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Yellowwallpod EP 469: Talking Nonsense

Can Borussia Dortmund start a winning streak away to Werder Bremen after their 2-0 win against Union Berlin?


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This is Mary this is shin Kagawa this is n Shah hello this is Jayden Sano and you’re listening to the yellow World [Applause] [Applause] Podcast [Applause] hello and welcome to episode 469 of the yellow I’m and today we will talk about ADI and Marson scoring against un Berlin Dortmund qualifying for the FIFA Club World Cup and players are to return from injury as B forb travel to B for all that and more joins

Me last Perman hello L how are you doing hello Stefan I’m not sure I appreciate the pregnant pause after 469 which I was waiting for you to say nice but you didn’t so I’m sorry how are you Stefan that that was sort of in in

Case you wanted to slide in there say it but you know um I’m I’m doing fine thank you thank you thank you uh right uh Borussia Dortmund on Berlin right that game was like 800 years ago to be honest and I don’t recall much of it other than

There were gifts on Twitter floating around of imraan passing it to the opponent right in front of his own box let’s talk about that first before we uh talk about the positives uh last um Dortmund certainly did not have the the nicest game in Berlin but I think it

Was a good bounce bounce back after the horrendous loss at home to hoffenheim um this time emran returned to Midfield and Dortmund did not concede the goal however uh things looked as poor and terrible as as most of uh this calendar year if I’m honest uh if you

Have any recollection of of uh the Midfield uh and Emraan once again not really uh performing as he should uh yeah please talk about it I’m not sure I would categorize this game as a bounce back in any other sense than the fact that they won three points against the

Against the on side which um I think if you look at the league table looks a bit weaker than they are actually I think they’ve uh been on a decent run of form ever since um switching to n bit as the head coach I think they are in the top

Half for you know 2024 or whatever so it’s not like going to onion is one of the easier trips so coming away with three points is always appreciated obviously but uh the performance itself I don’t think there’s much of an argument to be made that it was a huge

Step up from the hoffenheim game or a couple of these other games they’ve played in in the last last few weeks I think we basically know who Dortmund are at this point of the Season there’s not much to surprise us in a positive or I suppose in a negative sense

So um I guess the the only thing that really stood out to me and maybe it’s just because I never really thought about it but I think you could make the case that Alexander Maya is D’s most improved player from from last season because last year I was not particularly

Happy with him and I think he was the best player on the pitch even against onol and when you’re winning 2-0 away from home and you have to place the goalkeeper I think that says a lot even though he didn’t actually have too much to do but whenever he did he looked very

Solid good on the ball and had that one massive save when I think Marson gave it away somewhat care carelessly so yeah I mean I I’d be amazed if we spent more than 10 minutes on this game yeah uh Alex mea had had a few really good saves

Uh in in go I think right at the beginning he had one where he just touched it with the outside of his Boot and steered it around the the post if I recall correctly but um yeah uh I mean for a backup goalkeeper uh in in I don’t

I don’t know where you would rank him but I think some I I would I would go as far as saying he’s probably better than Mitch Langer what would you say oh um I mean Langer had the the fortune of playing some big games for Dortmund which obviously kind of uh

Skews our view of of what he did because uh when he had the chance to replace ven Feller for an extended period of time I don’t think necessarily that anyone thought back then that langar was going to you know be a long-term number one for drop which obviously we don’t think about Meers

Either but um yeah I mean the the more interesting question to me is probably how many Bundesliga teams he would start for because obviously Meer came from Yan Regensburg who are now down in third division it’s not like that’s a Powerhouse of the second Bundesliga or whatever and considering that and also

That he’s already quite I don’t want to say old because he’s younger than me but uh for Dortmund perspective not Mally exclusive anymore for for Dortmund perspectives he’s he’s reasonably old and yeah I think that you could probably point out at least seven or eight Bundesliga sites where Maya start and

That’s uh kind of a bonus uh when you think back to times when they had for example burky and hits which at the end of that uh particular era uh if you want to call it that that certainly wasn’t good enough anymore and I think right now kobel and

Meer is quite arguably or could arguably be the the best one to punch in the Bundesliga so that’s if if we are to look for some positives here which is not necessarily our one Stan uh then I guess the goalkeeping situation is a positive yeah uh for sure

