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NFL CUT TRACKER, Kelces Cry, Nick Saban’s Retirement + ๐Ÿ€ NBA with Zach Harper | GoJo & Golic | Mar 7


-Saban Sheds Light on Retirement
-Seahawks Continue Their Cuts
-Zach Harper on NBA in Hour 2
-Buffalo Bills Go Cut Crazy
-Cute Kelce Moments
-Favorite “Golic-isms”

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Yeah What’s up everybody Welcome to Gojo and gock Mike gock Jr Mike gock Senor Claudia Bell and I holding it down here in the draftking studio in Boston we got a great show for you guys today as always download subscribe rate review it leave us a festar rating and check us

Out here live from Monday through Friday 8: to 10: a.m. eastern on the Draft Kings Network wherever you get that you can also hear the best of Gojo and goolock noon to 1 p.m. Eastern wherever you hear V decent on the radio fun one today athletic basketball writer Zack

Harper going to join us later in the show I need to figure out how the magic all of a sudden got their way to fourth place the only answer I have so far is Paulo banero and then a bunch of question marks and so hopefully Zack

Harper will be able to fill in all of the question marks there um we’ve got a lot to get to with the Buffalo Bills uh and the rest of what’s going on in the NFL around free agency the trade the uh franchise tag deadline all these changes

And deadlines in the sport dad that have seen teams have to make really hard decisions and I think the Buffalo Bills are a fascinating window into modern team building because yesterday we saw they had to slash prices everything must go especially if you are a member of the Buffalo Bill secondary yesterday the

Bills announced they released two-time Pro Bowl quarterback to davius White All Pro safety Jordan puyer in addition to starting center Mitch moris amongst a host of other changes dad that are going to try and get the bills down back below the cap they’re about $40 million over

The cap to start yesterday these moves once they factor in some of the post June first things they’re in an effort to save them about $35 million but there’s no doubt Dad looking at what the Buffalo Bills have been for the last 4 to5 years a poster of consistency in the

AFC the team that stepped up and took the Manel from the Patriots in the AFC East now having to make Marquee changes so Dad is this the closing of the Buffalo Bills Super Bowl window what’s on the line for this team right now well we’ll get to the Buffalo Bills Mike I

Just you know we’ve been doing this together for a while and sometimes you know you missed the mark to start a show I mean this this is obviously talking about the bills and and what’s going on here uh is is important but first off you had one of the best things you know

On social media yesterday I mean your decision of RB fries and chickfila Fries I think is more took over social media than football took over social media I I wanted to give that a little bit of love first you jumped right into football I was very proud of you for going with the

Arby’s curly fries well I you know listen I didn’t even know that that was a thing like I I thought Chick-fil-A fries were just Far and Away number one so I think your dad’s right that that’s a short conversation we need to have before we get to football there’s a lot

Of there’s a lot of controversy surrounding this so I don’t want to give too much away yet but March Madness is on the horizon there’s a lot of things coming up that we’re planning here around the show that may have to do with fast food conversation it sparked a

Debate yesterday in our post show meeting about who has the best fast food fries and I’m not I’m going to be honest Chick-fil-A wasn’t getting mentioned near the top a whole lot at all there were a lot of people the checkers and rallies crowd came out in full force

Obviously Five Guys was well represented you people out there saying In-N-Out Burgers Fries find God you know that’s not true I know people in my life that love Inn Alber I’m not one of them I think it’s fine I think it’s good for the price rice but the fries you can’t

You can’t look yourself in the mirror and really say you believe those fries are worth consideration in this conversation like Dad I don’t know if you got a clear number one but my whole point was the waffle fries from Chick-fil-A they’re fine the curly fries from Arby’s they’re an institution they

Are an industry leading bit of Spud work and I think they deserve their moment in the Sun and they got it yesterday see growing up I was a big McDonald’s guys around my swimming days and I thought the McDonald’s fries were always the best because I thought they salted them

Just right but they have they have definitely taken a turn to me and and I’m with you the Arby’s fries don’t get brought up enough I don’t think enough people understand how good those curly fries are so I’m with you because I do like the Chick-fil-A waffle fries a lot

So I just wanted to give you Kudos uh for going with the AR fries because I don’t think they get enough love I do think the McDonald’s fry still probably like it’s the Michael Jordan in the goat debate it’s the one then until further notice someone’s got to come and take

The crown from it there and I think we’ll see that reflected as we continue this conversation going forward but I’m very passionate about the way people shape potatoes like I I I the other thing that came up in all this the most overrated cut of fry crinkle cut fries

Well I was just going to say I feel like curly fries and straight fries for McDonald’s are a different this is a whole conversation which I don’t think we have time for in the a block but this is a whole another conversation curly F fries hit different than straight fries

So I don’t even think of them as the same they’re all in the they’re all in I forget if it’s genus film class order whatever in that I don’t know what that would fall under for fries and spuds in the way that they’re shaped here but I

Do think they deserve to be considered together but if we wanted to have a straight fry category my sister in Christ we got uh we got stuff that we can get to on that right now so at Gojo and goic on Twitter stay tuned because

We are going to have a lot more on this front that you’re going to be able to argue online about very very soon as we approach March mad around here on the show so dead now that you’ve digested all of this pun fully intended baby are you ready to tell me

How the Buffalo Bills are supposed to bridge this next Gap well listen it’s GNA this is what happens you know the bills come a Callin and not not to to be the absolute pun for the Buffalo Bills the bills did come a call in it’s a pun

Morning uh and you know you’re falling into this right I mean you know the situation that you’re going to be in even though the cap is a record this year at 255 million and again for those for the information by next Wednesday that’s the first day of the new NFL year

So that’s when all the teams have to be under that cap this happens every year right it’s just a matter of how much it happens of where your contracts are stacked and what you have looking forward maybe you know because injury has to do it you look at at a uh travius

White you know for the bills this guy has been a fantastic player but he’s got an ACL and 21 in November remember and achilles four games in in 23 and basically you’re paying him 20 some million doar so you know that math just isn’t going to add up uh same thing when

We get to Seattle about Jamal Adams but you know one team at a time here in Buffalo they’re they’re going through a lot now they may sign some of these players back we’ll wait and see at a lower amount there the the what goes on now with GMS and management and players

Is uh a were will you take a pay cut even if you’re asked that b you just flat out get cut or C they’ll restructure your deal where you don’t lose any money but you’re actually helping the team by taking a a a a check

For a lot of money and knocking the cap number down but this is the most of the time where you see guys getting cut who have bigger cap numbers or or restructured but for the most part cut and you’re seeing good players right or somewhere else just not at the

Money they’re making now they’re a little older Mitch Morris’s Center is 31 puyer the DB is 32 so but they’ll they’ll be playing somewhere but at some point and teams see it coming they know a year or two away unless this person is playing at an unbelievable level that

They’re probably going to be a salary cap so I don’t think a lot of this is a big surprise no it’s not a big surprise but this is also the result of the big swings that I think we’re seeing more often right where teams that are close

And knocking on the door and again the Buffalo Bills you go back to 2019 double digit wins every year the last four seasons they’ve averaged much like the Dallas Cowboys that got talked about a lot in the last couple of days in the talk show cycle you look at a team

That’s averag 12 wins a season for the last four years oscillating between 11 and 13 dad that’s gone on to at least the divisional round of the playoffs in the last three years now they’ve also lost there and so I I know the Cowboys conversation was do they have a winning

Culture which yes obviously you’re winning 12 games a year you know how to win as do the Buffalo Bills but Dad the bills have had that Patrick Mahomes problem and to some extent uh you know also a Joe burrow problem and a Bengals problem in the AFC but now this team

That went in and their quarterback like a lot of these teams have to do they’re being asked to finally make that shift dad that we’ve already seen the Bangals make in recent years the shift that we’ve already seen the Kansas City Chiefs make in recent years where once

You’ve got the quarterback locked in and I think we’re all pretty comfortable saying at this point Josh Allen one of the game changers one of the weapons he’s one of the Titans you’ve got at quarterback in this league he’s worth having arounded that number and on his

Own can lift you in places that most other quarterbacks can’t but now it forces you to move a little bit different and for a Bills team that’s got 10 draft picks coming up in the upcoming draft there’s a huge amount of pressure on them being able to rebuild

Because we sat here before this last season dad and said Buffalo Bill secondary getting older and a bit more of injured the spine of a defense that used to be the strength of that unit is now starting to crack and Decay and so while you’ve got certain pieces like at

Oliver and some others to still build around there you’ve got to do a lot of your weworking cuz you swung big on contracts like Von Miller when you thought you were trying to kick down the Super Bowl door and once you had the misstep on that now you got to come and

Pay the cost and we’ll see how much it cost him M because let’s look at it they did restructure Von Miller so he’s still going to be there they sign that big deal they restructured it uh one of the ways I I said teams obviously do it

Travius white is the best player that was cut but he’s also been a guy who hasn’t been on the field remember this defense was a top 10 defense overall I think close to a top five defense against the pass in about middle of pack against the run so they got rid of puyer

They got rid of Neil another defensive back but on the on the defensive side nobody and and white of course but white wasn’t part of that what they did this year though you’d love to have him healthy on the team I get it so I I’m

Not sure Mike if the rebuilding is as it looks like a lot of number of players but but let’s look at the Players the really core players that are contributing to this team I don’t know if is if it’s as much to rebuild as we think but they are fighting father time

On this because they’re well I should say they’re fighting Patrick Mahomes in Kansas City on can you build a team in Josh Allen’s time to compete and beat the Kansas City chief the Chiefs in Patrick moles time well I think but you’re losing multiple leaders like guys

That were also Main Stays in your locker room culture that you built around there you’ve still got questions on offense around number two receiver if Gabe Davis isn’t going to be the one there opposite Stefan Diggs like you’ve got a bunch of questions that you’ve got to answer all

Over the place and to your point I’m not saying that the rebuild could be difficult but you’ve got to hit on some draft picks now you’re going to have to find some free agents at more of a bargain price that can play a little bit outside themselves or more just within

The structure of what you’ve got there but they haven’t necessarily found Air apparance at a lot of these places and I think that’s the concern they’re certainly not the the only ones Claudia as we talk about the Seattle Seahawks who have also been busy in recent days I

Think another sign of a number of teams that are kind of in that retooling mode right now yeah Seahawks at the topic of that conversation like you mentioned after cutting safeties Jamaal Adams quandre Diggs and tiend will dley on Tuesday they followed that up on Wednesday by cutting defensive tackle

Brian Monae he missed off last season recovering from knee injury keep that in mind but all of these combined saved over $30 million in cap space over the last 26 hours so yes they have been busy now of course the next question is where are they going to put all that money where

