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Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah y told y’ coming from my own theme music baby coming through strong right there with the Gaters Paradise that’s the way that’s the beat me and my boy man we call it that I know Coolio had his thing we call our joint the ganger Paradise

Also too hey welcome everybody in the VJ said said here right now on infinity TV and have happy Saturday morning great show for you guys lined up man we’re going to talk about the NFL NBA little college football got some rapid uh fire stuff I want to do today NFL and then I

Got some stuff to tell Mr LeBron James I’m back in the fold man I know I said I was going back off and leave him alone but he makes it so easy it he makes it so easy for guys like me to have a lot

Of fun at his name and expense but as always we’re going to start with word of the day you guys know here on VJ said what I said word of the day we’re going to break it down in life sense and then we’re going to translate over to sports

So y’all can get the feeling of what I’m and what I’m putting down what I’m talking about here so today’s word is leadership and I got two things I want to say about the word leadership before I go into the word leadership A wise man once told me I got it written down

Leadership is like a fingerprint it’s going to look different on everybody but it should yield the same result I like that one another one I can remember off the top of my head because I was a manager in commission sales and marketing and promotions for over 20

Years of my life Leadership is what happens when you’re not there and that brings me to like leadership that everybody can reflect on and everybody can refer to and agree on is about parenting right you are who you are because of the leadership that was

Provided to you in your life we all take right right turns and left turns we all don’t go down the same path and stay on the good path all our life a lot of times things happen and we do like in the in the black church world we call it

You’re straight away You’re straight you ain’t been to church in a little while and sister Odell see you in the grocery store and that baby I ain’t seeing you down at the church not church the church I ain’t seeing you down at the church where you been baby I know sometime you

Stray away come on back we miss you baby we love you okay tell your mom I said hello I give y’all some banana nut bread when I see you on sun that’s how it go down when you stray away but your leadership has been there I am who I am

Because of the leadership of my mother glendor Spearman who was a retired colonel out of the Pentagon I am who I am because of my grandmother Ambry Spearman my grandfather Clarence Spearman my step hops Glenn Thomas even my dad Vernon husky senior I I there their leadership that was shown to me

How you conduct yourself how you act how you talk how you walk how you dress that’s why I say little silly things like looking good feeling good smelling good that comes from the male leadership I grew up with I don’t know about a bum day even my sweats and my sneaks and a

T-shirt with a chain and a fitt it and in my my jewelries to go pick my kids up from school that’s how I’m rolling period I don’t know a flip-flop a pajama pants uh uh my face not done not lined up not looking good like I don’t know

What that is that’s the leadership that was shown to me honorable being moral man uh being an honorable man that was shown to me through leadership now as a parent especially with a son I have to show leadership they always say your kids don’t say what you they don’t do

What you say they do what you do you could tell your kid don’t do this don’t do that don’t do this but if you do you can tell your kid don’t cuss but if you’re cussing if you’re cursing if you got a potty mouth if you got a sailor’s

Mouth how do you expect your kid not to curse by the time he get about 10 I said my first curse when I was like six I got my ass whooped but I said my first cuss word I was about six why cuz I heard it somewhere not that it was bad leadership

I just heard it somewhere but when you are the leader you got to make sure that what you put out is going to reciprocate to the end result that you want that’s part of leadership let’s look about work right when I was in sales I used to always tell people there’s a difference

Between your boss your supervisor and somebody that you consider like a mentor or your leader I’ll break it down for you guys your boss points and directs your boss tells what you’re not doing right your boss tells you all the mistakes that you’re making don’t really

Tell you what you’re doing a lot of good stuff at your supervisor is somebody who just gets paid maybe two or three dollars more than you that don’t even know more than you or even better at the job and they don’t even really know how to supervise they just have the title

What a leader does is a leader shows you how to get it done they show you how to conduct yourself they show you how to practice they show you how to eat they show you how to train they show you how to speak to the media they show you and

Then you follow even husbands wives you you follow each other in a marriage they show you what they want they show you how to do this a lot of men aren’t very good financially men are very frugal they you know clutch your pearls right breaking news Winn win win VJ brok men

Are very frugal are are are frivolous with their money right they they we bu sneakers cars jewelry sometimes it takes you to find yourself a good woman to show you how to budget better to show you how to save better how to invest better how to put money here better

