Golf Babe

2024 Memorial • Leaders • R4 • F9 • Aaron Gossage • Gannon Buhr • Anthony Barela • Paul Ulibarri

2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft
MPO Lead Card • Final Round – Front 9
Featuring: Aaron Gossage, Gannon Buhr, Anthony Barela, Paul Ulibarri
Commentary: Gannon Buhr & The Disc Golf Guy
Camera: SpiiciiBoii & Dustin
Edit: The Disc Golf Guy
Location: Vista del Camino Park, Scottsdale, AZ
Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024

Championship Sunday at The Memorial. Not many days are more memorable than this one each year. Everyone is excited to see how the battle unfolds so buckle up because this is gonna be a wild ride.

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Dietrich Design:

Hello everyone and welcome to the fourth and final round of the 2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft great battle lined up for you guys we’ve got Aaron gosage along with Ganon Burr Anthony Bella and rounding out the card Paul ulber guys the goose is already migrating to Waco for the next big event

So I brought in last year’s Champion to see if he’s got any insights Ganon bird joins on the mic again Ganon how you doing buddy I’m doing good I’m excited to watch this final round coverage should be a great battle out there and on hole number one there has to be a

Little bit of nerves I mean as seasoned and as good as you guys are the triple Mando and the OB you have to be thinking about it a little oh yeah um I last year I actually remember hitting the banners kind of those little triangles hanging

Down from the top of the triple Mando and barely getting through so I remember this year exaggerating my fall through down throughout the Hole uh making sure I kept it low enough me and Aaron actually have a very similar play on this hole going over stable and that was a very unfortunate

Kick it’s kind of hard to see on the camera even but there’s these kind of sticking out I don’t know fingers you could call them and uh yeah really just causes any shot that goes near him just to kick loses all the speed of the disc

Kicks straight down and he got a bad kick uh there I made the adjust like I said kept it real low going with something overstable that was my method and one of our big contenders of course and Anthony Bella also right here just a few Strokes off the pace he’s

Three behind you as you sit three behind gosage and then there’s some separation you elite team captain over at Discraft sitting at 20 under are you worried about him at that point uh no I can honestly I kind of made some jokes like oh no Julio’s coming back he’s coming

Backou uh but um it’s uh it was fun to have him on the card cuz uh you know you know he kind of had nothing to lose just trying to see the best R he could shoot out there so we’re all having a good time out there while still being pretty

Serious about the shots we were throwing well he throws a good forehand now gosage trying to get up and down we saw him go out of bounds in round number three and wasn’t able to save the par he went deep here that’s not even a look to

Save par so looks like a bogey coming up and might see a a swing or two here yeah he still has some meat on the bone there about 20 ft which is never easy especially it’s been pretty windy here out at Vista these last couple days stepper by AB too much on

It Julie’s forehand puts him on this right side do you see a world where the forehand is a better shot for you on this hold is that weather dependent or wind dependent um for me it’s not I I think I’ll always throw backend on this hole

No matter what as we see good put by Paul there for birdie um I think the back end is a little bit easier for me to start my round off uh for me I kind of have to get my forehead warmed up and when you start off a hole hole like this

It’s kind of kind of tough to be precise with it sometimes yeah je barely squeaking over the cage that not by much yeah that was uh that one obviously felt good to find the bottom of the basket eventually but a little bit of a nervy putt to start out

Um had some putting struggles uh the last couple months so still kind of going between a few different forms I mean you start out three behind gosage if he doesn’t make this you’re tied up okay well he does but still that’s a two stroke swing in your favor yeah it

Felt it felt really good and you know in my mind we’re almost tied at this point just because I mean obviously it’s one stroke but uh having the momentums really early on is huge that can kind of set the pace for the whole rest of the

Round uh you know maybe with that t-shot him leaking it a little bit High there uh can might maybe get in his head a little bit and so that’s that’s another strategy that you know I I kind of like to use is just obviously not not super intentionally but throwing really good

Shots or maybe starting a round off slightly better than someone that you’re chasing down uh can you know just unintentionally affect the other player and whole two special memories I’m sure a little bit for you this is where you ultimately took it down in a playoff last year oh yeah uh you playing