Are they going to fill those spaces so Gojo any names that come to mind for you for Seattle well so for Seattle it’s interesting because I’m not as worried about them doing it in the her and now like I think they can afford dad to be a

Little bit more judicious in the way they go about this because you’re bringing Mike McDonald over there’s all the new right now you are starting a new regime here you’re doing it with a quarterback and Gino Smith that you’re pretty committed to but not super tied

In longterm to and so you’ve got a lot of options of how you want to build your future it’s a Choose Your Own Adventure game right now I don’t think there’s a ton of pressure on them in the team building when it comes to this Dad but they’ve given themselves options they’re

Being proactive where I think a team like the Buffalo Bills kind of had to react to hey the Von Miller thing hasn’t worked out the way you hoped it would that cost a little bit more so we got to make moves some of these guys got old

And hurt at the wrong time and so Dan I don’t know who you look out and see is kind of under the most pressure now in the offseason teams like the Buffalo Bills or maybe the Detroit Lions because they’re coming towards the most mature version of this current roster or who

Else might be in that same vein cuz I don’t think it’s the Seattle Seahawks no I agree I don’t think it’s Seattle either coming in with a new coach on where they’re going to be is Gino Smith going to be the quarterback for the next handful of years or is that something

That’s kind of a wait and see uh I I agree with you I I think Buffalo is definitely under more pressure because we keep putting them there they keep making moves to compete not only in that division which they had taken over from New England but obviously with the

Kansas City Chiefs the the cream of the crop in the AFC so I I think they’re they’re a little more kind of guys we need to we need to figure this out you know we need to figure this out while we got this quarterback because at the end

Of the day that’s what it’s all based around right the quarterback that you have you know what you can build around if you can win for Seattle it was another one of those where you took a chance on someone you paid Jamal Adams a ton of money

Right a ton of money and the first year in Seattle he had n and a half sacks that’s that’s what that safety did he was so good at it last three years he’s played nine games one games 12 games and zero sacks in three years so you end up

Missing on that and you know that’s that you wish it would work but it doesn’t so you figure that’s going to be a cap casualty but I agree with you they they have a little more time now no team ever feels like they have time every team

Feels like they need to make the moves and be competitive right now but as far as the two teams were talking about I I absolutely agree with you that more pressure is on Buffalo to figure this thing out to try and get to the Head of the Class while Seattle is going through

A bit of a change now Jamal Adams Von Miller even the Russell Wilson conversation we had the other day are kind of signs and I think correct me if I’m wrong on this guys I I think those are moves at the time now the Jamal Adams might have been the most

Questionable one of the bunch considering what the thought process was on him as a guy who’s a little bit more limited as a box safety even if he offered you some of the pass rush wiggle and ability that you could work into that scheme in Seattle but for everyone

Else the Russ move as maligned as it’s been now as one of the worst trades of all time at the time we said all right there was a very different opinion on Russ coming off his time in Seattle there was this view that the Denver Broncos were a quarterback away Von

Miller was fresh off of helping the Los Angeles Rams win a superbow as this guy that was this late season source of pass rush juice that helped them kick open the door the thought was hey maybe you can get the same out of him in Buffalo

Like if I’m a team or if I’m a fan of a team I don’t know I would imagine you’d be excited to see your front office making these kinds of hyper aggressive moves when you think you’re within range it’s sort of the conversation we’ve had the other day about why the trade

Deadlines picked up in the NFL because I think you’ve got more teams willing to risk it willing to burn the boats like the Rams and the Buccaneers did in favor of trying to win in the here and now which as a fan of a team I’d imagine is what you

Want Mike I’m with you look at the moves I don’t think they were bad moves start with Von Miller what we saw him do with the Rams so you said okay let’s kind of Bank on that and he gets hurt you look at travius white you know getting signed

By the by the bills a couple of years ago I mean he was phenomenal player right and he as I mentioned ACL then Achilles Jamal Adams while I agree with you more limited that the the safeties are more versatile today but when he signed he was that safety he was what

The safeties were doing then he was at box safety that could wreak havoc and he did he was doing it with the Jets and he did it his first year with Seattle and as I just mentioned the games he played in the last three years he got hurt it’s

The biggest thing we can all do all the prognostication that we want but injury still seems to while bad play will do it but injury can be the biggest factor in all of this it’s the the sport where you get injured I believe the most you sign

Guys to Big deals and you hope they live up to them but the one thing you can never look at is is he going to get hurt or not or if he does get hurt how bad is it going to be and there’s three players right there that had major major

Injuries after getting major major dollars I’ll still push back and say that Jamaal Adams one was a bit of a risk as was Theon Miller won because he’s an older player and with the length of that contract how much money they gave him that was the concern going in

Was you paid that much for an older player and so this is what comes with the territory when you got guys being asked to play the violent positions into their mid-30s no I listen I agree with you they’re listen you swing and sometimes you swing and miss and in these cases

They were swings and misses not like the Rams gave Von Miller a ton of money but Buffalo did I I kind of scratched my head at that one you know I’m not sure what the market was for V at that point to give him that money to give him that

Much money you would think others were coming after him uh as well to be basically a pure pass rush guy so you take swings and when you miss I mean when you miss you miss I think it’s a lot easier to miss when you’ve got again the back stop of that quarterback that’s

Why when you look out into this off season a team like Seattle’s got to be a little bit more proactive because I don’t know if they’re sure Gino’s the guy long term he’s their best option now for sure right move to stick with Gino if you want to bring a young guy in

Under him that’s cool more power to you but for everyone else looking out this offseason like we’re going to look at teams like the Cincinnati Bangles because they’ve got T Higgins finally coming up you might finally rock with some of those weapons from the Joe burrow group that’s helped him in his

Young career even though you’ve already changed over on the defense the bills we’ve talked about but man we’ve talked already about the 49ers who are coming to the last year of that Brock pury rookie deal Jared gofs last year for his contract with the Detroit Lions and really that Lions offensive line that’s

Been the star of the show all of the sudden getting ready to maybe lose Parts with Jonah Jackson as a free agent pan Su is going to be due for a Payday soon like those are the teams I more worry about where you got very good quarterbacks but you don’t have one of

The space aliens and when you’re coming up on paydays at the end of the deal now all of a sudden the clock really starts ticking and now all of a sudden I think the pressure starts to mount in a year where you got a little bit more cap

Space now you got to and with that is going to go the expectation from the fan base to say all right found money you found $20 in your jeans while you were doing laundry what are you going to go out and buy with that right now that

Question uh still Unwritten right now so we’ll wait to see what happens on the NFL front is again the Buffalo Bills slashing prices to try and get down under the cap coming up next though let’s get to the NBA last night this Golden State Warriors slashed all the way through the supposedly improved

Milwaukee Bucks defense what’s it mean [Applause] Next A He N N [Applause] Welcome back to Gojo and goic how do you bounce back from a 52p point loss to the celf well easy question you just go beat up on the next best team in the East and that’s exactly what the Golden State Warriors did last night they took down

Yanis in the Milwaukee Bucks with a 35o win and the defense stepped up and one guy in particular subbing in for one and only Draymond Green Trace Jackson Davis rookie big man had four of Golden State season High 13 blocks and he did it against Giannis who does that well

Draymond Green had to sing his Praises after the game I told him thank you he saved me cuz I was awful in the third quarter um missing layups turning the ball over and Steve got me out of there uh got Trace in and you know he was blocking shots he

Was rebounding he was dunking the ball um good finishes and he just brought the life back to us you know they were starting to make that run and when you’re playing against a great team they’re always going to make a run you know and you try to get yourself out of

And I just couldn’t get it going there in the third quarter and um you know Trace came in and saved not save me for sure cuz I was awful but saved a day for us got to you know build the lead back up I think they cut it to six and uh he

Was able to make make a lot of plays on both ends of the floorida to get us back in a position uh to take control of this game again well we do love the accountability guys right and we do love to see rookies stepping up we’ve talked

About the depth that this Warriors team has but my question is are we concerned at all about the inconsistency and I know you don’t want to look at too small of a sample size but get blown out by the Celtics and then blow out the Bucks

Does that say more about the bucks or maybe inconsistency with the Warriors Gojo I think it’s it’s it speaks to what we’ve felt about Golden State for a while is maybe not Championship outfit this year but scary scary matchup especially coming from where they’re likely going to come from in the bracket

Because if you can step on this landmine potentially On Any Given night you’ve always got to be ready a team dad that can hit you with this kind of barrage from three the way that they can but also does have that depth and has so many different guys and types that they

Can throw at you we always know once you get to basketball in the playoffs in the NBA it’s about hey game to game series to series how can you adjust and match up and Golden State because of some of the injuries to their key players draymond’s talked about how much him

Being out from suspension gave way to Jonathan kaminga helping take a big next step for them and how important he’s been to that team The Warriors have built up an interesting Treasure Trove of parts that they can use should they get their way out of the play and into a

First round Series where all of a sudden you got seven games to mix and match yeah that’s beauty of of having somebody step up who may be you know in a different game as we’ve talk about this a lot especially in the postseason who outside of the Stars Tech step up and in

This game was in the postseason but it is Trace Jackson Davis who steps up with the four blocks three against Giannis 13 blocks as a team he has 15 points and he’s averaging seven points so he steps up and helps bail as Draymond said helps bail Draymond Green out as well as the

Team a bit but I still think you know there’s a reason and they’re in the ninth slot and the Lakers are in the 10th slot is we watch them I think kind of with hope can they do it again I don’t know if it’s as much as

Every time tiger steps on the golf course we hope you know that tiger can play well and we can see him on Sunday anywhere near the leaderboard you know we have Steph Curry the greatest shooter of all time LeBron play LeBron James you know right there is one of the greatest

Of all time and what he is doing you like to see those players there at least I think a lot of people do there are some that that probably don’t but it’s they’re nine and 10 for a reason and I think Claudia mentioned it’s the consistency could they could they

Consistent consistently do damage in the playoffs when it’s a series and that’s what I don’t know now I know Minnesota sitting in the one one slot and Oklahoma City in the two aren’t used to going deep in the playoffs so that could be an issue playing one of those top teams the

Teams that are a LeBron Le team a Steph Curry Le team who are very uh experienced in the playoffs would make it interesting matchups right out of the gate that’s for sure I think it all comes down to this late season push right like we have the top dogs we

Talked about the Celtics the Bucks in there but a team like the Warriors that has the depth the question that comes into it is is the defense there and and Dallas comes to mind for me and Luca everybody keeps talking about the issue that that man is what whatever it is

