IMPOSSIBLE No Bogey Challenge without a Putter | VLOG_08

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All right today right now it is around I don’t even know what time it is right now it’s 5:52 and we’re going to get ready to run at the beach we want to see the sunrise he’s like no don’t go who driving who okay all right we just hit 1 and 1/2

Miles returning back for our other half we just finished our 3M run and look at this view man it’s so worth it that was a really fun run now we’re going to go get our food we’re at this place called what’s it called cup of job cup of job looks

Pretty good I got one of these boards and they have pin I’m from this small island here and the Philippines called subu where 1 2 3 4 five people in on the F now sorry thank you thumbs up that was delicious that was very very delicious all right let’s head back home

And clean up gosh it’s just so hard to leave the beach look at this all right I’m going to go for a quick shower and get into my golf clothes and we’re going to go play golf all right I’m ready to go today we’re going to be playing at

This course called The Yards and it is 12 holes and it’s a pretty short course but I’ve been working on my wedges and my controlled wed Ledges yesterday so that’s why I’m I want to play there and I think it’s a perfect track to to test out what I learned yesterday

And today’s round I want to go over a couple things so here’s the plan we’re going to hit shots under 100 inside of 10 ft two no bogeys three get 100% in greens and regulation or else I’ll do 100 push-ups why am I doing this let’s

Go first hole 3:15 I am not going to go for it because there’s water on the left and the wind’s blowing right to left just going to hit it center of the Fairway about 210 perfect is an inside 100 yards if I hit this outside 10 ft I don’t have to do 100

Push-ups better sit down a little bit we’re dancing okay we’re putting oh I didn’t bring my putter I left that at home did I really leave it at home dude I guess I guess we’re putting with a wedge the whole round this no bogey challenge just got harder oh

Jeez all right let me just show you guys my bag jeez I I don’t know why I forgot to put the putter in my bag like literally nothing like no putter in sight hello hi um I didn’t bring my Putter and I just want you to go check

If it’s in the room in the room yeah in the room downstairs okay I don’t remember taking it out it might be in the putting room in the putting room yeah also I’m taking a video of this by the way yeah it’s in here

What oh my gosh I don’t if you guys can see it but there it is okay I’m putting with a wedge so far no bogeys I don’t know there’s still a lot of holes so okay bye there you have it 273 green is the green is pretty

Protected with water so I have to lay up again so I’m just going to hit like a 200 yard shot it’s a little wet so that’ll be a five just going to go for that bunker okay okay we’re at 94 yards I just need to hit this inside 10

Ft now just remember that 94 yd swing shallow and left come on get in there oo that’ll be close that will be close all right let’s check it out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ft that was close now let’s put it with a wedge let’s

Go all right one under par all right this is a par three going to hit it 177 y it’s downwind I’m just going to go for seven iron 5 10 Ys right of the pin there’s a slope there that I see just send one down the middle oh all

Right okay I missed that drive a little bit got 134 into the fan I’d usually play like a soft pitching wedge here but I’m probably going to Club up and hitting and hit a soft nine all right all right pretty lengthy putt with a wedge gosh oh got

185 I have to smoke a six is that a bunker in the middle of the green I want to show you guys this there’s literally a bunker in the middle of the green all right this is going to be fast maybe I should put with a wedge three

Birdies another par five this par five is apparently called the gator tail that’s cuz there’s like a a ridge down the middle so I don’t know which side is better to miss on I’ll probably just aim dead center looks like it’s going a little right of

It right shouldn’t be too bad there it is the Gator’s tail the gator tail so I got 220 downwind let me h a four iron let’s take it right at it go go hard sit down sit I think we’re just off in the back yep a little long downhill chip putt

Okay just got too scared of it all right Bary let’s go okay we have a short par 4 here it’s a little dog leg right I think I’m just going to go easy on the driver down the middle I don’t know how far it is for the Fairway to run

Off but I’m just going to hit a control driver just right along this bunker I think I can carry that okay carry the bunker I think that was pretty good all right we’re at 95 yards a little into the wind I have 58 in hand it’s going to be a

