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Sports Take with Rob Ellis & Bill Colarulo | Monday January 22nd, 2024

Philadelphia: Monday edition of Sports Take with Rob Ellis & Bill Colarulo. The guys discuss Eagles offseason storylines, Eagles roster movement, Firing Sean Desai, talk Jalen Hurts, NFL news, free agency news, offensive & defensive concerns, Phillies news, injury news, Sixers latest, and much more. Hitting on the latest in the sports world, the city of Philadelphia, our Eagles, Phillies, Flyers & Sixers, and much much more. Rob Ellis & Bill Colarulo bring you Sports Take on JAKIB Sports #SportsTake #PhiladelphiaEagles #JAKIBSports

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EA GES Eagles welcome in everybody happy Monday one and all January 22nd 2024 robell is Bill Koro hanging out with us today Bill appreciate you man uh hanging out with us always good to see you my friend how you doing I’m doing well man some good football yesterday it was a little

Depressing that you’re not watching the Eagles play but other than that some good football was good to see Jason Kelsey having some fun yes uh he was living his best life uh yesterday that’s for sure man at first he’s out with the uh with the bills Mafia drinking out of

A half bowling ball doing shots and then he’s up in the suite uh going shirtless and Taylor Swift never seen anything like that bill I could I could tell you that much but but welcome to the family Taylor uh that’s for sure you’re not kidding and Taylor Swift man like I

Don’t even get annoyed with her it’s the it’s the broadcast like why are you as soon as the chief score why do you immediately flash to Taylor Swift every single time it was like they weren’t even showing the players celebrate it was literally immediate to Taylor Swift yeah ratings baby ratings baby uh

Follow the money Trail Bill one in doubt one in question um all right so man not only were they highly I thought it was a highly entertaining weekend for the most part um but but certainly entertaining games yesterday um that’s for sure and you know the the the night cap was just

Absolutely awesome we’re going to dive really hard into the games uh themselves but during the games yesterday multiple reports a lot of stuff fast and furious flying out uh first the inrap report from the NFL Network the the wording of the Tweet essentially was that Nick

Serani has fired sha Desai uh I think the wording is critical here if you want to read into things uh because it wasn’t the Eagles it wasn’t Jeffrey Lorry it wasn’t hoe Roseman it was Nick serani so I want to start with that no surprise

That thei is out and by the way Matt Patricia is no longer under contract so it would not be a firing it would just be a walk away from his contract thing but let’s start with that with the wording of that one yeah does that lead

You to believe that Nick is back because we’re likely not going to hear any official word bill because he’s also still under contract so how did you read into that yeah I read it the same way you did that he’s back and there was a good article by fluo on pro football

Talk last week about this very thing that you’re probably not going to hear Jeffrey Lorry or Hoy Roseman announce that sani’s job is safe because that’s not the way the Eagles organization really runs things they’re not Jerry Jones they’re not going to come out after every time a coach loses in the

Playoffs and say his job safe they’re looking at it as we don’t need to say anything because because it’s obvious he’s coming back and if they do acknowledge that there was even a question of him coming back then how does that look so I think this is

Exactly the way the Eagles wanted to play it they’re not going to make a formal announcement and we’re all just going to assume it because of things like that oh well serani fired sha Desai serani and hoe Roseman are looking for coordinator Replacements we also heard

That report as well last week so I think serani is coming back and right after the game rob you and I haven’t had a chance to talk about this right after the game against the Bucks I was angry and I’m like they can’t bring him back

They got to fire him and then as 48 Hours passed and I took a look at the entire picture of things I changed my mind and I I said he deserves to come back for another year when you look at the total picture I do think it would be

A knee-jerk as bad as things were and as bad of a job as he did at the end of that season I think he should come come back I really do um uh look I I was a lean towards letting him go guy but not

A you know just a over the top smashing my fist on the console kind of guy with that so here’s where I stand with it I’m okay with serani coming back but this has to be the first of two moves Brian Johnson can’t come back agreed now you can blame it certainly

And very it’s fair if you want to say that Nick serani was drawing this stuff up during theek and it was hot garbage and I agree with that but I don’t think Brian Johnson helped anything in fact I think he compounded the issues so I

Think he needs to be gone but what I want in his place in his stead bill I want somebody to come in here scheme it and call it guess what Nick you want to be a CEO you’re gonna be a CEO but you’re not as involved in the day-to-day

Game plan that week heading into Sunday the person who’s calling the plays will be that to me like if you come back if you run this back with Brian Johnson and it’s the same sort of philosophy or method I have zero faith that this is going to work next year I have zero

Faith that you’re going to recapture what you had with Herz last year you know I mean in 2022 when I say last year I have zero faith in any of that if you run it back on the offensive side where do you fall on that I agree with you I

Said that I said I want serani to come back but don’t sell me on we’re running it back with Brian Johnson because we did finish with a top 10 offense and you’re right if serani is going to be the CEO coach which you could be successful look at the Ravens Harbaugh’s

A CEO type coach Dan Campbell’s not calling plays in Detroit yeah Mike Tomlin doesn’t call plays so I mean you can have success as a CEO coach but I agree let’s bring in an offensive coordinator that’s going to be able to really scheme things up and help Jaylen

Herz but when I looked at at serani and the reason I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt Rob is we were really asking him to do something that no coach in NFL history has ever done and that’s go to a Super Bowl lose lose both of your

Coordinators and then try to get back there’s only been six coaches ever to even get back none of them L lost both coordinators and the only two teams that ever went to a Super Bowl and lost both coordinators were the 2005 Patriots who by the way had Bill Bell and Tom Brady

Couldn’t get out of the divisional round the 1995 San Francisco 49ers who had George sefor and Hall of Famer Steve Young and couldn’t get out of the divisional round so for me when you look at it and say because he couldn’t do something that no one else has ever been

Able to do do he’s fired he’s gone even when hoe Roseman made some really bad mistakes on the defensive side of the ball not absolving serani he needs to be better it wasn’t good I just don’t think you need your say he’s gone because of

One bad year yeah and that’s fair I mean the the track record of what’s happened here with with as you mention with the people trying to repeat it’s not a coincidence it’s a far there’s far too many teams it’s a long and unfortunately Rich history of this kind of thing um

There was also a very fascinating article from Ralph vako uh from Fox Sports that laid out a couple different things uh in it in the body of it and it discussed essentially staff choices um one of them being the choice to to go with dinard Wilson or to not go with

Dard Wilson and choose Shawn deite now we’re gonna talk to Jeff mlan at 11:30 from the inquir who’s always got his pulse on a lot of what’s going on here right I’m curious ultimately because I’ve seen many different things written and speculated about whose choice that was whether it was Ho’s Choice whether

It was Nick’s Choice whatever but clearly you know there were mistakes made on that side of the ball not only uh did he discuss that but he talked about how Herz was unhappy with the offense uh which was part of the reason why we got the late season adlibs uh

That we got and maybe even his relationship with Brian Johnson had soured a bit which could you know lead to it not being as big a deal as some people maybe make it out to be with Brian Johnson moving on um this one was was was pretty pretty hard-headed and

Pretty telling about some of the issues that went on behind the scenes that’s the one major concern I have is serani as much as I’m saying bring him back is one of the things we thought he did so well was building a strong culture that you weren’t going to

Have these type of issues that you weren’t going to have these things where you know there’s not the coach and the players aren’t seeing eye to eye I never expected to start hearing leaks coming from the locker room you know D gun few weeks ago talking about how players were

Saying that the offense is predictable you have you know AJ Brown refusing to talk to the media for a couple of weeks like there was just some weird things going on and yeah I am looking forward to talking to mlan because I’ve been waiting for the Jeff mlan article to

Come out laying it all out about all the differences that these coaches and and players had because he always seems to find something he does a great job with that but we’ll see and then there was another article by um I’m forgetting the name now for bleeding green Nation with

Regard Jo squo Joe’s gonna join us tomorrow uh Joe will be on at 11:30 tomorrow Joe will yeah about Jaylen herz’s leadership and when there was an article that came out even a few weeks ago or a report that the Eagles wanted jayen Herz to be a more vocal leader

That there was some question marks about his leadership and that was during the regular season and I even reached out to a few people inside the organization and said hey this is this is BS right this is being overstated and they confirmed they said no as great as a great of a

Guy as Jaylen Herz is and he’s a great young kid he does need to do a little bit more to be a vocal leader because he is that’s kind of the way he is he’s guarded yeah you heard cvy say he’s not approachable and I think he’ll get

Better with that I I don’t think Jaylen Herz is Carson Wentz I don’t like the comparisons because I do think he’s a different person I think he’s a different quarterback and I think he’ll figure out a way to be a better leader going forward yeah so and and Joe made

It clear in the article like this is not teammates don’t view him the same way they viewed him as they viewed Carson Wentz but he did talk about how he’s less accessible uh partly because after we signed the contract there were a lot of hands out and this happens to a

Lot of professional athletes where you know cousins you didn’t even know you had or suddenly asking you hitting you up for loans right where you got for a guy who’s already got a pretty close close quarters to begin with I think he tightened the circle even more problem

With that is when you’re inside the locker room um you know if if you even if you appear the appearance of this if you come off as a bit I’m I’m not even to say aloof I think that’s too strong a word but but as a guy who maybe isn’t

Open as he could be at that position it’s tough like you can be that way at left guard you know you you could be that way at defensive tackle nobody cares nobody pays much attention to it unfortunately and this is why you get the big bucks too there’s a spotlight on

You at that position and Jaylen has it you know shining loud and clear um yeah there there’s a lot going on and Joe supported a lot of it with numbers too uh in terms of you know uh the the passes between the hashes which were only 5.2% which is an incredible min

Skule number you 27% verticals which means a lot of deep shots 45th uh 42nd out of 45 qualified quarterbacks and holding the ball too long like there’s a lot in there to support it it’s not just speculation with Anonymous sources so yeah I mean this is part of what you

Have to ask yourself too is whomever you bring in and there’s been names like Jim Bob cter floated around uh whoever you bring in it first and foremost at least as far as I’m concerned is it better be with the strict Edict of fixing Jaylen Herz

And you better be sure that that person can do it yeah when you’re paying Jaylen Herz 250 million he’s he’s not going anywhere so it better be a coach that can do it and do you know any gim Bobs I was talking about that on my show before

I’ve never met a Jim Bob no definitely not from uh South Philly Jim Bob no there’s there’s no gim Bobs there was no gim Bobs in Delo uh no it was yeah uh you know what I’m gonna go old school on you here Bill uh for for our younger

Folks look it up but it he strike that strikes me as a name of somebody on the Dukes of Hazard which was an old TV show in the 70s and 80s where they were in like Arkansas driving around in you know the their crazy car anyway but yeah it’s

Uh you know look his track record’s decent the name does not instill confidence if if I’m being real uh in an eastern city but uh whomever it is the other thing I was a little bit encouraged by they’re also again you got to take all of this W

With a with a grain of salt there’s speculation that they may go a different direction defensively and even a name like wink marale was being thrown out there so when I hear that yeah I’m thinking okay this is a real departure from the Ben don’t break we’re just not

GNA give up the big play kind of thing if that’s the case I’m I’m heartened by the fact that they’re looking at things a little bit differently you know one NovaCare way like let’s change it up a little bit maybe let’s be a little bit more aggressive maybe the way we’ve been

Doing it hasn’t worked so we got to change it up the interesting thing is and I know fans want the Eagles to be more aggressive everybody loves blitzing we we’re still in love with the Buddy Ryan Gang Green defenses but you look at wink marale over the last couple of seasons and even

Though he blitzes pretty much more than anybody in the NFL number two this year number one last year it’s not like their defenses have been that good no I mean you look at this season the Giants even though they blitzed more than anybody in the league with the exception of the

Minnesota Vikings they finished 27th in yards against they were number one in takeaways which I like but I’m not sure that blitzing that much is the answer do I want them to be a little bit more aggressive yes but that much more aggressive I’m not sure that’s not sure

That’s the answer in in today’s NFL yeah like this is the thing with the blitz thing and I and I get it it’s fun like it’s fun to just go you know all out like they do you know we were we were all weaned on buddy and Jim Johnson and

All that who were very aggressive guys you better have the person to be able to handle it if you’re going to Blitz you better have corners and safeties and linebackers who can handle themselves in one-on-one coverage because there’s going to be more bodies going towards the quarterback less bodies in coverage

It’s only it’s natural math here and if you’re asking me if this team who couldn’t handle coverage when you were giving them help can handle blitzing type coverage uh not right now you better upgrade your personnel or change your personnel if you’re going to do that I’m glad you say linebacker Rob and

We could talk about this more more later in the show but the reports that hoe Roseman didn’t even pick up the phone to call TJ Edwards Klay Harbor reports that this weekend and then they go into the season with the linebacking crew that they had to me I think Hoy roseman’s not

Getting enough heat I everyone’s talking about firing Nick serani I don’t think you fire howy Roseman I think he’s a good GM but he better learn from the mistakes he made this off season By ignoring key positions like linebacker and safety and trying to peac mail it

With guys late in the season didn’t work out and you look at who’s still playing in the NFL tournament some pretty damn good linebackers on these other teams right so two takeaways I had from the weekend you know in addition to just the I know the Eagles and we were we heard

That at nauseum from people do you believe the Eagles beat these teams yeah I know they did but what I what I watched this weekend was teams that had Stellar linebacker play and teams that were willing to run the ball and stay with it e you know even having you know

Explosive wide receivers they were two of my takeaways from this weekend that just stood out in fact I’m glad you brought that up Bill because at 12 o’clock after Jeff mlan we’re gonna walk through how he’s moves this off season that includes the draft that includes trades that includes free agencies and

I’ll tell you right now it ain’t a good grade okay even a little bit um so we’re we’re gonna walk through that because if you I mean honestly if you you assess this I I like Jaylen Carter is gonna be a beast I know he slowed down but I am a

Huge Jaylen Carter fan you know other than maybe cydney Brown you got very little from your draft you got very little other than DeAndre Swift from your free agencies and free agent moves and your trades so we’ll we’ll we’ll dive into that but yeah I mean I

Look I think that there that’s why I really hope and this is something we always get back to because the Eagles tend to under hoe have extreme highs and extreme lows extreme lows is probably a bit of a stretch they have extreme highs and then there’s a falloff and this year was a

Falloff okay so I what what you have to try to find is some some Middle Ground here where you don’t you know go through the uh the floor and and end up in the basement when you’re when you’re on the third floor and that’s the thing I think they

Have to figure out why is that why is there such a high variance uh a lot of times and I hope that Jeffrey isn’t so tightly woven with hoe that he has the ability to say hey man what are we doing here why did this happen what are you

Doing to change philosophically how are we going about this and I hope that that’s the case I don’t know that that’s the case and that troubles me yeah I posted a video this weekend on this very thing that as great as Super Bowl 52 was

One of the greatest days of my life as an Eagles fan being there watching it I’ll never forget it but I think in a lot of ways that emboldened hoe Roseman and Jeffrey lorri that they’re arrogance now is kind of through the roof that we can do this we don’t need to pay

Linebackers we don’t need to pay safeties we’ll go out there and we’ll find somebody you know we did it in 2017 we found a one-year deal that worked we did it and got it to the Super Bowl in 2022 getting some one-year deals with chony Gardner Johnson you know we’ll

Just do it again and the problem is is that what we saw this year that’s not always going to work out you’re not always going to be able to find a player especially late in training camp like they tried to do or late into the season

Like they tried to do and then you got all these new players that you brought in on these one-year deals on defense you got a new defensive coordinator and then you also decide to change that defensive coordinator Midway through the season so I just hope that they don’t

Look at it and say oh this was just the outlier we’ve done this before we can do it again right but I think when you really look and we’ll talk more about how he’s moves this offseason I really think where this all start started was four years ago because if you look at