Like five consecutive triple double 32-point games but it doesn’t matter cuz they’re not playing defense and they’re not winning cuz it’s all on his shoulders we have a squad like the Warriors where 12 players last night put up points Steph will drop 30 but he has

The support behind him and now you have young guys like this stepping up on defense it sounds silly because we always say you know defense wins championship and defense matters in the playoffs but if we’re talking about who’s the actual contenders I think that is going to be the point of difference

Well and I I think it’s important to consider you’re absolutely right when you think of a team like Dallas who has to spend so much time hiding their best player on defense and Luca and Kyrie not necessarily a value ad either there because he’s small it’s a little bit

More difficult to factor him into that and then you look at what’s going on here I think this game last night is an interesting way to think about that because what’s the conversation been for Milwaukee for the last however many weeks since Doc Rivers took over is fix

The defense fix the defense we came on the show yesterday and talked about how since doc had taken over since they had fired David Griffin they had been the second best team or first team in defensive efficiency since that point in time but last night you saw the stat

Golden State Warriors when it’s a block party and you’re getting out in transition golden state was able to kill him Jonathan kaminga and these guys running the floor is a nightmare and so it was less on the Milwaukee Bucks defense I think I mean listen the Golden State Warriors shooting damn near 50%

From three not cute but that’s what happens sometime with that team and that’s why they’re so dangerous because you can get buried under the Avalanche quick but Dad it was I think a Milwaukee team that struggled a bit offensively Giannis coming back into the lineup after missing a couple of games with

That injury and having to sort of reinsert himself in there it does throw off off a little bit of the things in there you’ve got to work so much more of that and we saw that offense looked a little bit out of sorts for them the defense for the Warriors turned that

Into points and the rest was sort of the night so Claudia is absolutely right in that we get to this time of year and teams that have a little bit more on the tool belt and Golden State certainly does to an extent with some of the guys they’ve got there pedigree wise are

Absolutely built to make a difference yeah I I listen I I agree with all of that and I still wait for Milwaukee uh to get Chris Middleton back I I still want to see what that’s like he’s been out since February 6 we’re at about 20

More games I I think for the season so I’m still waiting on kind of the full contingent if it’s if they’re ever going to get there and get some kind of Rhythm you know with with uh Lillard with uh Giannis and with Middleton so I I want

To see if and when that’s going to happen before I really give kind of a full it’ be interesting to talk a little basketball later that we’re going to uh about about that that and what Chris Middleton can add once he gets in there and gets healthy but I just love the

Races you know that are going on now everybody always looks at the top and the race in the in the East is over right I mean it’s eight games clear is Boston of Milwaukee but obviously in the west it’s not but even for the the automatics and then the playin you know

You sit there and look at the at the four spot of Orlando which is still somewhat amazing the fourth spot to the eighth spot there’s only two games that are separating you look in the you look at the fifth spot to the what the the

Ninth spot and it’s three or three and a half games that are separated there so I about as I said about 20 games to go I I I’m really interested to see who falls below what the Mendoza Line is this you know in basketball nowes that six slot

Right where you’re the automatically in as opposed to having to play your way in I think it’s a nice battle toward that but back to Milwaukee again Mike the jury’s out on me until we get a little more Chris Middleton in to see how he fits in with the that threesome well you

Mentioned the biggest elephant in the room is Health with all this right we have LeBron James exit in that game against Sacramento last night with the ankle injury that he’s been dealing with he says he going to be fine but LeBron is a 40-year-old man who’s been playing

A little bit dinged up for a while now heading into this home stretch golden state was finally the full compliment to themselves and it looked good Milwaukee’s been dealing with some of that same stuff right now the Dallas Mavericks I I don’t know what you attribute that to right now the fall for

Grace might cost Jason kid his job sooner than later if this keeps up because I don’t know if we’re in L it seems like we’re in lose the locker room territory with that one but I I think down the stretch that’s going to be the biggest thing for all these bubble teams

As it usually is and right now the Sacramento Kings beating the Lakers in that group of teams down there in the bracket for the playin tournament a huge swing down the stretch of the Season uh as Sacramento sets that tone so I don’t know Dad I’m with you the races are

Compelling it’s very interesting right now because I think the two teams that we’ve talked about here and we mentioned Zack Harper is going to join the show in about a half hour looking at the Dallas Mavericks looking at the Philadelphia 76ers what the future holds for both of

Those teams that have been dropping like a stone right now the Sixers currently situated in the playing tournament still no Joel embiid and that seems to have gone about as bad as we all expected it to go in the interim while they’ve been trying to figure out life without him so

Very difficult stuff to try and figure out in NBA land coming up next though let’s talk about a college team trying to make the transition some interesting words from Nick sabbin that might reflect more on the future of college football next on Gojo and [Applause] Goolie He N N He hey [Applause] We’re back on Gojo and gock with some insight as to why Alabama’s former head coach Nick Sabin retired he’s done with college football and he says nil and the transfer portal are two major reasons for that after they had the overtime loss to Michigan and the Rose Bowl he

Said they got back to Tuscaloosa and it was an issue the messages he was used to sending were not really hitting like they once did with the players he said 70 to 80% of the players only wanted to know two things guys are they going to play or should they transfer and how

Much money are you going to pay me how do we feel about this one of the all-time greats leaving college football because of nil and the transfer portal in part and I think Nick was pretty clear with his words on this for a reason because he understands and has

Seen the conversation about this stuff and seees so many coaches and so many pundits trying to demonize this and make this the sole reason for college football’s problems and Nick Sabin just said this is a part of the reason i’ had been thinking about and trending in this

Direction for a while he said he had talked to their ad Greg burn about hey we’re going to have to do this as more of a year-to-year conversation about my future in this sport because the game is different now and I think Nick sain’s saying yeah listen and he said I’m not

Saying it’s wrong the way that players have responded to that he’s just saying that’s not what they’ve been about there and it’s not why they’ve had success dad he’s accomplished enough and was old enough in his career where he could say hey you know what the game is changing

Right now and I don’t feel compelled to stick around with this because I’ve already had my day in the sun I’ve already had the most stored career in college football so this to me is not surprising this is again what we said day one which is older coaches with

Options to either go somewhere else or just retire we’re probably going to be more inclined to do that because yeah change no matter the form it takes is difficult for everybody yeah I listen I agree and there are other factors as well remember when a coach used to sit

In the living room and say I’m going to be there for your kid while he’s there for his four or five years a uh coaches can’t really say that anymore and B players are are the ones that aren’t going to be there for four or five years

You know it’s the parents saying are you going to take care of my son for the next four or five years when quite honestly it’s the player that probably could very well be gone in a year or two maybe a couple of times for Nick Sabin

Listen he he knew he was way closer to the end than the beginning and one of the other factors is assistant coaches you know your former teammate Tommy Reese when he went there to be the r old coordinator that was his seventh offensive coordinator in the last 11

Years after the 2018 season they had seven assistants go for other jobs so it was actually he said it was harder to get assistant coaches because it was the assistant coaches that he wanted to hire that were asking the question that the parents normally ask hey Nick how long

You going to be here you know I don’t want to come here for a year or two you’ll be gone and then I’m out looking for a job again putting another for sale sign in the front of my house so this was easier when Nick was going to be

Around for another decade and you knew as an assistant coach you could either be there with him or have a great chance to advance to a different job maybe coaching job somewhere else the thing about it this is Mike and we know it it’s not going away it’s it’s only how

It’s going to be managed going forward and I wonder and I I I don’t know I don’t have the answer to this I don’t know if you have an inkling of it you do get players now asking how much they’re going to make do you think it’s it’s

It’s more damning the top players you know listen and let’s also be honest top players were getting bags of money under the table by schools you know so they they were maybe deciding where they wanted to go by the amount they were getting it’s the next group that wasn’t

Getting paid that you know under the table but now it’s legal so everybody is looking for a Payday right uh you know the there’s your star starters and then there’s your other starters and then there’s your backups but they’re all looking for some kind of money and and I

And I think that’s that’s part of it I don’t think it’s the top players doing it but the rest of the players that I think really has Nick kind of shake his head saying boy is this changed I’d actually disagree with that I I’m still

Not sure what to a man everyone on a roster is making at this point we still don’t know lot about this world I’m just asking but no but what I but what I would say is I do think that it’s probably more likely the top players asking and that was what was most

Jarring to Nick because when you think about Alabama they haven’t had to play this game the way that everybody else has in the early going because they were Alabama like Nick said we could point to all our guys in the NFL we can point to all our Rings we give you the things

That other Pro programs can’t other programs might be able to promise you money Nick Sabin can tell you if you come here and go through our system whether you are a coach looking to rehab your image or whether you’re a player looking to make millions of dollars

Playing pro football we have a system that gets you to those places and does it almost universally for guys at a certain level and so I don’t think for a long time they had to play the same game when it came to top players now that’s different now it’s becoming more

Ubiquitous if this is happening to Nick Savin I can assure you it’s happening to coaches all over the place if even Alabama and everything they have to offer in certainty and performance and execution can’t get them away from the bagman then all of a sudden this is

Definitely a problem or not to say a problem but this is the system now for college football it has to be so I I agree with you that he got all the players so let me ask you this in a way that it doesn’t look good for college

Football because it’s the West as we say with and with uh all right we got some technical difficulties with Dad going on right now but uh I will say the Wild Wild West thing I I I don’t even say that this isn’t a good look for college football

Necessarily Claudia like this is just the reality and that’s what Nick’s saying here is it’s a different world that you’re having to operate in now and every so often we go through this where the landscape of college football and the resources change so much what players are looking for out of the

Equation changes so much and I think now this is going to be incumbent on a younger generation of coaches right now I’m not surprised you’re getting Nick Sabin deciding to hang it up right now I’m not surprised you’re getting a guy like Chip Kelly who’s decided hey it

Didn’t look like it was going very well at UCLA why don’t I get back to coaching football he talked a lot about that the other day he didn’t get to coach football the same way he did when you’ve got to be the head coach and the CEO of

These college organizations and so I’m not surprised older coaches with options are doing this and I’m equally as unsurprised that younger coaches who are hungry and know this world a little bit more it’s the only World a lot of them have come up in are ready to grab the

Mantle and say we got next well before we get to chip Kelly too it’s it’s the new era of football right cuz we saw it with Bill bellich too you could tell he was frustrated with the fact that players weren’t reacting the same way they used to used not like Bully Ball

But he used to be able to be sort of rough with the guys and straight up and now I don’t want to call it a softer generation but it is it’s sort of like what can you do for me instead of what can I do for you and we’re seeing that

