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On The Ground: Anthony Joshua Vs Francis Ngannou Post-Fight Reaction

We’re back On The Ground after Anthony Joshua’s sensational knockout over Francis Ngannou. Jamie Ward is ringside to speak with various guests including Ben Davison, Darren Barker, LeighWood, Frank Warren, Frank Smith, Charlie Parsons, Barry Smith and more following the conclusion of Knockout Chaos.

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One two working yeah yeah we’re good oh I need to put this somewhere can you put that on your lap or sprad Millers ready we are on the ground for the final time this week Riad Saudi Arabia Anthony Joshua has just produced an incredible knockout performance against Francis and

Garner we’re going to be grabbing a few people immediate reaction h Daren bar Darren good to see you for the first time this week you’ve been on the commentary desk all evening you turned around and winked at me just talk us through the the immediate reaction calling that one from ringside well look

First off that is the heaviest hardest most destructive shot I think I’ve ever seen in the years I’ve been involved in boxing that that was brutal I could hear it the fud and when he landed you know that’s a man mounting he has just dropped like a sack of potatoes there

And look let’s let’s be honest boxing needed that boxing needed that massively uh it was under a lot of scrutiny is that a come a comeback for boxing that win no absolutely you know you’re going to look quite silly now aren’t you if you bet on enanu you know cuz let’s get

It right he he was a novice when it comes to boxing yes he could fight yes I was impressed with the way he shaped up and he looked in his stance but you can’t be taking on a man like Anthony Joshua a former Olympic champion two-time heavyweight champion of the

World that’s what happens that’s look when you when you take off your Ro romantic hat because the story of inano is that impressive I know what it’s like you you it’s that Rocky story you buy in to the underdog you can’t like you can’t compete with guys like that when you’re

A noice you can’t we’re going to float around ringside Darren thanks so much for joining us let’s walk through here let’s see what we can grab cuz there’s a lot of people floating around here it’s always a little bit Carnage Frank Smith’s here let’s grab a word with with

Frank smth Smith very quickly Frank immediate reaction Darren Barker we’re just talking there it was almost like a comeback victory for boxing after what happened in the fury fight you worked with AJ for his whole career where does that rank unbelievable and you know people have written him off his whole

Career all the way through and no one’s ever really given him the credit he deserves but he showed tonight that he’s still he’s number one and he’s going to go on and become Undisputed heavweight championship of champion of the world so very good is this your Martin brundle

Show yeah we’re giving it a go we’re giving it a go live on the night what a night great time let’s get back to London and let’s get back to winning ways just the final one you’re obviously on the business side of things with his Excellency and Eddie and Frank Fury usk

May 18th is AJ going to fight the winner is it as simple as that I think they’ve got a two- fight deal currently for that fight for the Undisputed fight we’ll see what happens you know um but right now the focus for AJ is look he’s had four

Fights in 11 months I think a bit of rest maybe and then we’ll see where we go you know but let’s see what happens in that fight and move from there Frank Smith thanks very much for speaking to us now there’s various members of Team Maj I know Jose Mourinho was ringside

The original Ronaldo R9 was also here Franchesco totty I mean the list really did go on it would be great to try and grab someone who is connected to the Anthony Joshua team Ben Davidson is floating around he would be a great one to get unfortunately it’s a little bit Ramo in

Here I will’ll see Andy Bell come here let’s get Andy Bell in because he’s been trying to get on this all week so let’s bring on whatever you want to call it budget brundle Andy very quick one introduce yourself to the camera and give us you immediate

Reaction to what we just seen myself to the just tell us your your role and where you are where you sit in the AJ camp and your reaction today I’m Andy Bell I work with AJ on his media work his communication stuff that’s what I do that’s what I do that’s it right

Immediate reaction immediate reaction immediate reaction we’re going to bring in Ben me come okay Ben Ben uh we are live this is one take now there were a lot lot of questions heading into this fight one take always one take there were a lot of questions heading into

This fight people didn’t really know what was going to happen a lot of people had their opinions on this fight the team the confidence is that how you saw things unfolding yeah like no disrespect to France is unbelievable human being an unbelievable athlete unbelievable fighter you know I don’t think none of

These guys would want to jump in the cage if you’re being honest but uh he was coming into the boxing ring this is what these guys do I was confident hadn’t never been hit clean been hit flush uh by someone like Anthony Joshua before power sharpness ability to set it up which was

Key and um you know we had question marks over his chin and when he was being hit like that and uh I think you saw the result of it I tell you what what a hell of a plug the Ben Davidson performance center got in that ring tonight yeah very grateful but look

Again the Olympic gold medalist two-time heavyweight champion of the world all we’ve done he just supplement him in terms of what’s next obviously it’ll be up it’ll be up to the teams but what um what do you want to do next you want the winner of Fury usk would you happily be

In the corner if it’s against Tyson Fury what what is next because the options are are plentiful for AJ after that look the focus is just been Fran and Ghana I think that’s what makes sense I think that that’s you know that was the illusion that I was under that you know

