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Bikeshop tour Giant store Da Nang, Vietnam 🇻🇳

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Da es in dieser Woche mit dem Wetter nicht so gut aussah, ging spontan etwas spazieren und mein Weg führte mich in den nächstgelegenen Fahrradladen, dem Giant store.

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Yes, today is a not so nice day here in Da Nang. in Vietnam. where you always think, the sun is shining here. Southeast Asia is warm and stuffy there. and sweat runs down your face. At the moment only the rainwater is running down.

Should probably stay like that for the next few days. which is less nice for cycling. Look, I’m by the sea and on the beach right now. I’ll pan the camera. and this is what the waves look like at the moment. really wild. the waves come from far behind.

Really high. It is also currently forbidden to swim. The red flags are everywhere. as you can see here and thick warning signs. that you are not allowed to swim here. no swimming. Yes. So. somehow just a bad phase. All you can see back there is haze.

You can see the high-rise buildings in the haze. You can even easily see Lady Buddha. it always shines through. It has such luminosity, you can even see it in the haze of Da Nang. Everything doesn’t look so great at the moment. and that’s what I thought. on a day like this.

Let’s just go to a bike shop. I discovered one here. Giant. It’s not far from my hotel. because some people asked: Are there any bike shops in Vietnam? Of course there are bike shops here. There is a Trek store. there is this giant store. and other bike shops.

I found it on google maps. but that’s the next store. I’ll see if I can film there. then I’ll show you. because what else are you supposed to do on a day like this? You can only go for a walk outside if the weather permits.

At the moment you can, it’s just drizzling a little. you can go for a walk or sit in a cafe. or edit videos. like me, in the hotel. I’ve already done it. but that is currently exporting. I don’t have to be there. so we walk around a bit.

Let’s take a look at the area outside. and I’ll show you the bike shop. or here the promenade. but it’s totally orphaned at the moment. There’s no one on the way. except for a tough guy from Germany like me. or one or two tourists with an umbrella. I’ll turn around.

Here comes another one too. doesn’t look Vietnamese either. the Vietnamese are all working now. or sit in their cafes and wait for customers. which doesn’t appear. Maybe it’s busier in the evenings when people get home from work. then more people will come here. provided the weather is right.

But if it’s raining heavily, there won’t be much going on. That’s a shame, but that’s just the way it is. Can not do anything about it. there are good days and bad days. What is she doing now? Is she killing me? No, she won’t kill me! There are good and bad days.

What can you do? You have to make the best of it. like him here, for example. go for a bit of jogging. Cycling is a bit too wet for me now. I don’t want to get my bike dirty. and that’s why we look into a bike shop like this. Let’s see what’s there.

There at the traffic lights right and then on the left side. So, let’s go. Oh yes, one more thing in advance. Very interesting. There are also VAG bikes here. The VAG is everywhere. You can rent bikes there. the principle will be similar.

Or rather, they all mostly act according to the same principle. Scan QR code. You need the appropriate app, which I don’t know either. but it’s easy to find out here. if you spend a bit of time here. But I won’t do it now. what do they want? 50,000 dongs. I assume is that?

Because 50 dong would be nothing. That wouldn’t even be a cent or anything. 50,000 dong is about €1.90. for? What is that? Probably a day. I think… because it would be too much per hour. I think this is for the whole day. €1.90. That’s dirt cheap. It’s thrown at you.

They look brand new. our VAG bikes are already pretty run down. Well, something is already scratched here. It’s not quite fit either. Someone had an accident there. Exactly, and with the locks. When you park it, lock the lock. and then the journey is over. It’s all similar. Here with phone holder.

You can attach your cell phone there. Not bad! I saw another one driving. OK, the weather isn’t right at the moment either. but it seems pretty new here. and it is definitely offered. So, we have to go over there now. I now have to bravely throw myself into traffic.

But let’s go to the traffic lights. There is probably a pedestrian crossing there. I have green, but they still drive. That’s just Vietnam. Look at this. That’s how it works here. They don’t care about that at all. If it’s free, you just drive off.

So, where is the Giant store now? Must be here somewhere. Holiday Cafe. Where is it, where is it? Probably there in the front left near the palm trees. and anyone who feels like eating seafood here. this is the right address.

Well, I don’t get hungry when I see the poor creatures here. they are huge. it’s madness. entire aquariums full of live creatures. These are monstrous and alien-like crabs and what else do I know. Here, what kind of critters are these? I don’t know much about seafood.

My goodness, my goodness. an endless harvest of animals. so, but I still haven’t found the Giant store. have to move on here. Maybe it doesn’t even exist anymore, who knows. or I have to turn on Google Maps. I found him. It’s over there. in traditional blue.

So, let’s take a look. as long as we can cross the street without injury. Because nobody stops here. if you want to go over here. now the bus is coming. So, we’ll go a little further here. There is also a bus coming here. next to Mercy Emerald Hotel.