His draft picks dating all the way back to 2019 they’ve missed way too much on the defensive side of the football he’s done a good job with d tackle we know he can draft D tackles it’s every other position so you can’t expect all your rookies this year even though I do think

Some of these guys are promising with cydney brown and key Ringo and Jaylen Carter if you truly had Super Bowl aspirations what you needed was guys who were still playing on that four-year rookie deal you needed guys you drafted four years ago three years ago two years

Ago contributing on defense and you just didn’t have it there was really a real lack of young talent that you drafted and developed and that’s why it makes it so much more frustrating that they let homegrown Talent like Edwards and EPS walk yeah there are positions that Howie

Just hoe and his his scouting group just do not identify well corner is one of them that’s why you had to sign Bradbery that’s why you had to trade for sle uh linebacker one of them you know that you you counted on nicoe Dean this year and niobe Dean didn’t play well couldn’t

Stay on the field and and they’ve ignored the position in a in a big way as well uh even Edge like yes sweat has turned out to be a Player No Doubt uh but although had a terrible finish the season but you had to go out and sign

Hassan reck you know and you’re probably going to have to make a decision on Hassan reck because he enters the last year of his deal in 2024 and I guarantee you he’s going to want to have a conversation with the front office as he goes into the last year of his deal and

He’s got a big he’s got a big cap hit too so they probably want to do something I’m hoping it’s restructure and keep them but you never know what they may do you don’t know you don’t know so um that’s another area you know that the thing that worried me too just

To stay on that for a minute uh the thing that worried me the it’s really been about a three-year thing the Eagles have had a lot lot of people poached from their front office Andy widle Andrew Barry I just to name a few Joe Douglas just to

Name a few there’s been a lot more than that but that’s you know that’s the the headliners and eventually it’s like anything else you keep taking away coordinators does that hurt the head coach you keep losing players in free agency does that hurt the team you know

How much of that is it’s really hard to replace good people versus you just didn’t bring in the right people you know if you’re Hoy so that and that dates back to the time period that you’re talking about here Bill not just last year a few years back as well and I

Think maybe we’re seeing that come to a head also yeah and you mentioned Josh sweat Josh sweat they drafted in 2018 listen listen to the edge rushers that they’ve drafted since that 2018 draft 2019 they drafted Sharie Miller he’s not even in the league anymore no Philly kid State bust yep 2020 they

Draft Casey twohill well he’s now on the Washington Commander never contributed to the Eagles 2021 teron Jackson he’s on your practice squad Patrick Johnson pretty much just a special teams play now you’re getting nothing from those edges 2022 Kiron Johnson he’s now on the Pittsburgh Steelers and then in 2023

They take Nolan Smith who I’m not ready to rule a bust it’s only one year but he didn’t give you much this year so now for the last four years really five drafts you’ve got nothing from The Edge rushers that you’ve drafted and that’s why you look this season there was no

Depth behind reic and sweat they had nobody I know people are going to say what why they let Derek Barnett walk I was fine with letting Barnett walk he did nothing here I think the mistake was bringing him back when you brought him back this brought somebody else in for

Depth position they should have so frustrating listen you’re right I mean everything you’re saying is correct and that stuff catches up to you you can you can make a couple of really heady moves on oneyear deals and bring guys in and have great Seasons we T we saw it in

2017 we saw it last year last year being 2022 we we saw it and how we hit on a lot of those um and and that’s how you s kind of survive that but eventually if you don’t draft well I don’t care what team it is it’s going to catch up to you

It just is it’s gonna bite you eventually and it’s biting them now and you know now we sit here we’re on the precipice of them having to make a decision or they already made their decision on Nick serani and we’ve seen we’re we’re starting to see the staff

Moves and I what I really wonder about is if Brian Johnson doesn’t get a head coaching gig I know he’s interviewing for some if he doesn’t get the head coaching gig that he’s looking for is he back or are you willing to fire him as well like I think Here’s my thought Bill

They’re not going to do anything right now as to her his chances to get a head coaching gig so there might be a bit of delay there the only problem is with delaying there and trying to do right by him you could losing out on other offensive coordinators who could go

Elsewhere that’s the tricky part of this and I think I saw a report this morning that the Carolina Panthers are no longer interested they are he’s not interviewing there that’s correct so that that was a spot I could have seen him going only because I don’t know

Anybody who is a good candidate that wants to coach for Dave teer so I was hoping maybe I mean that that’s just a matter of I want to be a head coach in the NFL if you’re dealing with his nonsense yeah but you’re right they may be missing out on some other offensive

Coordinators and it’s alarming because we’ve seen the success that Shane styken had and I think that’s why there’s no surprise they’re looking at Jim Bop because of his experience with Shane Sten he’s his his offensive coordinator right now he was a consultant with him in 2021 here on the Eagles he was the

Passing game coordinator in 2022 with Doug Peterson so there’s a lot of familiarity here with Jim Bob cter but I’ll tell you one thing I I have a problem with with Jim Bob in addition to his name Rob but one of the problems I have with him is you look back when he

Was calling plays because he doesn’t call plays in Indianapolis no Sten does and that’s why he’s allowed to make that move by the way some people say may say well it’s allow I thought it was I thought it could get blocked it can but I would guess styken would let him go if

He’s gonna be his own because he doesn’t call play yeah I think they technically I think they technically you could I think but they’ll most teams I don’t see Sten doing that but you never know but I’m sorry get to your to your point but yeah I think they could technically

Block him but yeah I agree I think they would let him only because he’d have the luxury of being able to call plays here but you look back when he was calling plays for the Detroit Lions two years under Jim Caldwell one year under Matt Patricia interestingly enough 2016 they

Had the 30th ranked rushing offense 2017 the 32nd ranked rushing offense and 2018 the 23d ranked rushing offense and I was talking to our buddy Jody Mack over the weekend about it and he made a good point though he said well who were his running backs because he didn’t have any

Good running backs but even still it’s a little alarming yeah because I want a guy I don’t want you to run the ball 50 times but we saw this year what happens when you’re not balanced and that concerns me that he’s had such bad rushing offenses in his career I agreee

And there’s a lot of different ways you could look at it they were a garbage team so they’re probably trailing a lot they have to throw a lot maybe maybe that fall Falls in you know into that I’d like to look at their rushing attempts to see what that looks like as

Well but you’re right that’s not a it’s not a stat that gets me excited I I could tell you that much um all right so let’s hit it let’s come back Jeff McLean is going to join us from the Philadelphia Inquirer he’s bill cillo I am Rob Ellis we are sports take Jacob

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Must read and a must follow as well uh you can check him out on Twitter SLX jeor mlan of course also uh great listen uncovering the birds unbelievable insight to what’s happening with the Philadelphia Eagles that’s Jeff mlan Jeff welcome to show man how we

Doing hey guys how you doing doing well Jeff doing man never a dull moment right uh so a lot happening yesterday um just give me your sense for for a couple different things one I don’t think anybody’s really surprised by these but let’s kind of walk through it thei you

Know it’s reported as being being fired uh looks like Patricia’s just gonna walk because the contract’s up let’s start with those items Jeff was this just only a matter of time and then we’ll get into what’s next yeah this is only a matter of time

You know for ji it was a matter of you know when uh it was going to happen and and it certainly could have happened when they demoted him in week 14 they decided to keep him and to his credit he decided to stay and and

Work work this thing to the end um but it was clear once they did that that both sides were gonna want to move on and then Matt Patricia obviously the way the season ended one and four with him in charge of the defense it became a foregone conclusion that he was not uh

Going to be here I didn’t know that he was on a one-year contract uh but either way they would have fired him or whatever just based upon how he performed I mean you know in his defense this was a difficult uh circumstances these these were difficult circumstances

For him to have to come in and at first run someone else’s scheme and then trying to implement some of his ideas and it just blew up in their faces but uh yeah the Eagles you know again like you said I don’t think it’s any surprise

That if Nick serani is staying that they were gonna have to get another defensive coordinator Bill if I could just a quick followup here um in your estimation Jeff was the side Done Dirty here um by Patricia sort of Overlord there by him being you know almost scapegoated for

The way things began to go off the rails how do you view decize time here well I mean obviously the Eagles are well within their rights to do what they felt was going to be uh in the best interest of the team um you know you

Know me I Don’t Give opinions u i I will tell you that there were people in the building that felt that way and they felt even before the demotion that just getting Matt Patricia in there uh kind of overshadowed Shawn who who had one year previously as defensive coordinator

But this was the first time um since then and really you know uh an opportunity for him to kind of go out there and put his stamp on that Vic fangio defense you know one of the things that I had been told was in my podcast was like you know just the way

The Optics of of Matt being I mean it happens all happens everywhere where they bring in senior guys to help out and usually it’s to give them a soft place to land and that was kind of what was behind Matt Patricia coming to Philadelphia was that um howy Roseman

Was helping Bill Bel check out um and then and then of course you know Nick serani went through the process of interviewing him and liked him enough to keep him on staff but you know Matt’s offense was closer to Nicks and and it was in a position where like he could go

There and talk to him perhaps more about the defense I mean obviously Matt had been a head coach and maybe Nick want to talk to him about some of that stuff I don’t know why you’d want to after one of the most disastrous head coaching uh

Stints in the NFL but it just the Optics of that and the relationship that Matt had with Hoy Roseman some it rubbed some of the uh some staffers and coaches in the organization not well and then it just kind of played out to we saw what

Happened um you know we let me just jump back a little bit too like even when Shawn was asked about Patricia first he was asked about it once during training camp and he answered it and then I asked him actually about it again right before the first game of the season which made

Sense because it was against the Patriots and Mt had been there for so long he could help them out and Shawn kind of said oh it seems like you guys asked me that every week and in fact I only been asked about it once so that

Kind of gave me an indication that you know this was something that was that was bothering him uh maybe maybe it was the question but to me I think it was more the fact was that he had to answer the question and then you know so that

It’s hard uh if you’re in that position um to have someone who had won Super Bowls as defensive coordinator before I think people give B Bill belchic more credit for that than Matt Patricia but nevertheless that that’s a fact that he had won Super Bowls at defensive

Coordinator um and then in terms of Shawn Desai um you know I think I he gets a lot of credit for the way he handled this and and I tweeted this out and spoke to a lot of people in organization after it happened there was not a negative word spoken about him and

His character and his professional professionalism through it through the end of this I think speaks to him um and his and his character and Jeff what throws me off is if you look back to sha de side not that he was doing a great job as defensive coordinator but you look at these

Playoff teams he held four of them to 17 or less points the Bucks the Rams the Dolphins even the Chiefs to 17 or less and then there there’s talk that they took away third down from him earlier in the season and then eventually they make that move after the Cowboys game to go

To Matt Patricia have we been able to confirm whose decision that was was that Nick sani’s decision or did that come from hoe Roseman Jeffrey Lorie because when reck talked at his locker the same week AJ Brown spoke reic I thought made an interesting statement when he said

The higher ups wanteded to make a change didn’t say Nick serani he said the higher up so to me I assumed he’s talking about Howe have you been able to figure out who made that decision um yes so I was the one who report about the third down was at the

Buy that they they started to want to take away the game planning from from thei and hand it to patri and a few other assistants and Sean kind of fought back against that it was kind of neb nebulous about who was really deciding it and I think at one point

Sean kind of went rogue and then went back to the way he handles third Downs in in that in that Chiefs game and we saw how well he was in the second half in that regard um they took it away from him fulltime the week before he was

Demoted um and then obviously the rest of the way and the numbers didn’t improve um to answer your question specifically about who had made the decision Nick serani on the record he’s been asked specifically that question said it’s been it was his decision his decision alone I asked him at one point

What kind of involvement did Jeffrey lurry and hoe Roseman have in the decision and he said oh well you know they’re obviously always there um guiding me but that I don’t that decision doesn’t get made um on an island I mean you know Nick’s gota gota

At least go through those guys before or at least tell them what’s happening it’s not that they he needs their approval technically uh but look I mean um I I don’t have uh um sources uh telling me that it was something that was forced upon Nick serani now I’ve been around a

Long time uh I I understand um how Jeffrey and hoe uh have kind of stuck their beak into uh the coaching decisions um I think typically historically and this is really more so from Doug Peterson on not really chip Andy Reid or Chip Kelly Doug Peterson on

Uh Jeffrey has uh more involvement in that regard in terms of like saying hey we I want this or or like hey maybe this and then typically it’s hoe who kind of helps the coach execute it uh because he has a lot of contacts around the lead

With agents and he knows whose contracts are up Etc u i mean he certainly helped out Andy too and he helped out chip uh and I can give you examples of that if you want but it was really more so Doug who didn’t have as many connections and

Then they didn’t really like some of the decisions that Doug had made in terms of his assistance so this is kind kind of you know been a little bit of a trend um so yeah I think it’s fair to point that all out um I don’t have it written in

Stone enough to report that this was something that Nick had done only because Jeffrey lurry and howy Roseman wanted them it to be done all right Jeff on that same tip here let’s go back to the the beginning do you know whose idea Desi was was that Nick or was that hoe

And Jeffrey because it’s it seems and there was a Ralph vako piece which I’m sure you you saw as well um Fox Sports that said that you know there were there were some some who thought ultimately they wanted dard Wilson here but they passed on him and that’s a mistake etc

Etc do do you know whose idea it was to to go to the S route and and not go with the in-house candidate uh that was Nick um yeah so Den nard Wilson he interviewed for the for the job there was internal support from players I mean darus slay’s been

Very vocal about he was a guy that he thought should at least have stayed if not as defensive coordinator uh you know I’d heard since then multiple uh sources and people in the building just said that you know whether he should been the defensive coordinator or not we don’t

Know but losing him as a defensive coordinator hurt now I can understand why they couldn’t bring him back when there’s a guy that interviewed for the job if you brought Shawn in and denard’s still here and he’s got guys that are supportive of him you could potentially

Have some sort of division I think in terms of who um the guys are looking to so it kind of made sense there were other reasons for dinard going down the Baltimore take that defensive coordinator uh excuse me defensive backs coach job it was a lateral move but he

Has family down there and um it just made sense for him to move on at that point once he didn’t get the job but it hurt them and then and they didn’t really have anyone as strong in that spot they elevated DK McDonald uh an oldtime uh colleague of Nick serani and

This isn’t a shot against DK he’s young maybe just it it takes some time for him to mature in that role but it hurt them in that in that room especially with so many young defensive defensive backs yeah so that’s what I don’t understand though did they not have

Total faith in Shawn Desa because you mentioned they keep Matt Patricia around for whatever reason why not give dard Wilson a shot I mean I could understand that if you went out and you found a defensive coordinator that was someone you had total confidence in you knew he

Was going to do a great job with your defense we’re not going to give dard Wilson a shot why make that decision when you go with a guy that you clearly don’t have 100% faith in with Shan Dei yeah I think we have to go back to the

Original timeline I mean look it Jonathan Ganon had interviewed for the hadn’t yet interviewed for the Cardinal job he did interview for the Houston job so the Eagles knew that he was potentially going to leave and they obviously have to be proactive in that in finding his replacement and Vic

Fangio was the guy they already had him in the building he was help he was a consultant and helping them out through various points of the season and heading into the Super Bowl and he was the guy but the Dolphins had offered him he didn’t know if Ganon was coming back the

Eagles didn’t know if you know the Eagles thought Ganon was coming back they thought the Cardinals had moved they didn’t even know that he was kind of on the radar for the Cardinals and obviously we all know now what happened um you know nick uh excuse me Jonathan

Ganon moved on to the Cardinals and the Eagles had to scramble uh to find someone with f fangio committed to the Dolphins and so they were behind the eightball and they interviewed a bunch of guys I think their from what I understand their Top Choice was Glenn Schuman the defensive coordinator for

The for the for Georgia University of Georgia and he did not take the job and so that so then they moved on to other other guys and decide being one of those and and it was fangio who gave it was fangio’s endorsement which played a significant role in the Eagles hiring