He will fight the winner of May 18 uh but for now rest for me I think imagine the narrative though with you in the corner and it’s the biggest fight anyway but throw that into the mix Ben yeah the narrative is not the narrative you know the the fight with AJ and fur

Has been building for years so yeah I mean as a boxing fan we all want to see it well Ben you’ve earned a bit of downtime congratulations a brilliant performance from Anthony Joshua tonight I’m going to bring you in bring let’s see who’s floting around we might have

To wrap up but it was great to get Ben Frank Smith Andy Bell bless him we had to cut him off quite early there didn’t we sometime oh Frank Warren there where’s Eddie Hearn Eddie hearn’s on the ring apron I’ll see if we can grab a really quick word with Frank Warren we

Might be able to let’s just wait until he’s he’s finish these conversations I’m going to try and dive in we’ll see if we can grab just one one really quick immediate reaction off the main man the atmosphere was good in here tonight especially for the main event I think it’s about 4:00

A.m. local time which is quite incredible really I think half of the crew have got to get a flight home Frank could ask you one really quick question just for match room um just before you leave I mean your seat you’re a matter of feet away from that that

That was stunning um your immediate reaction to AJ’s performance and win brilliant performance I mean Tyson and I were cheering in from the beginning and it was a I mean it’s just superb he set up the shot he set up that knockout so well in the first round great right hand

As he threw it straight down took and and I said before the fight you know people were asking what do you think I said whoever lands that first punch is going to command the respect and that’s what happened it was AJ did it and he I

Mean it was really powerful punch in the second round he done it twice and that last one was just so emphatic that last that last knockdown brilliant abely brilliant May 18th now obviously you’re involved with Eddie his Excellency I mean AJ Fury the winner of May 18th is

That is that the plan do you think well look there are contractual commitments for all the fighters but who would want to see that fight we all want to see it don’t we we’ve been wanting to see it for years and years and AJ’s now got

Himself back at the table you know he’s had two good wins against Walling against against theu he’s done it in styled in the garu fight he’s back he’s back on the scene and that is brilliant for British boxing and it’s brilliant for these big fights that we want to

Make maybe Joseph par he’s going to fight Jang again actually isn’t he so well well let’s see what happens I mean there’s lots of connotations at the moment and fact we’re all working together we’ll see what we can do whatever happens it’s going to be the benefit of boxing and we’re going to

We’re getting to see all the fights that we’ve all been trying to make and also we got the five b five which just follow one out of 10 another good week here in Saudi how would you rate that one out of 10 well I got to tell it was 10 out of

10 I mean for a knockout I mean the main event for a knockout was a 20 out of 10 and the and the rest of the car my man got robbed Nick B that was a liberty absolutely Liberty my uh Chamberlain one and I thought the heavyweight fight with

I thought Joe Parker done extremely well you know up until about the eighth round it looked like it was going to go the other way and then Zan just sort of died off a bit and and to to his credit Joe he got back in the fight and and won

Every round down those last rounds it’s great M It Go young man boxing smiling at the moment I think it’s safe to say it’s great to work it’s great with all us work likewise Frank we’ll see you very soon Frank Warren there’s Eddie Hearn just uh going through some interviews so unfortunately we’re

Probably not going to be able to grab him Charlie Parsons I mean we’ve had Frank Warren we’ve had Ben Davidson Charlie okay look really quick l i mean the T the shirt really quickly the shirt’s a little bit suspect he’s been promising I mean look ringside reaction

What was going through your mind when AJ landed that final right hand just incredible uh kg first two minutes I thought then he stuck it on him he went down second round was shaky I think it was a matter of time for him Landing he’s put himself back on the scene

What’s at four fights in 11 months back out again we’ve got the two USI fights doing an interview with you Jamie it just feel that wasn’t bad that wasn’t bad did you re did you rehearse that no no no but like I think you rehearsed that

One that wasn’t bad at all I’ve been promised I’ve come on here a million times I’ve been waiting for my opportunity you’re smashing life it’s a pleasure to have you on likewise all the best in your new Venture Parsons we look forward to hearing from you soon here’s Matthew

Lawless Eddie Hearns PR Guru really want to get Hearn on this really want to get Hearn on before we wrap up can Andy can he pause the mic can he do something we want Hearn on we’ve had Frank Warren we’ve had Ben Davidson we’ve a give up

With Eddie we try and go in the dressing room of AJ why don’t we try that I think we should try that because Eddie Hearn is probably still doing Andy Bell uh not Andy Bell Andy Perell I’m getting mixed up it might be a little bit of a walk

Back that’s the only thing Barry Smith bazer yes sir yes sir yes sir now bazer listen sir I said I said to you before the fight everyone always talks about Ben Davidson Lee Wy I think it’s about time you start you start well yeah think that time you start getting a bit of

Credit for your work behind the scenes as well how special was that tonight ah but he was great wasn’t he he was fantastic you know levels levels he’s a world class fighter AJ yeah got in there with the guy you know showed his levels knocked him spark out you know so yeah

So hopefully that’s put a big statement around the world AJ’s back on his top form and going to be three times world champion is that what’s next it’ be great if it is one it I thought I was there that’s up to like Eddie Ben Davis

