came into the the the the test Arena having to learn on the on the sort of learn his Cricket on the job um is is is fantastic and the education

That he’s had since he’s been in India is great so I I think you know sh bashia Tom Harley have been a real find on this trip and bashier is now getting the rewards of the the two fifers that he’s got um for all the hard work he’s shown

And put in over the course of these last uh what three or four weeks he’s been out in India James Anderson 2 for 60 and Tom Harley two for 126 his overnight figures but sh here five for 173 India bald out for 477 England’s deficit is

259 Jared Kimber is going to give us an update on a test match going on on the other side of the world between Australia and New Zealand and while he does that John Norman will take over from me yeah a fascinating game because it’s been absolutely careering uh so far

And in the last session it’s like everyone pressed the pause button but uh New Zealand will bow out for 162 on day one with Josh Haywood taking uh 5 for 31 and really no one outside of Tom laam uh looking all that set he made 38 and then

In in response uh Australia made 256 minus lean made 90 but everyone else kind of got a start and didn’t go on um even the tail kicked a little bit so Australia had a good lead but New Zealand is now back in the lead 10541 uh there uh they are currently 11

Runs in front and Kane son is on 48 and Tom laam just passed his 50 so again looking like the best and it’s flattened out that Wicket quite a bit so it’s almost a straight shootout now with nine wickets in hand and the score is pretty

Much level so it it’s a very interesting game what are we just after drinks on day two um so things were flying and now uh things are more settled go New Zealand a little walk in the park now we were talking about it before Play weren

We and it reminded me little of the Test match that we were at hary in Wellington where um New Zealand had to follow on a course and then the pitch just flattened out Kane Williamson uh got settled in even though I think New Zealand were three or four

Down in second Innings and then uh and then they just batted they batted and batted and batted and a a three-day test became a 5-day test and actually if not for Harry Brooke I think it would have ended up as a draw yeah hurry did hurry Brooke broke the partnership with the uh

Got rid of William Williamson caught down the leg side we were we were like looking and thinking I think Sam Sam Allard had did you not have an interview with Harry Brook the night before Harry got Harry got a big hund didn’t he so he

Had that I think he got a big hund and I think Sam’s interview Harry Brooke was talking about possibilities of him bowling and we were like nah nah nah General all around and no chance and then he comes and gets Kim Williamson out so it was a bizar test match because

It went in fast forward and you know a little bit like what Jared saying about this one it it didn’t stop but it slowed right down but the pitch did flatten out I wonder if that’s going to do the same here where this pitch really flatten flattens out and the fingland

Can somehow keep their discipline which has been quite difficult in in patches on this trip um they can make a it can make a big score but that test match in Wellington will be remember for all sorts of great reasons you Neil Wagner by the end you know Jimmy Anderson even

Coming into bat at the end and running down the Wicket and belting it for four England’s last wicket partnership nearly getting them over the line um but it was a great test match there always great test matches in in Wellington it’s a it’s a fantastic venue for for Cricket

For me um and it will be be interesting to see what the um the mindset of New Zealand would be if they do start getting close to a win because it’s been a long time since they’re getting anywhere near beating Australia in uh in New Zealand I think they’ve beaten them twice since 1993 and so that’s about as one-sided as the Rugby’s been between those two countries but in the opposite opposite way but yep so we’re keep you in touch with that one um jar will keep an eye on that over the next couple of hours or so Jimmy Anderson played his first test

In uh yeah 20 May 202 2003 I get this right eventually May 2003 in August of 2003 Myspace was in invented the first social media platform he’s older than social media Jimmy Jimmy Anderson Jimmy Henderson met he’s one day debut a de before me was it

2002 200 hang on M he’s not just older than social media he’s been playing career just his career it is it’s mindboggling that you what you can you can get up off the what Jimmy Anderson’s done over the course of his career but 700 wickets there’s no there’s no other

SEMA getting there and you could argue with is there another bowler getting anywhere near when it comes to spin Bowlers and test match cricket around the world it it’s an impressive stat but there is one other stat that he could break I couldn’t help but noticing but

At the start of this year he was 17 tests behind Sash and tendulka and England play 17 tests this year now of course he didn’t play in the first one did he no and he was never going to play all five but he’s played four of them but if Jimmy Anderson plays

Every test this year by the one that he’s missed he’ll be on I believe 199 uh yeah 199 tests he ain’t going to be retiring this year no he’s not going to be retiring this year if he plays them all and he I think you play the majority he could

Break I think you play the majority sash tend doa’s test record against India next year drop Mike walk off into the sunset yeah but I think that that that then if he does break that and he is going well then you are putting him in the bracket of going does he go to

Australia he’d be nearly 43 by way do you know what I mean that that’s what we’re talking about and you can never write Jimmy Anderson off yeah you can never write this team off and you can never close the door on Jimmy Anderson because he’ll always if he doesn’t slam

It in your face he’ll kick it in your face do you know what there’s something else as well I’ve just realized England are about to bat by the way uh they’ve had a good morning good half an hour uh India Le led by 255 runs um and they’ve been bowled out this

Morning they lead by 259 runs two wickets with a score of 477 477 for8 became 477 all out a fer for shy Basher and Wicket number 700 for Jimmy Anderson and Zack Crawley is about to face the first ball of the Innings and it’s Jasper

Bumra who is in a little bit of a loosener no great Pace there from the bowler or out the pitch so I’ve just realized something who was Jimmy Anderson’s uh opponent in his first ever test match back in 2003 it was Zimbabwe and who are England playing first test of next summer at

Lords so so much has happened in Zimbabwe Cricket between the now boom again and left alone by Crawley so if Jimmy Anderson plays every test for the rest of the year I think he’ll be on 199 tests he could play his first test against Zimbabwe and then

His 200th test against Zimbabwe and has he played Zimbabwe between that has England played Zimbabwe since his debut didn’t wasn’t there one other series well I reckon he must have done cuz is it Mark V Mark V Mullan is I think he’s his H 100th when he got his 100th Wicket so

Yes that’s the uh the voice of Alex chuda as Zack Croley is forward and pushes this ball from Jasper bura indiero bowling if you’re just joining us here on talk Sport and talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket YouTube channel Crawley and Ducket sounds like that what was that hinge and bracket

Remember them can’t say I did Johnny you can’t remember Hing and bracket no I many I remember many things I was watching Dempsey and mate piece yesterday wow yep well it was a little bit after hinger bracket anyway Crawley and Ducket and it’s Zack Crawley yet to get off the

Mark he’s faced three deliveries and he’s wrapped on the pads a little Yelp from the slip Cordon roit sham is not on the field by the way Jas bura the Vice Captain is uh is the captain whilst shamer is off the field England will be hoping to do a little

Better than they did in the first Innings I mean essentially chudes England if they’re batting at stumps they’ll have a lead you’d think yeah that’s how they got to look at it don’t they yeah 100% just you know there’s a short midwicket in place and two slips

As bummer is in and it’s just pops up straight that would have gone straight to straight midwicket and there has been a straight midwicket at times in this pitch and in this series but safe from Crawley he’s just on the shot a fraction too early we’ve seen that from him a few

Times especially against jasp brra but no damage done there England yet to get off the mark India bowled out for 477 England trail by 259 bags of time left on day three and this the fifth and final test match as boom is in and crawling a little bit cramp for room and

A little bit hurried up as well it’s not great Pace there and he pushes this out to the offside and made him to start England’s second Innings there not forn but the point is as we were just saying Alex chuda former England fast bowler if they’re battling by stumps and the way

They go they they’ll be ahead of India and that’s really their first objective surely what you say or their only objective right now what you say they’re talking to change rooms can we b a day can we b a day can we go past 80 overs

As you say if engam back that way and back for 80 overs they will be in front and then as you say you you say game on want to say game on but I mean gives them an opportunity I reckon what let’s say you lose two wickets per

Session so you’re six down at the end of end of the day play of a lead you know if england battled day they’re going to score 300 plus aren’t they so they might have a lead of 80 990 possibly 100 I mean I’m reaching Stars a little bit but it’s possible the

Wickets not doing unbelievable things it’s still a good Wicket day three shown Yesterday by India by Gil by the skipper root sha well also by Cod YF and by jasf bumra they b bs didn’t they I think it was was it YF or jasf bu this morning we were off a and

He he defended a ball from Jimmy Anderson to Mid off and you like well look there’s nothing in this pitch well of course there is something in the pitch right but it’s a good track as um or Ash is to Bow the second over he’s going to be opening with jasf Brer and

Ben Ducket is clipping this towards Square leg where there’s a misfield from Muhammad sirj and Ducket comes back for a second so he’s off the mark first ball England at two without loss they Trail by 257 here on talks SP talk SP 2 I think if you that that word

Application and you set your stall out that you’re going to bat all day you’re going to keep India out there then anything’s possible but is that that’s just not how England do things though is it I mean it isn’t aiming for a lead on the sweep his Ducket this is

Outside off stump so he’s sweeping online but he doesn’t connect there’s a short leg in place a slip aing for a lead by T yeah maybe drinks in the middle session chatter you can hear the chatter it’s quite interesting uh as Ash is in and duck it is back exposes all three

Stumps pushes this ball to cover no run yeah I’m not sure if you saw anything um or read anything surrounding the O Pope dismissal zurel was talking to C vad just before Ole Pope came down the track rashman again this is straighter and that isn’t a million miles away from

Sarres Carnet short leg so already in this first four deliveries Bow by R ashin couple of runs have come from the bat but with Ducket keeping short leg and slip interested actually on two deliveries down the track and bow him well R Ashwin has just scored Ben Ducket Ducket

Fifth ball has tried to win the game with a shot he’s yolked himself and R Ashman has bowled Ben Ducket off stump knockback and England lose their first Wicket in the second over they’re two for one well I can’t defend that that’s rubbish that’s rubbish batting there all

All I can say it’s the second over of your second Innings and you you’ve shown your intent with a hard try to you know a sweep it’s a new ball you know it’s just sliding out it’s no there’s no prodigious turn anything but again he’ll say that’s the

Way he plays and you know as I said for the cricket purist the lover thinking look there’s more way that’s going to C you just cannot against world class Bowlers just behave that way for me you just can’t you just can’t do it you got to show something different you

Got have more more tricks more strings to your bow if you want to have a long long career I really I really really like Ben bucket we commentated on his first International appearance for England back in 2016 he played against Bangladesh um in a an ODI

Series I think me and you were at a T20 uh finals day I think in the semi-final we played there are players that are cut above right and we watched an Innings of real quality and we knew that he was destined for international Su uh success

Right and then of course he spent a period outside of the game back in the side you know brilliant brilliant Innings earlier on in the series but come on I mean you you batting against ravish Shandon Ashwin and poke forward and picks out short midwicket I’d like to know his full shot

Percentage in his in those in the five balls that he face against ashin there I’d say it’s three of the five were full shots I think what happened was when he hit that got that Inside Edge past short leg and he’s been out what twice in this

Series playing that way and another time he tried to get the bat out the way and got lbw that’s the ball that gets him right he he he doesn’t know what to do to it and if he can’t sweep it he doesn’t have another option and so he

Kind of pressed the nuclear button there didn’t he Cho of okay I can’t sweep it um I can’t play it straight so what I’m going to have to do is actually come out and put some pressure on him but he did that in a way that a 13-year-old who

Bats number eight in a club game does it right there was no clear plan about the shot it was just I need to get down here and do something and you know Judes is uh can’t help but get his school teacher hat on when he sees that sort of stuff

Two slips in place and Crawley facing Jasper bumra yet to get off the mark Zach cwy he face six deliveries Ole PO is at the other end after Ducket was dismissed in the second over Judes has already sent him a message saying I will

Not run down the Wicket to r as when I will front and back not just the front of the page I want front and back neatly finger space in between well that sobered us up a little bit two quick wickets for England and uh an even quicker one for India England two for

One as bumra again he’s angling this delivery in on the pads of Zach Crawley trying to play this through the midwicket region seeing a replay of the bend Ducket dismissal it was wild it was woly second over Johnny second over well technically I mean you talk about you talk about the shot selection

But if you’re going to play that shot don’t you play it a little bit straighter don’t you B pass the Umpire right arm over the Wicket and Cowley presents straight back pushes it to to Mid on no run two for one here in talks for talks for 2 yeah I

Just think it was a panic as I said I I think he was it’s one of those moments where where you think I I need to get down the Wicket I need to get down the Wicket and then when he comes down the Wicket he’s outside leg stump Judes by

What foot and a half 2 ft so he hasn’t even come towards the ball um he’s in the wrong position he plays the wrong shot and he gets yed which doesn’t help him if we’re being onest but probably didn’t matter by that point Boomer again and this doesn’t fly

Too too far short of safr Khan that man again at very short midwicket and he flicks theall under arm at the non-striker end as is his want two for one England and when you have a team that bat in this fashion as a as a captain as a bowling unit all you need

To know is just just put the ball in the area more than enough that’s all you need to do you don’t have to do anything fancy because they’re going to keep coming at you and at some stage they’re going to make an error and can we take

Take the chance when it comes can’t you just knock it too long off forward and driven by Crawley bumer gets fingertips to the ball which deviates onto the stumps but Olli Pope thankfully is behind the stump uh behind the crease I mean and the atmosphere that they created in the

Change room is fantastic and no one feels like they’re under pressure anything but I could imagine you know Stewie when he opened for England or affers or something like that played that you know you’re walking back in and Gucci’s in there or something I mean you

Could you would have to walk off the other side of of the ground you couldn’t come to change room after playing a shot like that last ball of Boomer’s over and he has beaten Zack Crawley with a ball that is angled in on off stump and then straightened and gone back past the

Outside edge as Croy tries to play Down the ground could have been caught behind could have been bold as it is Crawley survives 12 balls faced yet to get off the Mark he’s getting a real examination from bura as are England and unfortunately they’re

Failing it two for one at the end of the Third over and after a word from Jared Kimber who’s got a he’s got a smile on his face that concerns me it will be Andrew McKenna Gary Morgan might be getting slightly ahead of himself uh chudes but he has sent through England’s

Lowest third Innings totals already there’s only one Wicket but Gary B’s all over it just so that you’re aware it was 2009 the 51 allout at Kingston was that Jermaine Lawson who was the West Indian bowler that went through England in that one do you remember Germaine Lawson

He that name that’s a name that Ashwin to start a new over around the Wicket and OIP will hit to point of Jer there’s no run that’s why I was smiling i’ just seen that message from Gary that was Jerome Taylor Taylor there was a couple

Of guys with similar names that bowl for the West Indies at that time and I I couldn’t remember which one he could Bowl I tell you he could bowl with Pace as well and you I remember you burst on see got fer against Australia Ashwin in once again

Pope stays deep in the crease turns it through Square leg and there is no run on this occasion well what a morning this has been James Anderson 700th India bow out 477 a lead of 259 in England already two for one Pope waits for ashin it’s turned

Almost to safraz at short leg it’s a little bit squarer than that and it’s safely down to short fine leg and there is no run Ashwin one for two already England halfway through the fourth over of their second Innings Ashwin around the wickets slightly shorter outside of

Off stump and O pipes hit that through point for four and that was all controlled the bowler gave him the length and the width and olle Pope takes advantage England 6 for one trailing by 253 here on talk sport two yeah that ball just sliding on

Ole Pope rocking on to the back foot and dispatching extremely well good shot as you say with this new ball ashen’s not going to get a lot of spin just sliding on dispatched that beautifully four runs to get him off off and running as went around the Wicket once

Again well again that’s shorter in length give Pope time to pull it into the leg side there is a man out there it’s AAR Patel who’s at deep midwicket and so it is a couple of runs um if you are just joining us AAR is on the field

Cuz Ro chmer isn’t he’s got a stiff back the Indian Captain so Jasper bomo is opening the bowling and as Vice Captain is stepping up so that’s the reason that rois is off the field Ashwin to finish the over it’s played into the onside Again by Pope that’s a good single padal

Will pick up the ball at midwicket four overs gone then England 9 for one the deficit now 250 runs here on talk sport talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket YouTube channel and your commentary was great on the Ducket wickets chudes in the fact that you just absolutely called

It what made it more frustrating for me was if we look at the bottom end of the Indian scorecard c b 69 balls for 30 jper brommer 64 balls for his 20 we’re not talking about a Minefield no can I the only thing I would suggest is that ashn in the second

Innings in Asia with the new B average is 18 maybe not this is not completely that Wicket but he is hard to play and Ducket doesn’t play him particularly well so I I’ll throw that in but having said that as the great man said there’s no defense for that it was rubbish atast

But at least have a look at it at least have a look bumra to start a new over it’s the outside edge of Pop’s bass and it’ll go past Bala second slip and go down to third for a boundary his second boundary that one all along the floor it

Went straight downwards England 13 for one pop has 11 I was going to ask you Ma you know you played a lot of cricket I was saying if one of your opening batters in club Cricket would have done that I’m sure there would have been a

Few words when he when they walked off I mean it just sometime just bat just bat show you can do something different by all means you know take the positive approach but as Gerald said I think he was worried about that ball that slid on Bea the inside if he wasn’t

Sweeping wow that’s a great look some someone in the crowd has has gone for the old for oxide blonde Jasper bummer is in it’s full and straight pipe W clip wide of mid on and Ashwin looks like he’s in divver Boots going after that one he’s not going to get there it’s

Four more for Ole Pope his third boundary of his Innings England 17 for one striking it nicely this is a great shot sort of about length full face but he’s played it with the full face of the bat he did it just wide of mid on but

The bats come down nice and straight that’s what I like to see R Pope good balance the other thing about this is sorry Alex is he looks a lot calmer in the early part of his some of his Innings he’s been a bit frantic and this occasion bummer is in Pope is forward

And plays it back down the pitch and there’s no run I think also it’s just a small thing for him I think he prefers to have at least one seamer on B just coming on to the bat a little bit more I think pop biggest problem is starting

But I think it’s specifically starting when they’re spin at both ends and he and he he feels like he can’t open the face and guide one away or you know use his hands and turn one to the leg side just this his kind of standard shots three slips have now been stationed behind

Him as bumra runs towards the commentary box end delivers Ole Pope turns to midwicket and again there’s a pretty easy single there SJ has done the Fielding it’s a single taken 18 for one SJ not used so far two Bowlers used bumra and Ashwin well SJ even get a

