Golf Players

Reaves vs Rempe + Weekend Recap – DTG – [Ep.610]

John breaks down this big fight, what’s going on with Kuznetzov, Pettersson signs, and more.

0:00 – Weekend Update/Bedard
2:45 – Ryan Reaves Vs. Matt Rempe
6:30 – Lyubushkin Hit
8:20 – Fight Breakdown
15:15 – Devils Acquire Curtis MacDermid
16:00 – BET99 – Zach Hyman / L.A. Kings
17:30 – Evgeny Kuztenzov Clears Waivers
24:00 – Elias Pettersson Contract Reaction
26:30 – Jack Hughes
27:30 – Predators 8-Win Streak
30:15 – Bruins Update
34:20 – Jonathan Quick Signing



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Good morning everybody welcome to another episode of dropping the gloves nice Monday we’re into March Tim very exciting March 4th how are you how was your weekend anything exciting happened it was good uh nothing that exciting but it was just really nice weather yesterday I went to a little Brewery and

Brought the dog and played some cards and yeah it was fun played cards by yourself have you played the game golf you know play golf yeah it’s fun yeah played it a whole bunch Bo how do you play it uh you have six cards and you just

Basically try to get the lowest score and if you get two pairs they cancel each other out and you add up at the end when you flipped all your cards and whoever has the lower score like in golf wins I’ve never played that it’s fun who

Did you play with who did you play with Tim not by myself he does Tim hates talking about his personal life it’s so it’s so funny why I’m like an open book Tim keeps it close to the vest why is that I try to yeah I don’t have any answer for that

Yeah just uh just me how was your weekend John it was was okay people want to know Tim they want to know what what’s going on with your life and you’re not you’re not giving them anything it’s not fair it’s not fair for them but my weekend was good

Yeah went to went to Chicago did a Hawks game they got just worked by the Columbus Blue Jackets uh and then that’s about it nothing too exciting nice weather like you said but it’s um it’s really hard calling a game when the team just loses all the

Time it’s it’s a definitely an art trying to find things to pick out of each game to say oh let’s focus on this good thing so we’re making it work there’s some bright spots Conor Bard he’s pretty good very very good so we focus a lot of a lot of videos of him

Getting slashed and pushed around lately but in the Avalanche game in this game he’s just getting like whacked on the wrist and no one’s doing anything about it cuz they don’t have anybody who would do anything about it right they don’t have a tough guy Jared Tori maybe but

He’s not keeping anybody up at night you know what I mean he’s he’s not he’s not very intimidating on the ice so I would do it I said that on air because they they showed the Josh Manson clip of him slashing Conor and he drops his glove

And Connor goes back to the bench and just boom hammers the bench keeps punching it if I’m facing him I’m slashing him all day long on the feet in the wrists everywhere why wouldn’t you it’s just part of the game so Chicago I would hope would address that next

Year we’ll see they need someone tough like Ryan Reeves or Matt Ry one of these guys because those guys they keep you on your toes and boy oh boy did we get some action out of them this past weekend Friday night New York Rangers Toronto May beliefs in Toronto it was the

Buildup was incredible Revo friend of the show before the game he was asked would you fight Ry uh Matt Ry if if he asked he’s like I’m not saying no I’m not I’m not running around like I’m saying yes for sure I’m not gonna duck this guy and sure enough they came

Together early on in the game Ryan Reeves asked Matt Ry to fight and um he said no what did you think of that Tim well the first shift that Ry had in the game game he was kind of chasing the puck in the offensive zone and he lost

An edge in in the leaf Zone by himself and the crowd went wild it was hilarious and then fast forward a little bit later in the the first period the Rangers are up one- nothing and Reeves challenges him and he says no and when they it was offscreen on the live broadcast because

It was behind the play and when they talked about oh something’s happening and I would have figured it was R ask and Reeves and reev saying no not really think paying attention to the score more just like the young kid wants to make an aim for himself but it was reev asking

