Golf Players

The Captain Speaks: Mark Messier Discusses Connor McDavid And NHL’s Tough New Enforcer!

In episode 8 of the Jackie Redmond Show, Jackie sits down for an impromptu interview with NHL legendary Captain Mark Messier, Hurricanes center Seth Jarvis, and ATP star Steve Johnson!

Mark Messier gives his thoughts on Edmonton Oilers phenom Connor McDavid, New York Rangers enforcer Matt Rempe, and his friendship with Wayne Gretzky; Carolina Hurricanes center Seth Jarvis talks about his difficulties with his driving test, his improved play, and being a hit with the media; ATP player Steve Johnson talks about his decision to retire, his love of the Anaheim Ducks and hockey in general, and his tennis playing career.

00:30 Mark Messier talks McDavid, friendship with Gretzky, and more
21:17 Seth Jarvis on his adventures with cars, his license test, and more
38:14 Steve Johnson discusses his retirement, his Anaheim Ducks fandom, and more

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If there were to be an ESPN versus TNT hockey  game with all the on air Talent on the ice to   play a game who do you think would win they  got Chile over there now I don’t know I know  

I know interesting you’re a young guy are you  like taking girls out on dates in this beat up tigan [Music] um hello everybody and welcome to a very special  edition of The Jackie Redmond show I’m get right  

To it because this man needs no introduction  he is the legendary Mark Messier thank you for   doing this just happen to be in the neighborhood  see you legitimately let’s break down the fourth   wall for the audience here because this was  not a requested interview this was not planned  

I legitimately ran into Mr Mark Messier in the  hallway he’s here at the NHL head office and we   were like ah you want to come on the show and  this is how I know you’re a good guy you said  

Absolutely yeah absolutely absolutely we’ve been  friends for a long time so it’s h happy to help   this is true and it’s been a minute since I’ve  seen you and had the chance to pick your brain  

About this season so I guess I’ll just start with  that what do you make of what’s going on in the   NHL this year who stands out for you seems like  every year we say can it get any more competitive  

Than it is and every year it seems to get there  and I’m just so looking forward to the last month   and the half of the Season there so many teams are  either positioning themselves for the playoffs on  

The bubble and of course all the teams that are  actually really vying to win a Stanley Cup this   year I mean they’re all vying to win a Stanley Cup  but there’s some real legitimate contenders this   year that are intriguing storylines uh Florida for  me has been the amazing story from coming off last  

Year’s tanley Cup finals when they were really  banged up and injured but they’re trajectory   to get there last year they haven’t taken a step  back this year to me they’re one of the most fun  

Teams in the league to watch right now of course I  watch the Rangers Oilers of course and the Oilers   and and the connects the three teams that I played  for and and all all three teams have an excellent  

Season so that’s very exciting for me excellent  seasons and interesting Seasons as well I have   to ask you about the Oilers because what a roller  coaster the season has been for them I mean they   have the tough start but then they climb out of  that hole with that epic winning streak and I  

Remember at the time everyone talking about the  stat that the Oilers of the 80s never won 10 in   a row it doesn’t seem right to me Mark how is  that possible we really sucked back in the 0s  

Couldn’t win 10 in a row uh yeah it’s been an  amazing story the Oilers this year and I think   uh what I’m really seeing and what I’m enjoying  watching is is the growth of the players on the  

Team especially David dile nurse that young guys  that came in very early on in their careers and   trying to win a Stanley Cup and you think about  what they went through this year of uh you know   losing that you know incredible streak of games  and didn’t like look like they’re ever going to  

Win another game now they got on a winning streak  doesn’t look like they ever going to lose again   yeah and so they position position themselves as  a real Contender for the Stanley Cup I really look   at the trajectory of the careers of the young  players especially McDavid who comes in as a  

Young Captain trying to figure out how to win  in the league and obviously win in Stanley Cup   and to me he took a really step forward in that  in that All-Star Game this year really showing   the leadership capabilities that he had going  out there and and proving that he was the best  

Hockey player in the world we can all debate it  but this year we actually know who’s the most   skilled hockey player in the world because of it  but it was more so the fact that when he went out  

There and and the effort that he put into it and  and the leadership that he showed that it was okay   to be out there and expose yourself and give 100%  in that environment it was incredible to watch and  

To me that might have been his best skill that he  displayed this year was his leadership out there   allar game I love that answer because I do think  there has been at times a a corner of the hockey  

Universe fandom that it’s like oh the players  don’t care about Allstar they don’t you know   they don’t try but to your point like McDavid  went out there and was like I am going to prove   to everyone I’m the best one here I’m gonna win  this competition and show everyone who they’re  

Messing with and and I think you’re right it does  really set an example that you can and should go   out there and put on the best show that you can  he had the most pressure on him to win it and he  

Delivered and I think that says a lot about him  as a player and as a person as a leader I mean   there was a there was a debate about who’s the  best hockey player we can all debate that but  

Well Us in the media we like to stir that pot and  I think everybody has their favorite styles and   all that which is fine but there’s no question  that he separated himself from the rest of the  

Field in that All-Star game but to me it all boils  back down to taking the initiative and taking the   leadership role to go out there and really give  the fans what they wanted and to really give an  

Effort and and to give 100% effort and uh it’s not  easy to do you know you’re on on a stage in a way   uh you’re kind of exposed with doing the skills  and as we saw some of the players struggle with  

Some of the skills and they would could probably  do that in their sleep in their sleep but you get   in that kind of environment and you miss one or  two and all the pressure starts oh yeah I’ve been  

There myself I know exactly what they’re feeling  there but it looks easy from as it stands with   when you’re on the ice it’s a completely different  story yeah there’s something different about like   a skills comp for fun but where you’re supposed  to be really good at it and there’s thousands of  

People uh watching you in person expecting you  pressure pressure changes everything pressure   changes everything you know what also I’ve  noticed about McDavid and it’s something and   maybe I’m just this is just a me thing but that  I admire and and appreciate about him this year  

