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NBA “Angriest” Moments For 20 Minutes Straight!

NBA “Angriest” Moments For 20 Minutes Straight showcases some of the most heated moments in NBA History. It includes LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Ben Simmons, Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kevin Durant, Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving and many more NBA Superstars!

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You did it off the Box happy birthday birdie you bless MO is fouled on the inside and then a technical foul oh Jared Allen wants a piece of Ben Simmons that is rare that you see J they’re a little bit tied up we have a personal foul on number 22 for Brook

Play so Donovan Mitchell got in between Allen went back at Simmons and Simmons stood there and was pass underneath plumbley missed the shot though and now grabs Pinsky who gets hit in the face and now kaminga shs plumbley Draymond Green comes in to hold kaminga are starting to battle a little bit Draymond

Green out so I don’t know what it is but he is fired up wow that was a quick whistle uh-oh uh-oh look out we have played 7 seconds and Williams and LeBron get tangled up little pushing and shoving and then Williams wants to get more involved in that tight window make

It and complete it that is Luca donic this guy is just ridiculous nkuch came over and pushed Grant Williams as a protector for Kevin Durant then’s going to have to look at this NK came in normally that would just be a a technical foul it was between

Grant Williams and dur and Duran double technical but probably be something more because nkuch was the third party coming you know nkuch knows Grant’s reputation right yes he’s there for the defense but this guy is known as an agitator and he will not back down Rockets just lost

Their focus K Gallop misses the layup and then Brooks came flying in there and knocking down and fting LeBron James or was this so he flop did he did he get this hard hit hard enough and oh Dylan did get him wow yeah personal playr one on Dylan Brooks yeah LeBron is he he’s upset he thinks it should be should be more yeah he he’s giv an ear ear priest to the officials 115 98 oh wait a minute Collins bit of an elbow and then Mitchell goes right at him so the Warriors 10 and two that’s going to be a goal 10 uh-oh watch out and Miles Bridges did not like the fact that konz went to score that one yeah all out there coach C’s trying to break him up

Big John’s got kenot hemmed up easy easy now yeah Grant Williams I told you he’s an agitator so you knew he was going to be in the middle of things area it kind of worked out because the scuffle moved toward the warrior bench so they didn’t have to go too far

To let some people hear it look at it they going head tohe head there bill got his first basket which was an easy oh now here’s Hardway with a hesitation around the screen he gets clobbered going inside oh wow oh Jil very upset uh-oh wow okay saw just a little bit there in

The Aftermath Deon Booker just two for eight from the floor and now a foul called on Chris Paul gold state F number three chis two on Paul and so Durant will be at the line they’re having a lengthy conversation right now do you think that they’re on each other’s Christmas list

Do you think they send each other Christmas cards Scott Foster and Chris Paul going on for a good 45 seconds this has been going now teal foul Scott Foster had enough he had had enough after a lengthy conversation don’t know if Chris Paul had said something different maybe oh he’s going to get

Tossed there it is Scott Foster says goodbye and now Steph Curry grabs Chris Paul to hold him back from going back at Scott Foster against jannis so they find him quickly Giannis turns quickly oh uh-oh players got players need to stay BBY P right in the mix players need

To stay on the bench let the coaching staff and the officials short this [Applause] [Applause] out Warriors have a lot of deflections tonight and yic teed up for the second time and he’s gone he’s had enough he screaming at Kevin cuddler and his second Tech green

Waves then we saw Zack LaVine light him up then Giannis and then Jason Tatum tonight it’s their number one guy Jeremy Grant uh-oh uh-oh Stewart and LeBron this is [Applause] ridiculous oh yeah he’s he’s got a lot of blood streaming from the side of the eye look here goes Stewart

And he’s still trying to get loose he is knocking over and he’s out of the game is saying a word to him but he is creating it in his own mind and his own head some friction here with the the Philly faithful right now Brooks boy it didn’t take

Long little more than three minutes and a foul down the other end James and Gordon getting into it the officials trying to get between [Applause] them Gordon also upset and D’Angelo Russell taking practice threes as the Skirmish happens he [Applause] has it’s clear James got took a shot in

The chin but it seemed inadvertent took exception to it everything Clon and kaminga backs it away and then he’s grabbed from behind careful now got him easy easy no no no no don’t do that and let Clarkson get frustrated look all the counter moves the Stop and goes He