Him he told them he said uh from what I understand hey if if you you can’t get me but the next best guy I would I would get Sean toci side because they wanted that scheme it was a scheme uh that that Jonathan Ganon had had employed for the

Most part A variant of it and the same goes for Desai who tutored under uh Vic fangio in Chicago for a number of years and then succeeded him as defensive coordinator all right Jeff so there are Jeremy fer from ESPN’s reporting that Ron Rivera will be interviewed for the

Defensive job yeah I saw that um you know and I know people may say oh my God rre but the last time he was a de coordinator and it was then San Diego his teams were you know second uh actually the three years they were second fourth and second uh in terms of

Uh defensive ranking so they were they were good uh as a defense qu would this he’s also a guy who who was a big believer in linebackers would that are they change I guess where I’m going with this is not necessarily Rivera but do you think philosophically they’re going

To change things up maybe what their beliefs are or their core not giving up the big play not emphasizing linebacker maybe as much how how do you view the the route they might go defensively yeah so the Ron Rivero interview they’re going to interview a bunch of guys um but since he’s the

First big name that’s out there it’s it’s interesting one would suggest that maybe they want one of these as as a one of the players told me we need uh is a warhorse so meaning a warhorse coordinator meaning the type of guy that that probably isn’t gonna get a head

Coach job been around for a long time someone the the players will ultimately look up to with a great am amount of respect and someone that clearly has a strong record of over the years of running defense or offense and in this case obviously Ron Rivero has been a

Very good defensive coordinator yeah retread in terms of a head coach retread in ter in terms of defensive coordinator um but and not exactly like Jim Johnson like uh but definitely older in the Jim Johnson way if you get my drift Jim Johnson didn’t help head coaching opportunities um before after he became

The Eagles defensive coordinator so and then of course in terms of scheme Ron Rivera is a guy that is uh you know an acolyte of Jim Johnson and that style now he’s is he always exactly like what Jim Johnson had done no but that could suggest that the Eagles are going back

To maybe you know the more aggressive uh defense that they were histo historically known for um you know to me the Eagles should just kind of like just get the best guy you can get and let him run a scheme um they’re gonna have you know obviously there’s some scheme

Specific players on this roster you have to be careful about uh if you’re going to go wide nine fourman front because where what’s that D to Jordan Davis um he’s just essentially only a rundown guy but most team most most defenses are multiple up front anyway so I don’t

Think that’ be a huge issue um but the RAM Rivera one is an interesting one and I think it does play to maybe how the Eagles view um what they’re going to do a coordinator and that you just don’t want to have guys that you potentially

Are losing year after year what if they if they are successful on either side of the wall makes sense yeah I know the commanders lacked Personnel this year but that was the worst defense in the NFL so not not great but I I agree Ron

Rivera has done a had a lot of success in this league for a while but I want to jump over to offense for a second and specifically talk about jayen Herz and this locker room and I apologize if you’ve been asked this before you and I

Haven’t had a chance to talk but from the outside looking in it appeared that there was something off with this locker room a culture that we all thought was so strong Nick serani had done a great job coming in and building this strong culture and it looked like Jaylen Herz

Also was a great leader and now you’re starting to see cracks in that Foundation you’re starting to see some reports that Jaylen Herz isn’t as great of a leader as they want him to be you started to see things with leaks getting out of the locker room about the offense

Being predictable AJ Brown refusing to talk to the media what happened are you able to figure out is there a fracture in that locker room between players between players and coaches what’s going on I mean I’ve been around long enough to know that when things are bad there

There’s so there’s like two ways of looking at it right it’s either it’s bad because the culture is bad or the culture is bad because it’s it’s the culture is bad because they’re bad um I typ typically it’s probably just a combination of the both and I think

That’s how it is in this regard um you know and a lot of it does start with jayen I mean I’m the one who did a lot of reporting on what some key leaders in the organization want from jayen as he matures here we have to remember he’s

Only 25 years old I mean he’s far from a finished product uh that being said jayen is very much who he is for the most part and there is a lot of positive about that um certainly in terms of his work ethic uh the way he handles himself

You don’t have to worry about this guy off the field at all um very smart very good uh athletically uh very good as a thrower all all that stuff he has it um in terms of what they wanted as a franchise quarterback but um you know

There were there were some who felt that this year he was different uh and and and certainly it started very early I don’t know if it had something to do with the franchise contract um or losing Shane stiking but he wasn’t the and I

Think a lot of it had to do with the offense he just wasn’t happy with the way things were going and and wasn’t maybe playing to what he thought were his drings and I think that filtered down uh to the rest of the locker room

Um he is the guy he does you know he’s stoic is the word that everyone uses and it’s a fair one to use uh when you’re talking about jayen Herz and you know some of the other leaders you know in the locker room and in the building felt like you know at

Moments of distress Jalen’s like body language and the way he handled himself just weren’t uh what you need in in that moment now there are other leaders in that in that room who could step up and fill the void but the quarterback position is just it’s so important you

Need someone to uh not only uh be that figurehead but also when things aren’t going well and you’re part of that reason you need to take accountability even maybe when it isn’t your fault and I think we’ve seen that in terms of how he’s handled some of the questions in

News conferences and from what I’ve heard uh internally it hasn’t gone over that way always as well and I think they want to see some improvement from Jalen in that regard this is just I’m this isn’t a major thing but when you play that position um and things are going

Bad you have to look Inward and accept that maybe these are there are some areas in which you need to improve um nobody’s perfect I’m not perfect nobody’s perfect everybody has uh room to to grow and with jayen he’s 25 years old and he’s going to be here at least

For another two more years there is an opportunity here for that all right let let me ask you Jeff just about who may be coordinating him um I know Brian Johnson and I think the Panthers are out on him but but other teams are are you

Know are set to interview him or he’s interviewed or whatever I think the Eagles are probably holding off because they don’t want to hurt his chances that would make sense um but in your estimation if he doesn’t get a head coaching gig is he out as the OC or is

He back as the OC yeah I mean again I’ve been told that you know if Nick serion is staying there’s going to have to be uh ma Mass uh changes uh at the coordinator level and at the position coach level um defensive coordinator already out uh

Yeah I don’t think they want to affect Brian Johnson’s head coaching interviews we just found out there was just a report that he didn’t even really end up reporting uh interviewing for the Panthers job right um he did do virtual interviews with the falcon and the

Titans Next Step would be in person I don’t know if he’s going to get to that level um so it could and and it could happen very quickly where as he’s out of those job opportunities and then the Eagles can kind of move on and make it

Known that he’s going to be out but from my understand that that’s where we’re going with this is that Johnson will not be the offensive coordinator in Philadelphia makes sense makes sense let’s talk about some of these veteran guys because originally it was reported that Kelsey was retiring and

Now they’ve of backpedal on that do you think specifically with regard to Kelce that this is just something where he wants to delay it so he can make a formal announcement or do you think he’s actually considering returning next season yeah so what happened was um everything about what Kelsey had said to

The players in the locker room body language that kind of thing it was is the perception was that yeah this was Kelsey telling everyone that he’s probably not going to be back um and that’s how it got leaked and then I was able to confirm it from a couple sources myself

I talked to J Jason um even before the locker room was open on Wednesday and he just said yeah I haven’t made a formal announcement yet um about my retirement I I have not made a decision yet and typically Jay Jason wants a few weeks

Like I I think the way he looks at it is like yeah maybe I feel this way right now but I I owe to myself to give myself some time here to not let the emotions of the season and how I feel physically affect my decision about retirement

Which is obviously a major decision for him um you know my expectation is that eventually that announcement will come um but I’m out in Jason’s head and who knows and I think maybe what happens here in Philadelphia in terms terms of the Eagles could also maybe affect what

His decision is but you know I you know he’s leaving the door open so I’ll leave the door open he he didn’t look super stressed yesterday that’s all I’m saying I’m not reading into it any other way Jeff looked like he was enjoying himself at his brother’s game well I think we

May see the same in B yeah to do that for many many um last one from actually I want to hit you with one player uh Jordan Davis and I know there were other guys who certainly fell off towards the end of the year but it was uh it was troubling

What what a kind of ghost he became there um is this just a conditioning thing Jeff is there more to it he seems I know Dave gero had a piece today where he said I realize I need to be better I I appreciate that but is it there for for him you

Think yes so he yeah he admitted that he had wore down by the end of the season obviously just watch the film that was not breaking news either yeah yeah so I I think there’s there’s two uh parts to this is one yeah I mean I think the the

Conditioning thing in staying in shape is is an issue for him um and the you know Nick serani even said it as recently as November he had a really good game especially down the stretch against the bills and he was dealing with some injuries and some nagging

Stuff so that had that factored into it as well to me and this is a question that’s always been asked of Jordan ever since they drafted him and moved up to draft him in the first round was like okay this is a guy in college that

Didn’t rush to passer much you know he he was a nose guard who was pretty much you know played run Downs I mean amazing 40 time and all the other stuff in terms of his physical capabilities to make you believe that okay this is a guy that can play all

Three downs but he didn’t do it in college very much and a lot of that do with the fact that they were always getting out of head and wins and they didn’t even do that but like load it with Talent yeah yeah right but you

Didn’t see it on film a lot and maybe a few times when you saw it you saw him do it but there was a big question mark about that and I I asked that I asked that question um from the very beginning was like okay you know because the pass

Rush if you’re looking at a defensive lineman pass rush versus run run defense I’d say it’s like 7030 split in terms of importance the pass rush is way more important than being able to stop the run and when you’re drafting guys that high it they have to be pass rushers

First and and the Eagles have always looked at it that way so this was a bit of a surprise I mean there was a scheme element to this too because they did have uh three-man fronts they were using a fair amount of but you can’t draft for schi

In in my mind and so let’s you know again young that’s a position it takes time for a lot of times for these guys to really find their way um but when I look at him in terms of his skill set I I don’t see see it as much as I see with

Jan Carter when it’s just like yeah no brainer this guy is going to be a pass rushing force in the NFL Bill did you have a last one go ahead yeah when you talk about pass rush best pass rusher on the team Hassan reck going into the final year of his deal

You know he’s going to want a new deal he talked about it even before this season but the Eagles probably want to sign him to an extension he has a $21 million cap hit this year under this contract what do you think happens with Assan reick yeah I think that’s a big question

Heading heading into this off season and I’m I’m not really sure the foron conclusion that he’s back um because of that contract and because what can they afford um and they have Josh sweat who who’s got more guaranteed to him this coming year than reick so whereas I

Think reick is probably I would say a better player than sweat although sweat’s a very good player um it may be hard for them to find room to make kassan fit and this maybe Hanan doesn’t doesn’t want to come back you know obviously he’ll go where the where the

Money takes him uh and that is that is absolutely his right but the Eagles have some yeah I agree with you when you’re looking at the cap number they have some finagling they’re have to do in terms of that number and you know you know he was obviously wasn’t clearly happy with the

Way he’s being utilized down the stretch um I think there was also some internal um you know uh how how I want to say this uh in terms of how he was playing um was I don’t think it was just him there were a lot of guys I think were

Chasing numbers rather than playing the scheme and I think that’s part of the reason why you saw the the defense and certainly the pass rush struggle down the stretch because guys are you know if he isn’t coming back you know and understandably so he’s like I I gotta

Get I gotta get sacks that’s how I get I mean that’s how you get good big contract stack numbers um they’re not looking at pressures I mean I guess they are to some extent so I think that could that that played a role in it as well so

Yeah I think Hassan reuck is definitely going going to be a pivotal player to look at this offseason in terms of what the Eagles do that’s fascinating you know I don’t know where the pass rush is coming from if he’s if he’s not here Jeff I mean other than sweat it’s wow

All right uh last one I need a little bit of a dust up with Fletcher Cox and I know you have a relationship with him but it was he was a little testy that day first off just from a reporter standpoint how do you handle that like

What’s the best route to go and do you think he’ll be back it’s a kind of a two-part for me yeah um I guess I’ll ask talk about the football part which is really what I I typically only want to focus on and the reporting part um

Because you know I don’t my job is not to be part of the story and nor nor will I ever make it make myself part of the story um fetcher uh I thought he had his best year in in three four years me too I mean I Saw Three Guys hustling in down

To the to the final whistle in that in Tampa BG Fletcher Cox and Milt Williams um I’m not saying other guys weren’t giv all their effort but I’m talking like extra effort and and Fletcher all season was probably the best defensive lineman um so he can keep playing if he wants to

In this league there’s no doubt about it and and I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided he wants to keep playing the Eagles will bring them back um obviously probably a reduced number um the indications Jordan Davis was talking like he wasn’t coming back I’ve I’ve heard it from elsewhere too that um

They expect him to to retire as well um so you know maybe he he didn’t want to talk about it and maybe he needs some time too like Kelsey to kind of sort through his feelings about his future in the NFL um so we’ll let that play out

But no matter what 12 years in the NFL Fletcher will go down as one of the greatest Eagles of all time he will certainly be like one of the automatic entries into the Eagles Hall of Fame and he deserves consideration for the Pro Football Hall of Fame uh to answer your

Second question uh you know uh yeah I i’ I’ve had I think for the most part A Fine relationship with Fletcher uh I’ve covered him all 12 years and he’s been in Philadelphia um you know never really have had any incident with him and just recently I walked up to his locker St

And he answered my questions uh about another story I was doing um so you know I have immense respect for for Fletcher um as you know as a football player and and generally for the most part and how we interacted for 12 Seasons um and then

You know but sometimes I’m in a position where I have to you know uh write stories that may not they may not like or or or agree with um and and that is certainly their their right uh this this in this case though I was just I thought

I was asking a very fair question about uh Nick serani that other players had been asked and that Fletch a few questions later was asked and and chose to answer so um so you know that that’s how it played out no big deal I’m a big

Boy I come down there I write those stories I know that they’re not not everyone’s always going to be happy about it um but you know I’ve covered this team for over 15 years and um I I’ve had maybe I’m not saying everyone loves me in there but that’s not my job

Right um you know certainly helps in some respects to have the relationships and I I feel like my reporting and the stories that I’ve written over the last 15 years show that I have very good relationships in that locker room with a lot of players um so uh but that’s not

My job um to become best friends of these guys I’m a beat reporter I’m a journalist for you know those are what I am first and foremost um so uh and then and and then in terms of like you know the relationships uh the relationship with Lech I mean maybe that factored

Into how he wanted to answer that question um but nevertheless I I I stand by that question um and and again don’t feel very comfortable when when I’m being made part of the story because that’s not uh my goal ever yeah understand I respect the way you go

About your business Jee you know that so uh we appreciate you giving us a couple of minutes here Jeff and we know it’s it’s minute to minute day to day every second something’s happening Eagles wise but we appreciate you and again check out Jeff uh on Twitter SLX Jeff unor

Mlan and uncovering the birds Jeff where can people get that I know it’s uh through Odyssey but they can get it wherever they listen to their podcast yeah anywhere you get your podcasts uh Apple Spotify you name it um we’re on there and we we will have maybe

Something to sum up the season Once they make a decision Nick serani and then we’ll have our next kind of off season proper season two offseason proper where it’ll be more kind of like a variety of stories of past present U perhaps future all right Jeff thanks man keep up the

Good work appreciate your time guys thanks for having me all right take care that is Jeff mlan of the Philadelphia inquire Bill let’s get a quick e and we’ll react to some of the things that Jeff had to say and we’ll also look back at the offseason that was this past

Offseason for the Eagles and may explain how we got here uh to a degree whether it’s drafts trades free agency Etc we’ll dive into all those kind of things he’s Bill coloro I’m Rob Ellis we are sports take Jacob Sports YouTube Network I want to tell you about Jim Murray and

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Indications are Brian Johnson will not be returning as the Eagles OC he will land elsewhere in some offensive capacity uh all right so Le let’s let’s go there for a minute uh Bill we we’ll we’ll backtrack to some of the things that Jeff had to say before we get into

