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CLUB 54 POST-ROUND SHOW: Breaking Down Round 1 | LIV Golf Hong Kong

The Club 54 Post-Round Show recaps an action-packed first round at LIV Golf Hong Kong.

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And that’s a wrap day one has come to an end and we are live from Hong Kong right here at the Hong Kong Golf Club Abraham and Sir Dean burer tied at one and Stinger GC doing their thing as the team leaders and we are here to chat about it

Welcome to 54 post round show I am your host Christian Crosby and joining me today is the one and only Hometown hero Dom Boule is in the house man I love Hong Kong we talked about it earlier and what a day we had with day one Dom I

Mean how did you have a good time or what how can you not have a good time here Christian come on yeah this is the coolest town in the world but yeah I had a great time following three Superstar players uh surprisingly scoring not as

Low as I thought at the start of the day with the course being a soft as it was cuz the the greens were really soft I was seeing pitch marks that were you know really big and Bs were spining back you don’t see that very often I thought

50 watch was in in play but as it turned out no not really it was tricky out there would you say you were surprised overall at how the guys played the course today yeah I was very surprised I mean the group I was following nean uh Smith and D Shambo they really struggled

On the front nine but they got it going on the back nine as you expect because that back nine is much simpler than the front nine but I thought it’ be better than that well Bryson to Sham you got to talk to just now how do how do you think

He I mean it’s just so much fun to watch him in Crusher GC you know what he had a big crowd out there and they they were egging him on to hit the driver as much as possible and he hit it more than I thought he would and he took advantage

When when he could they was it was quite impressive the crowd here in Hong Kong D I’m impressed with the crowds here yeah they were loud they were into it yeah yeah I know not quite loud is where you’re from but it’s loud all right let’s take a look at Bryson’s highlights

From today Dom take us through what you saw you were right there in the action he hit a massive drive on three he had a wedging on this par five almost made it for eagle and uh he got off to a decent start and this was on

Seven there’s he was on above the pin that’s a really quick put not an easy one to read so good birdie there on the seventh and this is on 10 and look at the break on this he walked off the green and I said can you believe how

Much break there is on that butt and he said no but he read it perfectly the pace got that one in the hole nice crowd behind that there was that crowd we talked about he hit a massive drive here 55 yards from the front edge of the green the ho’s like 465 love

That yeah here and this was a nice one he made a terrible bogey on 16 he was mad and look at that little fist pump that was a little bit of Redemption on 17 and he made a great power on 18 yeah after after watching Bryson today was

Was there anything unique or biggest takeway you have from watching him uh what was unique is I didn’t expect him to be to hit as many drivers uh and in fact the wind changed on the back nine if it hadn’t hoes like 15 he would have probably hit driver there to try and

Clear the stream that runs across the Fairway 17 maybe even would have attempted to clear the stream on 17 but uh because of the wind change he had to be a little bit more conservative and actually on 15 he was way conservative maybe a little too much so uh leaving

Himself much longer second shots than he should have had super exciting to watch and the fans are absolutely excited about it let’s take a look at a tweet from a fan here live golf league is that drive of Bryson to Shambo on three the longest ever hit on that hole it’s a

I’ve been down there what do you Dom if anyone would know the answer to this question it would be you I mean what do you say Dom yeah I no I’ve seen other guys down there but when it was the wind was a little bit stronger helping so now

I have seen it down there but uh not in these conditions espec especially as soft as it was out there now are you expecting to see Bryson continue this heat as we go into day two he he he’s got the bit between his teeth you can see he’s very determined he’s got that

Look in his eyes and you know he said he was going to work on his eyes when I interviewed him I think his eyes were a little bit off his t-sh shots were were fine today so yeah he you know the distance control wasn’t great especially

With his short IRS and he only has short irons into this golf course well into most golf courses he only has short IRS but I think that’ll be a b busy place you see cam Smith there on the corner he uh he’s working on something he’s got his

Coach Grant field standing behind him he’s up here from uh from Australia from the Sunshine Coast and they’re always working on the same things really is just trying to shorten cam swing uh Smith’s back swing I wanted to to bring up cam Smith and talk a little you had

The chance to watch him also in your round just what did you think here’s a tag Board of of Cam as we’re talking about it and uh cam Smith wedges and putter are simply not working today off to tea you just don’t know what you’re going to get what’s your take on this

