The PGA Tour’s New Investors, Unwritten Rules of Golf, President’s Cup Update, and Fairway or Fore

The PGA Tour has some new investors- high profile names almost anyone will recognize- but how does this help the game? Mike Weir made a declaration this week regarding the status of LIV Golf Players at the Presidents Cup. Plus a weekly rendition of Fairway or Fore!

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Big Drive energy live Wednesday Edition look at us back in studio together again today we’re going to talk about Mike we making some comments regarding this upcoming Presidents Cup in September not as much hype around the president cup as the Ryder Cup but still a nice little European well actually that’s incorrect

International International us matchup um there’s some new investors on the PGA tour a lot of money the PGA Tour yes in into the PGA T product we’re going to discuss that we also have a fairway or 4 and we’re going to discuss some Unwritten rules in golf I saw a post on

Instagram kind of sparked a little thought in me um t h o u g HT yeah the other thought in me is that’s a bigger thought that’s buried a long time big thought but we’re going to discuss all of that and more finish it up with a fairway R4 let’s te it up

You sound like a nursery rhyme I’m a nursery rhyme Fairway or 4 finish or what did I say I don’t know I said um and more 4 yeah um Dr Seuss over here how are you doing big shooter we had a we had a good time at the Abs game last

Night um yeah I’m still oh boy talk for a second I’m Snee I uh I had a great birthday I had a lot of fun um between New York City the last weekend and then I kind oh bless you that that was not held back whatsoever hung over sneezes

Hit different oh yeah dude you were hammered it was hilarious yeah so we went to the Abs game last night little birthday present to Mitchell watch the ABS put up a touchdown and an extra point kale Mar hat trick I’ll out myself right now out both of us we didn’t throw

Our hats yeah and I think we’ve discussed this before but throwing a hat is I think I wouldn’t say it’s lame like I it would be fun to throw a hat but first of all if you go back to last week’s pod you realize that neither of

Us look great without a hat on so that’s part of it but then also nobody thinks to wear a shitty hat to throw on the ice in case of a hat trick like you wear a nice hat that you know we have vast hat collections but you have specific Avalanche hats that

You like to wear and so yeah I just didn’t feel like throwing it on the ice I was and it was funny like I mean just people missing the ice there’s it it And while also we’re behind the net like I’m not trying to make even more excuses

Here but we’re behind the net to the point where we would have to throw it in the little Gap where the uh they open up the doors for the The Ice people to come out and skate around um so it just wasn’t worth the shot to I I felt like

It was going to end up in somebody else’s lap and then they would just have my hat yeah exactly and I told the guy behind me I was like dude you don’t want my bald uh blinding you for the rest of the game so I’m going to keep this

[ __ ] hat on also I’m very particular maybe I need to start this is my second hattick in that I’ve ever witnessed the first one was gay Bland scog ironically okay which you wouldn’t think of years ago yeah it was a while ago but I’ve had

Two a I have two AVS hats I wore one the entire every game the entire year that they won the cup so I’ve retired that hat bought basically the same exact hat just a different color way and I wear that to every single game so I felt

Necessary to keep it on and not throw it it was funny because our so our uh consistent gate guy I don’t know what he’s called our section guy that always checks our tickets greeter he always comes up with a safe word if you will uh

That allows us to get back down to our seats without having to show him our tickets he’s very strict but uh when he knows us and gives us the safe word last night it was popcorn so we had to say popcorn I feel [ __ ] lame every time I

Do it but it’s you know yeah you you feel like you’re in elementary school you’re like yeah popcorn and he’s he’s like oh yeah good one [ __ ] like oh is that the word tonight you’re like proud that I remembered it and then by the third period we were probably little

Popcorn yeah he’s like what was that the C’s lights were flowing last night we had bound yeah the Cs lights shot and a beer shot and a beer beer and a shot beer and a shot beer and a shot beer and a shot um and it yeah the the

Vodka no free shout outs but pink Whitney’s a great vodka shot to uh take just quickly you know like sometimes whiskey can be a little heavy if you’re just like not wanting to get weighed down um and you’re on the Move Little VOD kill do you so we were just having a

Bunch of CER lights and a few shots of pink Whitney um and yeah I my stomach is in such a bad place today I had a baked potato for dinner that’s thinking back had to walk Halfway Around ball aren just to find you a [ __ ] baked potato

True at all I knew exactly where it was it’s right in front of the the entry of the main like main entry baller yeah but from where our seats are we had to walk Halfway Around The Stadium to get you that specific baked potato yeah and honestly like an undercooked baked

Potato [ __ ] sucks and the I think it was legitimately with I tipped her like a150 $2 it was a $20 baked potato yeah like that’s disgusting that’s inflation is officially gone too far when you’re paying $20 for baked potato with some shitty nacho cheese and some bacon

Crumbles and you have to like ask for sour cream is it weird like okay so I know you’re not a dairy guy so you don’t like sour cream but I feel like Marissa sour cream should come standard on a big potato yeah yeah like that’s butter sour cream cheese

Bacon bits green onion that’s that’s my baked potato order instead they put nacho cheese on it disgusting and it’s just been wreaking havoc on my stomach this morning like I it’s been working overtime in there it’s [ __ ] terrible so I’ve eaten a yogurt and now I’m drinking a Gatorade and hopefully I can

Make it through this podcast also I have to give uh a quick shout out to this t-shirt uh no free shout outs but I actually found it on Tik Tock shop so I’m a [ __ ] a Shopaholic me and Spencer both um no I’m actually not a

Shopaholic he is but I just want to show if you’re watching on the YouTube look at this shirt because this is legendary big Drive energy golf oh we’re getting a full body oh God he’s getting in front of the camera full fral yeah little Hooters Country Club home of the

Original skins tournament really does fire go Shir fire oh God this is a disaster camera can’t fit it all in front of the camera sake that’s why we have to sit back here uh great shirt and uh I’ll I’ll complement my own shirt today because it’s the Arnold Palmer one and

The Arnold Palmer Invitational super on brand today think you’ve legitimately had that shirt for like 12 years yeah I have and I’m in a I’m I’m impressed that you fit into it like say I’ve I’ve reopened a bit of my wardrobe due to the weight loss since 2024 started between being sick sticking

To a gym plan and doing a whole 30 diet for 30 days I’m back into the the schmees and the larges okay so I’ve I’ve unlocked a little bit of the closet again yeah I need to just get sick for like a month no I just need long covid a look

Then I’ll be back not just standard Co long Co yeah I that [ __ ] can’t go away in five days I need it for like three months no but I have lost a little bit of weight so far this year I don’t know how much because I don’t believe in

