Golf Players

OTB Tour Skins #112 | F9 | NEW ZEALAND SKINS | Mixed Doubles | Bottle Lake Open

OTB Tour Skins #112 | F9 | 2024 Bottle Lake Open | Christchurch, New Zealand

Skins Rules:

Each hole is worth 1 Skin
Each skin is worth $100
Players must win the hole outright to win the skins
If 2 players score the same on the hole the current skins push to the next hole

Hosted by Luke Humphries

Nicola Stout
Paul Oman

Zoey Andyke
Jayden Watkinson

Josef Berry
Julianna Korver

Sullivan Tipton
Megan Merrick

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/ @gothrowdiscgolf
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What’s going on guys back with another episode of OTB Tour series skins this is episode 112 and we are in Christ Church New Zealand we got a mixed doubles format for you guys today A New Zealander and American are going to be teaming up over here we got team Biggie

Smalls that’s Nicola Stout with tall Paul Omen we got team Jay-Z right here that’s Zoe Andy with Jay watkinson we got team juliari right here a little play on Yari that’s Joseph Barry and five time Juliana corver and then we got Team Monsters Inc over there solivan

Tipton with Megan Merck I’m meeting some people some of these people today so we’re going to enjoy watching some New Zealand disc golf $8,400 Ace poot brought to you guys by OTB who wants to see somebody hit some cash right here that would make sense $100 a hole

Plus the carryover like we do every time let’s get started everybody throwing off this first te whatever whatever disc you take you’re going to pick the alternate person just on this one we’re going to change formats on every single hole let’s get started right here in that order you’re up [Applause] First super sure which disc I’m GNA be tossing here this should do oh [Applause] [Laughter] yeah I think you’re gonna like what your partner’s doing today Paul yeah oh wind gust that it’s in a tree right to left my man got gusted on next up JayZ we’re in the middle do you use

Trop oh whoops ah s down all right [Laughter] partner yes now come on work oh yeah she’ll be chilling we’ll make something work out of that Jay watkinson you’re our tournament director this week too huh y assistant assistant Henry but yeah so I can play you’re you’re the man here huh did you make all these OBS

Yeah yes go Nice Shot chill sit down chill yeah [Applause] nice oh buddy get toer nice see definitely helps when your partner in [Laughter] play who’s complaining about being too old come back come on baby girl work work work she will she did you chill and we’re off oh that’s all I

Think I set you up for beforehand low ceiling to work with wow very nice shot well done thank you get to it bad all we got jump ain’t no laying up bro that H Lay Laid it there himself oh yeah it oh that’s good green got a bigt

Every time is right there in the low hanging middle was your how’s your Putt and she said uh it’s okay and then I look at our caty and he’s just nodding he’s giving me give me the sign that she can putt yeah that’s the strongest part

Of a game yeah it is you get to go first throw it in there can you get we don’t lay up here oh I liked the Run okay there’s no layups in this game good one I was trying to you’ve seen me play hav’t you zo there you go thank

You secure the we’re good at this point found you there’s a little something there for Jay do something good safe run yeah we like that nice good safe run baby I don’t my partner’s going to put it in good Let Go Fe let’s go get up

There nice tryce try good B good run good run goody what’s up P hey [Applause] yeah thank you all right that’s a push push all right we’re already pushing up that cash $200 now two skins on the line here ladies are going to tea off and then we’re going to play alternate shot

From there continuing to rotate in the order that’s going to be team Jay-Z uhoh uhoh uh oh if it got through there that’s the shortcut it’s through I’m just kidding I don’t know gosh darn it flip go yeah go go go nice job look nice got

It I like it oh yeah yeah mama wow damn she good how [Laughter] hovercraft so good oh that’s not nice that’s not nice that’s not she like hang on [Laughter] Flor Paul Beauty where we be where we be here oh yeah I see it oh that’s got to be

Way just push a little straight that’s all right partner hopefully the other guys can push it oh yeah nice shot all right so probably you’re thinking right up here having trouble is it oh yeah Yeah yeah I told her dime Bea that’s what we like that’s pretty Julie H thank you little rough yeah I know throw it in that’s a pretty sack team now we find out like no slacker yeah don’t be sorry that’s all right hey yeah all right that’s a powerful stand still putt

