The gloveglu Story

This is the story of gloveglu.

It started with an idea in 2012. An innovation in goalkeeping that had never been seen before, and now commonplace across all levels of the game.

A product designed just for grip turned into Goalkeeping Glove Care. A new category of product, but one that is now required more than ever as the cost of goalkeeper gloves rise.

Is it fair that the Keeper at the other end of the pitch can afford £150 gloves, whilst the other has £5 gloves? That goalkeepers with a glove deal can get a new pair of gloves every game, whilst others have 1 pair per season?

gloveglu is here to level the playing field. Our products can make ANY glove feel elite. We exist to help your gloves last longer & perform better


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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

With thanks to Aftership for supplying some of the footage.

We created a product initially to make your gloves grippy and it’s expanded into a whole range of goalkeeping glove care products brand started as a side gig back in 2012 had a business that was representing lots of other brands and one of my core clients was was O sport

People talk about light bulb moments and actually it happened to me if you spend 200 quid on a pair of goalkeeping glove they’re super super grippy but they don’t last very long one of the reasons is the latex is s yeah if you spend 10 quid on a parag gloves the latex isn’t

Grippy at all cuz it’s super hard but they last a long time I just said imagine if there was a products that you could apply to your gloves doesn’t matter whether they’re 10 quid 50 Quid 100 quid whatever to make them grippy yeah I had a chem friend who helped

Develop the formula at the time as I said I was working with sport working with a lot of proe Keepers so I was able to throw samples at hug Ree and peer and UC escaline so they were testing at Pro level took us about eight months to get

The formula right fantasttic this thing works this is brilliant we we’ve got the grip right this is perfect one huge problem highly flammable oh no this is this isn’t going to work we can’t ship This Global so it took another 78 months then to finally get the formula to a

Point it’s waterbased so really latex friendly and has got if you like the grippy stuff inside launched in 2012 and then by 2013 we launched this sort of wash refresh revive concept wash your gloves refresh them stop them smelling revive them improve the grip it’s absolutely key to make your gloves last

Longer and perform better socials is really important for those with 550 8 60,000 Tik Tok followers 170,000 YouTube getting off 50,000 in so that whole Community has massively driven where we’re going brand and we’ve created we’re category King in this category goalkeeping glove care that didn’t really exist before oh


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