Is he seems to be coming out of his shell in the  media too like he has had some pretty nice quotes   this year I mean talking about you know review  and talking about um oh I’m not interested in  

Scoring goals I’m just going to I’m just going  to focus on on on racking up the assists right   now when he had gone a few games without scoring  a goal showing a little bit more personality and  

Being a little bit looser I think that’s great for  Conor McDavid great for Connor and I think it’s   really the maturation of a player not only on the  ice and the skill set and and uh playing on a team  

But also the confidence to go out there and to be  yourself and it doesn’t matter you’re not going   to be able to please everybody in this in this  world there so the most important thing is that  

Uh he’s doing what he really loves to to do he’s  doing it the way he likes to do it and he’s got   the support and the uh respect of his teammates  I think those are the things once you have that  

Ground base then you can really start to feel  comfortable in your own skin and really kind of   just show who you are and whatever you are whoever  you are as long as you’re okay with it that’s fine  

And everybody else will get around it and that’s  to your point I think he is starting to merge and   show his character in his uh in his personality  which is just obviously probably more relieving  

For him in a way and obviously great for the game  and I’ll tell you what it’s it’s a sign of growing   confidence as well and Conor McDavid getting more  confident is scary for the rest of the league you  

Know it’s it’s it’s funny you should say that  because it’s really part and paral there that   if you’re really comfortable off the ice and you  got your duction roll so to speak off the ice that   usually translates into really success on the  ice so those those two things really have to be  

Symbiotic in a way they have to be really balanced  off ice on on ice and seems like the best players   have always really had that let me ask you that  well it’s going to be interesting first of all  

To see what happens with McDavid and the Oilers  as we get closer to the playoffs and see if they   can can go on a little bit of a run but the game’s  changed a lot right how do you think the Oilers of  

The 80s would fare in today’s NHL someone asked  Wayne Gretzky that question when we went got   together for the team of the century not long ago  when the 87 oh the 85 Oilers were designated the   team of the century and and the press conference  someone asked Wayne how that team would have done  

In today’s game and Wayne said without missing  a Beat as quick and clever as he is he said well   give us a couple weeks and we’ll probably do  pretty good so so my guess is that we would we  

Would have done okay I I don’t think the game if  you there’s there’s two things that we’re talking   about there’s playing hockey and being able to  play in the league and then there’s winning hockey   and being able to become a champion those are two  different uh completely different concepts playing  

Winning hockey is not easy it’s very hard actually  it’s very demanding and it’s not for everybody   there’s a lot of great hockey players that can  actually play in the league but if you’re actually   trying to win a Stanley Cup it’s incredibly  demanding it’s brutal to be quite honest with  

You and everybody looks at the the end of the  game where you’re all holding the Stanley Cup   and see how great that is but the journey to get  there is pure hell sometimes and it takes mentally   or physically mentally pH physically emotionally  everything it’s going to test you in every way uh  

It will expose your weaknesses as an individual  and as a team and I think that uh today’s game   although it has changed in some regard I don’t  think the concept of winning has changed at all  

I think you still have to be a tough-minded uh  player I think you have to be able to get into   trenches I think the two months of playoff hockey  you’re basically tasked with destroying the will  

Of four different teams over two months how does  your team take away way the will the win of the   other team um and so I think in some regards uh as  much as a game has changed winning has stayed the  

Same I got to ask you about two players who are  getting a lot of hype for very different reasons   right now the first Austin Mass Matthews looks  like he’s on his way to scoring 70 goals in the  

Season uh not something that has been done in a  very long time or by very many players what do you   make of it uh he’s definitely the game’s most uh  Dynamic prolific goal scorer there’s no question  

About it you com you combine the strength the size  the skating to me his skating has probably been   his most improved asset that he has uh his shot  his release and to me it’s he seems to be more  

Focused than ever I think and I think that comes  with maturity I think it becomes along with being   in the league long enough and I really understand  the Cadence of the league through from the start  

Of training camp into the season and now we’re  into the dog days of January February so I think   he get more comfortable with the with the Cadence  of the league and he just becomes he’s just   getting better and better uh each year and there’s  no question he’s our Premier goal scorer in the  

League right now it wouldn’t be a surprise at all  if he scores more than 70 goals um um he’s he’s a   tremendous tremendous hockey player you knew I was  going to get a Leaf’s question in there absolutely  

Hey I’m Shing for the leaves too I’m I’m Shing for  any hey I got the Oilers I got the leaes I got the   I got Winnipeg I got the Oilers who’s winning I  got him I got him yeah let’s let’s get oil let’s  

Get them let’s get the Canadian teams back in  there yes listen preach preach is a Canadian girl   you know I love to hear that um I want to ask you  about this Ry kid as well because what a heck of a  

Of an entrance into the National Hockey League how  much respect do you think he’s gained just amongst   the players for the for the first two weeks that  he’s had in well there’s hundreds of thousands   of boys and girls that would do anything to get  in that position that he’s got himself into and  

You think about the amount of players that have  given everything they’ve had but never were able   quite make it for whatever reason uh and here  is a a young kid 21 years old that’s seemed to   have worked his way into that position and then  got the opportunity and took full advantage of  

The opportunity he didn’t tip toe and put his toe  into the into the shallow end he he dove into the   deep end uh and because of it he’s garnered a lot  of attention I love the fact besides the fighting  

Part uh I love the fact what he brings to the team  uh youthful energy um he’s able to get up and down   the ice he can get on the for check he’s actually  able to body check you talk about playoff hockey  

When you got to ground and pound you got to you  know take away uh the will of the other team uh he   brings that to a team that was sorely missing that  element to their game I believe uh so I I’m I’m  

All in on on the Ry I I I believe in dra drafting  that kind of player um and developing them uh   he seems like an amazing kid I haven’t met him  personally but from all what I’ve heard there that  

He’s been welcome with open arms into the team  and they’re all supporting him that which is great   news so they’re they’re they’re happy for him um  and more importantly there that he took advantage   of the opportunity and and that doesn’t come for  free there’s a lot of work that’s gone on behind  