Dom yeah I mean in the middle of the round sort of he it got better he started off uh not great I was actually out there with Greg Norman on the third cam had a poor second uh t- shot on the on the second and you know even with a

Wedge he was so stuck behind it and it fanned it out to the right went down into the bunker and he made a bogey but uh he got it back he got it back he’s looking quite comfortable Bogi the last uh got lucky almost went in the water

With a second shot cleared it by two yards could have made a double easily and you are I mean might as well bring up Waco Neiman right he’s been obviously killer today wasn’t the day he was hoping for uh but what would you say overall from what you saw from Neiman

Today a little disappointing a little disappointing no nowhere near as sharp as he was last Sunday uh in jeda when he won by four I mean that was some of the best gol I’ve ever ever witnessed but today he was certainly often surprised he was not as aggressive off the te left

Himself some longer seconds as good a driver as he is or has been for the last three months I expected him to hit more I I must say you were uh you were doing your thing out there I saw you at whole 10 uh and I asked you for your autograph

And you said you were too busy for me well I should yeah I’m kidding I mean really I’m kidding D hey you did a great job out there it was so fun watching you this is Club 54 post round show more to come right here as we continue with the show stick around

All right this is the live golf League’s first visit to Hong Kong but many of our players already know this historic Club is truly Special Pap A Joining us is suanne hang Dom is still rocking out with us suan great job today oh thank you Christian you’re always so kind well why not right uh why don’t you take us through your day what an amazing day was yeah it certainly was I mean

This golf course Dom as we talked about we’ll bring out some of the best golfers in the world it is a ball striking golf course but I got to follow um later on in my day I followed Rah and Louie and Rah was on fire uh for most of the day

Until a bit of a hiccup shall we say on the 18th but we’ll cover that in just a bit Louie on the other hand Louie was off to a little bit of a slow start he was one under in his first seven holes and then really just lit it on the back

Nine and he’s just he’s so solid he’s been playing some great golf um he won twice in the off season uh he came in second in Oman yeah he contended I think he played really well in Maya Koba he played really well in Jetta he’s really like his game has

Been really turned around in the last six months was it Brandon Grace who said to you that he thinks he’s playing the best gol he’s ever seen Lou play Dean yeah that was Dean yeah yeah he said you know he’s practicing the least he’s ever seen him practice the secret but yeah

But uh but it’s the best golf he’s ever played and actually you know in my post round interview with Louie he actually did say that because I asked him what turned your game around what what have you been working on he says honestly I’ve just been trying less I’ve been

Trying to have a bit more fun trying to go easy on myself and you know he’s gone through a couple injuries he’s had a a really bad forearm injury there’s literally actually no tendon in there anymore he’s had a bad knee last week um you know but it just sounds like he’s

Just out there trying to try less and that’s the the the thing about golf isn’t it it’s just such a weird game it really is it drives you nuts it is bizarre you know the harder you try the bigger your you know the greater your expectations and the expectations is the

Enemy of good golf well let’s get into some Lou usas highlights shall we all right let’s check him out Su take us through it yeah as I said you know he started his day a little slow one birdie in his first seven holes then this one

On the 15th what a great birdie putt man he’s been rolling the ball wonderfully he’s tied second uh for putting stats now this is his second into the 16th how smooth That Swing was I know I asked him in hang time if he was sick of people

Saying that he goes it’s actually a bit more complicated than you think and of course you got to roll those putts in when you’re playing so well bogy free today as you can see in the scorecard so solid and I I’m I’ve got to follow him last week in jeda as well and

I tell you he’s due for a win he’s 100% due for a win that Birdie on the 17th as well just missed the green a little to the right good cut I want to talk a little bit about just how the poror held up today and just get both of your

Opinions on what you noticed the most like any standouts as a member of the Hong Kong golf club I’m really proud how this course held up the guys were talking I was sitting on The Veranda with my friends who they they’re going to shoot in the 50s today you know it’s

Soft and there’s no wind I’m like no I’m expected to do maybe 61 or 62 quite a few of them but not really hey I’m proud oh I’ll tell you what there are some really tricky hole locations today that made it tough you know I think a lot of

A lot of Hong Kong Golf Club its protection is the greens the greens are tough out here and and we I’ve definitely seen that in in the amount of golf that I’ve watched today I I find when I’m watching there’s always something that surprises me from each

And every day my question for you two is what’s your biggest surp was there any surprise anything on the scoreboard that you saw anything that you notice that just hook You by surprise the fact that the scores weren’t lower that was the biggest surprise of the day you know at the

