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The relationship between Red Bull F1 team principal, Christian Horner and Max Verstappen is at breaking point after an argument between Jos Verstappen and Red Bull team principal at the Bahrain Grand Prix. The question now is whether Horner can stay on as team principal AND keep Max Verstappen or whether Max Verstappen will side with his dad, ex F1 driver Jos Verstappen and explore potential contracts with other teams including Mercedes. Toto Wolff said that he wouldn’t rule out Max Verstappen replacing Lewis Hamilton and becoming a Mercedes F1 driver in 2025.

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Are you guys not entertained this is chaos 202 if you’re watching con this is more of you then watched the bloody race stream yesterday what’s going on Steve stash kidy super I hope you’re all good man CBD this is chaos now I just had to come on listen I put the video out

Earlier intended to do another video a little bit later on where we talked about all this stuff but listen I had to I had to come on live at this late hour it’s 2100 hours way past my bedtime as a gray bearded oap but this is developing

Before our rise I had to come on because Andrew Benson the legend that is Chief F1 editor of F1 at BBC sport I repeated F1 didn’t I I’m so excited this is Bonkers and I shouldn’t be this excited for all this gossip folks as a die hard

But I think the ramifications are wider reaching potentially hence why hence why had to come on and do a cheeky live Phantom I am here for it as well well Phantom I mean what else are we going to get excited about in the year that is 2024 from an F1 perspective because Max

For stamin do dominance is understatement of the year if we’re talking about Max for stappen per the latest evidence at the Bain Grand Prix 22 seconds on his teammate 24 seconds on on the rest of them car lost science over the course of a 57 lap race and we

Know that they’re not showing their hand are they this is this is more than that I think gun to the head he could have been about 60 seconds up the road Max for stappen he was taking it easy managing tires etc etc but I digress right we’re going to talk about this Max

For stappen J for stappen Christian Herer love triangle per se because it’s all kicking off massively earlier today there was an article yesterday even there was an article written in the Daily Mail which isn’t the most reputable of sources mind talking about a beef a fight a hola a heated debate

That went on between Jos for stappen and one Christian her on Friday after qual here’s the source of the debate this is what they’re quarreling over the accuser of course the person the personal assistant with whom Christian Horner is alleged to have communicated you know the Google Drive that we’ve all seen

That person that female employee that everybody talks about in very loose terms apparently Jos for stappen has taken allegedly everything caveat everything I’m about to say with this this is reported I don’t know this for fact but I digress apparently J for stappen has taken quite the liking to

The accuser so this is the uh this is the shared territory for one of a better term they both like this the accuser this ex female employee of Red Bull and hence why Jose for stappen is so Keen to get rid of Christian H quoted in the

Article as saying this has become a distraction and he needs to go the argument is about Jos for steppen trying to usurp current team principle of Red Bull Racing 2024 one Christian horer he wants him to go and all that I’m hearing is that Jos for stappen is prepared to

Leverage everything he can relationships knowledge corporate relationships the guys in Austria who clearly don’t like Christian horer and likewise want him gone to even his relationship with his son and this is where it gets peing for everyone in 2024 and here on in because Jose for stappen is prepared to leverage

That relationship and use max V stappen and his loyalty to his father as a porn in this you guys have seen the pictures go and check out the community tab yeah you’ve seen the pictures Jos for steppen and Toto wolf talking at this weekend’s Bain gromy what have they got to talk

About what have they got to talk about I’m massively hypothesizing of course but what will would they be talking about if not Christian Herer and Max fappen drive for 2025 lest we forget that Mercedes have a big seat three a leis Hamilton shaped seat three in two25

Nobody is going to tell me that Lou that Toto wolf wouldn’t kick Andrea Kim kimy Antonelli to the CB and George Russell if it meant getting Max for staing in that seat I think Toto wolf still ruses the fact that he missed out on the next

One by all accounts in Max in Max for stappen don’t forget Toto wolf tried to sign him you guys have seen the Netflix drive to survive Toto wolf doesn’t take lightly to losing out on anything whether we’re talking about Constructors A drivers polic 2021 or a driver he

Wanted Max for stappen the only reason why they lost out on him because they couldn’t give him a seat here and now and that’s what Red Bull offered him I think Toto will St still holds that deep and if if he gets the opportunity to

Sign matx for Ste and you think he’s to replace L Lewis Hamilton you think he’s not going to move Heaven and Earth to make that happen beave you know who Toto wolf is now he’s a born winner he’ll do anything and everything yeah in front of the press and the world’s media he

Presents as this nice Sports etiquette type we want to RN in the right way it’s the hows and not the what rest assured if you and I know Toto wolf anything about the Mercedes team principal he’s going to move Heaven and Earth to get Max for STA and that shot is appropo

That it comes to light now those guys will be talking they will be having conversations if we know anything about the F1 circuit these guys are always having these conversations always nobody’s going to last year I posted a video Lewis to Ferrari and the community said what are

You talking about Cameron leis the Ferrari behav yourself he’s a Mercedes lifer he’s in love with the guys and girls at Brackley and brickworth Mercedes bleeds Silver Arrows what now what happened to that now fast forward F1 is a sport is a sport that revolves around people and their relationships

Accordingly you just not you just need to connect the dots right there’s no F1 smoke without fire they say this is this this could be a thing unless we forget as well that mat stappen is fiercely lawyer devoted indeed to his father and his mother why you think Max fappin is

Going to choose Christian herner over Jos are you having a giraffe Testament to that is Muhammad bin Salam go and this is where we need to get a bit techy and talk politics and the FIA and the fact that they can’t help but drop the

Ball each and every single time do me a favor guys smash the like if you please so here’s where Muhammad bin Salam comes into this so you saw you saw that they had a meeting Muhammad bin Salam Stefano dominical had a meeting I want to say on Saturday or Friday even during quali

Called Christian allegedly called Christian horer into the meeting and then you saw Christian go back to the pit War afterwards now you can see from their body language that NBS is just hugging Christian H I think speculation preface I think that nbs’s relationship with Christian Herer is not dissimilar

To the one that Christian has with the ti family it’s almost like a sunripe to be protected MBS says now Andrew Benson let’s get this article up now in fact I’m not even going to get the article up we’ll talk to it Andrew Legend of F1 journalism says something

To the effect in his article that NBS Muhammad bin Salam the head current head of FIA I don’t know how much longer he’ll be that for but current head of the FIA has implored One Max for stpp and three-time Champion to come out and defend Christian horer now this means something this

Matters a lot because every time you’re he either too when Max V stappen is talking about this incident you hear he qualifies it right there’s never been unequivocal support like czecho czecho when you hear him talk about it at delivery launch yeah listen we back Christian Christian’s the guy we

Wouldn’t be here without our Christian those are the tones and the terminology in which Mexican M Minister of Defense czecho Perez talks about Christian horn and this in this incident unqualified support compare and contrast that to what Max is saying from a business perspective his performance is unquestionable qualified statement of

Support each and every single time all I care about Max says is the business and performance and I can’t criticize Christian from that aspect so here what we’re paying attention to right as we’re doing our connect the dot exercise not what Max is saying explicitly ostensibly what Max isn’t saying because what he

Isn’t saying is what czecho Perez said that unqualified support statement not getting that from Christian Herer it’s it’s conspicuous in its absence and so that tells you all you need to know if given the choice and here’s where he gets Tech his far as ramifications into future Seasons if

Given the choice to back either Christian Herer or his dad Josh for stappen who do you think Max for stappen is going to back knowing what we do about Max for stappen knowing how he got to become free time Champion how he got to even become an F1 what you think J

For stappen who once drove a onside Michael schumacker in a beneton isn’t a fundamental part of that but do you think that there not a debt of gratitude owed from Max to Jos that he’s paying now in real time I mean holy SM he’s got