It any different what’s the what’s the game plan here kind of so round three last year I ended up throwing at this exact same line and parking it and uh this was an okay shot obviously got really Skippy at the end the the grass out here at Vista was playing faster

Than I feel like normally it is uh I have gone forehand in the past when I won the playoff and round four of last year I believe uh I don’t think that Tre was there last year on the right right off the T box and so that kind of got in

My head a little bit and like I said kind of early in the round for the forehand so I was feeling pretty good about that backhand line uh didn’t quite get over on enough there but y taking a different route with the roller and we’re going to see a third different

Line here with AB throwing his Athena right up the middle I’m surprised to see AB not going forehand here do you feel like that’s just an odd angle or or it’s it’s not a distance issue right definitely not a distance issue uh ab’s got top three biggest forehand in the world for sure

Um I remember he I was talking to him actually he used to throw the spike Heiser on this hole and I was like hey you finally finally recognized it was a dumb play so he doesn’t throw it anymore uh that play kind of gets really Skippy

And it’s hard to park the basket and you can actually throw an OB over the fence and Aaron this is a very overstable nuke for him he just didn’t get the height on it he threw it pretty good in the last round we played round three and that one

Like I said yet just a little bit low there so right now he’s not even thinking birdie all he’s thinking is hey I just need to get this up next to the pin and hopefully you know walk away with the three yep and you guys are

Going to see that purple disc all day every day oh my gosh and Julie stepping up to throw quickly almost skipping it in yeah I I talked to him after he and I was like surely were trying to make that it was a fairway driver and uh from my

Angle it cut right through the middle of the chains but it was on such a vertical angle it like almost had no chance in way putting struggles continue your jumper from wa maybe 38 or so yeah off the front AB just inside Circle probably looking 28 ft

Here wow and similar result to what you had just off the front of the cage is that is that a form thing at that point or is that just a little bit of the wind messing with you guys um could be both I mean honestly in the wind you never know

Whether your putter will lift or drop and sometimes it kind of feels like it’s up to luck at that point um I know my miss when it’s windy is always low in the cage because I know for a fact you know I won’t I can’t get a super

Terrible result unless it’s a slope or you get really unlucky so usually I kind of just aim lower part of the basket and hope you know if anything it does lift um funny story uh AB I was just informed that he was putting with 169 G Putters

Interesting he didn’t know about that oh so okay I was going to say max weight is of in the play that we see from our from our top level throwers but so going light’s not necessarily that crazy but to not know they were light yeah that

Part is crazy I I think you just picked out a pair and I guess didn’t look at the way yeah I mean okay well but that’s definitely a thing I mean like half the time you have no idea I mean a lot of the this sidee bag I don’t even check

The weight so it’s kind of like and I know I’ve been known to bag lighter weight disc theast uh obviously I feel like sometimes I know about it um but yeah very very interesting there I mean we’ll see and I I guess maybe to follow

That up if he was high on every pot you’d be like oh okay well maybe he’s just throwing them a little harder and they’re getting more glid or float but you know that Putt in particular came up low so I guess we’ll see if there is any

Impact throughout the rest of the round yeah and and like the other way it can affect it too is just the little air bounces it gets in the air when you’re just in like a 45 footer or something or even a 25 footer the bounces can be more exaggerated with the lightweight putter

Um is is that just a putter there again yeah I believe that was his uh new Kratos he was throwing and I’m just shocked uh is what I’d say I’m shocked to not see a forehand out of him just like we’re seeing here by gosage yeah

This play seems to check up real nice um Aon I mean I knew stepping up that was going to be a park job no matter what I mean pretty much that’s how that works with that shot for Aaron it’s kind of a stock just like slight heer maybe flat

And just I mean it plays the ground play about as best as you can for the hole Landing pretty softly while still being able to throw an overstable disc it’s it’s really predictable I was a little surprised I mean AB I think he did a couple different dis dis choices on this hole