The offseason moves that the Eagles made uh the only as I said off the top of the show the only way that Nick coming back is acceptable to me is if there is a new offensive coordinator and that offensive coordinator is also the one who has the

The most say I guess the majority of the say in in scheming up the the the the the next week team okay um I think that’s the right move I think both coordinators were frankly it however you want to put it with thei and uh Patricia it was disastrous and I think Brian

Johnson while given a bit of a short hand with the way that Nick put things together also was bad as well so I’m ready to move on from both coordinators so if that’s the case I think it’s the right move for the Eagles where do you fall

Yeah I’m okay with it I think I think you had to do that I know the final numbers can be spun any way they want to spin them with regard to top 10 offense and all that it just it didn’t pass the eye test things looked off the play

Calling looks suspect at times clearly Jaylen Herz took a major step backwards this season so I think you needed to change that up if you’re not going to get rid of serani which I don’t think they should have bring in a new offensive mind let’s get a new look at

Things let’s get a good play caller because Shane St was a great play caller there’s no doubt but if you go back two seasons ago Nick serani started off as a play caller they started off that year two and five and he was one of the worst

Play callers I’ve ever seen I remember talking about it three years ago so I think you need to bring in a strong offensive mind that can call plays because it is there’s there’s an art to it it’s not a science Doug Peterson was also a very good play caller but they

Got to get somebody in here who can call plays because Brian Johnson wasn’t and Nick serani has proven he’s not it either yeah no question uh let me give you one other thing uh former Eagle Zack ZZ has signed with the practice squad for the Lions one of their backup tight

Ends got hurt in the game uh yesterday uh against Tampa and looks like he won’t be able to go against San Francisco so uh you could do worse with an insurance policy than uh than Zack hers who’s played in some big games during his time

So I’m I’m actually glad to see it I I how cool would that be if he actually got on the field contributed a little bit and you know ended up somehow winning a ring that would be pretty cool to see so uh good I was already rooting

For the Lions to beat the 49ers so this just makes it even easier because love to see s make another Super Bowl run you and me both pal uh all right so and we will get in all the games from the weekend by the way and and and set the

Tables for the NFC and AFC championship games uh in a little bit all right so we talked about this a little bit off the top of the show so I’m goingon to run through this now I’m not giving you every single pick here Bill and I’m not giving you every single transaction that

Was made by The Eagles okay because we’d be here for four days if we did that all right but let’s look at it let’s go through the draft this past SE this past off season the 2023 draft okay at number nine you got Jaylen Carter Jaylen Carter

Finished the season with six sacks 33 tackles eight tackles for losses two Force fumbles I don’t think there’s one person who would push back and say that this was a bad pick yes he slowed down a little bit some of that is understanding as a rookie but I think the dude is the

Future is incredibly bright where where do you fall on that one great pick I all offseason we all were saying if Jaylen Carter’s there they should take him I think that was a great pick by the Philadelphia Eagles moving up a spot to get him I’m giving Howie a lot of credit

For that one but you’re gonna get there but it’s the D tackle we know he can draft D tackles it’s everywhere else yep okay so we’re good everybody’s good there here’s the problem here’s where we start to really dip into the issues here at number 30 this was this is the first

Round pick okay I think we we we oftentimes kind of look at Nolan Smith like he was taken in the third or fourth round 30th overall pick one sack 18 tackles one tackle for loss now I understand he wasn’t playing a ton of snaps I get it but that is horrible out

Of a first round pick horrible where that they felt like they could even put him on the field tells you a lot yeah and it’s not even just the stats when you watch the games he looked lost out there he didn’t look like a first round pick and I had really high expectations

For Nolan Smith I even said going into the draft that if Jaylen Carter wasn’t there at 10 that I wanted to see him take Nolan Smith so I was way off as well because I thought Nolan Smith was like a top 10 talent in the NFL and he

Just looked lost at times and I know he had some issues with his shoulder but it was I mean I don’t know if you saw the replay even in that bucks wild card game it looked at one point he’s pursuing Baker Mayfield and he tries to trip him

Because he’s so off in his angle he just did not look like a first round pick and yeah now in hindsight you look at some of these guys who went after Nolan Smith at 30 Sam leapa could be a nice tight end on this team right now oh Sam

LA’s you talk about the next great one he might already be there it’s amazing what he’s doing and and he’s doing it now in the playoffs with really one leg Yeah you see that he’s really banged up you’re right he’s really hurting man it’s amazing what he’s doing that guy’s

A monster so all right that’s where we start I mean that’s a first round pick in Nolan Smith who gave you a zero now this one I’m not killing hoe for this I know this is a pick made with the future in mind I understand that it’s a good

Thing that he didn’t have to play a lot Tyler Steen Tyler Steen is likely gonna move into that guard spot if Kelsey retires and Jurgens goes to Center so that’s that’s just one of those let’s wait and see I’m not making any kind of judgment on Tyler

Steam yeah the next two and that was in the third round right they didn’t have a second round pick that was 65th overall yeah so they didn’t have a second round pick this year so they had the the two third rounders back to back with where

They went Steen and Sydney Brown and I agree with you you had to take an offensive lineman there I think with Kelce getting up there in years you were losing Isaac sayala to free agency so I was okay with taking Tyler Steen and like you said time will tell I’m hoping

He’s going to be able to step up this season in play if Kel’s down you move Jurgens over to Center hopefully you could fill in Tyler Steen and he’s the guy we’re hoping he is yeah we’ll see all right now Sydney Brown I I think showed you flashes that’s that he was 66

He was right after Steen so he showed you flashes um he looks like a guy if used properly now he was thrown into the slot to play slot Corner which he’s not he is a safety uh we know he’s a he’s a heat seeking missile but the question is

Is he gonna be able to hold up because he’s not the biggest guy in the world yes he’s he’s a muscle he’s built like a rock but he’s not the biggest guy in the world and he throws his body around all in all I would tell you I like the pick

I I I am I’m good there where you got him in terms of value agreed and I think cydney Brown gave us exactly what we thought he was going to give us this year he’s going to play with a lot of aggression and because of that he was going to make

Some mistakes he actually needs to be tempered down a little bit which I’d much rather have a guy where you need to tell him hey calm down than to try to get them motivated to play so I think Sydney Brown’s got a lot of Promise unfortunately his season ends with an

ACL tear in week 18 is he going to be ready for training camp next season but I did like the pick there I think he’s got a lot of potential going forward so yeah we were both okay with their two third round picks back toback all right now uh key Ringo

Again I I want to really Reserve judgment here because it was so chaotic and such a mess in the defensive backfield he looks to me like a guy who might have some potential uh he’s extremely young too I mean 21 I think uh he played at

This year he he I we’re gonna know a lot more about him after having that one year under his belt and where things are next year their size there’s speed there’s ability there I I I I think the future could be bright there we just don’t know right now it’s simply

Put yeah and they gave up a third round draft pick in this year’s draft to move up in the fourth round to get so they they were high on him but you’re right all the the draft analysis coming out with key was he was young he was raw but

That this kid has all the potential to be a number one shutdown Corner in the NFL and I think you saw it this year at times as a rookie I thought he played really well at the outside corner position I wish that the Philadelphia Eagles would have made the decision

Earlier on in the Bucks game to say you know what we don’t care how much we’re paying Bradberry let’s put him on the damn Sidelines and let key Ringo get a shot because he’s played well when he’s there so again a good draft pick for Howe Roseman I actually thought all in

All draft Yeah was one of his best drafts from a defensive perspective especially when I gave you the draft picks earlier of the prior four years I thought this was his best year Hoy Roseman in taking defensive players okay off of the draft for one second then I’m

Going to go to some of the free agents and trades Etc but are we both in agreement no matter what the cap hit James Bradbury will not be an eagles Eagle next year I I I say that with a thousand per certainty I don’t know Rob because no

Way dude did you the cap hit is crazy I know it is he want he can’t be back he can’t be on if you’re putting him on this team bill it’s symbolic that you’re not really making changes in my opinion well let’s just look because I agree

With you I don’t think he deserves a spot but I’m looking at it here so if he goes he’s got in 2024 a dead cap of 17 million yep and in 2025 12 now I think they could do a post June 1st designation and they can save a little bit there

But I don’t see how they’re going to be able to just move on this contract is deadly man it’s dead they’re not gonna be able to trade them so it would be a Flatout cutting and let me see while you’re talking let me go over to uh I

Just want to see what his if they do um a post June 1st designation what do we got here so if they do post June 1st he would have a $4 million dead cap hit in 2024 and it looks like another three million in 2025 and then they’re all voided years

Down the stretch so maybe they could afford to do that post June 1st take the $4 million dead cap that’s what I problem is he doesn’t really play special teams so it’s not even like you could keep this guy on the roost he’s gotta go he’s gotta go man you can’t you

Can’t he can’t be here uh no shotty retires Chuck he he’s collecting those checks and I don’t fault him for that but he ain’t retiring here’s here’s my problem with that because you know I’ve been very critical of hoe Roseman this whole all this whole end of the season

About this defense and a lot of people oh well you never could have expected James Bradbery to take that much of a step back and as excited as I was when they brought back Bradberry and SLE that’s on Howe Roseman and his Personnel Department to know hey if

We’re going to put all of this money in two corners who are both over the age of 30 in the NFL there is a chance that these guys could lose a step this season and as good as hoe Roseman is at given contracts the one he gave Bradberry is

Awful absolutely awful because of this dead cap number now over the next two seasons so yes you couldn’t expect maybe that much of a decline but this is what happens when you take the risk of bringing back two 30-year-old Corners yeah no question and there they paid the

Price all right let let’s go to um well let’s start with this one because I think this is absolutely a positive my opinion you gave virtually nothing up and you got DeAndre Swift the Andre Swift rushed for over a thousand yards uh more than four and a half yards per

Carry five touchdowns caught 39 balls for 214 yards and those numbers could have been even better in my opinion Bill had they utilized them a little bit more um that’s a good trade you you got a a quality guy I don’t know if he’s back or

Not he’s a free agent but I’m just going off of what we saw good move definitely a good move I’ll give Hoy Roseman that one I think he gave the offense enough Talent when you look up and down the offense I think when you look at DeAndre Swift underutilized not only in the

Running game but one of the things that we were all so excited about when they brought Swift in was his ability to catch the ball out of the back field and this season with the Eagles he has a career low in receptions the lowest he’s ever had in his four-year career so that

Was a surprise to me I was really hopeful they were going to use DeAndre Swift as a receiver and it just he had 39 catches but that was the lowest of of his career I think he could have had a lot more but yeah great move didn’t give

Anything up still on his four-year rookie deal but I don’t I don’t see them resigning him unfortunately I’d like to see him come back but yeah I don’t know the way they value running backs I can’t imagine what may help them is not a lot of teams value running backs and maybe

Maybe the offer just isn’t there you know uh from somewhere else and he ends up testing the market and coming back almost by default I don’t know that that’s one that really could go either way in my estimation all right so good move there um the other running back

They signed Rashad penny three games 11 rushes 33 yards why was he here why I have no idea and during pre-season when it looked like maybe he had lost a step a little bit I I started to say that they may bring back Trey sermon over Rashad Penny and and I had some

Fans telling me I was crazy somebody wrote this guy pretends like he knows what he’s talking about and he wants to bring back Trey Surman over Rashad Penny and it’s well look how they use the guy I mean they clearly had zero faith in Rashad Penny there was no reason for him

To take up a roster spot he couldn’t play special teams at least Trey Surman at one point was returning kicks but and then Surman goes on to Indianapolis and had some playing time had a couple of carries I no idea what they did with Rashad Penny I was okay with Howe

Bringing him in it was a lowrisk move oneyear deal but once it became clear in training camp that you had zero faith in this guy why did he take up a roster spot all season long not even on your practice squad all season long and to go

Back to Trey Surman they didn’t put Trey Surman on the practice squad last season which led me to believe that they had hopes in this guy that they didn’t want a team to sign him away from their practice squad last year so They Carried Trey Surman on their roster all season

Last year and then they make the decision to cut him to sign Rashad peny and have him basically sit on your bench all year that move made zero sense to me I’m not sure we’ll ever get an answer I just hope and pray that you don’t see

Rashad Penny sign on another team this offseason and have success next year because fans will lose their mind they will no question about that all right um Al alad zakus 10 catches 164 yards he had a memorable touchdown Which was one of jaylen’s better plays of the Season

Rolling to his right which he dropped you know in a bucket good play but you have to start getting more out of your third receiver than what they’re getting here um enough quz Watkins enough of the alamad zakus guys enough of the Zack Pascal kind of guys get a real third

Wide out in here because here’s the thing you can’t expect AJ and Devonte to stay healthy for all 17 obviously we saw AJ get hurt and not go be able to go in the playoff game and even if they’re they’re healthy how about there’s a third weapon there at this receiving

Court but zakus to me gave you nothing absolutely nothing yeah I remember I think the very first time I was ever on this show with you Rob was during the preseason and the name quz Watkins came up and both of us said he’s not even a

Wide receiver three on this team in our opinion we we were over him last year so the the good news is both alamad zakas and quz Watkins are unrestricted free agents this year so I don’t think either one of those guys will be back but you need that wide receiver three I don’t

Know who they can go out and get there’s really no young wide receivers on this roster that I’m expecting to take a step forward next year so you’re probably GNA have to go out and find a guy in free agency but they have to upgrade that position you saw what happens on an

Offense when you try to really run everything through either AJ or Devonte Smith you need that third option I know Dallas gdd can be that from the tight end position but you need that third wide receiver other teams have it as good as Smith and brown

Are I’m not asking for a stud I’m not asking for a top-notch guy but you need somebody who can make plays they tried to do it with Julio Jones he’s just past his prime long past his prime unfortunately but yeah that’s a move I’m I’m curious to see who they sign it’ll

Be probably a veteran guy or maybe a younger guy who they can get on a cheap deal but you got up draft somebody later and develop that that’d be nice to see that happen um you hit on Julio Jones I mean yeah it’s just you took a shot he’s

Done you know he had 11 catches 74 yards had two touchdowns in the one game but it’s it’s over uh it’s over you know whereas in in years past like 2017 you grabbed a lot of Veteran guys Chris long and Patrick Robinson and Nick Foles and

Legar one etc etc and everyone hit these guys again not Swift but made little to zero impact like I’ll keep going Nicholas Morrow yes if you look at the tackle numbers pretty impressive 95 he had three sacks in one game didn’t have any sacks after that 12 tackles for

Losses you saw his inability to cover he is slow there’s a reason why Chicago had no problem letting him walk and wanted to upgrade with TJ Edwards Zack Cunningham again he was an okay okay stop Gap but you need better than stop gaps and duct tape and glue at the

Linebacker position you know Kevin byard was flat outcooked there’s a reason why Tennessee was willing to trade him sha Leonard I don’t know he was here for five games it’s hard to really pass judgment on him and and if they even thought about bringing him back next

Year I I don’t I wouldn’t hate that but none of those guys made impacts and you talked about why the Titans were willing to trade Kevin tied there’s a reason why the Colts who were in a playoff Chase were willing to just cut sha Leonard I mean clearly the guy

Lost a step as well and you know I know a lot of people want to make excuses for Hoy Roseman and say hindsight is 2020 the linebacker position is not hindsight being 2020 all of us were pounding on the table all off season saying they are ignoring this position and as hopeful as

I was that ncoe Dean was going to step into be the guy we were hoping he was was there was no evidence of that he had only played 34 career snaps we had no idea who this guy was going to be and outside of Ni Kobe Dean you really had

No insurance policy at all when it became clear in training camp that they needed more help they go out yeah tried to sign Zack Cottingham tried to bring in Miles Jack who retired a week later then they had to try to get sha Leonard this was a huge misstep on hoe roseman’s

Part not having any backup plan at linebacker and he did the same thing at safety and they never were able to overcome it and that’s why I think the defense as much as Sha Desa was the scapegoat I think a majority of the blame for all of the issues you saw on

