Is Vokey SM10 better than SM9 or is it ALL spin?

The Titleist Vokey SM9 and SM10 are both popular wedge models designed specifically for golfers who prioritise precision and control around the greens. While they share many similarities, there are a few key differences to note.

One noticeable difference between the SM9 and SM10 is the design of the clubhead. The SM10 wedges have slightly larger profiles compared to the SM9, allowing for a bit more confidence at address and generating additional confidence for many players. This progressive shaping in the SM10 wedges helps improve the overall look and feel of the club and can enhance the player’s confidence in executing their shots.

Another significant difference is the availability of different finishes. The SM9 wedges offered the option of a traditional chrome finish and a matte black finish2. However, with the launch of the SM10, players now have an additional option of a new nickel finish3. This gives golfers more variety in terms of aesthetics and allows them to select a wedge that suits their personal preference.

It’s worth noting that while the SM9 and SM10 have their differences, they both deliver exceptional performance and offer multiple loft, bounce, and grind options to cater to individual playing styles and course conditions. Ultimately, the choice between the SM9 and SM10 depends on personal preference and what features are most important to the golfer’s game.

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Voki sm9 Voki sm10 three different Lofts I’ll tell you what the difference is so with the recent launch of the new sm10 vogi um there’s all the tech talk about them there’s all the theories about them but actually practically what is the difference between the sm9 and

The sm10 now we could go into all kinds of things about what they’ve done with some of the nickel plating for durability some of the face tread um the Progressive center gravity but actually what does it mean what does it actually mean you’re out on course what will you

See that’s different so going to hit the U the 508 F in both heads 56s uh 10s in the in both heads and the 608 m in both heads so a full shot with the 50 3/4 shot with the 56 and a half shot with the 60 so the most likely

Types of shots you’re going to be hitting and then for me we’ll run through the data and see what we see um look at you know what the launch and spin numbers are and what the comparisons are so you can you can see from actual shots what the difference is

So let’s start with a 50 so it’s the full swings for the sm10 and the sm9 done the 50 go to the 56 and just pair the swing back a Little So 3/4 shots with the 506s now a half shot with the 60s So there’s three types of shots the reason did the three styles of shots is on the 50 you more likely to be hitting a fuller swing and then as you get closer to the green and more Loft it’s the most representative swing so a half

Shot with a 60 3/4 shot with a 56 full shot with a 50 so let’s have a look at the data and see where the differ differences are so really quite an interesting bit of data I think to to hit with I would say that the SM 10s do

Just feel just a little bit softer it’s a slightly more muted sound the sm9 have a little bit of a harder click off the face I think that’s certainly with the the weight the CG positioning and the coating on the head the durability um for me the feels a little bit more solid

Out the S10s uh that’s purely a subjective thing though it doesn’t the ball doesn’t know any difference so when we look at the data what’s you quite interesting is if we’re going through from the 50° first um you know launch angles absolutely identical 28.7 on the launch angle um and spin actually in

This respect you know spin for me Al those shots with the sm10 there’s actually you 33 revs less spin so actually where they maybe mve the center of gravity a little bit you know on the on the 50 you I’m not looking for much more spin on that club very very very

Similar performance the one one variable on this screen here we can see is the Tolerance on spin so at the sm10 there’s a 330 R variation on spin top um plus or minus and it’s 500 with the sm9 so whilst in principle the sm10 on average have a little bit more spin the

Variation in spins greater so it’s less reliable when the ball lands in okay distance 0. one of a yard difference moving on to the 56 is um I’ll scroll those to the top of the screen now this is where we start to see a bit of a separation in terms of performance so

Launch angle with the 56 in the sm10 at the top there 29.4 and it’s 30.7 with the sm9 so this is where we starting to see that launch angle coming down that’s something that they they definitely worked on with the sm10 it’s producing that lower launch and higher spin so

You’ve got 1.3 degree lower launch and we’ve got 500 revs 450 revs more more spin so actually it’s coming out lower spinning whe which is what what we all want from a wedge so there’s an absolute there’s a progression performance there um and then moving on down to and and

Carry distance is 7even of a yard difference so you’re very very similar um and then moving down to the uh 60 Dee uh we’re looking at a 29.3 launch out the sm10 versus a 30.5 out the sm9 so again by raising the center of gravity up pulling the launch angle down and

Again 8,600 revs on spin to 83 so again we’re seeing you a little bit of an uplift to three 300 OD revs difference so what there is what we can see with these is in the 50° there’s very little difference um but as that Center gravity progresses up the head as they’ve you

Thinned out a little in the middle and put a little bit more mass in the top we are definitely seeing lower launch and a little bit more spin more spin sorry and I for me I prefer the the feel of the sm10 just a little bit more it’s a

Little bit more solid so you know where you not looking at massive differences I think you OB would see a very very worn wedge to a fresh wedge you’re going to see far greater difference is you the the heads that we’re testing the sm9 have only been used in the fitting Bas

Here so there’s no mud there’s no sand there’s no wear and friction coming like you would find out on the course so you know the grooves in the Faces Stay very very very fresh compared to you know the usage you’d get outside um so there may be a small amount of degradation and

Performance Based on they’ve been tested indoors in the mat here um but it’s absolutely minimal you’re going to see a far greater difference from a used OnCourse wedge if you’ve had it a couple of years and looking to update um versus a effectively kind of a matte fresh head

So you know certainly lower launs we see distances um reassuringly for me from a playing point of view very very comparable you know the 60s are 60.8 and 60.8 in carry 56 is are 89 and 88.3 and the 50s are 11.7 and 11.6 in terms of carry distances so we’re really seeing

Very little in terms of absolute differences in carry yardage but how they’re getting there and that little bit more grip that you’re going to get from the sm10 slightly more solid feel I think that’s really where the differences tend to be more consistency on spin with the 50 similar consistency

Of spin with the 56 and the 60s little bit tighter on the 60 from the sm10 um but lower launch higher spin so you know the uh the tech and the the one might call the marketing blur regarding the the new wedges there is an absolute difference in flight and

Something that I think uh fun to test out on course I’m going to be updating my wedges this year and I look forward to some lower launching and higher spinning wedge shots

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