Weighing myself because that’s just a road I don’t want to go down you [ __ ] that’s what everybody says that’s doesn’t want away themselves yeah 100% I don’t believe in it yeah oh yeah exactly like anybody that doesn’t want to do something they just say they don’t believe it so then nobody can question

Them but no realistically like you can tell how you feel and I do feel better um but I have noticed that it’s made me a little I can’t drink quite as much and not have the same effect so I and obviously when you don’t eat like last

Week we went to the bar out in New Jersey and I had like two drinks and like a birthday shot with Missy’s friend and we were riding home and Miss’s like are you [ __ ] hammered I was like yes I am like I just had two cocktails in a

Shot and I usually that’s like not much for me but I hadn’t really eaten much that day and you know it it sneaks up on you when you’re not eating so but I actually enjoy it like this is kind of sounds bad but I like catching that good

Buzz on an empty stomach like that that [ __ ] feels that [ __ ] hits different yeah when you just start to catch the the fir like after the after the first drink’s consumed and then you’re into the second one and you start feeling it I’m like oh yeah this is when that when that liquor

Starts hitting like tingle in your legs that’s when you know shit’s going down that that’s when it hits uh Marissa you were also at the As game last night you had a good time I did yeah it was a lot of fun we were surrounded by other fans

That were very drun yes well both but there was a lot of Red Wings there was I got ice cream that was exciting you didn’t drink uh I did get a drink I did not finish my drink oh my God that see that is also sacriligious when you’re

Spending $20 on a drink you got to finish that [ __ ] yes I was lectured on the way home but so it’s just they’re too big had every right well they’re too big yes yeah the beers are very large I I prefer here’s another hot take and

Spencer got on this train with me last night I prefer a draft beer over a canned beer like if I have the chance to have a draft beer I’d pick draft 10 times out of 10 because the the carbonation of drinking out of a can it like gives me the hiccups sometimes and

It just feels like it it fills me up more like I feel like a draft can breathe a little bit easier and so there’s less carbonation goes down quicker oh draft beer is definitely that’s not even a hot take is definitely better than canned or bottled beer but

At a game I like to get a can because it just feels safer with my spilling habits and setting it down and picking it up if you knock it over which I tend to do almost every single game I’m at at some point if it’s in a can it’s you’re only

Losing like maybe a couple ounces if it’s in a glass that thing’s empty you’re headed right back up to the bar well and the dude in front of us had his Jack like draped over the seat and he had like dog hair on his jacket and we

Had like draff beers in the cup holders I was definitely a little offut by that I was probably ingesting some border colly hair in my beer last night but speaking of spilling I uh a lady dumped a beer all over me on my plane ride back to Colorado yesterday what a disaster I

Would be I was [ __ ] pissed uh so she sits down and immediately like wants to talk she had been drinking since I got her whole story um I asked her why she’s come to Colorado she’s like oh my husband and I are building a house in

Aspen that was like the first sense that came out of her mouth I was like Jesus she had like a fur coat on and I’m sitting in economy plus here like you know I’m not in the back of the shoots I’m not in the back of the

Plane but I’m also not in the front I’m slightly preferential with my silver status on United not a big deal um but she’s sitting next to me and I’m like what are you doing and then she tells me she missed a flight at 6:00 a.m. and she

Actually told me she was supposed to be first class I’m like thank you for specifying that you were going to be in first class um because that helped me sleep so well last night just knowing that but then she keeps going and going and basically she got to the airport

Like 7:00 a.m. and started drinking and we didn’t take off till almost 2: so she was sufficiently hammered um and she orders a beer on the flight and is watching a movie and and I think falls asleep and then like wakes herself up and and just backhand her

Beer right into my lap and [ __ ] soaked my leg I was like oh my God and she she was very like remorseful but she honestly like didn’t feel at like if I would have done that to somebody else I wanted I would have crawled in a like

Into a ball and like died yeah I would I would want to not exist on this Earth anymore whenever I get a drink on the plane I almost like immediately chug it or I chug the cup and if they give you the can with it as well I keep it in the

Can until I’m ready to drink again because the tight spaces for drinking and having food and paraphernalia out on that’s it’s a spill City yeah and so she she definitely did that didn’t offer me a drink or anything just or a weekend in the house in Aspen yeah that’s I should

Have I’m like well just give me a couple weeks in Aspen and we’ll call it a wash um um but yeah that was it and I smelled like beer that was the worst part is when you get beer on you and I wasn’t even drinking you know somebody be like

You [ __ ] hammered and I’ll be like no just poured beer on me um but it was the cop would say sure [ __ ] get out put your hands on the [ __ ] Walk the Line [ __ ] yeah so that that wouldn’t have gone well for me luckily I didn’t

Have to drive anywhere um but yeah just an unfortunate circumstance flying is already inconvenient enough and then uh people just don’t give a [ __ ] about their surroundings so and then she started talking to me and she just wanted to keep talking and and then there’s this other lady on the aisle and

See I’m never you’re middle seat no I was on the window she was in the middle I uh I was on the window other ladyes on the aisle this other lady was such a a [ __ ] germaphobe she she used like five of those hand towel like to like

You know they give you those when you get on the plane yeah I got a [ __ ] headache from all her little hand towels she’s wiping everything down and then she go to the bathroom and wipe everything down again like oh when she got back yes oh my god dude it was it

Was a nightmare um but yeah I mean overall flying is flying I’m not as bad I’m a pretty good flyer I don’t have a problem with it but just so many people you ever look at somebody when they’re flying you’re like you chose to wear

That on a flight like I I I saw this dude in a t-shirt that said in my defense I was left unsupervised and it was like a grown man it was like a 50-year-old dude I’m like why are you wearing that t-shirt on a plane like is

He going to be the one that tries to open the exit door like is is he GNA pull some [ __ ] on this flight and that’s why I wore this t-shirt uh but yeah that it’s just blows my mind seeing what people wear on planes oh 100% uh I’m the

One that I have a I wear the same hoodie every time I’m on the plane and so it’s like my plain hoodie and the only reason I have that is because it has a little pocket in the main pocket that’s zipped up so I can put my airpods

In there my phone whatever and I know it’s always in there because I have lost an air an individual airpod once on the plane so I don’t want that to ever happen again I’m only going to be wearing the same hoodie on the plane super comfortable big uh and I like to

Wear a hoodie on the plane because it allows me to put my hands somewhere and then like kind of fall asleep but they’re they’re not all over somebody else’s space yeah put the hood up go to sleep like I usually well when I’m not flying with my kid that’s immediate

Immediate sleep but when when it’s with him it’s a little different story if unless I can get him to sleep yeah then it’s ideal but yeah the people that wear those those like Walmart branded shirts that yeah like I I I I imagine at some point I’ll wear one of those on