I mean Marvin hits I I totally forgot about him if I’m honest but I I think he was a very decent number two goalkeeper as well I think I think tra traditionally dmon do have very good goalkeepers and uh also good backups uh I would say uh for the most part at

Least in the last 10 to 15 years I think that holds through so yeah uh I mean Alex may obviously now had a bit of a rhythm going which of course helps too um but yeah for Bim as we’ll preview it later uh Gregor Kel will probably return

To goal and hopefully there won’t be any weird Rusty moments but uh yeah uh in the meantime should mention uh Adam had an absolute screamer of a goal uh cutting inside uh from the right side of the box and then uh yeah hitting the underside of the crossbar which I think

Are always very beautiful goals and uh yeah Ian mson then with the dagger was it was it stoppage time or or just before it uh winning the ball uh high up pressing by himself almost as the lone Striker and then just running to what goal taking a little pause before uh

Yeah putting it away with enough power and placement so uh all in all at least for for what uh when it comes to the goal scored I think dmon did pretty well outside of that last though I don’t really recall too many good chances that

Dmon had in this game where I say well these were absolute sitters that they had to bury uh correct me if I’m wrong here but I don’t really recall much no I I mean it it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we were just uh forgetting about it because the game has

Been a few days ago and it wasn’t particularly memorable but yeah I I certainly remember feeling or thinking uh when admi scored that certainly didn’t announce itself beforehand if you will um and then obviously when when mson scored that was a counterattacking moment that can happen at the end of the

Game when the opponent is chasing game at the game it’s not like un had had you know uh a firework of scoring opportunities themselves going so it’s it was just one of those games where uh you needed to score first and and and ultimately I think if uh the game had

Ended in a draw no none of the sides could have particularly been aggrieved with that maybe even a one- nil unun Victory wouldn’t have been totally against the Run of play or whatever and and ultimately do one won and it’s one of those games that I think it’s going

To be hard to remember even in two weeks let alone at the end of the season or whatever but obviously uh those count as well yeah uh for sure I mean uh arguably the the loss to hoffenheim was pretty terrible considering the I don’t know if

If it is it too soon to talk about the word take the use the word run in uh but either way considering that Dortmund do have a pretty difficult schedule from here and out uh yeah uh these were definitely a must-win game especially after you come back uh from a from a one

Goal deficit then really control the game and then in the second half to to lose it and pretty much collapse within minutes uh not really helpful and uh yeah really goes to show how fra this dmon team is currently but yeah it is at least result wise a good bounce back

Because Dortmund do stay with the skin of their teeth in fourth place one point ahead of ab who select someone else I think it was bom and uh so on yeah we will will move on to Bri but uh before we do that uh last real quick I think we should

Mention that due to Real Madrid uh winning against leig in the Champions League round off 16 D now have qualified for the FIFA Club World Cup which I think is in 2025 next year in the United States in a sort of a um I guess a rehearsal dinner for the

Real thing and I I I’ll be honest I’m I’m hopeful Dortmund for some reason somehow played for that that’d be amazing but uh yeah uh I’m I personally am actually quite excited about this tournament I think I’ve talked about that before uh last it’s it’s a bit similar to the uh Old World

Cup format with 32 teams if I’m not mistaken and uh it’s going to be in July and it’s going to be a little bit bigger and I think the the windfall for Dortmund is around 50 million or something ridiculous so um obviously it it deserves mentioning because that’s

Definitely no small thing to be qualified for this sort of tournament but yeah what are your thoughts on it well first of all um the actual Financial details haven’t been made public yet so we don’t exactly know how much they make the the number of 50

Million as just an entry fee has been floated but um I I’m somewhat cautious going with that because might quite easi be uh a bit below that might be five I mean it’s it’s very likely from from all you can can read and and whatever to be

In the double digit Millions which nice to have obviously it’s uh like an extra transfer or whatever you can afford obviously it’s not that that simple but in in Lay man’s terms um the the Philadelphia thing is uh nobody knows yet where the the tournament is actually going to take

Place because those details haven’t been made available either and I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be pan USA I think it’s more likely to be one region I don’t know California Florida uh maybe the Northeast so Philadelphia New York Boston whatever or or Foxboro I suppose

