Golf Players

Best Golf Courses in Ireland

Your Golf Travel explore the emerald isles with this latest video as they delve into the world of golf in Ireland!

A golf break in Ireland is guaranteed to be an absolutely unforgettable experience. There is no doubt that the country is littered with some of the world’s most fantastic golf courses, offering some of the purest golfing experiences, but the landscape is also adorned with many top resorts and hotels.

The Emerald Isle is home to an abundance of coastal Championship links, beautiful inland layouts and world famous hospitality, add to this the superb nightlife and numerous points of cultural and historical interest make Ireland interesting for all, and without doubt, the Irish golf tour experience is truly magnificent.

Visiting the K Club’s Ryder Cup complex, and the incredible resorts at Carton House & Druids Glen, not only will you experience the phenomenal courses, you will also understand Ireland’s reputation for its warm welcome & legendary hospitality. Golf holidays in Ireland at these resorts are perfect for a relaxing Sunday Driver or while the golfers battle the famous Irish elements, fellow travellers can enjoy the first class leisure and spa facilities that the best golf break destinations ensure.

Wether you take a weekend break at a resort, a few days touring the wonderful courses or a week travelling full length of the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland has so much to offer the visiting golfer.

European Club Interview with Pat Ruddy –

00:00 – Intro
00:52 – What is so special about golf in Ireland?
02:02 – European Club
06:42 – Royal County Down
10:12 – Would travelling to Ireland for one round of golf be worth it?
11:28 – Ballybunion
14:54 – Courses in the South West of Ireland
17:03 – Royal Portrush Golf Club

Host: Leo
Guest: Sam Brooks – Golf Travel Team Manager –
Guest: Martin Leather – Golf Travel Specialist –

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Welcome to Your Golf Travel now this video is  all about Ireland, golf in Ireland, the best of,   and I’ve got two of the best people to go into  the details about golf in Ireland to talk about  

Why exactly people need to go over to Ireland to  play golf we’ve got Sam and we’ve got Martin how   you both doing all right good thank you all good  yeah any golf holidays recently oh um yeah went  

To uh Aberdeenshire last September nice very nice  not recent but last April I did a bit of Ireland   County Down old head nice ready for this video  perfect for this yeah you knew it was coming up  

And you like I’m I need the golf break to Ireland  right yeah perfect okay let’s get stuck in so   let’s talk actually both of you just let’s start  with the highlight what for you is good about  

Golf in Ireland why do people need to go there to  play golf for me it’s um not only the golf course   courses but the people the people are so much fun  um they look after you they just do hospitality  

So well um they love a beer you know they love  a crack it’s um it’s just it’s incredible place   yeah nice yeah I think Sam’s nailed it there it’s  the the warmth of hospitality you you receive um  

Before Golf and More over after golf no matter how  you’ve played you know you’re going to walk into   that clubhouse and feel the warmth of those uh the  Irish people it’s fantastic yeah that is very true  

I went there last year and just the hospitality  of everywhere I went like it would be hard to   say one place in particular for Hospitality like  anywhere you go the hospitality was just yeah it’s   people like opening their doors to you there’s  no barriers in Ireland no it’s it’s a wonderful  

Wonderful place yeah it is incredible um I played  some really nice courses my favourite course out   there so I’m going let’s start off with this  European Club okay yeah that took my breath away   and and I obviously it’s in the top 100 courses  in the world but even knowing that when I went  

There I just thought wow like this is incredible  what’s your thoughts on it well yeah like you know   when I turned up like you welcomed the the guys  there are so friendly um the Ruddys um you’ve got  

Jerry in the pro shop he’s like character that  guy but yeah just you know just make you feel   so welcome you know nothing’s too much for them  you know go hit a few balls on the range um you  

Know just show you where everything is and yeah  then the golf course is just fantastic you know   we we were so lucky we had such a pure day like  the weather was amazing So that obviously helps  

But the golf course is incredible like it’s it’s  tough it was blowing a little bit um the bunkers   are huge with the big sleepers you know so you  got to stay out of those and the greens are just  

You know you got to part well um yeah if you’re  not playing well then it just eats you up that   is true what you say about the sleeper bunkers  yeah me and Ali went there and it was I think one  

Of my like second experiences with proper sleep  bunkers like that and it was so good and it was   it must have been about 7 feet tall 7 feet tall  and I remember I was trying to get out of it and  

It clipped like a bit of wood and for a second  I thought my life flashed luckily Ali spotted   it but yeah yeah it was amazing have you have you  been lucky enough to play yeah well many years ago  