Bowl if the Spinners come on and do their thing we are expecting C deep to turn it big once again as he did earlier on day one of this match remember we only on day three 50 minutes into day three and it’s another glorious day it’s

Still pretty cool it’s 12° at first ball bumra goes in hits the thigh pad of Crawley and they’ll take a leg by to square leg Crawley still not yet Off the Mark he’s now KN from 13 balls England 19 for one with Ole Pope at the other

End now with 16 the more I think about it Mack you know I’m thinking you know Ben Ducket he’s batted well on this tour 300 odd runs in this series so far and that’s going to be your your memory of him his last innings in India this

Series and it was that shot second over against spin it’s not spinning it big with the new ball just sliding On bum in right arm over to Pope he’s trying to bring him forward play the push drive it’s push to AEL at Mid off and there’s no run 19 for one England at the end of five overs here on talk sport talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket

YouTube channel England 240 behind don’t forget more football coming your way it is Saturday and this three games for you starting at lunchtime Manchester United Everton is the game on talk sports at the same time cardi fswi is on talk sport to in the championship course the

Efl exclusively live on the talk Sport Network on National radio and then 3:00 another Premier League game for you this is where we lose our boss for the afternoon cuz Fulham are involved they’re away at wolv so um don’t try and get hold of John Norman this afternoon

Cuz he’s going to be listening to talk sport to I reckon they’re going down at woles Sorry Sorry boss M you are aware that he authorizes your involes wait till it clears and then you can give him all you like but um yeah you may have gone a touch

Early all right then Ashwin for his third over he’s going to be over the Wicket to Crawley wow that turned down the leg side it’s gone down the keeper jell has dived to his left leg slip can’t get near it and they’re going to take a couple of

Buys I thought I heard a noise but it was just Crawley’s Mo movement that created the noise and it ripped Oh my days that ripped and it’s gone miles down the leg side yeah that’s a massive turn wow that’s like it’s hit a pebble or something that has gone Sideways from

Straight that’s gone more than 45° folks Ashwin will coming and bow once again that’s the straight one and Crawley plays defensively no run I don’t know how I can adequately describe how that how much that has turned from about middle and off in fact it’s gone from outside off

Jel is diving Superman style full length and hasn’t got it Crawley on this occasion down the leg side he’s turned it around the corner and ashan’s got a second Crawley’s gone for a duck and safras takes the catch Under The Helmet at leg slip Crawley goes England a two down already

21 for two they still Trail by 238 runs and Ashwin has two for nine that’s well class that from Ravi Ashwin two balls before I think that’s playing in his head sraz goes finer after that delivery to uh blls ago and it’s it’s that plays in the mind

Doesn’t it when you get that prodigious turn and he’s just played it’s at the inside portion of the bat suff KH is low at leg slip takes a good catch it was a 15 ball duck for Zach Crawley in England sorry England listeners are 21 for2 of

5.3 overs yeah Indian fans all serious to to be talking about the fact that they haven’t been um they haven’t used the Spinners enough against England batters so you know cwy who doesn’t play the spin as well as Ducket does has been you know just smashing the seamers

Around everywhere getting to really good starts and Ducket being set so when he faces The Spinners it’s a little bit different this is kind of what they wanted Boomer at one end Ashen at the other end you’ve still got Jer and cool deep and SJ the ball with the old ball

Later on it’s that partnership um that I think have caused you know a little bit more trouble for the England players it’s a much better way of going up against them doesn’t matter cuz they’re going to win 41 anyway MAA but it it it it’s England have had so many good

Starts and eventually India have worked out you know probably the perfect combination to stop that from happening and the perfect combination is just Ashwin Ashwin and whoever well it’s interesting we were having a little chat earlier chudes and I about how the fact that how Cricket evolves and it used to

Be that Joe rout used to be coming in at 20 for2 and then the opening partnership for England had sorted itself out and it was the middle order of this problem well Joe Roots back in at 20 for2 once again and he isn’t Ashwin is bowling to

Him his first delivery rout is forward pushing back to the bow and no run just want to talk about Ashwin I obviously this is radio and I can’t show it 100% but I found three dismissals of Ducket to Ashwin Ashwin to root bit of loop on that one Clips through midwicket rout to

Be off The Mark with a single 22 for two and I think they are all relatively early in the Innings you’ve got him propping forward and getting an Inside Edge to short leg uh you’ve got him getting an Inside Edge on to his Pad going up in the air and the Wicket

Keeper came around caught it so basically the same dismissal twice and then you got an lbw to almost identical to delivery it’s knee hitting the knee roll around middle middle and leg and just before he played that shot Ain is into po through well he’s squirting across that one it’s out to deep

Midwicket for a single 23 for two just before he played that shot um he he did the exact same thing again he got an Inside Edge just past short leg uh and you can see straight away he was like I can’t let him do this again not

Justifying any of it chudes I’m just saying that is the issue that he has that he he doesn’t have an answer for uh ashwin’s best ball when the ball’s new and it’s skidding on and that’s his problem it’s the skidding on it’s not ripping past him that he has trouble With talk sport talk sport to talk sport cricket YouTube channel if you’re having an early Saturday morning good morning the YouTube channel viewers by the way we always like to give you a little w just before 5:00 in the morning I there’s a chance you’re on the way home I mean

Let’s be let’s be honest about it if you are hope you had a good one if you’re up early for the start of a new day have a good one and let’s hope England can continue to fight bumra will Bowl to Ole Pope still with three slips in place beats him on the

Outside edge and it’s through to jell and there’s no run Pope reached out for that one had a fish fortunately nothing appeared on the hook at the end of it sorry just to finish up um ccord have just said that was the first time this series uh that Ducket has advanced to

Spin um uh it was the sorry the Wicket was the first time he gone out to spin coming down the crease and it was the first time he’d lift the crease to Ashan well it’ll also be the last for this series bumra turns and makes his way way in once

Again Ole Pope Waits and he’s getting now that kept low and popea squirted that down to midwicket and immediately looks at the toe end of his Bat well that’s the last thing that England need they got ashin at one end ripping it 45 ft and now buom is getting them that keeping Shin

Height it’s remarkable an hour ago this Wicket was doing absolutely nothing and the Indian tail were playing it like they were holding a barn door and it’s hit in the middle of the bat and it’s it’s Cricket’s a stupid game like this all of a sudden one Wicket or a change

Of innings and it looks an entirely different sport you’re watching bummer is in once again Pope is forward that solidly hits the middle of the bat Ashwin will field at Mid on and there’s no run 23 for two England’s Innings started trailing by 259 so they’re still a long way away from even

Thinking about making India bat again at this stage well yesterday we said Monday was off the off the cards have we all got mothering Sunday tables booked Jasper bumer is in Ole Pope has a wide drive at one and misses through to the keeper no run might be

Able to get a table put for supper this evening at this right just looking anxious just look like he wants to feel bat and ball that was wide J would look to leave that alone he just feels he wants to feel b ball just not stabbing

At the ball just wait for it to come to you play the ball underneath your eyes especially on this Wicket certain ones are coming on certain ones are not you don’t want to play with your hands out in front of you scoot one to a close cover or anything like that just give

Yourself some time time England Have bura approaches the Wicket delivers once again pop is forward pushing to Mid on calls route for a sharpish single that rout was a little bit slow Off the Mark but it’s actually safely there the throat of jel is a pretty ordinary one it takes him on the finger end and the

Keeper is not going to be happy and um sorry I’m giggling because the TV are showing the the three balls of Ashwin against Crawley last over the first one spun 10.4 de just to explain this 4° is considered ragging is it two and a half times raggy I mean

Must have hit a crack right I mean no but I looked for that it didn’t it’s like but you know like if he was on a trampoline and it just went boom it just turned like hit a stone bumra to complete the over goes in and Bows rout

Covers up defensively and there’s no run to end the over seven overs gone here on talk sport 2 24 for2 England replying to that deficit of 259 on first Innings Jared K it hit a gremlin it’s a ridiculous ball it really is you know me me and hary I started to have

Slight suspicions about Hawkeye cuz it produces some random results if we if that ball had hit his Pad there’s no way we would have believed that it would have done what it did right me and hary would have been sitting here like looking at each other’s side eye go ah

Hawkey’s at it again was Hawkeye accurately showed us what that ball did and we I still don’t believe it actually well what a first hour we have had James Anderson has clocked up number 700 India have been bowled out England have started their reply and they are

24 for two new over from Ashwin begins and it’ll be clipped through the leg Side by Joe Roots no it’s Ollie Pope who plays that my apologies he gets another single to add to the total 25 for two Ashwin two for 12 Joe rot weights with three men around

Him oh that was a straight one that might be the caram ball and Joe root was getting very chested on there and ends up playing it with the outside edge out on the offside and there’s no run Ashwin in over the Wicket root bat and Pad close together it’s out to

Safraz Under The Helmet short leg no run hary’s replaced shoots busy old morning this one yeah busy morning some head scratching moments this morning big heck scratching moments Ashwin goes in Joe rot pulls out the reverse that’s a lovely shot all along the floor through third and Joe Ru

Has his first boundary of the Innings he goes to five England are 29 for two yeah well executed shot from Joe STS down as long as he possibly he can waits for the ball to pitch and then gets the bat down on it hands over the top of the ball and

His head still so it’s an excellent shot there from Joe rot but yeah head scratching moments still to still disbelief of what Ben Ducket was trying to do Ashwin in rot Clips on the leg side it’ll be out to the sweeper on the leg side for a single 30 for two I can

Give Zack Crawley give him a little bit because of the two the ball two balls previous has spa and then the next one didn’t spin so you can understand what he was trying to do trying to sort of just help it around the corner and not but he did pick the

Fielder straight out Awin in it’s another big spinning ball that olle Ro olle Pope is playing a big drive at he misses it misses everything and goes for four buys through the keeper how that’s not a wicket ball in the scorebook I have no idea eight overs gone 34

For2 some thoughts from Steve harson and Neil Manor’s going to pick up the commentary this is great sign it really is great signs for England because in hyderbad Ole Pope looked like getting out every ball in his first 20 balls and I think he’s looked like getting out

Every ball in these 20 balls he’s faced so far he went on to get 196 so yeah that’s a great sign for England he’s looking frantic as he as he ever does in the uh in the first 20 balls uh England 4 for two like I said head scratching

Moments Jimmy Anderson 41y old 700 test wickets mindboggling what an achievement that is great start for sha bashier in his career second five for but what Ben Ducket was doing I’d love to know what’s going through his head right this minute in time J B buo continues another over and

Joe rot plays it away defensively the cover point no run we’re going to see a replay of that ball in a minute and it’s here we go so it’s pitched half a foot outside of stump it’s hit a pile of dirt and missed League stump by about what 3

In h yeah I’m I’m struggling to two in two inches I’m struggling to watch the ball where it pitched then where it’s turned and then where it’s gone to because I can’t believe a number three batter in international cricket could play it like that well it wasn’t just

The batter I’m going to talk about the keeper in a moment it’s boom you know what I’m going to played defensively by Joe root jerell’s hands uh I would say here let’s have a look I me let’s count this out jerell’s heads are 70 CM from that ball over half a

Meter it’s maybe I mean talk about modern players at uh and Changing Times you got a ble player cover drive to a ball that’s just rag past his legs up and a wicket keeper who’s not even moved no his hands haven’t moved there’s not a

Barely a twitch I re I think you’d see that I wouldn’t even see a third 11 Cricket that whole passage apart from the ball was here is bummer again balls Joe rot Clips It Away St to square leg and uh there’s no run it’s gone straight

To the Fielder now I I want to know how sha bashier feels seeing Ashwin turn the ball like that when I mean sha bashir’s put in a heroic performance and honestly in test match cricket terms for a 20-year-old to Bow 46 overs and Take 5 for 173 is heroic that’s absolutely

Brilliant and you know he he turned it enough to to take wickets but not vicious turn like that I mean it’s like a different game like a different pitch here’s bmra again Inside Edge from Joe root and it’s down to uh k yadav at fine leg but he didn’t know a great deal

About that Joe rude he’s just dragged that back just past his leg stump for a single yeah I know what you’re saying and there is lavish turn for for R Ashman but as there was for K as it was for K but still you know the RO Sharma comfortably you know no emotion

Rock goes forward plays it with the full face the backat shows that he’s in total control so is shman Gill there at no point of I felt that about Ole Pope or Ben Doug or Zack Crawley bumra in once again England remained 35 for two as Oly

Pop plays it away defensively on the offside you know what you were talking about Liam planket the other day you said that sometimes he was better from s to 11’s B half doz overs do you not think that yeah exactly send oot for a 5 km

Run before he goes out to bat or send him in the nets for the first 25 balls and say that’s your in and started you know I’m loed to criticize because yeah I think this kid is a wonderful player so is Zach and so is Ben Ducket

But pressure bura in again and forward comes harly Pope pushing that unconvincingly up towards midon and uh he remains 19 from 22 balls England 35 for two still trailing by 224 but even that shot there um you know we make joke of my my record as a number 11 but that

Shot yeah even that there it’s a ball about six St fits Stone to which o Pope’s body is going down the line of middle middling leg his his big toes probably on off stump his hands are away from his body and then he’s he’s like pushing his hands down the down the

Pitch so he’s not exactly going he’s trying to hit that ball straight back to the bowler with having a a body position which in theory you should be trying to play that through cover cover point so he’s he’s body position is side on test oh ashin and turn and bounce here Joe

Root plays back to it and it it was the bounce that surprised root that he was expecting the turn but that that kicked as well and he just managed to turn it around the corner and uh Scamp it through for a single he’s played it brilliantly well though you know route

There he’s played it very very well he’s waited for the ball to bounce he’s in good position ashin sweep top Edge going to be out taken at Square leg the catch is taken by Dev padal oh yes shazi jawell and Pope has gone perished top Edge Ashwin has another one three for

18 he’s a good sweeper he scored a lot of runs with it scored 196 sweeping a lot in hydrabad but you live by the sword you perish by it and he’s just top edged it simple as you like shazi jwell takes a straightforward catch at Square leg and

England are 35 for three I thought I’d seen it all for Ben Ducket I’m speechless I really am I’m really I really don’t want to go to foot in you know deep in on what that was I’m really struggling to to describe what not just that shot that

Inting was I could I man as I potentially go as far as to say that’s the worst ills I’ve seen by a number three batter in international cricket I really am when you break that down them 23 or 24 balls at no point did I feel

Ole pop was in total control one of his body movement two of his balance shape technique what you what you need is a number three and the shot he’s just played to get out wow I mean it was never there to sweep it’s like playing by

Numbers and I I like OIP Pope I think he’s a I think he’s a wonderful talent and I and I think he is a smashing player I don’t think he’s a number three but this is the job he’s got and in times in his career in times in you know

The first 20 25 balls he’s never he never really looks comfortable I get that I can put that to one side because he can go on and that there I’m sorry that that’s a poor I mean that’s a poor that’s a poor poor ending to a poor

Innings of a scrambled brain of somebody who on this tour has got had a score of 193 196 what is yeah I know you always start on not but I he criticizing too too heavily too hard too much but for me that that’s a poor shot poor Innings that’s not pressure from Ashwin

That’s not pressure from Ashwin that’s playing by numbers right I’ve I’ve blocked one I’m I’m struggling now right I I’ll go to the sweep it’s never there Ash in to Johnny Berto the new batsman pushes it away defensively on the offside do you remember about a year ago when Zack Crawley was

Just sinking in a swamp of knots and twos and was being caught in the slips and and you said for his own sake could you please just leave him out and I think that England decided before the series began that the top Sev was Untouchable that they would they all

They were going to play every game Dan lawren wasn’t going to get a look in and I I think that uh you know that’s been counterproductive this time it’s punched down towards long on and they go through for another single because because Ole Pope’s been completely out of sorts for

And he would look nowhere in the fourth test and maybe it was time to just for his sake and for the team’s sake to make make a change well this whole team is this whole team is a bit close sh like that ashn in again root comes forward

Plays defensively best though it was who got off the mark previous ball this whole team is close shot like that you know the England squad was picked you know off the back of you know the there was 15 16 men going out there and they didn’t replace that one is driven that’s a

Lovely shot from Joe rot beautiful shot wide of long off down to the boundary for four it was over pitched certainly there for the drive Joe rot has uh taken the invitation he moves on to 12 England of 41 for3 uh KCK have just sent through the

Stats on teams batting against spin in the first 10 overs of test matches in the last four years so in that time India faced 154.50 overs and they uh averag uh 16 and 1 half runs per wicket so conclusion conclusion is but what’s the conclusion I mean it’s worse than 49

Isn’t it it it feels like there is something spec maybe with some of the England players and the ball skining on a little bit that causes other problems although that had nothing to do with Ole Pope sweeping a ball that he could have almost pulled he could have

Pulled you could have could have pulled as much let go here is jaset bumra and uh that’s pushed straight back to the bowler but bumra got a fingertip to it and being the gentleman that he is is almost embarrassed as he politely asks the Umpire with a might

Have been a run out at the non-striker’s end but you know you hit the nail on the head when you said that Olli is playing by numbers like it’s been six balls since I swept or I haven’t swept for 5 minutes I didn’t sweep him in the last

Over I’ll sweep I’ll sweep the next one sweep the next one that’s what that’s what I did as a tail Ender that’s what I did as a tail Ender right I don’t B my defense I don’t B my defense right I’ll see if I can get these size 12s in the

We the big big you know long long gangly legs in the way and see what I can sweep one I might not hit it but at least I give him something to think about I might change his length that uh I don’t want to make OE po scar go

Guided Away by Johnny beo to the slip Cordon actually and uh de pikal I think is at first slip India have been through quite a few slippers shman Gill was in there and hung on to a couple of beauties and injured a finger and so he’s out the slip Cordon now and ret

Padar was in there and he’s not in the team anymore uh yes shazi gwall has got tape on at least six of his of his 10 fingers and thumbs so uh he is actually no he’s I think no J’s feeling it Square leg here’s VRA again and BTO Clips it beautifully off

His pads through Square leg and down to the boundary for four it’s a lovely shot from Johnny BTO angled in played it with the angle off his pads away for four yeah use the angle use the Pierce Johnny bestto keeps his balance nicely lets the

Ball come to him and just eases it into the leg side through Square leg mind you if I if I was an if I was on the Indian management team I’m not sure I’d want J fall anywhere near slip I think them fingers are far too they’re far too important to protect