Um yeah and ultimately I think it beats you know a preseason tour to the US because they get much more money for it and the the games are a bit more interesting and important obviously I think a lot of uh traditionally me minded fans will not necessarily be happy with another new

Competition that takes a team in preseason ultimately that is still preseason uh away from Germany so even fewer opportunities to play against local sites in preseason friendlies and all that few opportunities for fans to be around the team uh in in Germany or even in in training camp in Switzerland

Or whatever because I’m pretty sure they’re not going to have in 25 one of those longer preseason camps because that’s just quite difficult logistically if you plan on spending however long the the club World Cup is supposed to be which I’m not sure there’s a preliminary

Schedule or whatever um at the end of the day I’m kind of open to it I think um it’s kind of a European arrogance almost to to think of the the club World Cup or those competitions in general as you know lesser and important or whatever because um when you speak to

For example fans from Southern America uh they are hugely into the uh the club World Cup as it is now with uh the um the Champions League wi the K padorus winner from from Southern America and obviously they have more spots in that tournament now and and it’s also quite

Big in Asia from from what I know so I think there’s I think it makes sense for us to be open-minded to to it and ultimately it’s something that uh points out Dortmund as one of the better teams in Europe it’s quite a bit of money however

Much it it’s end it’s going to end up being and I don’t see necessarily how that’s bad thing no absolutely not I I personally I I think it’s actually a great idea I think to have more uh competitions uh between clubs that that are meaningful uh from all over the

World to come together and if it’s uh I don’t I don’t know if it’s going to be annually I I presume it is I think is it going to be every four years because otherwise well I mean you can’t do a 32 team tournament every year and I mean

That logistic nightmare well e even better that makes it even more meaningful to be honest so I I I think I think it’s it’s a good idea you know there are so many reforms from FIFA I I disagree with and I’m just thinking okay it’s going to put more more uh strain on

Players and it’s going to be an obvious money grab and I think you can argue the same here but I actually I actually um for it I think uh it’s it’s good and it’s it’s it’s going to advance World football in in some ways or form and

Maybe add a little excitement anyway um we can talk about that uh more later we have uh the very important FL game coming up uh so important that I have not even looked in the schedule what day it EXA Saturday evening Germany time ah there you go uh so it is the late

Kickoff it is the top Spiel for whatever reason guess just because it’s two clubs with tradition going at each other uh I mean ver B right now where they in at the in in the table I haven’t checked uh but can’t be high eth or N I think

Somewhere in Midfield which is which isn’t bad for a team that Pro was promoted for last season because that is true there this this supposed curse of the second season after promotion which I mean as most curses statistically isn’t uh proven by any means uh that teams often make it to their second

Season but not their third season after promotion but B despite losing for example Nicholas RR uh and and having a bit of a Down turn in form especially in Autumn uh I think they’ve have they actually lost in 20 yeah they lost um home to Heidenheim on their uh Jubilee game when they

Celebrated they nearly lost to damad didn’t they yeah they should have but were saved by one of those ridiculous the hand touch the ball and if you score a goal that doesn’t count whereas that would never be a penalty kind of situations yes you know the type very weird yes yes exactly

Uh yeah I’m I’m intrigued by it obviously uh my favorite C football curse will be an action I should I should qualify that uh it’s the curse of the X of course uh due to Nicholas fuk returning to Bim uh and yeah we’ll see if he can continue his

Scoring run that he’s on right now uh he is I mean he got a he got an assist for the adimi goal I’m not sure if I would count that but fair enough um but yeah he is doing pretty well right now uh in form uh other than that as I said previously

Gregor KU will probably return to goal and uh I think uh as it was except for ala everyone else will be fit uh as as well so that also means Felix metcha is going to return to the match day Squad I highly doubt that he is ready to start

Considering how long he is out and he has been in team training for what now two weeks I think right something like that like one and a half at this point but uh by the time they I think play it would be two weeks even though I think

Tess on the press conference last week said he was sort of doing Monday Wednesday Friday sort of so they have been rather careful with him but uh nevertheless that could be a boost uh somehow as well if he gets maybe 20 minutes because I’ve railed on against

Emraan for quite a while and maybe if we can put but uh zabit and MAA in Midfield as a double pivot I could rest a little easier not too sure what what would you think uh going forward if meta is resourced to full health where would you