Throughout the weekend um I know the wind like I said has been swirly and fluky sometimes and this was his more overstable throwing putter where yesterday he went a little more understable and landed kind of short he’s about 45 right here it’s about as high on the cage you

Can hit without going in right yeah yeah I mean a solid bid but just low you can see there the wind well it looked obvious that it was left or right but then the second puff uh kind of confused us just going everywhere at this point who knows where it’s

Going not by much but uh we’ll count it that’s right side corner pocket as I like to say yeah that nose down putt you can kind of still hit low in the low in the basket but it’ll fall in sometimes that’s one of the benefits of a nose

Down putt Aaron actually also has a pretty nose down putt as well well and I will say I mean I’m very impressed with his putting ability as of recent he’s been putting amazing uh it’s been good to see obviously he’s struggled with that in the past and you

Know he’s looking more confident than he ever has yeah it was interesting to hear him talk in the last round about how sometimes just a a slope just like he’s on there just the slightest of slope sometimes you know creates a little awkwardness for him and you saw that he

Didn’t have any problem with that one but something he said he’s going to be taking more note of been working on throughout the season I played with Aon at the just last weekend and I mean he hit a lot of great putts he was actually kind of in the running to win

That tournament for a little bit ended up getting a Podium spot finishing third place so good start for the season for him uh but yeah he just made a lot of good you know 30 to 50 foot putts kind of in that range where it’s definitely

The separator on the tour it feels like a lot of the time is you want to be hitting those um I mean with the coures getting harder you’re going to see a lot of lot more Circle 2 opportunities so those are very important and I know you’ve taken a lot

Of pride in the C2 prowess that you’ve had out through the last couple of years do you do you find like C2 is a major concern on this particular course or do you feel like most of the time you should be able to be uh you know inside

The circle whether it’s on the driver the approach uh I I feel like out here the worst sh oh my go I wasn’t come on I wasn’t lying oh the worst shot ever that’s inside the circle it got I would say it got to the tree for sure um so

Now instead of a guaranteed three I do have a birdie putt uh oh crap I forgot what you said what what I was just asking about uh getting into well just that the C1 a big concern here or do you feel like this is the course in a

Tournament where you really need to attack from C2 because that’s where you’re going to be uh quite often yeah so I feel like out here and at the off the cage I can’t even talk cuz there’s so much going on I know sorry I set you up for

That we’re going to take another quick look at it Fairway driver overstable Fairway driver just one foot short unbelievable what I mean who needs a putt if you can just do that pretty much yeah I feel like out here you don’t you don’t find Circle two Aon if you’re

Throwing well you have a lot of 20 Footers I feel like if your throwings on um there’s like there’s there’s a couple Par 3 like hole nine is definitely one that you can probably find yourself in circle to but a lot of people don’t even

Go for that hole uh same with hole five with that quadruple Mando uh I actually lay that hole up so um I’m not you know that’s kind of a weird range sometimes you know whether you want to lay up or run it um you know I feel like it

Doesn’t look that windy on the camera but there definitely is some wind there um and it picks up later in the round man the worst shot ever that’s the worst shot ever that that one I’ll give you I was talking about the putt coming up oh

Yeah I was going to say the drive looked just fine what what happened there I don’t know I it didn’t feel that bad I don’t even feel like it gripped on my hand much more didn’t grip any chains or metal either no it wasn’t even close uh

And now this I would call the hardest Putt in disc golf is trying to make this comeback putt from the exact same distance when you know everyone else in your card is parked this might be longer yeah I’m actually going a little bit of a different form here I remember this

Right here two hands on the putter trying to keep it a little more stable get some more spin um I forget what the wind was but I remember it was a factor so the comebacker for par all right well that one looks good yeah that was harded that was a good previous one

Not so much yeah so still good putt uh definitely I mean that’s one of those putts if you if you end up missing that one taking a bogey losing Two Strokes to the entire card it really really feels like a missed opportunity and who knows maybe it’s in

My head of getting lucky through the tree on the drive I’m just like I don’t even deserve a birdie but that’s kind of what you got to do to to become a top Pro in this game is if you have breaks like that you need to take advantage of