To back his dad which one of us in the community wouldn’t back our for even if they were in wrong you you got to back your old man right if there’s a there’s a debt of gratitude to it’s family hence why Max you’re not going to hear any unqualified statement of

Support from Max you haven’t heard it hither to and you won’t hear it going forward CU it’s not going to happen the reason why is because he doesn’t support Christian that’s not the extent of his support his support for Christian horer will never overarch that what he has for

His father josea steppen because he owes everything he has to that man you can say whatever you want to about Jos for stappen that he’s not listen his moral compass isn’t pointing North that he’s had various indiscretions and he’s he served time in prison and all this but

Ultimately the bottom line is this when we put on our F1 captain and trying to figure out how this thing’s going to play out all you need to know is that Jose for stappen for all his foil bbls and all his previous indiscretions and etc etc atal all you need to know is

This Jos is Max’s dad they’re not a strange they’re still very close you see just pretty much at every single Grand Prix Because He Lives vicariously through m Max Max is well aware that he owes him everything he has the three championships and all just bloody you

Know about the stories the traveling to Europe and Italy the carting circuit just would bloody fixed the cart and then tra he owes him everything so what makes you think at this stage that Max is going to back one Christian Herer what’s going on Chris thank you so much

For becoming a member um what makes you think at this point then that Max at the rip old age of 26 turning 27 is all of a sudden going to start to be disloyal to his father it is just not going to happen Matthew what would Max thank you

So much too kind Matthew what would Max have to gain by going to Mercedes he already has a team built around him and that’s successful the only ways that works if Adrian neie goes to so Matthew you hear what I’m saying to I hear the point of contention but let’s debate it

It’s a back and forth right it depends on your priority if Christian horn I think the the maths equation looks like this in Max fen’s Head I can’t back Christian Herer the FIA head is asking me to back Christian an unqualified statement of support what is that about can you

Imagine if you’re Max for stappen the FIA is like a meant to be like the independent guardian of the sport why why are you getting invol why you asking me to back this fell what against my dad these two things are mutually exclusive right back both either back Christian

Against my dad or stay true and fair to my dad as family just for stepping the man who brought me into this world and the man who trained me and and told me to break late and helped me understand short Corners like you can’t back to So

Max for staing in my mind at the moment in real time as a time of writing is caught between a rock and a hard place what’s he going to do and I imagine Max being Max as hard-headed and stubborn as he is is resenting the predicament that

The FIA ahead has put him in I think it’s unacceptable you know what’s what’s the FIA got to do with but this is a personal matter what are you getting involved in MBS how dare you so Matthew I hear what you’re saying from a racing perspective but you got to through this

Circumstance through a couple different lenses right family that’s that’s all that ultimately he’s a racer of course and he wants to be in the quickest car but if it means that you want him to sell out his dad I mean Matthew everything I understand about Max for stappen is that that’s too

High a price to pay for Max for stappen one thing that people have criticized him for is he talks his mind right very stubborn unwavering doesn’t move nor budge people wanted him to come out and back all these social media not social media but social Enterprises and social

Justice campaigns he wouldn’t do it right for or wrong for he wouldn’t do it he’s not kneeling as an example and Le Hamilton Evangel hate him for it but that’s his gift and his curse in this circumstance he’s not going to sell out his dad J for stappen why would he it’s

The man that brought like dance with the girl that brought you to the party right for whatever their foilables are and that’s what Max is going to do and I don’t hate it quite frankly how dare Muhammad bin Salam this dude listen let me talk to this very quickly before we

Pedal back and talk about the Genesis story of this story mamed bin Salam has to go like this is ridiculous if that’s true and Andrew Benson doesn’t miss by the way I’ve linked the article in the chat if you guys want to go and read it if true this is huge because Muhammad

Ben Salam listen the FIA is the safe guarder of the sport the regulatory body concerned primarily is their remit with safety making sure that all participants of all formally regulated by the FIA are safe and sound and ensuring that the competitive landscape is level and fair which you could argue as at February

March of 2024 it’s not per the 1 second that Red Bull have in hand so Muhammad bin Salam as as my nose continues it toim me should concern himself with that no what like what are you okay so it is a concern of the FIA that this thing is

Dragged out long enough and they’re Keen to circle the wagons and ensure that all their PR eggs ducks are in a row cheers Mathew you’re far too kind thank you so much Mathew you guys listen I appreciate you guys each and every s single time supporting but this

Is techy this one is a one is techy oh clickbait Cameron what are you talking about but I just feel every time I’m listen I love the myua of F1 and Diving deep into like the Styles and stuff but I also want to understand the the forward faced forecast right where is F1

Going what are the key players going to do 12 24 months from now it’s a critical season right there’s something like 16 drivers who have their contract coming to an end at the end of the year so what’s going to go on is Carlos going to take that Lewis Hamilton seat in

Mercedes what’s going to happen with George Russell is an example it looks like a lifer but with this Max for STA and buncho who knows potentially Max goes across the meret who knows and I find it fascinating hence why I’d like to come on another chat with you guys

Yeah hit the like button thank you so much Jim and subscribe if you w already the just for snapping thing is but it’s just bunkers it is bunkers The Daily Mail thing earlier and I know that Daily Mail sometimes you want to you want to read this stuff with a

Discerning guy right the Daily Mail as far as a reputable source of information as a publication isn’t it’s not god tier right it’s not an apex predator as far as Publications go in their their reputable nature not going to like gun to the Head am I going to trust the

Daily Mail article not necessarily but BBC and Andrew Andrew Benson holy smoke you can p your tail to that mate and Andrew Benson has another article not the most recent one which I’ve pinned in the chat but the one before that where he talks very explicitly about the lack

Of sensitivity that FIA head Muhammad Ben Salam has been exhibiting and again you go you guys can go and check out and fact check me on this Muhammad bin Salam with all what’s going on and the sensitivity PR for me shouldn’t be that shouldn’t be the that shouldn’t be A

First order thing right the substantive making sure the accuser is okay both mentally and physically making sure that all the participants per Alice pow of the BBC and the I’m trying to remember the checked flad podcast go and have a listen to that Alice Powell speaks about

This in ways so when she was talking about the Bahrain Grand Prix she said something to the effect of all I’m concerned with this Christian horn and debacle with the allegations is that all of the participants all of the employees of F1 and the teams can attend the

Bahrain Grand Prix and be sa safe and in my mind as I ingested that it sounded like hyperbole I was like be safe but then you get the reports and again I’m digressing here and segue Mass but then you get the reports that some F1 employees wearing the rainbow you know

The rainbow badge that’s emblematic of Rights lgbtq plus rights that some of those who were raring the rainbow were denied entry to the Sakia the Bahrain International circuit and then again you just connect the dots now I understand why Alice Powell was saying what she was saying

And Muhammad bin Salam needs to concern himself with these things these are the first order issues that he should be ticking as the head of the FIA not making sure that your PR ducks are in a row as far as Christian horn is concerned what you shouldn’t be doing

NBS is posting a picture on Instagram to celebrate 50 years of the barain Grand Prix a pitch with One Max Mosley and one prince Andrew what are we doing here Prince and Andrew you guys have seen the interview prince Andrew listen if you wanted to align yourself with everything that’s wrong

About toxic masculinity then post a picture of prince Andrew you guys have seen the video You’ seen the interview prince Andrew is not the one I can’t even say the words on YouTube L the L the my pay masters the monetize me prince Andrew that’s how you’re going to

Celebrate 20 years of the Bahrain Grand Prix NBS we see you we recognize you we understand who you are sometimes when somebody shows you who they are you’ve got to just believe them right an NBS on more than one occasion has shown us who he is not least in this instance with