One just catching a turf or trying to grab one forward here’s bumo once again and uh he’s just a tiny bit wider of off stump this time and it brings out the defensive shot but but seriously jool I mean it it looks like it looks like he’s taped up his

Fingers like a wick keeper he’s it looks though he’s on his way into the ring is he yeah he’s on his way into the ring you we had the Joshua fight last night second round um win for for Joshua which was always going to be a non-contest but

Yeah he does look as though he’s going to go into the ring and you know I’m not saying he’s a middle web he might be a paper weip FWE clipped away off his toes Again by Johnny bow as Boomer goes like wide of the crease and tries to angle in a

Yorker lent delivery and uh just clicks away niely by BTO who’s made another dashing start as he did scoring at a run of ball in the first Innings but um it’s been a tour of immense frustration for Johnny basto with no less than six scores between 20 and 40

Actually 25 and 39 it’s been less frantic though from Johnny Bast though he’s took what’s on offer he’s been given a ball and leg stump he’s pulled away for four ran hard there too so it’s less moving parts for Johnny in this inning bumra in once more and uh

BTO has an Immaculate forward defensive shot pushing it up towards mid on 47 for3 11 overs gone England trailing by 212 earlier today in an exhilarating first 20 minutes India were bowled out for 477 lost their last two wickets to Jimmy Anderson took his 700th test

Wicket when he had uh Kul yadov caught behind by Ben folks for 30 and then sh bashier completed his second five Wicket Hall of the series by having last man Jasper B stumped by folks for 20 deficit of 259 since then England have lost Zack Crawley for a 16 ball duck Ben Ducket

Bowled by Ashwin Ravi Ashwin for two and Ole po top edging an ill advised sweep shot for 19 C it square leg back goes Joe root to Ashen he has all three 3 for 23 into his sixth over taking the new ball we’ve seen nothing from Muhammad surj so far just bumra and

Ashwin so far Ashwin is absolutely at his best at the moment and that one skids on outside the off stump and Jo rout leaves it alone and he wasn’t in his best first couple of tests was he ashin no he wasn’t I don’t I I didn’t think bow badly I thought he bowled

Quite well in the first com his best is very good yeah his best is very good but he didn’t get I don’t think he got the Wicket he deserve in uh in the in the early part of the career early part of the series I think he’s now starting to

Get rewarded with the how good he’s bowling with a bag of wickets ashin tosses that one up and uh deliberately uh I think balls a full driveable length and bestto just pushes it out to wide of cover and uh he go through for a simple single it is possible I mean it’s not

Like like golfers will tell you that if you’re on the te and you’ve got a driver and and you’re and you’ve started your your back swing or even down swing you can’t stop pushed away defensively by BTO once again I just want to say that that many batsmen have if they are

Playing a meditated sweep and Olli Pope’s not the first to to to say I’m going to sweep this one you can stop you can change you don’t have to go through with the shot pushed away defensively Again by Johnny Barto like um think of the you’re right you get to a point

Where you’re thinking I think most of the sweeps are pre pred determinated but you get to a point where you get there and then all of a sudden you think if it’s not there then you adjust you but the last thing you do do is try to hit

It hard you try to guide it down with it you deflection of the sweep try and keep on top of it if it’s just too short here is ashin around the Wicket now that’s Sweat by Johnny barar he’s picked the length very quickly and it’s four runs so

Actually rather than being too short to sweep which popes was that was almost too full to sweep from Johnny BTO he’s actually swept to half volley he’s hit it but he’s hit it very hard into the gap for four he has yes but he’s he’s again he’s adjusted he’s he’s gotten

Into the position and then he’s seen that atts really full so he hasn’t got down as far as he needs to get cuz he knows he doesn’t need to and then he he can because of where it is in the line it’s on he knows it’s going behind

Square so because the natural you know progression of where the bat’s coming from that’s what’s going to get him the Pierce on it the Ole pop one was too far outside of stump it was too short to try and hit it hard s if he was going to try

And do anything he’ just try and guide it and deflect it down yeah I got in the wrong position but it was but you’re looking at the popins 19 of 23 balls and if you take if you just watch the the his every ball in isolation as John

Norman comes in you you watch the ball in isolation I watch his movements in isolation with the 23 balls that he face forget whether he hit boundaries Orit singles or whatever he just he just didn’t never look balance he never looked as though he was in control of what he was trying to Do spin at both ends and it’s Jia who has replaced jasp bruma there a silly point for silly point in place uh a slip and JIA gets Joe rot playing forward this is on the pads and Joe root just plays this to the leg side wonder what he’s thinking right

Now 13 KN out he’s longside bestto who’s 11 going at a run of ball but looking slightly less frantic than he did in the first in as this time rout does manage to bisect the field on the leg side and comes through for a second this is a a sorry

State of Affairs no matter which way you look at it be interesting to see if there’s any spin put on proceedings at later today if England’s in Innings continues as we’ve seen so far this morning wrapping up the India innings in quick time lost three wickets two of them two attacking shots

One caught down the leg side by Crawley was seeking to just get off strike and get off the mark he’ faced 15 deliveries as root pushes his to point and comes through for a single and it was R Ashman who with his second of three wickets this

Morning but uh just tempted Crawley to place the ball into the hands of Sr KH and part of the F that Crawley himself had put down a catch yesterday riing roit Sharma went on 68 sham went on to score a century and it will be the 12th

Time that sham has scored a century and Senior side win a game of test Cricket as root punches this to the Fielder at Extra cover is that substitute Fielder not quite is roit back on the field no he’s not I think axar Patel is on the

Field for for roow so that was axar Patel Fielding there Shader is in and be’s squared up just a fraction he’ll come through for a single the ball is fielded at points and that’s the end of Jade’s first over four runs coming from it the two yorkman there was a tearful

Scenes at the start of day one as root gave a little speech prior to play the 100 test match of Johnny barstone but uh seems like a long time ago now doesn’t it harming it’s so the tone and the feel of this test match has changed a lot since that

Presentation ceremony just before play absolutely it’s changed John it’s changed a lot in the last sort of 45 minutes from Jimmy Anderson getting his 700th Wicket sh bashier getting his second five for in first class and in test Cricket to what was a Deb barkle of

A shot from a poor shot from Ben Ducker and a 23 ball in in from Oly Pope which you not want to see again 3 for 28 there Ashwin as Johnny BTO Lofts him into the Mountain Air over midwicket easy as you like a one day shot really there’s no flourish no

Follow through he’s almost steered this ball up over deep midwicket for six it’s an excellent shot though he’s in total control moving forward knows it’s to full it’s NOS sorry it’s over pitched from R ashin and dispatched it nicely still being positive you know I don’t mind that using control there he knew

What he was doing he got himself balanced that’s the thing that pop never did in any any part of his Innings Johnny besto come out the crease less frantic less moving Parts he’s balanced at the crease so he can execute a shot like that it’s gone again has he cleared

The boundary he has backto back sixes this time over Square leg there was a shout of catch it from the bowler but this is sailed into the crowd and the England fans for the first time today well certainly since England started batting just with a something approaching a smile on their faces yeah

Good shot a little bit of wit outside off stomp Johnny’s gone for the sweep thinking he’s over oh Ash’s over pitched the ball before this one will be a touch shorter so he can utilize what room he’s got on that leg side be yet following it up with another

One this time push back in the crease and just fielded from his own bowling this time Randon Ashwin that’s six number 101 for the series asan is in again and this is driven too long on for a single B moves to 25 and the score England 69 for three trailing by

190 good batting just over pitched again from ashon this time just eased it down the ground and rotation of strike which has always been quite good between these two but at a long time together root and best of root this time is playing back and his there’s a Fielder close to the uh

The bat on the leg side there’s two actually one behind and one in front of square but there’s nobody really in a catching position offside so comfortable signal for root there you know when you’re watching water approaching boiling point hary yeah and Johnny Barto resembled that water at

Boiling Point in the first Innings but doesn’t feel like that on the sweep this time but the line was there well outside off stump so relatively risk-free attempted sweep he doesn’t connect and uh no runs to finish the over yeah he seems to be a bowling point

In that first Innings you know there was a lot going on 100th test and obviously his position is under scrutiny and he he said he wanted to go out there and try and enjoy it it didn’t look like he was enjoying it looked like he was going out

There and just trying to furiously score some runs doesn’t seem like that in this Innings from beow just seems like the water is simmering just gently rather than violently frothing around in the pan and he looks the better for it yeah I get get what you’re saying I think the

Occasion got to him in the first Innings and I think it would get to me it would get to most you 100 test match you’ve had the big presentation you go out there batting you want to put a show on Shia this is a little bit of a a

Miscommunication as this is push to point and root has is his want he does always take those two steps down the track beo actually followed him and then realized he’ hit it straight to the Fielder never a run there this is down the leg side and helped it around the

Corner CIP Yad gives up the Chase and Joe r will take four runs every day of the week that was just a little bit misdirected by jida that time with a Fielder up close to the bat once he’ beat him that was uh never going to uh be anything other than a

Boundary for England just straight down legs side didn’t he Joe Roots waiting for it just tickled it around the corner lovely shot there from from rout and they’re still trying to be proactive still trying to be positive England to the bad ball which is what you want as

Root steps forward and clips this into the legs side Bea comes through for a single how many 50 how many 50s have we seen in this Innings I think we had one in englands Zack Crawley 79 and India had 1 2 3 4 five five including two

Centuries and even I mean Codi Yad and Jas Boer hit 50 between them Yad was out for 30 this morning 700th Wicket for Jimmy Anderson as BTO plays back and exposes the stumps but plays straight opens the face of the bat touch and hits his crisply to point uh to cover point no

Run J brm’s the last man out for India as be Stow this time Reaching Forward and playing around the pad picks out short fine no run so for bashier 700 for Anderson 41y old and the 20y old walking off side by side that was quite a moment

Actually hary wasn’t it as J is in again inside portion of the bat this time from BTO is pushing at the ball and trying to play this to the offside but the ball actually goes to Ashwin R Ashwin at widish that’s a deep mid on so 26 to bestto 22 to

Rout there must have been a moment he’s really grown in the game sh Barry in a yesterday saying that he’s the man that England should should back to be their spinner in Australia at the end of next year and there must have been a moment as uh Anderson and bashier walked off

The field together with Basher taking his second f for and of course Anderson with his 700 that bash must have just had a little moment to himself yeah I’m sure he did the beauty about that I said it at the end as we were walking off I was on commentary and

Bashier had a ball which he took his second f for which Jimmy give it to him and bashier has now got a momento of his second f for in test Cricket with a ball that Jimmy Anderson got 700 wickets with I’m sure he’ll never ever want to give

That up or sell it or in the future that will be worth an absolute Fortune down the track BTO this is a fraction over pitched and BTO has hit this into the mountain range what a strike that was two sixes in the last over and he’s just smashed

Another 82 for3 England at the start of the 16th I I like the way he’s batting today compared to the other day where he looked a bit more frantic that he’s picking the right balls he swept one in the last over that was outside of Stomp and India got excited but it wasn’t

Going to be out it was it was good bowling again there uh stumps in New Zealand Australia uh Kan Williamson went out not long before stumps so New Zealand a 40 runs in front with eight wickets in hand lean was dropped by carry late in the day as well so there’s

A a good match ticking along as ashin is in and BTO well he throws everything at this and he loses his body shape he’ll take a single to square leg good little battle here as once again BTO tries to smash Ashwin out the ground but he’s hurried with the shot

There’s no timing and it’s a bit of a drag down really 83 for three CH Alex tudder is in the hot seats in place of Steve harson is it a hot seat no the mic the seat everything’s hot I’m sure hary was off his long run was he he was he

Was as for you off air this is a play to Sr KH who partly Fields bestto suddenly calls for rout but rout stays where he is and there’s there’s no run the last thing England need now is a run out for us to get to greet you back into the commentary box

With short Legg in place in a slip and best a route rather it’s a good looking shot he’s on the sweep it’s the right line to sweep and the right length and he’ll take a single wild throw from Jal on the boundary and it’s fielded behind

The stumps by The Keeper Jerel with his pads kind of jumps up and keeps his legs closed and lets the ball slap onto the pads to field the ball 33 then to beo from just 23 deliveries he’s facing now he plays uh this time knock on this ball

A ball that pitches on middle and actually squares bestow up but he plays it well plays it late and he plays it straight that’s a Caron ball from from Ashwin so a little bit of turn away towards the right pad of beo good ball and well played witth this

Time bestto rocks back and that’s four more to the score laces it through Point besto moves to 37 yeah that’s good batting you know the ball in there no much turn it’s deep in his crease he hit in the middle of his Bat I mean the sixes he’s hit they’ve gone

Miles and that four there as you know the Run rate’s a good one five and a half and over it’s what England do but India won’t mind that at all they’ve got the free wickets but root and beo they going to about their business well they’re playing the ball

On its merits it seems to me I mean they are put trying to put the pressure back on on the bowlers certainly Johnny BTO but a little bit of width and it’s cracked away over pitched smashed as rout takes a single to the offside 89 for three are you saying we’re seeing

Some common sense batting Johnny well they’re not they’re not trying to manufacture anything are they they’re relying on their game both defensive and attacking they’re they’re relying on technique that’s been built up over a number of years they’re leaning on some experience they’re not looking flustered still a good Wicket it’s still

A very good Wicket and it’s not the biggest ground in the world Jer is in forcing shot from be sto arms and wrists there’s a lot going on there push to kind of a short cover Point Fielder there there’s a catching Fielder at cover there’s a midwicket on off sted again is judia

When isn’t he and it’s S car kind of seems to be everywhere doesn’t he that who Fields just a a little hum after all the excitement five wickets expansive shot from beow quick hands bottom hand this is pushed to Long off for another single seems to be enjoying playing R Ashwin

More than rendri shadia at the moment BTO in it root this time he looks Comfortable opens up the face of the bat steers this to backward point no run the OS spinner sort of in his Arc isn’t it Johnny likes to hit it sort of long on to deep midwicket that short arm jabby plays powerfully yeah seen it so many times certainly

In od clicket very very strong as rout is forward and defends the last ball D is over he gone for two runs England trailing by 169 bowling India out for 477 this morning 700th Wicket for Jimmy Anderson a fifth Wicket in the innings for sh Basher 46 overs 5 for

173 but England’s second Innings knocked to thunder Ben duet bold ravish andon Ashwin for two not a shot that he would look back on with fondness it was a kind of shot that we associated with Ducket back in 2016 when he was really given the runaround by the same bowler when

His at debut not his debut actually he played in Bangladesh and then came to India lasted a couple of test matches Zach Crawley who saw of two overs of Jas bumra without scoring just steering a delivery from the same bowler R Shandon Ashwin to leg slip he depart for a

Duck oy Pope’s dismissal 36 for3 when he was caught on the sweep fielders around the bat it just seemed like he wanted to clear some space but decided to sweep but a ball that wasn’t there in terms of the length and uh he was caught in the

Outfield a really poor shot to end what’s been a one Innings aside got to be said it’s been a poor series for England’s number three the Vice Captain so here we find ourselves with two familiar faces at the crease and cic YF who was a huge part of the reason

That England will bow out for 218 in first Innings picked up a five for himself has been brought back into the attack actually R Shand ashen’s been hit out of it this first delivery from uh BTO has just pushed to backward point C bad in again little bit of turn away from beo

Googly but beo reads it pushes his way to the offside and comes through for a single yeah the ls helped him there so he was able to to wait on it to back foot just crush it through the covers he’s come out positive intent Johnny beo 39 from 30 three fours three

Sixes Wass to sign off well not sign off but well sign off the tour but sign sign off is 100 dri test match with something that we can all remember well and there is of course you know there’s going to be some big selection decisions we’re

Going to have a chat during the lunch break actually about where England are where they’re going where they were but BTO is going to feature in that conversation as best as rout this time playing deep in his crease Good Foot movement as well moving toward the

Offside to just clear up a little bit of space towards midwicket and that’s where the ball goes that’s just good Cricket Johnny do isn’t it you know you’re rotating a strike when the balls there to hit for four they’re hitting it for four or six that is batsmanship

Not manufacturing anything 5 for 72 in the first Innings YF is in and he beats Johnny Berto with a viciously turning delivery which has slapped BTO high up on the pad the umpire’s finger has gone up and England have reviewed this straight away we have a play lbw onfield

Decision is out I have checked the feet it’s a fair delivery ion petion please I think this is a good decision to review Alex Tuda Joe root signaling immediately to beo that he needed to review it’s a question of has this ball done too much

And also is the height going to save beo I can see a gap between the bat and the ball but would like to again umpire’s decision is out so only needs to be clap uh clipping yeah well he’s hit flush in front of of middle but the ball is turning turning

Big but I don’t think it’s turning enough and I don’t think Height’s going to save best though and I think it’s going to be another one of those middling Innings which doesn’t really answer one question nor the other we’ll wait and see ball tracking oh uh there’s

No bat on the on the ball outside impact in line and because umpire’s call Rod because umpire’s call you can and stay with your original Edition out be on the screen make your signal well there we go a similar delivery to the one that dismissed Zack Crawley when set in the first Innings

Can you remember that it was a big turning delivery from Ki badf he made the difference in the first Innings and this is the difference really because whilst Rohit shammer isn’t on the field he’s off with a a stiff back what riches India possess three wickets for R Ashwin he takes a

Bit of tap so jit bura can bring on the wrist spinner the mystery man kod Yad fresh from a five Wicket bag in the first Innings and he is struck once again and he’s done so in his first over Berto goes Stokes who is in need of a run

Himself is in and batting far earlier than he would have hoped when India were bowled out this morning 17 minutes until the lunch break and England already four down 92 for four yeah Cod that’s beautiful bowling the three previous balls had gone away from the right handed that one coming back quite

Sharply at Johnny bur was playing deep in his crease as Johnny described you could see sort of little bit of middle but for me didn’t turn off I always knew it was going to sort of clip leg that’s why that first decision from the Umpire which was

Out so he’s going to favor that way all he needs to be clipping and Johnny BTO had to depart for 39 and again it’s that scores between 40 and 20 that he scored in this series I think he’s done that what five times or so he’s not he’s not kicked on sorry