European Club 20 plus years ago uh but still very  very uh memorable yeah um and and once again we   speak to them on a regular basis because we send  a lot of clients out and it’s just you know when  

You you’re going to pick the phone up and speak to  them you you’re going to have fun speaking to them   it’s a great conversation they are real characters  even if you don’t need to speak to them sometimes  

I’ll just give Jerry a phone just to see how he’s  doing um just to chat he’ll brighten your day up   like you know he’s he’s so funny yeah he’s a  proper like gent it’s a one off place I mean  

Ireland’s great but the European Club is even you  know a one off for Ireland just ridiculous like if   I was to go back there for a golf holiday 100%  European Club for me I’ve not played obviously  

To the extent that you boys have but the courses  that I’ve played European Club would be right at   the top like and have you did you meet Pat did  either of you meet Pat there what a character   what a guy so he’s obviously the course designer  extensive history within golf right that’s right  

What a guy and obviously he created the two extra  holes no no yeah how fantastic 7a and 12a I think   um but yeah do you know why he created the two I  do I do but do do you know why as well yeah it’s  

Quite a walk wasn’t it between the two holes  and well well the history of g go I I heard he   created two extra holes because obviously one he  loves golf and it was just to stay out on the golf  

Course for as long as as possible so he didn’t  have to go home that’s what I heard yeah but yeah   but do you know why that is there’s even something  before that so we we we interviewed him the Link  

In the description now if you want to watch it  so we went over then we interviewed him that’s   because as a kid when he played golf he played  with a shopkeeper and the shopkeeper had to leave  

To get deliveries which meant they could only get  16 holes in right so he put it down as child abuse   which is why now at the European Club he’s done  those two extra hes to make up for it so now yeah  

Like it’s incredible isn’t he AB he is yeah no  else like he still he still answers the phone now   yeah occasionally does he amazing and he obviously  lives on the like on the course as well doesn’t he  

Literally just next to it so I he does live and  breathe that course and I think it does show the   amount of care that’s gone into it’s an amazing  place you have to visit yeah what about the uh  

The largest green yeah what about that seen your  video and you took a chunk out of the green we   don’t we’ll cut that yeah yeah that’s gone no yeah  that was probably one of the worst times on a golf  

Course ever for me I’m sure I probably the video  I know good night the night before was so bad Ali   was just there he’ hit a good one and I thought  right I’m going to get it closer to the pin with  

Putter here this green I think 127 yards and I’ve  just tried to wallop it yeah yeah not good there’s   also another green with bunker in the middle of  the green as well you see yes I can’t remember  

What hole that is um it’s on the back line isn’t  it I don’t remember what hole on the back line but   so depending where you you know where they put  the flag that well yeah I’m sure Pat wouldn’t  

Be too happy with people chipping but you know  you got round the bun so yeah a one of place   isn’t it yeah right that’s enough of European  Club obviously we all love it yeah let’s move   on to your next favourite okay um it’s probably  close between Royal County Down and old heads I  

Know old heads you know is just a complete one of  where it is but yeah County Down probably for me   number three in the world number one UK and Island  you know pure links golf um just very difficult to  

Get on um so you know for anyone out there that is  looking to book we you know we’ve done pretty much   for for for this year already so we you know look  for 2025 it’s just so in demand for tea times um  

Same as Portrush with the demand but yeah count  it down the views um right next to the you know   the sea just an incredible incredible place you  played it Mark yeah I’ve played well can I’m very  

Very fortunate to play that um yeah spectacular  um a real tossup for me between Royal County Down   and Portmarnock Old um you know you speak to a lot  of people and you know 50% will say Portmarock and  

50% will say Royal County Down so you’ve touched  on it slightly there but what so I I’ve heard you   say County Down multiple amount of times what is  it about County Down that just makes it stand out  

From the rest I think like almost every hole is  like you could put it anywhere it’s such a great   goal of course um the views obviously as well like  you’ve got the mountains in the background um it’s  

Just a complete package really for me and it’s  obviously it’s really hard to get on so when you   get a tee time when you play I think you realise  how lucky you are to be playing so that for me as  

Well is you know one of the reasons why it’s one  of the yeah I think it’s why often we play golf   courses especially parkland golf courses where  you can see other holes on the golf course and  

You you you kind of focus can drift but literally  count it down is the hole that you’re playing is   pretty much the only hole that you can see you  know you’re going through the dunes especially the  

Front line you go out and it’s through the dunes  and and then it comes back and then you facing the   uh the mountains of Mourne I think it is and and I  think we’ve touched on it before or you have about  

The ninth hole yeah you come up up to the top of  that Ridge amazing is it and the view from there   is one of the best on the go pict yeah you get  your picture that’s the Swil and burn Bridge of  