Start of the day like I said I just thought there would be really low scores maybe even one in the 50s but that didn’t turn out to be the case the wind did switch and it was switching constantly which always keeps them a bit off balance what about you saying for me

It’s ROM hitting driver on on the 18th I I was so shocked when he pulled that club out I was like what I thought he was just going to punch a for just play it up to the top deck give himself an iron shot in I mean on the 18th we talk

About it AAR is a great score on that hole it is an intimidating Drive I was just so surprised he was taking a driver on the 18th he missed it way left what happened with his second shot did it hit a curb yeah he hit the curb at the cart

Path and it just bounced straight back out but he was trying to punch out to the Fairway was he yeah he was that’s that’s a tough break yeah it is a tough break I ended up triple bogey there so that surprised me because he was on a

Tear all day till that point while we’re on the subject of John ROM just from what you saw what do you think he needs to do to adjust going into day two here’s a tweet here on the screen what’s happening with John Ron people are asking people are watching you know is

This fans might might be a little worried suan what do you think it sounds like that the joy of golf it sounds like that person’s as surprised as I was when he took that driver on the 18th I mean look I I I don’t know if he’ll be taking

That driver on the 18 tomorrow I think his caddy Adam Hayes might try and talk him out of it uh you know an interesting thing about John that I shared on the broadcast is he doesn’t actually go to the range when he plays poorly and he didn’t play poorly today all right he

Was great he was playing great golf right up to that point it was one bad swing perhaps even a a course management mistake that he made but it really would surprise me if he took a driver on the 18th tomorrow you know I’ve been to every Hong Kong open been involved

Either as a player or commentator since 1984 except for the four years I was in college but I did play a couple of times even back then so that’s 40 Hong Kong opens you know how many disasters I’ve seen on 18 hundreds I’m sure hundreds I

Mean it’s it’s it’s a crazy ho crazy scary ho it’s taken some victims I think well we we got to see that today but here’s another thing here on the screen and it’s a tweet a progolf Critic has something to say there’s something about a golf course in a big city that’s been

Around for a long enough that the city has grown in around it uh do you agree with this stor they sound big yeah you know what 40 years ago there was not one building in this area you couldn’t see one building it was all agricultural land all rice patties but uh obviously

Now we’re kind of in the middle of the city well uh Dom thank you so much Su thank you so much stick around here it’s Club 54 Pro surround show and uh we have a special guest in Justa moment joining us and as you can see uh the sun is

Finally setting here in Hong Kong a little chilly it went from hot to knot uh I got my jacket on now so uh we’re going to get into our our special guest in just a moment let’s take a look at some social media and let me remind you

Fans we want you to tweet as much as possible you can make uh this show and get your uh tweets on TV this is from The Crushers going 20 Android’s team in the final round is unreal couldn’t agree more with that and uh on the subject we have a special

Guest joining us joining us from Crushers GC Charles how III let me scoot in here uh you know welcome to the show first and foremost how are you feeling man it’s it’s a big deal to be on the show here my gosh I’m I’m in royalty

Here but that’s how we feel with you here no no no no I I’ve got to played really good to show up here so I got Dom said I played good this is his golf course so I think it did all right we think you played pretty well today why

Don’t you up for the fans just tell us what went well for you today uh well this is a tricky golf course I mean this place I mean you know better than anybody it’s hard it’s um you know there’s some there’s some shots where you have to hit really good shots and

Get a little bit of a you know good break with it so uh I can’t believe how low the scores were to be honest and uh shows the depths of fields out here and uh two more two more tough days ahead shall we uh get into some highlights so

Some of your highlights yeah so the first one the birie on the third Char the greens are so good uh right now there’s a little bit of grain in them um you got to pay attention to a bit of the Grain and the slope but uh yeah they’re

They’re rolling really nice right now and you if if we miss putts it’s uh it’s our fault not the greens but they are hard to read aren’t they because there’s grain in them oh there is grain in them and a lot of the times it looks flatter

Than it really is um but here’s uh obviously the 10th hole here it’s a tricky wed shot there with that at one stage that was the toughest hole in the golf course I can’t believe the 10 well it’s where that holees at it’s just it’s

A it’s a tricky read but yeah the wind bounces around this place too um as you well know but uh here was a good one here on 11 11’s playing a bit easier today down off the right um nice birdie here but you know it’s uh as you said