I’ve been hogging I’ve been hogging I’ve been Brad hogging um MAA is coming in I’ve a quick word from Sho you got a couple of you got a couple of wickets there Johnny well C deep then left arm over the Wicket and Stokes is underway straight away clipping it to wide midon

For a single 93 for four England still Trail by 166 and Johnny BTO isn’t able to ulate Alex Stewart all those years ago on his 100th test making a 100 and just seeing a replay and shman Gill just having a conversation with Johnny bow as they pass each other C to go in

For the final time this over Roots turns it around through Square leg and we take a single to end the 18th over of the England second Innings they are 94 for four still tra by 165 on talk sport talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket YouTube channel it LO like there’s been

A few words words actually MAA even when before cold Deep’s over I could hear through the stump cam there were you know someone was talking to it seems Joe Ru it was I could hear retirement and stuff like that and I think he was talking about Jimmy so it was stuff

Going on and obviously as Johnny’s got out there there’s been words imagine they’re giving it well this could be your last match then Johnny 100 and out kind of thing I’m sure they there’s a few but you you know these guys they sort of all know each

Other don’t know you know Johnny plays in the IPL and stuff like that so they all but I’m sure there would have been a bit of ribbon as long as it’s not you know it doesn’t cross the line that’s that’s fine as you say they’re on top and the

Thing is England have gone at a fantastic run rate which they do four wickets down jadea to start a new over left arm around brings Joe root forward he plays defensively no run the thing is Joe Root’s 26 from 33 can you think of a a big shot that

Joe rout play yes he’s played the reverse but he’s played it well in control this occasion juder is around the Wicket rout playing defensively no run so with the fields set as they are because India leading by 259 on first Innings they’re going to have attacking Fields there are spaces Jerin is’s down

The leg side rut will tuck it around the corner through Square leg they will take one one only cuz C deep fields and it’s 95 for four as route goes to 27 I think what teams now know about this England side is like they’re going to just keep coming at you so you

Can still have those attacking field you can leave gaps cuz you know batting error will come and with this England team they will show you they batting error has come quite frequently jadea in left arm around the left-handed Stokes who plays up to Mid off to Ashwin and there is no

Run you you well wait till the end of the yeah Stokes waits as jud’s left arm around again plays defensively back to the bowler no run the eagle Scott our producer has said he thinks he heard something about what you said about Jimmy retiring so jadea is in Stokes Clips to

Midwicket to Gall to end the 19th over 95 for four England here on talksport 2 they Trail by 164 and what I was going to say m is I think all the Goodwill and and hary’s talked about it that England have have got and and made and deserved

With the way that they’ve played the game under this uh Brenda McCullum and and Ben Stokes era starts to not say go but you start to sort of question it a little bit if you know you’re going to continue to play This Way in certain situations when you just

Think just B I’m more for entertainment more for but this is test crickets over five days you know you’ve only batted 80 overs twice in 10 test matches C deep then to VTA Joe roots on the leg stump turned to SRA short leg who flicks it straight back to jell the

Keeper whips off the Bales no run Joe root does the decent thing actually gets the old bat handle Taps down on the stumps to put them back into the ground solidly and we will do it all again and there’ll be wickets conditions where you can bully you can bully

Teams but you know certain attacks India and India with their Spinners got to think of a different way CU he’s just waiting at the end of his Mark rout is ready and CIP goes in and Ball’s left arm over the Wicket it’s pushed into the covers by Joe rout to

Ashwin and there’s no rush you and I were talking out the back earlier about Alex Stewart’s 100th test match at Old Trafford made a 100 in his 100th on the same day as the queen mother’s 100th birthday and the Applause at Old Trafford rang around for a it was a it

Was a good five minutes Cy into rout turns around the corner no run to short fine leg and the Applause Just it just never stopped it threatened to go on and on and on and that was a real hairs on the back of your neck moment you

Wondered if if Johnny was going to do something similar today in his H 100th he was going off like a train 39 from 31 balls and some one absolutely massive six C deep in gives this one some air Joe root punches down the ground oh great shot Joe root it’s another

Boundary straight back in the v back past the bowler for four mid offs a little bit wider and he gives Joe root some space England 99 for four and Joe root has 31 that’s just class batting isn’t it he’s got very long in his length there cie he’s giving it the full

Face of the bat straight down straight mid off just a good Cricket Shot minimum of fuss minimum of risk 31 from 39 for Joe Roots C in that one straighter hurries on a little bit actually as well route turns it around the corner no run if you are just switching on England

Well they’re in trouble they mopped up the Indian Innings taking the final two wickets India bowled out for 477 a lead of 259 England have got nearly a 100 of those but they’re four down they were 36 for three root is playing solidly forward to CIP pushing out on the

Offside to complete the over so that’s 20 20 overs of the England innings in the book it all started badly when Ben Ducket came down the Wicket to asman had a huge hack at the 11th ball of the Innings he was bowled for two that was

Two for one Crawley was caught by safraz off Ashwin for a 16 ball duck 21 for two and olle Pope on the sweep got a top Edge and jawell at backward Square leg taking the catch all of those off with Ashwin he made 19 that was 36 for3 best

So the last man to go he’s gone to C deep for 39 from 31 92 for 4 England now 99 for 4 here on talk sport 2 Jer unsurprisingly is quickly into his work and Stokes is pushing out on the offside routas come four or five Paces

Down offering the skipper a single if he wants it he decides not to and they’ll stay where they are I reckon if they went straight away it’s a an easy single I think Ben St is in that state of mind Stokes is waiting as Jade jaal’s left

Arm around the Wicket to him pishing it on the stumps spinning it so it stays on the stumps Stokes pushes out on the offside now run and all of this happening with roit shammer off the field he’s got a stiff back so he’s not taking the field today

Juder is in Stokes is turning on the onside they’ll take a quick single no throw from J W at Mid wickets and the England 100 is up halfway through the 21st over so run rate good Wicket column not so oh that’s what we we know this England team if they back they’re going

To B quickly a lot would like them to B for longer cuz if they do they will have a big score it’s that wickets column and captains around the world now know that you know that this England team going to keep coming at you jadea around the Wicket to Joe root

He’s really solidly forward defending no run well that was Shane War’s thing wasn’t it he’d quite happily give you three maybe even four fours cuz if he’s getting you out for less than 20 he’s one so you’ll see captains and Bowlers do that Jer is in root drops it into the

Offside tries to set off for a single to point there isn’t one there and there’s no run yeah 100% as a bower you know if I’m I’m you know if I decided ball bounces someone keeps taking it on and they hit me for a six or four or six but

I finally get them I’m happy my bowling average will be nice so you know as I said there’s more ways to be aggressive and attack you just can’t be a one trick pony in that a minute what this England team are showing when it comes to batting that

Is J left arm gives that one some air root turns through midwicket paral will set off after it and will pull it in and a single will be taken 21 overs gone 101 44 is the score line for England they Trail by 158 we’re 6 minutes away from the interval interesting actually

Before play um the team photos were done uh and obviously everyone wants a photo a team photo in this ground the the chairs were set up so the mountains were in the background it’s good job they weren’t waiting till tomorrow cuz um they might have all been in civies for

That particular photograph in the hotel lobby yeah with their bags packed ready to pull whatever flight it is back to the UK but Joe Ru as he normally does goes about his business nicely 32 from 44 Ben Stokes two from Seven lot more batting to come C comes

In and balls left arm rpin root turns it around the corner short fine leg does the Fielding realistically with spinners on we’ll probably get this over and one more before the interval all all of this happening in the first session of the day had six wickets so far England mopping up the

Tail pretty well this morning it has to be said Anderson getting to 700 C goes in gives that one a little bit more air rot is on the drive back to the bowler and his follow through no run yeah Anderson for 700 the first Wicket of the

Day as he got cep caught behind and then bashier getting bumra stumped by folks so 30 for cep 20 for bumra between them they battered 133 deliveries cuy in route is deep in his crease it’s not far away from sraz it short leg but just wide enough to be

Safe as you might imagine there’s a lot of oo and ARS from the fielders around the bat yeah C deep he’s bowling nice he’s got it on a string turn it could turn it both ways Have To Be watchful mindful one might skid on when you’re playing on the the back

Foot Jo B we watchful seeing where the gaps are CIP approaches gives this one some air again as he lands it round about middle stump J Will clip it to long on jwal will do the Fielding single taken the score advances by one 102 for

Four just um SAS KH so the ball before where it sort of went aerial as ma described he was that short leg he just sort of went to wide sort of leg slip trying to get in on the fall C it went really full he just Joe rout just hit it down

The ground for a one now Stokes has got three men around the bat for company two slips and a silly point and it’s pushed back and it was aerial but it was on the on side of straight and wasn’t able to get across it’s therefore a

DOT SES almost as if he’s going to play for the spin and get out there to stop the edge going to slips or silly point and therefore he’s quite happy to push it on the leg side CU there’s no close field to that side final ball of the

Over from cig is the googly keeps down of it actually soes got done by the googly in the first Innings keeps this one out 22 overs of the Eng Innings second innings are gone 102 for four they Trail by 157 here on talk sport talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket

YouTube channel yeah the skipper Ben Stokes he struggled a little bit of cold deep especially with that wrong the googly he’s not picked it I think last test match he done him as well did him in the first Innings of this test match was watchful on that one

A little bit slower deepen his crease to give himself a little bit more time but yeah India as as well as they’ve been good England have not been with the bat and they’ve uh got some work to do one more over I reckon macka before

Lunch go on then Chuck it to Ashwin why not he’s got three for so far he’s actually gone three for 54 in eight and he wouldn’t care less he’s economy rate 6.75 he will not care it’s that last column yeah three wickets he got be stowed a couple of times

But what does it matter when uh when the score line is as it is so here we go then to Joe rout he’s Bing around the Wicket Joe rout is forward and playing defensively and there’s no run especially when you lead 250 plus you know you don’t care you know that’s what

Playing for a Team it’s what it’s about Ashwin around the Wicket floating this one up pushed on the on Side by Ru safras can’t field Under The Helmet jall does at midwicket and the England batters stay where they are if he goes five for 100 he really won’t care it’s

The wickets you know England are in trouble most probably go down 4-1 Ashwin gives that one again Sam a inviting rot to flick on the leg side safas does well Under The Helmet throws out the right hand knocks it down that one will sting but he saves some runs

Cuz they’re not going to be able to take anything from on that he’s busy in there in sra’s always in the action seems that the ball follows him a lot he’s done well actually Under The Helmet Ashwin goes in around the Wicket rout does get this one through Square leg and they will

Certainly take one they’re not going to take a second as the throw comes back in and 103 for four 156 is the deficit and Simon the Bary Army Trumpeter decided it’s time for the Great Escape yeah maybe an hour ago yeah take what you can one thing this

England Ash is in he B Ben Stokes it’s the arm ball it’s gone straight on it doesn’t turn and Stokes is bowled for two England are 103 for five in 22 overs and five balls Crawley Ducket Pope beo Stokes all gone Ashwin 4 for 55 and Stokes gets one that goes between

Bat and pad and clatters into off stump and it’s now when not if wow wow that’s a sort of sums up the morning for England as you say Maka they cleaned up the TA and then India went about their business helped by a few of the shots that the England batter has

Played about that morning session 27 overs 107 runs but seven wickets and five them England wickets and with the captain being the last one to go Ashwin forer he’s been outstanding thatle didn’t have no turn let beat him in the inside beat his defense and England will not be enjoying

Their lunch India will be Riot sham has not been on to Captain aside so the Vice Captain Jasper bumra has taken the lead and he’s got to be well happy with his players England and in all sorts of trouble only 22.5 overs faced 103 as you said the Run rate’s lovely and that’s

What uh This Modern team talk about but unfortunately they’re five wickets down Joe Roo still there though 34 not out and Ben folks will uh be joining him straight after lunch well what a morning it’s been what a two hours it has been we’ve seen James Anderson Make History becoming the first

Seamer to take 700 test match wickets C caught behind to a proper dismissal welcome you’re listening to talk Sport and talk sport to VI the talk sport cricket YouTube channel to the fifth and final test match of five lunch on day three in darham charotte and Joe

Roots and Ben folks are waiting to step out onto the outfield for possibly the final time in this test series is All Smiles in the India camp we wait and see where the roit Sha takes to the field himself he missed out on the fun of games in that morning session with a

Stiff back Jas bura captaining in sharma’s absence and if you are just joining us just waking up on this Saturday morning blury eyed and just tuning in to find out what’s occurring uh don’t go back to sleep don’t turn the radio off in a huff uh continue to join

Us as we nurse you through your first coffee of the morning it’s not great news not going to lie seven wickets falling in that morning’s session two Indian and five English um Jimmy Anderson wrapping up things this morning alongside sh bashier two men at different stages or ends of

Their careers it was Wicket number 700 in a stored 20e career for Jimmy Anderson more than that actually over two decades of action as an England cricketer he dismissed Cod Yad for 30 and then the very next over sh bashier first ball of his 47th over nipped out jasit brra YF and brra

Put on a decent little partnership actually um just shy one shy of 50 for the ninth Wicket but rap up for 477 so a lead of 259 on first innings for India and bags of time remaining in the session and the day to make inroads and they made inroads and they did so

Quickly Ben Ducket attempting to run down the track and smash ra Shandon Ashford fifth ball of his first over yed himself lost off stump he went for two Zack Crawley 16 ball duck before he clipped onto leg slip from the same bowler o Hope on the sweep caught for 19

And it’s ashin who will complete his over because of course he picked up a fourth Wicket in that session the fifth to fall Ben Stokes for the 13th time in his career deceived by ra ravish Shandon Ashwin bold pass the Inside Edge for Just Two in and amongst that c YF nipped

Out Johnny BTO who bristled away as is his want three sixes from the bowling rever sandron Ashwin and actually knocked Ashan out the attack but all that meant was that Kip Yad was brought in and he dismissed beo leg before for 39 103 for five at lunch then uh England

Miles away from even making India back they need 157 runs just to get roit sham to strap those pads back on and uh with Joe rot and Ben Folks at the crease there is of course every opportunity for them to do exactly that these two batted well in the past in it’s rout

Facing Yad this is fraction over tched and root will move to 35 and get off strike Lely folks to face his second ball and joined in the commentary box here on Talk Sports 2 by the Big Man Steve harson who’s been an almost everpresent part of

Talk 2’s Cricket over the last few years uh We’ve enjoyed some highs hary and we’ve experienced some lows and today has been a tough day so far it’s been a wonderful series I’m not sure 3-1 accurately folks is forward and pushing this out to the offside I’m not sure 31

Has been an accurate representation of the of the series so far but there has been a golf in this test match between the two two sides which we feared at times would eventuate England coming into it with such a callow spinning lineup but it’s actually the uh the engine room this is

Over pitched Again by CIP Yad who gets plenty of Loot and dip folks pushes this up to jasit bura at Mid off has been a golf between the two sides at times for sure but in part that has been at positions 34 five and six in the

Batting lineup and once again I’m afraid the sorry looking scor cards as Yad very close to the stumps this time and folks defends yeah it has and it’s a surprise for me that John because when I when we were talking about the series before it started my worry was one two and three

Not the the sort of the middle middle order where we are at most experienced short leg and a slip in place for folks who’s forward and he pushes this up to Mid on and he charges through for the single the game may be gone but folks still will feel like he’s got

Something to prove Flawless behind the stumps throughout this series and of course played his part in that wonderful victory in hyroad when he and Ole Pope combined with such good effect but hasn’t been a lot more too many more runs as this spins in the googly from cik bad but it’s too wide

And doesn’t turn anywhere near like what we have seen at times today actually know it wasn’t the googly at all but it spins into uh Joe root and he defends pushes his hat to the offside 105 for five with root and Folks at the crease yeah the the middle order really has you

Been I would say disappointing disappointed at times Ben folks you know the one thing he has the one thing you can never you throw at him that he hasn’t got good values he’s he values his Wicket you know he concentration we’ve seen with his keeping is is unbelievably

High so he not give this up he takes a step down the track does folks and he pushes this ball up to long on for a single he moves to two and then Joe root you in that first in that in that first session that was back to Joe root the

Gold you know after got off the back of 100 in the last test match he looks in he looked in good order rotation of strike was good he’s you know movements all the way back in the crease are coming out down so you know the former England Captain does look in a good

Place at this minute in time but it’s important after a break just to get started again and get the momentum going get the balance right and if he does get that you expect Joe root to just block all the chios at one side and just go about his forward again his route with

Ashwin bowling round the Wicket to the former England Captain who’s 35 from 55 won big Innings of note in the series so far much like in 2021 when he top scor for England as he just plays back and nips this ball into the leg side and gets off

Strike he moves to 36 107 for five England and that’s the shot that’s the the lovely shot you’d see from Joe when you know that he’s in a bit of Nick he’s in a bit of touch you know lets the ball come all the way nearly onto the stumps

And just the flick of the wrist just guides it into the leg side toles off down the other side doesn’t sort of get pressure you know dot balls after dot ball after dot ball he absorbs pressure very very well by getting singles over the Wicket now to folks is Ashen this is

A good looking shot from folks who uses the pace of the ball and and the width on offer to bisect the field on the off side as a Chase of Muhammad sir who is uh how many overs is he bow in this test match and he’s not going to Bow today

Probably he’s not bowled many in the series what does he bow in the series Mohammad s you bowled four or you bow 11 in the first test he bowled 26 in the second in the third and he bowled 21 in the as folks whips this ball from a

Fourth F stump line through midwicket for another single gentle start to proceedings kind of that post lunch lull England could do a two hours of that they could do with two hours of it Ben folks is a he’s a fighting character and he’s come in on the right thing he’s got

Off strike each time he’s been on it here is root smart bit of Fielding at short leg by SES Khan this is hit low and quite hard to the field who collects it on the FL R and then rocks back and holds the pose as though he’s going to knock down

All three stumps but Root’s not going anywhere and he himself holds his pose you hold his pose nicely foot his back foot in the crease and you mentioned Muhammad saraj and just talking to Jared and maners there about the you the the difference between the teams and where

This series is and you you talk about the you know the result of this moment in time being 3-1 is it fair is it unfair and the seam bowling Department of Jasper bum side have been you know very similar but the gulf has been between the spinball and Department art

Ashwin I thought B well in the first three test matches Without Really rewarding from a wickets point of view and he’s met up for that in the last two and I think CIP Yad has been really good throughout this series yeah he’s one of my favorite players is CIP Yad and he’s

