Master Your Golf Swing: Unlock EFFORTLESS SPEED

Are you looking to unlock effortless speed in your swing and move to the next level? In this video I will show you how to master your golf swingand achieve greater power and distance on the course. By focusing on key techniques and drills, you can improve your swing mechanics and generate more clubhead speed without exerting additional effort. With the right guidance from Ben Hogan’s book and some practice, you can create a smooth, powerful swing that will help you reach your full potential as a golfer. Don’t let a lack of speed hold you back from achieving your goals on the course. Watch this video and learn how to unlock effortless speed in you golf swing today.

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Are you tired of feeling like you’re putting in all your strength but you’re still not seeing the results you want in your golf swing then it’s time to unlock effortless speed in your golf game we have a four-part video for you today four simple Parts we’ll keep it quick

We’ll keep it snappy and Ben Hogan’s with us power golf quickly before we start let’s get 1,000 likes on this video just smash the like button right now that’s great that lets more golfers see the content um that’s more than the Subscribe button so the more you hit the

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It’s about the same price as a coffee large coffee okay so to unlock effortless power in your golf swing which is the aim of today’s video Mr Hogan in power golf says I’ve split this small section small section into four pieces Mr Hogan says the first movement

In the downswing is the Turning of the left hip to the left forget about the arms hands shoulders and Club at the moment and start the hips turning led by the left hip the first movement in the down swing is the Turning of the left

Hip to the left the Turning of the left hip to the left so turning the left hip to the left so obviously turning that hip to Target and behind he says turning it to the left so does that mean down the line I’m turning it left behind me

Or does it mean I’m turning it to the Target in a left fashion and then behind I think it’s a lateral rotation so I think it’s a bit of both so I think Mr Hogan suggesting from the top of the Swing we move the left hip to Target and

Then behind now what’s the advantage how’s that going to give us effortless power what is the advantage of getting the left hip out of the way first why would he suggest that’s what we have to do well the second part Ben says when the hips are turned to the left left

There will be enough lateral movement to put your weight on your left foot so when the hips are turned to the left there will be enough lateral movement to put the weight on the left foot so the lateral is going to happen by just turning my hips left of my intended

Target I think that’s what he’s saying there unless of course there is a conscious effort to hold back weight on the right foot which is wrong so the lateral is going to happen that lateral action is going to happen I’m going to move towards Target as it turns left

Unless I try and keep my weight on the right if I keep my weight on the right the lateral is not going to happen and I’m just going to turn back on myself which is not what we’re after so effortless power from the top of the Swing the hands and arms do

Nothing at the moment hands arms and clubs do nothing at the moment I just move my hip to Target and by turning it left it will laterally go to Target so I just turn it left hands and arms do nothing so I’m there wow okay that was

Good part three so we’re evolving this pretty quickly but really all we’ve done there is ensured from the top of the Swing to get effortless power that the left hip the lead hip goes left it’ll laterally go towards Target Mr Hogan says that’ll naturally happen unless I

Make an attempt to stick back on my right foot brilliant now when you turn the left hip to start the down swing it gives the hands and arms a running start so by turning my body first that is the trigger to pull my hands and arms down

Without having to actually pull my hands and arms down right in this way you create all the speed possible with your body before applying hands and arms or arms and hands so I apply all the force and all the speeds first there there done nothing with my hands and

Arms I’ve just tried to get the left hip out the way h a pretty good shot cool number four this is where it all ties together number four is where it ties together so here we go this is the Clincher the Turning of the hips brings your hands and Club down towards the

Ball approximately 3 or 4 feet you will then be in a hitting position and ready for the hands arms and clubs to come into play hands arms and Club to come into play no worries Mr Hogan all I’ve done there is I’ve done nothing with my hands and arms so far I’ve come

From the top of my swing I’ve got my lead hip moving behind me and it’s naturally also moving laterally towards Target so two Target and behind a lateral rotation lateral being a straight line to Target rotation behind brilliant and that started the club that’s the Head

Start once I’ve done that my club my hands my arms and my club will drop about 3 ft so that’s the disconnection there upper body and lower body so up to top there my hands come down 3 ft and now I can fire the hands at the golf