Sometimes that’s just an inability they have that’s why it works that’s called leadership she’s showing you how to do it so therefore you learn and it’s for the end result in the goal same thing at work when I used to be a manager of stores I used to tell people listen

Watch How I go close this lady when I was working at LA Fitness and working in the gym membership I was say Watch How I get this membership hey you guys follow me listen to me listen how I talk listen how I’m presenting the gym and the training package watch me close this

Lady not hey you need to go do this and do this did you say this did you say that did you show her this did you show her this or you should have walked around longer or you should have did you should have no watch me do and if I fa

Like okay I I’ll get the next one I’ll get that but what repetition of leadership you’re showing people how to be successful when you think about teams I’ve played Sports all my life there are times we had team captains that I played on teams I played on that weren’t leaders they were just

Popular especially when you’re letting the team vote they’re just popular I can remember being a junior in high school and one of our players were named a team captain and he was like the worst social League guy on the team always was in trouble was getting arrested in high

School how are you making him a team C but he was the popular you know popular good player great player actually was but was the popular good great player on our team he was named a team captain he ain’t never do a damn thing to show me

Leadership at all so even when you get a title like Captain boss supervisor doesn’t mean that you’re doing leadership I use this word today to flip it over to sports is because we just got wa finished watching the All-Star Weekend the All-Star Game specifically and the leaders of the NBA are two guys

Adam Silver the commissioner and who people perceive the best player the goat LeBron James you have to take accountability for the poor leadership that has been shown through you the commissioner Adam Silver and honestly through you LeBron James who decided that you wanted to cut Corners you wanted to manipulate the competitive

Balance of the NBA and listen excuse me it’s anybody’s right to be a free agent that’s fine but when there’s a manipulation and there’s a plan and there’s a certain narcissism that comes with what you’re trying to accomplish that’s poor leadership you everybody gets on Kevin Durant for what Kevin

Durant did by leaving Oklahoma City and going to go to State and I came came out I didn’t kill him I simply just said I disagree with it I would I would have loved to see him and Russ work that out excuse me stick with that as long as

They possibly could and overcome to go to state Wars at some point I believe they would have if they have stayed there they had got more players they been able to get a free agent here or there get somebody to come help out you’d have been able to get the job done

I believe that 100% I thought it was a weak move and I thought it was the wrong move but I understood why he made the move because the leader is showing you this is what you have to do to get all the accolades all the pats on the back

All the go conversation all the debate commer all the debate TV shows talking about you uh fawning over you all the media suck up Fanboys in the media that’s not supposed to be that way you’re a journalist you’re in the media you’re supposed to not be uh you know

Biased you’re supposed now if you write for a certain city for 30 years Bill palaski J D guys like that out here in Los Angeles for the Los Angeles Times guys that have been at the the New York Times coin hires a will bom was at the

Washington Post forward 20 25 years each at sports columnist uh they have the PTI show which I still watch Daily round horn PTI I still watch every single day because to me that’s to me I like that that’s good sports talk but the leadership was shown that hey this is

What we do now now you look around the league that’s all it is I don’t want to participate in the dunk contest LeBron James this was his thought process you’re the leader so now we can’t get guys that want to do it because the leader doesn’t want to do it we got

Blessed and lucky with Gordon and LaVine guys that we got lucky with that if not for Gordon and LaVine we are really all the way back to the 2000 weekend up in Oakland with Steve Francis Vince Carter Tracy McGrady Jerry Stackhouse we’re we’re really we’re really relegated back

To I think Ricky Davis was in that dunk contest also too but we’re relegated back to that to really look at a dunk contest and go yeah the great ones all did it I don’t mind if you just do it once if you do it once and win it you

Ain’t gota do it again Jordan did it twice because he didn’t win he got beat by Dominique he want to come back and win that see that’s that competitiveness but that’s also that leadership right there that made other guys want to make sure that if they got in it to get their

One they get out Sean Kim tried it I think four or five times never won it but because he kept trying he wanted to Win It Kobe Bryant got in it first time one it nope I ain’t got to do it no more Vince Carter got in the one time first

Time one it nope I ain’t got to do it no more guys like Steve Francis Nate Robinson came back uh Dwight Howard came back did it multiple times we got lucky with LaVine and Gordon we really did but the leadership shows that you don’t have

To do these things you don’t have to be competitive you don’t have to be gun ho and hardcore you could take the easy ass route and whatever product put gets put out there as long as you’re getting paid long as we’re getting these guaranteed contracts long as I’m paid long as I’m