Ry said no and that makes sense you don’t want to give the Lea any momentum or any chance to to claw back into it um but I you know you know Reeves and the and the Leafs gave it to him for the rest of the game until they ended up

Fighting later for saying no right yeah you would think so and you can tell that he had a conversation with his coach Laviolette Ry did because he I think he would have said yes if he hadn’t had that conversation but you mentioned before he even or you wrote down sorry

Not mentioned we were talking before before he even accepted the second Reeves challenge he had to look to the bench and like get the okay and I’ve had this before where players it’s so bizarre I remember I fought Derek England one time and I was in Buffalo he

Was in Pittsburgh and I honestly had to look past England to BMA and I was like let’s go like let him fight me and I’m I’m looking at bsma on the bench trying to get him to let Derek England to fight me and then finally he fought me and I

Beat him up but it was uh it’s they definitely had a conversation and rightfully so I think I think they should have had that this kid was putting his face or the ringer and when you look at who he’s fought like there it’s a pretty good you know Fight Card

Of delore Olivier and Al Reeves and he’s been in the league for less than two weeks that’s some Heavy Hitters so he got the okay and they eventually fought but this was after yes he throws a huge hit on leushin they’re losing three to2 it was the right time for them to fight

And he did his job and lo and behold the Rangers come back and tie it up and they lose in a shootout but I think it did spur on the New York Rangers to tie the game up and gave them a little bit of an energy so that’s exactly what he wanted

Out of that fight but I like that he said no we mentioned last show how George Lorac would always fight on his terms and you can tell it it takes the pressure off a player Tim when you have to get the okay to fight I very rarely had that where I

Had to ask the coach if I can fight but it just it gives you an excuse not to fight which which players kind of want sometimes then they can just focus on the game so going in he he knew he wasn’t going to fight unless the coach

Said so so you could focus on playing the game you can focus on something else if you’re just constantly worrying about that fight you don’t think about the game at all and it makes it very hard to play so I I I I’m glad lavet did that

Because it frees him up to just focus on the game but let let’s talk about the actual fight Tim tell me how it started you’re you analyzed it slowed it down talk about it well actually before we do that I want to talk about the hit in the

First period oh yes um because Ry threw a big hit on leushin and um who left the game welcome back IIA right who left the game with a head injury didn’t come back Keith was not happy about it after the game he he commented about the Reeves

Fight having something to do with it people are saying Rey left his feet that it was kind of a dirty hit what are your thoughts on it because there was no call or anything like that it’s a clean hit it’s a perfectly fine hit people are

Dumb I don’t know it was a it’s a perfectly you you can leave your hit a little bit leave your feet a little bit after contact that’s fine that’s natural you’re exploding into the hit like at the point of contact he was still on the ice so great hit like Crush crushed guy

Like absolutely demolished him blush can just he goes from being like two feet wide to being like six inches wide he just gets pasted onto the boards clean hit absolutely monstrous hit and not to blame the victim but you put yourself in a bad spot when you when you’re making

The play like arosed to he’s like two or three feet from the boards which is just the worst place because you’re just going to get tossed into it it’s going to go you’re going to go angled in it’s not like you’re going to stay upright when you take a hit like

That like you’re supposed to get up against the boards if you see a guy coming like that after you make the play which he could have done but he didn’t do so what and now he’s out good for him but yeah he buried and then the respon I

Don’t think this was the response to the hit and then back to Sheldon ke like Just sh shut up man like you you come off so whiny when you do this he does like it’s just I’m surprised he’s still a coach in the league it’s it’s fascinating to me that he hasn’t been

Fired but any he’s gonna coach for the rest of his as long as he wants to now even if it’s not with Toronto just because of all the games that he’s won you’re probably right it’s just he’s he’s got the galuk effect yeah okay so let’s get into the fight so Ry finally

He looks at the bench gets the okay and they start tossing and one of the things that everyone said right away even you know during the fight is that it was the adjustments he had made since his last two fights with delorier and Olivier were noticeable he definitely had a