Christian horer hugs and kisses for Christian as if nothing’s ever happened and again it’s alleged we don’t know I’m prefacing all this and riffing and conjecturing massively we don’t know the truth the underlying truth but if imagine for a second that everything that Christian horn has been accused of

Hypothetically engage me in this thought experiment imagine for a second that everything that Christian horn has been accused of he is guilty of how appropriate is it that the head of the fia the head of the regulator body of a billion dollar sport in Formula 1 is out there hugging and kissing Christian

Herer playing the pr politics for this man team principal Christian on who I really like by the way it it pains me that chrisan is going it pains me that going forward we might lose him as team principal but I think that’s the I think that’s the proposition facing Red Bull

Not withstanding the fact that the 51% tie owners the yija family back him charlem yija the head of the family the guy who owns the shares views Christian Horner almost as an adoptive son hence why he’s still there but for that Rapport Christian hor would still beg

Gun they can’t sack Christian Herer as CEO of Red Bull Racing I have heard bir without the backing the cosign of the V family hence why he’s still there hence why you’ve got NBS doing this circle the wagon thing and making sure that all of

The pr ducks are in a row get on side Max for stappen what do you want about NBS you are the FIA a state again for the avoidance of doubt your remit Muhammad bin Salam should you choose to execute it with any sort of integrity and impartiality as we’d

Expect is to manage the safety to ensure all the participants and relevant parties for all the formula that you manage are safe that’s the first one the second one is to ensure that the competitive landscape is fair and true and representative which one of those two is he managing not concerned with

Either of those two is Muhammad bin Salam he’s concerned with making sure that his PR ducks seren a row forget the substantive it’s all about the nominal in the show of course NBS absolute chaos so I I sympathize I sympathize with the accuser in the circumstance irrespective of what’s going on irrespective of

Whether the allegations are ultimately true or false can you imagine seeing Christian hor parading with his wife and doing the pr you know what I mean doing the pr wagons and the saloon semantics as if everything’s okay meanwhile there’s an accuser somewhere watching all this from a distance I think it’s

Crazy honestly my nose is itching cuz I am Pinocchio in this no I’m not telling lies this is I’m telling it how I see and how I feel and I think this whole situ ation super sad super super sad now fast forward what are the ramifications

For F1 well who knows right this is speculation massively Toto wolf has a hand in this don’t be surprised to see what Max stappen at some point in the very near future potentially driving for his team There It Is I’ve said it I’ve said it and sometimes you got to come

Out and be bold and say it as you see right I did that last year with ls and Ferrari and people thought I was crazy how what Ls going to Ferrari red overalls don’t be that that’s leis is a lifer he’s got that ambassadorial role what about project 5044 and the Hamilton

Commission well said at the time that Ferrari would would open would welcome that man sir leis Carl Davidson Hamilton with open arms even with all of those extracurricular activities probably because of those extracurricular activities because he’s a brand right and you got to factor all these things

In when you’re doing your connecting the dots thing here and this is all that we’re doing right we’re connecting the duts looking at the reports diving a bit deep reading and trying to understand the underlying what’s going on oh Chris you’re a legend thank you so much Chris

That is far too generous the 27.99 you guys with the donations man listen I love the sport and I I I want to have these conversations with you guys and kind of call it as I see it listen some people will call me crazy but ultimately we’re out here rules of first principle

Brass stxs connecting the dots between various different reports and as soon as my guy suby sent me the article the BBC Report with with what with Andrew Benson this is this this then is it’s serious this is not a rinky dink type circumstance with Daily Mail this is

Like this is deadly go on then let’s let’s read this article together because I want to break it down with you guys I’ve linked it in the chat so you guys can fact check it independently of me so Christian Horner reads a headline just for STA and says that controversies

Driving the team apart holy smokes now that J is saying that father of the free time Champion Max fappen Key Personnel are at risk I think here’s what I’m saying and one of my mates Josh Rell just sent me something I’m sure he won’t mind me checking um sense checking him

Name checking even but he just said you know what’s going to go forward roll this forward a couple of years and either Christian herner or Max aapp and will still be at Red Bull it will not be both there you go I’ve said it that’s your uh that’s your headline takeway for

Anything you’re going to take away from this conversation take away that one of Christian horer or Max for stappen will be there going forward it shall not it will not be both Andrew Benson writes Chief F1 writ of the BBC the controversy around Red Bull team principal Christian

Horn is driving people apart says far of the teams F1 Champion Max for stappen that he’s even talking in these terms is telling right that he’s emboldened sufficient that he feels away about it sufficient to come out and speak to these parties to the Daily Mail and

Again Andrew talks about this in his article that he’s independently verified this he’s not just done he’s not just done what nauy Cameron did and followed the Daily Mail article Andrew Benson is not a guy a journo to be messed about with Integrity is key amongst his principles an anonymous email including

Messages purporting to involve purporting you see what he’s done there reporting allegedly to involve hor were leaked on Thursday a day after Red Bull dismissed the complaint of inappropriate behavior against him so this is also very techy guys that there’s a few things that are going to get called into

Quest in here now why did Red Bull dismiss the allegations if what we’re seeing if the Google drive to survive is true why did they dismiss that got have asked these questions do you know what I mean the related parties are affected there is um potential legal proceedings procedures in the offing

Like this is this is chaos all right Andrew continues an anonymous email included messages reporting to involve Horner were leaked on Thursday a day after Red Bull dismissed the complaint of an inappropriate behavior against him Horner has refused to say if the leap messages are genuine and who leak the

Messages by the way you guys will have watched the video that I just made insinuating alleging that Jos for stappen did if you look at the distribution list there are common themes there are journalists journalists who have permanent passes to attend Grand Prix so you most senior guys your

Most frequent attenders they’re are team principles they’re a Liberty Media Personnel not not excluding one Stefan dominar so he’s picked the proper people and there is also on the distrib list that everybody can see on there not a blind carbon copy a public carbon copy included on that public carbon copy he

One just for stappen why that like what is there’s a Common Thread amongst the others right joural Liberty Media employees and team principles what an ex driver in J for St why is he on there got to ask the question right got to asked the question why is he not on

There if not for the facts that he sent it out in the first place and there might be an answer to that question but I don’t know it’s speculation of course each and every single time this is bugers the stappen denied that he was the source of the leaks

Saying the situation is not good for the team and is driving people apart it cannot continue this way said former F1 driver y oh my God he’s injected himself into this hasn’t he he’s massively injected himself and is in his chaotic big evil duy thank you so much for

Becoming a member appreciate you each and every single time um is his Bonkers he’s gone he’s gone full send hasn’t he just for stappen why what if okay here’s connecting the dots time again if what I’ve said is false if he’s not directly involved with the accuser and has hasn’t

Acts to grind truly why would he be getting involved to this extent like let’s assume let’s play Devil’s advoca for a second and assume that everything I’ve said is nonsense what could be the other reasons what because of what what Max what he’s just out for Max’s interest that doesn’t that doesn’t can’t

Extrapolate that that doesn’t correlate surely having Christian hornet in situ a bum in a seat the team principal of red ball ongoing surely that’s the best thing for Max of Sten why would you want to rock that boat if you’re a related party of the three-time champion it doesn’t make

Sense I can’t think aam’s Razer here I can’t even think of another explanation that connects these dots and again you you base your assumptions on what we know what else you guys let me know in the chat if I’ve missed something why else would Max for that what out of the

Good of his own heart because his moral compass Points North and he so sturdy will we know that’s not true that’s not true that’s false so what else could it be I don’t know I’m left with that as the only conclusion but I digress the staer denied that he was the

Source of the leaks but of course he would and again sometimes you got to take these guys at face F you remember last year when Lewis was talking about and again this is I’m trying to explain to you about the way I think F1 Works me