Ball that’s where the power’s going to be if I fire from the top what’s going to happen well we know is at this point in the swing of course where the hands arms and clubs start to make a defined attempt to hit the ball but not until then so not until

The left hips got out the way and my hands and arms and Club have come three feet further down that’s when I can now hit with my hands and arms it’s at this point in the swing of course with the hands and arms start to make a defin

Attempt to hit the ball not until then in starting the club down with the Turning of the hips you’ll be able to hit from the inside out if your shoulders or hands initiate the movement from the top of the back swing you would be forced to hit from the outside in which means

Trouble it then continues highlight to a small bit here where it says your shoulders should follow your hips around around if the hips follow the shoulders around you’ll find the club will travel from the outside in which is wrong okay right then so so basically to apply effortless

Power we have to get the hips to lead the shoulders that’s it that is all we have to do get the hips to lead the shoulders so I get up the top of my swing up here I get my hips to lead then my shoulders follow which brings my hands and arms

Down and they can be aggressive Mr Hogan talked about wishing had three right arms to apply that Force Through impact and that force is applied from here there there there not from up here because that would let the shoulders lead the hips which would be an outside approach so coming from out to

In so a dress position I have a drill for this as well how we’re going to accomplish this up to the top left hip goes forward and out the way hands and arms do nothing until here then I can can throw them at the golf ball so I’m

There to there right elbow comes close to right side there hands and arms do nothing that is all left hip getting me to here then I just let it all happen these all these shots are on the same line all these shots are on the same

Line again up to the top from there left hip goes to Target and behind me and of course my hands and arms do nothing you can see how right shoulder sorry Trail elbow and Trail hip of connection you see the shaft is not out the way it’s still the

Clip heads behind the handle and then from there I’m now applying the force of the hands into impact and that is the hips leading the shoulders that for me is Eureka golf swing up to the top there and then from the left hip there there there shoulders are quiet hands

And arms and wrists are quiet then I can throw it again same strike same flight right to left path attacking the ball from the inside on every shot now the drill for this which I do a lot in my coaching but I have a better understanding of it now

From Ben Hogan’s power golf book is simply this to have the hips lead the shoulders the shoulders need to stay quiet okay so the right shoulder needs to stay back so feel as though at impact or the start of your down swing you keep your shoulders closed for as

Long as possible that con creates the disconnection so up to the top of my swing there I want to feel this is the drill on the on at the range up to the top then from there I want to keep my shoulders closed if I keep my shoulders

Closed or pointing to the right of my intended target there then my hips are going to go and I feel as though my shoulders are still closed but they’re they’re starting to open but they’re certainly more closed than my hips are because I’ve tried to keep my back towards the

Target or my shoulders closed back to Target is the same thought there’s three ways you can think about it up to the top keeping the shoulders closed which is there keeping your back to Target so at the top of my swing my back faces the target maintain that as I come down same

Thing or I think chest behind the golf ball so if I pointed my chest towards this golf ball at the top of my back swing there and I leave it there there I feel as what still pointing back this way same thing as the other two I’ve just mentioned hips are open shoulders

Are more closed to the hips right elbows close to the right side and Club heads behind the handle then from there as Hogan mentions the body is going to continue turning I can apply the force in the power down there now with the hands from here because the body’s done

Its thing I can now apply it and of course it’s going to be an in toout path wow that was a lot of talking I think shoulders closed my thought is shoulders closed which is more of a feel than a visual I just think keep my shoulders

Closed keep my shoulders closed as those hips open my hands and club and arms come down 3 ft again that’s that’s the same flight every time you’ll see from the face on camera here how my body is opening up I’m there really opening up bottom half

From this view now you’ll be able to see when I take my position of course my feet are open for eure golf swing which encourages this move I’m going to be there coming into impact belt buckle to Target coming into impact shoulders relatively closed or in line with target

Or close to Target slightly in relation to open hip position and that’s what’s brought the club down for the first three fet of its Journey according to Mr Hogan I don’t think it’s quite as much as that you got to remember Hogan was writing through field look at that just