Uh of Irish gold I think yeah definitely so I must  play then definitely I think you need to play it   a couple like you know because the first time you  play it you’re a little bit like in take a caddy  

For sure yeah you need a caddy there’s a lot of  blind t- shots um so I think once you’ve played it   you then get an understanding of the golf course  so when you know if you go back if you’re lucky  

Enough to play it again you would know right okay  oh this I know where I need to put my tee-shot or   you just know where you can miss it a little bit  more so so if I was a sales expert coming to Your  

Golf Travel you picked up the phone is it possible  with that information would they be able obviously   not this year but next year is there tee times one  one day after so the the diary is not open yet for  

2025 but we can put you on a wait list um and  you know try our best to get you know what what   you know a requested tee time for you put together  the whole trip so yeah I think if you are looking  

To book and go and play County Down then it has  to be when in advance yeah yeah and and like you   say you appreciate it more you waited all that  time yeah it comes down to it and if that was  

Me I’d probably top it off the first two but hey  ho that’s just the nerves building up for a year   waiting to play no matter how good you are you’re  always going to get first definitely yeah nice  

Okay so would you say is a question we count it  down would you so from the UK what is 30 minutes   maybe a little bit more down again depending on  where you’re Landing in Ireland but would you be  

Happy to fly to Ireland to just play County Down  and then come back obviously you know taking the   culture and stuff like that if you’re going over  if you’re playing one course would that be worth I  

Think you could do a one night too like it’s you  know you can fly into into Belfast you’re about   what 45 50 minutes away yeah to Newcastle yeah  yeah or you can fly into Dublin and drive up which  

About two two and a half hours so you could do it  obviously it would be better to do a longer trip   but yeah of course but yeah I mean yes the golf  course is that good I would be I would happy to do  

One night yeah yeah at one night to at one night  stay in in in Belfast and then the there’s enough   courses in and around Belfast Royal Belfast Etc  um and and and just combine it with around that  

County Down as well yeah of course yeah yeah  yeah I was just trying to get like a sort of   measurement on how good it is like you know would  it be worth go into the airport get in the flight  

Over just to play around yeah nice right okay  so obvious County Down definitely want to play   I mean there’s going to be so many you know that  you just has has to be played so maybe a couple  

Trips in Ireland is what you need let’s go down  a little bit Ballybunion I’ve seen some footage   of this um oli in the marketing department took  some fantastic drawing footage it looks incredible   what are your thoughts on Ballybunion okay so I  unfortunately haven’t been lucky enough to play  

It it’s on my list I’m going to try to do it  this year but I know Martin you’ve played it   yeah once again quite quite a few years ago but  yeah very very memorable again um you know it’s  

Another for me a bucket list course that if you  are heading to the southwest of Ireland you need   to be ticking that off and including it in your  itinerary yeah um it gets booked up very quickly  

As well obviously there’s a lot of Americans that  will come over because it’s on obviously the the   Southwest you know Coast so it’s easy for them  to to get in and out um so yeah again you need  

To book in advance two two courses there um and  you know both both very very challenging links but   obviously the bucket list is the old so so it’s  located in County Kerry and has been claimed to  

Have won been the number one course in Ireland why  is that well I get I guess once again it’s it’s   it’s a classic links golf course um you know it’s  it’s it’s quite unusual you’ve got a graveyard off  

To the right of the first uh first hole which I’m  sure takes a lot of drives into it yeah yeah so   a lot of a lot of people’s kind of uh rans begins  in the graveyard so yeah yeah yeah and ends there  

Yeah so but once once again you know meander in  its way fairways and on three dunes and and just   a beautiful beautiful place to play golf yeah um  it still is the number one uh in South Republic  

Of Island yeah 100% a bucket list course again  yeah that you know and and that’s born out by   the fact that you know it’s really hard to get tea  times yeah yeah you know so going South West want  

To play so what would be I mean here’s a question  I’m putting you on the spot now if I was to have   a trip and I wanted to go Dublin City play some  courses around great Dublin how long would it take  

About I think it’s about three three and a half  hours cross country so it’s not the easiest but   it’s doable is it worth it that’s the that’s the  question if you if if Dublin was your main one you  

Wanted to visit Dublin in the city is it worth a  three three and a half hour drive well you could   argue you you might want to stop a day of Adare  Manor on the way stay there at night venue of the  

20 27 Ryder cup break up the journey break up the  journey but it’s definitely you know this is what   this is what this is what I love whenever I come  up with the question you guys just better it like  

Why why just drive straight there why not that’s  what we do that’s what we do this is why is so   amazing because it’s got so many places that you  know as golfers we all you know we all love golf  