Now reflected in the college game recruiting is not going to be the same because of the nil and transfer portal so Nick Sabin I get it I never coached a day in my life but I understand the frustrations Kelly you talked about though Senor you want to touch on this

First before we go to chip yeah I wanted to say so Mike real quick is this better now for college football because you don’t have the dominant team because Alabama got everybody so while we know it’s better for the players because they’re getting money overall is this thing better for college football

Because it spreads the talent uh I don’t know if we necessarily know enough to say it does spread the talent or not like and I don’t think it’s a better or worse for college football situation I think it just is it is the new world like again if this is happening at

Alabama then it’s happening I’d imagine at the Lion Share of the competitive topend programs in the sport and so if that’s the case it’s going to be hey maybe a bit of a redistribution of power just because like first and foremost Nick Sabin retiring like I’m not saying

It’s solely because of this so I’m not going to give the credit to nil on the portal for retiring Nick sa he’s just a guy who seemed older and ready to get done and get on with the rest of his life that alone changes so much of the

Landscape of college sports having the dominant coach of my lifetime and of the last couple of decades step down automatically opens up the door for a little bit more in the sport and maybe a new way of doing business again allows a young coach who is more open to saying

Hey these are the current circumstances let me figure out how we can best put ourselves in position to step forward to that next level we talked to Kenny Dillingham on this show who had an interesting perspective on all this younger coaches like him Dan Lanning at Oregon Marcus Freeman at Notre Dame all

These coaches in their mid to late 30s now in position to say all right I came up a little bit more in this way of doing business in college sports might be a little bit more ready and maybe it’s some different schools than we’ve seen recently to step up and grab

Whatever comes next because of that yeah no listen it makes sense I I think there are a lot of components involved in this no doubt about there’s not just one thing you can point to like many people will point to nil and or to the portal and say it’s ruining college

Football but I I I would agree overall like you said this is what it is and who is best to deal with this and and any coach that puts their team in position to deal with this and and how do you deal with it going forward to get your

Players and hold on to your players is going to be the key thing yeah it’s the same question recruiting in college sports is like Evolution it’s you keep running faster and faster to stay in the same place right now before it was a facilities arm race and the promise of

What you get them to the NFL and now it’s just changed to old good oldfashioned dollars and cents currency and who adjust bests will be best sooner than the rest all [Applause] [Applause] Right N N N He [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to Gojo and go we We are continuing the discussion in the football world with all the movement with the tag window closed free agency nearing Adam shter tweeted that free agent TI end Janu Smith visited with the dolphins on Wednesday and the two are in contract negotiations another tight end

Talk here Commander signed free agent tight end Zack SZ to a one-year deal so he is returned now with Washington’s OC Cliff Kingsbury and the Broncos gave Russell Wilson permission to talk to teams ahead of free agency after releasing him how kind of them Gojo to

Let him do that hey you know what it’s it’s obviously been a very ugly situation between both sides here for a while going back to what happened at the end of the regular season it was a bit out of pocket for everyone and the difference is Russell Wilson was in a

Position where he goes I’m not going to be quiet so you’ll look good and the rest is history but now that we know it’s coming to an end yeah Dad they seem to be giving him a little bit of a jump start on what’s going to be his upcoming

Free agency period here since we know we got the legal tampering window coming up and all these things in the lead and so he gets a little bit of a head jump on this to try and figure out who is going to be the next landing spot for a guy

That is still a Hall of Fame quarterback overall in his resume even though he hasn’t played like it recently yeah listen this this is a a fine thing to do you know you’re getting rid of him he knows he’s going to be gone let him start talking to people I mean he’s

Going to have a job somewhere but this was one of the uglier things you know this this is one of the things that normally happens behind closed doors right as far as that uh the injury guarantee that if a quarterback doesn’t get hurt all of a sudden maybe you don’t play

But this one so you don’t have to deal with that but that usually happens behind the scenes this became very public when you know Russ came out and said they came to me and said they wanted me to change that Clause you you don’t hear that an awful lot where it

Becomes public like that so now it was kind of laid out there in front of everybody he went to Denver he struggled they tried to mess with the contract that the that team signed him to and actually had that clause in there so he

Said no you put it in there I signed it I’m keeping it and I don’t blame him one bit for it and basically they said okay fine take a seat on the bench I mean it was so publicly played out to an already bad situation of him not playing well

The year before and the amount of money they gave him rarely do you see this where a guy is getting released before his extension re even starts I mean what what it Ju Just was an absolute mess in Denver so this seems like the nicest way

To end it okay we’re going to release you go ahead and go talk to some teams before you’re really allowed to I do wonder how different this all would have been if Nathaniel hacket wasn’t the hire for year one of this right like we talk about this all the time for young

Quarterbacks in this league how listen you’re so much at the mercy of the environment that you end up in when you’re drafted and you know look at Trevor Lawrence year one to year two with Urban Meyer and then Doug Peterson shows up down there obviously it’s not

Perfect right now we have some questions still maybe about Trevor Lawrence on the high end but it was night Day from a coach in Urban Meyer who just was not ready for what the NFL was asking of him to what happened when you had someone

Who was more of the adult in the room the same thing could be true like again Russ’s raw stats from this last season weren’t terrible took a lot of hits but you go back and the reputational Damage that happened during that Nathaniel Hackett season where it wasn’t just bad

It was a laughing stock they were a Red Zone nightmare it was all these things that in a day and age where we had been pushing chips in the table and I was in that camp of saying at the end of the Russell Wilson conture in Seattle hey if

It’s between him and Pete you keep the quarterback you keep the guy that’s been a part of a multiple versions of winning around there from the legion of boom to after that and I was dead wrong on that based on the structure they had clearly put in place around Russ that aged well

When Pete took Gino Smith The Comeback player of the year and the playoffs in that year right after that so I was wrong about that on the front end but I think we saw this last year it wasn’t as bad as it looked in 2022 and so I think

As we do the retrospec on this now I think a lot of the blame does need to be laid at the feet of the people who made the decision to hire Nathaniel Hackett over there someone who proved to be a coach that can work well in the right

Context with Aaron roggers who really likes him but was not ready for that head coaching jump there and what that one season did to the Future trajectory of Russell Wilson’s career it’s unimaginable yeah it is and listen this is why you kind of roll when they always

Say when the new head coaching hires are made e year uh and their firsttime head coaches coming from from coordinated positions I always love when they say grade them and I’m always like before the season starts I’m like how the hell can you grade them we have no idea we have no idea

Nathaniel Hackett looked good as an OC but we have no idea what he’d be as a head coach just like every other OC or DC that’s hired as a head coach for the first time and then you see how they play out look at Nathaniel Hackett how

It played out for him look at Deo Ryan in Houston how it played out for him he’s a first-time head coach with a firsttime quarterback and a first-time play caller and it was completely different some some guys pick it up and some guys can make that transition and

Others can’t what the the greatest D coordinator I played for in Bud Carson in Philadelphia one of the great D coordinators of all time was a head coach in Cleveland for a short time didn’t last there and even told me we were in Philly said I was just meant to

Be a coordinator not a head coach it’s just how it is but to your point Mike the damage that it can be done the damage that can be done in a year in the NFL can be incredible you know the move looked great for Seattle getting rid of

Him at that time and coming back you know and letting him go to Denver to where it all just fell apart so that’s why I’m I’m going to be really interested where he goes Russell Wilson and how he can help a team going into his third year away from Seattle it was

Just amazing the Confluence of events because it seemed like so many people including a lot of Russ’s former teammates had been waiting for that moment to say look we told you this guy wasn’t being held accountable the same way we were this guy was given more

Credit for the wins that we had than we were and look at what you’ve got now and I think that certainly didn’t help the equation like the tearing down of Russell Wilson as an idea is fascinating to me for those reasons because it took all of that perfect storm of negative

Energy coming together and now on the other side it’s a quarterback that we’re talking about someone plucking out of the Bargain Bin to be the bridge gap between where people want to go and where people want to be maybe that’s equal parts hey we miscalculated a few things about the Denver Broncos roster

And where they were at overall we saw the defense last year unbuckle for the first half of the Season before they kind of locked in down the home stretch so it’s not to put the sole blame on him but Dad you’re also absolutely right about the coaching element of this and I

Think that is a good reminder as we head into every year especially these coaches where we haven’t seen the discernable skill you know uh Nathaniel Hackett wasn’t the play caller when he was with Aaron Rogers it wasn’t that kind of situation so you don’t even have that to

Fall back on as your thing and the Bedrock of all this demo Ryan we had heard him lauded for his leadership ability people were coming out of the woodwork in the opposite direction to say oh no no when I played with this guy he was X or when I got coached by this

Guy he was y we had some inklings but you’re right it’s still a crapshoot overall because you’re the CEO now it’s what we mentioned before Chip Kelly who’s now the offensive coordinator for the Ohio State buck guys was the head coach at UCLA had been a head coach in

The NFL and said he looked up at some point during bull prep this last year as they had their offensive coordinator leave for another job and he had to coach quarterback saying I realized I hadn’t coached a position in eight or nine years I hadn’t been in the thick of

It like that and it’s you know a commentary on a lot of things but I do think when you reverse engineer that it’s oh yeah that’s right it’s a completely different muscle that these guys have to flex once they get to the big chair and not everybody’s to do that

No they absolutely are not and with Russell Wilson it’ll be interesting just likee just from his perspective because I’m with you all of a sudden teammates who had raised eyebrows at Russell in the past kind of with his actions and with his words don’t know how well-liked

He really was putting all that aside he’s now had two years in Denver where people say he has regressed and and he is done I got to imagine that he is whoever wants him and takes him that remember he can take a low offer because

It’s just offset money if he gets a Mill and a half from somebody you know that just means Denver is paying 37.5 million to him because he’s getting 39 million no matter what so I would imagine that Russell Wilson and I wonder if you agree

Is kind of in a you know what I’m going to show everybody mode I’ll go ahead and you know I’m not going to worry about taking any kind of money because I’m already getting the money I’m going to go show people that I can still play and I think that’s his complete mentality

Right now wherever that ends up being and it’s going to be somewhere someone can get this quarterback on the cheap right now I think you’d be foolish if you’re in need of a quarterback not to look at it you can buy the dip on Russ

Right now the thing is that I don’t know what his mentality is because that’s the other part of Russ is he’s a different guy when it comes to that we’ve heard a bunch of his teammates both past and present say that like yeah the way this

Guy operates he doesn’t seem like one of the guys hanging out with everybody else and I don’t know if the last couple of years have humbled him to the point where the approach is going to be different or if it’s still going to be Russell Wilson the CEO of Russell Wilson