Them obviously there I wasn’t able to but when those opportunities do arise you want to do your best to uh be in the good end of those and Aaron hyped about that birdie I would be he should be a little pep in his step I’ve invited

Aaron over to somei disc golf to play in Thailand I’ll invite you just the same I want we need to get a bunch of Pros over there just to experience uh the growth and and development in Southeast Asia and of course suu is a good place to do

That you were just talking about the mandoos here when you’re lining up when you’re setting up for this hole are is this an all go or is this uh put on the brakes what what’s kind of the you know the game plan yeah for me 100% a layup we’re

Actually seeing a different play out of Aaron than he did the previous day he’s going with his Zone OS that same purple blue disc that he’ll be throwing everywhere uh I call this cheater disc because it doesn’t skip no Glide and it’s soft so yeah he throws out a ton

But you know you got a couple different plays here yulu is actually going I believe Fairway driver here and uh barely making it through that second Mando on the left huge flare though that’s not necessarily going to pay off well for him to that side not that far

Anyway I I personally don’t love this play and I think I’ve changed my game plan especially for this year on the tour is just limiting the bogeys and this is one way to do it is just laying up uh AB going a little more aggressive

Kind of that middle Zone oh no and that missed the Mando by about a foot just barely and you know that’s kind of one of those things I see it happen and I’m like I can get a guaranteed one stroke unless he makes a really impressive putt

And I’m throwing a very similar disc to what AB threw but I’m throwing it a lot softer and that’s about 20 30 feet short of the Mando where you know he obviously passed it not even giving it a chance so to speak to get past the Mando so that

Is a solid layup here’s gosage and Aaron actually went for this hole yesterday and went OB and so I think he kind of realized you know it’s maybe not really worth it to go for it kind of get your par and get out because the amount of

Birdies on this hole in my opinion it just isn’t worth to go for and uh I didn’t really think about this putt and this was also not a great layup uh you can see Aaron’s disc on the ground there I was actually scared to hit it and so I

Like my body just threw it over top of it uh so got to take even the layups in in account and be careful with those cuz with this hard pan ground it can get away real quick and ab is off the front rim again that was his chance to save the

Par and Julie from way out on the left side pin High oh and he buries it money all right all right we see you youie doing some work out there yeah looking steady already for today’s round trying to earn himself some uh diaper money for the uh the new kit on the way

Yes congratulations to Yuli absolutely 300 through five is about the dream start I would consider this hole very hard so if I’m 3 under through five I’m feeling pretty good put there from Aaron as well cleaning up the par improving by one stroke on a score from yesterday and

Myself about a 15t putt yeah and that’s about 14t longer than you probably should been right that’s very true Terry I me I’m not giving you a hard time but you were committed to the layup and then next thing you know you actually have to

Think about the putt for a moment I mean it’s I mean the whole idea of laying up is low stress and I gave myself stress there exactly which is what you don’t want to do that’s what I was saying big thanks to our friends at the distinguished doodle 35% off if you use

The code the disc golf guy at checkout and we get to our first Par Four of the round what are you doing here uh I go with a kind of an interesting play not a ton of people do it it’s actually a very overstable driver I’m going py2 here on

A flex at the middle tree basically shanking out of my hand and having it skip back right or skip back left sorry uh I believe Yu is actually going to go for the same Gap I go for with a little bit of a different kind of flight line I

Think he’s going more of a Hiser flip that gets to flat and then Fades left this is going to get to a pretty good position kind of stuck on that bamboo pole next to that baby tree but he will have a a little bit of a

Swing if this is the play if you have it though it’s a wide up in forehand and and ab are going to go with this play just because they have that you know 400 at least even 450 heer forand if they need it and that’s all

You need especially on a you know 750 ft hole you just got to break it down into two portions uh little inside here but yeah just barely missing that tree huh yeah still clean and like I said ground skipping really good out here so I knew

Out of my hand that was fine once it got past that tree and making the correction from yesterday he left that one a little bit inside and he’s going to give himself a wide open back in Heiser or a forehand down the middle to get the birdie I was

