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CJ Stroud Joins Pat McAfee Fresh Off Offensive Rookie Of The Year Award

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Riging defending Undisputed offensive Rookie of the Year ladies and gentlemen from the Houston Texans the founder of the strad house which is the stadium in Houston CJ Strat CJ I got you go what you housing some C4 dude ice gold woo you tried it sure what is

It I think you’ll be up for days Frozen bombsicle you tired it’s going to have you up boom you going to need it am I tired yeah long week yeah I am what’s up y’all what’s chilling man how are you buob I’m blessed bro doing well congrats on last

Night thank you man I thought you gave a pretty good speech pretty uh comfortable and relaxed up there did you practice you knew you were going to have to give one no I I go straight off the top yeah I don’t know I always have a couple

Points that I want to hit and then the last part just flowing you know so you put over Ohio State pretty big yet again you know because the conversation about Ohio State quarterbacks is uh you guys stink you know and now you have the greatest rookie season in the history of

The NFL on the record books congratulations CJ have you got a chance to enjoy it all look back on it because every time we’ve talked to you you’ve been in the middle of it so like it’s kind of Whirlwind whatever now that you got the award and I assume you’ve had

People tell you what you’ve done is different than anybody in the past have you got a chance to enjoyed it all and look back on it uh just a little bit you know I’ve been um you know during the season like you said you know you always

Going to what’s next um you know that’s what usually what my focus is and I’ve been able to like look back on some cool stuff that we did this year so know it’s it’s been a blessing man it’s been amazing to come to city like Houston and

Uh you know get a city hope again uh when it comes to football so know it’s a blessing man and appreciate the kind words bro you always been amazing hey no problem yeah need you out of the AFC South AJ’s got a question for you what’s

Your your I guess your first n NFL off season look like do you have plans have you have you like thought out what it might look look like yeah uh I have a pretty good idea I know yall just had David on here and he’s helped me a lot

You know just uh after that rookie year you know it’s long going from Fall camp in college all the way August of 2023 to not stopping until January of um 2024 so you know it’s been a grind and you know I need this time off right now I’ve been

Trying to just get my body back right let my shoulder rest and um really uh probably go on vacation here soon and just really just take some time off to myself but right when I’m I’m actually really excited to get back to work too

Know uh but I know I need some time off just for my mental sanity uh absolutely vacation is uh Beach we you in beach is that uh is that to play doing Beach hopefully soon and then I got Japan and Morocco I’m actually doing Quarterback Camps out there uh trying to teach

People out in other countries in Japan the sport of football they love football yeah yeah yeah hell yeah I’ve seen the leagues over there huge Market oh yeah huge who you going over who put that together My Guy Brian Bernie uh with athletes first you know uh works with

David and my mar guy in Morocco you’re doing camps as well yes sir you know any french I do not I’ve been in Morocco you speak French no big deal I’m culture culture I’ve also been to Japan you need anything let me know Ohio is good

Morning you’re going to love it and do do I mean Ohio is what good morning okay and then obviously uh no that’s all I got you’re going to be great over there though have you have you traveled much in your life that’s my first time ever going out the country oh buddy you’re

Going to are you going to become like has this been something you’ve always wanted to do I’ve always wanted to travel yes um never had time you know always since I’ve been like 13 I’ve always had like aou or 7 on S tournaments and stuff like that so yeah

Anytime you go on a trip you’re working cuz you’re playing in the entire thing everybody else around you get to enjoy the trip it’s it’s a celebration for them it’s just vacation yeah yeah popping bottles and just having fun but for me I’m working all right we’re

Wrapping up here on ESPN from Radio row we hope you’ve enjoyed the week that we’ve had here we can’t thank you enough for allowing us to do this for a living the show will continue on YouTube and ESPN plus we’ll be back for the biggest overreaction Monday of all time after

The Super Bowl that was CJ strad big shout out to everybody that spent time with us this week we’ll see you on Monday goodbye nailed it all right we’re off ESPN screws we still still on listen you don’t have to leave um it sound like it’s

Me if you want to leave CJ this is Colts guy right here yeah if you want to leave if you want to leave no we’re still on ESPN plus and YouTube so we just went off of ESPN I got you hard out at 5300 there you’re the man with the plan

I’m just going going well we’ve missed it uh couple we missed a heart out the entire that’s literally the first time we’ve ever done it you’ve made us better just like what you did in Houston dbuds got a question for you CJ speak of the man with the plan Bobby Slow your