Different approach for fighting Reeves what did you see 100% And I don’t want to take any credit for this even though we have talked and on messenger so there has been some communication but he did look more composed a little bit he wasn’t rushed he was more patient with

His punches and he did have a better grab albeit he had a better attempted grab where he grabbed his shirt in his jersey was good the the the spot was good the actual grab itself is terrible because you look at the fight Reeves backing way off the The Jersey stretched

Out there’s no control there and it’s it’s hard to fight someone who has that much movement and and you can see see Ryan knows what he’s doing I don’t know if he has the collar of his jersey purposely extended or loose or he has some elastics on it because it was

Stretching out so far Tim and Matt Ry could not get a decent grab on him or control him and Ryan uses this to his Advantage the whole time you can’t reach him he’s pulling way far back and you’re just stuck and it Remy just has to do

Some Jersey jobs every now and again but it’s unfortunate because he does reach he just doesn’t grab him in the right spot and I was talking to Tim before the show I don’t know if I always grab the guy’s undershirt or if I grabbed his shoulder pads or whatever it is but when

I would grab somebody I would grab him by the collar or if I twisted his jersey up I can’t think of what I used to do it’s been so long I would have control of him at some you know not total control but I could move

Him around a little bit I could pull him in I could uppercut if I wanted to that’s the advantage of being tall you grab that guy and then you can move him around a little bit it’s easier on skates obviously but Remy had no control whatsoever and you could tell that

During the fight he’s trying to stand up straight he’s trying to keep his arm locked he’s trying to know keep him at arms length but revil just he really did have a huge Advantage because of all the room he had in his neck he could move

Left right up down he could come in closer so next time I want Matt to just maybe maybe even regrab during that fight take some time grab your left and right hold on to Ryan work your grip a little bit better just so you can have more control because having those long

Arms is such an advantage I use that all the time when I fought I very rarely got hit because I would grab him I would lock him out if I didn’t have a good grab I would regrip and then the fight gets going and it’s a good

Fight I I would say Revo won the fight overall but Matt Remy he he skates away fine he’s he’s not leaving battered and bloodied and he’s not after the the oliv Olivier fight you think this guy’s goingon to have to go to the hospital so

It was a good fight all around I think the crowd got exactly what they wanted that was a heavyweight fight both guys were throwing punches both guys were aggressive Revo at one point just waves off the referees I love that everybody got their shots in everybody skated away

Everybody was healthy and then they went on their way it was it was a great result for everybody involved Remy gets to say I fought one of the toughest guys in the league I survived it and Revo says I didn’t duck somebody because that’s what I thought he was going to do

I thought he was just going to go about his business to lefs are going to win the game everybody’s happy it was a fantastic result I think Matt will get better I think he has to have better grab and then maybe his feet there’s a

Lot to work on with him he’s he’s a he’s a moldable piece of clay right now I I think he stands up too upright to a point where it’s like you’re not getting as much power out of your punches but not that I was a huge like power puncher

But I’m gonna work with him we’re gonna coach him up but yeah great fight great great fight by both guys it was a great fight P like plus the lead up to it and then you can see re like he’s going right to center I cuz they started near

The bench and he’s like hey follow me right and then they get into it and I was as I was watching and I was rooting for Remy just being the young kid and just being like okay let’s see what he can what he can do and at first it felt

Like he was winning or at least he was holding his own really well and wasn’t L Landing a lot of the Heavies but he was jabbing a lot with this jersey hand and then um but which you know doesn’t bother a guy like Reeves but then by the

End of the fight Reeves had just gotten a few good hay makers in and but credit for rampy for staying upright that was the big thing that I was kind of watching for was was just like he didn’t go down he took the punches and you

Could tell he had um cuz re wanted to keep going and he said to the ref like twice he was like all right I’m done I’m done are we done here um but I thought it was good by the way I didn’t want to interrupt you and whatever but it’s Ry

You keep saying Remy and I know people laugh at it but just practice I wonder why I do it because when I’m not I know it’s Ry it’s just like a Freud and tick that I say the p and the k for some reason Remy just sounds