That you got to pay attention to the Grain in these greens yeah you do and wind was switching all over the place too all day wasn’t it it was switching a bit in the practice rounds and I didn’t I’m like is this normal around here or

Not they said not really but it’s it’s on it again today well it’s going to be even stronger tomorrow and it it will switch then too new thanks for well you hit a nice low ball you you can control yourself let’s talk about your team you

Know I think you’re in second place at the moment after a great day do you feel like you guys could be dominant this year The Crushers cuz all four of you are top golfers playing well right now well you know it’s well first off we got

A great captain in Bryson and uh when he gets going he seems to really make a lot of birdies right and uh we’ve got a good team but I mean look at the depths of the fields out here look at how many great players out here you kidding this

It’s going to be really hard to be dominant in this league ever yeah it’s true well tqu were last year they won four times do you feel like you could match them um well we would love to you know we’d love to we put to work in for

Sure and uh you know Paul and bond have played great you know Paul’s obviously a Ridder cup stalwart for many years he’s a steady player Bond’s playing awesome so you know Bryson’s for sure found his feet with some wins at the end of last

Year and so uh if I can if I can hang with those guys I’ll be all right pretty good we have uh some highlights from the team you might see some of this stuff for the first time but we’ love to hear you take us through it and talk about it

And comment about it here we go crush’s GC highlights well here’s Bryson he’s probably hitting this little wedge here uh tricky Holo actually back right wind’s kind of done off the left and uh that uh surprises no one that he’s hit it there um hear this ugly guy here he

Got he got lucky that one went in that’s why you pay your third baseman um here’s uh here’s Bond up one uh Bonds hit the hit the Fairway there which obviously is a is a key shot he loves it around here oh well oh my gosh that’s it to pick up

His skin at the end of the day um Paul here what holds this D you know this golf course I think that’s a 16th yeah there you go yeah it’s hard to get it back to that whole oh oh he should have you know that’s some shot with that back

That flag there it’s really hard to get it back there yeah it is it is it’s always it I always tell everybody that shot plays half of Club longer than the actual yardage it’s it’s an awkward t- shot too by the way yeah I know but you

Know it’s when you come here you look at the yardage book 6700 yards you all think you’re going to kill it but nobody ever does no no cuz well first off you’re not hitting drivers everywhere so you have to lay back a bit and uh it

Makes you hit every Club in your bag around here which is which is really cool you don’t you don’t see that very often no not anymore well you guys made history in Jetta you had an incredible comeback so what we’re going to do is let’s take a look back at that for a

Second check this out Stinger GC have been competitive from the word go and it’s been plain sailing so far in Saudi Arabia we’re so far behind The Stingers that were playing Great Golf absolutely magnificent from Dean he looked up there and I think all four of The Stingers

Were in the top 10 they appear Unstoppable so no no thoughts about winning last week not at all Stingers have extended their overnight lead of seven to a commanding nine over Legion 13 I don’t want to say we were out of it but we were so far

Behind as a team I think we played maybe a little bit more free the crushes tie for third place now we’re like oh wow we’re actually catching up and we just kept playing good the crushes a 28 under Legion 13 a 28 under okay then this is happening

They’re 12 under par today sting of the leaders by five and then when I looked up the next time I saw bryon’s up at 6 or 7 I’m like oh here he goes again the Gap is now W and I was just thinking just don’t leave it short don’t leave it

Short and then I hit and I’m like I left it short I left it short and it’s in The Crushers have come from absolutely nowhere to leave Stinger by a shot this is is quite stunning and at that point suddenly it got real and everybody in my

Group kind of going oh you know they can see they know what’s going on and we could have given up this is something of a Collapse by Louis H Hazen The Crushers are disappearing over the hill one of the alltime great team performances on Championship Sunday we have something in the crushes

That you can’t measure they just come back we were 11 shots back go yeah we have a bond we have a little gang we have something that I think the other teams look at and they’re trying to figure out what we’ve got and they wish they had It Charles first time playing in a tournament in Hong Kong but you’ve been here before a few years ago you brought your family out here didn’t you and you like to travel the world and let them learn that way yeah so we were here uh before some events over here and uh my

Son and I came up to play Hong Kong golf club we ran right into you on the practice uh we were uh obviously uh glad to be here and play it it was uh but it was it really cool to see uh to see the golf course uh never been here never

Played here before but uh it was a uh it was awesome all right now Charles we’re going to put you on a spot right now okay nothing crazy don’t don’t get worried but we had some fans submit some questions and we want you to answer them