The scenes in order for him to put himself in that  position and then when he got the opportunity he   uh he took full advantage of it so it’s it’s  an amazing story he found a way to make himself  

Valuable and I think you make a great point about  you know playoff hockey over a seven game series   having those players that can physically wear down  the opponents over time over the course you know  

Of a week and a half or whatever it takes to to  play potentially uh seven games you should shoot   him a text that’ probably blow his mind you got to  get his I mean if anyone can get his number it’s  

You you should I bet that make his weak um all  right let’s talk about you because I feel super   fortunate that I’ve had the chance to talk to you  off camera and get to know you a little bit what  

Is Mark Messier up to away from the rank like  what are your hobbies what are you doing when   you’re not working for ESPN or watching hockey  well ESP ESPN’s taken up a bit of time which has  

Been an amazing uh opportunity to uh stay in the  game talk about the game um the people at ESPN   have been amazing it’s it’s been a huge learning  curve so that’s been really rewarding and in a  

Way and uh educational and I have a much bigger  respect for the people that have do it so well   that I watched growing up and of course while I  was playing uh just a Serial entrepreneur in a  

Way okay I love obviously golfing fishing um got  a few things uh startups that we’ve been working   on for the last few years one’s game seven we  brought all the rights to game seven and and   they’re building a performance Lifestyle brand  around that oh nice through content and community  

So we’re really excited about that we got a docky  series coming up uh soon to be released uh which   will highlight some iconic game seven moments  and it’s really the uh premise around it is   that everybody can have a game seven moment you  don’t have to literally have a be playing a game  

Seven to have a game seven lifestyle moment the  question we ask is what is your game seven moment   because everybody’s been faced with some adversity  everybody’s faced with a question of of uh of in a  

Moment there was it going to change a trajectory  of their lives and how did they react to it were   they able to perform under pressure and so we  think there’s a real big opportunity there and  

To do it through the lens of sports to give the  teachings to our young boys and girls about what   it takes to win and and uh and the lessons along  the way and the other one we’re doing is a uh is  

A is a um health and wellness uh 50,000 squ foot  boxes of all- encompassed Health and Wellness Mind   Body Spirit okay uh so you can go One-Stop shop  and get all your health and wellness needs in in  

Densely urban areas there so uh my partner Isaac  Cher’s a great friend uh in the real estate family   real estate business uh it’s been amazing three  years spending with him and uh tackling both these   projects uh so we’re really excited about both  and um it’s keeping me busy but both things I’m  

Super passionate about health because I was able  to play 26 years in the National Hockey League and   and and maintain my health so I really believe  that health is uh is and the Healthy Living is  

Only kind of scraping the surface where where it’s  going so we think we’re on to something there and   of course the game seven being able to kind of  trickle down all those learnings into our into   our boys and and girls who are trying to figure  out for themselves how to perform Under Pressure  

I think we can tell some amazing stories around  it what’s the best fitness tip that you could   give if you could only give one I know you could  probably give a million but what is it my guess   would be something about consistency but yeah  I think obviously uh you know healthy eating is  

Probably the most important uh thing if we really  talk about if we use our bodies and as computers   and what are we feeding it you know need to  keep it running uh so I think how are we fueling  

Ourselves how are we fueling ourselves is really  important and of course exercise is probably next   to that you have to be able to get exercise in  order to stay healthy but you know I was lucky  

I mean I was probably born with really great genes  but um you know I I really took my fitness uh very   seriously as a young guy starting at 15 years old  and it really sustained me throughout my career  

I was something the fitness uh Journey Through My  Career changed dramatically over the course of six   years and I was always willing to adapt and change  with the times because I saw the benefits of being  

In great condition and um you know fatigue can  make cowards of us all I didn’t want to be on   the on the wrong side of being of being fatigue  yeah and so I thought that uh I you know where we  

Started in Edmonton back in the early 80s and the  trajectory that we took in the in the science of   fitness and then where it ended through throughout  the my career was incredible to see the the change  

In but it was always fascinated to me so I was  always kind of trying to stay on The Cutting   Edge of fitness and now continues and it continues  now into this endeavor called honeycomb that we’re  

We’re we’re about to launch yeah all right you  clearly have a lot going on I am being told to   rap but I do have one more question so I’m going  to blow the stop sign do I have your permission  

To blow the stop sign let’s let’s blow the stop  sign um because you know I I’ve had the privilege   to get to know you a little bit I work with Wayne  Gretzky on TNT and I’m just curious because you  

Guys have known each other for so long you’ve gone  through so much together obviously when you guys   get together at whatever the function may be maybe  it’s just a dinner with the two of you maybe it’s  

A golf tournament whatever it is what is the one  topic that you guys always end up talking about   like what is the maybe the one story or the one  conversation that you guys always seem to find  

Yourselves having well of course but like but no  you think Wayne you think we’ both be sick and   tired of talking about hockey but inevitably after  all the preses and what are he up to and all the  

Things that we got going on in our lives and kids  and families and all that kind of stuff inevitably   it always comes back to hockey because of our  passion has never waned on on our love for the  

Game yeah and you’d think Wayne of all the guys  would never want to talk about hockey the rest   of his life and he’s the one that always brings  it up and he’s got a memory like he can remember  

Everything so it’s fascinating to to talk about  him and we talk about the today’s game we talk   about today’s players we talk about the changes  in the game we talk about the things that are   they’re great about the game and things that just  reminiscing about your days no it’s it’s actually  

More importantly is talking about the game now  and and where we at are with the game um with the   young players and um so it’s always fascinating  but you know we’re like brothers when we talk  

About you win now and you walk together forever  uh you know Wayne and I have been like this since   we were teammates uh there was never any jealousy  or any ego amongst us we got along perfectly our  

Styles Blended perfectly on and off the ice there  was never any kind of uncomfortable this in our   relationship or friendship uh and it and that  happens to and here we are how many years later  

Now since we’re 18 18 years old and now you’re  both did you ever think you’d both end up working   in media and we both love it yeah and we both  love it and he really he’s really enjoying it too  