Worried about my brand and all that other none of that stuff matters it really does it to the real fans we just want to see the best do the best but the leadership right now in the NBA is is piss poor it’s bad and the two guys that

You have to point the finger out is you tell me this guy’s the goat that you you’ve been telling me this guy’s better than Jordan he’s better than Kobe he’s better than will magic bird every Everybody cap he’s better than everybody right then he the leader then he’s got

To take some blame for the leadership you’ve shown to the rest of the league and the rest of the players Adam Silver you’re the leader but being the commissioner over the best player most powerful guy so you two are the leaders and the leadership that you’ve shown has been

Pissed poor that’s why you sent NBA legends and icons to the locker room to talk to the players about being more competitive and that’s how they responded they don’t respect your leadership that’s like going in your teenage son’s room and having a sit down talk I’m talking a Stern excuse me you

Want to spank them but this isn’t a spanking moment this is a teaching moment this is a leadership moment as a dad and you give him the talk and you pour into it and you think he’s listening you think it’s sinking in you go back down to the kitchen to tell your

Wife I think I got to him I I I think I think this one got it sweetheart I he’s he’s on the right train and then he goes right back to school the next day and does the same damn thing that you just talked to him about that’s the he doesn’t respect your

Leadership why because you’re not a good leader we’re missing leaders Tom Brady was a leader Michael Jordan the no bolor horse Grant Scotty Pippen man let me un buuck my damn jacket and get comfortable today on say what I said Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen Luke longle you’re sorry

Ass dude you’re yinka Dar if you don’t play with Michael Jordan Scottie Pippen bro let it go we understand your wife is being smashed off she just broke up with Mike’s son how embarrassing I get it messed around with future behind you I get it dude it’s been rough it’s been tough you

Bought a lot of this on yourself but you want to go a leader like Michael Jordan that showed you got is he wrong for punching Steve cerry yeah you’re bigger dude that’s like bullying but at that time lot of lot of bullying went on his person remember the bullying allegations with the Miami

Dolphins and the offensive line guy from I forget his name but the guy from Stanford remember like a grown man can’t get bullied Bullying happens with you know the 133 and and the and the eight-year-old or nine-year-olds but two grown men you’re just getting punked at that point if you’re getting picked on

And you’re not defending yourself or you’re getting pushed around or people are physically touching you and putting their hands on you and you’re not that you don’t have enough in you to defend yourself that’s not being bullied homeboy where I come from that’s being punked that’s not being bullied bullied

Is somebody that know that they can beat down on somebody that’s what Jordan did to Kerr it was wrong but he was a leader because he showed them I want to win this bad this is how bad I want to win but he also said in the last dance I

Didn’t just want it for me I wanted that for them too cuz I wanted them to feel that that’s leadership guys it just looks different on everybody like a fingerprint it’s going to look different on everybody but it’s gonna it needs to yield the same result when you got

LeBron James pulling some of the crap that he’s pulling is that leadership to you guys is it yielding a result this S in La and I’ll get more into that in segment three of the show though but this St in La people don’t want to admit

It it’s it’s been an epic failure this has not been a good run and a good decision to come here I always say you should have went to the Clippers you could have showed some real leadership there they’re at the bottom of the barrel even getting to a finals people

Would have been calling you to go and it might have had some validity to it like hey man he did go to the Clippers and get the Clippers to the finals I got to give so i’ have gave that Proms and I can’t stand the guy so word of the day

Is leadership we’ll keep touching back on that Adam Silver LeBron James you guys are poor leaders there’s a lot more poor leaders in sports one just retired from college football and he running this mouth snitching over there I’mma eat you up later on the show too y’all

Sit tight man we come back with VJ say what I said here on the F TV I’m going to give y’all the VJ vicious power five NBA teams as I see it currently right now in the NBA you’re watching said what I said on infinity TV VJ Vernon husky

Your host the Big Vanilla f hey everyone I’m Neco gu with the LA Sparks and you are watching Infinity Television N A podcast for the fans by the fans dive deep into the topics the other shows Miss raw and uncensored and he’s going to play Team ball his legacy is at St rare hard-hitting interviews with players coaches and you the super fans I’m not hating I’m like okay cool three

Championship he more than good bro profanity Nation listen live or subscribe on your favorite podcast Platform what’s up y’all it’s your girl CH gu and you’re watching Infinity television boom shout out inanity television this is Juju Watkins see y’all what’s going on everybody welcome back to VJ said what I said happy Saturday morning too man I’m hoping everybody is we coming out of the winter