Like you know I have a friend in town you know Carter Oster housinger h orer house I always end it with an N for some reason and I know I know it doesn’t so I’m like Carter Oster Housen it just sounds right you know what I mean

Yeah yeah it’s just something I do I don’t I don’t do it on purpose I I’m still trying to get to to the Rangers I’m I’m still trying to get them to fly me in like how do you how do I initiate that do I just send um a propos proposal

To to like the GM to jewry say hey this is what I could do $10,000 with accommodations for one week do you um would it make sense to do it now or in the summer right now I would love this New York this time of year is beautiful beautiful be so nice well

You’re like you’re one degree of separation from laviolet and Drury like you can get their numbers today if you wanted to so just do it yeah I know not hey Chris I was thinking I could improve one of your players 10,000 I think 10 might be even a little light

Yeah change this gu change this guy’s career and the Rangers season and Stanley Cups they might win because of me do you think Ry you know does does he see the playoffs yeah yeah I think he does they have so many injuries Wheeler’s not coming back I think he definitely sees

The playoffs especially out east yeah it’s it’s a heavier game mode H is it heavier I don’t know it seems to be getting heavier did you see the new New Jersey Devils made a trade for some odd reason to get Curtis mcder from the Colorado or is he on Colorado still yeah

The Avalanche Y what do you think ises that a reactionary trade from the Devils to try to keep up in the arms race there well the timing of it strange like they they needed this cuz this is why they lost last year not because they didn’t

Have a fighter but they didn’t have the toughness response to the L of other teams had in the playoffs and then you get like delorier brought in and luchis was brought in and Reeves was brought in and you didn’t have an answer for it and here we are in March 2nd whatever the

Trade one town it’s and your season’s close to being over they didn’t have a good weekend they might be out of the playoffs for good the timing of it seems weird to me I don’t really doesn’t it seem strange and then poor Curtis mcder he’s just like uh Stanley Cup Contender

Going to New Jersey the stinks no offense to New Jersey but it’s not you know Denver Colorado as far as living wise goes I bet you the quality of life is a little better in Denver I don’t know all right we got a new sponsor Tim what’s going on with

This next segment very exciting well this episode is brought to you by bet 99 voted the number one online gaming experience in Canada with same game parlay player props Flash B markets and more I really like Zack Heyman this week he’s got 10 goals in his last eight

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They sure do you can parlay it as well a I love the parlay you know what I’m I’m looking for this week I like a weekl long projection the Los Angeles Kings I’m all in on them for some reason I I’m just thinking they’re going to go on

Fire they’ve won their last two this week they play the Vancouver Canucks who they just waxed last week five to one they get the Ottawa Senators who are very beatable and then they finish off with the Dallas Stars which is a tough game so the odds will be there for them

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Play responsibly available to people in Ontario only bet 99 is built by Canadians for Canadians speaking of Canadians how about a Russian how was that for a transition the ketov thing uh I need I need help making sense of this because I I’ve read the headlines I’ve

Read the articles I still don’t feel like I fully understand it so maybe you can walk through it with me but he came back from the nhlpa player assistance program over the weekend and was immediately put on waivers uh yesterday heed cleared waivers and Brian MCL and

The GM said he spoke with K ketov and his agent basically the move is representing their wanting a change of scenery this is starting toward that so currently right now ketov is on his way to play in Hershey for the Hershey Bears in the AHL where he’s probably going to

Be the highest salary player to ever play in the AHL does he actually play a game down there like what what do you make of the situation and and what what’s going to happen next for him what did Wade read and make when he was sent down by the

New York Rangers can you look that up real quick I will yeah kof is making $7.8 million that’s a lot of money so he could be and this is not a conditioning stint so I I know guys have gone down maybe before for a conditioning stint

Who are but 7.8 is a big chunk he is in the top three% of guys in the NHL making that kind of money but I don’t know what what is to be confused about this this is a guy who and that’s the thing he hasn’t played badly the last few years