Blocks that one snatches it now now I’m telling you right now when they when they go look at this three hodala stayed down that’s an almost an airball at ticked iron they don’t use a timeout at three Draymond at two they got to get a shot off and they don’t it’s a little

Frustrating well they just Draymond was trying to get it to somebody and he got a little tangled up there a lot of Defenders yeah they were down eight with 332 to go they were down five with 251 to go H the 11 nothing and now can you go grab this win

Aldridge big Big Time block underneath Durant is fouled by McConnell and Durant just chucked the ball into the stands it’s a [Applause] technical and bleet trails he has struggled from three so far and continues to do so as there is a battle down low for that rebound and it’s ripped away by

Markin get into it and have to be separated not sure if there were let’s see here I don’t know there were words before Jabari what’s going on so dun’s in there he he wait he’s waiting for him he doesn’t want to fight I’m whatever no no harm no foul probably Tech both

Ways Harden foul by Ingram did they count it no they say the foul occurred before the gather and he never put the ball back down and I think another technical fouls been handed out technical foul was on Ingram for shoving James Harden after that play I’m not sure why what

Happened it’s hot now Paul oh punches a throw Paul and Rondo throwing punches Ingram comes in he’s throwing punches security trying to separate so are some of the teammates there going to be suspensions for this one as Rondo immediately heads back to the locker room Ingram still drawing Caro Anthony

Still Martin to beat the backboard and the shot clock and he might have tweaked his ankle in the process as that’s going to be a technical foul is it a Boston Miami game without it getting a little Chippy at some point in time foul is called and and brown felt like

Robinson was latching on for too long oh those can hurt well and when you’ve already seen Josh Richardson leave with a shoulder injury if you’re the heat you have to be terrified about that right there with Duncan Robinson and the way his arm was yanked on still resided [Applause] there with

Boston Robinson and Brown still getting into it in the aftermath of [Applause] is Malik grips it away good passing Lane uh-oh wowow Brown in the face of in Wong who just ejected [Applause] him look at the top of your screen he is on the floor he is in the path of the

Official runs into patc I thought it was a little boohaha on the sideline initially but it was Mike Brown trying to get to the official got Malik monk trying to Bear hold could be different and to your point Curry being guarded by chers Curry

Lost him and got all the way to the cup oh it’s got to be a t he got to be thrown out wow and Curry has been thrown out of the game his mouthpiece in the direction after he scores his L here no foul call you see here he throws the mouth pie

That’s an automatic that’s an automatic injection through his mouth Scot wall that is an automatic injection out of 33% three-point shooter and he may give 2221 piston pick it with the ball in the perimeter against livers oh my goodness Michael Malone George is Michael Malone just got toau [Applause]

Gone mil had the basketball he’s hot you better be careful oh boy this another technical end bye-bye this is a foul I don’t think it’s a tech or is it a tech it is his second technical Devin book is at half court talking to the fans all for three puts it

In 118 to 92 the sons of blown it open 37 points for Paul Booker talking to the fans understanding we seen this movie before we have an issue on the court right now between both teams but Chris Paul Beverly and Chris referees on the money sometimes and sometimes they’re not

Across the board let’s be able to tell the story three of his last four and now another you wonder if he starting to get in his head at all as he’s missed four of his last five and those are big misses when you’re trying to climb back into the game and how

About what he did that foul shot no good and Mike that’s a flagrant foul that’s a flagrant foul on Durant and Gober and Durant have words I don’t know what happened prior to it but two in with the elbow shov in the back of go by

Durant it James on the drive gets in the paint layup missed it and the game is over Lakers Furious they thought he was fou excuse me and it’s now [Applause] Overtime this is terrible wow clear foul on Tatum replay serves no purpose in our game overtime is next and those are special players who have the ability to do that and derck Rose was that and has become that watch out Thomas Bryant got fouled hard by Blake

Griffin now he goes back at him and Griffin is just smiling that was the first bump and in Blake and fron Wagner is going to foul him will it be a clear path foul whoa FR fron wner we’ve we’ve talked about it talented player probably not the thing you want

To do probably don’t want to you don’t want to go at Demar D Roan again I I I understand that we’re going to see this from the Bulls perspective but Demar de rozan is a 13year veteran fron Vagner has been in the league for 48 games strong drive there by sugs in a

Score with the rookie from Gaga good choice some work first strong Jason kid thought he’d travel look some more if you think there have been a lot of whistles and fouls in this second half of the game get ready 9 minutes left in this kind and it’s to

