Golf Players

Will Frank Keep His Word on the Bet? | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 97

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Alex White.

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Hello everybody and welcome to the show it’s called punchlines Rita and Sam nicio name me Frank nicio and I am a longtime comedian and lifelong sports fan and I hope my hope for the for you people at home by the end of the show you’re all happier than former

Cincinnati Reds first base but current unsigned free agent Joey vad going through a car wash this is just sad up the audio look at him and then he just says this is not spring training this is not spring training that’s what he says he’s on say first time in like uh 15 20

Years I mean Joey V’s like a borderline Hall of Famer if you look at his numbers led the league and walks he’s an MVP uh career 300 hitter I don’t understand why no one signed him but how sad is that that is very sad I hope somebody signs

Him very soon he’s just going through a car wash and the the irony to that is I was at the car wash when I saw that clip yesterday oh well you know here in Vegas they have these all you can wash washes for like a month and the I I think I

Asked Jeff and Ryan I was like hey which one’s the best and um they never replied to me yeah I got nothing no you got nothing well you could have said you got nothing instead of just not replying leaving me hanging not Terribles I think Terribles is one of the best yeah yeah

They you get aviator games if they win you get a free car wash what great yes so damn it so that’s your last month doing ladies and gentlemen uh that’s Ryan McCormick our producer over there and this it’s a moneymaking Monday and that’s Alex white right there Alex white two-time National Champion sports

Betting analyst um what’ you do over the weekend I had a good weekend I um actually went to a Johnny Cash tribute oh with my mom and my grandma and her sister so it was a lot of fun yeah did Saturday night yeah how you guys’s

Weekend yeah I’d like to go see that uh it was pretty good uh Ryan was Ryan we’ll get to mine in a second Ryan uh well both Tiff and Aubrey are kind of sick oh no um but my my grandparents came to town so they got to meet their

Great grand baby wow great wow that’s awesome so yeah that was fun and then we’ve been dealing with Aubrey and Tiff so okay well good little bit of both all right well hopefully they’ll both be on the men and get better soon um by the way Joey vad this guy again he played

For the Cincinnati Reds his whole career the guy’s one of the most like amiable F he’s like real jokester he he plays with fans a lot this is the crazy s of the day about Joey vad and I remembered this I had to look it up made his big de Big

League debut in 2007 played about 1600 games until he finally popped out to first base he had never popped out until to first base in 6,828 play appearan says and it happened against the Dodgers but that had never no one had ever had a straight the fact

They keep stats like that is insane that is insane but he never popped out there is a chance that the Reds might bring him on as a coach if he yeah if he doesn’t or if he remains unsigned he might be a a coach for the Reds the guy

Could still probably hit I mean I know I don’t know I would like to see him I mean yeah he he hit 14 homers last year yeah that’s what I mean and that was and that was coming back late in the season too I’m surprised like Toronto I mean I

Know he’s Canadian I’m surprised like Toronto hasn’t taken a flyer on him maybe uh sure he has a list of teams that he would want to play for a big list of teams that he doesn’t so well anyway we’re talking about spring baseball and yes spring is here the LA

Dodgers and Rockies face off in about 10 minutes and I have the game on on my phone the reason being we want to keep an eye on this is because Shi Otani will be making his Dodger spring debut as a DH and we’ll let you know what he does

Now uh Jerry if sh atani gets a home run in his first at bat my lent debt will be wiped clean does anyone agree to that I agree I agree I think that’s awesome if come on what are the odds of him hitting a home run in his first at bat well we

Don’t know when that at bat’s going to be because he’s not in their lineup oh he’s not in the lineup NOP he’s not one of their oh man I thought I had some all right if he hits a home R in his first at bat it gets cut

In half oh God I got the audio plan all right I just thank you Alex for having my it’s not 70 come on if he hits home in his firstep bet we cut it to 35 anyone on board with that that’s not how that works that’s Jesus Lord all right anyway

Uh by the way the Dodgers in that game are minus 215 they’re three and0 they’re undefeated playing the three in one Rockies should we bet this game do we do you bet spring training baseball uh I have been yeah I bet the Dodgers that that you have been yeah as in this season

Yeah yeah okay the Dodgers three and0 have you bet on the Dodgers uh yeah where did you have them when they were up eight nothing in the first inning did you when I was yeah when I was wearing a padre sweater oh my gosh yeah I had them

And then I’ve bet on the Cubs a couple times have you ever bet on a spring training baseball game I have yes I have not this year not this year well it’s just starting out and we are doing a gambling show so perhaps we should uh

It’s probably too late to get in on the Dodger game since it probably just started but oh it’s got we got five minutes I was checking the chat nobody has chimed in about um if you’re if you’re bet should be cut in half yeah come on live commenters back me up on

This no support yet uh wait what are they all a great show thank you Tommy Johnny Cash imp oh Bob Dell’s impressed that you saw Johnny Cash Paul said like swifties the chat are punchies oh Reno Paul I’m giving you a CL we’re get both out you guys are now the

Punchies there you go the punchies well we’ll get t-shirts made up we’re going to get although we still Chris keeps talking about getting that that shirts printed up for us and yeah yeah then on Sports by the book Vinnie has all these on liners that he’s printed on a shirt

And we haven’t printed on a shirt all right we keep track of all these yeah um uh make sure you follow Bob Dell uh on his social media he works at WPC in Baltimore he did a day of how he gets to work and how many doors he

Has to go through at iHeart Radio to get to work it was entertaining Bob it was very interesting uh what else what would happen if Ryan wore that turtleneck okay Joey B what would happen if Ryan wore that turtleneck to a Chicago Bears game it wouldn’t happen why would it happen

Why I would wear bear stuff oh okay well what about a bear’s turtleneck I don’t I don’t know if they make those but who’s gonna be the yeah if it’s cold enough it’s not gonna matter right and who’s the quarterback on opening day probably for the

Bears oh I can’t get him damn Ryan’s good that’s what he gave up for Lent I don’t like it here it’s so much easier than yours yeah it’s so much easier thank you boy Alex is two for two on my side today thank you Alex uh yeah the

Introduction I called it a make uh make money Monday because Alex what do you have coming up for us later so I got a couple uh college basketball totals cool for us I actually bet uh the North Carolina game I I I texted I don’t know

If it was a group text or just you and Jeff because you guys were going on I said why is North Carolina minus two and a half at Virginia Virginia who I’ve watched play handful of times this year they’re horrible they don’t score points Ryan points out theys they hadn’t won in

Virginia in how long since 2012 so yeah like okay 12 years they hadn’t won yeah but they won I think they ended up winning by 10 or something yeah but it was extremely lead the entire game oh really yeah it no North Carolina did it

Was easy bet for you I put it on at the end and I was like oh okay I cash a ticket then I took uh I bet against the Lakers which I never do sorry Reno Paul Phoenix didn’t even watch the game looked up they won by 10 and then I I