Corp who operates like he’s getting ready to run for office this [Applause] September A A Hey He [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to Gojo and goic for hour two as we head into the home stretch of the NBA regular season we are joined by the athletic Zack Harper to break down all of the madness that ensues Zach thanks so much for hanging out with us

Oh thanks for having me no we appreciate you stopping by Zach we got a lot of questions uh right now in the NBA and so we need your help finding answers to this one and I guess I’d start there Claudia mentioned the world since the allstar break here in that time and in

The games that we’ve seen since who’s jumped out at you most who’s come out of the gates the hottest down this home stretch of the season well I would have said the Bucks before last night and then they just got destroyed by The Warriors and it wasn’t even close but

The Bucks did look good before last night you know they they were playing defense which they hadn’t done all season they you know they had the fourth best defense since Doc Rivers took over um just by simplifying things and and and playing defense the way that roster

Is set up to play defense and so they they have looked good the the opponents haven’t been that great but they’ve looked good you know the Lakers were starting to look good they got beat last night like last night really ruined a lot of things that I was feeling with

This with this league because it felt like all right we we we’ve got some good stuff going now and the only thing you can count on is that the Wizards are going to be horrible I was just going to ask what the only certainties you can

Count on at this point so maybe besides the Wizards is there anything else you feel certain about at this point in the NBA season yeah I mean at least for the regular season like we know the Thunder are legitimate the Thunder are so incredible and and everyone’s going to

Say yeah Shay gildas Alexander is amazing and he is he’s an MVP candidate he might be the MVP but it goes beyond that like Jaylen Williams is a star in this league Chad hram is a star in this league Lou Dort is shooting lights out and and playing incredible defense they

Don’t do it with any big men they’re going to you know probably re-evaluate the summer of whether or not they can get by as is but they just spread the floor they drive the ball like crazy it’s not just oh we shoot a bunch of threes and hope they go in they’re so

Aggressive they attack so much uh the Denver Nuggets like you just you know they’re going to be amazing no matter what like that that team is so comfortable in their skin and and just NE like their heartbeat never Rises at all in any moment unless you know joic

Hears that his horses are in trouble that’s the only time he actually gets a heartbeat and so like you you know those teams in the west are are as solid and as comfortable as it gets so one back to the east on Milwaukee how different is this team if they can get Chris

Middleton who’s been out since February 6th back into the fold and kind of in a good playing shape going into the post post season yeah it’s a great question because you know you think Giannis you think Dame and you know what’s going on with Dame and and Brook Lopez is solid

And and yeah Doc Rivers is maybe more comfortable as a coach than what Adrien Griffin was but people kind of forget about Chris Middleton this is extremely Dynamic two-way player when he’s healthy a guy that helped them win a championship three years ago and and it

It changes a lot you know the the rotations are are very thin right now I mean they they don’t have a lot of depth so you add an All-Star caliber Wing who can play on both ends of the floor can distribute can shoot from from outside spot up shooter attack off the dribble

Like he will give them so much more that they need the problem is with them is how much do you balance that out it was easy to balance it out when Drew holiday didn’t really need the ball and he could just go defend Dame needs the ball

Giannis needs the ball and so they don’t have a lot of time to work that out but you hope that the comfort that they had prior to Dame getting there they can kind of just ease into Chris Middleton’s on the court he’s healthy they’ll be okay and I think the added pressure

Seems to be on Milwaukee because we’re gauging everything against the Boston Celtics that have been so dominant during this regular season and Zack we know done largely with the same core obviously Drew holiday a big and you know ad especially defensively in that back court and there’s a couple of other

Things there but we know narrative wise it’s always going to be the concerns about the Celtics in the postseason and the Boogey men from the past how real are those concerns given the actual structural differences of this team this year with guys like Drew and Chris dos and others they’re they’re still really

There and I think you saw that against the Cavs like yeah you can just say it’s one game you know big teams lose games like no one goes 82 and0 no one goes you know 17 and0 in football like no one no one is a perfect team but with with

The with the way the Celtics play at the end of games it’s I don’t want to call it lazy it’s unimaginative like they don’t they they they’re they’re trying to hit these hero shots and these step back jumpers and everything everything looks like a highlight and they don’t

Move the ball as much and they don’t attack the basket they don’t get to the free throw line those moments and so when they hit those shots yeah it’s an incredible shooting team like they have eight guys in the rotation shooting 35% or better from three like they put them

Up every other three-pointer or every other shot is a three-pointer on that team they have the best offense in NBA history theyve won the top 10 margins of victory in NBA history they are as dominant as the 2016 27 Warriors that added Kevin Durant to the mix like all

These things add up to this is an alltime great Celtics team but for some reason and and I’m and I’m a part of this group but like for some reason there is a large group of people that’s like yeah you got to do that in the

Playoffs you got to do all this in the playoffs like Joe moula has to coach better than what he did last year you know Jason Tatum has to hit clutch shots Tom H show just had a great uh feature yesterday about clutch shooting with Jason Tatum and and it hasn’t really

Been there for three years like they just have all these things to answer which is crazy for a team that is destroying everybody but for some reason people outside of Boston just can’t buy in so staying in the East you know we’re used to seeing Boston Milwaukee Miami

Philadelphia now in the 3 four five slot you’ve got Cleveland Orlando and the Knicks of those three teams which in your mind has the best chance to make an actual run in the playoffs the Knicks if they’re healthy the problem is they’re down four starters right now right in a

Game where you only start five people they’re down four of them and so you you know Jaylen Brunson should hopefully be fine and and be back soon ogn and Obi should hopefully be fine I don’t know if they’re getting Mitchell Robinson back I don’t know what this Julius Randle

Situation is with his shoulder and how bad it is um but when they’re healthy they have such a high IQ on the basketball court like not no no one really makes dumb decisions Time After Time After Time and so I think the Knicks are built for it I you know the

Cavs were great last season had the best defense in the NBA last season and were awful in that first round against the Knicks again they have the second second or third best defense now they look really good even though they’ve dealt with injuries you know donin’s been out

Of the Donan Mitchell’s been out of in and out of the lineup Evan Mo’s been hurt a bunch Darius Garland was hurt for a while and they still have won games and you want to be impressed by them but we all have that bad taste from last

Season that this team sucked in the playoffs like they were so bad they got absolutely abused by the Knicks and you and you wonder like is that team just built for the regular season you know Donovan Mitchell’s kind of living off that bubble hype of how he played

Against the Denver Nuggets that was four years ago right like that like he’s got to show something in the playoffs he’s got to be better I love this Orlando team they I think Joe Engles is 100 years old so he raises that that age average in their in their rotation but

He’s really the only old guy everyone else is super young they play defense which is really hard for a young team to do they don’t do a lot on offense um that you love consistently but pal banero is a stud and Orlando I think I don’t think they’re going to win a first

Round series but I think they’re that team that absolutely nobody wants to play I I say I thank you for answering that because I just had Orlando Magic with a bunch of question marks written down on my list of questions right now because outside of pal B Caro I did not

Know how the hell they were doing this and Zach I’d love to stick there but we do have a little bit of breaking rules right now uh courtesy of uh Shams karania the Minnesota Timberwolves All-Star Carl Anthony towns has been diagnosed with a torn meniscus in his left knee and is out indefinitely

Sources tell the athletic so how much does this change the Western Conference picture now Zach yeah I mean the the Wolves were one of those teams that had to that you know they had a lot to prove too because they’ve got a ton of talent um but they’ve never exactly been great

In the playoffs and so this in a in theory could simplify things for them in terms of like this is a defensive minded team the best defense in the league they struggle offensively they they struggle in late game situations because I think they’re trying to find that balance of

Well we got to get cat the ball we got to get uh ant the ball we got to make sure Mike connley gets a shot Jaden McDaniels is blossoming as a as a guy like you know let’s see if Rudy goar can catch this lob you know like they

They’ve got a lot of questions and crunch time with with scoring but defensively if anything they’ll be better defensively because you can move Kyle Anderson into the rotation and everything he does is in slow-mo his nickname is literally slow-mo it’s it’s odd to watch him play uh but he’s so

Smart he’s so good with the ball he’s makes such great decisions um he’s a great defender I actually think their defense will get better it’s just if teams load up and try to take the ball out of ant’s hands I don’t know where they go like I genuinely don’t know how

That works so ant’s just going to have to be the second coming of Michael Jordan like everyone’s hoping he will you know the other side you mentioned Orlando outside of the one player how young they are then you go to a team like the Clippers where you have the the

30s group of Paul George James Harden obviously Russell Westbrook and Kawhi Leonard can they could they legitimately make this run uh I I still think Denver I think we all think Denver is still the top team there but where can this team go and boy what what satisfaction that

Would be for James Harden oh my God I mean James Harden would have the last laugh right like everyone’s calling Daryl Mory a liar it’s not just him now Chris Paul’s out here saying like yeah he said I wasn’t going to get traded and then I got traded like that day so it

Would be big Vindication for for the beard but um I mean this team is look I feel like we’ve done this a a lot the last four or five years with the Clippers like yeah this team should be able to win a title that like that is is

Deep it’s not just the Stars like zubot Norm Powell teren Smitt like they’ve got a lot of great depth out there Daniel Ty Mason plumbley like they have the size to at least throw big men at joic they have the scoring to at least score with any team they have defense like they

Have all this stuff I believe personally I believe in a healthy Kawhi Leonard more than any player in the league that isn’t Steph Curry or niik yic like I I think he’s arguably the second best player when he’s healthy um it’s just we don’t really see him healthy he looks

Great this year everything’s lining up to where they should make a Deep Run and I think I don’t think we’ll get a better Western Conference Finals than if it’s nuggets and Clippers if everyone’s healthy it’s just it’s the Clippers man like like you can’t believe in them ever

Because they always find a way to to disappoint people uh speaking of disappointment I want to talk about the Dallas Mavericks while we’re talking about the West what’s going on here and is Jason kid going to survive this this season I think he will like I think they

Like him enough as a coach but you know the rotations are you know they they made some big moves on at trade deadline like I know Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington aren’t household names but Daniel gafford’s like a really important Rim Runner defensive player guy protects the rim he stretches the floor

Vertically catches lobs everything I loved what they did at the deadline I thought all right this Maverick’s team is for real like they they answered some issues that that I thought they had with the roster they dealt with injuries all first half of the Season here they come

And it’s just kind of deflating a little bit like Luca is still great Luca’s putting up crazy video game numbers but when it comes to the rest of this team kind of fitting in they just like they don’t play any defense like I mean it it’s stunning how bad defensively they