So I I don’t know why Washington wants to get rid of him so badly maybe just the relationship in the locker room is fractured so much that they just want to wash their hands with them they’re just done with them throw them on waivers maybe someone will pick them up but now

He goes down to Hershey and he plays his contract though for the rest of the season and maybe they try to find a trade partner with him this year someone who can use his services but at this point I I just think there’s so many red flags surrounding this guy we saw what

He did was it in the offseason two years ago where he was in Russia and he got in trouble with some videos he put on social media there was some substance on a table wink wink nudge nudge and that was you know they they had to talk with him because they

Couldn’t really get after him for anything and now this happens and then he goes in the player assistant program I I don’t know and then it’s perfect timing for the capitals because they don’t want him on his team anymore they’re succeeding without him they had

A really good run they made a good push for the playoffs it’s it’s starting to you know tail off a little bit near at the end of the season but they they don’t need him on their team they probably don’t want him on their team they don’t want him around the young

Guys who are making strides in his absence so you send him down to Hershey he pays no escrow good for him but do you think he do you think he reports Tim that’s my question is like there’s no way that like because it’s hard for a player of that ilk and that caliber

Making that much money to do it but especially for him it just seems like I don’t mean this as a knock but he’s very prideful man a little bit of an ego like he I can’t accept see him accepting one of the play down there but the article I

Read I think on daily face off was that he’s going to be part of the Hershey Bears you know Run for the uh what is it the cder cup and they’re one of the better teams in the AHL and he’s gonna be there apparently so imagine that he

Wins a CER cup but I I think the only real benefit of going for him is the money he makes 7.8 million and when you take off escrow you’re getting an extra couple hundred, do of paycheck so it’s kind of a no-brainer the one thing that Russians have in their back pocket they

Can just skip town and go play in the KHL whenever they want like they they have that ability I’m not saying everybody else does but he grew obviously grew up in Russia I’m sure he’s played in KHL throughout his career yeah he he played with um tractor chel

Abinsk when he was younger so he has those connections where he can just leave right away and get paid a ton of money to go back in Russia so we’ll see how it pans out it’s too bad when this guy was clicking he was a dangerous

Piece for the capitals but what are you going to do it always seems like not always but lately there’s always Russian in hot water you know what I mean those they just can’t seem to stay out of trouble the last few years it’s been an issue with these guys

And I don’t know what’s going on hopefully they they slow it down does he is he untradeable like from like just a desirability standpoint cuz why not try to move him get something for him rather than wave him well I’m sure they kick the tires on that but he makes $7.8

Million he’s 31 years old he still has two years left on his one year left on his deal excuse me and like I said there’s there’s the Optics of the whole situation are you going to bring in this guy who went to player assistance program he’s had the history with the

Drugs I don’t know jeopardize your team to bring him in he is a good hockey player if it’s just straight on the ice I this guy’s good he’s very creative he puts up points he’s a point per game guy I but there’s just so much going on so

Much baggage behind him so we’ll see what happens hopefully he goes down plays well he can get a chance next year but I think we have seen the last of him in the NHL this season at least there’s always next year probably in a capitals uniform well again he could come back

Next year I think and play for the capitals I don’t think he’s burning any Bridges he’s doing the right thing he’s going down to hershy I I don’t see any reports of him being a wet blank and complaining and this and that he’s owning up to his mistakes

And he’s going down there so good for him what did Wade R in make did you figure that out yeah uh the average salary hit was $65 million and I don’t know which year he went down because it could have been either eight or six and a half depending

On which year it was oh crazy there a lot of money I remember that that was that was such a bad contract that was a but that was a big year for the uh I played against him in the AHL did you I’m I’m almost I did

So so good in Ottawa he was terrific absolutely terrific people in Ottawa when you leave the defenseman stink look at Carlson Wade readen all of a sudden you look at Chara he left and he was garbage yeah so bad awful let move on let’s get out of here quickly yeah let’s do some