See him in in Midfield do you think that double pivot would be an a feasible option I mean or is sub two to two too attacking I just don’t think sabit has the uh the I don’t know defensive prowers I I think terich has quite often tried to

Put zitsa in in that uh hole in front of the fence uh mostly I guess because uh they were chasing games or whatever because um typically he likes to play either JN or Chan so one a more dedicated defensive or holding midfielder than zabit I think he can

Play that in in a pinch but I don’t know that’s that’s necessarily that you ever enter a game thinking that zaritza is your best option in defensive Midfield um I’m also so far I don’t think Felix metcher has shown us enough to just pencil him in as a starter for

Whatever reason I mean uh he definitely has potential but obviously he’s now also missed what is it three and a half months oh I think he played last in November or something then he had this this weird hip issue which never as is customary end dment hasn’t really been

Clarified to the public what it actually is and and you know is it just a matter of pain tolerance or do they fear um you know other injuries coming from that or whatever it just got completely replaced we just don’t know it I

Mean if if if that works who who am I to say I I’m I’m I’m just I don’t know that nature has shown anything so far to just assume that he’s going to make a massive difference towards the end of the season I think whenever a young player who has

Really um you know gotten gotten used to playing uh for a club anyway I mean the the first few months of meta at Dortmund were up and down the best when when he’s out for that long I think anything you get from him till the end of the season

Kind of has to be considered a bonus and then you hope that uh going into his second year with possibly a full summer of preparation because I think it’s highly doubtful that m is going to the Euros in the summer uh you hope that he can reach his considerable potential in

The second season so I think more likely we will still see em John or san in defensive Midfield and uh just cross everything we have all all the fingers all the toes that they sign a defensive midfielder that doesn’t give you a heart attack every week or makes you uh check

Your head so much yet you get concussion yeah uh very much agreed I don’t know if I have that many other things to say looking forward to the brim game if if I’m honest uh I we can talk about the lineup and how how it’s going to be but I I’ll be

Honest I don’t think it it makes such a big difference if you have any any musings there be my guest but uh I have a much more interesting subject it’s a little bit old now uh but nevertheless after the Berlin game I think zasan K was in the double pass and

Had this remarkable sentence that Dortmund uh uh sort of made Bayern struggle so much that now Bayern Leverkusen are the profiteers from that um I think we can both agree that this statement is probably complete nonsense but uh I I think it is certainly um something we need to talk about in the

Aspect that I think Sebastian kale is is saying a lot of weird stuff recently and uh and it’s it’s giving me uh the ick I don’t know how you feel about it but it it makes me feel uncomfortable and uh I don’t know uh I’ve seen it more and more

It’s obviously not kill that the Dortmund officials are getting ridiculed on the internet for the things they’re saying um but I don’t know how you feel about it I just feel it’d be nicer if rep representatives of of the club wouldn’t say stupid [ __ ] all the time

What are your thoughts us I mean I I’ve only seen the memes about that stuff uh I I didn’t it says it all yeah I’m I’m not going to I mean maybe maybe it’s unfair and he was taken out of contact I’m I’m assuming that there was a bit

More to it than saying that Leverkusen are going to be Champions because Dortmund uh you know uh we buy on last season I think I I also think there’s something do that obviously because uh um Bayern definitely aren’t up to their usual standards last this season and they they

Weren’t for the letter stages of last season and maybe if they hadn’t won the title on uh the matchday that shall never be mentioned again uh maybe they would have made more substantial changes then already I mean obviously they they got rid of Oliva Khan and Hassan Sali

Hamit but to stay on and outside of Harry Kane they didn’t really and and I guess MJ Kim um who hasn’t been great so far but they they they didn’t go for that defensive midfielder that tol always wanted and they they fumbled the back with Shia pinia on uh deadline day

In the summer and I don’t know if if if we can quantify how much of that is down to their winning the title on on the final match day of last season how much of it is down to them thinking that Dortmund is the the big uh opponent this season again maybe lus

Sprang a surprise on them or whatever so I think obviously it’s much more down to Leverkusen having an an incredible season and Bayern being subar but I think there’s an argument to be made that D would have something to do with it and obviously why I haven’t seen the