Which is awesome and you know I think that we both  have something to share with the viewers and some   education through our experiences I mean we both  lived some pretty incredible experiences through   the game itself which it afforded those those  iccon IC moments and and of course those what I’m  

Talking about the game seven the the teachings  and the learnings along the way right because   that’s really what you know uh became apparent  to me as my career extended was that I’m I’m   learning a lot here I’m I’m not only from a lot  of great players but through my own experiences  

Through failure and successes I’m learning a lot  and being able to hopefully share those to the   viewers really really exciting well you’re you’re  crushing it as everyone expected uh that you would   no I’m learning I’m not crushing ring it yet I I  got a long way to go well listen first they were  

Telling me behind the scenes to wrap it up then I  blew the stop sign and now they’re giving me one   more question to ask you so now I am going to be  biased about this and you will probably be biased  

About this but if there were to be an ESPN versus  TNT hockey game put all on air Talent on the ice   to play a game who do you think would win they  got Chile over there now I don’t know I know I  

Know interesting and you and chel got really close  during ESP love I love chel he was amazing friend   I always heard great things about him as a player  I never got a chance to play with him didn’t play  

Against him in any playoff uh competition but uh  the two years we spent at ESPN uh everything that   uh all the hype was was true he was an amazing guy  what a great teammate he must have been I would  

Loved the opportunity to play with him I am G to  have to say unfortunately that ESPN would probably   uh take down TNT on the I don’t know man let’s  set that up we should do it for I think it would  

Be really fun well we got PK he’s still young he  still wants to play so maybe that’s our that’s our   advantage yeah you got we got B I mean b is that  guy’s unbelievable I mean the passion with that  

Guy is is I mean if we’re talking personality too  and that’s brings a whole who’s going to be the   biggest trash talker on the ice I think maybe B  maybe win that war right yeah he’s got a good lip  

Wedge well listen we got to get someone on the  case maybe the NHL can set up a charity game or   something and uh we can raise money for good cause  it’ be so fun as long as I get to I would love to  

Play it’ be so much fun to get it’d be great uh  listen thank you for the time amazing thank you   legitimately I’m not lying we just ran into him  in the hallway and he was like of course that’s  

The kind of guy that he is thank you so much  really appreciate it you’re the best thank you   and we are very excited to welcome Seth Jarvis of  the Carolina Hurricanes to the show third season   in the National career-high in goals and points I  imagine Seth that you’re feeling okay about your  

Game uh as we stand today yeah it’s going not bad  I’m I’m enjoying it I’m having fun not bad is good   what do you think is clicking well for you this  year um I think I just have a lot more confidence  

Than I have in the past I think I have more  trust in goam as a player and being able to make   mistakes and not get uh not get too down on myself  and uh I think it’s just worked out well for me  

Where does that confidence come from is it just  playing like reps as they say playing more games   or is are there teammates or maybe Rod or someone  in the organization that has helped you sort of  

Make that transition to to remember kind of why  you are where you are at this point a little bit   of everything I think uh I think in practice  being not being able or not being afraid to  

Try stuff and and uh make plays and and build the  confidence and then in games just having teammates   keep uh keep me positive coaches keep me positive  and having me in the right mindset to be able to  

Go out there and uh and be able to make plays  and not get like I said too down on myself well   it’s certainly working out for you um if you were  to go back and look at your trajectory and I know  

It’s only your third season in the NHL but what do  you think is the most improved area of your game I   think for the most part defensively away from the  puck I think I’ve gotten a lot better I’ve been  

Able to penal kill now which has been fun uh being  trusted in six on five in different situations   has been cool so just however I can get on the  ice if it’s offensively or defensively I think  

Uh has been really good but the defensive part of  my game is taking big stride well congratulations   on the succcess that you’ve experience so far did  you see it coming that you would start to be this  

Media darling a little bit because you’ve had  quite a few headlines in the last season or so   um that people love you have become like a quote  machine when did you become aware of that and is  

It something that is intentional or is this just  who Seth dvis is I don’t know I think I guess   from having a little more success on the ice I  get interviewed a little bit more than normal  

So I’ve been able to Showcase my personality a a  little bit more and just having fun with reporters   I think the people we have in Carolina do a great  job of uh not always keeping on hockey and giving  

Me a chance to show a little bit of a personality  a little bit different side of hockey so I’m glad   people enjoy it I don’t do it intentionally it’s  just kind of how I answer how I how I am or carry  

Myself but I’m just happy everyone enjoys it and  is having fun with it and we see more and more   players when they retire and you are a long long  ways from that but making careers out of their  

Personalities out of their knowledge of the game  is that something way way way down the line that   Seth Jarvis would potentially entertain I don’t  know I hope so it’d be cool to do something like  

That but like I don’t I don’t know yeah like you  said a long time away I got a lot of things to   think about in between then but it’d be cool to  be to still be in hockey in some form and I think  

Yeah if I could use my personality to get me an  opportunity to do something after hockey that’d   be that’d be really cool well there’s no shortage  of it from what we’ve seen from you so far and I  

Feel like we’ve only scratched the surface but  I read that you drive a Tiguan like a beat up   Tiguan like windshield problems dents like what  what is the story behind this Tiguan when I was   in junior hockey it was my first kind of season  after I signed my contracts you get those little  

Signing bonuses and uh the car I was driving down  there someone hit it and total it so I kind of   had to buy a car to get home so I I bought that  T1 down there and uh it’s been with me through  

Everything now yeah like I said cracked windshield  cracked bumpers uh a lot of scrap a lot of I’m not   a great driver obviously but it’s uh it’s made  it way through and uh I think I got to improve  

A little bit on the road before I start uh start  making an upgrade did you pass your first driver’s   test it took me I think I got on my fifth try five  a five Banger what was the what was the hurdle for  

You was it like parallel parking what what was it  everything under the sun I couldn’t parallel park   for a while uh turn signals was always a big one  intersections it was everything was a little bit  