Unfortunately but like one time I saw a guy at the airport he had the shirt on that said like um gym since 1971 uh fiance since 1985 yeah just like one of those husband since 1986 like an since 1995 I’m like are you [ __ ] serious oh my god um yeah there there

Was a really funny shirt that actually my girlfriend got me and it has to do with like um be Beav it says like it’s like a beaver trapping thing but then it’s like been tra or been slaming beef since [ __ ] 1976 or some [ __ ] it’s very funny shirt but um anywh who

Actually one other thing before we get into golf here uh on my plane ride out this chick she was on the aisle I was in the window there’s nobody in the middle she put all of her [ __ ] in the middle seat oh she big [ __ ] to you right off

The yeah yeah she [ __ ] D I was I was you Mr Sub yeah I was I was uh passive bottom on that one and but then we slow down like as we were descending and and land and you know they slow down very hardcore like you’re [ __ ] going

Really fast you got a break yeah um all her [ __ ] her phone like flies and and she was kind of a I you know she’s a [ __ ] like she seemed like it I couldn’t really tell I didn’t talk to her but just from what can tell she had the

Massive RBF the whole yeah yeah exactly and she like something stank around her yeah she was just correct she was just kind of giving me looks and I just didn’t really like her and then her [ __ ] flies off the seat and then she looks over at me like it’s

My like like I I like all of a sudden I need to help her and her [ __ ] phone is like three rows up under some other dude’s seat wor and she’s like looking at me she’s like do you see it under I’m like what are you I’m just sitting here

Lady this is all your [ __ ] that you decided to sit on this seat this is your problem now but yeah that that was uh funny I was like why is this all of a sudden my problem like you you’ve wanted nothing to do with me this entire flight

And now all your shit’s strewn all over the the airplane and you want my help yeah no no free help there I’d be out on that I was like I’m GNA sit here and just wait to to deboard the plane you figure out your staring straight forward headphones in don’t even [ __ ] catch

An eye exactly you know we don’t need that we don’t need that [ __ ] all right let’s talk about the PGA Tour and its new investors first want to tell you guys about our great friends over at CO’s light when you need a second to chill find a CO’s light we needed a

Minute to chill last night the Red Wings got up on the aves but we were hammering the Cs lights it felt great and then all of a sudden it turned into a complete boat race job by the Avalanche so that was awesome but KS light has been our

Favorite beer for a long time they’re obviously new partner here at all City City make sure if you need a second to chill go check out kers light you can also get it delivered straight to your door with instacart by going to dnvr celebrate responsibity C Brewing

Company Golden Colorado also want to tell you about our great friends over at bet 365 bet 365 use the code All City when you sign up and you have the choice of two separate offers you can bet $5 and get $150 in bonus bets or you get a

$1,000 first bet safety net that means you get to bet up to $1,000 and if it loses you get that bet in free bets bonus bets excuse me back to take a second shot it’s like missing a shot getting a rebound putting it right back

In Nicole yic style they have a ton of awesome boosts every single week when we log in to bet on golf we get a our guy boosted usually up to like 30% so they do profit boost on golf they also have the each way bets which we use

All the time in fact let’s check out how our guys are doing right now it’s Thursday we normally record on Wednesday we did uh very late night when we got home from the Abs game we put out our picks so that when they inevitably don’t

Win at least we had them out before the tournament started so we’ve got a couple picks for you guys this week um cam young is even par through seven holes all right Keegan Bradley one under par finished his Thursday round Jason day two under par hey good start at the

Arnold Palmer Invitational and Matt Fitzpatrick is two overpower through 11 holes right now the leaders Justin low and Hideki Matt suyama at five under so this is a tournament Bay Hill where the winner I think last year was 11 under so it’s a lot lot less birdies made it’s a

Tough tough Golf Course Tough Golf Course Scotty Sheffer was right on brand this morning got a new putter in the bag he put a spider in there and he is now um missing putts just like usual first hole he hits to like six feet probably gained about a stroke on the field just

From T to Green like he always does and with the putter just completely didn’t even hit the Hole uh I don’t necessarily feel bad for the dude because if he could putt he would be unbelievably good but our bet 365 picks are doing decent um that will surely change by the end of

The week make sure to download the bet 365 app use the code All City when you sign up must be 21 plus and physically located in Colorado who’s gambl responsibly if you someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help call or text 1 1800 gambler okay so new

Investment in the PGA Tour so once again this is a little convoluted because it’s the PGA Tour but it’s PGA Tour Enterprises which is now above the PGA tour in terms of the marketing money uh and the new investors are as our cover photo showed LeBron and Drake two of our favorites

Just kidding LeBron is one of my least favorite athletes except for the one year he played and went back to Cleveland won them the title that I was actually a big LeBron fan then then now he’s just a media darling that gets talked about all the time and the Lakers

Suck and I’ll maybe a hot take here I don’t like Drake’s music really yeah I’m not a fan see I definitely Drake and LeBron are similar to me in the fact of like they they had a similar character Arc a little bit where they start off

Really well and a lot of people like them and I still feel like Drake is really well-liked within a certain Community um you know not everybody dislikes his new [ __ ] but I feel like for me personally his music at the beginning was much better I liked his OG

[ __ ] and maybe it was just more of the music that fit the times but now he’s making the same [ __ ] that he was putting out 10 15 10 years ago and it’s just not near as good Marissa is over here shaking her head let’s let’s hear your

Opinion on Drake’s music his music back then was killer like it was probably the best like all of the rappers back in the day were like amazing now he’s whiny and complains about all the relationships that are failing in his life they’re a little slow so is are him and Taylor

Swift the same person yes just different genres yes I just like both um like Marvin’s Room was very good uh I’m trying to think of other albums I what like I said not a drake fan definitely has a few bangers for sure I thank me later is that an album Thank Me Later

Something later I’m never a fan of Music That’s like on the side of relationships which is a lot of country music uh a lot of Drake’s music I hate the weekend I hate Bruno Mars because all it is is talking about like relationships and I I’m off completely off board yeah when

It comes to that kind of music specifically yeah I mean rappers only have a few topics to choose from so uh it’s either like fbgm or my girl left me or you know [ __ ] like that there’s hardly you know there’s not a lot of topics but I will say our generation of

Rappers growing up was probably like the kids nowadays I look at and I know sounds like an old man get off my lawn take but I look at like the music charts today and I have no idea who any of these artists are I’m like who’s and everybody’s like Lil Baby du

Baby small baby big baby I don’t know who the [ __ ] any of these dudes are I actually know de baby I think I like some of his [ __ ] um is that did he do Bop and he some sh with some Bop in it oh yeah that that song [ __ ] hits

