Golf Players

Why Pro Golfers Should NEVER Leave The PGA

Welcome back to Athlete District, today on the channel we’re going to be talking about “Why Pro Golfers Should NEVER Leave The PGA” if you’re excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don’t want to miss the details we have for you!
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From the century long tradition they’d be leaving behind to the difficulties they’ll face if they want to come back here’s why pro golfers should never leave the PGA there’s a lot of reasons why golfers should avoid switching over to live starting with the nearly hundred years of History they’d be leaving

Behind the PGA Tour was established in 1929 and over the decades it’s seen some of the best and brightest golfers of all time Grace the courses compare that to Liv golf which is barely 3 years old at this point and you can see why some people think it’s a no-brainer after all

The thing that sets golf apart from other sports can be summarized in one word Prestige any golfer who wants their name to go down in history would prioritize an esteemed organization like the PGA Tour and you can see that when you check out the big names that stuck

Around now it’s kind of understandable that some players wanted to head down to Saudi Arabia when they got the call Liv was offering multi-million dollar signing bonuses with Phil mikkelson allegedly receiving 200 million bucks just to leave the PGA Tour behind but at the same time the Saudi government-backed organization has

Failed to attract even bigger names like Tiger Woods Rory mroy has also given the Rival tournament a wide birth despite the chance to earn more money than he could imagine in fact mroy has become one of Liv golf’s biggest critics to the point where he refused to acknowledge

Patrick Reed just because he abandoned the PGA Tour this led to an altercation between the two at the end Emirates Golf Club so you can already tell that the Golf Community is becoming increasingly fractured by the day that’s yet another reason why golfers shouldn’t join live

All that money comes at a heavy cost to the spirit of the game and there’s just no way to get it back once it’s gone of course that’s not the only Factor at play here some would say that live golf’s peculiar rules aren’t in the best interests of most players like the whole

Team’s gimmick for example this might just be one of the more arbitrary aspects of the Saudi tournament cuz the existence of the these teams just doesn’t make a lot of sense it adds nothing to the game and on top of that some players might benefit from having

Heavy weights on their side for example Pat Perez gave a middling performance in the 2022 tournament but he still ended up earning a hefty 2.5 million just because he was on the same team as Dustin Johnson Patrick Reed and Taylor gu in a way this team structure is

Giving an unfair advantage to players that aren’t bringing their best to the table and that’s definitely something that pro golf should be against and besides does anyone really care about these teams at the end of the day you probably don’t remember the names of most of these teams let alone the

Players that they brought on board sure you could say that the tournament is still in its early stages maybe the teams will start to seem like less of a gimmick after some time passes but most golf fans just don’t get why they exist in the first place abandoning the

Traditional home of American Golf for a shiny new tournament is bad enough and the presence of an inexplicable team structure only further proves that golfers should ignore the live hype the 54 whole rule is also leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths so we should definitely talk about that too for one

Thing it turns each round of golf into a cakewalk and that really takes sportsmanship out of the equation 72 holes played over four sessions might seem like a lot but that’s the whole point with just 54 holes and 3 days of play golfers are coasting to the Finish Line without really testing their

Physical capability my point is that the live golf league is trying to fix something that ain’t broken and no self-respecting golfer should participate in that I haven’t even gotten to the worst part yet by the way cuz there’s one aspect of live that we really should be talking about many

Are saying that this tournament is part of the Saudi government’s Sports washing Campaign which is yet another reason for pro golfers to steer clear as controversial as it might sound Saudi Arabia has a spotty track record when it comes to Human Rights the thing is it

ALS also has a vast fortune in oil reserves and that gives the government plenty of cash to distract from some of the horrible things it’s been involved in they recently managed to bring Cristiano Ronaldo over to give their fledgling soccer league a boost and it seems like they’re trying to pull the

Same stunt with golf look a lot of Pros are simply in it for the money so they’ll obviously go for the fattest paycheck possible but they can’t just ignore live golf’s true purpose to be fair Saudi Arabia is also trying to promote tourism and challenge the PGA

Tour’s Monopoly on the sport but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read between the lines this is a blatant attempt to distract from incidents like the death of Jamal kogi and the countless other instances of human rights violations that pepper Saudi Arabia’s recent history any golfer that

Cares about basic freedom and rights can’t join live golf in good conscience and if you need any more proof of that just take a look at who they’ve got as their CEO I mean they chose Greg Norman of all people to run the operation that should tell you just how dedicated they

Are to dividing the World of Golf Greg Norman is an extremely divis of figure who’s had a decades long beef with a PGA Tour and the fact that Liv golf hired him to manage things can’t be a coincidence he’s also fully on board with the sportswashing angle which is to

Say that he’s repeating the Saudi government’s stance on pretty much everything with zero remorse at the live golf launch event Norman openly tried to brush the Jamal kogi incident as as well as the country’s human rights violations in general under the rug he made it seem like these were minor mishaps and that

The country’s recent modernization efforts make up for any harm it might have done in the past does that sound like something PGA players should get involved in all in all it feels like the Liv golf league is weakening the sport as a whole and no paycheck is heavy

Enough to change that okay maybe some pros would need more practical arguments to convince them most people agree that leaving the PGA isn’t in their best interests but these are professionals we’re talking about they need some hard facts so let’s discuss one incontrovertible fact about the sport

The PGA Tour is an institution that can’t be beaten and golfers should stay in its good graces its history is steeped in Tradition and it helped to transform the gentleman’s sport into the professional Powerhouse that it is today no matter how much money the Saudis throw around their tournament is still

Just a shallow copy of the real thing and it has none of The Prestige of the PGA tour even if Liv golf somehow manages to improve its reputation down the line it won’t be able to come close to the level of the PGA Tour many of the tournaments organized by the PGA have

Been happening since the mid 20th century they’re not just cash grabs they’re Bonafide parts of the community and leaving them behind for a glitzy jaunt in the desert for a small fortune is a betrayal of golf’s Roots there’s a good chance that many of the players heading to Saudi Arabia will regret

Their decision in the long run we might even see a lot of them wanting to return to the PGA tour at some point down the line but it won’t be that easy the PGA Tour won’t forgive and it certainly won’t forget anyone that wants to come

Back will face a lot of challenges with many top PGA players saying that defectors should be penalized what shape these penalties will take is anyone’s guess but players like Scotty Sheffer want there to be some repercussions with a potential merger between PGA and live on the horizon some defectors might be

Looking for a way back but but the damage will already have been done some players went so far as to sue the PGA Tour which sheffler says was an extremely poor taste they’ve already been suspended from their former employer and things are going to get even uglier from here on out now Rory

Mroy and a bunch of other Pros want a more straightforward return route for players that realize the error of their ways but the fact is that joining live golf at this time would be career suicide why take the risk when there’s a merger on the cards so from the

Difficulties they’ll face if they want to come back to the century-long tradition they’d be leaving behind here’s why pro golfers should never leave the PGA

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