In now to folks who’s forward and playing very very straight smothering the spin and in a weird way these conditions will probably help folks he knows that he just has to go out there play his natural natural conservative game really I imagine you’d think would you you’d Hope

He’ just yeah you’d have some pride and value the Wicket that he’s got he’s going to make sure he protects and the beauty about having root at the other end Cal and influence you know he’ll always be on strike every other every third ball so it’s up to him to

Rotate there’s a touch more flight from YF and there’s a Yelp from one of the fielders close in for some strange reason as folks just blocks this ball and then kind of flicks it to to the Fielder so uh India can get on with things 110 for five England here on talk

Sport 2 they Trail by 149 runs and it’s folks facing YF forward again and this is pushed into the Outfield and he gets it past cover point ashin just kind of jogs and Jas brra running around from mid off but he doesn’t run fast enough to prevent folks from coming back for a

Second there is some talk about changing the order I mean look when you lose 4-1 doesn’t matter what you do there’s deck chairs on the Titanic and all that but there’s a sco of thought that maybe Stoke should be batting up batting higher up the order at three and

Dropping Pope to six there’s also the idea that maybe folks’s game is suited to coming in at five and maybe pushing beone who’s brilliant with the tail this keeps a bit low and turns into the right-handed folks who gets his back down quickly and just Jabs the ball to the leg

Side seeing a montage of some of the wickets that have taken place this morning there has been big turn on offer this is tossed up and fols his forward Clips his ball to the leg side it’s in the air but sails to the left to Short leg and folks comes through for

Another single yeah I get what people are saying about the the batting order I agree Ben Stokes could bat at three but if he’s not going to bat three in this series then I don’t see the point because he’s now going to be back bowling and the last thing I would want

Is my captain bat at three having to potentially Bowl them long spells when ever needed and then have to Captain the team as well that’ be a big ask last ball of the over and root reacts really quickly to the line of this ball which

Is on middle and leg he moves across to the offside and SES Khan kind of makes a a little bit of a Hollywood dive to stop the ball and that’s the end of the over yeah I mean we saw Root’s productivity with the bats taer because he had to

Bowl so many overs have spin in the first few uh test matches of course and I think that’s been evident that he hasn’t bow as much in the last two test matches and he’s these results are obviously a marked difference so you then you you you’ve got a factor and

Harry Brook’s going to come back in the side and I think he has to come back in the side sometimes you are a better player when you’re not playing and the side isn’t isn’t performing as well as it would like but Harry Brooke is such a

Talent where I think he does then come back in and then it’s what to do with the wikie keeping Department do they go with you know back to BTO do they stick with folks and drop BTO did they go and drop them both and bring in somebody

Fresh into the group it’s rever Shandon Ash is’s going to continue bowling greetings to talk sport listeners who us for an over as England seek to rebuild how many times have I said that on talk sport over the last 10 years or so Ben folks facing Ashwin who took four wickets in

That morning session and this ball just pops up moves away from folks and it takes the outside edge of the bat pushed out to the off field offside folk stays eight not out Joe root 36 but the damage has been done possibly while you were sleeping Ashwin in again short leg in

Place five wickets falling before the lunch break duck it going for two poor short really Crawley clipping one to leg slip 16 ball duck Ole Pope caught on the sweep for 19 Johnny BTO dismissed lbw is Ben folks attempting a lavish SLO sweep that’s not his game but that is his game

Done he’s been castled by Ashwin who picks up his fifth Wicket in the Innings trying to clear his front leg and sweep over midwicket he’s missed the ball that’s coming him and he’s lost his off stump in a way that is becoming all too familiar big

Turn and folks has got to go and England a six down and facing a 41 series defense yeah brilliant from r ashin five wickets in his 100th test match it’s all been about the Centurion test matches and they’ve had a you know two contrast different days but Ben folks there

Talking about how well he’s done rotation strike since he’s come out with Joe root and predetermined that that was definitely predetermined ashen’s just thrown it up that little bit more it wasn’t there to sweep it was a little bit too full a little bit too tight towards towards you know Ben folks’s

Front foot and unfortunately he couldn’t readjust in times tried to hit it too hard left a massive gap between bat and Pad which has gone through and off middle middle and off stomp castled an excellent bit of bowling by a season campaigner who has 500 wickets plus we’ve seen a you a ridiculous

Achievement by Jims Anderson in this game 700 wickets this morning and R Ashman he went past 500 in the last test match another your Monumental effort from a champion cricketer in England well apart from Joe root yeah they’re in yeah they are in yeah literally waiting for the

Inevitable to happen in England will succumb and lose 4 One what a performance from India and what a performance from ravish Shandra asan 5 for 60 on day three as Tom Harley new to the crease comes forward and defends a ball that’s wide outside of stump you wouldn’t bet against ashin

Adding a couple more to his collection before the afternoon is out four wickets separating India from 4-1 win this is an edge Which flies to the left of slip heartley will get off The Mark with a boundary but that’s so close to the Fielder that could have been a sixth

Wicket in the in Innings what a performance from ravish andand and Ashford let’s not forget this series was really in the balance wasn’t it when he was thrown the new ball in the third test no the fourth test second Innings why would say was it third test second

Innings might might have been third test second inning and he was throwing the new ball there people questioning and even now even now John you about well K R’s going to come back in and and verat Coy to the top they’re easy changes really because of sraz and and padal who

Actually played well on this in this test match but then when they go to Australia they’ve got to turn three Spinners into three se you know Muhammad shami is going to come back there’s talk about a Sean allrounder whether it’s Artic Pand probably not Shadow Taco but

One of the Spinners is missing out in the last sort of 10 days it’s been Ashwin who’s the one that they’ve been predicting to miss out because could because of how well could Le yadav’s Bowl but R ashon like a true champion is do it well he always does you know don’t

Even think about dropping me because I’m going to show you 117 for six then Kodi badf is in and Joe rot he wraps him on the pads with the ball that turns into rout possibly Inside Edge onto the pad could the ball be doing too much there’s

Plenty of chatter around rout but bumu has called for the ball and will he review they’re just going to check I the reaction to me was that Yad thought there was an Inside Edge there Inside Edge for me but I would review it I would that makes sense I would review

It kind of because one it’s Joe root too I’m I’m I’m adding more pressure they are reviewing it by the way yeah I’m sorry I I would review it knowing that even knowing that it wasn’t it’s a bit gamesmanship this I would review it just to you enhance the pressure and you know

Stop came that a little bit more England are you know right up against it so I had have reviewed it for that that very reason well it hits the crack okay close actually it’s a question of whether it does hit the Inside Edge of Joe Root’s bat and the onfield decision

Was not out so whether it’s hit the bat first cuz can you move move forward and yeah once more please once more it was the fourth test as well by the way remember second Innings and England had a first Innings lead of 46 when Ash the second new

B a relatively decent decent start for the uh it will remain not out by the way clear Inside Edge onto the pad of Joe Root’s bat so he remains there 36 not out heartly alongside him four not out the score 117 for six as he defends

Again opens the face of the bat uh but there will be no run on this occasion I mean England came so close to it being 22 coming to the fifth test and actually it should have been 22 they led by quite some distance over over India for much

Of the first couple of games uh couple of days YF again and this time Joe root plays this to backward Point fielded by jadea but of course there was that wonderful partnership between C Yad and jel on debut India got within England score 46 runs and then asham was thrown

The ball he took the new ball in second Innings and he picked up the first three wickets to four including that of Joe rot who’s still there today YF is also weighed in root again playing very very deep in his crease plays straight yeah if you remember right you

Know there were 4 six over you know on the deficit but Ro sha Chuck the ball to both Spinners you know J and ashin and Ashen really repaired him certainly did there’s fers all around the bat for rout as this straight delivery from Yad is negotiated there’s a lot of

Chatter there was a bit of chat going on between sh Mill and Johnny BTO as BTO made his way from the field he was given out leg before Wicked on 39 went for the review wasn’t successful and as he walked off G again and this is nicely

Played by rot keeps the fraction low but it’s wider the stumps and he whips the arms round and he’ll come back for a second as he picks up two to the leg side yeah as he walked off beo had a little word with shman Gill about something that had gone on the day

Previous between Gil and Anderson it seems and uh there was a little bit of back and forth but when Root’s at the crease he’s he is a yorman who smiles yeah yorman that doesn’t give a a great deal we and I’m sure there’s many times anybody’s

Had a go at him but nothing come back I think srz was sticking his nose in as well where shman Gill and Johnny besto not sure what Jenny had to you know much to say about it because of he was 30 30 odd and a quick 30 odd and out and then

Look at shman gill who got 110 and arguably a match win in performance Andrew McKenna indeed Ash to start a new over Harley defends as he bowls around the wickets and he plays out on the offs side and there is no run if the alarm

Has gone off at 7:00 go back to sleep I’m afraid I am the bearer of bad news Ashwin around the Wicket gives that one samaris a flat batted drive to Mid off bummer will do the Fielding yeah Tom Harley is batting and has get a single what’s that crime watch don’t have night

Let do sleep well well you’re waking up now you you might think I’m in the middle of the night man go back to sleep so you know England have been really poor today you know Joe rout apart I think England have have have had one

Foot on the plane some of it some of that is natural as human to it where you do feel as though you’re behind and that’s it the series is over ashn over the Wicket to root root punches to Mid on takes a sharp single gets there roots

On England 121 for six they’re in the 29th over of their Innings they managed to bowl India out earlier today for 477 to give India a first Innings lead of 259 and that is going to be plenty Ashwin around the Wicket to heartley defends and there is no run ashwin’s got

Five for 66 yeah it’s his 36 five Wicket Hall in test cricket and Shan Warner’s ahead of him just seen a list there Richard Hadley Shane War Ashwin around the Wicket heartley defends no run I think ashwin’s on 36 I think Hardley 36 and Shane War 37 and

Then Matia Mur luthan’s got 67 five Wicket Halls who’s leading the way by a country mile ridiculous him out of fers and wickets murly got Ash went around the Wicket hardly Inside Edge puts it through Square leg and they’ll take a single from the final ball of the over

So three from that over heartley has got six England w 122 for six after 29 overs here on talk sport you know you’re good when some some of the greats of the game are all clustered and then there’s daylight and then there’s you yeah and that’s obviously in the batting

Department Donald Bradman you know the average of mere mortals and then there’s people like Kenny barington who is averaging in the sort of mid-60s and there’s one or two others in the mid-60s and then you look at the Don and S Donald and he’s 99 so it is both batting

And bowling you know Murley took what is he 98 wickets more than anybody else in test match cricket that’s that’s a decent career for some people 98 Wicket so 92 wickets I think Shane had I think War had 708 I think and Jimmy going to 700 I’m sure he’s got this summer

Thinking if I can get past wary I’m not sure Jimmy can I know Jimmy can do most things but I don’t think he can get another 100 test match wickets cep to start a new over left arm over it’s the googly to Harley and it goes off of the

Thigh pad down to fine leg and it’ll be away for four oh he’s given it as runs there was a touch on it before the thigh pad so it’s four to heartley that takes him into double figures straight off the face of the bat good shot actually my

Apologies Tom Harley yeah I just wondered if the they’ve got the field wrong here for the left-hander especially the way the ball bouncing having a man around the corner at leg slip I think that would be a yeah it’s C going in this one turns and bounces takes the outside portion of Harley’s

Bat runs down to short third and they’ll take a single 127 for six especially the modern we with obviously DRS and getting your pad out from pad out the way the way cu’s getting that ball to bounce just getting it to stand up I think I’d have somebody on the Inside Edge just

Around the corner or off the FL Zack Crawley full face of the bat he has got one for Joe root surprised he didn’t have one for for Tom Harley coming out to bat I know he’s trying to turn the ball majority of the time back away from

Harley C goes in brings Joe rot forward plays defensively out on the offside no run but it’s not as other you know struggling for runs to play with England 132 runs before they make India bat again Jasper bum’s Captain if you remember Ro sharm’s not on the the field

Just but bum’s captain of India for or acting captain of India for you know this morning session C in rout Clips to midwicket and there’s no run yeah he’s got a stiff back Rohit Sharma well his team are carrying him at the moment and they’re doing quite a good job of it

England trail by 132 with only four wickets standing Joe root 39 not out gets one from c as he bows left arm over that is on off stump drives to Mid off and will take a single Joe rout goes to 40 128 for six just one other thing about

Ashwin Fifer in his 100th test match join Shane war murle and anal cuml to have taken a Fifer in his H 100th so we spoke earlier about Alex Stewart getting a 100 in his H 100th not not bad not bad uh company to be in that absolutely some

Proper ballers in there in goes C deep Harley’s playing with his hands at that one it takes the inside half of the bat and goes to short leg to end the over 30 overs of the England second Innings have been completed Joe Route 40 Tom Harley

11 England 128 for6 if you are just waking up you probably don’t want me to but I’ll quickly go through the England scorecard of the Innings Crawley a 16 ball duck Ducket two from five Pope 19 from 23 best St had some resistance 39 from 31 Stokes 2 from 10 those were all

Before lunch and then folks 8 from 17 the only man to be dismissed since the break England trail by 131 here on talk sport 2 five for 67 for Ashwin he took fora in the first inning so one more will give him 10 for the match and that really will be a 100th to remember ASN goes in and balls Jo is across his stumps covering up plays quietly out on the onside no run yeah

Nothing would suggest that he won’t get that temp for really has been a threat a wicket threat in the last couple of tests the first two or three Ashwin in Bal route Clips to Mid wickets and will beat the man at Short midwicket get a single to juder to take himself to

41 129 for 6 in the first two or three test matches you played a part of um like a support part where other people were getting wickets around him but in this test match he really has been in the last test match he really has been

You know a wicked threat as well as you know just containing and making sure that the partnership from either end is working perfectly around the Wicket goes ashn Harley is looking to turn that leg side and actually gets a Leading Edge to cover points and and there is no run and

Of course he missed two days of the rajot game cuz he had to fly back to chenai to deal with a family matter so I think what he could have done Ashwin oh it’s a loopy one and Harley has taken the bait gone for the big shot and his inside edged it onto

His foot that one was only 84 km an hour with a bit more air on it just inviting heartly as the trout to take the fly and he came up and had a big old gulp at it yeah the back pad did him a massive favor there by getting in the way cuz

That was on its way back onto the stumps just going to dangle the carot a little bit there is men in the Deep Ashwin around the wickets Harley’s playing defensively this time just wide of SRA Under The Helmet no run Ashwin prepares comes in around again it’s the loopy one and heartley

Has spotted that one and hit that perfectly the previous one he wasn’t quite attuned to that one he saw coming and he’s driven that beautifully through wide mid off and away for four 133 for six Harley’s got 15 England now 12 by 12 six yeah that’s better he’s not tried to

Hit that one too hard the the ball before he’s tried to hit it too hard he’s tried to hit on the leg side slug sweep bring the shoulders in and trying to muscle it and Biff it a bit too hard lost his ship lost his balance that one

There a little bit more you know Wi on outside of stump and he’s just caressed it through the offside and the Gap that was there memo to a lot of the England batters especially in that first Innings when you try and hit it too hard you

Make sure your ship’s in G if it’s not you’ll succumb and they just a great example two balls you know one was in total control of body movements the other he wasn’t new over then K deep will be the man bolt with an enormous grunt giving it plenty and it’s root just coming

Forward playing defensively out on the offside and there is no run England continue to bat for the time being Route 41 from 71 now that one bounces and turns from CI rout is able to keep it down there is a leg slip field that rot managed to keep

Down and keep the ball away from threatened to come up and take the gloves and bring that leg slip into play C fall well in this series fall really well C deep in once again Joe root deep in his crease plays out on the leg side

Now run there is one thing though about C and I say Joe root there plays deep in his crease the TV showed a montage earlier of the CU wickets and all of the Engler batters are all right back in their crease either getting in a tangle and getting caught or being bald or

Lbw C deep in bows once again rout is forward playing defensively no run the point being that with DRS now you can’t play bat and Pad close together anymore because if it goes into the pad you can be giv out lbw but isn’t that better than being

Right back on your stump standing in front of all three almost waiting for the inevitable to happen gives an air of confidence at least C is in rout clipping through Square leg will take a single he goes to 42 England 134 46 with one ball left of the over

Here on tosp 2 Alex tudas replaced Steve harson yeah you’re right we discussed that at the back didn’t we Maka yeah just looking a montage and it’ll find that players tend to back that way if they don’t know what way it’s going always feel the balls

Were full and if you were batting on the crease I’m thinking you get that foot forward trying and smother the spin before it can turn big you won’t be in trouble but obviously they’ve got a different method it’s not quite worked C in for the final ball of the over Harley

Is playing defensively and there is no run 32 overs gone England 134 the six trailing by 125 don’t forget more live sport coming to your way throughout well lunchtime and the afternoon on The Talk Sport Network because at lunchtime you got a choice of listenting Manchester United Everton’s on talk sports C if

Against sips which is on talk sport 2 and then to round off producer John Norman’s day Fulmer in action at 3:00 this afternoon and Alex chuda is already told him there will be losing at wolves well you can find out if that happens live on talk sport 2 in the Premier

League which means when I do it on my acur full will end up winning away so just go against what I said pH most probably end up winning 2-1 I reckon even though I said wolves will win that’s a man hedging his bets folks might be a two two

Draw I think he literally covered Every eventuality Now Well Done new over then with Ashwin bowling the Caren ball first up now India are convinced that’s hit Joe root on the pad first Joel Wilson has said not out and they’re going to get get together and have a conversation jasp

Brra is the standing Captain because roit is off the field with a stiff back he’s walking in it certainly looks straight they’re asking about whether it was in line or whatever and the clock has hit zero and they made the signal in time they are going to send this one upstairs India

Have two reviews left that was chaotic because Normal Vice Captain du fine but suddenly realizing people were coming at him from all directions he couldn’t like Coral the cats correctly right it was the caring ball and there’s definitely bat involved middled it he’s middled it let’s move on the

Only question is did it brush the pad first is what they’ll check I mean I don’t think it did and we’re now seeing the replay I’m satisfied Joel you can stay with your original so that’s a burnt review for India which means they’re now down to one because that is now

Overturned so England remain six down if we’re if we’re we’re grasping at straws here then we might have an Australia aser situation that India burn all their reviews Ashwin is in BS Joe root off the back foot punches to juder at long on they’ll take a single 135