Right here live can we do that sure yeah absolutely all right let’s do it all right here’s the first question I love the world tour aspect but what is your secret to avoiding and overcoming jet lag that’s a good question so the thing I do right when I get there I work out

And really try to just Tire myself out and just kill me and then melatonin and melatonin is uh is big but honestly it’s it’s it’s two or three days and then then then it gets to be all right exhaust yourself out in melatonin correct yes thanks for honesty I love

That all right next question what do we got here what is your favorite golf golf course in the live golf league that’s a good question careful who you standing next to I understand understand exactly if uh if it wasn’t Hong Kong golf club uh it’d be myoba that’s a place I play

There many years and uh they’ve had success around there and it’s I love that one all right I think we’ll stop there Charles how third thank you so much for your time we hope to see you back here very soon appreciate I got to play good to be here so thank you than

You you always do thank you Anthony Kim was one of golf’s brightest stars when he brought his Swagger to professional golf his talent left an impression on his fellow competitors who are excited to have him back Anthony 12 years away from the game that you love how do you assess your

First beat back I’m excited to be playing professional golf again I feel uh very blessed that I have this opportunity and um got a lot to work on but I had a lot of good things going my way this week so I’m looking forward to building on that and um being in

Contention at some point this year oh yes a k first competitive birdie in almost 12 years what are some of the positives that you can take with you to Hong Kong I I’m definitely uh hit the ball well I’m doing a lot of things well I know the scores don’t reflect that and

And at the same time I know I have a lot to build on and and um I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing what has it meant to have your daughter and your wife both here to watch you back doing what you love it means everything I

Wouldn’t be here without time I just feel so extremely blessed that that I have this opportunity to create memories with my family this experience is amazing everyone that lives in h first class and and moving forward I hope to represent them well and some more tweets from the fans

Big fans of Crushers outstanding job by all four Crushers GC couldn’t agree with that more but The Stingers are leading the way so far Stinger GC all right joining us another great friend of ours we still have suan hang here rocking out but we have another guest with us in

Just a moment this is Club 54 post round show all right so suan H thanks for sticking around and joining us is Jerry fultz Jerry how are you I’m good you said another great friend I was best friend this morning well is she your best friend too well yeah s’s got to get

Some love too J I was just about to say he give him way too much credit as a friend I love both you you guys are you guys are so great to me um Jerry welcome to the show uh tell us about your day one uh it was interesting I think uh I

Think we said it on the show on the broadcast that the Hong Kong golf club might have been the star of the show in a field Full of Stars it’s really something special to watch to see old courses like this that hold up so well

Su and it’s really nice in this day and age when all the technology gets the headlines and the and the uh governing bodies are rolling back the golf ball you see a course at 6700 yards long with the most powerful players in the game

And it holds its own yeah I I love a good old traditional Golf Course a course that makes you think a golf course that really makes you have to be quite creative with your shots even not just off to tea but from tea to Green as well and then be really quite protective

With your putts uh as Dom said earlier it certainly has protected the score it wasn’t as low as I think we all thought it was going to be uh but yeah I I I love a good old traditional golf course it’s just it’s so much fun to watch and

It makes the players just think extra hard about what they’re trying to do I think it overall the the overall scoring in general was pretty darn low but nobody ran away with it we saw Kelly samuya and uh and Martin kimer get off to 5 underpar starts after six holes

Each and samuya ended up shooting one under so the course can fight back but when you got guys like that then there were fours and there were threes they were all stacked up you thought somebody would we were going to see a bunch of guys in the low low 60s and we didn’t

See that at all do do you think it’s more about the course more about the competition more about the weather when you see so many guys tied up on the top of that leaderboard what what is it really well typically in professional golf there horses for courses meaning if

It’s a shorter course that some guys can play well they are going to play well they’re expected to win there the guys on the PJ tour for years have made their schedule based around the courses they can play well uh some are you know bombers paradises were only long long

Players can win here it’s it’s a little bit of both because everybody’s basically playing from the same areas but yet there are a few holes where the bombers can take advantage of it if they’re brave enough most courses that they bombers par is they don’t have to

Be brave they just have to hit it far here you got to be very very brave um so the course is kind of the great equalizer there and it comes down to the actual art of the game which is the scoring clubs uh hitting Fairways hitting Greens on and around the greens

