What 9.5 Handicap Golf Looks Like… [EVERY SHOT]

What A 9.5 Handicap Golfer Actually Looks Like. Can I break 80? I got some work to do if I want to maintain my 9.5 handicap. Time to shake off the frost and hit the range!

Welcome to Up To Par Golf, I’m Jordan, a 9.5 handicap golfer who is quickly adapting to the sport and loving every minute. Every time I play I want to break the 90 equivalent (or a bogey golf) and one day hopefully breaking par. Even when I play bad I enjoy exploring Utah’s golf courses. I don’t record every round I play, sometimes I just want to focus on the golf and enjoying the moment. I will however post the rounds I do record (the good, bad and everywhere in-between).

I’ve gone from a 30 handicap golfer (high handicap golfer), to a 20 handicap golfer, to a 15 handicap golfer (mid handicap golfer) now to a single digit handicap golfer.

I like to play lots of different courses and today it’s at River Oaks Golf Course.

⛳️ My Golf Gear ⛳️

Garmin R10:

Best Push Cart:

Best Amazon Rangefinder:

Best Golf Balls: (PuttOut Devil Ball) (Costco Golf Balls)

Best Amazon Wedges: (Lazrus Wedges)

Best Putter: (Pinemeadow) (Costco Kirkland KS1 Putter) (Lazrus)

My Irons 6-GW: (Cobra Speedzone – Regular)

4 Hybrid: (Cobra Rad Speed 4hy)

My Driver: (Cobra Speedzone Extreme – Stiff)

Best Golf Shoes:

Best Golf Gloves:

Best Portable Charger:

Howd it boys welcome back to the channel today we’re playing at River Oaks golf course we’re just going to be playing nine holes it is absolutely freezing it’s about I would say 40° with an extra minus5 wind chill but welcome to the first round of the Season I’m not

Expecting great things out of this to be honest uh it’s super cold and I haven’t played golf in a While we’re going to start out on a par five drivers probably not the play but uh it’s a part five so do what you got I lost it oh that’s going so far left holy I don’t know what my first one did I’m just going to hope it’s in the

Fairway yeah I lost both of them it’s really unfortunate I have no idea what that first one did nice little roller yep yep at least it’s in I should have kept that low but that’s fine we are on the green oh it was 2 feet left oh boy okay it was dead straight

Unfortunate all right I think that’s like a Double sorry there are no uh Team markers I don’t know why but I think that’s good saw a bounce I don’t know if the water cuts out hopefully not I saw a bounce though all right good hit here 199 downwind that was actually a good hit oh good bounce left we’re dancing uphill

Putt ah that was good speed let’s get you some crisp audio maybe maybe there’s too much Wind 15 159 downwind should be a nine but who knows get over it don’t be scent I think that’s on the green maybe just aimed that way from the beginning I don’t really I know sit please o this is just going to be dead Straight nope it’s a little left and I pulled it watery all right bogy that’s Okay all right part four nice oh my God I think this is a pretty short par4 oh my God I don’t know if this is a driver hole now that I’m looking at it that’s a great shot that’s perfect draw oh let’s go just short of the

Greens side bunker let’s go I was trying to cut that so in terms of my plan did not succeed task failed successfully I’ll sit right there please o I think it’s pretty dang straight okay I broke a little right break please oh my God thank You yeah that’s a great ball perfect down the center I’ll just go eight iron and kind of go right at those trees over there I’d be fine topping this or hitting this bad yep that’s fine that’s perfectly fine yeah I think with the wind pitching W should be

Fine oh thin sits don’t go out that’s out CL d drop here I guess there we go that’s what we wanted the first time that’s so high ah this a good try let’s Go it’s one of those days I just freaking lost my ring finder nice just going base off of this it says 167 be the distance short looks way short roll out oh that’s pretty decent probably 4 feet oh dead straight all right that’s another Buy I’m going to try and cut the corner a little bit should be okay and I aimed at the middle white tree like that like that line uh hook oh I don’t know if it sat I saw it roll just over the cart path all right I found it it’s up in

There I don’t think I can okay I don’t know what the rules exactly are sorry but I’m just going to take like I don’t know if it’s I don’t know I’m just going to play at 120 I also someone feel free to tell me what the actual rules are I took an

Unplayable but I don’t think I was supposed to like bring it back out soone feel free to let me know how that works that it’s a good line oh just a hair short that’s fine it’s a good shot that’s a good chip that’s a good B just going based off of this little plaque says 148 try to hit a good one I’m going to try and bail out left if possible that’s not left at all that’s fine though it’s in play I think that was the wrong Club that was not hard enough now we’re going to have a dicey putt go right oh close no we don’t have the best score going but that’s okay first first round of the year and I I’m fine playing bogey golf I think I’m a little above that But going to try to bail out left if possible going to try and hit a cut though so I’m going to aim up to the left side and try to hit a cut oh sit please I think I I think I saw it bounce hope so

Fortunately I could not find it I did find two other golf balls though so it’s not the worst thing that happened get up get up oh it’s on but got a long putt actually it could be straight up the hill I’m going to play just one cup to the left should go left

Or right I hope oh one time a little more Pace that was the line all right we actually ended that perfect nine over so we were playing bogey golf today again I have a lot of excuses but the end of the day still had fun it’s a nice course really difficult

So yeah I’ll probably be back here for sure cuz it’s challenges me yeah thanks guys for watching I’ll catch you on the next one yeah boy we found it


  1. Hit 2 drives OOB as fuck and then take a drop and hit for 3 as if it was a hazard… bruh

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