It’s going to start to warm up as some play I know back y’ still a little cold up in the Great Northwest and places like that in the noreast also too but we we’re coming out of the winter the cold months Football coold Saturday mornings out at the pot warning field with your

Kids and all that good stuff man and uh we’re starting to settle into the NBA this is when the NBA gets my attention the i i anybody that knows VJ Vernon husky they know that from July yes July to February I am locked in with high school football college

Football and the NFL and then of course NHL starts I love me some NHL college hoops starts in October those two get going uh college hoops is more November going into Thanksgiving that early the part of November but uh NHL starts mid to late October and baseball is rounding

Off into the playoffs there shout out to my Rangers the riging defending Undisputed World Series champions and we going back to the World Series this year I don’t know if we’ll repeat yet cuz the Dodgers looking strong I listen I’m going to enjoy going to the games this

Year I ain’t going to front I ain’t a Dodger fan but I like watching great teams in person that team man look like they can be seven to 10 runs a night and you better hope your bats are high because the pitches that they can send

Out to the bump with the junk that they can throw even though Shi won’t be throwing that unicorn is still going to be in the Batters box man so a lot of souvenirs gonna be flying out to uh right field this year and I hope to

Catch one with my son Cameron uh one of these games but so that period of the time of year football and then the baseball run down the stretch has me locked in after I get through Christmas and both my kids birthday and my wife’s birthday and Valentine’s Day and I get

Past the All-Star Game college basketball is uh you know it’s in the it’s in the meat going towards the end of conference play most of the top three seeds in the power five conferences are kind of set whether you’re going to be a one or two in the conference Champion or

The conference tournament or a two or a three it’s really five six seven some of those things those are the ones that are fighting in Joselin for uh for position jockeying for position at that point so you get to this time of the year there’s there’s also um uh NHL starting to pick

Up they do the outdoor games they just had a beautiful game with the Islanders in Rangers rangers are down my Rangers my New York Rangers down 41 come back win that game in overtime at MetLife Stadium beautiful I love these outdoor games they’re outstanding they’re on my

Bucket list I hope to get the one this year and now NHL is starting to separate itself either so this is when I can I can be Reed in to the NBA because I think we’re past all the fliff flam and fluff I do I think at this point you can

Look at the teams you can look at who’s who players MVP talk coaches Coach of the Year coaches that won’t be back players that you know don’t give a damn and don’t care you kind of know at this point in the year so excuse me what I

Decideed to do is I decid to do something new for you guys we’re gonna call this the uh the the VJs vicious because this these are vicious teams like these are the team what are these teams goingon to win at all this is my power five as we sit right now on

Saturday February 24th 2024 so let’s start with the fifth team ranked at number five I have the Phoenix Suns got the Phoenix Suns here they’re sitting at 33 and 22 I’m not going to bother you guys with a bunch of nerdism and and dork ISM numbers I want to talk

Basketball can we do that can we just talk ball can we just talk hoop the rock the pill can we just talk that I appreciate that thank you very much I look at this team you know you got Devin books and you know you got Durantula

Bradley Beal has been the Lynch pin on this team and when he’s played they do look good I still think that they’re short as far as their bench’s concern because whenever you go get a Kevin Durant through trade or a James Harden through trade or a Russell Westbrook

Through trait a lot of times you’ve got to give up a lot of bench pieces and they gave up a lot of guys they would love to have Bridges back right now I’m telling you and everybody out there know that I’m speaking the truth they would

Love to have them back right now I have him back and added to them right now and I think that’s where some of their losses come from I would love to see this team a little more ah I would love to see him a little more prolific on

Offense and I know people are like go on VJ they got Devin books they got Kevin Durantula shout out PG County DMV in the building but 118 a night I don’t think gets it done and it showed last night against uh two nights ago sorry excuse me against the Dallas Mavericks show two

Nights ago against the Dallas Mavericks they’re holding their opponents to about 112 113 and I think that’s okay I don’t think that’s great it’s embarrassing that every NBA team is giv up over 108 or nine I believe it is points a night number more defensive scoring team in

The league is 106 excuse me for the Minnesota Timberwolves uh but one one 112 113 T night it’s kind of high I think that’ll come down in the playoffs I would like to see this team be a little more offensively explosive and it just feels like they’re missing