Defense have to be on hoe Roseman the Personnel just wasn’t good enough yeah look you you see it again yesterday CJ GJ gets a gets an interception to kind of you know set the tempo uh for for the Lions yesterday on the defensive side and I know he missed most of the year

With injuries but that guy when he plays is a magnet for the ball you decided to let him go you let TJ Edwards Go I mean we could go into all the mistakes that were made here but yeah there were there were mistakes made and the problem too is you have no

Idea with the Kobe Dean you have no idea what he’s gonna be next year to me here here’s what bill I would to me he’s gota he’s got to earn the start in other words I bring in two guys who are gonna start and if he can outplay them great

But he is not a starter going in it’s not a given for me no and who who is your linebacker because you mentioned sha Leonard is a free agent Zack cting ham is a free agent Nick Morrow is a free agent who are the linebackers on this roster next year I

Guess you have nocoe Dean who huge question mark you have Ben van sumerin who started playing linebacker like one year ago he was fullback he was that’s what not what he did in college you let Christian Ellis you put him on the practice squad and the Patriots grabbed

Him up as soon as you did so he’s not back there are so many question marks on the defense now because we’ve already talked about the lack of depth at the edge well you heard Jeff mlan say not necessarily a foregone conclusion that reck’s even back next year so what the

Hell is going to happen to this defense I know we’re excited about a new defensive coordinator coming in but they really need almost an entire overhaul James Bradberry you said you’d be shocked if he’s back cydney Brown at safety is he going to be healthy Kevin

Byard can you bring him back and rely on him no linebackers no Edge rushers outside of reic and sweat and both of those guys are entering the final year of their deal so it’s not just uh reck that’s going into the final year sweats in his final year

So this is a really tough off season when you look at this defense it has me concerned and look I see people in the chat saying three and4 season coming in this is what’s hurting me the most Rob last year Super Bowl 57 Eagles lost in heartbreaking fashion but all of us took

Solace in the the fact that when you let the emotion subside you said okay we still have a good team we got a good head coach we got a young franchise quarterback we got a lot of Talent on both sides of the football we’ll be back

And now after the way this season ended and you look at this defensive roster next year you don’t know who your offensive coordinator is going to be you don’t know who your defensive coordinator is going to be you’re not 100% sure that serani is the right coach

You’re not 100% sure that Jaylen Herz is the guy he was last season that’s the depressing thing for me is now we sit here and it’s holy crap when are we getting back to the Super Bowl when are we going to be a contender again right

Yeah no and I think that’s all fair I I think you part of the approach and and this should have been what this year’s team looked like like where I’m going with this is I said all along even before the season started the defense is

Gonna take a big hit I didn’t think it would take this kind of hit mind you but I thought they take a big hit I thought the offense was just going to have to outscore teams and be just be you know Superior they weren’t um um and next

Year this is why you got to get the OC right because you got to get the offense back to being a top three top five offense because you’re gonna have to outscore teams and you have to try do your best to keep the the defense off

The field they’re gonna be a bad defense again they just are there’s too many holes here even if Jordan Davis figures it out yes I feel good about where they are at defensive tackle but the best defense of tackle this year was Fletcher Cox we have no idea if he’s going to be

Back um Jeff McLean’s right and reck’s not back I don’t know who’s rushing the passer on the edge Brandon Graham might be back maybe at a league minimum deal at his age sweat disappeared for the last seven games um their linebackers stink their Corners are not good enough their

Safeties are not good enough like they’re going to be a bad defensive team just flat out and another guy we didn’t talk about avonte Maddox are you bringing back Avante Maddox as good as he is when he’s healthy the guy can’t stay healthy and I think his cap number

Skyrockets this year because of the way Howe Roseman likes to do these contracts is I’m looking up his contract I’m pretty sure if I remember correctly Maddox jumps to yeah he had a $4 million cap hit this season it jumps all the way up to 9.7 next season and that would be the

Final year of his deal so are you going to let avonte Maddox come back with a $9.7 million cap hit in the last year of his deal when the guy hasn’t been able to stay healthy his entire career just more marks on top of marks with that

Defense yeah I agree with you I mean I there’s just so many issues here at play on that side of the ball man it is it is a really really tough call it really is uh what they’re gonna end up doing there but first and foremost you better get

The coordinator right uh you better get the coordinator right on the offensive side if they do move on from Brian Johnson which has not become official our own dgun uh reported a little bit earlier that his sources are telling him that they will move on eventually I the

Thing with this bill is I I I think the Eagles are trying to be respectful to Brian and not cut ties with him when he still has a chance at a head coaching job somewhere once these jobs start to fill and there and he’s out of the running for whatever teams he

Interviewed with then that move will happen and then that’ll allow him to go be an OC somewhere else but I I don’t if you read you know some of the things what Ralph vako said in his story on Fox Sports like it’s he and his relationship

And Jaylen had kind of soured like there seems like there was a lot that went on this year and I know some of this is just the byproduct of losing but damn you know how quickly it changes yeah and hold on I just don’t want to let hoe Roseman off the hook one

More couple other moves he made this off season go ahead we talk about the safety position so not only did they let chony Garden or Johnson walk they make the decision to try to replace him because they let Marcus EPS walk as well corre so they decision to try to replace them

With Terrell Edmonds who Mike Tomlin said he started for us for five years but here take him on a one-year deal because we don’t want him anymore that was telling and then they bring in Justin Evans a guy who has not been able to stay healthy his entire career four

Games played four games four games they got out of him and that’s exactly what you could expect so that’s why I don’t like the excuses when it’s oh well Howe could have never anticipated these things Justin Evans has literally been hurt his entire career he got hurt again

Avante Maddox has literally been hurt his entire career he got hurt again so these were all these mistakes just compounded one after another you just have to Hope they’ve learned their lesson but I don’t know how you fill this many holes on the defensive side of the football in one off season that’s

What has me nervous I agree with you and you know and again if there’s any positive to glean and and this is just sort of um maybe it’s Pie in the Sky however you want to view it but generally when things look really darkest here howwi he figures out a way to spin

Out of it somehow I don’t know how and I believe me I don’t like the variance I don’t like the UPS I’d rather it be more of a straight line or or a climb than the than the all over the place kind of stuff but he generally does figure

Something out when things look you know sketchy I will just say that but things look really uh I’m very pessimistic on the on the defensive side and and you’re gonna have to destroy the draft if that’s the direction you go um that’s for sure yeah unfortunately and I see you guys in the

Chat we talked about it earlier Brian Johnson yes Derek Gunn reported most likely he is not coming back people are telling us read the chat read the chat yes we talked about it BJ probably gone which we’re all in favor of me and Rob want to see them bring in a better

Looking better looking head coach and not physically better looking just excuse me offensive coordinator not head coach all right let’s come back uh we’ll continue with the Eagles discussion we will also dive into what went down this weekend with the divisional round games in the NFC and the AFC because the table

Is set now we know who it is lions and Niners Chiefs and Ravens we’ll get into all of that and some observations that you take away in watching these games in regards to the Eagles as well and a ton to do in our NFL segment coming up at

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Deposit up to $100 that’s Underdog use the promo code Win e a g l e s EOS welcome back everybody rob Ellis Bill Colo we Sports take Jacob Sports YouTube network uh had Jeff mlan on a little bit earlier if you want to catch any of that go to Jacob Jacob Sports YouTube channel tomorrow Joe sanduo will join us uh Joe very interesting article for bleeding green

Nation today uh had had a bit of a similar feel to the story that he put out with Carson Wentz although he was uh quick to point out in the article that he that the players he’s talked to are saying this guy’s not Carson Wentz let

Me be real clear but there are issues there are issues uh and he supported it with numbers and it wasn’t just a a jayen Herz piece it was an eagles 2023 failure piece uh and how we got here coaching Howie uh the whole n so it’s a pretty fascinating reading and uh

Bill will be with us tomorrow as well and we’ll have uh Joe at 11:30 all right bill so let’s look at it man let’s let’s go let’s work uh from yesterday into Saturday with the divisional round games and let’s start with last night a classic let’s start there I mean if

You’re an NFL fan highly entertaining uh I I personally was rooting for the bills I I don’t need to see any more Chiefs uh wins although I did pick the Chiefs to win the game uh you know with with my head not my heart but my heart was

Rooting for the bills six straight right six straight for uh Mahomes all six years as a starter that’s insane it’s amazing and he’s he in the playoffs all told he’s 13 and three he’s thrown for 4,561 yards 38 touchdowns and seven interceptions the guy is a big- Time big

Game player um you know I I I actually I feel bad I first of all I feel bad for Bills fans number one uh their kicker wide wide right which is just brutal iron Ean on so many levels for them but also the the other tough part of this

For me is on that final drive which they you know they didn’t score a touchdown they had to end up trying to kick a field goal which missed there were two plays that stand out to me one earlier in the drive Josh Allen throws a moonshot down the field which Stefan

Diggs has to catch it was a an excellent throw in my estimation and he doesn’t catch it and then the last play where he had the receiver open in the end zone unfortunately Deon Dawkins who’s a premier left tackle gets pushed into him hits him as he throws and it comes up a

Little bit shy I feel bad for him I feel bad for the bills you know there was ever an opportunity for them to take care of business it was last night but they didn’t yeah and you look at Stefon Diggs what the heck happened to him one catch was it seven yards total

Non-factor in the game and I mean he you have to make that play I mean it’s a perfect throw you have to make that play you are a number one wide receiver a receiver who loves to complain when they’re not getting opportunities and he’s been disgruntled before one catch

Seven yards and you have the ball in your hands and you drop it that was a massive massive drop but yeah I do feel bad and you know you look at Shawn McDermot is he safe in Buffalo did he do enough down the stretch I think he did

But I see people saying you know you should fire Shawn McDermot questionable call that fake punt to Demar Hamlin now if that would have got picked up you know that would have been all over the place Demar Hamlin picking up the first down but not necess what I

Don’t like about that there is if you’re G to choose to go for it you have Josh Allen you have one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL yeah he turns the ball over a lot but one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL I’d much rather

Have the ball in his hands trying to pick up a fourth and five or whatever it was than putting it in Demar Hamlin’s hands to try to pick up that fourth down but that ended up not hurting them no they got luck fumble through the end zone yeah fumble through the end zone

Which digress for one second NFL has said they’re going to look at that rule this off season I hate it I’ve always hated it I I’ve said I think it’s the dumbest rule in the NFL I’d love to see them get rid of it but yeah that came

Back not to not to hurt them because they get the ball back but yeah Stefon Diggs in my opinion really let his team down number one wide receiver not coming through on that play agreed agreed so the Chiefs continue to do it man they did it on the road which hasn’t they

Haven’t had to do because they they’ve had so many opportunities because they the best record uh to play at home but they will travel next week to Baltimore so let’s just stay on the on the on the AFC for a minute so Baltimore really the first half Houston hung they hung around

Uh they had a big special teams play on the on the Sims return and you’re thinking all right you know maybe this is the formula hang around hang around Baltimore in the second half just said you know what bye goodbye hit hit the gas and you’re in the rear view and this

Thing is over we’re going to impose our will and what you saw in that game couple things that stood out Bill uh Hey Lamar Jackson was brilliant but incredible linebacker play from Baltimore in that game incredible I mean you saw it in both games on Saturday because you have roquan Smith and

Patrick Queen on the Ravens you got Fred Warner and Drake Greenlaw on the 49ers and they were making plays all over the field but the Ravens look the Chiefs never count them out Patrick moles and Andy Reid but the Ravens just look like they’re Unstoppable this season I don’t even

Think a team in the NFC can beat them in the Super Bowl I just think the Ravens are that much better on both sides of the football and when you have Lamar Jackson playing as well as he’s playing right now they’re going to be a really

Really tough team to beat and you know the reason I think you saw the Houston Texans kind of hang in there in the first half was there’s that thin line between rust and rest and the Ravens basically they didn’t have a they didn’t have to play in week one of the playoffs

But they also rested their starters in week 18 a little bit Rusty maybe things were a little bit off but once they came out at halftime they just turned it on and it was over yeah no question it was it was impressive look there there there’s a reason why they were the

Number one seed you know there’s a reason why they had the best record in the NFL and they showed it Jackson’s playing great their defense is phenomenal Harbaugh’s a great coach coach I mean you know this this sets up for a really fun one so the Ravens are

Minus three and a half right now bill as we roll into uh to Sunday’s AFC Championship game that’s about right I I I can’t really you know that line I thought it’d be three-ish so it’s three and a half so I’m not surprised uh that that’s what it is I agree with you

In that you never count Kansas City out ever um but my early leaning is towards Baltimore I it it feels like they’re year um for sure let’s look at the a the NFC here real quick before you move on from the Ravens just real quick this is

I you look at the Ravens and this is something where as an Eagles fan you could take a little bit of joy in is look Lamar Jackson had a great MVP season and then took a step back and now you’re seeing he can be an MVP calber quarterback John Harbaugh not a play

Caller CEO type coach has gone through offensive coordinators and defensive coordinators and they keep succeeding so there is hope with Jaylen Herz and Nick Serana you don’t have to necessar necessarily have a head coach that calls plays or you know thinking that Jaylen Herz oh that was just a one-year Wonder

This happens defense is adjust and now it’s up to Ken Jaylen Herz and the Eagles adjust next season so don’t give up hope guys I agree with you I me I think there’s two examples so they didn’t like the direction of their offense and they made a move and they

Brought in uh Todd monin from from the college game he was George’s offensive coordinator okay he comes in he changes the way they’re doing things Lamar Jackson thrives other side of the ball and I’m trying to remember if it was this year or the it might have been the

Previous season John Harbaugh goes and and grabs Mike McDonald Mike McDonald had been on his staff previously but then went to Michigan to be the defensive coordinator with his brother Jim brought him back as the DC you know again I know they have a lot

Of Talent on that side of the ball but he is he is excellent at orchestrating that Talent so my the point is not only with the CEO thing you can make coordinator moves and get things going in the right direction very quickly if you d draft the right way and and that’s

My dream you talk about a Michigan defensive coordinator that’s who I want to see the eag if they could get Jesse Minter in here that’s who I would love to see them do it looks like they’re probably going to go with a more veteran guy hearing names like wink marale and

Now Ron Rivera but man if they could get Jesse Min in here I’d love that movie agreed agreed so good stuff there all right that that should give you a little bit of promise if that’s the case um all right so let’s go to the NFC let’s start with the Saturday game

I’ll tell you what watch out for Green Bay as as the years you know go on because Jordan loves the real deal those receivers are all going to hit their sort of maturity right at the same time they have Aaron Jones Matt laflor and love appear to be really you know good

Together and on the same page props to them man they scared the bleep out of the 49ers Saturday really if their kicker could make a 41 yard field goal we may be talking about a different outcome here because that would have made the game 24 17 Niners would have just been tying the

Game up right but you’re spot on regardless of what them being out of the playoffs means I’m looking towards next season Jordan love looks like the real deal we know how good of a coach Matt laflor is and now you throw on top of it all these young offensive players and

They put up the graphic last week against the Cowboys all these guys set records with regard to how many receptions how many touchdowns how many yards from first and seconde players this year on offense they look like they’re going to be really really tough and you look at Nick

Serani this was one of the reasons I said they should bring him back you look at his regular season winning percentage it’s 14th all time and it’s number two in active coaches the only active coach that has a higher regular season winning percentage right now it’s not Andy Reid

It’s Matt laflor right so be careful because the Green Bay Packers really since Thanksgiving have been one of the better teams in the NFL and I was hoping they knocked off the 49ers 49ers didn’t look great 30 looked off at times when Debo Samuels out completely different offense but we’ll see they’re they’re

Still favorite at home against the Detroit Lions but that should be a really good game yeah so Debo again it’s Monday we got a long way to go till they play Sunday but right now the the talk out of San Francisco is he’s about 5050

To play in that game changes a lot if he doesn’t play in that game the other thing is if you have inclement weather uh you know next week in San Francisco I don’t know what the weather forecast is for Sunday yet but he had a tough time