Quick hits well for a limited time a limited time our listeners can get 25% off and zero delivery fees on their first order with door desk with promo code Nation 25 offer valid in Canada subject to change terms May apply Pon finally signed over the weekend eight

Years 11.6 million just more than a shave more than uh neander what did you think of the deal I think it’s good for both team and player I think he would have gotten more had he held out a little bit longer I don’t know what I thought 12.5 was on

The table that’s what the Insiders were telling me but apparently it wasn’t 11.6 that’s a lot of money you know it’s a lot of money it’s it’s it’ll work out more favorably for Vancouver I think that this is a team-friendly deal and it will age very well for the for the

Vancouver Canucks especially when the cap goes up this year and it will continue to go up for the next few years forever the 5% growth will be enacted so this this will be a good contract in six seven years so good I like it I think probably

Sooner than that I think it probably it’s two or three years is going to be like well he’s making you know 60% of what he should be making If he if he had signed now so yeah I think it’ll be a very good deal especially this a guy he

Could you know be an MVP candidate this year yeah he’s a fantastic hockey player so yeah good for the Canucks to get it done they it’s so it’s so interesting how hockey changes last year we thought they were dead in the water they need to sell everybody let’s move on and restart

This franchise again now they start to win games now everybody’s saying oh this is great they have all these guys locked up it’s fantastic it’s just you a little bit of winning changes your perspective on things and the Vancouver conects they are a young team and they do have all

These guys locked up for a long time so they they could go on a decent little run here with with these guys because they are good hockey players but is uh is Ottawa next in that line they’re gonna win a couple games and turn into a contender they could they absolutely

Could I I don’t see it but they the difference between Ottawa and Vancouver I feel like Vancouver has the intangible guys and I’m not saying Brady kchu isn’t but guys who can do it all who can score who can just like I like JT Miller I I

Know a lot of people don’t like him his Antics his attitude I think he is an absolute just gem to have on your team I like everything he does I I really really do so I don’t know what everybody else says and then Quinn Hughes I think

Quinn Hughes is well I don’t think I know the guy’s a stud like he he’s an absolute just Dynamo he might be the best Hughes he honestly might when it comes down to it at the end at the end of the day Jack still putting up points

Like crazy do you think he’s gonna get 100 points Jack him uh I don’t have it in front of me what’s he at now guess probably not he’s still playing fantastic but I I like van that penalty shot with two seconds left I did after uh what’s his

Name move the net so funny he’s got 57 points and 45 games no he’s not going to get 100 although he’s got that pace but he just missed too many games isn’t that what I said was going to happen he was going to get hurt yeah last year I think he had he

Have 99 last year 98 or 99 but he only played 70 some games 99 last year 78 games you gotta stay healthy it’s gonna happen again it’s about to happen 99 but yeah he might all right what else we doing here quick hits Tim these These

Are hits today I know the Predators have won eight straight and they basically I wouldn’t say cemented themselves but they’ve gained a lot of ground and solidifying their second wild card spot and I have to eat crow a little bit on this one because I said two weeks ago

That I had no faith in this team and they’re boring and I don’t think they’re that good and they’re going to go away in favor of the Minnesota or Calgary or Seattle but but Nashville said hold on just a minute eight in a row they beat

Some good teams and it feels like we were saying before the show these are probably going to be the eight the 16 playoff teams you know barring any any crazy runs it feels like Nashville is going to be there yeah and they’re beating teams that are ahead of in the standings

They’re beating the Colorado’s of the world a big win versus Minnesota they’re beating La the Vegas golden knights like they’re on a pretty good run here so could they be another St Louis Blues from 2018 where they just catch fire and C catch people off guard in the playoffs

Maybe not but when you have the ingredients that they have when you have yussi Soros when you have those good defensemen when you have a solid core up front like Ryan O’Reilly’s still pretty Pretty stinking good say well they don’t have Ryan O’Reilly oh wait they

Do yeah they got a pretty decent team I don’t not GNA sit here and tell you that they’re gonna make a huge run in the west but again if if I’m sitting at the top of the Western Conference and I’m looking at teams that I match up against