And N have have quick stom F1 talked about this the other day remember when Lewis was talking about his commitment to Mercedes oh don’t you fancy Ferrari Martin brundle last him don’t you want to do a Michael schumacker and go and make Ferrari a winning team after so

Many bloody years of not winning a championship 2007 of course was the last time that they won courtesy of Kimmy riken and very for Tous Championship leis Hamilton’s response at the time was oh I’m committed to Mercedes I’m committed to Mercedes this is home this has always been home since like 2006 or

Whatever I’ve been here 14 years I’m not looking to go anywhere what else did you think that lisis Hamilton was going to say Lewis was always going to give you the exam answer right and so fast forward to to now and Jose for Sten what you think Jos for stappen is going to

Confess that he put himself in a def potentially defamatory loss situation by confessing that he was the one who sent out Google drive to survive absolutely not why why why would he I’m not going to say anything else so I don’t know I’m just applying rules of first principle

To this and being the brass tax approach sometimes gets you to the truth especially when f1’s concerned oh he added that Max for stappen had be had seen the comments and did not say anything oh my God the red Bill spokesperson said there are no issues here the team United and we are

Focused on racing well Red Bull spokesperson why are you issuing statements for you know again if you watch football and sucker you’ll see that when these managers are often in trouble you get the vote of confidence from the board there’s no need to put that vote and inevitably nine times out

Of 10 the vote of confidence is very soon after followed by a sacking so why is the Red Bull spokesperson if there’s not an issue then you know what I mean often times the opposite from what the spokesperson has said is true on Sunday the telegraph so that’s the Dutch

Publication that published the rumors initially and spoke about evidence which again Rings true we questioned at the time why these guys why why is it a Dutch publication that’s leaking it well again connect to your dots time it rings true right that Jose for stappen is the

Source of the leak and the reason why is because he has agenda indeed he is a third party in this circumstance chaos a Red Bull spokesperson read that already on Sunday the telegraph reported that Max fapen had been asked by Muhammad Ben Salam the president of the F of f1’s

Govern governing body of the FIA to back Horner publicly here is where it gets chaotic because in my mind the head of the regulatory body of the F1 that is a massive overstep you are prioritizing how things look as versus how things are I don’t think that’s acceptable I just

Don’t think that’s acceptable and I know for a fact if you listen to Max fappen and understand this guy’s personality he’s fundamental Constitution and all things that he holds holy and true can you imagine what Max verstappen’s reaction is if I’m re if I’m looking from a distance and reacting like that

Can you imagine how three-time Champion Max fappen is going to react not well I tell you that much who are you talking to NBS what do you want about what you want me to come out in public and talk directly against my dad take a position that’s diametrically opposed to

J for staer the man that brought me into the world that guy for whom all of this is owed to behave yourself how dare you ask me that I assume I presume that there were some raised voices in that conversation and there weren’t Muhammad bin salams there would have all been Max

For sters how dare you even from a distance I’m not even a related party nor am I Max for sta and I I I’m outraged on behalf of Max fappen the NBS head of the FIA said come out and back Christian come out and back Christian Ona for what why against my

Old man how dare Muhammad bin Salam ask something like that and then go and post on Instagram a picture with prince Andrew and bloody Max Mosley I don’t even going to get into max mosy because there were things some of the things that he did in his lineage and and the

Parties that he attended a were like they are Beyond reprehension I I’ll put it like that a red bll spokesman read that already on Sunday the telegraph reported that Max for St and Beast yeah there we go that’s that’s the piece let me highlight that so you guys

Can see that for me is the deal breaker and that for me potentially is why Max fappen or Christian H and not both going forward from here will be at Red Bull it won’t be both it won’t be both if that’s true if that’s true that Muhammad bin

Salam has asked Max fappen to speak out against his father’s position and back Christian Herer I’m telling you there will be long-term ramifications of that I don’t think that’s acceptable being honest BBC sport has independently verified the story there you go so this isn’t a rinky dink daily maale story

That the likes of Cameron F1 will be talking to this is Andrew Benson now an Integrity journalistic Integrity is front and center of everything that this fell does hence why he’ stated it for the avoidance of doubt in his article per the BBC and again BBC is a government backed institution isn’t it

So you wouldn’t expect anything less BBC Sports independently verified the story Ben Sal’s approach came after Max for stap and gave only qualified support right let’s have a look at this qualified support stuff let’s have a look at what Max said because this is quite interesting again you got to

Consider all facets of this story so again written by Andrew Benson so you can probably trust this take this this one to the bank Andrew Benson writes Matt saen has given qualified support to Christian her’s Red Bull team boss after setting pole position for the for the

Bain Grand Prix so this is techy as well you’d imagine it’s bonkers the J to position here on the weekend when Red Bull have reasserted their dominance on the field remember their designed the rb20 is not it was supposed to be Evolution it’s not it’s Revolution they’ve completely made a step on that

Car the gap between that car this year and and last year is more they’ve made a car quicker it’s faster than the rest or faster than it was last year Adrien Nei has not rested on his Laurels and it’s it’s the irony is not lost on me that in

The weekend when we realize Bahrain Grand Prix that they’ve made a step on and continue to assert their dominance over the rest of the field 60 seconds by some people’s estimates F1 offici onard are saying that’s how much Max could have could have gapped the rest I mean

The iron is not lost on us that it’s this weekend that red bulls show their very soft vulnerable organizational underbelly they have a weakness and this is it matx for stappen says Andrew banson has given has given qualified support to Christian Herer as Red Bull team bus after setting pole position for

The Bahrain Grand Prix herner has has a again denied allegation of inappropriate behavior after a series of alleged messages were leaked the stappen was asked whether he had he had full faith in Horn’s leadership of Red Bull he said from the performance side of things you can’t even question that so that’s what

I’m dealing with again for the avoidance of Doubt not what he’s saying should be the focus but what he’s not said the stappen was questioned on the matter on Friday in Bahrain after beating Ferrari charlot cler to pole a day after an anonymous email with a link to messages purporting to involve herner

Was sent to Formula 1 personnel and media a drive a drive a Google Drive of messages was on the link writes Benson in the email which was sent to 149 people involved in a sport mainly senior figures and permanently accredited media after the messages emerged herner said

In a statement I won’t comment on Anonymous speculation but to reiterate I’ve always denied the allegations F1 president the monali and FIA president Muhammad bin Salam met on Friday in Bain to discuss the matter the stappen was first asked whether he was confident Horner Remain the right person to lead

Red Bull Racing let me stop on that for a second FIA independently Safeguard and govern the FIA so why would you have a meeting with Christian horn and then hug him as he’s going back to the pit war ises that smack of impartiality and and independent safeguarding to you Muhammad

Bin Salam needs to go man I’ve had enough now I’m going to talk the TR I had enough of that dude and then and then to go and post a picture celebrating the Bain Grand Prix on your Instagram with prince Andrew and Max Mosley only a couple months after you you mentioned

That I hate women that think they’re smarter than like what are we doing here got no time for this if anybody brings the sport into disrepute it is him as the head of the FIA oh the iron is not lost to me it is Bonkers Drive of messag

After the messages emerged hor said in a statement I won’t comment on Anonymous speculation but to reiterate I’ve all has denied the allegations even even the terminology of Horn’s denial is a bit a bit it’s not an equivocal is it he doesn’t want to get in a in a in a defam

Def defamatory slanderous lawsuit that much is clear he’s always he’s almost qualified in his um in his denials isn’t he from my side and I think I think what I can see well I think what I can also see from the mechanics and the engineers says for stappen we are fully focused on

The car in the performance here during the weekend he’s not talking about it is he he’s not going to be drawn on it at all nowhere near and I don’t blame him Max for staing is a racer and that’s all that he’s concerned about sack off all this outside external influence he’s not