Like Sacramento last night and I don’t even know if they won did they they were they were Crush yeah I saw him crushing him so look at that look at this dumb guy over here Frankie overs three and0 I didn’t have a loss this weekend I went three and0 but

I’m gonna start betting spring training baseball with Ryan we got to start talking all right tomorrow on Tuesday we’re gonna start talking baseball we’re gonna start looking at some spring training games tell here’s a good tip bet against the Pirates they can’t score that’s always a good sign but I didn’t

Say what city they’re from I didn’t say so um um uh do we do we have the Tiger Wood stuff ready right now or sure we want to do that up yeah here it is yeah it’s on there okay so Tiger Woods Alex sent this out to everybody you’re not going to

Explain what you did this weekend well I was going to I was going to well yeah I should do that first yeah I I got I played 18 holes this week you did I played 18 holes how’d you do shot even it was mini golf it was mini golf

It was mini golf But Not only was it mini golf Alex it was the uh band KISS over at the Rio have you seen this yes I’ve been there we went over there you’ve been there it’s awesome it is awesome black light I think we shot a little video there’s some pict okay

There there’s me from who wait where’d it go there’s me in front of Jean Simmons’s tongue yeah there’s the I know everybody’s been clamoring to see my Gams there my legs there they are ladies and gentlemen take a look at the muscle on that calf so that’s the 18th hole

When you hit it in jeene Simmons’s mouth and he says thanks for uh spending all your money on kiss memor Bay that guy’s a genius by the way he’s he’s monetized every you can about kiss but anyway uh we finished even it fun it was have you been there I

Haven’t been there no I’ve been to the um what is it uh uh I can’t remember you mini golf before is that what you’re trying to say no it’s the oh man the show Twilight Zone Twilight Zone mini golf oh where’s that is that it’s

Not at B is it that wasn’t the one at the B’s basement I don’t it might have been yeah by the human body thing yes yeah so when I would work when I was working on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire doing warm-up in the studio right

Outside of B and we’d stay at B like three months at a time we’d give away tickets to that thing I forget what it’s called the where they they have the human bodies and they’ve taken the skin off the body exhibit body exhibit it’s called like the bodies right yeah it’s

Creepiest thing right it’s like it’s like human bodies and uh where did B put it right next to the food court that was a great move right there so you’re like hey let’s go to Johnny Rocket good to Burger there’s a bunch of dead people with no skin it was like the weirdest

Thing and there was that Twilight Zone golf yeah I never played it but I would walk by it every day for three months well now that bodies has moved to Luxor Luxor right still by the food court and you come out of katop show you’re

Like oh man that was so much fun and there’s a bunch of dead people who don’t know that they’re like this at the L like that it’s very strange exhibit I I I never I had free tickets all the time never went and saw it it’s too oh I

Would be interested to go CU it shows all the muscle groups and the I think it’s pretty cool interesting if you had free tickets maybe yeah I don’t know Alex is there’s a little dark side eye Alex we’re finding out I also I studied kinesiology college so I learned every single muscle

On the body you know so I think in that sense there you go then it’s interesting okay I me I just see a horror movie when I see it uh So speaking of golf the greatest golfer um one of the greatest golfers of all time or the greatest

Golfer Tiger Woods I mean I never saw I saw Jack Nicholas Play Once on TV when I was a kid but anyway Tiger Woods came out with his new logo now Alex you sent this to us because he’s no longer with Nike stop stop smiling send us the

Tiger’s new logo and uh he’s gotten rid of the tww he’s no longer with Nike Sunday he signed a deal with uh what is it Taylor Made I think it’s Taylor Made Tor Taylor Made makes it and here it is so there’s the the tiger logo now he

Couldn’t do Sunday as in one word because someone already probably copy wrote they did yeah Sunday red someone’s a genius yes someone jumped on it early it’s like me when I was going to squat on Christine and I didn’t should have should have grabbed it back

Then i’ probably be rich probably won’t even be here probably be smoking cigars with $100 bills anyway so uh this is what Tiger Woods did he separated the word Sunday of course as you know Tiger Woods always wears red and black so there that do you see a tiger right away

And you do so it’s like a roar Shack test what do you see in this picture Ryan did you see the tiger rway no Ryan had a little problem it looks like uh looks like looks like some of that body exhibit it looks like a human bone or

Something what I thought the face was on the left side so I was like uh yeah the face is on the right I thought it was like the alligator you saw the faces on the right right yes I did it’s it’s much easier when it’s big like this on his shirt on

His Polo that’s when it gets a little little weird look shirt for those of you who grew up in the 80s that I don’t love and it’s my twin flame over there remember the latigra with the and that was if you couldn’t afford the alligator ones I mean I had one alligator shirt

And it was probably a hand me down anyway yeah right I had one alligator shirt that was the big thing God an and I we should just go out out and talk one night all night about all our old stuff so anyway this is the cool thing Alex

That there’s 15 right there’s 15 15 stripes on this to signify each major he’s won so I assume they left some room if he ever wins another one which he probably won’t with his back hurting him all the time I tried to count 15 one two

Three four five do you count the big long ones six seven eight nine yeah that was my question because if you count those there’s 17 and if you don’t count those then there’s 13 what are you counting I don’t understand is it every little Notch so go to the back tail can

We show it one more time man so you go to the back tail and you got one two three four right then underneath that does that is that just the two five six I think it’s three one two three seven okay and then the one the small one up

Top in the middle of the body I don’t know that’s eight and then the I think they should have put some numbers on these four legs 12 they should have done like you know like when a paint P numbers put a little number on there

Each one but anyway there it is the new Tiger Wood stuff are you going to run out and buy some Tiger Wood stuff maybe especially cuz I think they are trying to get the rights to Sunday red one word oh so this might this might it yeah you

Might want to grab something perhaps I will have to buy some golf attire for the Celebrity Golf Tournament I will be playing in Wyoming this August oh look at an yeah that’s right you better go to a different course Frank than just that kiss mini golf mini golf one yeah but uh

I believe I’m going to some sort of tournament in August that they’ll be flying me into I hopefully on a private chat but and I’ve told the story before I once played in a celebrity tournament and standing around with the guys at the te box like hey I wonder where a

Celebrity is and I’m like me there one in Vegas had Cascada uh Cascada it’s a really nice uh it’s in the middle of nowhere it’s like really exclusive and I got to play it which is a joke that’s where I met Jonathan Ogden and a couple other former

Bunch of athletes and it was a lot of fun I think that’s the one where the guy like you’re our celebrity really I paid two grand to play with you are you uh so anyway uh Tiger Woods good luck with that um there you go it’s February 26 ladies and gentlemen billionaire

