Golf Players

The #1 Career Booster

Professional golf isn’t just about the swing of the club.

It’s also about the fitness and nutrition that underpin those powerful shots as shared by Dylan Wu.

Having a dedicated fitness regimen and a keen eye on your diet can make a world of difference in your game.

Use a diet and tracking app to monitor what goes into your body, and ensure you’re fueling up with the right food for success on the course.

Remember, taking care of your body and health is just as important as perfecting your putt.

Listen to the full Golf Smarter episode here!:

With Dylan Wu

Fred Greene

#GolfSmarterTV #GolfSmarter

#TeamSupport #FitnessNutrition #golf #podcast #golfsmarter #mulligans

The success you have means nothing without the the team you have of course my trajectory of my career has been going up and up but it’s the people that have been with me for when I was nothing when I was yeah like when I met zero dollars in my professional career and or

People that were supporting me when I was a kid back in Oregon like family I mean there’s so many things that go into professional golf that’s not just the golf sometimes the golf is the easy part uh like the Fitness Nutrition like it’s such a great thing to have a trainer and

One of my other sponsors My Fitness Pal like they’re the the best like diet and tracking app to really figure out what going into your body and making sure um eating the right food to help you succeed or help me succeed on the golf course so like having that combination

Of like doing stuff to take care of my body and my health it’s just so important

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