Though come on Paulie you can do it you just put a shell down oh oh that look good good big good bed I sure can not great not terrible get up oh I like the try good effort was for three that was for the bird that’s all right I they pulled the

Old bait switch hit early and then all of a sudden what park job for the nice up shot Wow first two in team jul laari the first on the board Professionals of the day team juliari drawing First Blood $200 two skins going their way first Professionals of the day right here on

112 from New Zealand here we are on hole three it is aable Menor teing first alternate from there continuing to rotate in the order that is Mr Joseph Barry yeah nice one that’s get him my back you’re wrong here all right now you can play Monsters Inc all righty all right here finally

Up looks pretty good that downwind’s heavy little bit tail yeah Will top of the order top of the stack top of the height yeah all right there she is yeah [Applause] 10 what got a nasty slide off of it I like this needs to get down little tight solid shot all right ladies

Somebody’s got to make a p like that yeah I know it’s a pot there hopefully I wasn’t too happy about that all right we got a chance chance we got the skip yeah but that’s okay nice Megan good run good run oh go o looking that was nice looking full treatment

From our assistant tournament director over there let’s go that 2018 World Champion wasn’t the OB supposed to go in front of that tree I know my Landing zones Oh weird wind guys yeah the white one yeah the rock yeah guess what partner we’re the closest now that was a

Tough I was like damn the wind right after I let go it was like you got it we’re all right here y googly a push we had some nice runs on hole three but no birdies so we’re pushing up to $200 two skins now for hole four ladies

Are going to tea first on this one playing alternate shot throughout this is bottom of the order that is monsters zinc so that is Megan Merck Megan Megan Merck I’ve been saying it Wrong Thrir thing just raised up that’s workable got yeah you got a backhand roller from there oh too L that’s perfect that’s really nice really nice dead center every time yourselves out don’t we l Hold that right [Applause] there beautiful still good wow nice shot all

Right wow all right Jay we got to talk with you you set all these OBS up you’re the assistant tournament director this week in Bottle Lake here at Christ Church yep tell us a little something about this course we don’t know um this course he what talking about this course

We’ve been working on this course for about 2 years now and I actually started as a fundraiser to get myself over to usms oh really um and then ibran loved the course so we kept working with that okay and got baskets in last month and

You’re still young how old are you 23 23 years old yeah you got a bright futuree you sir I can already tell what a cool and a nice forehand yeah what a cool story I’m just going to try to push something up in there roller all right

Almost there I know I was putting stuff down I was all right fine about embarrass myself Luke no this is how you get on ESPN open it’s long you should have let me pick your dance I didn’t know your that is oh boy wrong way up right would you go

Professional things took a massive turn yeah I think I’ll give it a try what is a massive turn like starting to hit all your circle ones or something and circle BR you you don’t have an Avenger SS in here dude no cuz I don’t throw backand rollers all right we got to fix

That we got to fix that I got one at the store do you all right you got one now I I’ll I’ll buy that one from you and give it to suly I feel bad I called for the roller and then yeah yeah yeah all right that’s my partner

Nice position of that drivve though yeah money yeah that’s the one spot we missed tricky it’s going to be tricky yeah that was a good that’s perfect no 12 good shot we’re getting there what sidearm for [Applause] JK we got to get the crap talking going it’s really friendly banter don’t eat a

Bad yeah he’s not throwing for hands right r l did you tell him to do that nope oh oh and that worked [Applause] outow 15sec roller oh dang it tight Gap good tight Gap just commit to the Hiser line Bud saw what you did to salivan back there no longer taking suggestions oh

Pretty that’s good all right we’re gonna need an answer from Joseph we might have some skins over here for biggie it’s not as tight as it looks Joseph there are as many trees as this is the Fairway yeah un oh yeah yeah just push it guys it nicely done pretty

CL don’t he just [Laughter] shot yeah nice Focus love it focus with the dog no that’s actually hey that’s how we uh typical for skin yep how we do it here oh just taking dead aim right at it yeah it’s a work in progress this one do it oh that was so cool

Good try than perfectly framed I know [Applause] good go never going to get over the rim a whole thing that’s us and you have to make this or else no skins will push hey you can’t talk she’s I can we’re making money what I can ignore her old oh that’s a