Offensive coordinator his name was a hot name been a potential head coach and leaving I think it was a stat since 2022 every team has had to change their offensive coordinator how big is that for you that Bobby’s coming back with you in Houston for a second year it’s

It’s huge you know just to build that chemistry and that trust even more um it was a a great year just to get some games in our belt and just really feel each other out you know that’s one of the most important um relationships in the building you know offensive coordin

Quarterback so you know uh I was happy for him regardless of what he decided and it was even more exciting for him to come back so you know and I got my quarterback coach back D and he was amazing to me last year too so uh you

Know I think um the second time is always the best that’s awesome how’s tank doing recovery he’s doing great you know he’s he’s back jogging um and uh he looks amazing um his spirits are back up and you know he’s back to his old self cracking jokes and just being funny so

You know I love tank and I can’t wait to play with him again talking about spirits you said on the pivot that you reach out to Bryce young to give him like a motivational speech or whatever about how the year went and how your year went I assume you hear everybody

Talking about you see what CJ you’re now the you’re going to be the guy that everybody’s just like expecting people yeah that’s what it’s going to be like for these guys to get not just Bryce young and I appreciate you reaching out to him being a good friend and

Everything like that but going forward now like these guys that get drafted this year it’s like oh yeah who’s going to be the CJ stra of this draft well maybe nobody and then the next draft class who’s going to be the CJ maybe nobody well I would give them the advice

Like you got to be yourself like that’s something that I never did I never like wanted to be like another quarterback or be like anybody else of course like learn from other guy learn from my mistakes you know learn from my my successes but you know everybody’s going

To have their own um their own store their own lane so you know I’m excited for this rookie class to come up but like all that stuff everybody talks about the expectations man the expectation you should have is playing hard every single play playing um going to every meeting trying to take great

Notes like the little successes are what make big successes so um I’m not a a huge guy on just uh yeah I went out there and just Bal like no it’s not that simple you know it’s a lot of work put in I appreciate that but it’s a lot of

Work that’s put in behind closed doors you know and shoot you guys know y’all y’all were uh players and y’all Professionals in y line of working nominated for the Hall of Fame twice thank you oh my bad big homie but they cerio told a story of you

Coming in front of like 30 is that what he said 30 staff members and you just sat down and you were the only one that was just like yourself the entire time didn’t try to change it all is that because he like um I don’t want to bring

Up negative stuff but like do you think whenever you go through a lot of you almost find like more confidence in who you are do you think that like hardened you through some of that and that’s why you’re always yourself or has this been who you’ve been your entire

Life no I think hit on the nail I haven’t always been this way you know like it take time like to build a mindset build like a uh build your character you know I think God has to break you down to build you up and um

When I was a kid you know I went through a lot and you know that that just preparing me like you said just uh to be more comfortable in my own skin and you know be okay with being vulnerable you know and um in that moment with with the

Texas when I sat down and I just was like man whatever I’m going to do throughout this whole draft process I’m going be myself because that’s what I’m going to be when I step in the building so I might as well just tell the truth

And and and be real you know and um it it was amazing just to know get the great feedback that I got cuz I’m just really just being myself through everything yeah well if you’re always yourself you never get caught M you know at some point right people will find out

Who the hell you are my mom used always say whatever is done in the dark comes the light boom sounds like your mom got some bars here you know they gave her a big shout out con man’s got a question for you yeah CJ rookie year you go to

The Pro Bowl how was it did you enjoy the Precision passing and are you as mad as we are that Dan orlovi tried to show all the quarterbacks up and score the most points in the Precision post it and post it after the fact when everyone knew what scor when else I

Don’t think he even knew uh you know uh it’s all good it’s all love I like d so I ain’t tripping but that’s good that’s big Dan need to hear that Dan need to hear that need to hear yeah you know it’s all those things are fun more than

Of course for me I hate losing and you know I lost and that sucked but uh I had a great time man uh meeting everybody in their family and having my family out there been able to go to Universal and Disney World you know I’m I’m a big kid

At heart so you know I had a ball and I had a great time out there hopefully first of many so um shout out to Dan man go break it again night baby Dan Dan we love you Dan Dan rovski doesn’t get a lot of that Andy re how long have you

Been with C4 like 3 four years man they were my first nil deal in college so you know it’s been amazing work with them I take their protein powder I take their energy drinks and um their pre-workout so it’s been amazing NSF certified so you know the league ain’t going to be

Tripping on this and which is good yeah it’s great hey well congratulations on all the incredible stuff business-wise ni so that money was just in your bank account or was it like in future bank accounts tell you pad my pockets P pad my pockets I just want to