Yeah you just need to visit these places we we  like to think we know a little yeah being modest   now being being modest and kind of suggest the  best itinerary to a to a client yeah so that would  

Be my first response to you would be why drive  all the way there you know you don’t want to be   spending seven hours in a car one day yeah break  it up stop off another great game of golf and I’d  

Be if I was the customer fantastic idea that  that is what I’m going to do okay so southwest   playing golf there some other courses oh one of my  favourites that I’ve ever played worldwide is TR  

Yeah yeah um it’s it’s a fascinating golf course  you kind of start in a bit of a Parkland type   course and then you end up in a two links it’s  fantastic yeah um but once again not the only one  

Down there that’s the whole beauty of southwest  of Island the itinerary that you can put together   for clients is phenomenal yeah yeah i’ I’ve  heard a lot of good things about courses in the   southwest would you say that that’s potentially  one of the most popular areas within the whole  

Of Ireland to play golf yeah 100% oh yeah 100%  I think pound for pound it probably will go up   against most places in the world for you know  you’ve got Kanani as a base which is great and  

Life great pubs traditional you know Irish music  and then within one hour you can hit Ballybunion,   Waterville you know so you’ve got incredible  golf courses all within a similar you know   distance yeah they’re spread out a little bit  Yeah whereas if you’re in Dublin yeah yeah a  

Bigger bigger Tralee is yeah there’s transport you  know to think about when you’re in in in Southwest   Ireland whereas with Dublin you can you can use  generally use taxes and stuff like that yeah   yeah because the concentration of golf courses in  Dublin is so much greater yeah but they’re worth  

A visit and worth the hour drive aren’t they  yeah oh absolutely God yeah yeah yeah so you   know what stands out for me is that when I went  to Ireland I played great Dublin played the links  

Of European Club I thought all of those courses  just incredible but the fact that South West is   most popular makes me believe like what are the  courses like they are they like a just complete  

Another level they are they are and and and then  once again like we touched on at the beginning was   you know the warmth you get down in the southwest  you could you know is is is terrific once again is  

Phenomenal there’s nowhere like it no in the world  for me you know it’s just incredible yeah yeah and   we’re so lucky to have it just over there I know  nothing flying to C nothing yeah perfect so a lot  

Of these courses that we have mentioned they are  Championship courses what other sort of courses   around Ireland is there to stand out well I can’t  believe we’ve not spoke about Portrush is yeah   how do we forget yeah it’s almost like it doesn’t  need mentioning it’s like it’s that well known and  

Great yeah but no go on so they had the open there  in 2019 for the first time in 50 odd years which   was a massive success um they’ve got it again 2025  so we already got packages ready to go for that so  

If anyone’s looking for that let us know we can  you know sort you out um I was lucky enough tiger   was there that year I was lucky enough to be there  saw saw tiger which was incredible and again just  

An amazing place I haven’t played it Mark I know  you’ve played it yeah very but lucky to walk it   and see how incredible it is but yeah what’s it  like well my my favourite type of golf is Links  

Golf so once again it’s a real bucket list course  to play um you know you go out um starts a little   bit in land but then you you you work your way out  to about the fifth hole I think it is sits right  

By the side of the ocean and then you you come  back and uh it is it is phenomenal once again you   know like Cy down the hole in front of you is what  you’re playing and and how tough is it is it tough  

Yeah Calamity corner is it well you’ve got this  I think it’s the 16th okay where you go across   this kind of Ravine type thing where Shane Larry  was a for iron hit in that in that rain and wind  

Whatever and as soon as he hit that green that was  basically the Open Championship one um it hit that   was a phenomenal r a golf that he put together  to win that yeah Bucket List was for me 100% I’ve  

Heard it a lot and I remember speaking to Darren  Clark our ambassador on an interview and he just   kept on speaking about it like yeah yeah you know  the whole you know just some of the par fre they  

Just look incredible you know just so inviting  but so challenging yeah yeah tough but you know   one one to one to play nice yeah and once again  it you know just down the road you’ve got other  

Great golf courses put it put it together as an  in an itinerary and you know put it in with yeah   basically highlighting to me that you have got  endless amounts of fantastic courses to play in  

Ireland full stop Yes full stop that’s the video  done there we go so that’s the best golf courses   in Ireland thank you Sam thank you Mar so much for  giving us your your expert tips if you do want to  

Book a golf holiday to Ireland then do give your  golf travel a call and you might be speaking to   either one of these experts to book your next golf  holiday if you like the idea of Ireland for your   next golf holiday visit  to look at our incredible packages!

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