Just going to say I feel like when you put yourself that far up and in the center you at that point can play the win whether you like the the Lefty you know kind of uh forehand shot or if you like the righty backhand shot you’ve got options gosage is going

To go up the right side it’s probably about 400 from where he was at after clipping that tree and beautiful shot that is very high level very very impressive with the OB surrounding the basket good confidence there and Bella will go with this Lefty left side I should say I know I just

Called it Lefty but the left side forehand and that’ll get a skipper two that will put him Circle one for a birdie Putt and yeah here’s ulie this this always scares me to death I know with my long arms I never test this luckily he’s got some you know shorter arms dinosaur

Arms we can call them uh and very very well executed there that’s always a shot I wish I had was to be able to slow the arm down before you know you hit a tree or something in that case I’d probably just throw a forehand right here kind of biting one

Off of Aaron’s line I’m a little bit closer up kind of saw that one off inside but that’s going to leave me a circle Edge butt Julie also at circle’s Edge and up and over the top enough power not quite the right height though and you’re just inside the

Circle I’m not going to lie this part felt impossible when you’re thinking about you know as you’re lining this up what are some of the thoughts that are going through your mind I mean you say impossible but like what what’s scary about it if scared’s even right word um

I know if I airball with the the pace I put on even if I put it soft that I could go OB over that wall uh I mean it’s it’s crazy you just cannot tell here but the wind is is whipping it’s swirling and that was about the worst

Feeling I’ve ever had in my whole life my fall through felt weird it kind of came out of my hand weird but the flight was perfect and that’s all it takes got to get the disc in the basket uh that one felt good because I know I’m not

Going to lose a Str broke now still going to stay in the battle only two back if Aon is able to put this one in yeah you’re sitting three down for the round three through six Aaron trying to pick up another one here so he’s happy about that

Here’s another one of those putts that’s very difficult yeah like you said everyone else sitting there for birdie and he’s trying to close out and clean up with the par I know Paul had a very good Circle one putting percentage last year on the pro tour I think he had a pretty crazy

Stretch of making a bunch of circle ones in a row without missing one yeah very impressive as AB is in there’s going to be a long walk I’m going to give a quick shout out to our friends over at six-sided disc they’ve got a bunch of different series on their YouTube page

Please go check those out including all six sides also defining discol flight numbers don’t matter uh just a incredible set of series and really professional breakdowns of what they’re doing so find them on YouTube and also on your favorite podcast app and we head over to hold number seven feels like an

Easier par 4 I know we’ve added you you know the island just in the last year or two but are you counting on this for birdie uh definitely not I mean the winds well if there’s no wind probably um but the fast ground play makes this hole extremely hard especially the

Upshot and the drive I guess the entire hole then uh here’s a good good look at the wind ripping off my right to left off my back but it’s very hard to keep keep the disc in the middle of the Fairway everything tries to skip left this was

Actually a really well executed shot uh pushing the OB OB line on the right which is going to give me the best angle to attack this green I’ll have a little more air space AB actually likes to go off the back of the tead here with something a

Little more understable get that flip up and glide but uh yeah the approach going into the green is is tough because you want to get over the wall because you don’t want to slam into the wall I’ve definitely done that before I mean a lot

Of times I just aim for the wall and hope either skip before it or over it uh but I’ve skipped out of the back of the island multiple times it’s definitely not a mistake you want to make yeah and speaking of mistakes the more you push

To the left on this hole it just kind of cuts off your angle and that’s where we we see a couple of the drives land it just makes that angle so much sharper when you’re coming in and some people might love that Spike Heiser but yesterday we saw the wind just kind of

Push the disc right over the island as it doesn’t appear to be a problem there for Uli yeah he goes real knife Spike Heiser angle there okay and you’ve got to love your your angle so to speak that you have lined up here right oh yeah I

Know there’s no way I’m going to land short of the basket here I know I’m going to trickle past the basket but I went OB left yesterday I mean I played that one to Perfection I feel like that’s going to give me about 25 ft for the birdie which I’m very happy about