Push we had a push after whole four so we have three skins $300 on the line right here for whole five but time out you guys subscribed are you watching these videos and not clicking on that Bell or that subscribe button it definitely helps us out if you do it so

We appreciate that back to the top of the order Biggy Smalls now this is everybody throw CTP for 100 bucks brought to you guys by yourselves the VIP skins members if you want to be one of them visit gkr skins become one today it’s five bucks a month grab a

Disc while you’re at it who’s up this is everybody throws CTP starting with the top Nick knows what’s up I know what’s up dime come on baby yeah you might have just seen your winner right there dang girl appr wow do I even have to throw after that

Bird’s guaranteed you going to take her money though no that’s all hersing it bring it he hit the bucket oh he’s got a great wow oh I heard chains too all right team Jay-Z you want to go ahead you were first first time yeah did I have the bucket

Yeah so yeah double tap you got to cut it tight for the ace give her a skip oh oh yeah traveler all right team juliari gosh darn it oh it sneaks that was lucky counter Skip it’s up thereal one cheeky see you started something it’s a route all right 8,400 going in the

Bucket a lot of fish oh oh oh got Bob that was nice thank you thank [Applause] you smooth yeah all right right picking it up oh this one’s best shot though right oh it’s best shot it’s best shot yeah Best Shot still got a chance seems like a lot of pressure

Though I’m quite confident that this is going to be a push regardless yeah all right that’s not fair there’s something on your back okay I see how zo likes to play that a zon are you kidding me slly my bad nice hundo thank you thank you suven tipon just barely edging out Nichola

Stout for that CTP that we’re trying to have a feel-good moment he just ruins it over here coming from America to do so hun bucks going his way thanks to the VIP members and we’re going to do something fun right here on whole six this is called play with your partner

Bag mening off first alternate from there this mini on the line right here second in the order that’s team Jay-Z so I’m going to need to see uh Mr Jay up here with Zoe’s disc what you going with p Zeus uhhuh nice straight out of her bag nice

Wow that’s a pretty tuned disc man you sure you know how to throw that thing he got sneaky l so embarrassed oh yeah come on here that’s right in the bush whoa SM it wasn’t stable enough for you you got a lot of power close to a Halo all right that’s my

Over sorry I should have given you yeah let us know what you’re throwing okay a metal j a pretty metal flake J okay what’s this one again it’s a wow partner [Applause] magic all right I need one think both just guys sweet yep yep all right that’s

From your partner’s bag yeah okay right on this is working out thus far mhm buttery oh wow that’s no one was supposed to throw this is oh no yeah just so all we need is the big oh yeah all right it’s py I found this beautiful pika pika from RPM disc how

Much is it way thank you how much is it way all thanks to you almost wday she picked well need a bit of execution here though Pik put it on the line yeah we’re right on oh I see I see I see oh yeah that P pending you have get perfect yes on

Wow you’re showing off I want one too love it was beautiful crazy seems really good prob better than the one I had come on buddy almost almost is this close oh yeah good nice nicely done got this one too oh my God now we got it out was close Drive oh yeah

Wow that was nice that’s a dime was that your putter dude you’re immediately disqualified iMed is that your putter nope okay all right that’s right partn putter all a if only we didn’t have the same putter wow really you guys did no way nice thre yeah all right

We now have five skins on the line right here whole seven let’s go five oh yeah big putt from Soley with his partner’s putter that’s clutch right there five skins 500 bucks now on the line and we’re at a par five this is third in the order it’s going to be team

Juliari and we are doing women teeing alternate from there $500 on the line Make Some Noise let’s go W yeah yes oh yeah nice shot great start great start bottom of the order that’s going to be Megan it may have yep back to the top of the order could be oh following you

Megan the it’s all right it Happ it’s all right there going to be n players doing it this week oh oh is it in bounds I don’t know yet I’m not sure all right let’s go find out Julian in position a two men drop some so there’s my cad doing

Work it’s not too heavy Beast okay good out good out boom oh you’re so welcome I’m excited well you’d appreciate the nice pudding I need something different come on going big boy trying to play that late flip get that extra Str back yeah that needs to get down as well also