You’re not me you know what I mean but I’m just part of the team enjoying the journey you know what I mean you’re doing a great job a great character no doubt absolutely around the gym Big Barry Smith a massive part of the Ben Davidson performance center in harow I’m

Giving Andy Perell all sorts of evils I just really want to grab a little bit of a word I mean if you look down there if you look down there there’s no way we’re getting in there’s absolutely no way we’re getting in we still can’t quite get

Edie but what week it’s been what a week it’s been here in Riad I’m prepared to sit and wait to try and do something with where’s lee wood where’s he gone oh There He is unbelievable Lee we’ll bring you in Lee oh this is Lee Wy as well he never does

Interviews but can we get one really really quick word cuz this man this is this is the the king of analysis what right a short sentence short sentence I know he’s not I’m not but I think you deserve your opportunity to speak but that was special wasn’t it tonight stuck

To the plan executed perfectly that’s all I’ve got this year there you go that’s all we need Le Wy I must say I must say one of the absolute best in the business finally the team the team works with Deon Haney with AJ the team getting the credit they

Deserve um they would now we had a little chatting the buildup about how AJ’s presence in the gym has been great not just for you as a former world champion but for the younger fighters in the gym as well but for you all being out here tonight I mean it’s clear to

See the the team spirit that’s there as well yeah for sure R the team um it’s good to see the training the game plan and then executed perfectly um keep saying it’s over and over again in my press conference the last three fights I said you know Ben and Lee the

Team and Barry is one of the best teams in the world not just UK in the world and bit by bit they’re going to prove that and then they’re going to go back to that video I did the put at the time thought this kid [ __ ] mental sorry

For swearing but you know it’s true they are the one of the best teams in the world and the proof the pull in what a shot beautiful and the cell the things he did to to go the shop watching it I literally predicted it with P said that

Going to come down the P bang like it’s so comical seeing it but bro brilliant job by AJ sticking to it discipline um it’s great to see going to see back in you uh back in you you back in the ring very soon yeah for sure um I’m not too

Sure about out inside here I like to be not I want a homecoming I want my crowd I I feel like the crowd actually is helping me get the wins over the line in recent Times Manchester um not against Conan so um I think that’s something I

Need it’s definitely something I want Le would look forward to news very soon congratulations to you congratulations to the team as well I can’t believe even Parsons so listen listen to this hang on so we get Parsons on the podcast because he’s been asking me all week and he

Steams in in front of me before I can get Eddie Hearn unfortunately it’s one of them unless we can get Eddie I’ll tell you what why don’t we just Gate Crash B’s interview have we got much chance here I don’t think so I think unfortunately just ruin the end of the podcast one

Thing I will say massive shout out AJ said it to Francis andu I mean the guy is a gladiator he’s an inspiration his story is tremendous I’m I’m sure you’ve heard it this week if you don’t know the full extent of it I challenge you to go

And read it he’s almost like a a comic book character superhero however you want to describe him and he deserves a lot of credit to be fair because he came over to the boxing World gave Tyson Fury a brilliant fight and he thought he was unlucky that night tonight didn’t go his

Way but no doubt whatever he chooses to do he’ll be successful win because that’s the type of person Francis and G who is we’re going to have to wrap up because otherwise we’re going to be here all night waiting for Mr ready Hearn he’s got a queue of people waiting for

Matty Lawless has let me down massively here and um on that note I guess we’ll say Riad over and out it’s been a pleasure what a week it’s been on the ground I sort of taken off a little bit this week I think everyone’s enjoyed it

This was a bit of an impromptu episode but like I say it has been fun and as Frank Warren said June 1st the 5v5 that is going to be absolutely incredible the build up to that is going to be unbelievable even the teams as well me and Dev son the back and forth

Has already started between us two but it’s going to be a lot of fun and I think boxing is uh it’s a good place to work in just now congratulations to Anthony Joshua and what was a brilliant performance and uh that was on the ground for this week I hope you enjoyed it



  1. Styles makes fights and Francis has only done boxing for 6 months now and done great in a very short time. No need to celebrate as if Joshua just beat Lennox Lewis. It was a MMA champion who did great in his first boxing match. And as of now; Fury is the most overrated heavyweight in boxing history. All the top heavyweights need to fight each other at this point.

  2. A lot of the public backed AJ why these idiot YouTubers keep saying the public turned and doubted ? NO ….NO THEY DIDNT OR SALES OF FIGHTS WOULD OF DROPPED …fkin 50 faced YouTube bias media needs regulating they are out of control

  3. Boxing needed that, AJ needed that, Eddie Hearn needed that……..sounds like it was the "perfect outcome" and too good to be true !!!!!!!! 🤔🙄🤣

  4. Boxing needed that?
    If not for Turki who's splashing cash, these fights would've have been made.
    Boxing is at a disgraceful period because of the fights like Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson.
    Mind you, Turki won't be spending forever!!

  5. Ben is a good traine but im not sure if he wants to train aj against fury second time now his been asked that question and he doesn't want to commit to a answer

  6. AJ always been that good, just the bandwagon fans jumping on and off his nuts. shame on y'all

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