Man in that in that rain and I’m not saying it was easy for anybody but he’s got smaller hands and it was it’s it appeared to be an issue for him so that’s again something to keep your your eye out on um all right let’s go to

Yesterday so the Lions beat the Bucks perhaps to the Bucks they hung with them uh but ultimately you saw a Lions team that stayed committed to the Run game with Gibbs and with Montgomery and uh a real really good offensive coordinator Ben Johnson who I think will be a head

Coach before this cycle is done with um and Jared goof who nobody wants to ever give any props to that that guy has done a hell of a job in Detroit really underrated I mean I think he starting to not be underrated anymore because of the success he’s having with

Detroit but he’s been an underrated quarterback he had a lot of success brought the Rams to a Super Bowl and now one game away from bringing a second organization to the Super Bowl but we just did the exercise of looking at hoe roseman’s draft picks from this season

My god did the Lions do a good job draft Holmes is awesome look at this Jamir Gibbs round one pick number 12 and at the time when they took Gibbs I was questioning it him like you trade away DeAndre Swift and you take jir Gibbs as your number one draft pick yep turned

Out to be a good move Jack Campbell also first round pick he’s playing well Sam leapa second rounder and Brian Branch second rounder they hit four for four on their first four draft picks who are contributing to this Lions team they’re gonna be tough and they’re an easy team

To root for man that that Lions fan base they do deserve this I’m with you you know I’m with you in a big way for them uh you know we talked about Buffalo be being deserving you know you think about this with Detroit man it is it’s almost

Unfathomable I mean the last time they won a championship was 57 okay Eagles fans had to wait you know go back to 60 before the 2017 they go back to 57 the last time they were in a championship game like a conference champ was 92 you talk 30 years isn’t that crazy

The nice part is though they now have more championship appearences in the last 25 years in the Dallas Cowboys do a’t that nice I know I I needed something man I needed a little cowboy shot I needed something it it’s been rough it’s been a rough go lately man

You know it is but you do you do like the way even putting aside how much I’m rooting for them because they’ve haven’t been there I like the way they play I like their aggressiveness I like that they stay committed to the run it’s just a really good balanced team a balanced

Attack and you’re right we’ll see how they can survive losing the coordinator because there’s no doubt that somebody’s gonna swoop in and take Ben Johnson for sure I I would I’ll tell you the other guy that I really like and I don’t know that he’ll get it this time around but

He might Dave Canales with with the with boy I’ll tell you what like he’s rejuvenated Baker Mayfield I don’t think they have incredible they have Mike Evans mind you but I don’t think they have incredible Talent on that side of the ball he’s done a really nice job

That guy’s future is extremely bright yeah he did do a nice job and I don’t think Todd BS was gonna survive this season and then they go on this crazy run and win a playoff game so I think they’re kind of stuck with BS back he can’t not be back getting to the

Divisional round yeah after losing Brady he’s got to be back he’s he has to be but you know if I was the Bucks they’re not going to be able to do this but I’d rather have Canales next season than BS because you’re going to lose Canales so

They’re probably going to take a big step back and is Mayfield only on a one-year deal deal I assume he’s on a one-year deal he’s a free agent but he said make the decision on him yeah he said after the game he wants to be back

And they said they want him back the only thing the only ISS and and look I’m I’m glad to see Todd BS have a little success he the temple guy but what you had one time out to use on on Detroit’s last Drive why not use it I I don’t understand that like

Yeah well let’s go back even before that and I know that’s the analytics play you’re on the road yeah you score a touchdown you kick an extra point it’s a seven-point game I don’t like it and they go for two I don’t like it either

And I know they tried to defend it on the broadcast Collinsworth gave us the whole reason why they do it in analytics but throw analytics out the window you’re on the road you have a chance to make this a seven-point game you got momentum on your side you don’t get the

Two-point conversion it just to me it doesn’t make sense I don’t care what the analytics play is and we were tting Matt laflor talking about analytics I love that he said I don’t care that analytics tells me I need to defer when we win the

Toss I want the damn ball he did it against the Cowboys and then it worked out again against the 49ers with the Niners deferring but yeah I did not like that call by Todd BS to go for two in that situation I don’t either I I don’t

Want to have to get the touchdown in the two if I don’t have to again I I get it I know I’m sure someone’s gonna pull a chart out and give me the an I get it I understand that maybe I’m just old school but I don’t I don’t like it and

And I’m glad you touched on Dan Campbell you know he was you know sort of mocked and laughed at with the whole bite kneecaps and you know the way he came in just sort of just fire and brimstone whatever that dude connects with his players man every one of them like

Gof after the game a couple other guys after game said best leader hands down I’ve ever played for in my life I nobody’s even close he connects with his players he gets it you know and he’s another guy like you know he just he’s he’s got kind of an old school mentality

But he knows how to connect to the present day player Bo boy they got a winner there man too they do and I love that he stayed true to their identity all season of being aggressive I mean they went for on fourth down more than

Anybody all year and now in a big game in a big moment in that divisional round fourth down I think it was around the three yard line two yard line they decide to go for it and score a touchdown and that’s the way the guy’s been all season long and that works

That’s why we loved about Doug Peterson they were aggressive they stayed aggressive they stayed aggressive in the Super Bowl and that’s how you win championships but you’re right I mean the first press conference he gave and the clip was circulating on X all the time yeah it was it was awkward it was

Cringey a little bit with the you know biting the kneecap she almost felt bad for him like getting like secondhand embarrassment a little bit like oh man this this isn’t going well but that’s why and we’ve said it before you can’t judge head coaches by their first press

Conference I mean even I was not one who killed serani I know it was Goofy but it was on a zoom like I’m not yeah we were we were all still in the in the early stages of figuring this thing out on you know virtually and all that anyway let

Let me give you this so this is if you want more of a sign that Nick serani is back the Eagles will hold their end of season press conference with hoe Roseman and Nick serani on Wednesday that he’s he’s back so in case there was I had no doubt at this point

Anyway but if there was any ever any doubt he’s not sitting up there with hoe you know in front of the firing squad answering questions if he’s not GNA be back so Nick serani will be back Wednesday Wednesday two days from now uh we’ll be the the end of season press

Conference that’s going to be fascinating here’s my other guest though here here’s the other thing to keep in mind if in fact the Desi thing and the Patricia thing we know those guys are out of there can you really not have M made a move yet on Brian Johnson and have that on

Wednesday no and I would venture to say the reason why Derek Gunn was able to report what he reported is they’re probably going to start leaking over the next couple of days he’s going to be out yeah and a little teaser tonight on the

Hands of the face show that I do at 6:30 we’re going to be joined by our man Derek gun so D gun’s going to be joining the legal hands of the face show tonight so be sure to check that out right here on the Jacob Sports Network at 6:30 dgun

Joining the show always fun when we get a chance to talk to Derek oh the best you kidding me the best uh all right so interesting Fast and Furious like we said all right let’s come back there’s some updates on coordinators there’s a former Eagles coach and I don’t mean Ron

Rivera who’s being discussed as a potential coordinator you’re not going to believe this one uh a ton of other stuff going on football-wise which we will continue to dig into so don’t go anywhere that’s Bill karulo I’m Rob Ellis we’re Sports stake jaob Sports YouTube Network let’s talk about Flyn

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Deposit up to $100 that’s Underdog use the promo code win E a g l s Eagles all right we’re back that is Bill Karu I am Rob Ellis hanging out with you we are sports St J Sports YouTube Network all a couple things just to to Circle back to recap if you just tuning in uh so Derek gun our own Derek gun is

Reporting that Brian Johnson will not be back as the Eagles OC uh word came down yesterday that sha Desai has been Let Go by quote unquote Nick serani that was the Tweet according to uh Dean Rapaport um which at the time was a bit of a sign

That Nick ser was going to be back in case you had any questions uh also Matt Patricia’s contract is up and he will be not be back with the club according to reports also uh the Eagles will hold a a season ending press conference on Wednesday that will have Nick serani and

Hoe Roseman uh talking to the assembled media so that is another sign that Nick will be back uh and I would guess between now and then as we talked about there will probably be something official coming down on the uh on the offensive coordinator Brian Johnson so

There’s a couple things just to get you caught up on where we are there’s there’s also reports uh bill that uh Ron Rivera uh will be one of the coaching candidates that the Eagles will speak with did you have something else you wanted to throw in there too yeah it was

Reported that the Eagles were also interested in Ryan neelsen former defensive coordinator of the Falcons but Adam shefer just put out the Jaguars have hired Ryan NE he is no longer available so he was Atlanta’s DC and I know sometimes people look at that and say well Atlanta didn’t make the

Playoffs he did a really good job down there he’s a very respect that’s a good get for for Doug Peterson yeah absolutely yeah they they were kind of undermanned in Atlanta and I think they finished with like a top 11 defense in terms of yards again so yeah he did do a

Good job that was somebody I thought the Eagles were going to talk to but yeah good job for douge p get him yeah so they make that move um all right let let’s hit a couple other things here uh that that are going that’s going on

Around the the the NFL the Bears have hired Shane Waldren as their offensive coordinator he was the OC in Seattle with Bill Carol um you know uh Pete Carol uh turned around uh Gino Smith uh he he’s he was he’s a guy who another he was a highly sought-after uh offensive

Coordinator as well you know and again I’m not sure what they’re going to do at this point with Justin Fields it’s very tempting to grab one of these quarterbacks that are coming out for sure or you know pull the trigger on a trade for Justin Fields but either way

He will be run whatever offense it is whoever’s there uh with him yeah that’s a tough decision for the Bears because you could really make an argument for both with both things you know keeping the number one pick and trading Justin fields or getting an absolute hall for

The number one pick and I’m not sure either one is is wrong I I think they could probably have success going either route building around Justin Fields with a ton of draft picks or trading him I saw a report maybe a week or two ago that the Falcons would be interested in

Trading their eighth overall pick four Fields I move I don’t know that they would go that high bill I I think the Falcons could be interested I don’t know that they give up eight overall I don’t know about that it’s interesting I mean if they did if on Chicago though I’m listening to

Hey man here’s there’s a four sale sign on talk like talk to me like could you imagine if they were able to get a first round draft pick for him they would have the number one pick they’d have their own ninth pick and then they would have

Another first round pick three in the top 10 it’d be that’d be wild man that would be wild and I don’t know if you saw that um this was an interesting one that fluo put out this morning and and I missed it but he talked about that Brock pie in an

Interview talked about how in the offseason Kyle Shanahan sat down with him and said if you’re healthy you’re our starter unless Tom Brady wants to come back for one season right right so I thought that was interesting that the 49ers were considering Tom Brady coming out of retirement to play this coming

Season and for them sometimes it’s the move you don’t make that turns out to be the best look where they are now it’s true but you knew it always Brady always because he grew up in the Bay Area always had he was a huge Montana fan as

A kid Etc always had it in the back of his mind that that the potential may be playing there so I believe there was probably some discussions head um for sure and I think ultimately he probably made the right choice dude don’t don’t subject yourself at 46 to this this

Craziness man and you mentioned Joe Montana and I grew up with Joe Montana loved them and and I I think about Montana and Jerry Rice and it’s crazy when you see the stat that popped up on the screen during the Chiefs game that now momes and Kelce have more touchdowns

Than Joe Montana and Jerry Rice in the postseason like that wild man puts it into perspective Reed brought it up in his postgame press conference and he never brings that kind of stuff up but he did uh last night yeah it’s amazing put it in the perspective yeah had

Kelsey had two touchdowns last night gave the uh the Tay Tay symbol whatever the heart symbol to Taylor Swift of course Jason stole the show with his you know his his shirtless I tell you what man the legs appear to be in pretty good shape did you see him hop

Back into the suite after he jumped into the stands get up a little bit bill I mean I’m gonna maybe say something that’s gonna get me killed from the fans here and maybe an unpopular statement I love Jason Kelce and I love that Jason Kelce

Has a blast I love seeing him and I even liked seeing him in the in the tailgate with the Bills fans but the Eagles should have been playing yesterday yeah the Philadelphia Eagles should have been playing and a part of me was a little bit annoyed and I know I’m gonna get

Killed for saying it but it’s a little bit annoyed to see Jason Kelsey having such a good time watching a playoff game when we should be watching him play in a playoff game and I get it that’s just who he is and I love and you know you

Can’t really say anything negative about him but it was just like ah man yeah really I mean it’s you know what it was it’s a reminder like this this should there’s no way he shouldn’t be on a football field actually playing but like as far as like I know people why is he

Wearing a Chiefs hat he’s supporting his brother can we no I I I’m okay with that I’m okay with that and and and at first you know they do it I’m like oh I love Kelsey and then a part of me just like I know yeah but he should be playing in

The you know what the funniest part is there’s a shot when he I think it’s when he just for either he’s still he might still be in the suite at that point just pounding a beard down I forget but you could see his wife in the background

Like here we go again yeah it’s funny I showed my fiance that picture there was a screenshot and I said how much do you love Kelsey’s wife look she just knows yeah this is my husband let it just just they’ll try and you know they’ll try and

Harness this just just go yeah pretty funny um speaking of that though th this is again this came down yesterday I don’t know when she did the interview but the but it was uh I saw it on Pro Football Talk Michelle El T Foya former sideline reporter about Travis

Said that she heard Travis is is going to retire after the season and they both ride Al into the sunset together he and he and Jason wow man I mean you talk about a guy who still has some left in the tank we talk about Jason Travis still has I

Me both guys would go out on really high notes if they chose to do that and they’d have no problem transitioning into their next career no no these are not guys who are going to be twiddling their thumbs there’s be a lot going on here for for both of them yeah but I

Don’t know I think I’d be surprised I’d be surprised I tell you what I I think Jason is probably done probably done but I wouldn’t put it past him that he gets that itch again as the season starts to get close but for the Philadelphia Eagle

Sake we kind of need him to make the decision quickly because they have to know what they’re doing and how they’re going to transition I agree I agree I mean some of it I think some of it and I think Jeff M mlan alluded to this I I’m

With you I think he it’s more likely he retires but if they bring in someone you know that he feels strongly about as an offensive coordinator or something like that who knows you know anything’s possible but we’ll see I think he’s doing the smart thing he’s

Got to give himself some time and get away from it you know get away from it as much as possible I’m sure what I think I think two things happen in my opinion when he’s watching Travis I think there’s a part of him that’s like this is awesome I’m happy for my brother

But I do think there’s a little part of him that’s like damn man can I can I do I got one more in me do I have one more in me here to to crank this up and be in this spot again so I I think there’s a little bit of that

Too it’s and I think we do sometimes forget the toll that this takes on these guys bodies because there was a I think it may have been from a new Heights episode or or something that I saw where Kelsey’s wife was talking about how he can’t hold the babies too for too long

Because his back really starts to bother him and he needs to sit down and it’s like you know we don’t realize how physical this is I mean I only played up until the college level and I feel it now I can’t imagine a guy like Kelsey

Who plays offensive line for as long as he’s played offensive line must be in constant pain 365 days a year I agree with you I don’t know how he does it man I honestly don’t know how he does it all right uh so a couple things Jim Harbaugh

John’s brother uh two updates one he will meet with the Chargers again this week uh Will Jim Harbaugh he’s also set for a second interview with the Falcons as as well so he’s met with them both initially the the the Falcon thing has been interesting it looked like last

Week it was definitely bellich Yeah the more you see and here people in Atlanta are swearing up and down this thing’s still pretty wide open and they haven’t come to a conclusion yet hence you know the interview if you’re asking me I still think ultimately bich Atlanta Hardball Chargers ultimately but I don’t

Think either of those is a done deal yet no and I’m surprised that bill bich che’s ego is handling what’s going on that they’re still interviewing other candidates and they say he doesn’t have a lot of other options too Bill yeah I mean outside of Atlanta I thought the