Champion what’s that nothing just tiger billionaire yeah he’s about look I hope tiger I look I’m one of those guys that only watches golf when Tiger’s playing I really is I don’t care about anyone else but if Tiger’s in it on Sunday I’ll watch it because he’s exciting it’s it’s

Fun there’s a lot of good golfers there are a lot of good which makes it fun cuz you I mean anyone can win Any Sunday I mean we have John ROM and a couple that are at the top okay but especially now that they’ve split with the PGA and the

Liv oh yeah I like Joey loano he’s my favorite golfer what’s that oh he’s a race car driver okay it’s February February 26 2024 it’s National letter to an elder day so uh you’re supposed to write a letter to an elder uh Ryan what do you make of that holiday did you

Write are you going to write a letter to an elder today I I wrote One For You Frank you did oh well one for me cuz I’m your Elder okay Ryan what did you write in your little letter dear Frank okay yes we’ve been through now 97 episodes together yes and you’ve really

Gotten me out of my comfort zone and I will always appreciate you for that oh need my script hold on okay is that it pretty much did you actually handw write it or did you type it yeah no I handw wrote it I’d like to put that in our our

Collection of things that have come from the show our little Denny Nagle figurine I’ll let you read it later there’s more don’t don’t make me read it on the air I might go did you write a letter to an elder today I did not perhaps maybe to your

Grandmother like I had so much fun at Johnny Cash or something I will do that later thank you it’s also like National pistachio day yes National something else wait what be a good example day okay hold on Alex I hate to interrupt you but I just saw Ryan hand the letter to Jerry

Who’s laughing hysterically now so do we need to hear the rest I think this is going to be best for off air yeah oh by the Way by the way Lanny for Terry Friday’s guest called me and told me the okay now L got the letter what the hell Jerry’s crying and’s crying now Andrew Drew dog is getting it oh he’s dying laughing do not give it to Alex I will if if all of

You know what it says except for me I’m going to be Ryan I swear to God don’t get oh you son of a all right so anyway write a letter to an elder day Ryan is now bringing the letter up to okay oh he’s goingon to show the camera oh

God can you read it Alex nope what’s it say F you dear Frank F you I want to save that save that I want that signed by Ryan well I don’t think that’s what they had in mind when they um when they thought of it Tommy Jonathan OG went

Your high school that’s cool Pirates are technically eliminated from the playoffs Paul sad but sure sad but true Ryan the [ __ ] sure kid that is your nickname cut the BET to zero Paul said all right I don’t know what that means that was probably something with the

Thread no don’t oh on the oon thing don’t explain it oh yeah cut my Stu to zero thank you Paul Reno Paul’s always got my back uh thank you for such that heartfelt moment that was very special that you wrote that letter to your Elder

Day uh today is uh episode 97 997 so that means Thursday is Leap Day leap day uh that’ll be episode 100 and then Friday I know you’re not going to be here on Fridays anymore but I have to come dressed as a Dalmatian Frank said Dalmation I will be watching Frank as a

Dalmation oh I already have it all planned out I have it planned out this doesn’t sound good oh it’s gonna be fun uh so episode 97 we’re reaching the end of jersey numbers we might have to flip we didn’t do I think the first one we did was like 20 with Michael Jordan

Right so I haven’t gone back and looked but I think 16 might have been our first one Joe Montana or something Montana yeah Jared go we should do the lower numbers then we’ll figure something out all right so what do you got you got oh

You got 97 up there all right let’s take a look oh how many can Frank name ah you’re I already see the hashtag thank you for that number 97 San Francisco uh that’s not hardgrave is it nope there’s so there’s two for San Francisco up

There I do not know is that a current guy on the team no Fred Dean oh he played from 94 to what are his initials b y oh uh it’s uh Bryant Young yes from Notre Dame yeah he was a be is he in the hall he should probably be in the Hall

Of Fame that guy was dominated he is in the Hall of Fame yeah he is oh my God yeah that’s a good one I forgot about that then above that is that a Jaguar that is a Cincinnati Bengal oh it’s a b oh that’s why I didn’t recognize b b ah

Boy he play more recently 2010 to 2020 I don’t know who that is who is that Gino Atkins oh Gino Atkins yeah he was yeah nose guard or t yeah he was good defensive line and then who’s the 97 with the helmet off so that guy is

Actually the only one on the list that played for multiple teams really yeah so he played with the Raiders his first season then he played with the Saints for three years the Cowboys for three years and the Rams for three years play played from 97 to 2008 what are his initials uh

LG Larry Goodson he has an apostrophe in his name so LeAndre Gordon Le ly Glover oh ly Glover okay yeah I’ve heard that name but I would have never got that then there’s a hockey player I’m not even GNA pretend to know who that is I

It’s an Oiler Conor McDavid oh is that Conor McDavid oh I should know that one huh he’s good he’s pretty good yeah just a little bit he’s like the most dominant hockey player although Austin Matthews who do you go do you go McDavid or Austin Matthews uh I mean Austin

Matthews might be the best scorer Le yeah but Conor McDavid is the best allaround player more complete yeah all right good one all right all right I didn’t know Conor M I should know that thank you uh then uh is that Bosa both brothers both bossas yeah oh I

Didn’t even see the other n yeah both posters both were 97 and then the Walter Man of the Year cam Hayward Ohio State he won the Walter pain man of the year he got a phone call there’s a Rand there’s a clip of him getting a random

Phone call from some guy named Joe telling him that and it was it was me Joe Green letting him know that he won all right good list that’s top that’s probably my worst performance uh on the lineman I’m not going to look at 98 but

Yeah that was a good one so that’s our 97 show 100th show coming up this week you have a fun week coming up because you got 99 yeah and then 100 101 and then technically though since I missed like two or three shows that Alex and

Her dad filled in for me while I was in New Orleans shooting the new season of what what wait what’s a show wait what the game show that I host we’re very local which new episodes come out March 13th we’ll be talking about that closer

To the date but I didn’t do three shows so we’ll have a celebration also on 104 it’ll be it’s just going to be a week-long celebration uh and we have a ComEd we have two ComEd we back toback Comedian Chris Newberg tomorrow and then when you’re back on Wednesday lunell is

Going to be here who’s been in a million things but Ryan’s most excited that she was in Dude Where’s My Car actually yeah I might have been wrong on that one oh I looked that up we’ll look up her IMDb page and we’ll figure that out uh

All right we’re going to do some posts with punch I sound the horn okay uh the reset on the v-mix all right there it is it’s Post Time ladies and gentlemen all right post with punch lines where we scam uh we scour the internet so you don’t have to scam scour

We do everything by the way what’s your T-shirt today or sweatshirt Alex you want to point that out real quick so my sister works for United Way big nonprofit here actually it’s a national nonprofit but she works for United Way of Southern Nevada Ryan said it was be a