Getting it done the oldfashioned way and I think the course that’s why I say it’s a star because it takes the most talented players in the game and makes them all separates them by the most the tiniest intricacy well speaking of Brave I mean a pretty brave t-shot today by

John Roman the 18 that really surprised me that’s not really what you were saying off cameraing I was I was a little surprised but take a look here he just pulled it straight left my my guess was he was trying to just get it all the way down

There with his low fade absolutely pulled it it was a one bad golf swing that he had he was playing so well up to that point and and you know Dom and I talked about this when we got to Hong Kong Golf Club he said you know Hong Kong Golf Club can

Certainly take it right back from you pretty quickly and 18th hole is one of those holes and he got really unlucky that was a really bad break hitting the curb and and bouncing it right back out that was a triple bogey a real unforced error there I think it was just kind of

A a course management mistake I don’t really know if he’s going to be using that golf uh that club of that te tomorrow I hope Adam Hayes maybe talks him out of it because if you hit an iron off the te get on the to top deck the

Worst score is maybe a bogey right well if he doesn’t hit the curb he’s making bogey yeah yeah the curb was a two shot penalty the the t- shot was a one shot penalty but yesterday I told you on the air in the proam I saw him and he hit it

All the way down on the right edge of the Fairway just short of the water and he could throw the golf ball on the Green from there and and you you make a really difficult hole to a pretty routine hole with one good swing so sometimes you know in his mind it was

Worth the risk at the time but I think you’re right I don’t think driver comes out of the bag there tomorrow we talked about John RAM on the 18 there’s someone else who’s on the 18 right now to help us figure it out Rachel Drummond we’re checking in with you what’s going on

Rachel hey Christian look who I’ve got with me Wade msby thank you for joining us pleasure now for the viewers at home if they don’t know you’ve won the Hong Kong open 2017 and 2020 and we’ve brought you to the most difficult t-shot in golf you’re welcome thanks thanks for that and someone’s

Turned the fern on it’s cold and it’s windy so I want you to talk us through strategy on 18 and why it is so demanding so 18th hole here at a Hong Kong Golf Club it’s one of the more daunting t- shots especially when you’re

In the hunt for a golf tournament so um you would have seen a variety of plays down here today practice round I was almost influenced by some of the big boys hitting driver down here but I’ve always gone with a two iron or a driving iron down here um I just like pitching

The ball around 235 yards and then it gets a bit of a bump forwards towards the top of the hill which is about 250 yards so that’s what I’m trying to do I put in a two iron just for this week um when I play here at Hong Kong and um

Yeah that’s how I try and tackle it and quite a lot of players have done the same put TI two irons in the bag now let’s talk about that tree on the right quickly yeah so uh this time of year it’s in Blossom or whatever you want to

Call it and uh it looks actually really like a lot different than what it normally does nor normally it’s full of um leaves and you can uh makes the hole visually look a lot tighter than what it does now but um it’s still in the way

For the errant shot to the right and um as we saw towards the end of The Telecast a few shots left and it’s very penal over there you’re saying it’s easier because of that tree right now uh I think it looks easier but it still doesn’t make it too much easier yeah so

Now should we see you hit one um yeah I’ll see what I can do you’ve been excited about this all the whole time we’ve been standing here all right let’s go let’s so you say you’ve got the two ey and the conditions at the moment

We’ve got quite a lot of wind into yeah so the wind’s into off the left so I go to the right side of the box here and um and that’s a great tip for everyone at home cuz that will help open up the Fairway do exactly right so not sure if

You can see on the camera at home there’s a live screen down there it’s bright white at the moment so that’s just left half of the Fairway that’s where I ultimately want to get the ball um the bunkers should be no problem even though it’s back into the wind and um

Yeah just try and H a strong to down there as neutral as I possibly can um try and get it bounding down there but in into the win today it’s going to be a pretty tough I know we haven’t made this easy we so talk to us about techniques

So you’re saying very neutral so we’re thinking like zero swing path very straight yeah exactly getting very very technical there so um yeah I’m just trying to use my body as much as I can especially in a big pressure situation it’s a tight t-shot like I said so you

Don’t want to have too many moving Parts going on that we always have in our golf swings but um yeah just try and use your body as much as you can down there knock all the spin out of it and get it releasing down the Fairway um so make

Sure aim neutral neutral to left maybe ball back in the stance a little bit and try and drive it out there quite low with a neutral running ball flight go on then I know how you’re excited some people call it a stinger but my ball doesn’t have too much sting in it so