I’m not going to lie um but yeah most of the artists nowadays are are pretty shitty if I’m being real and it’s it’s really more now about just the sound like it’s just background noise like the and I guess a lot of rap you know there’s certain guys like Eminem who’s

Just an absolute word Smith um who’s on another level Lil Wayne um guys like that that were actually making sense while they were rapping and now it’s just random words and and a lot of like electric sounds I feel like my favorite was when MGK decided he wanted to go

Toe-to-toe with like Eminem yeah and he like tried very hard and oh here’s a here’s actually a funny thing Spencer loves Eminem but he loved MGK’s diss track on Eminem yeah killshot it’s really good it’s actually fire it’s on my workout list of like songs but I like

When they match and it’s him and then Eminem comes in right after because it just he puts him to bed yeah kill the kill shot by MGK is really good but then Eminem I forget what his diss track back to MGK is called that also slaps there’s

A few lyrics in there I’m going to look this up now um because I want to know but there’s a few lyrics in there that absolutely slap uh to back in in relation to M&M going back at MGK that makes sense and MGK just changed his whole like Persona there’s a few artists

Now he’s like a punk rocker isn’t he like you mixed it up so M&M’s was killshot okay and then machine gun Kell is rap devil rap devil SL oh that is that song is really good yeah Spencer love I remember when that came out Spencer loved that [ __ ] um but on the

LeBron topic uh I’ve heard a lot of his Investments are not Investments but like I’ve heard about his school and I I don’t just want to totally drag the dude but I heard the school is terrible and he says he just he is one of the most egotistical athletes I think I’ve ever

Seen and everything is about him and like his family’s Foundation his foundation built this school it was funded by the state of Cleveland like you you want to name a school after yourself you pay for that [ __ ] so and I also heard that like none of the kids

Can read like I’m not trying to me say that as like a [ __ ] up thing but I heard none of them like pass the State State uh minimum requirements to like move up grades and stuff and he he was touting it as like this Academy where

Kids grow to grow and learn and all this and apparently they’re not learning [ __ ] um and then now I guess LeBron is also opening his own Basketball Hall of Fame in his honor that his own Family Foundation is building about a kid from akan like he’s just gone so far over the

Line and I’m honestly genuinely curious about um because it seems like the PJ T kind of brought in these investors similar to like Ryan Reynolds was brought in to to do these uh deals with like mint mobile and uh Avi Aviation to uh Jin yeah a Aviation gin things like

That because he’s a a great spokesperson for the company um so I I wonder if like LeBron and and Drake and Lindsey Von are going to do anything similar with this but I’d be curious to see what the money breakdown is because obviously $3 billion is a shitload of money and maybe

LeBron and I mean you can’t think LeBron’s putting in you know he’s probably Worth close to a billion but he’s maybe putting in 50 to 100 million if that maybe they’re giving him more to be like a spokesperson but yeah so it’s part of a bigger group the Fenway Sports

Group that’s all investing they’re just investors in the Fenway Sports Group exactly soen Fenway Sports Group has other billionaires like Steve Cohen Arthur Blank and Mark Lazer uh that they’re James and Drake are committed to additional Capital as strategic investors and are expected to use the marketing power to help tour the tour

Broaden its audience so this is all from a New York Times article by the way see that’s smart that’s like a a what strategic partnership is that what you would call that yeah so they’re you know LeBron and Drake are hitting a very different audience and trying to bring

That audience to the PGA tour now part of this investment as well as we talked about before is giving the players actual stake in the PGA Tour but overall trying to invest in the product and make the product daytoday and tournament to tournament overall better for viewership

And like Drake has a quote in here quote golf can be so much more than a sport I remember some of my best childhood memories being on the golf course with my uncle it’s one thing to invest in a team but to help reimagine one of the biggest leagues in the world

Is an incredible opportunity and I’m excited to be a part of it so they’re they’re coming into this as basically spokes people like you said obviously they’re bringing Financial backing to that as well but there’s also Chris Pratt’s part of this Maverick Carter Rich Paul Jeremy Zimmer

And Steve Stout the founder of United Masters and a longtime record and marketing executive so they they’ve got a lot of money behind this and hopefully it gains obviously the PGA Tour and golf in general just more viewership or you know people want to watch the tournament

On a Sunday yeah and granted some of the product it’s been putting out lately in terms of leaderboards and stuff is not something that we as golf fans and people that listen you know if you listen this God this pod God podcast hopefully you’re a golf fan but the

People that are coming new to the game have don’t know any better yeah so and they can definitely up the product by things like they’ve done miked up walking down a hole that’s really cool content full swing came out that things like that are going to Garner the game

Of golf more eyes on it and more money and that’s something that I think ultimately will help the product but it’ll help the players which then in turn and a cycle helps the product get better because if the players get better they get their name out there like guys

Like Jake Gap Austin ekro hadn’t two weeks ago not a real ton of golf fans had heard about him now went watching the tour this morning on ESPN plus they’re showing Jake knp almost every swing so they’re trying to lean into these newer younger players that have

Just started to win and I think that’s the key to continue like if Jake knap Scotty sheffler was a nobody and whe you know we’re not the biggest Scotty sheffler fans but that has created you know any Pub is good Pub in in the media World essentially and whether you know a

Lot of people love Scotty Sheffer and we just our hate for him is somewhat misplace in terms of he just was so dominant but the tour needs dominant athletes if you have a new guy winning every single week yes you can dive into the stories of their lives and how they

Were nightclub bouncers or they did this for the last two years and that’s cool but But ultimately you want the guys like the Victor hins the Rory maloy’s winning tournaments because that’s what grows if Rory Maloy and Scotty sheffler are one and two going into a Sunday

That’s going to Garner a lot more viewership than Shane Lowry and David skins going at it and shooting even par rounds like last week oh 100% and here’s actually an idea too that the NHL is done the NBA I don’t think the NBA is done it but

Other sports have done it the NFL has definitely done it is do uh an alternate broadcast of the PGA tour with like could you imagine Drake and LeBron sitting and I don’t necessarily want to listen to LeBron but could you imagine those two sitting down like kind of

Watching the the final round actually like Drake and pton Manning would be awesome or something like that getting somebody that knows golf but doesn’t know no golf just to commentate on you know the guy’s outfits on the shots they hit and how crazy they are to the everyday human like relative to what

They’re capable of you know in their own game I feel like that is something where golf could grow crazy is getting these other media personalities involved in a broadcast like bringing bringing Drake into the booth or bringing uh you know Lindsey Von in or other athletes and and

People who are very successful bringing them into golf and getting their perspective on an actual Broad because like you said the the product is the product right now and they really can’t change that until you know they’re making money and they’re paying these guys a shitload and then hopefully