Chargers would have been a good destination for him and I was questioning the Atlanta one I’m saying look belich as great of a coach as he has been learned the hard way that when you don’t have good quarterback play it doesn’t matter how good you are it

Doesn’t matter how good your defense is he couldn’t survive M Jones playing terrible football so I’m like well why does he want to go to Atlanta does he really have that much faith in Desmond Ritter and then I saw reports that he may pair up with Kirk

Cousins in Atlanta and that may make some sense I know Kirk Cousins doesn’t have any playoff success necessarily but that could be a nice match I agree with you I agree with you 100 perc that that would make sense that would absolutely make sense there and there’s there’s some they have some

Defensive pieces they got some other pieces if you got a good quarterback in there that would make sense um but were you have the mindset cuz look a lot of fans were basing their decision on serani that the reason you need to move on is because look at all of these

Coaches who are available and I kept telling fans even if they fire serani there’s no way they’re bringing in a bill bich or even a Mike Vel Lori doesn’t like retreads and he doesn’t like defensive coaches you look at every coach he’s hired outside of Ray rhods

Serani offensive coach no one knew about Doug Peterson offensive coach that no one really outside of Philly knew about because he played quarterback here right Chip Kelly was the only shiny object he went after offensive coach Andy Reid offensive coach that literally no one

Had on their radar so I did not think if he fired serani that he was gonna go hire a bellich or a Vel anyway so I never understood that argument nor did I I mean really and even if you want to take it back and I understand you noting

Ry because he was a defensive guy but Ry was had never ever none of the The Hires he’s ever made have had head coaching experience in the NFL chip had it in college but none of those guys did so again the only way that that happens if they really say hey we’re changing

Things up man we’re we’re throwing wrap it up toss it out the window we’re going completely different direction than we usually do but I’m with you I kept yeah that’s what I kept saying to Eagles I’m like all right uh you know you want serani out I get that but it’s not

Exactly GNA be what you think it’s going to be uh just just brace yourself you bring up Chip Kelly it’s another one yesterday I’m like yeah really all right so multiple Reports say that Chip Kelly is now being eyeballed again as an offensive coordinator in the NFL not as

A head coach but as an offensive coordinator he was the birds coach from 13 through 15 he’s been at UCLA since 18 uh he spent those three years in Philadelphia spent one year in San Francisco and and you know his other head coaching time has been at UCLA but

Apparently he’s another now he’s a hot commodity again how does this happen is this just a brilliant agent move is he trying to get more money out of UCLA like what what is this yeah you never know right I mean it could just be the agent putting it out there to try to

Gain some interest for him and maybe he gets a bigger deal because I’ll tell you what if I’m an NFL owner I want zero parts of Chip Kelly in any capacity quarterback’s coach consultant offensive coordinator it doesn’t matter you sold what he did in Philadelphia and then

What he did in San Francisco and I don’t think you have to go far to talk to some players and other people around the NFL that would tell you hey stay away from Chip Kelly because look maybe he’s a great offensive mind what we saw here in Philadelphia

Was an ego Maniac who literally tried to destroy a team simply because his ego couldn’t put up with star players we go back to what he did in 2014 2015 and this brings this full circle now to what you said earlier about hoe Roseman where where things look darkest he somehow is

Able to get them out of it I remember all the talk on sports radio when they fired Chip Kelly was it was going to take years yeah for them to climb out of the hole that he dug for them and how we did it in two so who knows but yeah I

Want no parts of Chip Kelly if I’m an NL owner yeah no and and and again if this is Agent stuff to get more money whatever knock yourself out but I’m good um all right did you see this too the the bills had Taylor Swift themed concessions yesterday this is right up

Your real they had Karma quesadillas they had bad blood waffle fries that they were offering up yesterday so you can’t get enough let’s capitalize more on Taylor Swift yesterday if if we’re the NFL even in opposing stadiums man look hey it’s like you said that this to start the show right it’s

All about it’s all about the dollar and look I get annoyed but it’s not Taylor Swift’s fault it really is it they keep flashing to her but I’ll tell you this and this is me now because I I hate it and I get annoyed by it but then I have

A nine-year-old daughter who loves Taylor Swift and she has never once asked me about football she knows that I talk about it never asked me about anything and she says to me the other day I didn’t even know she knew who Travis Kelce was and she said Daddy does

Taylor Swift’s boyfriend still play for the Eagles and I said well her his brother oh she goes oh yeah that’s right his brother plays for the like the fact that she even knew so I’m like it’s working the NFL is getting to a nine-year-old who didn’t give a crap about the NFL and

She’s asking me questions now oh it’s amazing it’s amazing all right um so a couple other couple other odds and ends here no extension coming for Mike McCarthy they’re gonna ride it out they’re gonna play this year which you know I can’t fault them I’m not extending Nick serani

Either he he can roll in the last year of his deal as far as I’m concerned is this the last year of sani’s deal I think he’s got it’s either this year or he’s got two but but to me it’s like I don’t care tough you know it’s you know typical

Kind of Jerry Jones to to to do this but I’m okay with them not extending Mike McCarthy if I’m Jerry Jones or I’m the Cowboys but the bigger question about extending is Dak Prescott they cannot go into this season Dak Prescott carries a $60 million cap hit yep it was 27 and 23

It jumps to 60 million and it’s the final year of his deal so yeah they could go into a lame duck season with McCarthy there’s no way they could go into this season with a $60 million cap hit for Dak Prescott they’re going to have to extend them to lower that hit

And it kind of if you’re a Cowboys fan would you want to do that I mean if you had your choice do you really want to hit your wagon to Dak Prescott for more years because I think you have to at this point in light of the contract

Situation you have to you can’t have that kind of hit it’s G it’s gonna affect so many other things that you want to do um this is the that’s the hard thing about that that’s why the Niners are in such a great position with pie it it allows you so much flexibility

The Eagles had it with Jaylen the Eagles had it with went when you hit that big spot man I mean the Chiefs have been able to do it credit to some other teams they’ve been able to do it too but it’s hard when you’re paying that much to one

Guy it really is and yeah I think they’re going to have to they’re still not paying him that much next year no shot but the crazy thing is is you you talk about Jaylen Herz yeah well Jaylen Herz next year $13 million cap hit 2025

22 2026 32 2027 45 2028 54 so his capit never hits 60 million and Prescott’s hit 60 million this coming season season and when jaylen’s finally gets up higher the salary cap will be bigger so this was just look the Cowboys kind of played roulette with not extending Dak early on

Then they did they franchise him I think for a year yes and this is why I know people are sometimes making the argument how he signed the quarterbacks too soon he signed Wentz too soon he signed Herz too soon but when you don’t sign them you get into this issue now where Dak

Prescott really has them I was gonna say by by the by the Stones can you say balls on YouTube I think you can hey John Della says balls he says the team you could say you could say whatever you want on YouTube yeah yeah we’re good get yeah you have to uh

Filter yourself when you get on the radio Rob uh correct there is uh there are other standards and practices uh that go there yeah um all right so other other other issues here for the Browns uh they expect Nick chub to come back they want flacko back in a backup role

Next year with Shawn Watson uh being able to start the season there so um they’re they’re you know clearly this was a a year where had I think if they had stayed healthy I think Cleveland is another team you really watch for next year um they’re going to be dangerous

For sure but uh you know I it would make sense to have some some really a good backup there for Watson because you know let’s face it from an injury perspective who knows uh the Texans Ravens game we’re starting to get some numbers back bill on some of the games on Saturday

Which was the early game 31.8 million viewers I can only think of what the the the night game last night is gonna draw what that bills Chiefs game is gonna draw it’s gonna be insane what that game is gonna draw the NFL is an absolute ratings monster man I mean

It it really is they that’s why they keep forcing it down our throats now we get it on Thursday and they got Saturday night games and they’re putting it on Amazon Prime and they’re making everybody download peacock and everyone’s complaining but they do keep watching man we all keep

Watching y uh Dave Canales who we talked about a little bit earlier will have his second interview a follow-up interview uh with the Panthers and again can I fault Dave Canales for taking an NFL job when there’s only 32 of them no not even a little bit but you know man careful

Owners you say there’s only 32 of them and this just reminds me of something that bothers me every single season and we saw it again this weekend with Ben Johnson these guys should not be asked to interview while the playoffs are still Ono I don’t understand why the NFL

Just doesn’t say we’re gonna wait until Super Bowl Sunday I don’t care if you’re in the playoffs if you’re out of the playoffs no interviews no coaching hires nothing happens until the day after Super Bowl Sunday yeah a team would maybe lose a month but it’s not fair

When you’re talking about guys who are interviewing for literally the job of their life there’s only 32 head coaches in the entire world and these guys are asked to not only prepare for the interview of a lifetime but the game of a lifetime like Ben Johnson what do he

Have three or four interviews one day here’s the crazy thing bill so you’re prepping for let’s say let’s take Ben Johnson for example you’re prepping for the for the Tampa Bay Bucks so you finish up whatever you’re doing that day and you got to go like boom boom boom in

These like three hour like there’s no way and anybody who’s been through this when you have like a super long day or you know you got to be locked in or you’re not by the end you’re just not there you’re not gonna answer questions as sharply as you would have I I agree

With it’s a really tough spot for these guys but right now that’s what they have to do yeah I I just don’t get why they do it this way I I really don’t I mean I I’ve had people make the argument well it kind of levels the playing field

Because a team that didn’t make the playoffs now has an opportunity to fill out their staff before the offseason begins it just it doesn’t seem right doesn’t seem fair to anybody involved and look we saw it with Jonathan ganet now he did it in violation of the rules

But it’s just it’s just not right and then you have teams too like look at the Tampa Bay Bucks if the Bucks wanted to make a coaching change which they’re not going to do but if the Bucks wanted to make a coaching change from Todd BS well

Why should they simply for making the playoffs not have the same ability to interview maybe guys that the Chicago Bears could or the Atlanta Falcons could you know it just doesn’t make it doesn’t make sense to me I agree with you it doesn’t make sense and you put I think

You’re just putting these guys in bad spots so uh Debo is 5050 to play this week which could really swing you know the the this game in a big way Niners are minus 6 and a half in their game against the Lions I like the Lions to

Hang with them I’m telling you right now I think they will hang around in that game we’ll see what ends up happening Todd BS wants Baker Mayfield back uh he is a free agent um again Ryan neelson goes to the Jags um who who is a that’s

A good signing by them and Zack Earth signs with the Lions who lost one of their backup tight ends so smart move because not only that leaport is dragging around one leg although he’s still playing great but to have somebody like Zack SS in there who’s playing some

Big games not bad not bad yeah smart move plus you got a guy even if he doesn’t make a play for you it’s another guy in that locker room who if they do beat the 49ers who’s been through the whole super bold drama that you have to

Go through for two weeks with the media and media day so it’s not bad to add that type of Veteran leadership into the room but man that Sam leapa would have been nice in an Eagles uniform r ah would have been nice well I remember leading up to the draft there

Was a lot of chatter about because there was a couple of good tight ends in the draft and a lot of people were saying well the Eagles don’t need a tight end they have Dallas scard but you look at this roster and there’s a lot of question marks going into next season we

Talked about the third wide receiver they absolutely have to upgrade their backup tight end position they need a second tight end especially if you want to be able to run that 12 Personnel Jack stole not a bad blocker doesn’t do anything in the passing game Grant calcatera not a bad receiver can’t run

Block by having that you really limited yourself you made yourself onedimensional when they’re in the game if you could have two tight ends who have the ability to not only catch the ball but run block it just makes it that much harder for teams to defend so I’d

Love to see them upgrade their tight end too I agree with you this team desperately needs depth on the offensive side they need a third receiver they need a backup tight end the other thing is Dallas guer gets hurt all the time so you can’t depend on him staying healthy

For all 17 games you need someone who’s going to come in and contribute when he went down this year granted I think it was only about three games whatever it was three four games um you got nothing out of Stoler calcatera or Albert o any of those guys they gave you nothing when

AJ Brown goes down in the playoff game Devonte Smith’s got to be a magician and if he isn’t nobody does anything you got nothing out of zakus so you need to upgr I I grant it you have more pressing issues on the defensive side I would agree with that but you need help

Depthwise on the offensive side uh for sure so a lot a lot uh certainly a lot of decisions to be made this off season man uh that is for sure all right let’s get a timeout let’s come back uh we’re g hit a bunch of other things we’ll hit

Some Sixers we’ll hit some flyers we’ll hit some Phillies we’ll hit a bunch of other things and close it out with some Eagle thoughts as well don’t go anywhere that’s Bill Karo I am Rob Ellis we are sports take we’ll be right back go to get your game on

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Rivera and we’re hearing Mike Caldwell so what we’re seeing here and and Caldwell was bounced in the Jaguars last year Rivera fired from the from the Washington commanders last year as well uh calwell will also speak with the Raiders for a senior defensive position H with DC flexibility should Patrick

Graham get a head coaching gig according to Jeremy Fowler of ESPN we’re seeing uh more veteran Laden guys who likely would not bolt after one year to get a head coach coaching gig is what we’re seeing at least in the very early returns here Bill I’m sure they’re going to run

Through a Litany of guys but if you’re looking at Rivera and Caldwell that would make some sense and possibly Martell I don’t think marale gets a a head coaching gig either yeah and you kind of like what you’re seeing whether or not they hire these guys you do like that maybe

They’re taking a look and saying it didn’t work this season bringing in an unknown defensive coordinator we’re going to try to bring in a veteran guy so I do like that maybe they’re self- analyzing and saying you can’t do things this way hopefully they do the same thing when it comes to

Personnel now whether or not they can fix all of these issues we talked about the whole show is another story if they can do that in one season but maybe they’ve learned their lesson and say look we can’t ignore linebacker we can’t ignore safety next season we got to do

Something but hey a lot of people want Jeremiah trer JR could we get the Axeman here we’ll see oh man I love that kid I love him I I watched him play at St Joe’s Prep I mean this dude’s a monster okay he is he came on from his he had an

Okay freshman year got a little bit of time and his sophomore year he took off and he kept it going his junior year I mean just absolutely unbelievable be such a cool story what do you think though he’s probably a second round draft pick you think probably yeah I

Mean the linebacker’s not quite as devalued as running back but it’s not far off in that League andag unless you’re an edge like a Micah Parson’s type it’s hard to be like a traditional linebacker and I don’t think it’s right but it’s hard to be taken high as a traditional

Linebacker in that league and they have two second rounders because of that trade with the Saints a couple years ago so that’s correct yep who know I mean fans would go nuts if they got Char Jun put him in number 54 be sick man it

Would be sick I agree with you all right let’s hit a couple other things here Bill uh one the uh the Sixers do play tonight be kind of cool to watch they uh they will take on the Spurs and Victor wembanyama he will be in uh in town who

Is he’s starting to really play well um you know there’s two things that strike you when you see him a he is skinni as hell man but you know he’s a kid but B that that even in a league where everyone is gigantic he is tall he is

Tall he’s fun to watch so that’ll be very interesting to see him he and embiid square off because embiid right now is playing he’s Unstoppable offensively straight up Unstoppable 20 straight games with 30 plus points and he’s doing lot of this in like three quarters of action

Bill it’s amazing what embiid is doing and I keep getting sucked back into this Sixers team yeah but if they don’t do it past the second round in the playoffs none of this is going to freaking matter man we need them to get out of the second round of the playoffs but here’s

My concern though about this this streak that he had and I know now he didn’t get the double double he didn’t get the 30 and 10 I think in the last game but I don’t want to see them doing things just just to keep and be streaks going I want

Them to do things that get them ready for the playoffs and they should dominate tonight I know you’re excited to see W weeman nyama can I say that right they stink as a team but yeah they stink so the Sixers should win their six in a row tonight you would hope but

While we’re on the Sixers talk let me ask you because every Wednesday I have Kayla Santiago I don’t know if you know Kayla but she does a great job covering the Sixers and we always talk about almost every week as this team is constructed can they compete when the