If I’m Vancouver do I really want to go play in Nashville I don’t think so that that would not be a place I’d want to go play I’d rather go Play La I’d rather go play Calgary or you mentioned the Minnesota Wild I don’t know it’s it’s good good

For Nashville I like this team and this is after they just shredded their team Matthew Shane Tanner janol left they got r y Hansen they really did go into rebuild mode and maybe they’ve changed the trajectory of their franchise a little bit they’re like oh we’re we’re

Pretty good and they have those assets from trading those guys so good for the Predators I like it they’re they’re winning some really big games and I think it starts with yuss SOS this guy’s a stud absolute Dynamo in the net good for good for Nashville eight in a row

It’s hard to do that’s a lot I had no idea they were on a winning streak at all and I saw that’s a lot and then the Flames are nipping at their heels they’ve won five in a row for Pete steak so it’s not necessarily over but yes I

Agree the the West seems to be solidified Nashville’s up by seven on the Flames I know the Flames have two games in hand but it’s looking pretty solid in the west and the East the top eight now they’re just going to jockey for positions who’s going to play who we

Were we were banding about before the show who would the Bruins like to play in the first round because right now they said second in the Atlantic if playoffs started today they would play the Toronto Maple Leafs but playoffs don’t start today they still have to

Play 20 more games if they win a little bit if they lose a little bit you could match up against the Panthers you could match up against anybody and if I was telling Tim I said the Bruins they want to play Toronto would you rather play Florida would you rather play Tampa Bay

I I don’t think so so I think it’s it’s good where the Bruins are sitting right now yeah I just they’re they’re making me nervous that actually brings us to our next point is that I saw the stat I think Kevin Dupont um one of the Bruins

Riders tweeted this out since the Bruins started off 90 and one that was their start to the season since that time they’ve had 26 wins 13 losses and 13 overtime losses that’s 26 wins and 26 losses that is it’s above 500 from hockey because and those points are so

Important because we talked before the the show as well is like they’ve won three games in their last 10 the Leafs have won nine games and yet they still have six points on the leaves and a lot of it is because of those overtime and shootout losses which is as frustrating

As they are are just so so important but it just makes me rethink what I thought I knew about this team when I see that stat it’s like hot start and then it’s a middle of the rad team ever since then and you can’t ignore that right now they

Need to revamp the point system in the NHL they need to go to soccer style where you get three points for a regulation win I firmly believe that yeah it has to change you have to give a little bit of a benefit and an incentive to win in

Regulation I I think that’s so important for them to do that because now teams just play for a tie this time of year whereas if you were to get three points I think that would change things quite a bit and they’re getting it’s just yeah like when you look at regulation wins

Florida has 33 it’s just they should be you know reward Ed for that it’s just but anyways the Bruins do do they go to the shootout in overtime and playoffs no I I don’t know if this is necessarily a bad thing but the writing’s on the wall with this team

Too I’m I’m choosing to believe that they’re getting their bad games out from under them and then they’ll start to heat up and and be a great hot team there’s another tweet that I saw too that was like the three years they went to the cup with this in the last 20

Years 11 13 and 19 they were a 500 team going into the playoffs over their final 20 games or so like it was very similar stats so anything’s possible when you get to the playoffs but yeah they’re making me nervous right now so they’re in second

In the Atlantic there’s six points up on the Leafs the Leafs have two games in hand where do the Bruins finish in your eyes I think they stay second and it’s because everything has gone wrong for us and everything’s gone right for the leaves and yet you still have a six

Points on them you know what I mean so like I I can’t I I don’t want to knock on wood it can’t get worse than this you know it’s just so I feel like they’re they’re bad they’re worst hockey behind them and Toronto can’t stay this hot

Forever so I feel like you know I think they’ll stay where they are your allegiance to this team is comical it’s very good i’ say admirable admirable to be to be honored you’re supposed to be have like this bipartisan look now that you’re part of the med