Know like as a teenager when that gets put in there like I would have I got a loan out for 40 Grand to party like that’s it just to have a good time and if I didn’t make it to the NFL I was broke like everybody else and if I made

It to the NFL I just pay it off now I got like 20% interest loans on those things so I end up paying a lot of money to have a good time but like some of the deals you guys were signing was like absurd you just had to be like mature

Very quick how did that whole how do you even know how to deal with that like legitimately yeah I think you got to uh you got to hire the right people you know I’m not going to sit here act like I know everything and knew I knew what

Type of money I was going to be bringing in and uh taxes and um bank account and credit and um debit whatever all that stuff financially not not my my expertise but you know I signed a great team my guy Tommy Associates has done a great job uh uh with my financials and

Then I have Brian and David who helped me a lot as well so uh get those deals and tell me the real money I’m making after taxes and all that good stuff so you know I definitely had to mature fast and be smart with my money that is hey

What you guys are doing that why so much smarter than us yes and obviously you’re so much better than us at everything that’s why you’re offensive Rookie of the Year in the NFL exactly ladies and gentlemen with C4 I mean just need you out of the AFC

South about 20 25 years 25 years yeah that then you’ll be then he’s gone he’s going to be there for another 15 years he’s going to make what 250 300 fully guaranteed we know who reps him he’s not going anywhere get us that sucks yeah Colts are so

Forever we get to see him live in person once a year though hey here we go there we go excited to see AR though I’m excited to see too man honestly he’s a great player man I’m I think we’re going to have a I think ASC sou is going to be

Great for years to come yeah Trevor’s young as well we don’t know what will if Will’s the guy in Tennessee or not like we look good this year I like Will’s game I like AR I think Trevor’s really good so know there going to be a battle

Every week um in AFC South yeah you’re right that’s AFC sou football that’s that is that’s cool I’m I’m down for it hey I’ll be there drunk on the side so hope you do great last time you won a division who cares relax who cares this badid question I’m just asking a good

Question you ask me a question I asked you a question yeah my name’s on the wall yours isn’t see wow that’s see that that wall that wall that one there’s a lot of those Dames my bad big homie when was last time we won 17 I think I don’t

Know 16 17 I don’t know what we got stuck on the future man we got yeah we’re talking about yeah we’re talking about right now coming back all right yeah absolutely Shane Sten yeah Shane when was the last time you guys won AFC South there it is 2 14 2014 that’s not

That long agoy what 10 years ago 2014 part of that I that was my team freshman at high school before this last year it was 2019 for uh your information you guys yeah when was the last time we did 2019 I think so we were there oh yeah yeah D

People care about winning the division oh yeah dud yeah you get into the playoffs I mean okay first couple had t-shirt game Home 2014 we suck you guys have suck for a while what’s your problem man that’s not good this is supposed to be a feel-good Friday you

Let me ask questions barar Walters 2014 hold on thank you thank you you do like these yeah I like those the snake died his sleep y we didn’t kill it of that’s right ladies and gentlemen the future of the NFL the Curr of the NFL CJ Stra


  1. Just like my Packers I initially didn't see the Texans making it far at all and boy did they prove me wrong as both teams made the playoffs and had big upset wins in the Wild Card. Texans and the Pack both have a really bright future.

  2. Looks like Stroud struck a Nerve in Pat lmao, way to reel it back CJ, 'I like them shoes Pat' LMAO

  3. Pat to CJ7, "My name's on the wall", seriously dude? You were somebody. D-BAG commentary.
    CJ IS NOW!

  4. im excited as a texans fan we got this guy however i cant overcome the referees and nfl rig games. . makes it all pointless

  5. lmao i’m sorry but the C4 takes me back to the good days… i remember when i was in high school on the football team and we would take so much C4 pre workout that we would turn into feral animals🤣 the crazy thing is we always went to conditioning (running) after lifting weights, so that C4 would have u throwing up or feeling like u might have a heart attack in the 100 degree summer day

  6. Buckeye Nation loves our C.J. and his family. His mama is amazing. She done good. He is just him and is real no fake and he lives in The Lord.

  7. CJ Stroud great on and off the field. The game needs players like this. Maybe a Walter Payton Man of the Year in the future. Represent the Inland Empire young buck. The future is what you make it.

  8. Texans fan here. Hey Pat, stop! CJ is gonna be a Texan until he retires and the Colts gonna have to loose to the Texans every year, just like we suffer through Peyton.

  9. I love that dawg in him bro. He goes back at anyone at anytime. Make sure your team has won something because he definitely gone ask you about your team 😂😂😂

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