They’re retaining players uh and they’re not going to live but ultimately the way you’re going to grow the game like what we talked about is just bringing in people from every Walk of Life into the game of golf like who’s that dude on Twitter um that black dude from like

South Carolina that has just popped off or not on Twitter on Tik Tok um and RNG yes yeah RNG has been huge for the the YouTube side of golf and that’s where and now he’s getting invited to like PJ tour events and things like that I mean

That that is so huge for the game of golf to capitalize in different markets and like he he started out playing like all these little municipal golf courses and slicing it off the face of the Earth and just messing around and like his sound effects when he would hit a shot

Are freaking awesome um and that’s really like what golf needs is golf needs people from every different Walk of Life involved in order to really grow because golf you know you you can only have so many trust fund [ __ ] Brads and Chads out there rooting for the PGA

T you need other people to get involved to really globally turn this into a you know a recognized game yeah and 90% of golf isn’t what you see golf as like we see we’ve seen the whole spectrum of it but 90% of golf is people going out and

Paying you know just what they made this week to play their mun on a Saturday morning with their their guys and having that standing tea time and getting out it’s not the the high level yeah it’s not the PGA Tour yeah 100% And so the more that that gets involved and then

Eyes get to the you know PGA Tour and YouTube golfers like there’s going to that YouTube golf uh qualifier for a PGA Tour event coming up later this year which well no they just did it or they just did that Monday but they’re waiting for everybody’s content to come out uh

They want to they don’t want to post like results or anything because they want to wait for everybody to be able to get their own content and put it out and [ __ ] like that okay we’ll have to talk about that when it comes out because that’s awesome stuff and some people

Hate it and think oh the guys that are grinding on on the PGA tour or corn Fury tour in between should have a chance at a spot and it the way it worked out it sounded like they had to compete against guys still grinding for their Mondays

But it that the viewership of all those separate YouTube channels then being brought to a PJ tour or an you know I think is it the Puerto Rico open that they’re ended up playing in like this weekend I no it’s is that this weekend yeah Puerto Rico it’s for Puerto R yeah

It’s for the Puerto Rico open so somebody is in either in that or had the chance to qualify for that but they haven’t I mean they we could probably figure out if they qualified or Not by looking at the leaderboard but the content from that is then going to show

You know these YouTube golfers hit great shots and that’s what go viral but over a consistent 18 whole round these guys that nobody has even heard of doing their Monday qualifying are going to wipe the floor with all these kids right and dudes whatever yeah 100% um another

Thing I feel like would be good for the PJ tour is getting all these different celebrities like hitting shots somehow like not obviously on tour but like in the proam bringing out like the waste management does a really good job of it with the shot at glory because they

Bring out everybody it doesn’t matter how good you are at golf but they need to do that I think more often because if you’ve ever seen LeBron swing a golf club it’s like the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life and I think that would

Make so many other people feel more okay about getting into golf and being shitty at it seeing an elite athlete like that suck at the game um because the barrier to entry is definitely there and when you see your favorite athlete from a different sport because golf is the only

Sport that you know you see these guys on the PGA tour doing it you can go out and do that tomorrow like obviously in a a different you know setting or whatever but how many guys are like oh I love Justin Jefferson I’m going to go out and

Be a star receiver like you’re a [ __ ] 33y old dude with a bluecollar job you’re not going to be able to go out and replicate that but you can go watch a golf shot that you know Max Homer or Scotty Sheffer or Victor hin hit and go

Out on the course the next day and try to replicate it like that [ __ ] is more relatable for everybody and that’s what’s going to get more people involved 100% um let’s talk about people not being involved we’ll we’ll cycle this too the live golf players will not be

Involved in this upcoming president Cup in September thank you so Mike Weir who is the captain of the international team they he came out in an interview and basically said uh quote we’re going to do everything we can to make it feel like a real away game for them the

United States and that’s something I don’t think they’ve ever seen so he’s Canadian obviously Mike Weir uh he’s the captain of the international team this year in the president cup that’s going to be played at Royal Montreal Golf Club in September uh Americans have dominated this they actually wow looking at this

They’re 121 and one in the 14 playings of the President’s Cup uh they it’s not much of a matchup is it no they lost in Australia in 1998 and they tied in South Africa in 2003 that’s so lame ties are lame that’s one of the reasons I’m not a

Big fan of European football um but they back in 2007 Mike weer was actually a wild card selection by Captain Gary Player in the President’s Cup and defeated Tiger Woods in the singles obviously America president Cup team captained by Jack Nicholas they still won that President’s Cup but uh they

Mike we really wants to put a away game feel for the United States when they go to Canada you know you know what would give them a better away game feel as if they were playing the best international players in the world like cam Smith like

Walk nean like all these dudes that are on the live tour that he clearly doesn’t want to let them take part um but it’s just ridiculous like it’s the same thing with the PJ tour broadcast it’s you do all this [ __ ] like oh we want to do this

To the golf course and really make it feel like an away game for the Americans it’s like you know the best thing to do to probably try to win is to have the best players on your team like same with the PJ tour you do all this you want to

Do all this to the broadcast to make money just have the best players in the world on the tour and it’s probably going to make money so it just doesn’t make any sense I mean I can’t really make it make sense in my mind so it’s just a hill that all these old

School dudes are willing to die on and what who they’re really hurting is their own team like I mean who’s really going to end up filling out this President’s Cup team of international players that are you know non live that are high up in the world

Like I guess we could go through it so I’ve got this is from 2022 um and or the 2022 playing of the President’s Cup so these were the qualifiers there’s a point system to automatically qualify number one on that list Cameron Smith at 17.9 points then

You have to go all the way down to under eight points was Hideki Matsuyama three sanj M and then four was walking Neiman and at the time neither of them ended up playing in it because they had joined Liv golf also in that top eight which were the automatic qualifiers before any

President’s Cup Captain’s pick selections was Meo Pereira at number eight so Meo hadn’t joined Liv at the time so he actually played in it but then also going down to 15 and 17 honor Bon leiri and Mark Lehman now also both on the live tour so Cameron Smith and

Walk Neeman are two of the best player best International non-european players in the entire world yeah and they’re not going to play in this and like you said it you can do all you want to make it feel like you haven’t gotten your ass kicked for 14 of these playings but when

You don’t have the best players on the golf course it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter how sick your homec court advantage is if the Nuggets don’t have Jamal Murray and Michael Porter Jr and Nicole yic what that they’re not winning many games no matter how great the atmosphere is at ball Arena exactly and

That’s ultimately people want to see the best possible product and that’s what everybody’s missing out on and that’s why ratings are not going to be great um nobody wants to watch America boat race the international team again like it’s that’s why the Ryder Cup has so much