For six um we had a big big discussion at lunchtime Steve harson Neil manthorp and jerim are getting involved in in quite where England are with this series a couple of people have been in touch on on social media so CH I’ll put those to

You in uh in the course of this over and Jane tyman who’s who’s a big friend of the talk sport cricket coverage has said well Stokes is talking about the fact he wants to entertain she says I for one I’m not finding this entertaining in the slightest I just want them to win

Is that fair fair very fair next next Ashwin in over the Wicket heartley defends no run John Pierce uh there used to be a mantra in test Cricket have aimed to score 400 minimum in the first Innings of a test that Mantra still has some validity as if england had done

That in this series that have stood a better than 60% chance of winning three of the test matches Ashwin is in over the wi keep bowling to Harley pushing to Mid off no run again can’t argue with that point I mean the one big I would say almost the biggest weakness of England’s

Batting during basball has been the fact they haven’t made a lot of runs in the first Innings they’ve been getting away with it ashn in and balls he’s slightly shorter and wider of off stump to Harley Harley hits two points and there’s no cover sweeper because with England 124

Behind there’s no need for a sweeper so it goes all the way to the boundary 139 for6 and the deficit now 120 p but doesn’t matter but good shot I think that was the car ball again yeah just spins back a little bit so probably just

Got that a little bit wider a little bit shorter than what he wanted but yeah I’d say that’s the big weakness of of the buzzball era is they just haven’t made a lot of runs and they’ve made up for it so many times in the second Innings and

We we we talk about that but they are averaging more in the second Innings than the first Innings Ashwin goes in this is full and straight heartley pushes out on the offside no rug that’s not that’s not how you’re not that’s not a sustainable business model cuz occasionally you’re going to get get

Some tricky second Innings um pitches to bat on so I I think yeah he he makes a very good point there I I I I do think in the first Innings they haven’t got to a point I I I’d actually prefer them to go let’s try and B 100 overs and make

400 give their bows a little bit more of a rest and aim at that whereas I think sometimes they’ve just got ahead of themselves um I I think back to the Declaration at edgebaston so you I’m not just not sure they need to do that and that ended up coming back to bite

Them I’m not going to talk cuz DJ goo’s played an absolute Blinder today he’s been the performer of the match you forget Ashwin the DJ is getting player of the match for me he’s been outstanding play some old bangers and he some serious Tunes likes a bit of

Mikey right then C deep to start his ninth over comes in and bowls left arm over brings Joe root forward three round the bat plays defensively no run for the fence to a full ball surely not before it turns big he’ll be dropped slip leg slip short leg around

Joe root root opens the stance with c b left arm over balls again with another huge grunt I’m all here I’m all in for for C’s grunting I think that’s tremendous rout Clips to jall at long on and they’ll take a single 140 for six that’s good Cricket isn’t it just

Getting your foot Out to the Ball it’s full and then just hitting it down to long on cuz long On’s back take one thank you just keep doing that for longer That’s Entertainment for me yeah by the way this is TV replaying the uh the previous appeal against Joe root

That they sent upstairs for the DRS once again heartley defending coming forward with no run it is for me I I think I said it time but it’s almost substitute teacher Vibes they were coming at him from every direction and he was like who who am I listen why that

AA Patel at one stage comes from behind him I don’t even know a Patel might not have been on the field he just came in to say this even Jer was laughing as if to say he’s hit that has an e to the ire C in once again Harley’s deep in his

Crease defending plays back to the bowler no run yeah I think that I think the purpose of that replay was to show just how chaotic the whole replay and review process was yeah roit if you if you are just joining us roit hasn’t been on the field

All day today he’s got a stiff back should be pointed out that also rit’s not exactly he doesn’t always stop the the madness but he at least knows who to look at he he at least conducts the madness C de in once again balls with a grunt heartley drives to Long

Off JW will do the Fielding single taken heartley to 20 20 from 22 balls England 141 for six tra by 118 again another lovely shot ball full in length foot down the pitch down to Long off lovely Cy for the final time this over Joe rot deep in his crease turns to the

Leg side and it’s the end of the over 34 gone England trailing by 118 141 for six Joe rout closing in on another half century heartley is 20 not out some morea from Alex chuda Neil manthorp will come in okay again what it shows is that if you apply yourself with the right

Attitude right manner you can you can survive out here you know Joe rot showing all his class all his Poise he’s on 44 he’s looked good and he’s got a an able partner in Tom Harley he’s just gone about his business quite right as well just played

The ball on its Merit it’s all that you need to do we’ve spoken rightly a lot about Tom Harley’s bowling and his Wicket taking press and the fact that he’s the leading Wicket taker in the series I think ashin might have uh drawn level with him now with his five for

Today but um in F he might even have overtaken him but still heartley yesterday was the leading Wick taker in the series with 22 but um his batting and apart from yesterday his Fielding um has uh been a real asset so it’s been a a huge tour for Tom Hartley and because his

Fielding is as proficient as it is and uh and his batting is as useful as it is it may well be that uh he keeps the spinner spot from even when Jack leech’s fit Jasper Bomer has brought himself back into the attack and uh first ball

To Harley is clipped away out to short midwicket catching midwicket I expect that Jas buma who is captaining the side at the moment as Andrew mcna was just explaining is um just going to have a little look see find if there’s any reverse swing because the ball is into its 35th over

We’ve actually seen signs of reverse swing in previous test matches before it was 20 overs old so I suspect that that’s what bu’s doing he’s got a couple of slips in for the left hander hits him on the pad here up a leg before Wicked up goes the finger bum’s got his man

Unless he reviews Joel Wilson has his finger up heartly walking down to Joe root who himself has survived rightly two reviews because he was given out twice when the well not given out once when he hit the ball but heartley I think is is going yeah I think Joe Roots

A little mournful Shake of the head I’m really sorry Tom there’s nothing I can do for you yeah he’s uh just said no no point review he was Stone Cold dead it was just a beautiful delivery caught on the crease Tom Harley ball angled in a him just seamed away ever so

Slightly with a smash middle stump and that’s what happens World cast bowler replaces world class bowler and he’s Captain him while Riot shammer is off the Wicket off the pitch and Jasper bumra sees the end of Tom Harley 20 from 24 balls faced 141 for 7 England and it’s uh it’s

Not been good the session and a half we’ve uh seen so far today as markwood strolls to the Wicket has a little chat with uh Joe Ru what’s it doing not that much just play every ball on his Merit you might have a chance are you sure he

Didn’t say we’ve just heard that there are no early flights so Mark Wood is the new man 141 for7 that was um I think Common Sense prevailed there didn’t it I mean so often you see the non-striker saying well look yeah it looked pretty straight but yeah take it

If you want it but um that was as out as it was it hitting what 2/3 of the way up middle I mean I think the question was did you hit it right and if it wasn’t I actually originally thought there might have been two noises I don’t know what

The second noise was but um yeah that that was out it was out in every language was out in club Cricket that was out in Cricket in 1940 I think you could have given it out blindfolded three slips now for J bom to Mark Wood

Oh dear that was uh down the leg side it was a poor delivery was to maybe angle it into the right hander but got that wrong was it Ben Stokes who walked on an lbw this series I think yeah mat you don’t see many of them um it doesn’t

Happen all that often I saw David Hy do it once in a shield game and like got heckled by the seven people in the crowd just wait you don’t know what the ‘s going to do but occasionally you know right I’ve I’ve never walked for an lbw or anything you’re Australian here’s

Bumra good Yorker lovely Yorker PE for leg before Wicket wood has gone second ball lbw bumra strikes twice in three balls he knew that the Yorker was his weapon of choice the first one went wrong went down the leg side the second one looked like that was also heading

For Middle maybe maybe the leg side of middle stum absolute world class delivery jper BR does this on a regular gets that Yorker in good speed to good for wood the only question is is it tailing down it’s in right bang on the foot that

Front foot oh can you go to front on spin please I reckon he’s struggling oh wait you just you can go to walk after the ball hits him on the foot or struggling struggling that this is going down and struggling that is his toe might be in trouble I’m

Satisfied the idea of this review after the last Joe it’s like maybe I should have done the last one just for fun well there’s no point being bowled out if we still got reviews left might as well burn them up first do you know the thing about the um the

Reviews I don’t know if they call them reviews in tennis is it when the player uh and appear challenge challeng challenge yeah in tennis the men are much more likely to challenge than women so men almost always use up their challenges and women don’t and women have a much higher percentage of getting

Their challenges right they don’t do as many challenges so there is a you know there is a mental aspect social commentary as well I’m just saying it’s a really really interesting one may ego I don’t I don’t we haven’t I haven’t seen the women don’t play enough

DRS for to see if it’s a similar thing in cricket uh this may not be quite as looking at no I said it was hitting middle and I thought maybe it was going to hitting leg but actually is hitting middle and leg so 7 in up the stumps five Ines up the

Steps England still have two reviews remaining but uh they may not have the opportunity to use them as Mark Wood has gone and they are 141 for8 Jasper bumra striking twice removing Tom Harley lbw and now removing markwood as well for a second ball duck and uh England England’s uh wimper

Towards Victory continues un unfortunately uh but brilliant bowling from Jasper borra and you know I said he’s maybe brought himself back on see if there is some reverse swing and and there is a little bit of we just heard Alex Tuda say was it tailing away down

The leg side but it it just just in its last uh third of its ball flight did just begin to show a little bit of a reverse swing back into the pads and that may have contributed to Mark Wood missing it but 141 for8 and uh England still a long

Long way away from making India bad again I mean it hit his toe before his back came down I’m not sure the I mean you’re right the reverse thing certainly didn’t help but I I think he was already out at that stage just noticing that Paul Collingwood uh no longer got the whites

On letting everyone else deal with the drinks now him and tresco are like we don’t want to be associated with this loss oh yeah yeah if you’re thirsty wait and to get a drink for yourself if one of you bats long enough we’ll put them back

On I think Joe root so will bumra in looking for a third Wicket in the over and there’s an appeal for a catch down the leg side is sh bashier plays a little leg glance at this one heading down the leg side sh bashier with figures today second five Wicket Hall in

The series uh figures of five for 173 in 46.1 overs there will be some people that look at that ball tracking and uh and and might think well gosh it it seems to have straightened up because it was the angle showed it looked like to The Naked

Eyes if it was heading towards leg stump rather than middle stump it’s a matter of semantics Nice Shot here from sh bashier bumra still looking for the Yorker he fancies a couple of more lbw here to finish things off but sha Basher has clipped it very nicely it was a half

Volley half volley on the pads and uh even a number 10 like sh bashier can put that one away although he did did it pretty stylishly to get off The Mark with a Bounder oh it was a full toss and one thing I love about J B Boomer is

That you know I always say for fast bowling you know I don’t see enough Yorkers one thing he does he sort of can do it at will yes that was a low full toss but I rather that than a shorter ball especially when you’re ball in that

Lower order just try and hit them on the pads on the foot as he did Mark with the ball before it’s a tremendous skill can’t stress it enough and he does that better than most and that’s why he is world class not just a good bowler he’s

A world class bowler in all four mons of the game cuz he’s got that ability to be able to bowl that ball pretty much at will there’s a a lovely list of of greatness uh is the the list of players who’ scored a senty in their 100th test

Match is uh pretty substantial it stands at about I think it’s 15 players including uh three Englishmen Colin cry Alex Stewart and Joe root but the list of players who have taken here’s CIP y with his left arm wristpin the reverse sweep played here from Joe root there’s an appeal for

A catch by D Durell is’s very very excitable at the moment as uh he looks to take but the list of Bowlers to have taken 100 wickets uh to take five wickets in their 100th test match is a list of great mury 675 Wicket halls in his career yeah his

Madness is it that is madness that is just hard to wrap your head around that some players be happy with 67 wickets 675 I know here is K yov again and Joe R punches it back off the back foot but Murley Shan war annel kumble and now R Ashwin yep All Quality Bowlers

Worldclass Spinners yeah that’s incredible 60 jeez 67 five Wicket halls in his total of 800 he’s nearly got more fifers than our Bal overs K yet again Joe root sweeps sweeps hard the ball spins awkwardly out towards I think that’s AA Patel who’s on the field at the moment as a substitute

For Rohit shamama the Indian Captain who’s got a stiff back and uh yeah another run to Joe root we’re just having a look at the ultra Edge replay of that reverse sweep that Joe root played when there was an appeal for a catch but his back hit the

Ground he now goes for an orthodox sweep shot and uh misses it it’s into the gloves of D jell I have to say k yadov is balling with a man oozing confidence which he is um I I think that last one does show us though that if I think

Ultra Edge is a decent enough tool and works okay I’ve got some issues with it but we should still have Hotpot as well combination of both I think too expensive isn’t it that’s why they don’t want to use it yeah but but show you in that sort of situation that would have

Been a bit clearer with Hots spot right yeah here’s uh K yov in again and uh this one is a much quicker one i’ even have been K’s top spinner actually it’s really scurried on and it’s punched Away by root off the back foot out towards midwicket they go through for a couple

Route moves on to 46 147 for8 didn’t some players find a way of maybe that hot spot didn’t didn’t show up on the bat oh no no no you could do stuff with hot spot it didn’t work as well with the edges that wouldn’t have been off the

Edge that one it’s it was the gloves and the middle that Hots spot was really really helpful for here’s uh yadav once again and uh it’s flicked away out on the onside by Joe root again and uh they go through for a single it’s the last fall

Of the over he’ll keep the strike 148 for8 it was of course uh based on very expensive military technology hotspot and um sort of ballpark figure was a million dollars um per test match to to use it and there were very few of them as well uh of those um heat sensitive

Cameras and so as the number of matches International matches around the world expanded and it continues to expand they felt that uh it wasn’t fair to to use use it for the Marquee series and not for the smaller series but it did give us some great moments it did yeah

Absolutely there was a You’ expect that for a million dollars when I don’t know I don’t know how to say this correctly on English radio but when someone passed wind good way saying it y that was one there was also the douge Ballinger rug on Hotspot there were some beautiful

Moments with hotspot that you know I think we should always remember or not remember here’s is J Boomer again pushed away by Joe rot out on the onside decides against accepting the single why would he expose number 10 sh bashier to jrit bumra and he’s got five balls left I think I think

Um passing wind is more of a burp I think Breaking Wind Breaking Wind yeah well that’s I don’t use these kind of phrases you know the kind of phrases I would use but um you what you’re saying is that the air after such An Occurrence would be warmer have you never seen that

Footage I think it might have been explaining it to the listeners who might not realize what you’re saying but it was it was amusing uh in a um pural school boy sense which made most of us laugh here’s buom looking for another York of the Joe root instead of which

It’s a half Vol on leg stump and he’s clipped it away behind Square for a half century for well he got four brings up his half century and um a more muted acknowledgement of a 50 it will be hard to find I’m not even sure that Joe rot

Raised his Bat to be honest it’s uh feels like the captain on the Titanic he’s going to go down with his ship what used to be his ship nicely played the crowd enjoyed it and the England fans did anyway all stood up gave him a standing evation as

They did earlier for J Anderson a took his 700th Wicket as root now plays defensively and there’s no run I think it shows that if you apply yourself you can bet on this Wicket 51 from 89 balls that’s what I’m looking at balls faced that’s what he’s

Done he’s a quality player is like a master class I do tell our kids especially at my school if you get the opportunity to watch Joe rot just watch about how he goes about his Innings 152 for8 India going to win this game by an Innings

Root comes forward and uh pushes it away behind Square on the offside you might wonder about the feasibility of Joe Ru protecting sha bashier here given the apparent hopelessness of the situation but that’s what that’s what you do I mean they’re still 207 runs away from making India bad

Again uh sorry 107 runs away from making India bat again but is an old truism in cricket you just never know it may seem 500 to1 odds but uh just do the right thing and and don’t don’t give up don’t wave the White Flag bumra again to Joe root two slips in

Place he opens the face of the bat tries to run it down to third man it’s fielded by The Substitute axar Patel again and there’s no run just uh go down with a fight and there wasn’t much of that from so far is this Mark Wood looking at his

Replay of his lbw well it’s not that he was Stone dead we got a picture of the England changing room uh balcony and uh Mark Wood is pouring over the laptop I just hope it’s just like a random image or you know some Facebook snaps or

Something I just hope it’s not him ibe have a look at this funny tweet they they’re not they can’t be online though can they so it has to be something old that’s driven by route out to Extra cover fielded by shman Gill no run 152 for8 they can’t be online but

You know I’ve been an analyst in cricket grounds oh no ball we’ll have that one bowled again um I’ve been an analyst in cricket grounds and so the day before you’re usually there and you have Wi-Fi access of course in in a cricket ground and you

Use it the only thing that you do is you you press the Wi-Fi to airplane mode on the days of the game I don’t know if this has changed but when I was an analyst in grounds this is what 2018 2019 2020 um and I was like so the only

Thing stopping me from going on the Internet is me remembering to turn my Wi-Fi off and there was one game halfway through I started getting all these notifications on my computer and I realized I just left it on oops and I was thinking this is not a safe system

Do you call foul on yourself do you I didn’t tell the acsu I’m telling unless they’re listening now here’s Boomer again and uh well the last ball is going it cost him four runs that no ball cost him five runs actually CU one for the no ball and this time

He’s pulled a wide half volley and Joe rud is driven it handsomely through the covers for four so uh five off the last ball effectively y that over and rout moves on to 55 in fact I did two things I was an analy grassing on yourself here

Is you the other one was quite funny where um I was wearing my um Apple watch one day or uh you know my SmartWatch one day and again it was picking up the Wi-Fi from the ground and and and giving me some um uh some information even though

My phone was in cuz they take your phone away right you don’t have your phone take your phone away but what and I suddenly realized I had it on I took it off and slipped it in my pocket zipped It Up made sure but I was actually part

Of the reason that the ICC brought that regulation in about Smart Watchers because there was a series where there was a bunch of players all using smartw watches and we were like well wait a minute you can get messages via a smartwatch so I I was part of the team

That wrote the article for Crick info that changed the icc’s regulation on SmartWatches and then still had my SmartWatch out on the field yov into bashier defends no run I’m just saying I was not the most secure person and if I was accidentally um circumnavigating these rules it tells

You they’re a little bit more flimsy than sometimes we might give them credit for they are well intended and I I was well intended here is y again and show show Basher comes forward now then I just want to point out that none of the preceding nine batsmen have been able to