Good example so I thought this would be a good day support her and a nonprofit and volunteering you can always volunteer give back and this is your sister this is my sister Savannah Savannah SI her yeah her Instagram is sassy s I can’t I’ll never remember so I

Just look at her that’s sassy great girl and her boyfri Trevor yes was guy we watched Super Bowl together at Booth 23 right there Booth 23 uh all right let’s see there for some March Madness yeah oh March Madness oh yeah they should just name that Booth the uh the studio What’s

This called South Point Studio book Studio Sports by the book Sports by the books on the screen It screw me up all right let’s do some uh post Ryan sent this to me last night this is amazing uh NASCAR we’re very excited in Las Vegas because NASCAR is coming here this

Weekend I’m going to see my first NASCAR race on Sunday the pens oil 400 but yesterday’s race and I’m shocked that this is the third closest Finish ever I can’t believe there’s two more but anyway Ryan what do you got for us on this this is crazy well

Yeah look them it end up being a photo finish well I mean look at that it’s like they planned it it’s like they’re the Blue Angels and they’re trying to like synchronize that I mean how that that looks like I mean okay so there it is so

Freame oh so did the blue car or the white car get it it’s closed car the closed car got it unbeliev wow it wasn’t Joey loano though right no it was damn it yeah that’s crazy there’s two more that are closer than that so that was 3

Hundreds of a second three thousand of a second whatever’s after thousands millions exactly it was a really close race ladies and gentlemen is what we’re trying to say uh anyway yeah there was two that were closer that seems almost impossible thousand it was a thousand yeah I think it’s whatever anyway that’s

Amazing so uh listen if you’re a Nascar fan we know a lot of you out there are the penoil 400 is here in Vegas this weekend and if you want to hear about the race Brendan gone who uh now hosts his own show here at South Point studos

Called gone racing it’ll be on Wednesday this week live at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time and 4:30 p.m. I apologize at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday and normally it’s going to settle into that Thursday at 10: a.m. spot but this week because the races in town the him and Jeff Molly as

Co they got stuff to do they got they’re GNA be busy so they’re going to do their show this Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. here gone racing uh brenon does a fantastic job him and Jeff mle and anyway so it’s the first I’ve never been to an ascar

Have you been to an ascar race I have not I know have you been I’ve been down to the I saw a race when I was younger but I don’t really remember it much so my friends Mike and Bob anyone who’s gone they’re like bring earplugs like

And I’m like no I’m not like they’re like no they’re like bring earplugs so just petty cash if I get some uh headphones maybe I I could just bring these careful careful with hurt myself we’ll get to that later uh hurt myself bad anyway all right so yeah I’m excited Peno 400

Uh this weekend number two all right we’ve been talking a lot about the Luxor Hotel you’ve been to the Luxor yes of course the B’s exhibit is I was just at play for Valentine’s Day was a lot of fun we went to the uh the it’s like an

Adult arcade but it’s not arcade games it’s like stuff that you actually I actually have a bruise on my hip from going down the slide hitting the floor uh and also krat Toops there now we’ve talked about and uh Drew dog over here took a picture of himself with the

Bag of Doritos with the giant Dorito so it’s coming down the Doritos is coming down Ryan why is the Dorito coming down we don’t know but look it’s already look at that it’s like a broken chip that’s very sad yeah although call me weird I

Kind of like the bottom of a Doritos bag with the little pieces yeah because you just kind of you do that move they taste better that way I think that is the best part it is and I’m weird I’ll do a little peanut butter with them peanut butter and

Chips so here’s some ideas so someone had an idea of what we could do next with the Luxor that’s right we we’re in charge there you go so the giant pepperoni pizza you could do watermelon the seeds though I don’t know what do you think of that one now I like that

One better than the pizza I think you like it better than the yeah it’s more the Swiss cheese one is not my favorite I don’t like swiss cheese and then is that all of them yeah one with our logo or my I write a letter to an elder say F you to

Them can put my face on I said some heartfelt stuff man yeah you did you really did man uh anyway live commenters what do you think would be a good idea uh what what could they put on the luxur what’s triangle shaped Starbursts Square I don’t know I don’t

Know what I’m talking about anyway uh I say go with the pizza you like the pizza watermelon is cool too you’re you’re Italian pizza or yeah that’s true and again pineapple pineapple does not belong any all right let’s talk about this coach getting fired up now listen coach

Gets fired up see what I did there with the joke coach gets fired you’re like oh God guy lost his job he got fired up there he is look at him okay now look at this Alex they’re like okay who’s this lunatic at a game it’s just some Super

Fan who painted his body oh no no no that is UTEP football coach Scotty Walden Wow since he’s named Scotty that excuses this behavior and not Scott he’s an adult male but he goes by Scotty Scotty Doesn’t Know so he’s trying to fire up the crowd at a UT basketball

Game and uh I he now has a fan in me because this guy’s committed right here look at him I don’t know how many Red Bulls he had before the cheerleaders are afraid he’s now throwing love out to the fans I I’m trying to figure out if any

Of the fans even know who the man is but listen uh this guy is a complete winner everywhere he’s gone he’s a winner with the fans he’s my favorite new coach look he’s putting the Hat on he’s like give me the Hat it’s the miners right UTP miners yep

Like that minor yeah there you go thank you um but listen the guys’s in Magna kumlade from sa ra state in history and education smart guy but he wins everywhere he’s gone he was at Austin I think he just came from Austin P and now

He’s at UT and by the way he didn’t slow down he just kept going I that’s my new favorite team a lot of energy there I’ve been to that gym too at UTEP yeah I’ve watched a college basketball game there Texas Al Paso which is right on the

Border right there is it yes I’ve never been to never been there but you’ve seen you’ve seen a game there I have well very good Mexican food there too there is good Mexican food that’s not a surprise right right close to the Border uh I’m rooting for them that’s my new

Team I’m rooting for you that guy Scotty wal we’re betting them every game in college football next season they have some they have a little ways to go but I’m rooting for them too I should like Frank don’t blow your money Qui you’re gonna see another football coach do

Something um to get everybody fired up this weekend Oh bar odm the UN football coach Barry odm we’re talk do we have big big shoes to feel Alex uh bar this is your alma mater yes UNLV the football coach we talked about this a week ago when we

Had Steve storth here who runs the arena here he’s going to get on a bll and rid in he’s being trained by tough heedum who’s uh a legend how do you feel about this I I is this is this and it’s the day that the spring football camp opens

Right so he could come to Camp injured now is that this week when does he start training because we’re going to cover this he does it on Saturday and we’re both working that’s well it sounds like someone called Jeff parles yes Jeff par Jeff is going to do it well Jeff knows

Bar odm because he coached at missou before unlb so it’s really funny there so Jeff can get footage but but he’s gonna be training all week right or tough’s gonna be working they have to have this figured out where it’s going to be very simple and not that exciting