Something but to sit at number five on my power list I feel super comfortable about simply because you got Kevin Durant Kevin Durant still Kevin Durant if you haven’t listened to the interview of him and his agent you guys need to go listen to his interview I’ve been

Watching Kevin Durant since he was at mantro Christian Academy when he’s about 16 years old I’ve been seeing Kevin Durant that long DC assault with Michael Bey uh Michael Beasley excuse me and and Nolan Smith that went to Duke on the DC assault a team I’ve been watching Kevin

Durant a long time I’ve always been a Kevin Durant fan I’m so glad he finally just came out admitted who he is and his personality and if you’re from PG County you’re from the DMV guys he is so PG County he is so DMV ain’t a lot of

Smiles man ain’t a lot of like you know outgoing personalities and trying to smile for the cameras and that’s why he don’t care if you make fun of his hair his hair look like a gang of roaches having a meeting like it’s crazy his beard is mangy and it it a’t it ain’t

Tight it ain’t L all it that that’s how they roll and I love me some PG County man I’m from the DMV area so I I when I hear that I’m like yeah he’s really PG bro like he’s PG County he’s not GNA give y’all what y’all want what you

Really should like because a lot of this [ __ ] y’all getting today is flip flam and fluff it’s fake it’s not real people know when the camera Russell Wilson is one of them that’s why I’ve never liked them you know I can see this I’ve been in acting I’ve been in entertainment I

Know an actor when I see one I know someone front for the camera when I see one I’ve sat on many ass sets whether it was TV shows movie sets Big Time movies small independent films web series for YouTube I’ve sat and watched people completely flipping change the minute

The camera’s on there are people that walk through life like that and they Ain never acted a day in their life for money or for a film or for a credential but they’ve done it through their life a lot of people are like that I respect

That Kevin Durant not that guy love to see more from the [ __ ] not sure they’re going to get it eight and Trey just really baffled me I don’t know why you’re getting rid of a 17 and 10 guy I just would have kept them and put up

With the attitude for at least another year and see if you can break through in the west cuz the West is strong so give me the Phoenix Suns at number five number four and this isn’t hyperbole I think they might be the best team in the

League right now at least they have been since December and that is the hometown Los Angeles Clippers Y what up be I’m giving your team some love player I know y’all get out here I respect that you be a fan the way you be a fan of your team

I was just telling Jeff I respect that that man is a fan like that keep talking yes man don’t worry about man y ain’t got no chips you I mean but keep talking your smack bro but I got you guys at number four 36 and 17 118 tonight uh

Kawai sitting at uh 246 and 4 Harden is at 185 and 8 p and Paul George is at 255 and four 225 and four now my only beef with this squad and I love tyo tyo is a great coach Ty is doing a great job like

The bench Russ coming off the bench lot of and and they’re doing it kind of quietly because everybody out here still trying to figure out how can we talk about the Lakers like that’s the thing in La honestly it’s how can we talk about the oh it’s a slow news day you

Know what let’s say that they are gonna draft Brony from us which it would just Five Points a game 36% shooting like stop stop if his name was Jonathan Glasco from Shaban no one would give a damn but that is La that’s the way the media market and sports works out here

So the Clippers have been doing this kind of quietly they shoot well they play good defense kawh Leonard I know you did low management earlier this year but I I I feel like kawai’s in a groove right now love what Harden is going to give you we know his faults and his

Failures of the postseason but I hey you know the dog The Sun Shines on the dog’s ass every now and then and at the saying every now and then you know what I’m saying even a garbage can gets a state you know it could be that year uh for

Them there but my only thing would be with Paul George and I’ve said this at least about four or five years in a row now I think we’ve seen the best Paul George we’ve ever G to see and I thought that Paul George was in Indiana I know

People want to bring up the OKC year but that was a contract year and he bought out of control and he got the big contract and since he’s been here in La it’s it’s just hasn’t materialized but I just still love this team that’s why I

Have him sitting at number four I think they can make some noise in the playoffs right now I think they’ve been the best team since December but the championship isn’t won in December till now unless it’s an end tournament and you’re LeBron James damn near the only person in the

Locker room spraying champagne with big ass goggles on your face like it was a real champ so embarrassing how do you guys feel about that now look at that look at look now we’re in February now right it’s the 24th remember that back then oh look at that they won a champion