Obviously a lot of the baskets out here are elevated so makes it putting difficult and especially when it gets a little Breezy I mean there’s nothing there’s nothing past the basket and the grass is short so you miss putts and you got long comebackers and ab unfortunately skipping out there so he’s

Going to be out of bounds and with that he goes to the Drop Zone this one was looking okay but very similar result to AB just getting up in that wind maybe exposing a little bit too much of the flight plate and this is kind of an awkward

Range of a of a drop Zone I ranged it about 140 ft so some people don’t have that putt distance and especially if the wind’s weird you might not feel comfortable spinning a putt uh ab and Aaron definitely both have that distance no problem so that’s definitely going to

Be the play helps you slow down the disc a little bit more with the less rotations compared to a more of a backhand throw and Uli saying just in bounds here going to have a 30-footer for the birdie you’re just in back you know chilling

It’s one of my favor do yeah I I like to um stand behind players not like in a weird way or a creepy way but it’s just the the best way to get their point of view of the Putt and so you actually might see me kind of right behind

Someone because it’s just a I guess especially when you’re in a battle you want to know what your other players are doing and uh I want to know early on what I mean is the second leaves their hand I want to know what’s going on so

Um man no no waiting for post production for you it’s just right here and now is you pick up the birdie very impressive that’s going to bring you to four under through seven yeah very solid score I’m happy with it and and with Aaron going out of

Bounds there may be yet another shift in momentum here so Aaron’s got to make this putt to remain tied with me actually and ulie will tap in for the par and you guys will make your way up the hill for the beautiful hole number eight big shout out to our friends at

Dietrich Creative Design based right here out of Arizona so if you’re looking for some course design click on the link below and here we are on 8 downhill 360 I mean beautiful yet I’d say even easy on a calm day what’s your assessment today yeah um it’s still same

Win as yesterday right to left coming off the right shoulder I’m get in trouble all the pro I lose my tour card stop about it we got Yaki a quick little shout out uh actually filming in yaki’s uh theater room as we’re doing the post production and man he’s hosting

Dozens of you here so many players you got my whole gang Alden Isaac Gavin and Silas I almost aced that that was very close he kind of got a little bit of a roll out to Circle Edge I was talking I think to Aaron

Maybe I said if I had 98 discs or 100 discs I think I could get 98 on the island if it was a calm day okay so yeah pretty straightforward on it on a calm day and it sounds like wasaki does have some Wagers on what’s going on out there

That’s what uh that’s what I’m picking up I mean ly rers yeah lowkey we’ll keep that on the down low gosage going forehand this one just had too much Hiser out of his hand immediately gets a nice skip though doesn’t skip too much uh there is

OB over there toward the right and short but he avoids it and ab electing to go straight putter right at it I believe this is his Luna that he’s been throwing for a couple years now it’s getting a little flippy but it’s probably his favorite disc in his

Bag and a big shout out uh going back to Rick for a moment I know he was out here spectating taken in the action his brother I want to say finished in the top 10 he was at one point a co-leader Zach but his brother finishing in the

Top 10 at the tournament in the uh Advanced division as gosage buries that one yeah that was scary um obviously as the competitor here when I see that go in and the wind’s ripping it’s a circle two putt I’m thinking I can actually gain a stroke here and now I’m thinking

About having to just maintain the lead and I mean you could hear in his putt I have pretty similar win except for mine is a straight headwind uh yeah nothing behind the basket so I need to make sure I draw metal here or make the putt terrible

Yeah yeah draw some metal that’s that that would be goal number one right yeah I mean that’s another one I just haven’t been feeling good with my putting lately and it’s something I have struggled with a little bit in my career but not to I feel like this extent right now um

Obviously switching companies getting the new Putters dialed in I’m putting with the EXA hard link and it’s a little bit straighter than my old Putters and so they stay up in the air and so I feel like my mist is actually low because I

Get scared to put them up in the air uh it’s been it’s made like straight putts and spin putts a lot easier um but then sometimes in the wind I’ve had to maybe change my angle a little bit which I’m still getting used to there we go well the comebackers look