Interested why would he be three-time Champion looking to come and make it four in 2024 not interested in all this other Shenanigans and outside stuff he would rather not have to deal with it and if he does have to deal with it you think he’s going to be you think he’s going to

Take the opposing view from Jose for stappen what that’s his dad to whom he owes a debt of gratitude indeed Max for stappen will not be an F1 driver but for Jos for sten’s input how very Dare You Muhammad Ben Salam what are you talking about and that’s how it should be

Continues Max for step and I think so exactly what I’ve just said right we want to focus on performance we want to focus on winning the fourth championship what we don’t want to focus on is all these outside influences all these reports Muhammad bin Salam telling me

That I need to come out and make a statement backing Christian horer which by extension pulls the rug rug from underneath my father to home I owe this debt of gratitude my whole F1 career the three championships the carting career etc etc that’s how it should be says maxen I

Think and that’s what we continue to do because it’s not our business we’re not particularly in involved in that look at the use of the word we who’s he talking about when he uses that um who’s he talking about when he says where where do Norah him and his dad

Maybe him and the rest of the garage not including Christian horer and we are here we are paid to do our job and that’s what we’re going to do and that’s why what we love doing so that’s what we focus on continues mat for St and he’s

Not interested in all this he doesn’t need all this it’s not going to help him win the fourth Championship on the contrary monamy this might distract the team sufficient to to where he’s vulnerable to a charlot cler or a Lewis Hamilton bloody Nora this is chaos as to

Clarify whether he had full faith in Horner’s leadership the 26y old said listen when I look at Crow Christian operates within a team he’s been incredible team he has been past TS not his he has been an incredible team boss same sort of terminology that same sort

Of phrasing that helmet Marco used right he’s had a good tenure has Christian hor almost baking in this subliminal assumption that he’s not going to be team principal here run in oh the humanity is bunkers I speak to Christian a lot and also throughout the weekend day he’s fully committed to the team

He’s also here for the performance of course probably a little bit distracted but like I said before we focus on performance side of things and that’s how we all work together the Horner contr has overshadowed the first race of the F of the new F1 season continues one

Andrew Benson Red Bull announced on Wednesday on the eve of first practice that following an internal investigation into the allegations conducted by an external bar the grievance against the 50-year-old had been dismissed you know this just popped into my head the NBS listen they said that they were going to

Investigate it didn’t they Muhammad Ben Salam head of the fia the regulatory body apparently of all excuse me of all things Formula One he said that they didn’t want to jump the gun I quote on the investigation that they were going to wait till they had all the facts and

Then they were that’s nonsense that that sound that’s I translate Muhammad bin salam’s chat there as we’re not going to do is we’re not going to do anything big evil Duty says who pays his 55 million salary not his daddy and he has a contract for four more years just

Has no right to criticize others about morality I hear you big evil I do hear the criticism man but listen blood is thicker than water ultimately and I’m not talking from a just for stappen perspective because he’s not an F1 driver and I don’t really in my mind as

I see him he’s just Max’s Daddy he he’s the three-time Champion’s father but again there is influence that drip feeds through to what F1 will look like over the next couple years because of that relationship right and again I State for the avoidance of doubt I like this if

Any phrase you take away from this massive rant that’s gone on already far too long is that one of these guys will be at Red Bull going forward herner and Max for Sten it will not to be both at some point I feel like at this at this juncture that train will

Not be late it’s a matter of when and not if being honest that statement issued issued by Red Bull’s Head Office there we go I’ve missed one out red announced on Wednesday on the EA practice the following an internal investigation into the the allegations conducted by an external an external

Barish sorry the grievance against the 50-year-old had been dismissed and again we can deep dive that all each and every single day right I don’t know probably a bit too techy for this for this for this sitting probably another conversation for us to revisit another day the veracity how true and

Fair and representative that statement is of what red bull as a group as a corporation should be doing around these allegations around the accuser but I digress the statement issued by Red Bull’s Head offies in Austria did not offer further information set off further information saying the the

Company wanted to protect the privacy of those involved and that is equally techy because all the team principles have asked for per clarification right so too has the Ford CEO saying that he doesn’t want to be involved in any corporate relationships that could be potentially damaging to the downside as

Far as Ford’s reputation this ladies and gentlemen is the teest of techy corporate Corporate social responsibility is a true thing share prices are affected by this that’s why that’s why you have human resource policy right that that the employees of an entity are beholden by

Because if you have if you have a CEO that’s going out and doing all kind of recklessness as did the UFC CEO day in a white then there is going to be a downside impact on share price it shareholder value is ultimately what CEOs and seite execs concerned about

That’s all that they should be concerned about right and the set that they the second that they act outside of HR policy in a way that’s not fitting and true and fair of the values that a company is supposed to be upholding then they a liability because they’re going

To affect that share price to the downside hence where you get this statement from the old uh the old Ford CEO and the team principles because no one in F1 wants to be associated with something like this hence why MBs is trying to wrap it up and trying to play

PR politics using the three-time champion encouraging imploring him even to come out and support without equivocation his team principal chaos Rebel announced on Wednesday read that statement is you’d read that on Thursday the cache of photos of messages was sent in the middle of second practice and on

Friday the matter continued to dominate the conversation in the paddock Muhammad Ben Salam was seen to give herner a hug this is the C so Andrew Benson this is why you want you’ve got to read Andrew Benson’s articles because again he’s the subliminals here was he can’t point the

Finger and and risk his accreditation explicitly the the Beauties in what he’s not saying right the subliminals here why is why is the FIA bud Mohamed Ben Salam after an investigation that’s meant to be impartial why is he being seen in public to hug Christian Herer as if they are friends instead of

Colleagues Ben saloma seen to give Herer a hug at the circuit before qualifying and then put here we go this this is the piece that I’m talking about posted a photograph on his Instagram page taken at the inauguration of the bar rain track in 2004 it featured benel sitting

Next to prince Andrew with the cap bar rain Grand Prix memories what what what are we doing here that that’s just that’s unacceptable that’s absolutely unacceptable and insensitive moreover big evil um also innocent to prove until proven of absolutely big evil I can’t subscribe to that more you you’ve nailed

It if Newan hoer would leave Ferrari the worth of Red Bull would fall down a rabbit hole absolutely absolutely that’s a rabbit hole is an understatement of the year but again I I want to talk about nbs’s insensitivity in posting a photo to commemorate the 2004 the 20

Years that the Bahrain Grand PRI has been running with a photo of two at Best perpetrators of misogyny that’s the best way can turn me I’m not even going to get into the finicky details and the the subn notes and the terms and conditions but that prince Andrew what

You guys have you you guys have heard the interview what are you doing what like a as a key figurehead a senior the most senior figurehead of the fia the guys who were meant to be safeguarding and protecting the competitive landscape of Formula 1 what you mean to tell me

That that’s respon I’ve just talked about this right that there is a way you’ve got to act as a senior figure you’ve got to act in the interest of your shareholders I know Muhammad bin Salam is probably I don’t want to say he’s out of scope but he’s got a history

Of saying Rogue things came out when people were talking about buying F1 potentially in Saudi came out and said that valuation is too high well if there is the antithesis to protecting shareholder value then Muhammad bin Salam has just epitomized that that statement saying that that valuation is

Too high is literally trying to erode shareholder value and if Muhammad Ben Salam as as again FIA not commercial rights holder if anybody’s going to be going to be in a position to talk about the value the asset value or other wise of F1 as an entity it’s going to be like

The Liberty Media guys right it’s going to be the the the holder of the commercial rights not Muhammad Ben suam what what’s he got that’s not his remit and that’s why as a result accordingly the teams kicked off the teams kicked off a Liberty Media kicked off Know Your