Pick K yab wrong and so let’s not raise our expectations too high for sh bashier at number 10 uh and he he is not um striding into his choice of shock with a man who knows what he’s reading here that’s short and pulled into safras Khan

At short leg M Basher laughs has hit him I don’t know where it’s hit sa Khan but he’s laughing and he’s holding his helmet so maybe it actually hit him on the helmet short pull bang it was right on top of the head does he have to go

Through a concussion test well evidently not cuz he’s laughing I mean if he was if you get hit on the head as a batsman you do better um but uh yeah sh Basher denied runs by SRO Khan’s helmet oh that one keeps very low rips back into him terrific leggy

From K yadav bashier manages to keep it out and uh it continues to be amused I think that may have something to do with the banter around the close fielders but it kept very low as well yeah it did but it was well W watchful really well

Played here is yav once again and bashier lunges forward here keeping B to pad together when I suggested yesterday to Steve harson that they was something about Sher bashier that suggests that there could be you know something to work with as far as his batting concerned he almost had to leave the

Commentary area for laughter I don’t think he was convinced at all SLO sweep from Shai bashier now and he’s hit that rather nicely one bounce four and that exactly is what I said yesterday I said he’s got he’s got a decent slug speet remember he hit Ashwin for for four over midwicket he’s

Just done the same to yadov yeah it’s and a clever shot as well there’s no Fielder out there so why not it’s a safe shot he moves on to eight from eight England 161 for8 still trailing by 98 Jo Ru stand strong 55 not out showing that if you apply yourself there are

Runs to be had out there well 55 uh yeah as you say Jo 161 for eight and drinks coming onto the field now the fourth umpire is also strolling out with what like a collection of U umpiring kit rather than drinks drinks coming on for the players I don’t know

What the fourth umpire was taking out there maybe something to get the umpires online your friend Gary has sent you through a message uh he says he’s gone through 62,1 75 first class scorecards hoping not manually Basher is the 16th player whose second first class five Wicket Hall has been in tests

Lion cumins Dennis Atkinson uh asanta DL he stre Andy bnot Alan border uh venthan John Santa joa Chris G Michael CL Nathan horz Fidel Edwards sakander razza and James patson my question was um taking two five Wicket halls in test matches without having a first class I think

That’s what this is that what that did you say Chris Gil Chris G if you have a look there’s there’s quite a lot of um batters in here right you got border uh Gail Clark while you go through that I’m going to get let John Norman take this

Entire question is for you I’m listening hary doesn’t care H the entire question is you just run away you you throw this this man went through 62,1 75 first class scorecards and you just leave the room disgusting Behavior anyway there’s a there was a few players there yeah but he commented

On 30,000 into that 62,000 probably didn’t he as as a one’s got to hit me on the back of the head in a second that’s unfair maners was only at about 20,000 of them what have I missed absolutely nothing basically that’s today’s Primark we were talking about that a

Couple of tests ago as uh when bashier got his first Fifer and I was saying what is the record for a bowler to overtake their first class tally of wickets uh in test matches so he must have gone past his first class tally in his second

Test match or his third test match he came in with what did he come in with 10 10 first class I don’t think was it as much as then was it as much yes I think it was 10 wasn’t it it was 10 first class wickets yeah 10 first class

Wickets at 67 when he first when he came in and he’s got four eight 12 you know 12 17 wickets in this series but how many at what test was was it that he went past 10 so when did he when did he reach 21 first classs first in the first

Innings of the in the first Innings of the fourth test match he got four in the second test match didn’t play the third five in the first innings was that his third test match or his second test match so it would have been his second test match and that would have been what

Was that his no it wouldn’t yeah it was his second test match and it would have been his what 2 do he have 22 test yeah 22 first class wickets after that test match so in his second test he went he he basically went past his first class

That that must that must be a bit of a record he must be up there anyway um either way he’s batting as well he can bat strike rate of 100 unfortunately he’s on eight and it’s Joe root facing with two slips and J buom beats Joe root pass the outside edge he

Actually looked like he withdrew the bat at the last moment Joe root becoming just the second England batter in this test match to go past 50 after Zack Croley Managed IT in first Innings India’s scorecard looks a little healthier the batting scorecard in first Innings 50 for jwell KH and padal and

Centuries for Sharma and Gil they bowled out earlier today the highlight of the day without a doubt bashir’s fifth Wicket uh coming so soon after to Jimmy Anderson’s 700th career one but the SM are replaced by grimaces soon after his route comes forward pushes this ball to a deep

Backward point and does not call bashier through for the single yeah England have had three centurions in this the Seena on social media for three centurions in this series Root Pop and Duck and Root’s the only one that’s backed it up with a 50 the only person that’s got 100 and

A50 in this test series and the only batter to average over 40 would be Crawley yeah for England who hasn’t got a 100 who hasn’t got a 100 but there was a fascinating chat at lunch and it’ll be available as a podcast and also across on the YouTube channel the cricket

YouTube channel uh welcome by the way to listeners on talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket YouTube channel but uh yourself hary Jared Kimber and Neil manthorp went through all the 14 players used by yeah the went through the majority the one that we didn’t go

Through the most I think we can we can revisit that at some point and that was more through Ben Stokes and has a performance and as a batter as a captain he bowled five overs but I think that should be doing in isolation along with the Brendan McCullum and how the team

Have have performed but the rest of them we went through you know from one to the uh the 14 on how they’ve come and a plus and a minus whether their stock has risen or dropped beaten Again by I don’t think it I would like to see

The pace of that delivery either way um it was uh it moved away off the seam I think past the bat of Joe rout who’s turning down singles kept low a little bit I thought played inside the line a little bit as well maybe rout but with back

Well in front of body he’s 55 from 96 an England uh who started this series so strongly finishing it with a little bit of a whimper as he’s coming forward again rout and this time after seeing two balls go past the outside edge Jas broom targets the pad of

Root kind of Falls over a little bit as he tries to play this ball to midwicket actually he plays a little straighter than that but he it’s an Inside Edge that actually saves him on this occasion that would have been Plum yeah he was that’s how he’s been C out a couple of

Times in the series off Jasper bumra but that was there it was exactly the same ball pitched in a similar area the two balls before have decked away and Jagged away and he’s missed the outside edge and that one there decked back in towards off stomp field is coming in

Deep square is now at Square leg as bumra again targets the pads and he will allow Jo Roo to pick up a boundary through midwicket with a healthy clip and one run or rather one ball left of Boomer’s ninth over he picked up two wickets to fall the two wickets or two

Of the wickets that have fallen since the lunch break um Harley and wood being dismissed within three deliveries of each other route moves to 59 165 for eight can root take the single to get bashier well the answer is no brra fires in a Yorker root digs it out comfortably

Enough it’s fielded by that Fielder that’s been brought in from the square leg boundary and it means that Basher will face the first ball of the next over four coming from it rout is 59 and England 165 for8 still miles away from making India bat again two big wickets

For England in that session from from bumra and it was a beautiful bit of Hing from bumra to get heartly from around the Wicket just got the ball to you angle in towards the stumps and then straighten the touch and then you know the perfect Yorker to a tail end batter

Bang straight on the big toe fortunately for Mark Woody had his his boot in the air his heel was planted in the ground where so his toe was in the air cuz his FL foot was flush on the floor and that hit him on the top of the toe and there

Would have been a struggle for Mark Wood to walk off the field because he’s big toe would have been busted bumra is leading the team roow Sharm is off the field with a stiff back Sentry in that first innings for India and bumra he’s not put a foot wrong helped by some

Great bowling and then he bowling change to get himself back on was a was ideal towards the tail Enders and we got a tail Ender facing codic VF and it’s Basher oh how tall is Basher he’s 6′ looks four standing next to him he looks as

Probably as tall as I was I would say he was about 6’4 65 I would say there’s not a lot of him where there’s a lot of me there’s not a lot of there is now there wasn’t back in the you do yourself a disservice as well as

Basher just plays this to the right of short leg it was in the air for a section as it was a little bit more bounced than what we’ve seen from the ball previous I’m surprised haven’t got a man around the corner really surprised he hasn’t got he now goes in yeah hores bolted

Should we say but yeah he’s a tall man very very tall I would say he’s 6′ five sh bashier yeah J has been put in there now so there’s a leg slip and a slip as he defends this ball which turns a lot from well outside off stump but Basher

Has to prevent the ball from going on might have actually gone over the top of the stumps but he defends it anyway we’ve got sraz at short leg Jer at man around the corner jel all three of them you can hear they’re all having a conversation and I think sh bash is

Laughing I think he understands what they’re saying I was going to say this is floated up and he gets a line wrong this is down the leg side there a little bit of a it’s push to midwicket Joe rout and Basher almost decide halfway down the track

Whether to take the single or not cuz there’s two balls left to the over rot was rot was s come on and Basher was looking at R I think Joe was more like looking at him going what you’re trying to protect me now they they forgot what the roles were

Just for a moment I’ve got this Jo stay where you are I see to the centy I sort it you’ve only got 12,000 test runs you’re all right I think you’re right as well I think that sh Basher was listening to the chat again down the leg side and Joe rot

Will get off strike ravish andon Ashwin short fine but not short enough to prevent the single and that brings bashier back on strike he got one ball to see off C Yad we talked about it yesterday didn’t we that he does understand it I don’t think I think he

Said he doesn’t understand every word because I think he speaks U not Hindi but obviously they’re very very similar um and but I don’t know how fluent he is but he has been EAS dropping on the team not EAS dropping now he’s just laughing so they’re obviously now talking for his

Benefit so Rotan here absolutely last ball of the over and again it’s on a leg stump at line a big smile on the face of Shah Basher who despite the match situation and where the destination of the trophy’s heading he’s enjoying himself he’s picked up a five

For he’s playing for England I mean he’s body language has just grown in stature as the series has progressed he’s taken wickets he’s he’s having fun he’s having fun he is and what strikes me of being out there for the first two test matches whenever he was around the smile was on

His face he was loving life and you got to remember as well it didn’t start very well it started with him having to go back to England you new to the group going back to England you a young man having the the Visa problems he had and

Then having to come back out um even more special because he’ll come back out you know feeling as though it possibly wasn’t his fault you know feeling as though he’s not part of the group but he’s I think he’s I think he’s handled himself and bold very very well two

Slips in place and they are spread wide apart covering the space of three perhaps as root defends this ball from jasit brra out to the covers no run B captaining in place of Ro Sharma who’s as hary just said is off the field and hasn’t appeared today he’s nursing a

Little bit of a stiff back and we know that the roots at bura battle has led to some defining moments in this series so far whatever happens here is unlikely to be added to in terms of destination of where this series is going as root presses forward just opens a face of the

Batter touch rolls this ball to deep backward point but doesn’t need protect him from Basher or by Basher just yet so he’ll stay where he is he remains 60 KN out the score England 167 for8 bu of course was rested wasn’t he for that fourth test match a test match that

England almost in control for for a couple of days as bum is back and he fires one into root who again tries to get onto the front foot but this just a little faster perhaps it’s the bounce that does for actually I think wraps him high up on the

Thigh and uh just another little bit of drama towards the back end of this test match back in nip back beautifully he’s being he’s got the same upright he’s not got the same sort of caned towards slip he’s got the seam bolt upright cuz I think he’s he’s actually looking to see

If it reverse swings but because he’s got the seam upright it’s jagging either way your natural variation Joe Root’s trying to protect the outside edge yeah but in doing that b is just trying to bring the ball back in and targeting the stumps as this again angling in on off

Stump and root pushes this to Mid on no run he should probably look at a reverse scoop too soon oh no absolutely not I mean you’ve only got one Wicket until the end of the series so I’m surprised that you didn’t mention it about two innings ago it wouldn’t surprise me if

We see it at some point but it would make more sense now yeah In fairness well jarro call it as he just shuffles across to the offside as rout it’s a fraction wide this time from bumra and rout almost plays at a ball that doesn’t really want to no it’s

Obviously it’s the fifth ball of the over he’s looking for the singles actually was deceived it was a slow ball it was an off cutter and it just bounced on on Joe rout he’s just trying to run it down to third where there’s a a

Little bit of a gap a little bit of a vacancy in the in the coldon that you can just guide the ball through that’s what the area I’m sure he’s looking for either that or get across to off Stomp and down to square leg Boomer again wide again and Joe rot just throws

His hands at a delivery it wasn’t a particularly good one from bumra just two men out on the offside really has cleared his cleared these with ease and he moves to 64 with four at the end of the over but that of course means that Basher will face the

First ball of the next one again bom’s gone for the ball he’s gone wider again see of Joe rot can throw his hands at it and he did he went aial but realized you know there was a little bit of a deception in the uh in the Pierce but

Because it was so wide he could just keep going up up and up and it’s going to over the infield and one bounce for but Jud is going to come on and then good move from buom try and get that front out of bashier in the game and I

Think he’s got more chance with jader than he has with with K yadav Bon Joi ringing out daram Chara very very good a’t it well that’s a favorite song of the of the barmy army you Know we’re halfway there it’s a a regular song so I’m sure that Chris Millard and the b army team have probably had a word with the DJ two slips in place and short leg as Basher handsome square cut which just dropped short of points no run 171 for eight I’m

Not sure England have got a prayer though well Scott Taylor’s just remarked it’s halfway point of the Test match as well I was thinking halfway to what are England at the moment Everest beaten this time is Basher the ball turning away from the bat taken behind the stumps by Jerel who’s had

Another accomplished game I we was spoken a lot about England as he edges this delivery from jadea does bashier thick outside edge it’s flown to the right of shman Gill at second slip full-blooded Drive actually and Gil has put down a chance but I mean it’s gone to him so

Quickly yeah it’s flown at him if you’re going to flash flash hard he’s not got a M on it got nowhere near it at uh at second slip just thrown above the ey line bouns to touch good portion of the outside edge of the bat it’s padal at

Second slip as Basher lets this one go he moves to 13 England trail by 84 runs they’re 175 for8 this is straighter and a shout from jadea Basher playing the ball to the leg side but sh are just feeling that maybe the bat got there after the pads either

Way no review one ball left of the over what chance Basher trying to take a quick single he rly dreamily flicks this to point no run seen off another world un Basher England 175 for8 just managed to get the bat down in time there that was straight talked

About it why J is coming on to ball is to try and get that front pad in the game we were um we’ve spoken about England a lot of course but what about India then because we know that there’s players out of this side that are due to come

Back the KY and the possibly raal I mean we spoke about rall a lot but he was under pressure himself he uh scored a century against South Africa in that first test where India went down heavily I think sunel kavasa described it as one of the top 10

Indian centuries he’d ever seen um but he’s always been one of those players that’s kind of seemingly battling for his place it was talking might even take the gloves he’s up the order he’s down the order he’s all over the order does he make his way back into this side when

When India play again which is later this year I think against Bangladesh I know they got two tests against New Zealand you might know actually Jared Australia coming up on the horizon as well that’s later that’s later but they are but I would imagine they’ll be gearing towards that their next big big

Test series on the horizon is is OB ly against Australia I’ve Got a Feeling theyve got Bangladesh or Sri Lanka but Jared would tell us they’ve definitely got two tests against New Zealand yeah they’re hosting Bangladesh for two tests in September so that’s their next uh series and then they’ got

A couple against New Zealand mam Ser is going to get a bowl for the first time in the Innings and this is clipped away fin of the Wicket by J taking the ball off his P but he will not take a run and it’s in Australia as well isn’t it so

They’re going to go to Australia in the next 12 months so yeah that’ll be no that’ll be December won’t it December through to January but it’s five tests actually so might start towards the back end of November yeah possibly So you you’re looking for me on that you’ve got

To get a you’ve got to get a seamer into it which Shamy comes back in So Shamy if he’s fit comes straight back in as SJ draws a defensive shot from Joe rot covers up and pushes the ball back to the bowler no run s bowl a lot better in

Australia than we’ve seen him ball in this series as well so that that will help them and they’ve got prid Krishna who’s what 6’5 yeah well I don’t know actually if he is that top he’s got incredibly long arms he BS like 65 he bowls from a good these release points

From a a good tall good tall height so I imagine he’ll come back into the connect as a backup Bower you you you’d think that sage bumra and Shamy will be the three and it’ll be which spinner the leave out will fur come back in allrounder he played the last time IND

Were in Australia but then again who didn’t route is forward and defends again I don’t think he’ll play in Australia because you know I don’t think his skill set is particularly like it makes sense in playing in South Africa and New Zealand and England because he

Can swing it around a bit more I don’t think it makes as much sense to him playing in Australia but they might have to take him you know and they’ve got that awkward sort of thing of they probably want cool deep instead of Ashwin now but cool deep isn’t the batter that Ashwin

Is well I tell you what I think Cody was batted pretty well in this series yeah over over ashin as route again lots of space on the offs side and there’s a single there but he turns it down he did just get bounced out by 41y old

Jimmerson jerson bounced them out it’s a bit different you’re fixing me with a stare in India Jared well yeah but you only have to go back to that four the fourth test oh I think he’s fine against Spinners and he can block I think cool Deep’s a you um you know Matthew hogard

Type player maybe slightly more technically sound but it’s very hard to get him out but I’m not sure he can put any pressure back on you if he’s batting at number eight he’s got a few more shots than aie well I me everyone had a few more shot

Only Huggy only played one one shot one attacking shot on his whole life and that was at Trent Bridge down the track is rout and he’ll pick this off his pass and he take four fine of the fine of the wickets nicely played by rout he moves to

68 maybe Basher is sticking around for root Century you nevering crossed fingers crossed Joel Roots locked in total control from the minute he walked out to bat he really has he’s you know he’s hit the boundary comfortably defensively he’s been solid he’s when Carnage was around him he’s been the the

Sort of Shining Light and common influence that he he regularly is for for England in the middle order I think India have got a a good conundrum good question to have about the uh wide and driven square of the Wicket this is a beautiful shot from Joe root risty dreamily played square

And he’ll take another four runs it moves into the 70s 70 for2 sir has gone for a couple of boundaries in his first overb England up to 183 for8 yeah not what you want for jaspert bumra as acting Captain when you make a decision to bring a SEMA on and evolves both

Sides of the Wicket you know one down the leg side clipped away for four and then over pitched wide outside off stump but yeah yeah I think you’re right when it comes to India India have got some headaches some big headaches I think over the course of the next 12 to 18