November champag yeah okay so I have the Clippers at number four moving up to number three I like this team but they remind me of Sacramento last year and that’s the Minnesota Timberwolves I’ll put them in number three right now number one in the league in defense at

106 18th in the league at 114 per game Edwards 265 and5 towns 22 and a half 8-2 and gobear at 12 and a half uh boards a night goar would have to give me more offense for me to move this team up more Anthony Edwards could be the next major

Superstar in the NBA if he gets his off the court stuff and Y don’t have to tell y all y to do is Google it or go on Twitter or X whatever you call it it’s all right there but at 39 and 16 they’re part of their schedule the tough teams

The tough stretches they had they’re they’re already gone but I do think this team finishes with you know mid-50s could touch almost the 60 wins but when they get to the playoffs I don’t know if I trust them and I kept saying this about the Sacramento Kings last year and

I had Mike Medina Mark Medina excuse me here in La who’s a basketball reporter and uh analyst for FOX Sports radio over on the show on Fox Sport radio last night doing the show filling in for Jason Smith and Mike Harmon and had him on and talked to him about this

Minnesota team and referred about the Sacramento team last year that I said we lose in seven to the Golden State Warriors because you you haven’t been there enough the NBA if you don’t have like two or three of the top 12 13 guys like you ain’t got super team in the NBA

Nowadays unless you’re the Denver Nuggets you don’t have a shot let’s just get real you don’t have a shot to win the championship because camaraderie means everything you’re fluxing in players in and out every single year and when you have that come up year no one

Has that come up year out of nowhere and wins it all plus Carl Anthony towns to me just he he just he continues to me to just wreak of a poor man’s Rasheed Wallace and I hate to use Rasheed because rasid is one of my favorite players of all time but I’m just

Thinking 610 611 guy that shoot shoot the three he’s definitely not the post player that rased Wallace is and I think if he played in a tougher era than we wouldn’t see this Carl Anthony towns I think he get punked a lot by guys his size that are stronger that are you know

Tougher and he just seems a little he seems a little soft to me I know he’s been and that is I’m not talking about anything personal because I know that story I know all through Co and all that stuff I know all of that I’m strictly talking about on the basketball court

Anthony Edwards is also a young player I haven’t seen you do it yet the last guy at the guard position early in his career that we didn’t have SE do it yet that came through was D Wayne way he’s not Dwayne Wade so I got them at number

Three number two defending champs the Denver Nuggets I understand where they’re sitting at 36 and 19 but Yoki just 262 and N he had another triple double two nights ago going 10 of 10 from the field he’s the only guy that’s done it a certain amount of times in his

Career with the 15 rebounds and the 10 assists of all time ever ever to go 10 for 10 from the field with a triple double and 15 rebounds with 10 plus assists the only person to ever do it in NBA history is NOLA joic I love I love

Murray now the one thing I did write down here about them they had some bad losses which concerns me but I’m not sure if it’s just early season midseason Blues they’ve lost to Sacramento three times all right and in one game they gave up 135 they’ve lost to Orlando both

Times and they lost to Utah but they did beat Philly twice and they’ve beaten Boston and they’ve beaten Milwaukee so they’ve been good teams but there’s some nights maybe they just have these let Downs where they’ve lose they’ve uh lost uh to bad teams I’m waiting to see if

The the veterans that left last year after they got the ring to go get the money rightfully so I’m waiting to see if that’s going to affect how this team turns out I still think they’re in the Western Conference finals coming out of the West I’m not sure because I think a

Guy like Kevin Durant could get hot Booker can get hot any of these teams can get hot the Clippers play good defense coach by taou who is also play uh won a championship and coach in the finals can’t get hot and I want wonder if some of the missing pieces from last

Year will show up and at number one because they have the best record in the league they have one of the best players in the league and I think they got a shot to get to the finals I just question whether he’s a championship guy because the last time he was in the

Finals his uh scoring everything went down he didn’t show up and and close the deal and that’s the Boston Celtics they’re my number one team sitting at 43 and 12 120 at night 110 both fifth in the league the 110 they give up a night it’s fifth in the leag the 120 they

Score it’s 50 see that’s what I like right there excuse me that’s what I like right there 120 110 there’s a 10-point difference between winning and losing for them that’s why they’re 43 and 12 they were undefeated at home for such a long time I think of and the the the