Role Muhammad bin Salam to talk about the value of F1 listen if you’re going to talk about it and big it up look to increase f1’s value then that’s still out of line but forgivable but if you’re going to say that this fan valuation is too much for everyone what are you like

Agenda it’s it’s not a good look and again that should be out of that’s not your place MBS but again I say that only to say that this dude has a habit of speaking out of line and it’s not good enough on track Andrew Benson continues for staing a strong favorite for fourth

Consecutive board Championship took poll position as expected and it’s sad I tell you why it’s sad it’s sad that I spent so long talking about this right it’s sad that this is even a thing at the start of the 2024 season because I’d love to be talking about embarking on a

Fantastic competitive season that we’re all super excited about but this is the headline when the papers when the papers hit stalls tomorrow this will be the front page it will be a picture of haa and horer Christian and Jerry it won’t be a picture of Max and hence why want

To talk to the discontent the cheek of Muhammad bin Salam Max fapen will be looking at this thing thinking why like this is my time this is my dominance period This is my Michael schumacker 2004 this is my subastian Vel time 2010 to 2013 where’s mine is what Max V

Stappen will be thinking but no instead of talking about how good I am how how Immaculate my performance has been at the B rain Grand Prix the attention will be on this hence why I imagine if I know Max ven he will abhor this whole circumstance and you see that drip free

To his quotations I’m focused on performance Ergo I want to win a championships and get the accolades that I deserves lest we forget 2021 massive asteris and again this is this is C of public opinion people will see that and understand Michael Massie settings controversy super polemic so he hasn’t

Necessarily got the credit there’s still now people talking about Abu Abu Dhabi 2021 the 20 2021 championship as if it’s tainted and we can argue that we can go back and forth about that but all you need to know and then cost cap the next

Year Aster risk all you need to know is in the public of court in the court of public opinion even Max foren isn’t getting the credit for the performances that he deserves go and check out Monaco qual go and check out Suzuka qual go and check out Miami and the way he destroyed

His teammate checko Perez that if you’re a driver and you’re Max for stappen and you’re dedicating your life to this that’s all that you will want people to be talking about now true or false you don’t want to hear people talking about you don’t want the pitch should be me

With the bar rain trophy in hand pitch shouldn’t be Christian Herer and Jerry hell and Muhammad bin Salim encouraging me to get all of our PR duck in a row what does that matter to me is what Max for stappen will be saying and I think

In that vein this is this is a shame a crying shame Chris says Max versus L sells tickets Max versus George less viewership absolutely Chris and and and you know everybody’s a loser in this there is a temporary pop as far as f1’s the eyes the mainstream eyes that F1 on

F1 even there will be a temporary pop on the back of all this salaciousness cuz people like so look at me on here like far for it to be me to be a hypocrite I’m on here talking about it and everybody likes a bit of juice and a bit

Of Gossip it sells papers sells Tablo it makes headlines But ultimately there’s got an underlying there’s got to be this competitive aspect right I always say for the avoidance of that and I’m going to reiterate it now sport when sport is at its best and everyone is no different

Here when Sports at its best it’s friction it Stakes it’s uncertainty we tune in on a Sunday and give up time with our families and friends work sometimes money everything we tune in to escape all of the troubles the foibles of our everyday liveses to watch and

Certainty in essence we want to find out who’s going to win a Grand Prix on Sunday we enjoy the speed we enjoy the risk but above all there is a crescendo to this which is it’s not suspending our disbelief or at least it shouldn’t be

This isn’t a film this is real life and we want to see he’s going to take 25 points he’s going to drop it on pole and if that uncertainty is taking away from us then what like what what’s what’s what’s the why okay so there are things that personalities as Chris says that

There’s personalities there’s big personalities there’s clashes there’s history there’s Prestige there’s the uncertainty of potential potentially unfulfilled there’s personality clashes different backgrounds these are all wise to watch but the the overarching GU is uncertainty and I say that to say this Max of sten’s dominance sadly for Max is

Another thing that’s going to underscore potentially play against people giving him the credit he deserves and I think think that’s that’s a shame Max foren will be going absolutely insane just another thing to detract from my Excellence on the track is this whole debacle between Christian and bloody

Josepher stapper and bloody Muhammad bin Sal and it’s I I feel sad for the chap I feel sad for the chap hence why wouldn’t be surprised if the conversation with FIA head Muhammad bin Salam didn’t go well the NBS I I feel like Max would

Have told where to go and that’s why you see you know what the joke is that’s why you see MBS post qualifying giving Max the the the awkward handshake he doesn’t want to shake your hand like what do you like stop begging it NBS you uh your your

Impartiality is your Cornerstone so why are you in and around everything it’s it’s honestly it’s um it’s not a good look big evil says his father calls the attention turn to Horner rather than Max with rag papers coming into print so big evok I don’t disagree with you Jos there

Is a selfishness and a gender in the way that JS is behaving absolutely but again with racing cap firmly on here I I I’m not really concern I am concerned with just but only in only in that it affects the direction the status and the circumstance of our three of our current

World champion right because he has influence and he’s capable of leveraging that so you’ve almost got to find out the head space of just to know the head space in the direction in which One Max for stpp and is headed that’s all I say on that BBC sport has independently

Verified the story reiterates and again I’ll flip back to the the most recent article that that’s talking about the Jos for stappen Christian horn fight that they had post qualify let me finish reading this guys and then I’ll wrap benel approach came after Max gave only qualified support to herner when asked

Four times in the lead up to the Bain Grand Prix on Saturday whether he had Full Faith and confidence in him the FIA has been approached for comments and clearly again you got to read into read between the lines and understand what’s not been said they’ve approached the FIA

For the FIA as at the time of writing had not given comment typical typical of the FI at this stage consistently inconsistent and incompetent that’s what’s going to be on the Epitaph of uh Muhammad bin salam’s tenure as head of the FIA just ridiculous really a sport as complicated

And as brilliant as as Formula 1 governed headed by this chap mate just just ridiculously incompetent but I digress over barain over the barain event the FI repeatedly said that it was in conversation with F1 manager and on the topic of the Horner allegations Jose for steen’s intervention is potentially

Significant because Max wields major influence within Red Bull as a result of his success on track there you go so Red Bull have a problem here did they side with Christian or do they side with M you got to side with Max each and every

Single time right if let me let me you guys let me know in the chat if your Red Bull grp if you’re if you’re the idra family as an example if you were forced to pick between Chris and Max you guys let me know in the chat which one you’re

Picking genuinely I I I really want for you guys to let me know drop a one if you’re picking Christian hor drop a two in the chat if you’re picking Max for stappen I I’m not even going to influence your guys opinions but I know which one I’m picking and it’s not even

Close big Eva says Now for Something amusing a Dutch McLaren owner drove his 300,000 Euro Car into a ditch all the all the driver owner had was wet clothes but his car ranger got oh my gosh M more money than scent big evil more money than scent again that that probably

Links back to this story in the grand scheme of things finally be uh where am I O over the barand event the FI repeatedly said that it was in conversation read that J for sten’s intervention is potentially significant because Max Will’s major influence read that already also reflects internal

Tensions known to exist within Red Bull between ha and Motorsport adviser helmet Marco between the time majority owners and Executives at the headquarters in Austria so we’ve talked about this a gazillion times Austria being Oliver minl and dietr matachic is son Mark don’t like Christian Horner but in St

Contrast to the Thai family you consider Christian Herer almost as a son and that gives rise to this conflict right at the shareholder meetings at the highest level of Red Bull group right they’re they’re different fundamentally in the way they they want to go about things and they’re different fundamentally in