Months when it comes to their team but I think the headaches are are positive ones you how do you you get you you do get Muhammad shami back in the side you get for me the alltime great modern modern day cricketer in verat Coy back

In the side and K rul that’s the more questionable one but I think K does come back into this team so Jay wild and Sharma opening up ver at first drop Gil Gil at three Gil at three sorry ver at four two slips back in place and a short leg three fielders

Two in Catching positions on the offs side there’s a a mid off as well for bashier who looks pretty composed as he definitely plays this into the offside no run um K roll at five J six Jerel at seven thing picks itself Jer again touch more flight this is driven by Basher but

It will be fielded talking of hog I’ve hogged another over from Andrew McKenna so I will deliver this and then ma will be in alongside Haru can continue the conversation as up on his toes trying to push this past second slip is Bash no run 183 for8 then

England and then when they come near the Bangladesh series or when they play in India I think they’ll keep the spin options in players J comes in Inside Edge to towards Square leg but single not taken fourth ball of the over Joe Roots decided that he’s going to steer down

The non- strikker in a little bit of a a look there from bashier who’s 13 of 23 balls looking at the former England captain and I’m going all right here you’ve just pinched a run off me juder is in outside of off stump but has nothing to do with that one leaves it

Through to the keeper you did a quite a good job though well done thank you I’m already losing two days workout this don’t take any more off me no no no definitely not on that side defense quite happily talking nonsense from this side of it jid aeren left arm around

Gives that one to that’s really slow and it barely bounces there’s so little momentum on that ball bashier pushes it to silly point and there’s no run end of the over 44 gone here on talk sport 2 and the talk sport cricket YouTube channel in England

18348 just to finish off I think when they’re playing in India I think the three SE three Spinners are in the game and I think it’d be Muhammad siraj who’s the one that misses out when Muhammad shami comes back shami bumra Ash when cep and Jer what a team what a bowling

Unit that is by the way and then when they go to Australia which I think everybody gears towards the big Series where the you have the big three now when they’re going to play each other more and more over five test matches each time then India somehow have to

Find that number eight spot whether it’s a spinning allrounder or a a seaming allrounder um that’s where the difficult decision is going to be made coaches always talk about those don’t they in the fact that they want to have difficult decisions want to have world class players in all positions and that

Is the situation India aren’t trying to sort of Scrabble around to find someone the problem is we’ve got too many good players for this situation it’s not a bad place to be in neither is Joe Roots 72 knout from 112 balls England 183 for8 so they Trail by

76 well they’ve at least got it under 100 cuz that was looking quite a long way off at one stage and the sirage experiment what a band they were by the way in the 70s has lasted one over cep is back maybe because it’s Joe root on

Strike but um S one over going for eight that is his one over in the second Innings his only over doesn’t exactly overly works in the first eight overs not for 24 so hold on Muhammad nine overs in the game yeah still picking up his match Fe I wonder if he baling trainers did he have bowling boots on flipflops probably well it might be a bit cold for flip-flops Dar it was think it was 13° they said today when play started which was warmer than day one when it was only 6° unfortunately for England India have

Turned up the heat massively on the C cricketing front today absolutely bombing the England second innings to mean it has been a procession by Joe root and a quick Cameo from Johnny Barto CIP will go in and bow to root who’s stretching A Long Way Forward turning it around the corner

Turning it all the way to fine leg but turning down the run again showing if you apply yourself play the ball accordingly he’s faced 113 in balls haven’t said that too often during the series have we England players facing deliveries causing all sorts of havoc on the socials isn’t it cep now going

Around the Wicket to Joe root Joe root is taken on the pad but well outside the line of off stump and the lbw appeal is turned down interestingly India have got four out on the boundary right out on the boundary in Catching positions Joe R doesn’t really go they’ve gone for the

In out they’ve got the close fielders and the the Deep man C deep around the Wicket against to Jo that turns into him big and he pulls it around staying low in the crease and will now take the single down to deep backward square and bashier will be on strike for three more

In fact just seeing that lbw appeal Not only was he outside the line he also under edged it onto his Pad as well other than that was a good shout he didn’t have much for it did he not really Terrell gets excited doesn’t he bless him he’s been a fine for IND

Another headache they’re going to have to try and sort out once everyone’s back fit well you would suggest he’s probably got the job until Rishad pant is available and then there’s a real discussion KS Barrett started this series but better keeper but unfortunately didn’t have a great time

With the bat and rightly or wrongly we all know the thing now the a keeper has to contribute with bat as well as gloves and so um derell has come in and although he’s had a couple of balls this series I mean had one earlier today he never even sniffed that nearly bowled

Ole Pope and went for four B Li um he’s done okay with the gloves he has done okay Robinson just on our screen left with the captain he’s trying to get his brain let’s not no we’re not going to describe that we’ll let we’ll let the

People on TV do that here on radio we got a bit more decorum and a bit more class Okay C left arm over the Wicket Bashir is deep in the crease pushing out on the offside and there is no run all I’ll say is it’s a good job he cut his fingernails this

Morning yes’s uh he’s done well here yeah bashier is 26 balls faced got 13 ciff is going into him a googly pitching outside leg carrying on across the rander outside half of the bat plays it defensively no run and this is what India bumra and called it yadev

Show didn’t they if you don’t look like you want to attack too much is you know the bowlers are going to have to work really hard to get you out something in it called it for the final time this over goes in and bows with a grunt he beats the Inside Edge

Takes bashier on the pad but the see the appeal is quickly stifled and it’s the end of the over 45 gone here on talk sport 2 and on the talksport cricket YouTube channel 184 for8 England bashier has got 13 rout has got 70 3 Le have now put on 43 from 63

Deliveries I’m starting to get the impression that DJ goo is now trolling England um we’ve had Living on a Prayer which has been quite on the button and now we found love in a hopeless place yeah yeah he’s he’s definitely having a little bit of laugh at England’s

Expense while they’re at home Home Advantage why not I’m sure uh we would be doing the same if we had uh a DJ in the ground and you already had won the series 3-1 it looks like you’re going to win this one well not look like you are they will win this

One so why not bit of light humor when you don’t take yourself too seriously suppose you have a little smile as well and laugh J dayer it is then to Joe root Joe Root’s got down and played the reverse slip had spotted that root was going to go down on the reverse and

Started moving to his right shman Gill and Ru ended up actually not getting as big a contact as he wanted and the ball rolls through where shman Gill was and goes away for four it was a it was a very fine Nick actually in the end that

Shman gill ended up diving back to where he was and couldn’t and England get four more yeah hit the bottom of the edge sort of saved him I reckon fit in the middle of the bat I reckon uh there would have been talk again Route 77 turns this one away

On the onside Jer fields in his own bowling after balling it left arm around oh I think that debate is if if Jo Ro’s playing it when he’s got 77 in this I’m I’m absolutely fine with it Jo Ro has been hit on the back pad J J really

Wants in lvw I thought I heard a Nick off the outside edge before it went onto the thigh jell is walking down saying we should review it and J britty may only be the standing Captain but he’s already worked that one out and got no we’re not

No I think gerell walked down and said we should review it and then Jerel said actually I’m not sure and he walked back so either someone told him something or he changed his mind I thought it was worth reviewing juder is in rout pushes into

The offs side and there is no run I’m I think I hear two noises on that replay I wondered if one noise wasn’t his back flicking his pad on the way through but there were two noises you’re right and that’s the question but I I think they

Might I mean I don’t want to say made a mistake cuz it doesn’t matter but there’s a possibility anyway bashier on strike 13 not out silly Point stationed in front of him that one stays low and takes the outside of off stumped and England oh one delivery away bashier can’t quite

Believe it he looks down at the castle that’s been dislodged behind him and walks away with 13 to his name and England are 189 for nine and In fairness to bashier this isn’t down to you mate that’s a pretty decent effort you’ve got done by one that stayed down grips and

Turned take the very outside of off stump and England are on the brink yeah there’s not much you can do about that sh bash you can hold your head up high young man you’ve had a good series tried there with the bat to hang around with Joe Ru he’s batting

Beautifully by his 1 runs has come to the end jadea doing what what he does coming round the Wicket to the right hand the ball sort of pitching straight straightened and with the angle sorry going in with the angle and then just straighten didn’t bounce as Basher would

Have lik sort of skidded underneath his back just flicking off stump that death rattle and his head sort of went back when oh no and then he just turns and walks off as you rightly said Maka there’s nothing he can do about that he’s done well the young man definitely

One of the ticks and the positives from this series so James Anderson walks out now of course James Anderson and Joe Roots do have previous they put on a very big partnership I think it was Trent bridge where Anderson got 80 odd and that was I think that might I

Could be wrong that might be the only game in test Cricket where two 50 cuz did Muhammad Shamy make a 50 in that one as well it was the flattest I I still think it might be the worst test match I’ve ever covered until the last ball

When when um alist cook got ishan shammer out yes then it was almost all worth it for that here we go then one ball from jadea at James Anderson and Anderson is solidly forward defending as jadea bowls left arm around and it’s the end of the look I’m not saying they’re

Going to do it again but Anderson has got the ability to stick and with Joe rout 22 away from what would be a very hard-earned 100 let’s hope he can get there it’s 189 for9 here on talk sport to he had the ability to stick a decade

Ago when I was just tells you how ridiculous his career is right he he’s played so long that a decade ago he could do these things um but let’s be honest ma a lot of opportunities for reverse sweet you absolutely and on the day he brought up 700 test

Match wickets let’s hope that James Anderson can add a batting moment as well for him be doing himself a disservice not to play a reverse sweep on a day he took 700 test wickets well if anyone deserves something it’s definitely Jimmy Anderson what he has given to this England team over the

Years long years 700 wickets for me won’t be seen again especially from fast bowler he’s been phenomenal C deep then to start the 47th over of the Innings root gets down plays the reverse plays it well plays it through third for four rout is into the

80s he goes to 82 out of englands 193 for9 yeah it’s a shot he plays on a regular and plays it extremely Well gets nice and low head still vacant third that’s why he plays it there’s no one there so safe gets him a lot of runs cuy left arm around Bowling his wrist bin rout punches into the offside there is nobody inside a theoretical 30 m one

Day Circle for uh India at the moment so root has um the ability toh just play it out there and easily enough he doesn’t take the single so he’s on strike for the next delivery sweep it out to sirj at deep midwicket and again they don’t take a

Run oh dear I thought there was something funny about the dismissal of bashier and I’ve just worked out why he knew that he had gone into the Keeper’s gloves he heard that sound he didn’t realize it had grazed the outside of off stump so made the T signal to said no I

Didn’t hit it review it and Joe root is actually giggling at the non Striker end saying no mate you’ve been bold goes in rout deep in the crease turn to midwicket and there is no run um I think the England dressing room have just clocked on to what happened there

As well um that I think that if if there’s a kangaroo courau at the end of the tour um that may cost bushier um trying to review a bold I mean even Stuart broad never tried to review a bold did he actually probably did we’ve

Had a couple me ver tried to review a bold at one stage there’s been a couple where the you know uh usually it’s when you think the Wicket keeper might have taken the Bales off or you just confused at what happened Mike ging would have done it against

War he spent 15 minutes trying to work out what it happened to him right Anderson facing K deep cep goes in BS him the googly Anderson turns it to fine leg root says well I’ll come for the single if you want but Anderson said no there’s only one ball left in the over

I’ll take it it’s not talked about enough but the actual commentary of Richie Benner or the Mike gning ball is perfect because I used to have the entire commentary on a poer that was just the words there was no picture of of the ball or um of getting a

Warn C deep Waits at the end of his Mark now comes in and balls to Anderson Anderson defends end of the over rout will be on strike therefore Anderson’s done his job I’ve done mine Jared and Alex can fill in as Neil manthorp is going to step into the breach so Richie

Beno says mike ging has has absolutely no idea what has happened to that ball and then there’s a pause for like 3 seconds and then he goes still doesn’t know and it’s true cuz you see gty gty looks at the square leg up then he takes

A couple of steps then he looks at the pitch then he looks at the stumps he looks back at the pitch I think then he looks at Gucci Gucci at the end and I think it’s when he looks at gu that’s when he realizes he’s got to go isn’t it

He was so confused it’s a brilliant bit of cricket but a brilliant bit of cometry as well it’s always one of those ones in it where were you when he had bowled the ball at the Sentry less is more hasch always used to tell every new commentator that he worked with as uh did you commentate with him uh no but we um spent he spent some some time together in Australia in ’94 and uh I picked his brain he a great

Man is that why you have the big men thought pause here’s to dager again forward comes Joe root pushes it up on the onside he did he did say Jared that you should not be afraid of Silence he didn’t work on the radio he did actually in the

70s but yeah he was referring to TV I I remember Adam Reed our producer who traveled with us at the start of talk sport used to said that sometimes manth thought pauses for so long here’s Jer again forward comes root plays it away defensively he did not enjoy the pause

Adam did he he said that sometimes you paused for so long that he was worried that there was going to be a machine that would kick in that would automatically start playing music route forward to J pushes it out on the offside and uh there’s no run

There one yeah there is yeah there’s a backup system Judes that if there’s too long a pause they just you know it’s like you know uh apologies we can no longer broadcast and uh there was a couple of times when really was counting out the length of a man thought pause

Waiting for the music to come in you’ve noticed in the intervening years how much shorter the paes have become haven’t he 195 for9 here is jadea Bing to Anderson he gets a little bottom corner of the bat on this one and could have had a run if

He’d wanted one down to deep backward square or long leg and uh the score remains 195 for n of course um Joe rot and Jimmy Anderson have one partnership um which broke a number of Records is they against India at Trent Bridge a long time ago must have be 10 years ago

Now for the 10th Vick they added 170 with Jimmy Anderson making a career best 81 and the over comes to an end with a DOT ball 48 overs gone England needing 260 to make India bat again or 195 for nine that would be some achievement now wouldn’t it we would have seen something

Brilliantly if they ever do anything like that I mean I suppose we’re just saying you know what over and when India WRA this Innings up and the series 41 what’s the name of this song waving the flag waving flag waving flag yeah what color would that

Be do you think that’s why the DJ played it oh he’s he’s he’s having a bit of a laugh with England I think in the fans here is yov once again down the Wicket comes Joe Ru gone deep caught Jasper bom takes the catch England have been bowled

Out for 195 Joe rud goes for 85 four and the last Act of the 2004 series sees K yadav take the Wicket of Joe root to clinch an Innings victory for the hosts and a 4-1 Series win India win by an Innings and 64 runs they’ve been dominant they’ve improved as the series

Has gone on after an opening defeat a memorable one in Hyderabad but they’ve won four test matches in a row Joe rud in pursuit of a second series 100 has fallen for 84 and the entertainment has come to a close just over an hour after lunch on

Day three yeah India have been brilliant well deserving of their victory in the series 4-1 Ravi Ashwin in his H 100th test match blowing England’s top holder away in the second Innings which caused all the problems really any hope any belief of England back in the day went when he took this

Second over and dis dismissed Ben Ducket and that was sort of the uh the Catalyst really there fin followed Joe Ru well deserving held out the end obviously B with Jimmy Anderson trying to get on with it trying to get to 100 try to take on long

On it was the captain jasp bumra on the boundary taking a safe catch and he has to depart and now all the formalities begin it’s been a dis a disappointing end obviously for England but the writing’s been on the wall in all honesty um from the second session on Day One when they

Lost uh six wickets in the session between lunch and tea and uh eventually bowled out for 218 and they were chasing the game from that moment onwards the players Exchange congratulations all of the management coaching staff and all the reserve players come out of the Chang rooms and shake hands with their opposite

Numbers ashin becoming just the fourth cricketer to take a five Wicket Hall in his 100th test match to go with three of the other great Spinners of all time merily and Shane war and uh Countryman annel kumble so Ben Stokes has seen the tour end in disappointment but uh

It’s sport it’s Cricket or be it test Cricket it is very important but it’s uh not life and death and the England Captain’s got a smile on his face as he congratulates all of his opposite numbers he has said himself um before this test match that uh A team’s

Improvement and progress is not always measured in results and although it’s been a disappointing uh end to the series uh there have been plenty of high points not the least of which the two Spinners Tom Hartley and sha bashier who’ve taken 38 wickets between them Steve hson was talking at lunchtime

About England’s biggest problem before the series began would be how are they going to take uh 10 Indian wickets or 20 Indian wickets well those two spinners who uh didn’t have a test cap between them before this series have taken 38 wickets 22 to Harley 16 to sh bashier

Including two five Wicket halls and uh apart from that the opening Partnership of Zack Crawley and Ben Ducket will beit frustrating at times was consistent enough to uh produce five 50 plus opening Partnerships and uh three scores in the 70s from Zack Crawley and a brilliant 150 from Ben

Ducket well Johnny bto’s 100th test match ends in disappointment but I have to say that India have just got stronger and stronger and stronger and uh having won by 434 runs to take the series lead they’ve now concluded a magnificent Series win 4-1 um after England’s opening victory

In hydrabad when they came back from a first Innings deficit of 190 but uh India an irresistible Force Alex chuda uh particularly given you know ver KY and Muhammad shami are the two most OB VI misses um but uh you know given the the the inexperience in the middle order as

Well with rajet padar and Dev padol safos khah also made his test debut that was an inexperienced potentially brittle middle order and England just weren’t able to capitalize I mean it’s a a really commanding performance from uh from the home side yeah it was and you know

Missed out k r as well he’s a who’s a quality batter as well so they you know they’ve had some young guys in their middle older and England just weren’t able to to do anything really with it as you said you got two young Spinners 38 wickets between them you know they can

Hold their heads up high both of them not played a lot of Red Bull Cricket not had a test debut until this series and they’ve done admirably they’ve been really good yes the pitch and Ranchi helped them and sort of gave them a sniff but this one you know they

Stuck to their guns yes India were always going to go after them that’s what you do undering experience you go of it calculate RIS and even though they got their wickets they went for some runs but they did extremely well but India you know you you you put in the reverse

You know you got rinder Ashwin jadeja nearly 800 plus wickets between them against two lads who were making their debuts it was always going to be the tail of the tape really wasn’t it too much experience too much class and with the way England have batted again there

Not batted time they batted fast but they haven’t batted time and that’s one that we’ll most probably have a discussion about a little bit later about the way that England go about their Batting

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