We’ll see how we go so I’m just trying to get a feel for my swing nice full turn something have trouble doing most of the time just wait for some an ambulance we wait for the ambulance to pass we might need that in a minute so just left side of that

Screen down left half it’s still playing that works that works come on let’s have another one so talk to us about the pressure situations did it change you know your strategy and how how you play in the final round compared to days one and two yeah actually

Remember both times I come back here with the lead of the golf tournament um the first time I had a had a one shot lead the other time I had two or three up my um up my sleeve so they’re a little bit different but I remember the

First one and um you I had to wait here quite a while which isn’t the best thing like we’ve just done now but um yeah you’re just trying to I like to keep moving and then um yeah same same Club same shot just trying to get get it down

There somewhere in play um so yeah you kind of you remember all those feelings trying to win those golf tournaments so um did you do anything routine wise you know calm breathing or is it just going through the motions the first time no the second time I was working with a

Mental coach and yeah I was doing a lot of breathing exercise and that’s I think why I played so well that the in 2020 I was doing a lot of work with a with a golf psychologist or and um yeah that really helped me win that golf tournament but yeah you’re always trying

To do things stick to your routine and just try and pump out the pro and go ahead and hit that solid golf sh see another one I’ve got I’ve got all the theory there I just got to do it like the M25 right now got over these Vans that’s the

One that should look good on shock Tracer you happy with that one yeah that’s pretty good how much does your caddy play a part in helping you navigate situations like this yeah we’ve obviously done all our homework we’ve been around this golf course a lot we’ve got these yardage books which I make

Notes in all the time and um got 237 to the top and we’re about 7even yds forward so we take that off so I need to clear 230 Ys and then um get the ball bounding forwards like I said before to get to around that 250 258 Mark and then

It goes down the ramp there and if it gets down there bonus if it doesn’t I’m not too worried I can tell you secretly still buzzing about that shot you just hit that was a little bit low in the face but it hit it pretty good fine the fair

Now you have the same coach as cam Smith Grandfield and you said something very interesting before we came on air about how mentally great he is can you share that with everyone yeah so obviously Cam’s got so many parts of his game that he’s great at and a lot of stuff we

Don’t see is what goes on inside Cam’s head but um I think Cam’s so good at dealing with circumstances and the elements you know which is the like the elements are the wind and then the circumstan is trying to win a golf tournament and he he just

Can has this wonderful ability just to stay so neutral in those those uh situations and um that’s one of the reasons he’s a great player so um I just think that’s the one thing I could have from Cameron Smith and that would be it and how would you like embody that

Yourself is it literally if the wind’s off the left just aiming more yeah you just got to make the adjustments in your setup and and then to try and hit your zero golf swing and go ahead and hit it from there you know I play a lot of my

Golf early in my career doing it another way just trying to really feel it and and um it just gives you too much room for error but we’re trying to become like robots we’re never going to become like robots but we have the information with um trackman with equipment with

Video analysis biomechanics now to become a lot more light robots but um we’re never going to quite get there but um we can break the game down a little bit more now we’ve seen a variety of shots today we saw Ram hit one into the

Tre left we saw Louie hit a draw into the trees you know what do you think of the driver play here I actually looked at it um Grant my coach was trying to talk me into hitting driver down here even though I didn’t get a chance to play but

Um um yeah I I absolutely do see it but I’ve had too much success with twoin down here so I keep on going back to twoin but um yeah I can see it um cuz it’s definitely beneficial if you can get it down there with a short Club in

Here but um on top of the hill you got anywhere between 99 and 79 in there and as long as you can get um a look at that green for two I think you’ve done a pretty good job here so the only bonus is literally just trying to get a

Shorter Club in your hand to attack depend yeah absolutely and sometimes if you get too close then you get a kind of funny like yardage in there you know we always like over probably over 100 yards then we can hit our number quite precisely especially when the green

Raised like this one is and the pin goes to the right um and the water comes into play and so on so I think um given the the time of the round that this hole does present itself towards the end when there’s pressure on you know you just

Got to get a club in your hand we and have a look at that green I feel like two does that over here wedge right so you’re going to make you hit a driver quickly make hit a driver yeah I’m going to be on Grant side all right we’re

Going to get your visuals up with the driver so what will this leave you in with well I think it’s going to get get me down there about 80 or 90 yards out in normal conditions so give me this bow here you don’t want want to mine it