Terms of the outcomes that they want from this investigation Austria want Christian horer gone Char mid the guy that was there taking those awkward pictures he wants Christian horer to stay big evil I will put out three a three in a Red Bull having to look for

Yeah big evil it’s chaos I didn’t even say I sorry I didn’t even know which which guys which numbers you guys were dropping there let me finish this article and then I I shall conclude cuz I’ve rabbited on more than long enough B’s approach over the brain event yet

Read that read that it also reflects the tensions read that last year theen backed Austrian Marco after they had a falling out with Horner the Company ownership is split 51% owned by the uija family and 49 by Red Bull in Austria under Mark matachi and the son of

Co-founder the son of co-founder detr matachi died in October 2022 Max for stappen started his campaign for a fourth consecutive World title with a dominant win in byrain and that should be the headline that’s why Max is looking at this like what are you talking about what happened to me

Where’s my Limelight do you know what I mean we’re still talking about Christians indiscretions allegedly and not my Domin not the domination that’s really what we should be talking about as part-time die hards part-time casuals right the Horner controversy dominated events at the season opening race like

Just like the CCAP did just like helmet marcos’s comments around czecho Perez the xenophobic comments like Red Bull have a habit they just can’t keep their foot out of their mouth at this stage and it’s sad I think it’s a crying shame for Max for stappen that he’s he’s just not going to

In the court of public opinion at least he’s just not getting the credit for the excellent drives that he keeps putting down periodically not that and he deserves that that’s what he should be getting but I digress I’ve always been entirely confident that I would be here

Said Christian hor there was a full lengthy internal process that was completely an independent completed by an independent KC King’s Council that stands for and the grievance that was raised was dismiss end of move on the FI said it was discussing the matter with commercial rights holder F1 management

Charlie midia head of the idia family was also at the race idia declin to answer BBC sports questions Horner’s wife Jerry visited the Bahrain Grand Prix on Saturday an apparent display of unity bless Jerry hor everybody needs a wife like her man that can stand by somebody’s side through difficult times

Ergo this is a very techy circumstance sometimes people drop click baited videos and then Cameron stop click baiting what are you talking about and that’s what people said when I dropped the ls the Ferrari video this time last year how does that work out all that I’m doing here on this channel

Is just being a rational mind and tronic conect dots reading reports with a view to try and understand I hope you guys can still see me you guys let me know if you can still see me in the chat I hope my um oh has my internet gone down here everything’s crashed

Um let me just check that you guys can see me because it looks like my internet has crashed this end all right you guys can still see me right let me round off with this um I think I this is a really really sad circumstance for all concern for the

Accused for the accuser and not least for Max stappen and that’s selfishly that’s kind of what I’m concerned with as far as Max for stapper right let me just do something quickly I want to end this super quick but I want to make sure you guys can see

Me I’m confused guys I’ve had a massive my computer’s just ised the bed right all right all good all good so we can we can see each other we can still see and we can still hear I think right you guys sorry I apologize massive is show this end having problems

With my internet but I digress right to end all I know Matt look at you guys one one for Max second just oh geez oh the humanity right all I will say to end is this as far as I’m concerned I just want to know where the free time champion

Soon to before where what seat he’s going to be in going forward right that’s my concern and to understand all this we’ve got to unravel each of these plot lines right and I think principle among that discussion the the principal determinant in deciding where Max fappen is going to be seated whether that’s

Mercedes Ferrari or Red Bull as is is where Christian hor is going to be lest he sols for that and the only reason that the only thing that I think Christian herner can do speculation massively the only thing at this point Christian Horner can do to Sol for that relation is

Leave that that’s it that that in my humble opinions is the only thing that’s going to happen here and that’s chaos can you imagine Red Bull Sons Max for stappen oh my gosh that that that’s Bonkers peders I don’t know where to go with that it’s it’s it’s Daft and let

Alone a Max for stepping up Mercedes and Toto will be Vine for that again will State for the avoidance of doubt I don’t think Toto’s forgiven himself for allowing Max for stappen to get swallowed up by Red Bull it’s a mistake that he will take to the

Grave not only did he miss out on the next one the next generational driver but he allowed his principal competitors his enemies the other protagonist in the championship to secure him and that my friends is absolute chaos Toto wolf will be listen like I said it already I’m

Joking this is half in Gest but Toto wolf will kick drop a George Russell on kingsling norfol first of his name he will kick drop a Kim Antonelli and Andrea Kimmy Antonelli to get to One Max for stappen I am telling you and Red Bull need to realize this and act

Accordingly if they want to keep Max for stpp and going forward it is that simple listen you guys have been Legends I’m going to run away and be a far Runner husband for a bit another video popping out tomorrow more news I might try and do another another live depending on

Which way this story develops because it’s chaos right we need to understand it with a view to understand where the current F1 World Champ is going to be here running it’s it’s chaotic salacious a bit gossipy but there are undertones there are links to real real racing lest

We forget Max fapper might not be a Red Bull driver for too much longer tell me that I’m click baiting but you know what that’s what they all said when I talked about Lis to Ferrari last year and how did that work out you guys have been

Legends thank you so much for joining the stream I will see you at some point tomorrow promise thank you guys for becoming members as well every little helps man and support is um I say each and every single time how grateful I am adding for an item to each and every

Single one of you for coming and joining and listening to these ramblings but um genuinely it means the world Listen until next time remember peders


  1. If you see a publicity moment and dont inject yourself into it, you are no longer a former racing driver

  2. This is so so bizarre Red Bull and everyone associated with this is acting completely professional as they should but yet we know so much about this. Typically it shouldn’t be like this. I honestly feel for everyone involved. Many different relationships were hurt and the very fabric of F1 is certainly being tested right now. F1 is not clean either they’re trying so hard to sweep this under the racetrack. This could absolutely blow up in their face.

  3. They had an independent investigation. Found him innocent. Period. Everyone needs to move on. Kick Jos out of the pits if that’s what they want. Then it would push Max over to Merc. Or let Horner go and possibly keep Max.

  4. maybe a threeway with Jos, Christian nd the woman in question will solve this mess, and maybe bring christian and jos closer together..

  5. Attacking Horner. What are they thinking. Have they not watched DTS Christian is a fan favorite. Horner’s worldwide fan base is massive.

    Who is Jos Verstappen anyway.

  6. Sorry but I don't see it working due to Russel. Remember that he might be the reason why Lewis left. Plus Adrian Newey. Max wouldn't make that move before 2026.

  7. This is what hapoens when there is no external competition.Teams start figtings themselves internalky

  8. No, I don't sympathize with the accuser if the allegations aren't true. In that case the only person to sympathize with would be Horner and his family. The accuser should be in civil court if the allegations are false.

    You might've not meant it the way it was said as it was live.

  9. I'm with Alastair Caldwell on this one, plenty of quick young men could pedal the RB. Get rid of the disruptive one right now. Jos has always been a arsehole, he can't help himself.

  10. . I love it 🇨🇱🤘🇳🇱. Great video Mr Cameron. Love Jos and hate the BS towards him. They better believe Jos and Shum flow thru max veins 👍👍

  11. Jos Verstappen sounds like an absolute sociopath. I mean, I think the guy has been arrested multiple times for violent crimes.

  12. First of all. Jos does not work at or for Red Bull…not even in am advisory manner. Imagine Anthony Hamilton meddling with Mercedes PR. Secondly Andrew Benson is far from a legend. The BBC is not one place to rely on for integrity or truth – as you rightly pointed out, the BBC is government backed. Nuff said. Thirdly, please bruv i know you have your way of presentation but he easy with dishing out accolades to anyone. Russell is no King, Benson is no Legend. And for the record im not an evangelist. I just fear you're becoming "mainstream".😊

  13. Like father like son! Horner deserves everything coming at him! He is corrupt & and a cheat! Never forgive him for 2021! & not just the results! It’s his lying & gas lighting & his smugness!