Are the the other night they played the Pacers and I thought oh here’s two teams that are great offensively don’t play any defense this is going to be the All-Star Game all over again right and they they only gave up 137 points in a loss it was actually kind of surprising

It was that low but yeah man like the Mavs great offensively two big stars great role players don’t stay in front of any it’s like watching me like they just play three-point line to three-point line at this point which you can’t do like I can do in a men’s league

You can’t do that you know under 40 you can’t do that in the NBA do we see anything in the future from the Bromance of Luca and and joic at the All-Star game down the road I I mean you never say never but I know joic

Is not leaving Denver it is the perfect LEL of anonymity right like he like like people care about him there they care about the Nuggets but they mostly care about the Broncos right like that’s Broncos country and he can kind of fly under the radar he doesn’t have to do a

Whole lot of national stuff people don’t come in and out of there a whole lot um it’s usually like real quick trips and everything uh I don’t think Luca’s going to leave Dallas but you never know like I like that’s the way it would happen is

Luca going there I think both those guys are stuck there for life now that sounds naive in this day of of sports transactions and star is leaving and leveraging and all that stuff I just I don’t I think that’s more of a fun wh if

Down the road and then we get to see them kind of bully each other at Allstar weekends and and keep wondering what if you mentioned some of that you know new age NBA stuff there some of that conversation popped up a little bit about REM wemy the other day I truly

Think it was more just hey maybe the Spurs have to re-evaluate how quickly they need things to come together because he looks like he’s a little bit ahead of schedule what have you made of year one there and do you think it prompts the Spurs to kind of adjust the

Timeline they may have had in mind for him I think they knew this was the case like I think they knew he was this good I think they knew that this is like they were going to be bad this year I don’t think it like like they’re on the clock

Like they only have eight and a half years to figure this out like there’s no there’s no like worry there right like they they they’ve got a couple of presidential terms before they have to worry about any of that kind of stuff I think what it does is maybe informs them

On how they build the roster you know they they’ve tried some experiments with Jeremy soan who’s a a you know power forward essentially trying to play point guard he can’t really do it whenever they’ve had an ual point guard like Tre Jones on the court they look great

Here’s the crazy thing about Wy like everything’s insane like all the hype he had historic hype and and it was completely underselling how good he is like he he is watching basketball in a fun house Mar like none of it makes sense visually none of it makes sense in

Terms of what he can do already um that team is awful defensively like 24th 25th in the league when he’s on the court their defensive rating would be like seventh that’s how good he and he doesn’t know what he’s doing yet in in terms of playing NBA basketball like

They they know that they have this guy that the crazy thing is like veterans will want to come play with him maybe not this summer but by next summer they’re gonna want to come to San Antonio and play with him like that’s that really didn’t even happen during

The Tim Duncan era that’s how good he is that’s how Dynamic he is and everyone just knows like oh the League’s screwed like this guy this guy when he when he figures out how to play NBA basketball as a veteran there’s nothing you can do except like maybe block the entrance

Listen he he is fun to watch I know he’s got an ankle um I know he’s got an ankle he’s dealing with now but in in a general sense because we talked about this this yesterday and I should have prefaced it all by saying yesterday I hope he stays with San Antonio we’ve

Seen papovich build a dynasty there and I would love to see him stay there it has nothing to do with big markets I think it would be great in general though when you get a great player like this how long does a team have to build something before as you mentioned before

In this day and age players can leverage themselves out of things how how much time do you give a team yeah I mean this stuff’s kind of mutated over the last few years right where where it’s it’s there’s a lot of pressure there’s a lot of extremes that that go along with with

Players and player empowerment and stuff but I I mean in general you’re always going to get that guy to sign a rookie deal a rookie extension right so you’re usually getting a four fiveyear rookie extension off that fiveyear for the super max or fiveyear Max for him um so

Like by like year seven you really have to have your stuff together like it all in the rookie deal it would be great if you could win but this isn’t like football right where like hey we got this good rookie quarterback we put all these veterans around him until we have

To pay him and there’s that like kind of ticking clock you like you don’t really have that here and so they they just need to make sure that they are building forward every single year not taking steps back unless there’s injury I think they’re fine like I don’t think there

There’s any real pressure and I know that’s not sexy at all but I just I don’t like other than Kawhi Leonard getting mad at the team because they were disagreeing with his Medicals and whether or not he could play and Tony Parker coming out and saying some shady

Stuff as usual like that other than that they don’t really have those dust ups with ownership and players I don’t think wm’s that guy uh I would agree on that so probably going to be the status quo for them Zack uh only a couple minutes left here but wanted to ask because I

Realized both of these teams in the east and west are in the sixth slot right now and both have a m there’s a a logo I should say that’s a flaming basketball just going in opposite directions in the Heat and the Sun so as these two teams

Sit in the six seed which of these two actually has a better chance of being a factor in their side of the brackets playoff structure I mean look it sounds crazy but it’s Miami because they do it every year like they every year people like team’s not that good like you know

You know yeah smell’s a great coach but they’re not that good and then every year they frustrate you and they make you mad and they make you wonder how the hell are they doing this is Jimmy Butler a superstar what is bamat bio doing Tyler hero snarling was that bad like

What are we doing here like they they just they play the right way when it comes to stuff I know people are sick of heat culture they’re sick of the the paragraph they put on the court like all that stuff I get it but that team is

Every year ready for the playoffs so as long as they are healthy they are going to be incredible and probably make a deeper run than you expect on the sun side of it it should work even with the roster complications of trying to build a super team and today’s NBA with the

Collective bargain agreement all that boring stuff like it’s still Kevin Durant it’s Devon Booker It’s Bradley Beal it’s a couple of decent role players that as long as they’re healthy they can they can make a Make some noise but it’s it’s the West like the West has

Like seven teams you could see going to the NBA finals and it’s just that’s you know they they built this roster to do this but it’s a little harder to do it no there’s no doubt about that a crowded field over there and the inevitability of heat culture much to the Delight of

All of our friends over at the the Dan levard show continues to be the most consistent brand in the NBA Zack you’re the best man we appreciate you letting us lob every NBA question possible at you uh uh thanks for the time brother we’ll talk to you soon oh appreciate it

Guys anytime again you guys can read Zack Harper over at the athletic you can listen to him on Sirius XM NBA radio and Mad Dog Sports Radio as well Dad you know a a it proves a 61y old man can continue to learn as well I I thought

The clock was quicker in the NBA you know like it is in the NF when you sign that big deal on when you have to restructure or when you’re going to uh be released because of a cap hit but to know that wemi could have you know up to

Seven years for them to do something I think it’s great I mean it’s great for San Antonio given what they’ve done and what they can build there so that’s uh that that that that’s good news and something I I did not know yeah there’s those but I think also what he mentioned

There too is W’s just not that guy I think personality matters a lot in the way that guys approach these situations Howell even the idea of Luca donic not being someone that would be inclined to pry his way out of that situation and Luca seems much more based on his

Dealing with officials a little bit more emotional than our guy wemi when it comes to some of these [Applause] Reactions N N He He And go like somebody please anybody give Joey V a job because he is struggling out here former Red’s first baseman has not found a home as a free agent after 17 Seasons with the Reds at 40 years old it’s the first time he has ever been a

Free agent and guys he’s not doing well with it but he is doing well on social media because he’s posting these videos and these pictures of him just looking absolutely distraught you got to feel for the guy yeah know that’s pain right there that man is uh he’s like the the

Fry cook outside of the restaurant that gets MD all the time who’s absolutely just going through it right there but at least he got to clown on uh you know another baseball team online at least good for him on there get these tweets off

Yeah I dig uh his uh you know you think about it though you’ve been playing that long playing a game that long and all of a sudden you’re a free agent and nobody wants you and you know you know you’re way closer to the end probably at the

End uh than you were at the beginning that that’s got to be we we talk about that with athletes but somebody this long how how mentally tough that has to be to be wanted for so long and then knowing the end is coming and then knowing the end is probably here and

Nobody to take a chance on you anymore no it’s a tough scene right there I mean the Expos did try now he reminded them he me he reminded them that they are not real and did so in French but you know what at least the thought someone came to his

Aid there even if it wasn’t exactly you know forthright so I don’t know would like to see it like he’s a great character for baseball I think remember all remember at the end of last year when we got the uh back and forth between him and mad dog like we like

Characters in baseball I think the modern game is more receptive than that than ever so somebody get Joey V I think he should just dive into be Network go go do he clearly has the personality just go do you know talk radio talk TV I

Think TV he’s a good TV guy he’s he’s good he’s animated I think do that maybe do some throw some French in there I think he will I mean I I definitely think he will get into it I think he’s a great personality for it but I think

He’s one of those caught right at the end of wanting to still play and nobody wants you you know to play he’s been with the Reds what from 2017 to 2023 that is a long time long and this is how most unfortunately most players come to the end of their career

They always say when did you retire and a lot of times it’s when did the league retire you this was such a great player for Cincinnati and such a great personality and now you find out you know the phone’s not ringing anymore and it kind of forces you to say okay well

Maybe it’s time to hang them up we’d all love to end our professional careers on our own agenda you know ride off into the sunset but for the majority of players that’s not how it works it works like this you’re waiting for a phone call and it doesn’t come and it’s tough

When you have all these young players coming up and just making immediate impact on the league guys who have been around at one team for 17 Seasons you look and you’re like okay maybe it is my time yeah I mean and looking at Joey vad right now he’s already got the te like

In this picture of him where it’s it’s if you’re listening to this in the podcast not watching on DraftKings Network or YouTube s Joey Vado is sitting on a park bench and he’s already got the TV mullet like when we were all at home during the pandemic doing remote

Shots and you’d have to dress up he’s got like the v-neck with the suit jacket on the top but then it’s jeans and like hiking boots that my dad would wear on the bottom there so just no real coordination to what he’s going for here

That is a man who has either lost or again to this point ready for television because this outfit absolutely plays on television in this day and age and uh has sensible Footwear which I know my dad would appreciate he can absolutely go through a hike in the woods and those

Or get ready to step up on MLB Network I feel like you should switch out the sh do anything he looks a little homeless in that picture but well I mean that’s also just like being a bald beard like a baldish I guess he’s a buzzcut he looks

Like there’s still mostly full spots in that hairline but it does it looks like yeah he being a buzz bearded white guy there’s only so much we can all do to differentiate we’re basically the same person yeah that’s fair um speaking of someone who wants to dare to be

Different though we need to get to this George Brett story this is incredible Innovation along the home decoration landscape yeah Royals Lon Hall of Famer was in an interview to where he expressed the fact that he really really really wants one piece of Kaufman Stadium but it’s it’s not a chair it’s