As we’re thinking right yeah and we checked everyone’s like oh Frank should get on a bow we checked with the legal department they wouldn’t allow me folks I begged I said please let me get on a bowl the the HR said couldn’t yeah yeah it’s still but you never know it’s

An animal it’s a wild animal that say some little kid’s out there and he’s got like a he’s got like a a peashooter like a blow don’t give any ideas he hits the ball in the butt and the bull goes nuts and coach odm goes flying anyway we’re going to have

Footage of that because uh it’s a big local story and it’s a national story now it’s being tweeted everywhere about South Point doing this so it’s happening here at the South Point and there’s the information there you can go on our website and find out what’s that 150

That’s a meet and greet right you can meet the coach yes yeah and that’s the national thing right there bar Barry con put it out and tons of hits so it’s going to be a national story so we’re going to cover it here at South Point Sports we’ll have it South Point Studio

Sports so very interesting to see the UTEP coach do that is this the time now when all the football coaches before their spring games trying to get every wild probably I mean but you just you can’t imagine like ever seeing like bear Bryan or Nick Sabin ever doing this kind

Of stuff it’s the smaller programs that people are like oh we have a football team they got to drum up business yes like UTP I mean come on UTEP I think I know UTEP basketball more than football but now Scotty walon’s my favorite coach I’m gonna do it uh tough heed him all

Right so listen uh we’re gonna take a break we’re gonna come back with Alex’s piics and more posts and some more live comments so stick with us we’ll be right back on punchlines South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our

400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the

Music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box office at 7713 for today’s performances at the

Showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South plink Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie

Theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our old-fashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and

Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling

You can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza Hey everybody welcome back to the show I’m Frank nicaro that is A&W Alex Nicole white and that’s Ryan spice McCormick middle name it starts with a B Bradley there you go there you go RB uh RB M Ryan Arby Arby’s there you go uh let’s take a look Otani playing tomorrow thank

You mini Dar Mini by the way mini Dar again I’m a fan of mini DARS because what happened what happened now Alex how much do we hate when they’re laughing behind the glass how much do we hate when Frank has [Laughter] fomo I don’t like being left out of

Jokes I’m a comedian I like to know what’s going on back there it’s just he agreed with your RBS and I didn’t and so I just gave him Knuckles they knuckled up oh we’re gonna look at this we did it too your hands are freezing Jes someone check her pulse are you okay

He my God Jesus I need like a sip of something I us have my hot coffee you do my goodness uh let’s see uh mini Dar by the way yeah mini Dar mini Dar got got us uh really gave us the idea to start doing some fresher stuff so Minar thank

You uh come on Joey what about the giant Dorito I agree is that a new frany control entrance to punchline on Mondays oh I don’t know what was the ENT the entrance did I do something different oh oh yeah like the manic coach yeah next Monday I’m coming in like him we’re

Doing it write it down although maybe not next Monday Friday Friday Friday for the show 100 all right we’ll see what we can do we’ll work something up coach paint and fr of your body paint cook get ugly on the set again HR said I’m not allowed to

Wear the body paint I have an allergic reaction to all body paint and uh you know you know my hand is cold from touching I want to warm my heart hold let me read out let me read Ryan’s note to me dear Frank F you okay all right they should put the triangle

Offense on the Luxor oh look who finally got up oh beat toown dummy look who’s up hey why we woke you up at noon they should put the triangle offense that’s weak wow that’s bad and Ryan just quoted the song from Euro trip Scotty Doesn’t Know did you yeah I didn’t hear that

Scotty Doesn’t Know btown dummy cot oh we were talking about Scotty Walden I missed out on that I don’t like it yeah Matt Damon sang that song one of the funny just random scen Scotty doesn’t know if you don’t know that very good good catch you are awake chrisan Imperial ship from Star

Wars oh not a bad idea and the stadium rendering has crowns too looked goofy what stadium Minar was saying the white socks or the White Sox aren’t the white sock they’re the Chicago Royals oh really a lot of their players previously played for the Royals oh right and so in

Their new stadium renderings there’s like there’s crowns in center field and behind home play yeah that’s like coffin stadium in City that’s stupid yeah and they’re in the same division so it’s that’s even weirder so uh so what were you saying’s day today I think I just

Read that so he’s not in the lineup today so I don’t know if you guys read the loophole but that means my lent dead is completely wiped clean oh that that did it it is I don’t know if you read that but all right so we promised we

Teased at the top of the show some Alex white picks for the day and you’re looking at college basketball in the colonial yes Colonial so we have Drex Drexel and Delaware here first time they played it was 8667 but I like this total tonight under

I’m seeing 138 a half out there so dxa went off in that game 33 of 55 that’s 60% okay and Delaware just shot 43.3 actually not just shot 43.3 so they bolted really good I see this being more of a defensive battle between these Drexel scoring percentage dropped

Significantly on the road both teams are coming off a loss so defensive battle they’re both playing for that fourth seed going into the tournament so it’s important to look for spots here and then um next one I got is West Virginia Kansas State uh oh WVU on the road yes

We’re not taking them okay that’s fine or Kansas State for that matter I like this one under as well kind of the same thing I mean West Virginia they’re just 9 and 18 they have not Ro they have not won a road game yet this year 37 And1

ATS in those games but Kansas State the last time these two played each other K State on the road they shot 54% their second best game in the last 10 games their first best game they’re coming off of that big win over BYU so I think we’re going to have

A lower scoring game here I made it 138 so I see um see some value there and we have it at 142 and a half right now here so 42 and a half when you project it out that should be an under I like it and

Then you have a third this the big game of the day right big game of the day all right hit it so the first time these two played each other do you remember uh the Baylor game yeah the Baylor TCU game yeah I do triple overtime was I watch

That it a really good game and TCU ended up winning that one so there’s a little Revenge here for Baylor but it’s a bad spot so I’m not going to touch the side either but I actually like this total over because even without Triple overtime in regulation it was 152

Between these two both of them really good offensively not that great defensively I mean average defensively right Baylor 85th in the country and then TCU it says 40% but when you look at how teams shoot against them it’s above 40 almost 50% and these are some really good teams right of course the

Big 12 is one of the best conferences but I do like this being a higher scoring game between these two nice and Big 12 is having a great year aren’t they yes they are yeah they really are uh so oh there oh that’s the American Athletic standings but anyway we do we

Do have the big 12 I’m sure we do have the big 12 I’m sure do we have the Big 12 standings that would be cool if we had them yeah there there’s three teams with over 20 wins yeah exactly I mean five teams that are 19 there it is Boom

At that you ask and you get it and on it true dogger whoever’s doing it whoever really all those top five six even Tech and then BYU Jeff talks about by I know he’s talked a lot about BYU when I’ve been watching sports by that was earlier