But look at who they play in the next five games Toronto Edmonton Toronto Pittsburg St Louis dangerous teams they could easily lose five those games they did great in that road trip they didn’t play they didn’t play these types T of teams two weeks ago two weeks ago when O’Reilly

Got suspended they played like Seattle and Tampa and the capitals and like Calgary like they were playing subpar teams just saying this could Edon in their building in overtime whatever this could get tight let’s check back on Friday after they because they play tonight they play tomorrow and they play

Thursday you notice I didn’t bring him up in bet 9 N because they’re going to go zero that’s the thing they’ll lose them all in overtime so they’ll get three of six possible points yeah hanging around all right we had a big signing New York Rangers locked up Jonathan Quick very excited

One of the cooler stories in the League this year he’s 38 years old and playing just great hockey um one year 1.2 75 million dollars for another year um and shurkin has really turned it around too in the last month he’s looked great basically since the holidays and so now

The Rangers are as strong as anyone in the league right now and Quick’s a big part of it it’s cool to see him get rewarded yeah he he obviously didn’t really work out with the Vegas golden knights last year he’s coming into New York Fresh Start he playing great got

Another deal out of it so good for him I I like the Rangers they’re again another team who’s playing really really strong I think the East right now is Florida and then everybody else I think everyone is looking up at the Florida Panthers at this point but the Rangers are right

There they’re going to make some noise i’ I’ve heard some Rumblings of New York that they’re they’re goingon to make a push this year because the years are running out on this team to make a Stanley Cup run they they have to do something this season but good for

Jonathan Quick 38 going to be 39 he’s still he’s still kicking still playing pretty strong just like us Tim we’re still kicking we’re still putting out quality material and we appreciate everybody for the support I hope you have a good Monday I hope you have a

Good start to your month we’ll see you on Wednesday everybody cheers thanks for listening to dropping the gloves with John Scott a member of the nation network of podcasts subscribe wherever you get your podcast from to never miss an episode


  1. 100 percent agree on the rempe hit. They are trying to wussify the nhl even more, and its pissing me off.

  2. John thank you for helping Rempe. He definitely took your advice. Your adjustments helped. Take the credit! You 100% deserve it. It’s great for someone with your knowledge of the game especially the physical aspect take this kid under his wing. Much better defensive job in this fight.

  3. The Rempe fight with Ryan Reese The kid was bleeding either from the nose or the upper lip there’s blood on his jersey and it definitely wasn’t from Reese 😆 and another thing it looks like he left his feet when he hit the Toronto defenceman And League is doing nothing about it

  4. As a Pens fan I like Rempe he is a beast for sure.. As you said John I say next season he will get better.. But I hope the kid doesn’t end up like BooGaard.. Love Reavo also met him 3 times in Pittsburgh really great guy.. He loves his fans..

  5. Rempke used the fight to motivate his team to get a late one, which they did, advantage Rempke. Kid is learining how it all works, and Laviolette is teaching the kid when and where to go

  6. Rempe is officially awesome. I definitely didn't think he was gonna fight Reaves, especially after declining him in the first period, but he did it. He's fearless and I hope he keeps it up, he's basically single handedly keeping fighting alive.

  7. another good spot to grab is a fist full where the bicept meets the shoulder. it basically makes it so he fant really throw a good punch and will spend more time trying to break your grip.

    A good way to break his grip is to grab your own jersey near his hand thats gripping and torque/shrug away with your body as you rip the jersey away at the same time. This is how Judo and BJJ players break the grip from their kimono. There is similarities in hockey fighting. The Jersey is basically like a judo or jiu jitsu gi. Punching is a whole other ball game.

    Matt did really well in that fight. Keep in mind hes been going full tilt the last two weeks and had two shiners fighting reevo. He wasnt exactly 110%. Still has to grow into his body and learn to utilize his reach. Hell be an absolute force in 2026.

  8. Yeah John! I’ll pitch in a few bucks to get you into New York !! You’d def make a difference. I knew Rempe took your advice. He needs you !!!! Big fan of yours

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