  14. jos must shout his mouth he cheat 2 times his wifes and now he shout abouth christians texting shit.. your time is over jos sow shut up and leave before you ruining max his carriere

  15. This is a nothing story.
    Max loyalty lies with the Helmut. First and foremost.
    Secondly, Max loyalty is with winning.
    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Jos is soon going to start turning people against Max because of his behavior.

    This is a nothimg story.

    Good day

  16. Jos Verstappen is an arsonist and he know that the argument is sensible and can be used to defenestrate Horner and that he can use his son to push now that Dietrich Mateschitz is dead and there is no lead. It is dagger time.

  17. Max won’t go to Mercedes Christian Horny will go first, jos will become team principal etc, it’s easier to get CH out than to get Mercedes to preform at RBs level.

  18. Can we give Pierre Wache credit. Newey is a legend, but in his current capacity he's a comsultant, works 50% of his time with the race team and doesn't pen the full car. This, like the last 4-5 cars, aren't 'Newey' cars

  19. Your version of events around Jos is annoyed about Horner is being also being reported by @tacticalrab as well. @f1 is about to ban Jos from F1 Tracks for 4-5 weeks if Jos does not stop.

    Max is aware a move to another team will stop him winning, Christian has the support of the majority shareholders support to call Max’s bluff. Oracle Red bull are hoping that Max’s leave so that they can get rid of Marko at the same time. With Checo, Carlos Sainz, Daniel, Liam Lawson and Yuki Red Bull has a strong enough Car and driver line up to win the Manufacturer Championship.

    Red Bull is talking to Oscar Piastri’s & Carlos Sainz management about getting them to Red Bull in 2025 or 26. Oscar Piastri would beat Max in the Red Bull and Max in the Mercedes

    Max is also loyal to his mum, and Max is also not happy of Jos behaviour toward Max’s mum that Jos beat her up. Christian has been a better father figure to Max, than Jos has. Jos is additionally unhappy about this.

  20. A bit annoyed you use clickbait this way. By implying Max calls for Horner to resign. As far as I know they have a good relationship and Max has refused to respond to the Horner situation.

    Yes, Jos isn’t able to shut his mouth, while he should be the last to give an opinion of this. Considering his history with abuse and violence.

  21. Toto has NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER to sign Max for the next two seasons at least. Max already earns around 100 million a year everything included. And he drives the winning championship car now and at least until 2026. Should the new regulations impact the Red Bull to much and Mercedes is the number one again, Max might want to switch. But I feel he will at least fill his full contract till 2028.

  22. The accuser was being forced to report this matter by Jos. She has said multiple times she actually did not want to make a complaint about this matter, and wants the matter to go away. We have to stop talking about a poor accuser, this is mainly about Jos being put out by CH discouraging his employee from dating Jos

  23. The real reason is 2026 Redbull power train sucks
    Max and Newey will use Horner to break the Contract and Join Mercedes as Mercedes always produce better PU

  24. Was soll das eigentlich? Es ist eine private Angelegenheit, da gehören immer zwei dazu, und ihn jetzt zu behandeln und es aufzubauschen als ob er ein Krimineller sei, ist unerträglich. Laßt ihn doch einfach in Ruhe!! Oder versuchen die Medien jetzt mal wieder ins Gespräch zu bringen? Verachtungswürdig.

  25. Max was asked by Sulayem to back Horner BEFORE Jos made his comments. His motives then was likely to safe F1's face. Jos was not in the picture of this conflict at that moment. And Jos is not at every GP, on the contrary. His role was diminished pretty quick after Max joined RB. At suggestion of RB. And Max went along with that. As he moved to Monaco the minute he got the change, against Jos wishes, who was taken somewhat by surprise by it. Not saying their relationship ain't great nor Max is not grateful to his dad but to imply he will stick with Jos no matter what is not based in fact. Doubt very much Max is a fan of Jos' past when it comes to things outside of racing. If only for he's as close to his mom as he's to his dad and his mom was treated horribly by Jos. Acting like Max will blindly follow his dad, doesn't do him justice in my eyes. If Max is one thing, it's his own man. Please get your facts straight.

  26. Again mate, why would Max want to leave RB for Mercedes in 2025? In 2024 the Red Bull is the best car and that will translate into 2025 cause most teams will start with their 2026 car this season. So he aint going nowhere before '26.

    Besides that, Max wants the best of the best and with Newey and his team he got that at the moment. Nobody knows how the RB power-train department is doing so anything said about the new engines is pure speculations, no hard proof to make a claim that Mercedes will have the best engines again.

    Mercedes isn't that great mate, how many more times do I need to keep saying it, Merc was only 'great' cause they had a far superior engine and spend 1 billion dollars a year back than. We see them making plenty of mistakes like this weekend again when they where so eager to challenge Max they went way too aggressive on their cooling package which caused they're engines to overheat eventhough it was a lot cooler than normal in Bahrain.

    Since the budget cap Merc has been nothing but average, right in the middle of the pack with Aston and Mclaren, even Ferrari has been doing better for a while.

    So Mercedes isn't the first and best option if and when Red Bull would implode, I think rather Ferrari and Mclaren to be the teams to take over if something would ever happen to Red Bull (either team collapse or new engines being weak).

    And what the true role of Jos is in this remains to be seen, still things dont add up but it is clear he is putting oil on the fire and that is weird on its own.

  27. Father has to get what he want's even if this can jeopardize son's future.
    For what? For a 😼, so Jos can impress a girl?
    What a plonker.

  28. Why are u so behind Andrew Benson did he even question 2021 once everyone in that paddock is a two faced spineless bastard!!! STOP BIGGING UP BENSON AS UNFALTERING he talks jst as much bull shit as the rest!!!

  29. Prefer straight solution: Hamilton to Ferrari, Max to MB and Sainz to RB within 2 races. Gonna be an exciting season, where I think Sainz will become World Champion 2024 or Perez if he focus well..

  30. 01:08:40 of pure gossip and conjectures. Meanwhile there are REAL news out there that Alpine just lost two more people very important for the team…

    Comparing Sir Lewis Hamilton's exit from Mercedes to Ferrari and Max leaving Red Bull is inane. Lewis left Mercedes because:

    a) The engineers at Mercedes did not listen to his input regarding the mistakes made around the previous 2 Mercedes cars;

    b) Mercedes did not give him a contract extension that he was happy with.

    Why on Earth would Max leave Red Bull to drive an inferior car? For Lewis it's different: worst case scenario he goes to Ferrari and doesn't win anything. Not different from where he was. Lose in Silver, or lose in Red. AND he fulfills a childhood dream!

    As someone said bellow: "All this rumor mongering is not my thing".

  31. Jos the wife beater and thug, who is he to comment on anyone….the guy should be barred from RB

  32. Two option. 1) Max Verstappen going for a driver team principal combo or 2) Jos Verstappen going Redbull Team principal for first Father and Son

  33. This is all far too convoluted, to not have the stark truth ripping its way out into the open.

    Potentially, this will all end in catastrophe for the sport.

  34. Here is a thought, this is one big publicity stunt from Redbull and the Verstapens, they cannot stand the fact everyone is talking about Lewis going to Ferrari and not Max

  35. Horner and team of English investors is trying to buy 51% stake from Thai majority owner of the Red Bull without Austrians knowing it.
    In January they found out what is happening.That's what is behind the story. It has nothing to do with the Lady at Red Bull and everything to do with ownership of Red Bull.

  36. sorry cam, you are talking about obvious things too much. maxs father vs red bull or whatever else. there is no contest between them. therefre there is no need to alk about it either. usually your shows gives new info or aspects im nto aware of. sorry m8. this one didnt do it.

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