Solid just like did back there on you know hold number four jul is going to get a full wind read here ultimately closest to the pin about 20 ft solid with that he’ll move the four under through the first eight yeah definitely got a good round going and

Bogey free which I don’t know if uh any of the other competitors have done so far me I guess oh yeah you did that yeah you’re doing work out there too yeah I’m doing okay all right we move over to nine man birdies are at a premium here

Playing as the most difficult hole that’s never a surprise that shouldn’t even be a trivia question because everyone by now should know you said it earlier like this this is one where C2 look is sufficient right yeah especially if you’re going over the top it’s pretty

Likely um I think it’s still a little bit too much headwind here that it’s just not really worth it to go for it so Y is going to go with the spike Heiser there put himself right in the middle of the Fairway uh that was actually a great shot going to give

Himself a super easy approach to get the par and there were only four bres on this whole today so and three of them have come from you know cards prior to this no actually not even but they’ve all been big arms let’s let’s put it that way

When you’re looking at who’s been able to get there so I’m going to try to match Aaron’s line right there I go a little bit wider not ideal but likely still going to leave me in a pretty good position there is OB to the right and their 2 meter rule is in

Effect for this tournament so you got to be careful for that uh uh you know players don’t love it but it’s there for a reason for those overthe toop shots yeah there’s only a handful of trees on this course you should stay out of them this is absolutely ridiculous oh it checks up

A people will never understand how far that for is if you don’t play this course on the Dance Floor just like never a doubt like there was not one second where I didn’t think that was just money such an impressive shot and you have to have this has to be almost 120

150 feet to the pin 150 feet and uh like I said that’s what the Link’s great for is those nice long long putts that I want to keep straight and spin and uh Y is going to go with doesn’t quite have that jump putt distance so he’s just going to laid up

There like that Aaron will also go with the jump putt as myself not a great layup on honestly he’s going to leave himself a little bit of a death Putt and what happened there was just the right to left wind slammed his disc down inside 25 ft and that’s worst

Case yeah I mean there’s missing and then there’s getting that terrible carry into the water and so it looks like he’s just opted to reput from that same spot which you of course have the option to do and he doesn’t get it to fall in you

See the reaction better guy in the back there man heartbreaking here for gosage it all happens so quick too which is just that’s how it can work in disc golf sometimes I was a little surprised he took the reput instead of going to where his lie was because then it was a wasn’t

A death putt mhm yeah cuz it could have happened again yeah it could have very well happened again but it’s kind of one of those situations where you can like feel it in the air like it’s the one miss that can happen that has a terrible

Result and you kind of like almost know what’s going to happen so yeah we’ll see how we can bounce back obviously still within two strokes my I think is what it’s going to be after this whole yeah it’s wild ride here like share subscribe do all the YouTube things we’ll be right

Back for the final nine at the memorial


  1. I don't think I've ever seen anyone successfully do what AB did on hole 9, and I've watched a lot of this course. Has anyone ever pulled that off, at least on coverage, before?

  2. I enjoy Gannon's use of hyperbole in his commentary. "That was literally the worst putt in the history of civilization."

  3. Gannon is one my favorites, because of the character he showed in his early videos. Strong mental game, a closer from day one.

  4. 100k, awesome! I've been watching since you posted rounds without commentary, and you deserve all the success for what you have done to disc golf over the years.

  5. Gannon, the ultimate best commentary ever on dg, explaining straight forward all the situations and disc choises. Man what a PRO

  6. I like the commentary but I will say that once I heard Gannon Buhr’s voice I knew he won and didn’t need to watch round 4. It gives away who won when you have the goose on the mic for 3 straight rounds then switch

  7. You just HAVE to hate seeing that misfortune for Goose on Hole 9 . He's been playing (and putting) so well. All tournament really. And he's just one of the nicest guys you'll ever want to meet. He's been right in the mix for the 2 tournaments he's played this season …… he's definitely at the top of my "Next New Winner" list. The man's a talent.

  8. Thanks for the great coverage disc golf guy!

    Note for Gannon – Little less talk (especially about yourself). Let the audience analyze and think a little bit 👍

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