Playoffs get here or do they need that third score now a lot of people wanted Pas El kakum yeah the Pacers gave up a ton to get them I’m kind of Happy the Sixers didn’t make that move yep but are they good enough as constructed they have a lot of depths they’re well

Coached under Nick nurse but do they need a third scorer I think they do I don’t think they can compete now with the Pacers or the bucks or the Celtics or even the heat because you know the heat once the playoffs get here they turn on a switch and they’re a different

Team I agree with you they do need a third score uh the problem is you can’t count on Tobias Harris he’s going to give it to you sometimes most likely not going to give it to you in the playoffs and it’s a heavy burden to carry for

Embiid and Maxi um in a playoff you know atmosphere to be able to do that you’re also assuming embiid’s healthy when the playoffs start which he seems to never be so they need I I don’t think you have to mortgage the farm bill to bring

Somebody in even if it’s you know a guy who’s in the last year of his deal I would absolutely make a move to get somebody just another scoring piece in here just to lighten the load a little bit even if that guy’s coming off the bench I’m fine with that they actually

Have a better bench I think this is the best bench that emb’s had when you you look at guys like who just play very smart like UB uh Morris Patrick’s been playing well he’s been excellent for them there’s depth there that they haven’t had in a

Long time but they need a little punch in the starting lineup they do they need a little punch I would agree and look I you know me I’ve been sucked in uh I’m I’m I’m there I’m enjoying watching them play but even you know I can recognize

Do I think they can get past Boston no do you have to watch out for the heat like you said yes uh are the other teams behind them as easy as maybe they were last year like the Cavs in the Knicks no they’re not the Pacers you got to watch

Them now that they made this trade to see how much better they get I think they’re I think they’re an interesting team Milwaukee doesn’t defend as as well as I would like but Milwaukee’s good too yeah well let me let me ask you a question

That two months ago I never in a million years thought I’d be asking who goes further in the playoffs this season the Philadelphia 76ers or the Philadelphia Flyers man all right good segue good segue uh so the Flyers had a tough weekend tough weekend uh got

Up two nothing yesterday um and ended up you know falling apart and losing um and 3-1 too went up two nothing they had two two go leads yep two two goal leads and they ended up losing and then go back to Saturday man they fought back and you’re

Thinking wow here we go and then and then it just ultimately kind of they ran out of gas a little bit despite that despite that um I love what this team’s done this year I love the way that they’re playing you know I also like too

Bill I love the fact and and John torella sort of reiterated that last week I think it was hey we are not veering from the plan we know we’re playing well and we know there’s going to be some tough decisions to be made but guys who are helping us right now

Might have to go they might have to go so we can build this thing up the way that we want to and you know what amen stay true to what you’re doing yeah they’re they did a great job so far I mean no one had any expectations this year and they’ve already exceeded

Expectations I thought they were going to be one of the worst teams in the NHL and not only are they playing well they’re beating really good teams tough weekend like you said Saturday Carter Hart didn’t do him any favors gave up five goals and only 15 shots but it was

Yesterday that was the tough one but you’re right tarella said we can’t fall in love with anybody Danny Brier maybe it was about a month ago two months ago when he was talking to said we’re not going to change from the plan so this is how this team’s gotten themselves in

Trouble in previous years is always just going for that that season’s run without having their eyes on the future so it’s going to pain me if they do make some trades at the deadline if they turn into sellers at the deadline but it probably is the smart move but some young players

You know you and I talked a little bit about the whole cutter gotier deal and yeah any word on Jamie Dale is he is he healthy is he gonna be coming back because he was playing well in the few games we saw him but then he was out of

The lineup for a little while yeah he was dealing with a with an ill I don’t know and maybe some of it is just you know it’s just been crazy in terms of travel for him uh and and probably he turned it around and played pretty quickly after the trade I don’t know

Exactly you know the depths of this thing uh for him but yeah I I would I would assume he’s back pretty good I mean look we all know that the the power play’s been an issue uh this year to get somebody like that who’s a right-handed shot who can quarterback this thing you

Know it would be big um to get it back sooner rather than later but yeah I mean power play’s actually been putting up some goals I know they’ve been better you’re right they’ve been better lately the other thing that hurt them yesterday was no tip it he had the the leg injury

From weird going into the boards on Saturday whatever but if you get him I I don’t think it’s anything longterm with him which is the good news and um this question’s come up and I see Jim G in the chat here asking it again would you

Hang on the Carter har and you and I did talk about this the last time I was on the show and my position on it Rob is I would I mean we’ve had so many question marks at goenda bris galof and getting rid of Sergey bosski too quickly and just all

Of the changes at goalie I like that we have two good goenda with Carter Hart and they’re kind of playing against each other you need two solid goalies in today’s NHL you do and the other thing and I love what ERS sign’s given them this year love it

Absolutely love it but are we sold o on this short stint I know he gave you a little bit last year I’m not I’m not ready to move on from Carter Hart that’s not part of what I’m doing like I don’t think the with the Flyers are going to

Do with the trade deadline will involve young players like Carter Hart I think it’s gonna involve veteran players who are most likely GNA be on the move it’s not would you get rid of coutura um I I kind of put coutura a little bit in a in a different category

Simply because he’s such a good two-way player you here here’s the thing when you when you’re doing what the Flyers are doing you do still need veteran voices around you to show you how to go about your business in the right way and I put Couture in that category I’d rather not

But if somebody gives me a great package yeah I would I would consider moving him as well but I’d rather not move the crazy thing is as you look at what they got back for Claude jaru man the Florida Panthers I think got what like

18 games out of Claude Drew we got a first round pick and Owen tippet who I know best goal you’ve ever seen I mean that uniform I was up there man the spinning backhand sort of blind shot the other night was Insanity I think it was Thursday whenever it was oh my God

Ridiculous it it sick it was and and look J him yesterday so uh he tied it up I think he was the guy who got the goal the game tying goal but yeah he did last thing on the flyers before we move on I’ve seen some reports that they named

Travis kkny Captain but then I haven’t been able to confirm that is is that I don’t think that’s official I don’t think that’s I don’t think so either I couldn’t confirm it and I’ve saw some people posting about it I mean it would make sense to me to name connect he had

An unbelievable year so all right I I sort of think they like the somebody earn it this year and you’ll you know maybe you’ll get it next year I think they kind of like that it’s it’s sort of gone along with the approach they’ve taken you know this whole season but

We’ll we’ll see I I would I have any issue if they gave it to connect me no I think he’s not only has he blossomed as a player and become a consistent Force I think he’s grown up a lot as a guy too yeah I really do we’ve you know remember

We saw flashes when he was younger some knucklehead stuff that that’s not who he is anymore and I I love Travis conect me love the way he plays uh I don’t know if you saw this yesterday this I watched little a little bit of this game because

It was early I think it was at noon before all the all the football stuff started but and the Flyers so Iowa women’s basketball team lost to Ohio State which Iowa is Caitlyn Clark who’s the best scorer player of the year so the the the kids are storming the the

Court because the game was in Ohio State in in Columbus she got trucked this kid’s running out just as you would expect like this like just looking at the phone and running out not looking at where they’re going and Bam they collided now looks like she’s going

To be all right I guarantee we won’t see any more Court storms in in women’s college basketball this year that’ll be it as far as that goes Dam the damn lawyers ruin everything you’re you’re Brethren Bill you’re Brethren no uh but I thought that was kind of interesting here’s the other

Here’s the other thing I wanted to bring up with you before we get it back to the birds it’s been very quiet on the Phillies are they goingon to do anything other than sign Aaron NOA I mean we haven’t heard I’m like I know no really here’s

Here’s what I would say it’s the Major League Baseball you got a big problem you do this off season other than Otani and some I like some real sort of early on big name kind of stuff has been way too quiet way too quiet like that’s not good

For your game you want the Intrigue why we why do we care about the NFL it’s like it’s 12 months a year basketball does a pretty solid job of giving you at least like 10 11 months a year right I feel like I know the Phillies last

Played in late October right it it feels like a long time ago and that to me is is is not a good thing and I know the Phillies were in on a couple guys and it didn’t work out I’m glad they didn’t give Josh haer five years by the way

Very way too much money yeah way too many years but damn can can they do something here yeah I mean you’re spot on the reason why the NFL continues to win is because they figured out a way to make this a 365 day season because we go Super Bowl

Ends February we go right into free agency in March right into the draft in April little bit of a lull in the summertime but that’s a good time because everybody’s doing their vacations and things anyway but you’re right they got to do something because I forgot about the Phillies I mean I do

The Philly sports power hour every day I can’t tell you the last time I even talked about the Philadelphia Phillies because there’s nothing to talk about yeah all I seem to keep talking about is all right pitchers and catchers are in you know February 14th and February 18th

Like okay that’s great but you know what are you doing to add some depth what are you doing to add a right-handed bat that can make contact are you really gonna trust Taiwan Walker and I understand these things can come down late you know we we we could see something happening in into

Spring training but it it’s frustrating because I I see Atlanta has made some moves I see the teams around them have made Moves the Dodgers obviously have you know it’s like an All-Star team but I would like to see them be a little bit more active here for sure and another

Name you haven’t heard much is Ree Hoskins so I thought maybe he would have signed somewhere by now hasn’t happened the Chan is getting better maybe he’s back in the Phillies uniform 100% a one-year deal uh you have to you really have to ask yourself are you willing to

Sacrifice that defense and put schwarber back and left a little bit more Hoskins dh’s Harper plays first yeah that’s kind of where you’re at right now you know um and I think that’s do they want to start the season with roas and the miners Andor a platoon of Roos and uh Marsh in

Center you know the these are all the all the questions you have to ask yourself uh if you’re the uh if you’re the fight Fells for sure you know what’s sad though Rob we’re sitting here it’s January 22nd and we are talking about the Phillies and the only reason we’re talking about the

Phillies is because the Eagles are not getting ready yeah for another playoff game man and and every time I take a step back and realize like even this weekend watching the NFL playoffs and it’s like I can’t believe it’s over I mean I I can’t believe all offseason we

Were talking can they overcome the Super Bowl hangover and debating roster moves and all this and now it’s like damn it it’s over every year when it’s over it just hits you like a ton of bricks man I can’t wait until the season starts it

Really does man it it it is really hard to to it was it was yesterday I don’t know why Saturday didn’t hit me as hard Sunday Hit me hard uh thinking like damn it it’s over like last year we were preparing for the NFC championship game

This week and then it was on you know on to the next one it it was it’s it makes you appreciate with the Patriots and you know um you know the Chiefs have been able to do Etc but it’s also it makes you ask the question like what are the Eagles

Doing wrong or or or whatever what do they need to change to be more consistent than the highs and the lows and and I know Eagles would argue hey we won 11 games and blah blah blah we we all know what how that ended and what happened there and and the challenges

They have in front of them and that’s something they have got to figure out organizationally let me ask you that because you just mentioned about how how it ended is one of my theories that I’ve been saying is if the Philadelphia Eagles what have started off the season

Six and five or five- six which they very realistically could have when you go back and look at that 10 and one start they stole some games they shouldn’t have stole absolutely they did so if they would have started the season six and five and five or six and and we

Would have chalked it up to look this is what kind of happens coming off of a Super Bowl and you lose all these players and both coordinators would there have been a as much heat from fans to fire Nick serani or are we only saying that now because of oh it was the

Quote unquote epic collapse and I don’t necessarily think it was as epic as we’re making it out to be when you look at the season in its entirety I really think the Eagles were trying to tell us who they were all season and they weren’t that good of a football team

Even going back to week one they let M Jones throw for over 300 yards in week one they did I mean look the the the Optics of of six of seven are bad the Optics of the way they played the last game and losing 32 to9 are bad but there

There were cracks in the dam all year and it was only a matter of time before that Floodgate opened up and we were all hopeful and had some blinders on towards what was happening you know I chocked it up too they have they have that winning

Gene you know they they they can figure it out even when they don’t play the ray game and there’s something to be said for that and and you know blah blah blah some teams do have that but that wasn’t was going on with the eagles they just weren’t playing good football and

Eventually it caught up to them and not only did it catch up to him Bill like we saw the Niners lose three straight and respond we s we saw Buffalo fire their coordinator and respond there was nothing pulling the Eagles out of this in fact it was just spiring harder you

Know down the drain and that’s what you also have to look at like how did your team either not have the the Personnel or the mental fortitude to be able to handle a losing streak because everybody deals with it they couldn’t deal with it that was the biggest surprise that

Was the biggest surprised you know because like we talked about earlier we thought Nick serani built a great culture and even when you look at the veteran leaders on this team you thought guys like Kelsey and Cox and Graham and Lane Johnson that they would be able to

Respond to the adversity but I still keep going back to one I don’t think they were that good this year from a Personnel perspective on defense but two once they made the decision whether it was Hoy Roseman or serani once they made that decision to move on from Sha I that

Was the nail in the coffin that’s where I really think they lost the locker room there was a divide because I think players were looking around and saying what the hell is going on here who made this decision we’re already trying to learn a new defense and every single

Defensive player kind of came out after and talked about how hard that was still trying to learn Shawn desai’s terminology and the way he likes to do things and now not only do you switch defensive coordinators but you tell Matt Patricia you’re going to run another person defense that just is really one

Of the worst decisions I’ve seen the Eagles make in the last few years that was that was a bad one and and and I am I firmly believe then and I firmly believe now that that came from upstairs that did not come from Nick I don’t

Think that would do that to his fellow coach uh fellow coach in that situation and it wre a panic uh and Not only was it a panicky move also asking players at that 13 games in to to sort of run a new system every one of them on that exit

Interview last week even even Brandon Graham who’s the most upbeat positive guy ever was like it was tough you know and when Brandon Ram’s saying it like that that means it was really tough because he is trying to not lay anybody out and be a good soldier but yeah it

Was it was a massive mistake it was a panicky kind of move I I just hope there’s a lot of lessons learned organizationally from this past year bill because there’s a lot to be taken away from if your eyes are open and you’re willing and your ears are open

And you’re willing to because they may they they screwed up a lot and I know this gets fans angry and I’ve had people call me Bill spedo lately on the show because one I wanted to bring serani back but as angry as I am at Nick at how

Roseman and as angry as I am at Jeffrey lorri and saying that they are arrogant at times which they are you do have to look at the flip side and say they have had a lot of success I mean we talk about since 2000 the third most playoff

Appearances second to only the Bay Packers and New England Patriots in the last six years they’ve made the playoffs excuse me last seven years they’ve made the playoffs six out of seven times so I am hopeful when you’re looking for some positivity that they will learn from these mistakes because this is a

Well-run organization I know that some things they did this year were brutal but they are look at the Carolina Panthers for God’s sakes I agree uh all right we got a run uh so uh stay tuned you have the national football show with Dan cilio coming your way Bill you’re back with us

Tomorrow man we’re looking forward to it Joe squo will join us at 11:30 tomorrow thanks to Xander Krauss thanks to everybody in the chat everybody streaming everybody listening we appreciate you guys and uh we will see you tomorrow appreciate it thanks for hanging with us go to get your game

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  1. We are just gonna waste next year. Howie is the problem. Sirianni needs to go to – I agree he deserves to come back – but sometimes we just know – next year is gonna be a wasted year.
    Best case scenario we get a new good OC – great! They fix the offense then they leave and we are right back to square 1.

  2. Love to see Bill C.teaming up with Rob as we await DGunn's return. Good timing; good rapport; equal air-time and complementary commentating make for a strong show! 👍 Miss being in the chat but I watch every evening 😊

  3. Guys, Quez is a servicable #3. They don't throw him the ball. Quez got targets when Marcus was at QB. Zacheus got 60 targets with Falcons in 2022 and caught 40. He got 20 targets this past year. Hurts does not spread the ball around at all. I like for the Eagles to go after DJ Chark this year. Sign him to a 2 year deal and get him involved. IF AJ or Smitty go down the Eagles are in trouble.

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