Not a piece of the grass it’s not a base it’s a urinal here’s what he had to say and the thing about me I I grew up in locker rooms my whole life and when I built this house I have a Ural in fact we have five of them in

This house I’m going to exchange one and I want to get a a Ural out of royal stadium and put it in my house that’s the only thing I want I don’t want a seat and I remember when they took down Yankee Stadium friend of mine was vice

President of the Yankees back then uh Arthur Richmond and I called him I said Arthur I’ll pay for this I want someone to go in there before they demolish at stadium and go get a Lo Ural out of Yankee out of the Yankee Stadium locker

Room the one that Babe Ruth went to the bathroom and the one that L garri the one that Reggie I want one of those in my house and he couldn’t get it for me but how great would that be to have Babe Ruth urle in your house right now I can

Honestly say so I’m going to get one out of I’m gonna get one if they if they demolish that Stadium I promise you I’m going to go there in the middle of the night with the guy that built this house and I’m going to say come on we got to

Figure out how to get one of these things out of here on this episode of My Strange Addiction urals five five five urinals in the crib I can’t believe they’re demolishing the stadium you can’t give this guy a urinal that’s just going to go to hell in a hand I’m sure

They will well I mean I’m talking about the Yankee Stadium one this one now he’s got options like I’d hire those kids that broke into the Clipper’s new joint and just have them go Jack the urinal in there you pay them off a little bit they get clicks you get a pisser and

Everyone’s good yeah see did you have any did you have any strange requests when you retired or th this was and actually Mike my wife Mike’s mother wanted to do this at our house in Connecticut when we were at ESPN to put a urinal Mike and Jake shared a room uh

In our house there and we wanted wanted a urinal in there in the bathroom we thought that had been so cool so I’d have been all for that as well now Mike would you like did you like the short urinal you can’t really get into this

One Claudia sorry did you like the short urinal or the long urinal the all the way to the floor urinal or the one up yeah they both have their Merit and virtue I would probably say the long urinal just like aesthetic wise is a lot cooler when it walks into the bathroom

It sends a message you have a see the thing with me in urinals is I always feel like there’s a stigma because in every men’s bathroom there’s the line of urinals and then they got the little kid urinal in there and there always seems to be this stigma when guys walk into

The bathroom if a lot of them are taken up of Being the adult that goes over I got no shame in that what like it doesn’t change the way any of the process works you aim down a little bit more I don’t understand what that’s all

About maybe I’m making it up but it seems like over the years people have looked down on the kitty urinal I I I completely agree I have no problem stopping at the kitty urinal and I would think I would go for the young long urinal as well because let’s be honest

Mike when you really have to go to the bathroom and you’re you’re hustling in there to go to the bathroom and you got a short urinal and you start going to the bathroom there’s a splash problem when you really got to go and it’s coming out on the short Ural I have H

The wrong spot in that Ural you get a little splash I didn’t know there was different urinals but I do have to admit when I was in Vegas for the Super Bowl I just was not paying attention and I walked into I I didn’t realize until

Like I was going to the bathroom and I saw a bunch of dude’s feet lined up outside and I was like oh no I’ve done a bad B oh no oh you were trapped in I was in the stall but they were all using the urinals it was the scariest moment wait

A minute I had to just how did how how did you go how did you walk in go into the stall and not see the urinals on the wall there I just did I just I was in the zone man I was just in the zone when

You got to go you got to go you got to go I will say there are usually a couple of things though cuz like we’ve all done that right where you’re on your phone you’re not paying attention and you walk into the bathroom of the opposite gender

Now for me it’s usually pretty easy cuz guys when you look up and don’t see a urinal you’re a little bit free but women’s bathrooms in I feel like it’s Narnia in there like I’ve heard from my female friends you got couches in there like any a a women’s restroom

At a bar sounds like the most supportive kind environment on planet Earth like the way my friends and sister have described it it truly sounds like Society is a Utopia exists in women’s bathroom at bars you meet your best friends like if you’re feeling ugly or whatever go into the bathroom random

Stranger girl you look so good thank you it is it’s so beautiful and you with like couches and stuff in there it sounds like it’s incredible the the women’s restroom always has the line though you never see a guy having to go into a women’s restroom to go to the

Bathroom because of the line but you see girls sometimes going to the guys if there’s too long a line they’re boyfriend will try and bring them in so they can go to the bathroom or you just go into the men’s room and pretend like

You didn’t know there you go oh no oh I didn’t see this darn it my bad fellas we’ll get it together next time yes absolutely George Brett give me the at home pisser and Folks at the Royals if you don’t give this man a urinal when

It’s all said and done shame on you treat your Legends the right way let them pee in [Applause] Peace A He He A n [Applause] [Applause] N welcome back to Gojo and goic and we’re going to discuss a new pod that came out on New Heights with the caly brothers and the fact that well it wasn’t that surprising but things got a little bit emotional while Travis talked about his brother and his retirement

Take a listen we did not talk about much of your retirement and I I wanted to make sure that you didn’t feel any pressure from me to keep going knowing I I wanted you to keep going I wanted you to keep playing this game why didn’t you

Tell me this I would it changed my mind no no no you’ve always been a step ahead of me in um I’m older in this game yeah but it’s in this game alone you’ve always been a step ahead of me and it’s always been like I’ve had that flotation

Device right there to have you out of it man it feels uh it feels empty and it definitely um it feels like it’s complete you know it was a success I hear you it was a fun journey to watch and uh and like I said yesterday man I just

Appreciate you showing me the way and uh bringing us all along the journey with you big guy we showed each other the way you’ve been playing for a long time on your own and I look forward to being able to appreciate and watch your games more and Tak in the bigger picture of

Football and everything that it has to offer well it was just uh it was cool being uh being the tag team the naal football pretty cool interesting to see Travis the one more emotional too oh I was going to say Jason doesn’t have any tears left like that’s what we saw as a

Man who had finally drained all the tears in his ducks and had nothing left and you could see him trying to Veer it away at that point a little bit where he was trying to push away with like the jokes while I’m older tra that man was

Finally done with crying but Travis was out here to get this love off and I respect it from both parties involved dad listen it’s just it’s a great story I mean a great story going all the way back to college of basically Jason saving Travis’s career

After he got kicked off the team at Cincinnati of getting him talking to the coaches and getting him back on the team and basically saying I’ll be responsible for him to fly right so he stays on this team and these are going to be all the

Way to a sixth round pick for Jason I think a third round pick for Travis all the way to the hall of fame I mean and and two just different guys but just really good guys and the hottest pair out there right now right that podcast

That’s going to be sold somewhere I mean they’re gonna be huge there Jason is going to basically have his pick of broadcasting if that’s what he wants to do which I would imagine he’s going to do of what he want to do but you know me

Mike I love the Journey of players we all know what Jason is we all know what Travis is now the guys are going to have gold jackets on but their journey and as as Jason mentioned in his in his uh retirement speech they’re a small family

With Aunts Uncles and just you know he and Travis’s brothers and how they’ve stuck together and how they’ve been together and how they’ve played together and how they’ve hung out together is just just a cool cool story and I think one of the coolest things about it is

They both didn’t go in as not that there’s anything wrong with being a high first round pick i’ I’d wish that on anybody but they didn’t have all the Fanfare coming into the NFL they all wor they both worked their asses off to get where they got and Jason was such an

Instrumental part in Travis getting to where he got and then Travis obviously blossom into what he is right now as well yeah successful NFL Brothers hot in these streets right now we’ve seen them over the years in different forms obviously you had the Mannings that you know played you know the same position

But across different times one certainly more successful than the other although Eli Manning will have his Hall of Fame case there we’ve also now got NFL coaching brother back again in the harau now who are back in the brother content game too Claudia yeah Jim and John also

Going viral with their videos the Chargers posted a video of their new head coach with his brother talking about the Harbaugh isms take a listen dad was taking us to school and we walk out and we’re like where’s the car Dad he goes no car today’s boys we’re walking grab a basketball let’s

Get 100 with the right 100 with the left who’s got it better than us and we’re like nobody nobody dad but that’s what he would say he were like drop us off at school first time I heard it was okay boys grab your lunch boxes and go attack

This day with an enthusiasm unknown to Mankind and don’t take any Wooden Nickel okay get going and out the door we go and that became like a a daily thing when he was he was dropping us off at school I mean to me like what is an enthusiasm unknown to mankind like I

Don’t know if we ever really thought about it too much but you start thinking about it it’s it’s unknown to mankind it’s not a human thing it’s beyond that it’s another realm it’s a spiritual thing we can tap into it is spiritual it’s so funny seeing how alike Jim and

His dad are and clearly like John sitting here like you guys sounding you guys are crazy yeah that sound a little bit insane right now but do you guys have goic isms well there has to be a few I was going to say I feel like my

Dad was so clearly his father’s son like all of the things that my grandpa passed down to my dad in terms of like football and the way you went about doing the work all that stuff like we were in the seventh grade and my dad I think because

Of a deal they had with Mike and Mike had like one of those H2 Hummers at that point and we were in the sixth and seventh grade and my dad was taking us over to the middle school parking lot to go push the Hummer back and forth across

That and do drills in the open field he had my mom holding the bag for Christ’s sake out in the field there to help us get ready and doing drills I once laid out my mom at the field cuz she wasn’t holding the bag sturdy enough didn’t

Have enough the weight behind her there and so she got absolutely dropped when I climbed to the second level that’s when we knew knew I was d1bound but uh no dad had plenty of that in his bag he was Peak Sports dad that way yeah and a lot

Of it was from my dad and what he did with me and and my brother Greg and my brother Bob as far as okay if you choose to play in this sport I’m going to help you as much as I can you got to do the

Work but I’m going to you know provide the tools for it so you guys pushed the Hummer well I mean you did a good job with that I think it helped I still can’t believe you hit your mother the way you did with that bag I just told

You to get to the second level I didn’t tell you to knock her down I didn’t tell you to Destro her but you you did and she went ass over teac kettle on that one other than that Claudia there’s not really the goic isms but this is how bad

It is for me me now it’s the dadisms it’s the lines that I always they know I’m going to say it’s so bad that we’re out here in Arizona now and my daughter Sydney and his husband and her husband Ben are out here with us so we would go

Out to dinner quite a bit and it turns out at one point Sydney and Ben before they leave for dinner they make a dad ISM bingo card they actually make a bingo card with things that I say and they wait for me to say them at dinner

Like when the Plate’s empty and the waiter comes over can I take the plate or or look at the plate and I say oh it wasn’t very good you know with an empty plate you know that’s a boom that’s on the Bingo car they start rattling off