Of a struggle for okay so it took you a second to  really get the driving thing under your belt but   apparently you are a good or a decent driver now  or at least a fun one because I I saw the story  

About you with some sports car doing burnouts or  Donuts or something and Rod brymore witnessed this   uh what was the first conversation with Rody  B after that happened he didn’t say he didn’t  

Bring it up to me at all thankfully I didn’t want  to I didn’t want to talk about it either it was   just kind of one of those situations where it’s  unfortunate timing for me and and him walking out  

Seeing that but yeah it was right when he kind of  handed me the lineup sheet in the playoffs before   the game was the only time he really mentioned  it I think he kind of swept on the rug thankfully  

Because it wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever  done but uh he made a good joke he made a good   joke out of it and and brought fun to it but uh  yeah something I probably won’t do again but I who  

Knows what happens and so you still have the tigan  I’m assuming you have like an emotional attachment   to that so you’re you’re a young guy are you  like taking girls out on dates in this beat up

Tiguan um not quite I try I try to Uber places  and keep my car away from away from sight I don’t   want to scare anybody away with that thing well  listen it could be a good like it could be a good  

Test right like okay how you know how superficial  is she you know maybe she’s down to earth she’s   down with the Tiguan you can learn a lot about  a person I feel like I’ve learned a lot about  

You the fact fact that you’re hanging on to this  car this Tiguan that’s been been with you through   a lot right yeah I mean it’s not my choice but I  could get a new car I would I’ve had some family  

Members recommend I don’t do it yet and uh so  I’ve been just hanging on to it and I guess I   could use it as a little bit of a test but I’d  rather just uh keep it at home keep it safe keep  

It out of people’s uh people feeli of you so the  family still not totally confident in your driving   skills just yet all right I’ll move on I’m going  to move on from the tigan and the driving but I  

Want to talk to you about Rod bore because even as  a reporter and someone that covers the game like I   I respect all coaches of course but Rod brymore is  someone that I’ve interviewed many times I covered  

You guys in the conference final last year and  still I’m always like so nervous to ask Rody b   a question because I like if he ever told me that  I asked a bad question I would just I would want  

To quit immediately but if he says that’s a great  question Jackie I walk away and I’m like yes like   this is the best feeling ever do you experience  that on some level as a player I have the exact  

Same feelings uh when I make a mistake I want to  crawl into a hole and never come out and then when   I do something good and you kind of pass me on  the back or when you score a goal he’ll give you  

A fist bump that’s uh it’s a really cool feeling  because he’s a legend in the game someone who’s   been around forever and uh everyone has a lot of  respect for so yeah it’s the same for for me as  

It is for you I just want a fist bump and to walk  away from the r happy yeah fair enough how would   you describe you know your relationship with Rody  B at the beginning to now like how is it grown and  

And what do you appreciate most about him at  the beginning he he definitely helped me out   just kind of figuring out how to live on my own  how to survive in the NHL and just uh helping me  

Be comfortable right away and I I’ll thank him  forever for that because he made a 19-year-old   coming in not really knowing if I’m going to  play there and made me feel a part of the team   right away and really helped me get adjusted and  then now I’m a little more comfortable around him  

I can I can talk to him trip him a little bit so  it’s been uh it’s been great just the progression   of our relationship and he’s still hard on me  still keeps me in check a lot of the time but  

He lets me get away with a little bit of a little  bit of talking okay I have to follow up because   you just sort of slid in there that you can chirp  Rody B once in a while what is a rod brendam more  

Chirp look like from Seth Jarvis not a whole lot  I I’m scared like you said I’m terrified to take   him that or hit any buttons so I just uh just  poking fun with him just just trying to light him  

I just want to see him laugh see a little bit of a  happy emotion out of him yeah fair enough he is an   emotional guy so I I assume you’ve seen a range of  emotions uh from Rod brentmore I also understand  

You used to live with Sebastian AO and you guys  have become quite good friends so I’m curious   how long did you live with AO 4 was it a short  period or yeah it wasn’t too long it was probably  

A little over a month maybe a month so not he he  got sick me pretty quick okay that’s long enough   to to dive more into this what what was the best  thing about AO as a roommate and what was his  

Weakest uh skill as a roommate would you say o the  best thing about him was he had a sa at his house   it was pretty cool um so was fun to go there yeah  he uh keeps a really clean house surprisingly so  

That was that was always nice uh I think the worst  thing was he didn’t really let me in the sauna I   got like one or two tries and that was kind of it  so I didn’t appreciate that or is cooking needs  

A little bit of work he’s not bad I think he’s  gotten better but he uh at that time we we were   struggling together what were you guys eating when  you say struggling a lot a lot of takeout a lot  

Of a lot of ordering food um but he he can make  the basics but I I’m no help in the kitchen so   it really a Onan show if two professional hockey  players are ordering t what is it like is it is  

It healthy is it do you like what would it be he  did a good job at keeping me healthy when I’m when   I’m on my own I I let myself Venture off a little  bit more but he he kept me in check uh yeah just  

Your standard kind of boring chicken rice steak  pasta all that kind of stuff it’s not like deer   that you would have at like Brent Burn’s house or  a little bit different no we didn’t any of that no  

Do you still do you go to Burn’s house a lot like  how often do you kind of venture into that world   because I imagine it’s a unique one yeah I I do I  haven’t been over there in quite some time which I  

Feel a little bad about it’s fun going over there  I love their family it’s nice just be in a family   environment again I’m on my own a lot so it’s  been cool to to be part of that family but I’m  

Gonna get over there soon enough I’ve uh I’ve been  craving a little bit of deer I I saw you I think   his son did a like journalistic piece uh for the  Hurricanes recently and you ripped right into him  

So I imagine that you know his kids pretty well  yeah I have a I have a really good relationship   with all of them Jagger he’s I think he’s about  12 he’s I’ve never been an older brother and this  

Is the closest I’ll ever feel I think it’s been  it’s been great to just be around him uh be able   to joke with him every time I’m over at his house  we’re always doing something together hanging out  