In the season I know they’re well he’s starting to come around a little bit okay can you put that back up one more time please I’d like to see that I just wanted to look at the top I was working backwards working back if possible please thank you okay so anyway sorry

Alex no he said that they’ve um passed his expectations they are better than he expected but they still really struggle on the road which Iowa State sneaky good and then Kansas just always just sitting there right there Baylor Texas Tech yeah that’s an impressive um and West

Virginia’s in last I didn’t realize they were in last yeah they’re not good right now Baylor just went into overtime with Houston yeah comeb back cuz that first half yeah they were down 17 I was like Wow Houston is the best team in the country you like Houston right now I

Mean yeah if looking at Futures right now maybe a Houston you have who’ you take Kentucky not much value no I don’t have Kentucky I have Iowa State Iowa State yeah that’s I also have BYU which isn’t the best and I have Alabama those are my three all right who do you you

Probably have do you have a North Carol I I don’t have a future you didn’t do one no I’m sad don’t forget I have the Panthers yes 10 Pace 2000 just saying didn’t say it there are now five in one against the spread in their last six

Games which so betting on the Panthers has been good although the one lost was that that Wake Forest game yeah that that one I tweeted out that’s all right can’t win them all that’s right five and one in their last six against the spread so doing doing okay and then North

Carolina plays tonight but that Mi 14 point favorites in that one 14 point favorites well playing Miami uh on Friday and it is our 100th show um we might have a a quick segment on some what time Thursday oh th on Friday Friday’s our 101st show sorry uh that’ll

Be me dressed as a dalti if things well you know after this after this letter you wrote me that’s not how bats work man wow yeah it took you a little long to pay off the penguin one but we gave it to you cuz you CU I didn’t realize that

The guy sit next to me had a penguin suit well that should have been on you to go out and figure it out you gave me very short notice I had one day oh Amazon delivers overnight that’s all I’m saying anyway not on P shs um speaking of the guy sitting next

To him we didn’t did we introduce everybody behind the glass today no go for it go ahead I I mentioned all their names yeah go ahead no go no you’re Jerry Ann and and Andrew’s back cuz he was under the weather yesterday we missed him but yeah Andrew Andrew uh Jerry and

Jerry Jerry Jerry’s upstairs today so he’s been disappearing to the basement on us I know but you’re EMP you’re like employee of the decade here or something you should be here all the time exactly where’s an going an’s leaving all right anyway and you seem to be feeling much better by the way

Too oh okay yeah uh beat up fans would be allergic to Frank wearing body paint cool hands warmart thank you that’s about Alex I guess from Bown dummy serious question I should read this before I read it Cole why does Frank to drink room temper water but then drinks

Iced tea with the ice the masses want to know okay never mind I like to drink room temperature water when I’m talking a lot but no one gives it crap all right anyway let’s move on to some more uh we have some more posts of uh some wild

Stuff here now we just had that coach going wild I want Alex’s opinion on this so uh Walden Scotty Walden my new favorite coach his old team Austin P uh the baseball coach is kind of a party animal too check this guy out oh sorry this is their baseball

Coach yeah okay here we go so okay take take a look on the form here now watch this Alex full split almost full split and the snap up he’s wearing his hat backwards this is their head coach I think they had just beaten Mississippi State yeah they just swept Mississippi

State which is a big time program awesome PE small uh do you have a picture of the did you do the close-up of the guy yeah okay so uh watch that there’s one guy see that guy right there this guy so this guy Brian undrad whatever this guy hitting the portal so

The you saw how everyone was going nuts all right can we play the the clip one more time and notice the guy on the right sitting in his locker without a shirt he doesn’t he’s not into the coach at all I’m guessing he was benched okay

So he’s it’s hard to see here with the studio lights but the guy’s in the right hand he does SPL guy doesn’t move everyone’s like oh damn and that guy just sitting there and so I’m this guy hit in the transfer portal I mean your coach does the splits You’ think you’d

Be like oh man but uh pretty good form on that splits right there okay I mean you gotta baseball players typically do have good splits at first baseman yeah first B place so I can’t really give him that great of a score but he’s probably like I mean he’s

Probably old he’s probably like in his 30s Elders day all right all right I’ll give him 5.5 pretty impressive anyway uh the guy in the lock room not impressed is hysterical now last week uh I invented a new game called triple day which maybe we’ll play we’ll do it with

Alex on Wednesday there was no I was going to do it with Alex today there was no good ones so it’s where three famous people share a birthday no cheating no looking on Wednesday but we’ll do on Triple day so we’ll do that but last

Week uh we we we brought it in and uh we did it with Alex for the or Ryan the first time then we did with Nagel and Ryan Cindy Crawford and you weren’t really sure who Cindy Crawford was well well no I mean I know who Cindy Crawford

Is but the picture we showed a picture of her and her Heyday yeah right right well no the picture of her more recently yeah with her daughter yeah she’s still a beautiful woman it yeah but it did not it didn’t look like the old like someone else okay famous all right who we’ll

Move on okay all right so anyway uh cdy Crawford uh in between the Chicago blackhaw games I was this the Chris chellos game where they yeah retired chio’s number and Patrick I know yeah so it was a big day in Chicago and I think Eddie vet Eddie veter the lead singer Pearl Jam

Participated in this this uh Center Ice mid ice center ice center ice center I think I said that in the script Center Ice uh charity shot Cindy Crawford steps up here’s Cindy Crawford super model walking on the ice here she goes she grabs the stick all right this is her

First shot right here we go okay she goes a little wide little wide hits the guy in the foot wide left wide left then then wide right then wide right and then what’s next Alex split the difference she [Applause] adjusts right down the middle right down

The middle the five hole yeah see that yeah I knew that very impressive even the first two were were good shots they were shots on goal almost I mean but anyway what did she did she win anything she didn’t win anything or the crowd win something like free chili or something

I’m not exactly sure they want something I don’t know sponsored by an airline I think yeah yeah free flights free who gets free flights I think she does she oh good let’s give the millionaire supermodel as her own plane a free flight yeah that’s what she needs her

Husband’s Randy Gerber who has more money than her probably from all the nightclubs he started and all the things he’s done with Clooney I had a friend in town in Los Mike O day who watches the show we went to Sky Bar in Hollywood which is like the premier like Hollywood it’s still

Probably there it’s at The Standard Hotel Sky bars where you go so my friends are I want to see famous people I want to see famous people okay we’re not going to walk in and see George Clooney so we go to way wa a beer we turn there’s George cloney right next to

Us I swear to God I’m like like a Clooney just there Batman having a beer unbelievable unbelievable Christian Bale’s Batman what’s that it’s like Christian Bale is Batman yeah much better Batman Michael Keane’s the best who’s from my hometown we can have a that I will not say Jerry