That little pump there and then there you add the speed with the hands I’m going to just keep hitting these all day but yeah back in the day you think about Hogan Hogan was talking about he certainly mentioned that or what he did mention there was no trackman technology

Or anything to back that up you know so he everything he talks about is feel um oh what’s his name Mo Norman Mo Norman talked about his vertical drop he visualized he visualized taking the club back 3 ft before came off the ground or something ridiculous like that that

Never happened that’s how he felt that’s what it felt like to him and feeling real is very different but he he he’s written about what he feels and then you look back at trackman technology and visual analysis now that’s not the case Hogan felt as though from there the left

Hip turn behind him or turning to the left brought the hands and the arms and the club down 3 fet now that’s not 3 feet but that’s what he felt there okay hit that one a little bit heavy but the angle of attack was shallow because I’ve come from the

Inside I’m just going to quickly read that out again just the four paragraphs in one go just to just to get this in the head before we hit the shot the first movement in the down swing is the Turning of the left hip to the left forget about your arms hands and

Shoulders and Club at the moment and start the hips turning led by the left hip forget about the hands and arms to start your down swing forget it number two when the hips are turned to the left they will be enough lateral movement to put your weight onto your left foot

Unless of course there’s a conscious effort to hold back weight on the right foot which is wrong so the lateral motion the lateral sliding two before the turning left will naturally happen unless you try and keep your weight back on the right which is helping the ball

In the air don’t do that number three when you turn the left hip to start the downswing it gives the hands and arms a running start so from the top there we’ve given the hands and arms a start already so they don’t have to do anything they’ve got a running start

In this way you create all the speed possible with your body before applying the arms and hands so all the speed’s applied already and then you can add even with the body and then of course that throw action of the hands gets thrown in there so you’re adding more effortless

Power and finally the largest paragraph of them all the Turning of the hips brings the hands and Club down towards the ball approximately 3 or 4 feet okay you will then be in the hitting position and ready for the hands arms and Club to come into play it’s at this point in the

Of course where the hands arms and clubs start to make a Define definite attempt to hit the ball but not until then so the the hands and arms do hit at the golf ball but not until the body’s done its thing then the hands and arms hit at

The golf ball which is your shoulders catching up if the shoulders or hands initiate the movement from the top of the down swing back swing sorry you’ll be forced to hip from the outside in which means trouble so if we get the hips to lead the shoulders hips

First shoulders second we’ll hit from the inside all the time if we get to the top and Lead shoulders first hip second we’re going to be out to in hitting from the outside of the golf ball but it’s really really good isn’t it I mean all

He’s thought about there is the hips go shoulders follow hands and arms do nothing until we get into the Impact Zone then they can be fired at the golf ball that’s where you get more effortless power from I mentioned it as effortless power it’s effortless speed

The speed comes from the hands and arms because the body’s giv them that Head Start that free right from there there the hands and arms are done nothing but they’re already traveling fast because the body the large muscles have done their thing so there there then from there the hands come into

Play It’s Just Pure straight eight iron ball it’s page 38 power golf okay I thoroughly enjoyed making that video I love the Hogan stuff that book’s really really good I’m not sure if that was written before his five fundamentals I think it probably was it’s early 50s so

Thanks for watching if you’ve enjoyed today’s content which I’m sure you have please tell me you have please hit the like button the like button a major thing for me obviously subscribe as well check out my website eolf I’ll see you there and I’ll see you in my next video bye-bye


  1. I played with a golfer who had a swing just like yours Steve. I had to ask him if he was a Ben Hogan "student" and in fact he he was. His ball striking was super consistent.

  2. Nice one Steve. I remember getting this or one of his other books 35 years ago. As an early teenager, the book alone assisted in dropping my handicap to single digits. Such a master of the game we love.

  3. Yet another great video Steve I've read Ben Hogan's book and it's definitely help me play better golf thanks for sharing your videos

  4. So the previous two part video you made regarding the finished position of your driver I started doing drills like that at the range and it was noted that I was automatically swinging my hips first without thinking

  5. Good stuff, Steve! I haven’t read this Hogan book but have The Five Fundamentals. Really enjoying your videos and the Eureka swing. I picked my canes up this afternoon and can’t until it dries out to give the Test a go!

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