And he’s around the rink enough to where he’s  pretty comfortable with all the guys but it’s   nice to nice to have a little bit of interaction  there he was a little he was a little nervous  

Doing the interview stuff so it was fun to P him  a little bit and make him make him a little more   uncomfortable yeah you had to loosen them up a  little bit chirping can do that uh in those times  

For sure all right only a couple more questions  for you you know you you’re now three years in   you always guys are always setting goals like what  is what is your goal outside of winning a Stanley  

Cup of course but for Seth Jarvis like what do  you hope you can accomplish in the next couple   of years um in Carolina there’s a bunch like you  said the Stanley Cup’s kind of the ultimate one  

The the one you want to hang your hat on but I  think just being able to be a good teammate to   everyone here everyone here has been so so great  to me as I’ve been growing growing into my own  

Player in person so if uh the time comes where we  finally get someone younger than me to be able to   help them out is is what I want to do most and and  just become a leader here have a little more of a  

Say in the locker room I I don’t talk very much uh  I find that hard to believe Seth yeah when it gets   serious I I I kind of shut my mouth so being more  comfortable and be being a leader being someone  

Guys can uh guys can lean on a little bit and and  uh help the team out that way you know I actually   really admire that I think you know I don’t think  everyone necessarily gravitates towards mentorship  

And kind of helping people that come after them so  um I think that’s a really great answer actually   um so kudos to you on that um so it sounds like  you provide a bit of the comedic relief um in the  

Room when things aren’t so serious I heard and  I could be wrong about this you are a bit of a   prankster and I know you’re not going to tell  me any of the pranks you pull I’ve asked that  

Question too many times in my career um knowing  that I’m not going to get an answer so I’ll ask   you this what is the the key to pulling off a  Great Prank I don’t know I’m not I’m not a massive  

One I I usually get pranked more than anything um  I think just doing it to people that don’t suspect   it I think there’s guys that are always kind of  on edge so we uh we had one in Columbus set up  

For Jordan Stall a little bit ago that backfired  on me but the intentions were there and so we had   a few we a few going on in in the dressing room  but yeah I think just the element of surprise no  

One expects to prank the C I was going to say you  guys went you guys were going to go after Jordan   Stall the ultimate veteran the ultimate Mentor  how did it I know you probably don’t want to tell  

Me what the prank was but like in what way did it  backfire like did it end up did you fall victim to   this prank or what happened well so someone got  me which I didn’t appre they put the cup under  

The the helmet so they got me I wasn’t expecting  to be prank so they used my own advice against   me and then uh I was kind of waiting because we  did the same to jordo and I was kind of waiting  

In the dress room to watch him do it because he’s  usually one of the last guys to get out there so I   I stuck around just I want to see his reaction but  uh he outsmarted me he I think he knew was coming  

Or saw it before and uh just casually lifted his  helmet above the uh above the water cup and I was   very upset because now I’m wet and I didn’t get  to see Jordan get wet so it was it was a problem  

For me is Jordan the type of guy that tries to get  revenge in those types of situations uh it depends   on his he was in a good mood that day so he was  he was all right with it and like he outsmarted  

Us so he wasn’t he wasn’t too mad about it but I’m  sure if he got soaked he uh I would have had him   coming after me a little bit all right I would  not want to be in that situation uh to say the  

Very least but listen we appreciate you taking the  time to come on the show and tell us a little bit   more about who you are we do this thing called 60  seconds of nonsense it’s like a rapid fire segment  

So that’s how we’re going to finish this interview  today if it’s okay with you and uh I’ll just shoot   you questions you can just wrap rapid fire quick  answers and then uh we’ll call it a day is that  

Cool sounds great all right I’m starting with a  very important question cats or dogs dogs oh I’m   I’m a cat person uh what would we be surprised  to find on your playlist your current like go-to   playlist Gwen Stefani probably what era Gwen  Stefani like Sweet Escape kind of thing okay  

That’s a good tune I also love her the song with  Eve the song with Eve is a banger blow your mind   if you haven’t heard it add it it’s great yeah  add add that one if you could have a cameo on any  

TV show what show would you want to be on um I’m  watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia right now so   that one okay okay I you know what I haven’t  watched enough of that show and more so many  

People have brought it up to me and I think I’ve  seen like one episode so that I obviously need   to get with the times um um what’s something that  you’re really bad at that you wish you were good  

At driving would be a good one probably I guess  you already answered that question uh Team Chelsea   or team Jimmy oh um it’s a trick question you know  what I’m talking about I know what you’re talking  

About because I I like Jimmy at the start but then  I found out I don’t really like Jimmy anymore so   I don’t know I’m in the middle I can’t pick one  I think you’re like most people it’s been a real  

Roller coaster uh on Love is Blind it’s awful it  is terrible but you’re watch you’re watching or   are you just seeing it on Tik Tok no I’m addicted  to it I am I am fully invested just this season  

Or every season just this season I I got turned on  to this season and I I can’t stop watching it okay   uh yeah me neither uh final one what’s the best  advice you’ve ever been given never stop being a  

Kid was probably the best one I’ve ever got I love  that that feels like the perfect place to end this   interview life is supposed to be fun as is hockey  and you keep it that way Seth so thank you so much  

For the time congratulations on the season and uh  best of luck the rest of the way thank you very   much Jackie well congratulations are in order  for our next guest who has called it a career  

On the ATP Tour Steve Johnson joining the show we  are so excited to have you I know you’re a huge   Ducks fan we’re going to get into that but let’s  start with you because there’s the anticipation of  

Retirement and then there’s actual retirement how  are you feeling right now yeah I’m a little tired   last night so it’s been a crazy lifetime career  um but it’s it’s been quite a pleasure to to be  

Able to play a sport as a profession for as long  as I did and now I get kind of hopefully sit back   enjoy the family not travel as much and enjoy uh  you know a little bit of a slower paced lifestyle  

Here coming coming coming up when that moment  starts to approach where okay it’s it’s my last   singles match it’s my last this it’s my last trip  here it’s my last time playing on maybe whatever   your favorite cord is or whatever those things  may be what are the things that you started to  