I’m good I haven’t said anything today um all right this this is my favorite post of the day I’m missing out again fomen Frank fear of missing out this is my favorite is there something going on no it’s just how you paused it’s dramatic pause it’s it’s comedic timing yeah all

Right here we go this is my favorite post uh you’re in a fantasy football league right yeah how did you finished what was your record uh I don’t remember what my record was I I ended up not winning any then Alex did you fantasy football yep I’m in three you’re how do

You three I you know what we’re going to start one this year yes we are okay we’re going to do one here we’ll do that because I know everybody the other ones I used to be in is like a friend invite you you don’t know half the people and

Then I talk smack once and someone’s like that really upset him I’m like oh please so I need one where we can you know tease each other I’m excited about that but we have to yah cuz I’m very particular about which we have to use Yahoo I prefer CBS Sportsline what do

You like I’ve never used that SPN oh oh you allowed to say that uh so wait we want three different we she wants y just not I I’ll do whichever one just not sleeper yeah sleeper is my D I don’t even know what sleeper is not I know

Btown dummy if he’s watching I know he’ll use Yahoo that’s where he still gets his news from uh we worked I worked at Yahoo for like four years but so I don’t know if I can use I have a little bone to pick with them but anyway that

Was phrasing all right anyway uh this is my favorite favorite clip of the day Toronto Blue Jays reliever is it Tim ma or Maza ma is I have Mae Tim Mae anyway the guy lost his fantasy football league with the Blue Jays his record was 4 and

10 did you see this clip no I okay watch this so he had to be the bad boy for spring training he had to be a bad boy yeah it’s Mesa uh so look at on the look at his jersey 410 so they actually made him

Wear the 410 and he had to be the bad boy for an entire game he’s a really pitcher that was the shame you feel shame so look at that he’s sitting on the uh the bucket there I mean that’s awesome that is with the record 40 yeah

With the jersey and you know that’s his nickname the rest of the year 410 hey 410 too bad it’s not 420 it’s four anyway 410 that to me is a genius so that’ll be good we’ll have a fun punishment exactly that’s what I’m saying we also have to have a cool

Trophy we got to get something cool yes uh that’s unbelievable and looks nervous and all right uh let’s go on another baseball clip where I we on a roll uh gr Cano we were talking about gr can University they just came they just came like they just invent they invented a

College like 20 years ago right yeah usually colleges are like institutions that have been around for hundreds of years sometimes like in the ivy league so anyway guy on Grand Canyon’s college baseball team hit a grand slam tying up the game but he was called out and let’s

Show why so here it is it’s a they’re down 84 smack now the bat’s still in his hand now watch him run to first base Alex so here you go flips the bat about halfway down the line so look he’s celebrating he’s tied the game Up grand

Slam of a mistake so here look he’s all [ __ ] he’s coming around 30 he’s like that’s right tied it up so watch what the home pled umpire does once he gets home thank God they remove the graphics he’s stand calling over the third base umpire yeah and he’s out he’s out he’s

Gone they ejected him from the game The Run counts it’s not like the Run didn’t count but watch here’s oh good job Ryan got the different angle he’s slow moded just so you can see the bat kind of a awkward angle yeah now yeah so

He took it all the way he almost took it all the way to the first phace so I guess that’s where they took the problem but a little more investigation says that they were both warned on Saturday night apparently there was some heat going on between the two teams maybe

Some bad flipping so they were warned before this game don’t do anything stupid and this kid took it all the way nearly 90 feet to first base yeah so I got ejected pretty much to the coach’s box yeah exactly yeah which they’re eliminating I think soon or not the

Coaches but the major baseball is going to eliminate that you know the Box they have for a line for a guy like bunts I’ll explain this clear on a future show but they’re getting rid of that I think anyway uh I don’t even know who won the

Game do we know who won the game uh I believe GCU did okay gr cam I wi but listen so the runs counted he just run count but he’s ejected from the game okay so yeah the Run counts um but you know that’s you know wiffle when I

Played whiffle ball uh by the way I’m a World Series Wiffle ball champ um player manager in that too what’s I was I was player manager but that’s Mich o day is watching Clooney had nipples on the bat suit thank you Paul for always bringing up weird things like

That uh uh wait who said fantasy football is always Gabe tadino Gabe who’s Gabe hey Gabe welcome Gabe we appreciate you being here make sure you click on subscribe if you’re not a fantasy baseball Paul no way that I can’t do Fantasy Baseball no it’s too

Long I’m in a dynasty league for that too oh my God we we should try though I will do you love baseball I do prefer daily ones though but I can’t do a daily one guys I the show takes enough out of me I can’t be but you can just hit where

You set your lineup for the week right yeah but I won’t I won’t try someone get uh why I like daily ones but all maybe we’ll do was a very good ide but it has to be on Yahoo uh and then 420 Daniel you thank you Daniel uh do Fantasy Baseball I

Believe that most Baseball umpires didn’t go to their High School proms and take it out on the rest of us with silly calls says David Sanders your stepdad mini Dar does University of Phoenix have a baseball team no but they do have a paper football team I believe

Uh one of my first high-paying gigs was doing a show oh no that was a defry same thing uh same Gabe toino you know they’re not like real schools sorry if you went uh fantasy football is a waste of time Gabe tedino that was all caps Gabe seriously I retired from fantasy

Football I can’t do it anymore it takes too much out of me yeah but now it’s your idea to have a studio League yeah this is me you guys were pulling me out of retirement do you think it helps for your handicapping for player props cuz then you kind of see if

They’re doing very well in fantasy then that and then you know to bet on the players that you’re playing against so that way you either win money or I’m listening to Alex fanty yeah because it’s it’s us against you guys behind the glass it’s like two different

We’re gonna have the behind glass teams and whatever read the letter I let me read the letter again from Ryan to his Elder okay thank you Ryan uh let’s see I think this my second to last one Caitlyn Clark uh she’s the best college basketball player uh definitely in

Women’s I I prefer watching her over any of the men’s guys right now she’s just instant excitement so she had uh she broke the record she broke uh Kelsey Plum’s record yes uh by hitting it nearly from the logo so look what they did in Iowa they marked it they marked

Where she hit the shot 22 Clark um and that will be there forever over it’s really cool yeah it really is cool it’s a nice move iow has been great they have a big game coming up against Ohio State I believe believe yeah uh next Sunday that’s right

I looked ahead to women’s basketball um because it’s so exciting this year Frank mergie had even sent that to me he’s got some picks too he likes Ohio State in that game yeah on the third yeah it’s on Sunday yeah so he’s got a lot of uh we we we should bring

We’re g to bring Frank in for female basketball because he is an expert on it but anyway uh we also marked uh something special here in our studio almost like the Caitlyn Clark thing uh Friday if you missed this on show 96 I injured myself