Probably so I’ll probably go low with the te here play the ball a little bit back in my stance just so I can hit it lower and um little fade down there just left of that screen yeah so similar line still simar line probably move the ball

Left to right a little bit more I guarantee the flight well try to feels weird hitting driver off here sorry wait this trying to poison me that’ll work I mean that is very good right one more thing now us me Mortals at home including myself do not hit it

As far as you hit it I hit it probably more similar to what average goal for 250 with driver can you caddy me to hit one like what I should be going through you got no choice you got to hit driver down here now the play is you got to fly

The bunkers that’s the number one thing and they’re about 200 have a 230 odd yards te you’re not very well prepared okay so everyone at home this is similar yardage so what tear it down that’s not down that’s quite high so so more yeah te it down a little bit okay so everyone

At home we tee it down yeah yeah and um yeah left side of the Fairway you got more margin on the left trying to h a low fade down there or whatever your shot shape is I don’t know right okay so pull back slightly I’m going to have to

Simplify keep on pivoting which is keep on moving your body is that further enough back in the stance that’s got to do okay oh I’ve gone R you gone Ram or you gone over where Cam was oh if it’s so short it’s not in the bunker wait are you convinced to hit

Driver um no I think I’ll stick with my two two but I think in into the win day you probably may need to go more than 2 O but um no it’s a stron hole and it’s always going to be a iconic hole in golf and then um yeah there’s plenty of

Horror stories down here in golf tournaments Wade not for you two time winner thank you so much for joining us thank you than me let’s see how much drama will we get on 18 this week thank you thanks the live Golf Plus app is filled with great content including an

Incredible and informative series of lessons from the best players in the world hey guys this is Cam Smith hi I’m Bryson to Shambo I’m Bubba Watson and welcome welcome welcome to my live lesson so if you’re like me and you miss Fairways this is when the creativity

Comes out focus on that Target that’s what I’m focused on P the man for me I just want to make it simple as possible tempo for sure is one thing you need to keep an eye on cam Smith he has taken complete control here I like to aim the putter make sure that’s

Perfect then I take my stance give it one good look at the hole and hit a good PT Houdini with the flat stick need a golf ball here we go Bry the Shambo electrifies the CR so guys there’s a lot of mysteries around hitting it really

Far that’s what psycho mode comes in try to get a little psycho with it yeah there it is that was peppered let your body free up let things just move more don’t feel like you’re restricted you do that you’re on your way to better golf all right I want to talk a little

Stinger GC they are playing some some incredible golf you guys got to watch some Jerry you did suan you were with us tasin today so these guys are playing incredible golf by the way by the way stingr GC this morning when I got to the

Golf course I think three out of four of them were not feeling too hot today uh yeah they they were kind of had a bit of a cold I think you think I think bottle flu maybe I I wouldn’t go with that here’s some of the highlights let’s talk

Through this here we go this is Brandon Grace out at 16 his second shot uphill to the hole he shot three under par today individually that one almost drops on the Fly three-pointer nearly Jarred it now schel with the long poter here on the sixth for

Birie he played well last week he did he did and he tied this guy for second place Captain Lou usas one of the best and most consistent long career players in the game and burer this is our Birdie on the 11th what a round today from

Burmy what a round from Burmy all right let’s take a look at the team leaderboard here Stinger GC at the top we spoke about the Crushers doing their thing right behind and cleaks which we didn’t discuss at all in an amazing job today highly upgraded cleaks with Adrien

Moran on the team now but uh and Samoa and and Kelly Kelly samoya I The Stingers won the very first event they’ve always been one of those teams in contention they also have two guys who been playing some really good golf before these couple of weeks uh usas and

Uh and bermas won four uh DP World Tour events out of four events they the live guys won five in a row actually at one point so they played really good in the offseason they didn’t get unfortunately awarded with a masters invitation like uh like Waco did but still it’s been

Pretty impressive Golf out of them well we are going to get into day two tomorrow we had a good time here day one thank you for so much for watching Club 54 post round show until next time we’ll see you guys there Peace


  1. Cam at '22 players missed pretty much all the fairways (idk % but the fact is he missed a lot) but his wedges and putter were insanely good…Id expect him go very low on this course but simply didn't happen

  2. For the first time in months I watched some PGA coverage overnight. The difference between the 2 tours is stark. The PGA tour has lost a lot of its lustre and I’ve become so used to the constant action from LIV that I simply can’t go back. And the ADVERT breaks. No way.

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