Full swing so there’s no reason to put this outside of 10 ft should be able to get it in there okay let’s check it out shoot this might be outside 10 ft let’s Che let’s let’s see one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oh okay honestly I’ll take it par to

Hundo 200 yard into the wind I think a five iron would be perfect this nice solid five iron draw a little bit oh you’re cutting okay I think we’re on might be a little long I think we’ve hit every Green so far so we’re pretty safe we’re at hole number eight I

Believe got four more holes after this okay just two putt go go all right hole number nine pretty straight away Par Four let’s just hit one dead center and hit one on the green and make the putt all right oh gosh I dropped my Rangefinder all right 115 yards

I think I’m going to go for a 54 degre okay we’re in the we’re outside 100 yards we’re good just relax just hit the green now cool looks pretty good now I really don’t know when and I took the putter out like it’s it’s so weird like I thought I

Brought it out and then put it back in that’s how that’s usually how I am but I don’t know why this time I didn’t bring it back in that’s I don’t know why I didn’t bring it back in my bag that’s so weird all right we’re putting for birdie with a

Wedge let’s do it oh I hit that Spike Mark all right three more holes and then we’re out of here dude the practice facilities here look amazing hunting green really good wow I’m really impressed 173 yards I think the safer bet would be a seven

Iron and I’m just going to take a little off of it cool cool cool cool we’re on we’re dancing G 100% so far the wind just switched up on me in the last second Lally in my back swing absurd just now blowing into our faces I literally barely made it on yeah

I know like literally you could see it right there barely on the green okay it’s just too put this don’t leave it short dude I had so much speed God thank you thank you thank you thank you for stopping the ball i l was like oh gosh this is going

To go like 5T past oh God D It’s always a close call for some reason always like like I’m due for something crazy like I’m due for like like I’ve been lucky so far I don’t know like it’s probably going to it’s probably going to even out uh we

Have two more holes this next hole is hole 11 and it’s called the commish see that the commish Trevor if you’re watching this you’re always going to be the OG kamish all right let’s see what we got here okay 124 now we’re hopefully the wind doesn’t switch up on us it’s blowing

Down wind so I’m going to go for a laid off 50° just take a little bit off it oh you better sit down sit down I don’t I couldn’t I couldn’t tell I really couldn’t tell guys we literally almost messed the green here look at that literally close calls all day close

Calls all day and now we just have to tput okay I’m seeing mostly the left or right okay okay okay come on all right heck yeah heck yeah I just have to tap this in all right one more hole guys one more hole we could do this we could do this

We could do this okay how far do we have here the last part three of the day okay I’m getting 197 wind’s down I am going to hit a six iron and hope for the best I think we’re on the green I think we’re on the green if it is if it is

On we’ll have to T putut all right guys once again almost off the green but still on now we just have to tput this slightly downhill actually it’s definitely downhill I can see the grain it’s pretty fast actually all right T put this there just T put it oh God why Li

In let’s go oh my God all right guys it was actually quite a fun little track it’s it’s literally right across Saw Grass and I think it’s literally in the same neighborhood you know obviously disappointed that I bring that I didn’t bring my putter but like it literally added a little bit

Of challenge so overall played good my irons were good driver I noticed that I was hitting a little too thin times but you know I made it up in my irons and was able to hit All Greens today which is really good and putting was really good you know like was really really

Good anyway let’s head back home yeah I guess when I practiced for the sandt lab I forgot to put it back in my bag great just going to put it in my bag right now so I don’t forget okay all right guys let’s do a little recap let me go get

Out these clothes and maybe shower see you guys in a bit all right let’s do it hit shots under 100 inside 10 ft check no bogeys check 100% G surprisingly check I thought I was gonna fail that one so 100 push-ups not today so yeah today was pretty

Successful despite having no putter but yeah really enjoyed playing The Yards it was such a good short little course and I suggest you guys check it out the PLAYERS Championship is going to happen here pretty soon and if you guys are coming go check out the yards it’s a pretty fun little

Track but yeah I’m not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow I haven’t figured that out yet but I’m going to see you guys tomorrow


  1. 🔥🔥🔥 Content!!! Great play Wei Wei! @gmgolf you gotta pay attention to @weiweigaogolf and get a collab going 🤙🏼

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