Think about over the course of of the last couple  of months yeah over the last few months it became   pretty clear that uh I was ready to to hang it  up you know everything really started to become  

Less enjoyable from all the stuff that nobody  sees outside of you know the rink or the ice or   the court you name it you know all the rehab the  getting ready the practice all that became kind  

Of very unenjoyable as long as the TR as well as  the travel and everything so for me it was it was   a clear choice and um I’m I’m very happy with my  decision and I am just you know excited to kind  

Of see what’s next take some time away from doing  all the monotonous rehab and travel and doing all   that kind of stuff but uh I’m definitely going  to miss uh all the boys in the locker room and  

And all the banter that goes along with that you  know I’m glad to hear that because I’m not sure   that every professional athlete has that Clarity  at the end necessarily and so I imagine it’s nice   to really feel sure about it and happy about  it and knowing that you’re you’re ready for the  

Next chapter um in your life as you look back  on your career and I’m sure you’ve been asked   this question a lot but what are you most proud  of like what moments really stand out to you as  

Things that you’re proud of yeah for me it there’s  a lot of things his career which kind of set me up   to to be a you know have the the right footing  to be a professional tennis player and you know  

I was lucky enough to hoist trophy four times in  my career and win a bronze medal in Rio so for me   it’s those are the big moments in my life and just  being able to share that you know with my parents  

Or you know the coaches that really got me there  along the way for all their sacrifice and and   hardship over the years was the most rewarding and  I felt like every time I had this Milestone event  

Or this Monumental effort you know I could look  up and see two three four people that had greatly   impacted my life not as a tennis player you know  but as a person as well and that’s really the most  

Important thing to me yeah those bonds um I’m sure  that go beyond tennis and and will last a lifetime   to say the very least congratulations again I’m so  happy for you this is a hockey show though so you  

Are on here uh as a Ducks fan now not the Great  greatest of seasons for you guys we know this   we yeah but how did you become a Ducks fan where  where does this journey begin for you well for me  

It started in 93 and ’94 you know I was still  a young boy probably only fiveish at the time   four or five but when they moved to Anaheim or  when they you know expanded to Anaheim I grew up  

About 10 minutes from the uh from the pond which  what it was back in the day dating myself there   but um yeah so I’ve just always been a hockey fan  I’ve Loved hockey grew up watching hockey as much  

As I can I don’t know what attracted to me as a  kid but you know the more I you know get older you   know the more I’m able to enjoy what those guys  do and how incredibly impressive it is both you  

Know what they can do on the ice but how they are  in the community especially what they’ve done in   Orange County I’ve seen the work that they’ve done  firsthand so I’ve been a Ducks fan for my whole  

Life um and I’ve been very fortunate to get to  know some of my on those teams so that’s been like   quite the you know quite the transition for me to  you know sometimes incomprehensible to watch and  

Paul Korea and Scott NE and then be able to get  to know them and create bonds and friendships with   them through sport was uh is truly remarkable now  I saw a picture of you with the Finish flash teus  

Salani now I don’t know if you guys are are great  friends or if this was a one-time thing but I’m   very jealous I’ve never met the man in person I’ve  interviewed him one time I dream of interviewing  

Him again what was that experience like I mean  he’s one of the best people out there you know   I’ve gotten to know him since probably 2016 um  really well um there’s a couple big you know proam  

Events at his home Club in Kota Taza um in Orange  County that I’ve played with him probably four   or five times we’ve we’ve come out on top as the  winners a couple times lost in the finals a couple  

Times and I try and tell him he’s got to slow down  a little bit but he’s just one competitive guy and   he’s I’m like dude you know like you’ve won the  Stanley Cup You’ve Won you played the Olympics a  

Million times like why is this you know kind of  throw away tennis match means so much to you and   he’s always like it’s not my sport like that’s why  I try so hard that’s why I’m so competitive you  

Know if it’s hockey it’s one thing but like I want  to win something that’s not my sport I’m like all   right let’s do it you know let’s have some fun and  uh you know it’s it’s been great I love hearing  

That about him actually because it makes me feel  a little more sane about going crazy over like a   pickle ball game against my husband and a couple  seniors at the rec center like we get so into it  

So I love that you know Teemu he’s just like us  oh he’s just like he’s just like us you know the   guy obviously had a phenomenal career Hall of  Famer you name it you know all the accolades  

He deserves but off the ice he’s just such a  nice guy I’ve seen him in every situation and   he’s so accommodating to the fan take a picture  you name it you know he knows exactly what he’s  

Done in his life and how he you know gives back  to to this world and um he’s a great yeah heck   of a guy so he has dabbled in your sport have you  played hockey can you skate have you have you been  

Able to play in any of these exhibition games that  happen out in California every once in a while no   unfortunately not the only hockey that I’ve ever  gotten into really is some ball hockey every year  

We play in uh we have our one of our big events  in it switches back and forth every year between   Montreal and Toronto and so I’ve gotten to meet  a lot of the former greats you know douge Gilmore  

And and whatnot it’s just so I try and playing  that event at the tournament every year but I’ve   kind of kept my world a little boring over the  last uh decade plus just because I don’t want to  

Risk uh getting myself hurt but now that I’m done  I’m I’m all in for whatever I can get my I know   I’m going to try it all and I’ll probably just get  hurt pretty quickly but uh I got nothing to get  

Ready for now so that’s that’s the plan are you  talking about the ball hockey the charity thing   they do at was it at the Rogers cup yep yep okay  I played in that much year yeah I played in that  

One time um this is going back years but Novak  jokovic was playing in it and back to your point   about like getting competitive in charity like for  fun type things I I I didn’t realize I did this I  

Was playing on the other team Tyler Sean was on  my team and whatever I’m going in the corner I’m   trying to get the ball like just like I’m trying  to win and I come back and Tyler’s like yo you  

Just elbowed Novak jokovic in the corner like  you can’t do that what are you doing but he was   hilarious like he respected it he was like you are  feisty but like yeah that’s a that’s my claim to  