Pull because it’s so competitive year in year out and even the US gets dominated unfortunately more often than not but how many Canadians do we think because Mike we’s Canadian obviously Cory Conor will be in it he Conor Adam hadwin Nick Taylor Nick Taylor’s got to be in it

After he won last year Adam hadwin I I don’t see any of those three being left out no I I think they’ll do all they can to get the most Canadians on the team yeah and those are three top those are probably top 25 players in the in the

PGA tour right now as it stands it’s going to be like Canada and Asia handshake trying to win the President’s Cup yeah like Hideki sunj will be there again Tom Tom Kim will be there and then like looking at this Christian bazen Hoy he’s been playing good golf he

Was a captain’s pick for the last president he’s on Liv is he I think so no he’s not he was hitting shots to he’s been hitting shots in the pga2 oh has he yeah okay yeah the name sounds like it yes that was another name um when Adrien

[ __ ] went there was another dude that went that I forgot his name um but Adam Scott Adam Scott’s got to be a captain of that at some point um is there any other a because it’s like like Cameron Smith and Mark Lehman is there any other Australians like who’s that dude that

You [ __ ] hate I guess he’s on Liv so you can’t really even count it but uh cam Smith’s teammate that’s just an absolute plug on the back end of the the I don’t think he’s I think he got relegated but uh oh man I hate him so much that I can’t

Remember his name yeah he looks like hean gdat one of our friends um yeah no he’s I mean Australia really doesn’t they used to put out like a pretty good product of golfers and now you’ve got Mark Lehman uh cam Smith and that’s really it uh

Yeah who’s on Ripper GC right now Ripper GC is Cameron Smith thank you Lucas Herbert who is also that’s who jumped that’s who it was Lucas Herbert Le leean and then Matt Jones oh man Matt Jones is actually a pretty solid player too I think he’s played in some president’s cups I forgot

Forgot he’s from Australia um but yeah just thinking of where else you know obviously a lot of um you know Asia and China and Japan there’s going to be quite a few players there but other than that really no nobody from South America that I can

Think of or jedah Morgan oh yeah [ __ ] Jed absolute he finished dead last he finished dead last in the tournament that we went to last year Oklahoma we watched him hit golf shots and I legit I thought it was a high school tournament for a little while you know when you

Like jokingly armchair quarterback and be like I could have caught that pass whatever we were at the live event and I was like I could have hit that shot like he was behind a tree and then he just [ __ ] himself even further he hit an even worse shot and just seemed so

Unbothered like I would take a couple million to slap it around and shoot 80 duh who wouldn’t um but yeah overall uh President’s Cup is going to be a [ __ ] turd Fest again because it usually is even when the Internationals are at full strength and it’s just going to get even

Worse now so the the product of golf continues to lose out because of this live situation 100% and hopefully they figure it out obviously with the power of Rory Maloy being able to do kind of whatever he wants in terms of the Ryder Cup they’re going to have Ram there

They’re Puppet Master yeah they’re going to have the Ridder Cup’s going to be full strength with the actual best players and this will all kind of shake out a little bit more I think as this year’s Masters rolls around which is only about six to seven weeks away now

Or not even that no it’s like about a month away so we’re about four or five weeks away from the first major and seeing walking Neeman play seeing John Ram play and kind of whether or not they prove it you know Brooks kka they’ve proved it in the years past but the the

Fact that they’re on the live tour and it’s quote unquote exhibition golf from by some people that they’re still in the same form and they’re still the best players in the world and that’ll all come to fruition when a live player inevitably wins the Masters this year I’m calling that out right

Now are did we discuss this are sports books gonna offer a a live versus PJ tour like M or like basically a live player to win The Masters they can offer odds on that you would think that with like four of the top eight or nine guys

In the field being Live players in terms of odds to win the event that that there would be something some sort of special uh in terms of that for both the Masters and the PJ Championship is probably not one of those but the the Open Championship will be one of those for

Sure because there’s guys that the most of the players like I said in in the Master’s field I would I think live if you just did a straight up Liv or PGA Tour player it would be fav Liv would be favored probably because they have more

Of the top end Talent and they have guys that have won it multiple times you know so and the including the the defending Champion yes you’re correct um well so do we have anything else ER should we move on to our uh Unwritten rules of golf yeah let’s talk a little bit about

That so the first thing that I saw that kind of sparked this idea was it was a a Twitter post and it was a guy that had two feet for birdie which is normally a gimme but one of my Unwritten rules of golf is if you’re putting for a a

Natural birdie an actual birdie you have to make that Putt in order to say you had a birdie yeah write down a birdie like if it’s it can be conceded by your playing Partners as like for match purposes but in order to write down that you actually had a birdie then yes you

Have to fit you have to make that putt um another one of those is like uh breakfast ball not not necessarily a breakfast Ball but I think it’s kind of an Unwritten thing that if you go out with no warmup and you’re not playing for anything serious like hit a second

One off the the first T and it’s not going to get held against you um also one Unwritten rule for me is people when when like we’re not playing for something or we’re just playing a match and my score doesn’t matter um I don’t need you to write down my score

For me if I’m not keeping my own score that bugs the [ __ ] out of me when people do that they’re like did you have a six there I’m like yeah what does it matter like either won or lost the whole I’m not trying to put this in I’m not trying

To enter my handicap round for the day I don’t care what I made I’m either winning the match or I’m losing the match where where do you stand on that yeah in match play specifically I it kind of goes into my one of my Unwritten rules of like asking somebody what they

Had or just being score stickler when you’re not playing in a tournament obviously because that matters well when people will do the thing where they know what you had but they’ll ask you what you had anyway anyway just to [ __ ] throw all salt in the wound even

Further when they know you had a bad hole and that bugs the absolute [ __ ] out of me like I’ve actually I think I’ve told people I’ll be like you know what I had you watched me do it like you watch me make eight you [ __ ] you watch me

Make triple okay [ __ ] write it down and move on yeah let’s play the next hole Yeah that bugs the [ __ ] out of me another thing that bugs the [ __ ] out of you and it kind of bugs the [ __ ] out of me too but it it’s just very you have to

Be very careful when where you place it is talking to someone else’s golf ball you hate when my mouth is on your ball 100% of the time oh I hate when I do it to other people like unintentionally I’ll be like oh get up get up and then

It [ __ ] flies the green and I’m like God I should have just shut my mouth I mean I’ve wanted to say that to myself on more more than one occasion and more than just the golf course uh but yeah that when when people talk to my golf

Ball for me I’m like [ __ ] get your mouth off my ball like that is one of the best lines I ever heard on the golf course like that is some Savage [ __ ] yeah Mitchell hates when you talk to his golf ball but I I think Mitchell and I’s