Roll the clip and this is me trying to put on headphones on show 96 uh one of my childhood Heroes is already on camera I’m gonna I’m very excited and I uh mentioned earlier slapped it right in my eye CAU my eye Alex laughing hysterically at My Pain

Headphones no I mean no not Alex Alex well that’s gonna be there’s Ryan laughing as STL his cub shirt so uh you know you know what that is that’s karma that’s karma for me making of the Denny Nagel fumbled baseball clip now we have mine so anyway we’re marking the

Location of where I heard myself with a 96 and my name Frank where it happened right here what are the odds of this piece of paper being H I think it can slide right under this just okay do you think figure it out we’ll tape it to the

Side that bit fell flat ladies and gentlemen but anyway that’s where I injured myself last but not least let’s talk pro basketball Wednesday the Battle of La as Paul Reno Paul who’s watching when he sends me his basketball picks he goes La is guaranteed to win tonight he

Does this every time the Lakers play the Clippers it’s a dad joke he doesn’t have kids but he likes making that joke Paul I love it do it to me Wednesday again but anyway Clippers and Lakers are playing but the reason we’re talking about the Clippers and whoever talks

About the Clippers over the Lakers well a lot of people this year because they’re the better team they have a new logo and I have to say I love it so this is their Global one as per Rules by the NBA the global one you have to include

The full name so they have the Los Angeles Clippers so if you look at that it’s a ship now the Clippers were originally in San Diego Clipper Boats were off the but they kept the name in La they’re still boats in La uh a lot of people thought

It kind of looked like a shark coming at you but then also hey you want that’s mean you know that’s scary so anyway the Clippers finally did something right now that in it Doom in Dome is going to be awesome there’re the new Unis on the bottom right thigh there you see the

Patches they’ll have this is my favorite part yeah the one with the boat no no the Columbus Clippers they AAA affiliate of the Guardians uhoh said that uh imitation is the sincerest form of flattery wow cuz the new logo looks like yeah sounds like a lawsuit doesn’t it

Feels like feels like a lawsuit and they couldn’t yeah and they couldn’t do a compass they couldn’t put you know Mariners the Mariners have a compass Seattle Mariners have a trademark on having East North so they couldn’t do that but I I I’m it’s going to be

Awesome the Clippers I mean I always remain a Laker fan over the clippers but I’m rooting for them because they’ve been bad so many years but Steve balmer’s really doing all right with that new stadium bathrooms than anywhere charging stations at every seat the food in the boxes will be closer to the

Action that’s that’s a rich people problem right there so they must have went to some season tle was like we have to go all the way to the back of our Luxury Box to get our free food so they’re moving it Forward what else are they doing at this game oh Ryan’s got

The best part what’s up yeah the their fan wall yeah the fan wall yeah so they I can’t remember how many seat I think exactly but see there’s 150 it’s like super all the seats are super steep basically Standing Room only and only Clippers fans are allowed you have to

Like you have to like earn your way in yeah pretty much so like all these poser celebrities that are like oh I’ve been following the Clippers no no you stay at Laker games Clipper fans like Billy Crystal was always a Clipper guy he could go you know when I first moved La

Frank mergie if he’s watching out we were going to buy Clipper season tickets cuz literally a full season was like $200 it was something oh they were so cheap when they were still playing at uh where they played the sports yeah the sports arena or Sports yeah right down

By USC I think no one wanted to go down there and then it was like they were literally almost giving tickets away we didn’t do it but then we were like oh so we’d have to kind of like drive all the way down there and yeah we don’t want to

Do that but anyway uh Clippers they’re going to do it right and they play the Lakers uh we’ll have a line for that tomorrow on the show uh what are you doing today what’s going on today for you later I’m here by the book Matt never no it’s actually Jeff parl today

Yep Jeff is doing a s-day run is that right yeah sday run we have that inside the park Homer oh yeah oh yeah we have one one more thing we got to show this show the inside the park home run this was a late ad to the posts so watch this

The Scorpion Kick so it’s a popup you’re like no way is that going to be a home run yeah it’s a popup now watch this and no one calls and he kicks it fell on his face and Boots it four guys no one called it who is this was that Tampa

Beay or Detroit was Detroit Tampa yeah Tampa hit it yeah Detroit that’s Detroit that’s the Tigers well the tigers are going to be a little better this year but anyway the GU scorpion kicked it yeah pretty funny yeah he’ll kicked it yeah good find by the way thank you

Special thank you to Ryan McCormick who uh sends me a lot of posts we go back and forth all day Ryan does a great job you wrote me that letter Alex threw out of push you through the Tiger Wood thing got a letter wonder who it’s from what

Were you singing we just got a letter I wonder who it’s from I don’t get that is that from Dora Blues clu oh Blues Clues no I was too although there was a time people thought I was a guy from Blues Clues for a while

Oh no yeah I’m like Steve yeah Steve I’m like no Dave coer cut it out anyway uh and Alex sent the the golf one the Sunday Red by the way if I like the Clippers new logo the Clippers new logos are great they’re finally doing things right

If you want to see a humorous edit version of the Tiger Woods oh new logo just Google it pretty funny if you’re on the internet oh there wow okay I look nothing like that guy don’t I know but that was the guy people would be like they knew they knew

Me cuz it aired it was on around the same time of street they oh I know you you’re that show Blues cuz I go no Street smarts or you know whatever and they’re like oh yeah no you’re not that guy you’re the other guy thank you to

Everyone in the room uh the new guys uh not Danel Daniel you we’ve seen before Daniel Gabe tandino that was another guy I think couple Please Subscribe share this with friends guys we really appreciate it the live comments we have the best live comment room you guys help

Really make the show you’re part of the show that’s why I shout you guys out every day Andrew Drew dog an hope Ann’s feeling better Jerry’s here Ryan thank you for like I said sending me all the stuff and the lovely Alex white will be here with uh Matt neverett in two hours

Jeff parlos I will be back I was so close to wrapping it up so tight yeah and I’d like you to hold up the tally Board of uh how many times I’ve said my hometown today zero today donut baby yeah I think each day I don’t we should with take

Down a dollar so it’ be you cannot add new rules I made up the game we it’s down to 69 I don’t know I’m taking a dollar what he said I Think Jesus made up the game yeah for every day I don’t say it I should get a dollar off so it’s

A fun game for everyone to play at home no I’m shutting the you cannot take money out of the pot all right damn it leave it in there thank you for watching tomorrow my friend Jay Chris Newberg very funny comedian he’s going to be playing at the Laugh Factory all weekend

At the trout before they uh shut down in April uh Chris was on the show before he told a very funny story about working with the ban Oasis and John Cougar melan Camp bringing his guitar he’s going to sit in the studio and Wednesday Alex will be back with comedian lunell who

Has a residency at Jimmy Kimel so a couple funny guys later on the week we have more guests so we appreciate you watching punch lines live in about every Show

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