Things that I say so I kind of get stuck with that stigma a little bit is that going to carry on to you and when did the the dadisms coming oh yeah I mean we all we’ve already all noticed the same stuff that he’s brought out there like I

Would say the most football guy thing my dad always consistently said and it was the same thing his dad says was oh you can’t bring the bench out to the 50 yard line and I was always like especially ler on was like well it does kind of

Help being strong out there and there are certain parts of it that do translate but between that um between everywhere you would go and every time you would do something new do your best be yourself walking out the door you’d always get there but the bench out in

The 50 yard line one always felt like the biggest like sports dad ISM that we would get from him yeah that was probably it and again that came from you know Grandpa Lou uh without question that’s how he was and yeah I was pretty basic I was a lot

People are always like you know what what do you tell you tell kids and I’m always be yourself is always the big one to me like when I started this media thing that’s what my dad said he said just be yourself people either like it or they won’t that’s just the way it

Goes nothing Earth shattering and you know not not breaking the barriers of of sound bites of things you tell your kids it was all pretty basic I’m I’m a pretty basic guy I think everybody would would admit that my dad’s biggest Fascination is like in life and the thing I was most

Like my dad when I was a homeowner was my dad is obsessed with clean air in the home no one is more in tune with changing their home’s air filters than my father I said it should be a service that he offers to other people to go and

Do it he did it for one Rebecca Lobo and her husband but by the end of my time when I was living in Connecticut I was a homeowner for like 6 years and I would have the alarm set for every quarter to go and change my home’s air filter to

Make sure because the last thing you want is to be you or anyone else in your home breathing in dangerous spores so that is probably the most dad likee that I became over the course of my life I haven’t had the chance to tell anybody

They can’t take the bench out to the 50 yard line yet Dad yeah when I when I retire from this media business I am going to start a filter changing service I think it needs to be done because nobody likes breathing in a born spores nobody likes breathing in Airborne

Spores but we love celebrity boxing matchups coming up next the latest announcement from the fight game on the thing that we’ll all certainly regretfully Watch He He N N [Applause] [Applause] ay all right time to finish off the show the way we always do this that the third three quick stories to send you into the rest of the day as always download subscribe rate review us leave us a festar rating check us out live Monday through Friday wherever you get the

DraftKings Network you can also hear the best of Gojo and gock from noon to 1M Eastern each and every day wherever you get Von on the radio and if you miss any of it live and our great guest thanks to Zach Harper from the athletic and SiriusXM NBA radio for stopping by to

Help get us caught up on some of the NBA action in the home stretch of the Season you can get that where get your podcast you can also get it available right here on the YouTube channel as soon as we get done with the show at 10:00 a.m. eastern

Guys let’s get to this that in the third a little bit of breaking news this morning uh saw courtesy of our buddy Ariel aani the deal is done Jake Paul versus Mike Tyson July 20th exclusively on Netflix live at Cowboys Stadium I mean this is every promotional buzzword imaginable wrapped into one thing

Designed to just grab eyeballs dad like most of these fights I don’t fully understand it it makes me a little sad because Mike Tyson’s 57 years old he’s been on quite a journey in his life both personally professionally and otherwise since then and Jake Paul is a person

With a lot of conflicting feelings and emotions attached to him but a ton of money in his wake and I have no doubt Dad that this is going to make a ton of money because we’re all going to watch with morbid curiosity all absolutely going to watch now I have Netflix so we

We get that but even if I didn’t I would buy this without question there’s a 30-year age difference 50 7 to 27 and I think it was in Jake Paul’s second professional fight he was on the undercard of Mike Tyson back in n in 2020 uh in Tyson’s uh fought I forgot

Who he fought it was Roy Jones Jr I think uh he fought um what listen this going to be a monster payday I I I completely get that I’m not sure what the win is in all honesty for Jake Paul now I think everybody started out kind of wanting

Jake Paul to get his his kind of face beat in for all the yapping that he was doing but dude has turned out to be a hell of a boxer I mean he has worked his butt off he has put his time in I don’t

Know where he fits in the rank of all the you know of boxing in the if you were just in the boxing world uh because he may go to MMA as well I don’t know but the dude has worked and the dude can box so I’m I’m not sure what you get out

Of if you are to beat a 57y old in Mike Tyson though I’ll say this on the other side if you all haven’t seen Mike Tyson training now Google it cuz this 57y old man I would say if you put them up on one of those you know in the in the

Arcades the punching bag machine I would still say Mike Tyson punching that bag will hit it harder than Jake Paul will if Mike Tyson lands one of those 6 to 8 inch punches that he’s known for Jake Paul may not wake up for a week so I I’m

I’m not sure what the win is for Jake Paul if he loses he loses to a 57y old man if he wins hey great you beat a guy that’s 30 years older than you so outside of this would be great marketing and great money I’m not sure what the

Win is for Jake Paul well that’s the issue he’s nine and one but everybody’s saying you’re picking your fights against washed up guys so what does that really say and I I get it it’s true but as we all know the Paul Brothers usually just do things for money and that’s what

This is so I mean Tyson agreed to it so clearly he’s ready to head into it and it’s cash love to see him win it oh my God I I hope so like Mike Tyson to me represents one of the most feared legitimately feared boxers of all time

Seeing the interviews where he’s in tears talking about the person he used to be as a fighter and not wanting that guy to come out anymore and how afraid he seems of his former self should be terrifying enough for most people going into this I get he’s 57 s of time all

That stuff like Dad said I think we’re all the reason we’re all going to watch is because everyone wants to see if Tyson can connect on one and knock this guy’s soul out of his body because that’s what he’s always been capable of I used to sit in my hotel the night

Before games and watch the Mike Tyson uh it was on ESPN classic they would put Mike Tyson’s career knockout reel on there you want to get hyped for a football game just watch T Tyson Miss uppercuts in shots that would have Pez dispensered somebody’s head collect $200

Passco all that stuff so we’re going to do this we’re all going to watch this we know how this works the Paul Brothers have had a unique economy on eyeballs for a while and that seems like it’s going to continue here uh Claudia let’s

Get to that in a little bit of NFL news as more and more roster decisions get made heading down the stretch here the Denver Broncos and they’re all pro safety Justin Simmons now parting ways yep uh that just came out about like 30 minutes ago so as the news carries in

With free agency coming up here I think we have a tweet on the board here Broncos releasing all prob safety Justin Simmons and a move again to clear calorie cap space as we’ve been talking about all day $18.25 million against the cap now that is free curious to see what

They do now of course the Broncos as we talked about earlier lots of things they need to do in order to to clean up this roster guys yeah this is this is one though I think surprising to a lot of people just given the level that he had

Played at here Dad this Broncos secondary uh and some of the young Parts involved in this had certainly been much improved at the end of last season I think the defense over all so in a year now where we’re talking about I think so much added focused at on the

Spying of the defense defensive tackle linebacker the safety level and how important that is in the modern NFL with the amount of two safety defenses people are playing with the Advent of these Shanahan McVey offenses that are exploiting the middle of the field I’m sure a guy like this is going to be

Pretty coveted oh man I’m telling you Ian I know he’s 31 he’s been up there a bit um but I mean all pro four times pro bowler twice in his his eight seasons there this guy’s a ball player I mean in 22 led the league with six interceptions

23 had eight passes defense two couple of force fumbles a sack three picks th this one every now and then you’re going to get surprising ones right he had one more year left on his contract uh and and he becomes a cap casualty now will

They try and sign him back I have no idea I I’m sure other teams will be interested and we always say the players don’t take things personal but you know he may say okay you’re releasing me I’m going to look to move on somewhere else

Uh this is one of those that that kind of surprises you a little bit but it also shows where teams are in their building or rebuilding as opposed to where their cap space is yeah going to be fascinating I mean we talked about Buffalo just clearing out a lot of their

Defensive back room now having a need at safety we saw the Eagles and all of the injuries that they had last year at that position releasing Kevin Berard I believe earlier this offseason so their safety room has got plenty of openings in it the Baltimore Ravens probably

Going to lose Gino Stone so on and on down the list there are plenty of teams and contenders potentially that could need help in the safety room and now get a guy that’s instantly going to get jump to near the top of a lot of the free

Agents lists as we go into a pretty robust offseason again down the spine of a lot of these teams all right let’s get to the third here uh scorpion bites although I guess it’s more of a sting in Las Vegas uh hitting one man really where it hurts yeah what happens in

Vegas stays in Vegas except for this dude who’s trying to make some money off of something that is absolutely bizarre he was sleeping in the Venetia hotel in Vegas and he woke up to a scorpion biting him where the sun don’t shine uh the hotel said sorry bud we’re not going

To comp your room you’re just going to have to deal with it this is basically like the worst fear of anybody right I’m not a dude but I can I can imagine that hurts so I would say worst fear from me is still snake coming up out of the

Toilet while I’m down doing doing work there I think that’s the one that keeps me up at night spiders are pretty bad but Dad as someone who lives in Arizona most of the year now and we grew up in Arizona a lot this idea of scorpions infiltrating your most delicate places

Is something that you’ve lived pretty personally we’ve all kind of seen firsthand yeah listen this this is this is what what a scary especially when you’re sleeping and all of a sudden you get that sting down there you’re wondering what the hell’s going on he did slip off his Bree and he his

Underwear and he took a picture of it dangling from his underwear but I mean listen W getting stung in coolon man I mean that I I I just can’t even fathom that and yeah they’re out here uh you know uh your your sister’s uh dogs both uh Dorothy and Earl the couple of

Bulldogs have both had their sh uh you know a couple of times gotten stung uh by uh scorpions it’s it’s a it’s a real thing out here for sure but nobody expects to get stung there I get stung in the hand or the foot or something okay but yeah getting stung there man

That that wow that is I wonder if it’s like a we are the Miller situation where it’s like the size of a softball and other said you really have some like how freaked out could the guy have been if he’s got time to take the picture I

Guess that’s my whole point is if you’re going to try and come after these people I’d imagine you got to be in a little more distress than the guy who’s able to get it off for the gram or maybe that’s just the time we live in how do you not

How do you not compa room give him a free meal something and do anything for the guy they comp rooms for nothing out there in Vegas you could get murdered in your hotel room they’re like sorry man it’s Vegas yeah Hey listen not our fault yeah that show is baby um no stings

Below the waist down here uh just quality podcasting if you agree make sure you download subscribe rate review us leave us a festar rating check us out live Monday through Friday thank you so much we’ll talk to you [Applause] Tomorrow He

1 Comment

  1. Wemby bigger market?
    The Spurs kinda rule the Mexico basketball market.
    (Mexico is not small)๐Ÿ˜

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