The appearance in the talk show that you mentioned I’m sure K said some things that weren’t stupid there but um on a more General note I definitely do agree that neither kale nor huat are giving off the best um impression over the last few weeks uh I

Think the same can be said for Aiden terzich but that’s U I guess more debatable because obviously he’s talking about football stuff more often than than those guys who are talking more general terms um the the the the the issue I have right now is uh um considering that

Vatka wants to leave or is leaving in in Autumn 25 but doesn’t want to have uh control of uh day-to-day football operations uh from this summer onwards uh everything kind of points to kale being promoted uh into a more senior role uh as it were and I don’t know necessarily that he has

The um the the track record so far as spotting director uh at D that would warrant that kind of uh promotion as it were but then again I think um Freddy Ros the the Dortmund Insider who buddies with watka from Z which is a regional paper from Southern Germany but they

They have a pretty good idea of what’s going on in Dortmund because as I said venos likes and vatka and and vice versa um I think they made the point uh that it would make sense for kale to be promoted and for a dedicated sporting director with more of a transfer now um

To be installed so there’s a lot of talk about Sven mentat coming back to Dortmund um I think if we have any followers of Ajax listening to our podcast they would uh probably tell Dortmund to stay away from Miss because he likes to give out weird contracts to

People he’s in business with and all that stuff but I think the track record of mlin in a purely transfer market sense uh for example at stutgart but also back at Dortmund for a time at Arsenal as well I think that’s a pretty good track record and and I think it

Would make some sense to have uh kale in a more senior role maybe bit of bit more of an overside role perhaps and you know he’s he’s obviously smart he he knows the inside out but he hasn’t really shown too much in terms of you know the

Transfer market so maybe uh the addition of a dedicated sporting director instead of Kil in in that regard would end up being a net positive so there’s there’s pros and cons to everything but at the end of the day I definitely agree that the the public impression from the

Higher ups to put it more General hasn’t been the greatest in the last few weeks and months yeah yeah I I would agree with that sentiment uh so sort of of something we probably need to keep our eye on but uh yeah uh last I’m planning

On doing a podcast after the brain game and before the pace they return leg but just in case we don’t uh maybe two thoughts on on that second leg from you before we get out of here um I mean the the performance in the first leg wasn’t great but they arguably

Should have won because uh that wasn’t necessarily a penalty for PV even though I kind of understand why it was given and the the the implementation of v in in UEFA competitions is quite weird compared to for example Bundesliga so I while I don’t agree with the call I kind

Of understand why that is considered a penalty in the Champions League but uh that’s by the by I think uh Niko schlotterbeck kind of uh said that uh you know with the return leg at dorm there’s absolutely no question whatsoever that they’re going to go through so I’m I’m optimistic to see

Them put their money where their mouth is because um it would be kind of a shame to go out against with all due respect Pace V because ultimately that’s not one of the eight best sites in Europe uh obviously Dortmund aren’t either by the on the evidence of this season but they’re

Closer to that status so uh kind of expecting the quarterfinals to be honest and with that kind of draw and as I said they have to put their money where their Ms yeah I do believe that if ADI manages to stay injury free against B which obviously is

Uh somewhat of an if uh I think he will uh play a deciding role in in that game because I do believe that his speed in the Champions League uh is even that makes sense a bit more valuable and he is the track record of uh scoring

Important goals in that competition so I I don’t know I just have the feeling that he’ll he’ll be in the score sheet somewhere and um yeah I do hope that Dortmund do go through but uh obviously right now with this team there are no guarantees whatsoever they can collapse

On a whim without any uh pretend but at the same time uh they could also completely steamroll PSV at home because uh I mean PSV did not play that best in the first leg and you could see that the golf in individual quality is pretty significant and uh Dortmund could make

That count so yeah we’ll see how that goes uh hopefully a bit more in-depth uh preview of that game uh before we before we uh uh return but uh nevertheless L thank you so much for coming on today and uh if you don’t have enough of me yet I’ll

Also be later on the uh BVB podcast uh with Carver and Jake so uh you can tune into there as well and we’ll see what questions I’ll be faced there and not just be the host and ask questions so um yeah anyway uh last thank you for coming

On everyone out there as always thank you for listening and we shall be back hopefully next week after the brim game until then have a good weekend [Applause] goodbye [Applause] for


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