First see if I can film there. I don’t want them to throw me out. but I think that’s okay. show a bit what they have in their range. The horn must work. This is the most important tool here. I’ve already said it before. Nothing works here without a horn.

I also have to get one for my bike. So, here we are. This is the Giant store. really nice piece here. So, I asked the employee if that was okay. who said: Yes, no problem. Then we look around a bit, it’s raining outside anyway.

Then we’ll at least look at nice bikes. but it seems to be more of a mountain bike shop here. But it would be interesting to see what the prices are like. I’m a bit confused now too. here with the millions. 17.8 million. I have to convert that first.

But here we have a racing bike. but that’s aluminum. for 20 million. To do this, I first have to ask my phone how much that is. I just used the translator. I always have such a nice app for that. I can enter that in there. and you can deposit different currencies.

And 20 million is €750.- i.e. a beginner’s bike. what kind of circuit does that have anyway? Shimano Claris. so very simple. here for the beginners. how many sprockets does it have? 8 times only. an 8-speed gearshift only. and 12.4 million would then be… 12.4 million.

Are. €460.- just that you have an overview or scale. that would even be on offer. Oh, those are these city bikes. I think you see them a lot in Japan too. with these baskets at the front. almost like a shopping bike.

But otherwise they have a lot of mountain bikes. 29er. with fat tires. Yes, well, they’re all about the same price. What is this? Max Rally? is that a giant? Well, I don’t know anything about mountain bikes. but that seems to be very cheap. What? 3.7 million only?

I can’t believe that at all. how much is that? That’s… I’ve almost taken it. How much is 3.7 million? Three seven zero zero zero zero zero that would only be €140.- €140.- for this part? Is there anything deserved at all?

Well, so for the city. With luggage rack and mud flaps. Why not? But I don’t really see any racing bikes here. only mountain bikes. Here we have a fully. How much does that cost? The offspring is also taken care of. how much does the full bike cost here?

But I don’t think that’s anything special. 6.6 million. or 5 million. not so expensive now. I’ll look further back. whatever else they have. These are the city bikes. with triple switching even. I would have needed that in Phuket. Triple spare parts.

I had the problem with the front derailleur defect. At least they have front derailleurs here. but there are no racing bikes here. but they have the wahoo. oh, 20% discount. what does that cost? 16.15 million. what is that converted? this is really difficult. with the conversion here.

Sixteen one five zero zero zero oh, but a whopping €600.- that’s not a little. but which one is that? the kickr core is just that. this is the kickr core. The other one here, which I have at home, costs €1100 to €1200.

And this is this table. That’s pretty handy. You can put your laptop there. and you can ride your bike under here. and then has everything beautifully in front of you. That’s pretty practical. But that also costs a few hundred euros, I think. it’s not that cheap either. 4 million.

I have to unpack the phone again. Here we are at €150.- such a part. just that you have a table. this is the workshop here. a few spare parts left. Anyway, there are hoses here. and tire covers if I ever need them. Continental. everything there. Tool. 119,000.-

And a few pulleys. So I’ll definitely find what I’m looking for here if I need something. OK thank you. OK, then let’s go again. We don’t want to keep people that long. I turn the camera around. Yes, that’s what it looks like in a bike shop here.

As I said, more mountain bikes than racing bikes. just a cheap racing bike here. oh here’s another one. What is that? but also made of aluminum. with quick release here for the seat post. 15.3 million. and another one up here. for 9 million. but also aluminum.

They don’t have that high tech or carbon here. but maybe I can find another shop. and maybe show it to you. but that was the closest one. and most famous. Giant. and what else are you supposed to do on a day like this? Now at least it has stopped raining.

So you can get some exercise outside again. at least on foot. and like I said, maybe I’ll look at another store. maybe go to the Trek store. if it continues to rain for the next few days. and then you can see how the Vietnamese bike shops are set up.

I have to say, there are top shops in Chiang Mai. well equipped. with the latest stuff. That was now more of a cheaper segment. but there may be other shops here too. I haven’t looked around yet. So, thank you for watching. Tune in again for the next video.

Let’s see what kind of video it will be. A cyclist video or just a heartfelt video. through a bike shop. See you. Stay true to me. until the next video. Ciao Ciao!


  1. Das hätte ich gerne gesehn, der Fränkische Rennrad Pedaleur auf einem Mietrad😄👍
    Die Leihräder da haben nicht mal ne Schaltung, wies aussieht, also singlespeed

  2. War gerade selber in dem Laden, weil ich eine neue Kette brauchte (Ich komme von Thailand her und in Nordvietnam war übles Wetter) aber man konnte mir nicht helfen. Deswegen bin ich zum Trek Store und dort sagte mir der Chef Du seist auch da gewesen und so bin ich auf Deinen Kanal gestoßen. Super Service, Fahrrad sieht aus wie neu und jetzt geht es über Kambodscha zurück nach Bangkok. Viele Grüße, Alexander

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