Charge oh the r Roan fired the ball in the direction of Scott Foster and he’s kicked out he’s gone he’s gone he’s kicked out bottled up it’s a two-on one drop it to Curry and he is just crushed out of bounds and now he’s going to get a team

He he wanted to foul there and it should have been this is not defense that should have been goal tending right there I got to see that again look like that on the the backboard Griffin bulldozing his way in [Applause] inside he was saying that was on the

Floor I didn’t see anything there oh look at this oh it the words were between Dan Tony and Blake Griffin and then Trevor arza comes over with the little elbow shove and shoot and arza holding on for dear life with it third foul on Gordon you never want to hurt another player and

That’s almost through the head area of Eric Gordon and when you’re looking at a 15 to6 foul count as Bane can’t get that one to fall jiren yes how do you not call a foul man how do you not call that foul two technical fouls and this initiating has this has not

Been good at all they have not been good at all and carlane throwing technicals everywhere three and a half to go third quarter here in Vancouver tonight travel by donic and donic getting into it here look out now hey this is pre-season guys and already tempers

Flare Terren man and donic I like that still there’s still Yannis they want this might be offens and that’s all for oh he’s going to get a techical boom W this could be Turning Point not only will he foul out Joker they got the switch they wanted they wanted to use the

Quitness Porter Jr is he’s not just him he’s going to get a t for tating yep Collins in his face there was a little contact there they switch Paul is on Brer shot clock is down to six there’s a Play here’s the foul oh just with the

Shove quick fouls here uhoh oh I’m surprised he is not thrown out for this inside Engles as it l a Dallas blowa double digit lead in the fourth quarter of that game they gave up two triple doubles to George and Westbrook in a lost to Oklahoma cityes to go and the

Fouled by Draymond Green they’re going to look like they’re going to take a look at that to see if it was little extra contact on the hit of Collins diving to the [Applause] Cup yeah my guess is no he did not shoot it for the 50 but oh he did shoot it did yes he did C will remember that 115 107 some final am game numbers going by don’t forget [Applause] Excellent defense by Tyler Johnson but he couldn’t hold on to the rebound fresh shot clock for the Warriors and David West has just been ejected from the game by Courtney Kirkland oh my David West has been a complainer most of his career Eric we’ve seen that many

Times when he was in Indiana regular season finale and we had a scuffle on the Timberwolves B Anderson and Rudy [Applause] Gober that’s just something you don’t see every day I know the tensions you played in this Game good job but taking it away from Harden he didn’t look too interested well there’s been a lot of contact on [Applause] James


  1. idek why javale came up on tim jr dude got a monster wingspan if he was actually mad instant smack across the fuckin face

  2. Brooks reminds me of the Detroit bad boys back in the 80s. He has the same swag as they did.

  3. These are pillow fights compared to Malice in the Palice ,dirty as* Rudy Tomjonovic, $50 fines for punches in the face & no foul etc …

  4. Ben Simmons is not him he needs to stop pushing people around and grant Williams like he is always getting in peoples face and then doesn’t do anything to back up his trash talk

  5. Lol i dont know why bu that thumbnail juts encapsulates Ben Simmons perfectly; dude is going at his throat and Ben just there with a smirk😂

  6. The 80’s and 90’s would like to have a word.. these “fights” wouldn’t have even made it on sportscenter back then. Booooo

  7. lol. A highlight real of children who are paid too much to play a game, that they dont make the real effort to play, fans always pay more to see less, same as products on shelves, you pay more and get less. sports was originally meant to showcase fairness, effort into success, team building amongst peers, unification and all that, yet we see a lot of petulent children, wanna be gangsters and high priced premadonnas. When will we sart seeing professionals again, instead of mentally deficit children.

  8. I remember one time I was playing at a rec center about 1990 or so. I got fouled hard and my under six foot skinny self acted like I was going after that dude, he was a big fella. I acted all crazy like with my arms flailing, thinking people were going to hold me back. Nobody did. LOL. I was on an island of gettin an asswhippin all by myself. I just stopped and turned around walked off.

  9. 5:03 pretty sure I watched that live maybe not I know I watched the next couple games from these teams, listen how the Milwaukee crowd all chants BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY BOBBY 💪 oh and the entire bench holding Thanasis back

  10. No le da vergüenza a la Ceja hacer esos partidos viendo lo que juega el King, si tuviéramos a giannis en su lugar q distinto seria

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