Eyes are actually different like we both have very good eyes but Mitchell talks to my golf ball or tells me that I did something with that a certain shot and it’s factually incorrect I can see my ball moving right to left and you’re like oh nice Cut there and I’m like no

That’s fact our eyes have to be [ __ ] up or we just simultaneously know that each other would be annoyed when we say something to each other so I feel like you do that to me a lot I I normally care I think you’ve had too many energy

Drinks in your life dude I think your eyes are [ __ ] up because I’ve watched you blatantly hit like a two yard fade and you’re like how’d you like that draw I’m like what what are you looking at dude like I it blows my mind on some of

The [ __ ] that you think you see and you know it’s just it’s okay it’s not your fault your your eyes is just untrained as opposed to my eye so that’s that’s not that’s not on you for not knowing as much as me you know that’s I I can’t

Discount you for that that’s [ __ ] up completely Incorrect and F like we’re the funny part is is whether or not like I’m not doing it to argue I legitimately see it as a fact and you legitimately see it as a fact one of wrong I know

Exactly if we put a tracer on it one of us would be wrong but like I feel like you just like to Comfort Yourself by saying like oh I hit a draw there because you like to you know you’re proud of your uh ability to work the

Ball which you work it one way and that’s right um but occasionally you get one working right to left and you’re like you’re very proud of that so I don’t necessarily like want to bring you down I just want you to be aware of what you’re actually doing yeah well thank

You for making me aware clearly not self-aware but sometimes I’ll hit like not bad golf shots but like something I wasn’t intentionally trying to do just to prove it to you like I’ll hit a 75 yard hook just to say hey that [ __ ] hooked did you see that make sure you’re

Aware that I can actually hit a a ball that moves right to left occasionally another Unwritten thing for me is like where people Park their carts like if you are just that [ __ ] that pulls up to like the first spot to park your cart and I’m say like around the back of the

Green and I have to like go around you or if there’s curbs or whatever and I can’t go around you like Park your cart where everybody is is benefited from like that’s why you have a golf cart otherwi I I didn’t [ __ ] sign up to walk the course that’s why I’m in this

Golf cart right here let me pull somewhat close to my ball so I can go hit it in a timely manner instead of like old dudes when we would yeah this guy Fred Bland Shield would just pull his entire bag off the golf cart and walk over to his his ball because he

Didn’t know what club he needed and that [ __ ] is it’s like what’s the point in in riding in a cart at that point why are you even in a cart so that bugs me yeah you’re you are the you’re the aware police and you’re also the cart police occasionally another Unwritten rule is

Giving people numbers on the T boox like if you’re the first one to shoot it you share with the group but I would say the unwritten rule too is I could hear you say a number and I still want to see it for myself really yeah see I’m somebody

Tells me I’m like I don’t [ __ ] believe this guy I don’t think this is there’s occasional times when we’re playing a new golf course where the the sight lines really [ __ ] you up and the Y hole looks like it’s 800 yards yeah exactly and even there’s courses I’ve played multiple times one that

Comes to mind is Overland Park here in Denver yeah there’s a few holes where I’m like this this got to be part five and I’ve played it five times and I know it’s like a and I hit a drive and I’m like 120 in but I it from the tea it’s

So deceiving but for me I would rather not get my Rangefinder out so I’ll take anything as gos like you could straight up lie to me and I’d probably just believe you if you’re if I like think that it’s wrong I will but to me that’s annoying when even if you’re playing

Like if it’s us playing with two people we don’t know and somebody goes up and shoots it I don’t feel the need to go up and shoot it and when I have two people up there doing it I’m like that’s but see this goes back to another one of our

Unwritten rules between the two of us is when you and I play together I am your caddy and I also am playing golf with you like you look to me for a number you legitimately need a personal assistant in every Walk of Life I do because you

You think that I’m your [ __ ] maid on the golf course like you’re leaving your [ __ ] everywhere you’re you’re asking for numbers you’re asking for reads and me personally like I never want your help because that’s we already talked about your eyes I don’t know we’re seeing two

Totally separate things but that is like an Unwritten rule for us is you’re going to look to me for numbers and for reads and for all that and I’m somehow going to try to play decent golf and also help you play I’m [ __ ] shoulder in the

Entire load out there yeah I’m I am in your backpack when we play golf um before we get out of here we are going to do Fairway 4 but also um Marissa our producer she’s awesome she got some golf trivia questions she asked me a few yesterday I was pretty stumped but

Mitchell’s kind of the the golf knower on this podcast so we’re let’s go with like three let’s just do three all right three it is we’re gonna we’re going to hop in with three trivia questions is there levels of difficulty just all one okay yeah let’s just see how good you

Are all right all right first one what city was the 1999 riter Cup held at Boston Houston or Washington um that was Boston that was the the country club correct that was the infamous where they had all their super horrible [ __ ] shirts on that was when Justin Leonard hit that 50 foot

God that gets me fired up just thinking about it God damn you are pretty [ __ ] Bing Bong yeah Bing Bong one for one all right are you answering too no if I feel like I know it I’ll speak up okay all right Ricky F oh sry go

Ahead Ricky Fowler throws his golf shoes away after every round true or false false correct yeah that’s that seems like a dumb thing knowing me like I hold on to golf shoes for years cuz I have such [ __ ] up feet once they’re worn in I wear him forever I’m sure Ricky’s got

Regular feet but that just seems unnecessary all right last one all right who is the Golden Bear uh is Jack Nicholas oh yeah that was an easy one I had that one oh well done my first set of clubs was a golden bear little [ __ ] mini set back in the day I had

Dunlops like remember those with the yellow D hit me with one more Marissa all right what female golfers High School nickname was Taco uh beatric ricari Nancy Lopez Tanya oh I don’t know how to I’m gonna say it was Nancy Lopez you are correct Bing Bong no I mean I

Would just assume you go are you gonna go down that road no no I probably shouldn’t go down that road but Nancy Lopez I feel like is the most well-known of those PE those women named so that’s why I went there sure shut up you don’t even know how to speak

Spanish okay don’t stop bibla k k all right let’s do our Fairway 4 all right my Fairway 4 this week is basically I believe that and I actually eat this way that breakfast is 100% okay not breakfast food we we already had this discussion this debate okay but to

Me the second 11 o’clock hits that’s the prime time where I can start drinking soda switch to lunch foods Etc if it’s before 11: I’m all in on breakfast and being open like the other day I went to go get Chick-fil-A breakfast and it was like 10:31 and they were already closed

Chick-fil-A breakfast personal opinion cuz I know you guys love it I think it’s dog [ __ ] I’ve gotten food poisoning from that I’m not I’m not trying to ruin Chick-fil-A’s business model here because I know what I say affects their their business but chick okay here’s another side one real quick chicken is

