Golf Tips: Fix Your Spine!

Josh demonstrates 3 quick fixes to get a bigger shoulder turn, longer drives, and a less armsy swing.

Hey golf War today I’m really excited to talk to you a little bit about shoulder turn what golf War mostly call shoulder turn is not a shoulder turn it’s actually your spine rotating so the shoulders are kind of in a fixed spot in the golf swing in your back swing your

Spine and trunk especially your middle section of your spine it’s called your thoracic or tpine that’s what’s actually rotating so this is a huge power producer in your swing if you can rotate your t-spine or thoracic spine golfers and the guys on TV like to call a shoulder turn so it’s actually your

Spine turning so if I can rotate my spine a fair bit then I can actually wind up in my back swing and create what we call width in the back swing if you don’t have good spinal rotation you are going to stop turning here and then your

Arms are going to try and take over and that’s where you get a a narrow armsy swing and we don’t create a lot of width because you don’t have that turn so what we’re going to go through today are some really simple fixes to help you increase

That trunk rotation which is going to help you get a bigger shoulder turn longer drives less armsy swing let’s get started the only equipment you’re going to need is a foam roller and some open space so let’s get into it so now that you got some floor space all you need is

A foam roller to get started we’re going to take that rested on the floor and that’s going to go perpendicular to your spine so we want that set as I ease back onto it right pretty much at the shoulder blades and I’m going to start this is called a foam roller extensions

Really really important exercise if you can extend your t-spine or thoracic spine it’s going to make it easier to rotate it if you’re stuck in that rounded position you’re limiting the amount of rotation you have so from here I’m placing the hands behind the neck I’m just supporting the head we’re not

Pulling on it but I’m keeping the chin tucked towards the chest and I’m keeping my abs engaged butt on the the floor and I’m just going to slowly breathe in as I exhale I just let my spine extend over the roller a little bit inhale exhale again my chin stays

Tucked I do about two extensions there and then I’m going to use my feet I’m going to push that roller down my spine a little bit more about two inches down the spine I breathe in exhale let that back just hinge over the roller a little

Bit breath in and breath out so you’re going to work your way down the spine again I’m going to push that roller down my spine by using the feet inhale exhale on the exhale you’re just going to gently recline okay so we’re not going to work into the lower back with

This that’s really important you’re just going to get to about kind of mid middle of the rib cage to lower part of the rib cage height so we’re not going too low after you’ve done your last extension slowly curl up a little bit and then roll out to the side so that’s

Giving us a little a little bit more extension in the t-spine our next exercise is going to be a quadrip reach back so I’m on all fours here and rock back as much as your knees allow you to if you’ve got limitations in your knees you can take that foam

Roller and just place it behind the heels and sit on it there so you’ve got something for your butt to push against it’s important to have something there so your hips don’t move a lot we want to keep the hips grounded here so I’m going to sit back here because I’m able to

And I’m going to push the hands down into the floor take my fingertip put it behind my ear the key here with this quadruped reach back is to push through the grounded arm and to use that push to open my chest up and to look past my

Elbow so I’m rotating the head as well once I get to my end range I’m going to hold it here big breath in is important on the exhale exhale I push a little more into this hand breath in exhale so holding that end range and breathing into it I’ll show you face on

Here so you can see with each exhale I’m going to push through my bottom arm once I get to the end range I hold it breath in and I’m not leaning to the side I’m staying centered breathe in exhale push through the floor with each breath I get a little more rotation one

More time and you can hear how I’m breathing here breath in hold it and then exhale and try and get a little further range so with each exhale I’m getting just a couple more degrees range of motion it’s so important to when you get into that

Tight spot and end range Hold the End range breathe into it intentionally so each breath cycle should take about five at least five to six seconds okay so that’s your quadruped reach back and foam roller extensions that’s going to help give you some rotation next up is

Going to be are standing Palm touches in your golf posture so just go ahead and get stand up and have make sure you have some free space to get that knocked out if you’re enjoying this video and finding it helpful I would highly recommend you check out our brand new

P4s golf app you can take our quiz that will give you a custom plan based on your results you’ll answer a few questions about yourself go through our assessment and our algorithm will assign a program specifically for you this app is the first in the world where you can

Have the choice between short exercise demos or fulllength follow-along workouts there’s no stock videos every video is demonstrated by a coach on our team you don’t need any expensive tools to get started this app and these programs we’re designed from our world’s largest research database of over 10,000

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Called a palm touch in golf posture so this is a really great exercise to help you feel what an actual turn again you can call it a shoulder turn if you want but it’s really your spine turning so this is what a real shoulder turn should

Feel like I’m going to bring my arms straight out to the side so I’m in golf posture and from here you can see all I’m going to do is bring BR the arms straight out to the sides all right once I’m there my one arm stays here I’m

Going to take the other hand let it reach down and then I’m going to have to reach this hand over towards the other hand so to do that you’ll see once my hands are here this hand stays here I have to I can’t if I just just reach

With my arm and don’t turn my trunk that’s as far as I can go so I need to get more turn here and this shoulder is going to work under the chin and I’m turning this shoulder will pull back back a little bit and then I reach this

Hand hold there take a breath and then take the bottom hand and maybe reach past there I feel a really big stretch through here then I come down alternate sides make sure this shoulder Works underneath your chin hold the head steady try and get past the other hand

Breathe in and out so as you alternate again if you can only get here that’s fine breathe in breathe out try and reach a little further Breathe In Breathe Out try and reach a little further so that Palm touch again you’re going to do about each of these

Exercises with the Palm touches and the reach back you’re going to do about six to eight on each side really really important there to get that rotating and after that you’re going to feel a massive difference in how much you can turn your spine create that big shoulder

Turn widin your swing you’ll be able to make a wider swing Arc hit longer drives and have a lot more fun on the golf course I hope you guys found that helpful go ahead and follow for More

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