Got to chill Sandy over there though yeah stay okay nice angle there I’ll take it get on out of there give us a look yeah interesting turn of events undecided not sure soan Megan Team Monsters Inc might be in the driver’s seat now with two shots in back there’s still hope alive

Thaty chill out oh oh all right it’s around and if if I just beat that corner tree is it pretty open yeah I’ll have to F signing out but there you go down now good shot look good green that’s down there sorry n good job beautiful oh nice placement

Beautiful isn’t there one more here you just f you dirty dog that is nice thank you thank you that’s the plan here I have to go right of this is a Mando yeah otherwise yeah I just put it in new Mando for the week yeah out perfect four five six I’m throwing my

Sixth right now you want to see it yeah yeah yeah do it oh I loved that effort all right if you can stick it close you guys might have some cash oh yeah he’s got the pace got out wow in the driver’s seat Well Done oh that’s not

Nice I’m with a New Zealand world record holder right here what’s your name Sarah Sarah I’ve seen you throw and it’s amazing how much do you love dis golf a lot a lot where can people find you you have an Instagram already yeah it’s called Little Miss dis golf okay and a

YouTube channel and a YouTube channel little again we don’t really post on that the main focus is Instagram but we also do have a channel future World Champ you heard it here first wooo I already am World Champ I was like future World Champ right here like I already am a nice

B good run good run oh thanks here yes yeah just like that another 500 bucks five skins going to team juliari sweep intact that’s seven straight for them they’re playing on fire at the moment Par Four whole eight one skin on the line This is bottom of the order are

Going to tea first so that’s Sullivan Tipton on the tea Eagle Bounty you trying to go for it Eagle Bounty yeah $500 Eagle Bounty thanks to you guys the VIP skins members W all right yeah silly Tippy hold it gre gre gre means good are there m for the

Roller thank you thank you thank you yes oh yeah really it’s flexing yeah [Applause] yeah love it wider this angle hold that looks great that needs to set same spot green green see D adjusted those OBS right before the round oh my the best of them good Bomb shot give him the

Green all on this one what that one was toasty that’s the best patent pending in New Zealand am I mistaken that’s right that’s right two for two on the money maybe you should just throw for both of us no my drive will be way back there perfect Nice Shot very [Applause] nice run

Excellent oh pretty man nice bid Paul push it early oh wow look good yeah yeah that about 100 miles an hour yeah all right all right we got to put push keep pushing them after whole eight we’re back to pushing up that cash 200 bucks two skins

Now on the line right here for whole N9 everybody’s going to throw at this thing because it’s aceable we got an $8,400 Ace pot USD thanks to OTB Tour series skins that’s over $113,000 New Zealand this is top of the order I need Biggie Smalls up here right now I knew that would

Happ all right I’ve done it run relax I’ve done that do it do it shot good shot Paul T Paul great shot oh got it man dang yes that’s all right kick oh hi ni dude let’s go [Applause] yeah oh did Nice Nice Shot oh pretty nice shot s good

Okay e e come here come here come on he’s really good at that ignoring thing throw it I’ll go get it the classic Hogan totally yeah come back still good still good nice shot oh okay it’s best shot so yeah this is going to have some pitch on it I

Fear let’s see show us the big ones though yeah can I uh mark it you can’t know you’re part thanks oh yeah man nice you want to take yeah don’t even let him put yeah way to push it no that does it for the front nine here

From OTB T Series skins number 112 down under your scores for that front nine right there we got one team taking all the Skins right now Joseph Barry Juliana corver putting the work on them we got three skins on the line and a bunch of

Cash to give away so make sure you join us for that back nine it’s going to be fun I Promise


  1. I’ve enjoyed all the NZ coverage so much that I had to run out and get me some RPM discs. (Not “run,” so much as mail order. They’re too far to drive let alone run to. Love the WA NZ connection tho!)

  2. Zoe is the ultimate – and I mean ULTIMATE – wingwoman who will hype the crap out of you and keep things high energy and positive. I wonder what it'd be like to have a card with her, Ohn, Kat, and… I dunno, Jen Allen or Macie.

  3. Come on now! You got the GOAT JK, the ray of sunshine Zoe, and the king of chill Tall Paul all in one video. No way I'm sleeping on this one.

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