Not a breakfast food no I I agree with that I still like their grilled breakfast sandwich with like a little different on and some egg on it it’s fine to me see I chicken is Marissa I mean you’re asking the wrong person I don’t like eggs and I love

Lunch for breakfast so yeah see you’re a sicko like you eat like a ham sandwich for breakfast like if we go to a restaurant and it’s still breakfast time I’ll get lunch okay see that’s crazy that’s what I’m talking about here is is also on the other side of the coin like

Breakfast later yeah that can be argued but if you’re eating like lunch food at 10:00 a.m. that that’s [ __ ] psycho [ __ ] to me like if you’re eating um let’s say a [ __ ] Reuben or something or a what are what is the word like a not a Philly cheese steak but a a French

Dip and you’re eating that before 11:00 a.m. that’s actually crazy to me like like I wait like I’ll watch the clock and even drinking things that’s how I am before 11:00 a.m. yeah like I can’t have a my my Starry zero no free shout outs uh before 11:00 a.m. or my Coke vanilla

Zero before 11 11 a.m. hits I feel like it’s open season for lunch foods drinks for the rest of the day but before 11 a.m. I’m very juice breakfasty kind of guy very juicy juice on the other side of that coin if it’s like after I would say 11’s

My my like cut off time to order coffee somewhere like I will not order coffee after 11 I coffee for me is between 11: and 2 to 3:00 p.m. I’m out but then after 3: I’ll I’ll dive back in okay yeah that’s I think that’s fair I would

I would probably agree um but yeah I need to have a cup of coffee or I’m either drinking coffee or I’m not by 10:30 like that’s my cut off um but no that’s a completely Fairway for me um everybody one at one point or another though has like brought their lunch to

Work with them like when we used to work at the golf course when we get there at 6:00 a.m. I would have my full lunch eaten by like 8:30 in the morning that shit’s crazy so that doesn’t necessarily count because it’s just the food that I brought with me like I’m not

Packing oh this is my before 11:00 a.m. food it’s like this is just [ __ ] something for me to put in my mouth no see I’m 100% doing that I’m packing something that I can eat up until 11: a.m. and then once 11:00 a.m. hits I’m like all right cool it’s it’s time to

Have lunch that’s fair roll yeah and I think on the other side of that juice is an only morning thing like if you’re drinking cranberry juice at 300 p.m. you got to be be 75 years old plus like that’s wild to me actually crazy or you’re trying to pass a drug test yeah

Been there done that all right your Fairway 4 um my Fairway 4 has to do with no free shoutouts like they need it Gatorade zero because Gatorade zero is an elite hung over like it is i’ I’ve never been a big PD light guy I think it’s disgusting I think it’s like baby

Food I I don’t know it just seems very babyish to me it’s super like salty and just maybe it’s the label I don’t know I I just can’t really wrap my head around PD light so Gatorade zero is always the go-to yeah and G I’m glad you said

Gatorade zero to me it’s actually crazy that people drink something that has like 60 grams of sugar in it and they sell it as a sport string yeah like it’s supposed to enhance performance like I get you know you want some uh electrolytes in there you need some

Sodium but just 60 gram of sugar it’s like why don’t just drink a [ __ ] cocacola for [ __ ] sake but any who my favorite uh flavor of Gatorade zero and I think we both fall in the same spot and just Gatorade in general is lemon lime lemon lime is the goat Gatorade I

Don’t think there’s any two ways about it if and I think you like it when you’re sick is that correct yeah I to me it’s like a refresher I love pairing a lemon lime Gatorade with a citrus Zin that is absolute perfect pairing Next Level thoughts but yes uh Gatorade

Zero flavor lemon lime is at the top the red I couldn’t find the red Gatorade zero for a long time I order mine off Amazon now and just get them Auto delivered uh Adam Mario said I’m like living in 2040 like with some of the [ __ ] that I get Auto delivered mainly

Gatorade zero but lemon lime I did outwardly tell you because I have a whole bunch of Gatorade zero I said you can drink any of those except for the lemon lime because I only have four of them and I pick and choose my spots when I drink them but I also with Gatorade

Zero you’re such a [ __ ] unique creature dude this this is this goes back to my fair rare 4 Gatorade zero I can drink lemon lime and orange before 11: a.m. any of those other than those I’m not drinking them before 11:00 a.m. yeah that’s it’s like almost like a

Juice taste to me that’s a weird take those are the only two flavors see another weird take that you’re into that I am out on is drinking I I don’t think Sprite or sari or anything is a a a soda that you just drink regularly I think

It’s a soda you drink when you’re sick that’s it like I’ve never been like oh I just want a Sprite right now I think about that every day I I want a star every day when I go home I never had star but I also it’s basically seven up

I also when I get sick I just do ginger ale so see but that’s yeah then you’re sugaring it out yeah you don’t have to worry about that but like for us if you drink [ __ ] 10 Ginger ales we’re going to have an extra roll diabetes runs in

The family we can’t be [ __ ] hammering those Ginger ales well well here’s the thing it also like between Sprite I tend to have like a weak stomach whenever I’m sick like that’s just I well just in general I have a weak stomach so ginger ale tends I know I’m a little [ __ ] um

Tends to soft tends anyway tends to be better for stomach calm down your t T it does yeah ginger ale is notably like that’s why people drink it on the airplane because it’s good for your stomach yeah I just can’t do the sugar Jameson and

Ginger ale now that I can get behind yes that’s so good for your stomach and your health well I’m not I’m not thinking about my stomach when I’m drinking at a bar that’s the LA that’s my last issue um I think we can end it on that yeah

Let’s let’s [ __ ] wrap her up follow us on all social medias big drive enery on Tik Tok and Twitter big Drive energy pod on Instagram if you’re watching us on the YouTube hit us with a thumbs up um subscribe to our YouTube channel big Drive energy golf as well be turnning

Out content we got Majors coming up soon all four of them we got the fifth major the the step brother major next week I believe is the Players already oh yeah the fifth major yeah the fifth major thought you were talking about the PJ Championship no nobody gives a Baker’s

[ __ ] about that yeah exactly um but those are all coming up we’ll have a ton of content for you guys all this summer we’ll be getting on the golf course a little bit more here consistently starting soon when the weather gets better we got a lot coming up for you so

Make sure you’re subscribe to that YouTube channel click that subscribe button we appreciate you all tuning in we’ll talk to you next week have a great weekend enjoy the Arnold Palmer Invitational or if you’re a real sicko and watching the Puerto Rico open and the live tournament and live Hong Kong

Yes sir oh we didn’t mention real quick just so it’s out there picks for live Hong Kong Mitchell’s got Cameron Smith I’ve got Bryson to Shambo playing a 6700 yard course they should tear it love to see it love to see it have a great weekend peace peace

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