Fame at the Rogers cup yeah at the end of the day  we’re all competitors and uh you know when it’s   when that Puck’s in that corner you better go out  and get it somebody got to come out with it you  

Can’t be afraid you can’t be afraid but could  you imagine if it was bad though that would be   not good that would probably something you might  not want to talk about too much but I might not   be here today actually no you’ll be all right  everybody likes a competitive um everybody likes  

The competition out there so that’s what drives  all of us athletes that’s that’s that’s what we do   at the end of the day all right let’s talk about  these ducks I know that it’s not the greatest Seas  

Season but you have some really really talented  young players on that roster who do you enjoy   watching I am imagine you must get a kick out  of someone like Trevor zis Troy Terry I think   is like criminally underappreciated uh around the  league I think he’s an amazing player who do you  

Like to watch yeah you know for me you know I love  I love the young guys I know it’s there’s a bit of   a learning curve to be had um you know obviously  the next week could shake up a lot of different  

Scenarios for the Ducks to see where some guys  get moved or get wanted and before the trade   deadline um but I love Mason McTavish um you know  you know I think he’s maybe my favorite duck as of  

Right now just because the way he plays you know  he’s got that edge to him he’s not afraid to mix   it up he’s just kind of one of those guys that I I  really like but you know it’s been a been a bit of  

A bummer for uh zis this year just because he’s  been hurt but watching him what he can do with   the puck on the ice it should be playground stuff  that he’s doing you know in the middle of hockey  

Games that makes it look so easy but look the team  is Young the team is great you know the back end   all these young guys down in down in San Diego are  kind of coming up so it’s it’s going to be fun you  

Know we had our we had a lot of a good stretch you  know maybe seven eight 10 years ago with get laugh   and Perry and all these guys but only got over the  hump once but um I’m looking forward to the next  

This next generation of ducks kind of putting it  together so I put all my trust in Pat forek and   Greg Cronin right now so that’s what I want to see  just I want to see those guys succeed um you know  

We talk about someone like Trevor zis and we’ve  seen a lot more of this now these these playground   type moves these things you would never think you  know 15 years ago you’d ever see in the game what  

Would the equivalent be do you think or is there  even one in tennis like what would that what kind   of a move would that be like a lacrosse you know  a little yeah it’s like a little different but I  

Would say you know a different analogy for us  would be you know people of my era generation   you know we play tennis a little bit differently  when you’re playing these kids now who are 18 to  

23 24 all they do do is like they just fire  the ball as fast as they can every time like   it’s just full send 247 365 and I’m like I don’t  even know how any of their body parts are still  

Connected but they’re young um but it’s like one  of these things where it’s it times are changing   but same in you know same with all sports you  know it evolves but it’s cool to see I’m sure  

Some of the older guys are maybe a little salty  with the you know some of the fun stuff these   young guys do out there but I think it’s great for  the game and um as a spectator I thoroughly enjoy  

It yeah to I love the skill I love the the new  school hockey but I also love when a little old   school Creeps in and you get someone like rempy  uh dropping the gloves and being very old school  

In the way that he goes about business and you can  already tell like this Rey kid has so much respect   from some of these veteran uh physical players  like Orion Reeves so I think consider he’s been  

In the league like two weeks yeah you you be in  the league two weeks you fight your first shift   at MetLife I believe you know it’s like and then  you fought four or five times since then and you  

Go answer the bell with Ryan Reeves on a Saturday  night that’s a good effort for a kid a young kid   but I’m glad I don’t have to fight anybody 67  um like 240 like I’ll I’ll stay on my side you  

Know I’m good like they’re young they just start  throwing I’m gonna I’m gonna stay across the net   and just try and hit it back but uh it’s great  to see this kind of uh this this coming back  

To hockey and um hopefully we’ll more of it well  listen it has been an absolute pleasure chatting   with you hopefully we’ll see you at some more  hockey games now that you’ll have a little bit  

More free time uh to do those types of things my  last question as I say goodbye and I’m I have to   ask are you do you dabble in pickle ball are you  into pickle ball my husband and I are obsessed I  

Just have to ask yeah you know there’s uh I play  socially every once in a while um it’s it’s quite   the craze I I thoroughly enjoy it you know if  you get the right group for me for me you know  

Our buddies a couple of my former retired buddies  now play so it’s fun to go out there and have fun   it’s just it’s a bit more social than tennis which  is what I like about it you know it’s easier to  

Kind of have a few beers or cocktails and go out  there and play and not run as much and have that   kind of banter back and forth so I’m not doing  that in tennis uh but I’ll do that in pickle ball  

For sure well listen if you ever have a charity  pickle ball event please invite me I would love   to play uh thank you for this congratulations  again on an amazing career enjoy retirement enjoy   the hockey even if the Ducks are not the greatest  uh they’ll bounce back’ll bounce back eventually  

Baby they always do uh thank you for this and  and again congratulations thank you Jackie well   who saw that coming I’ll tell you what not this  girl but massive massive thank you to the one   and only Mark Messier for making time for us we  appreciate you sir also shout out to Seth Jarvis  

And Steve Johnson for joining the show and be sure  to tune in next week I’ve got a surprise in store   from St Pete but not spoiling anything you have to  tune in to find out we’ll see you then thanks for watching


  1. Messier is a rat who somehow convinced the league that he is a leader even though his behaviour in Vancouver was utterly reprehensible.

  2. Great job getting Mess on the show! I know it would put him in a bad position but would have been great to ask him about Kucherov unprofessionalism at the All Star Game this season. Great job JR👩🏽

  3. Thanks Jackie! I remember first seeing you on Sportsnet. So happy to see your career take off in both the NHL and WWE world. As someone who lives near Edmonton, it was cool to see you have Messier on

  4. I'm always curious with all these great Canadian hockey players who end up living in the U.S. How much do they give back to their roots in Canada? Seems to me that they forget where they came from. For me as a die hard Canadian, it's disappointing. I hope they do give back but seems unikely. Just a thought

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