LeBron L Lakers went in there and uh beat them Tatum at 26 8-6 and browned 225 and five and porzingis hey I was wrong I didn’t think the porzingis move was a good move I don’t like giving up my toughness for scoring and when they gave up Marcus Smart and pretty much

Brought in and pretty much brought in porzingis hey man porzingis is at 20 and S only thing with him is I guess he’s just got to stay on the court hey Phil Jackson Nice fine man nice fine Phil Jackson for all you guys that said he’s screwed over New York y’all can still

Have uh pork could you imagine porzingis with Jaylen Brunson right now but I don’t think that they win at all I just like them at number one right now cuz they’ve had the best full season I still think the Clippers have been the best team since December so my power VJ

Vicious power Five Boston number one nuggets number two Minnesota number three the hometown Clippers at number four and rounding them off the Phoenix Suns at number five is the VJ vicious power five in about two weeks maybe three weeks I’ll bring you guys another one to see how much is updated all right

Man y’all sit back we’ll be right back on VJ say what I say here on infinity TV and I’m going to talk about LeBron James all our favorite topics all that more coming up VJ say what I said Infinity television hey everyone I’m Neco gu with the LA Sparks and you are watching

Infinity Television N Profanity a podcast for the fans by the fans dive deep into the topics the other shows Miss raw and uncensored and he’s going to play Team ball his legacy is that St rare hard-hitting interviews with players coaches and you the super fans I’m not hating I’m like okay cool

Three championship in 5 years he’s more than good bro profanity Nation listen live or subscribe on your favorite podcast Platform what what’s up youall it’s you girl CH gu and you’re watching Infinity television boom shout out infity television this is Juju Watkins see y’all what’s going on ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to VJ said what I said on infinity TV all right so let’s get right back into this

Uh this next segment here before really quick make sure you go to YouTube follow us Infinity I see we just crossed over another thousand uh number Mark I love seeing that when that that number before the K turns into the next highest number and then myself y’all can

Find me VJ Veron VW j a y v r n o n on Facebook and then also the Big Vanilla funny on IG and on Twitter or X whatever you call I also started a Tik Tock my nie scoop ball made me do a Tik Tok I

Yeah got Tik tok’s a lot but I do get a lot of engagements over there so I guess that is a good thing all right I want to read you guys a definition here to a word the word is narcissist everybody knows what a narcissist here right I

Found a definition check this out a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves puts his own crown on who does that sound like to you guys guys I tell y’all I I won’t leave you in suspense this seg was going to be about

LeBron James uh once again making it so easy for a guy like me to do what I do and when I go at LeBron and pick apart the fake goat narrative the fake make players better narrative care about the game n that’s all bull bleep you guys

Know it I know it you just don’t want to say it because everybody’s afraid of their own damn Shadow today in cancel culture I’m not all right so he had this post uh allstar game interview where he talked about um whether he was going to

Want a farewell tour or he was going to attempt dunking it I guess that’s a thing now is that what we’re calling it when you quietly just go away the temp we have disrespected the big fundamentals so much why is it called Tim Duncan Tim Duncan is not the only

Damn player that in one off season just said you know what I’m good I’m done it’s been it’s been a fun ride but I want to go do this now or I want to go do that now this is probably I’m done everybody doesn’t have to announce this

Is my last year last year I like when people notice their last year and they’ll go listen I don’t want to talk about that I want to talk about this season I’ll think about that later but you you know whether this is your last year or not but I’m I’m it’s not about

Me it’s about the team it’s about what we’re doing trying to accomplish on my way possibly out the door so he says there’s this thing of Tim Dunkey in it or did he want a fail War Tour all right so first of all I want to know who the

Hell ask you this question cuz I think you’re capping I think you’re straight line we know we caught LeBron in a bunch of lives I think you’re straight capping LeBron is very smart that he put this out there somebody asked me the other day who who nobody ain’t nobody ask you

[ __ ] ain’t nobody asked you man stop with that nobody asked you nothing you’re saying this yourself because you want it out there because you want I wrote it all down fairw tour so he gets every city every opponent the gifts the speeches the hugs the fake friendships

All the all the the hand daps with all the other players and he wants everybody to show a video of him dude you’re not you’re not that guy you’re not the other when no one do since when do they chant LeBron sucks and every you they don’t

They did it for Kobe though because that’s love that’s respect LeBron is not respected the way he wants to be by the fan base and by his peers that’s why he has the control the media that’s why clutch hires his ex-teammates and throws them on the network so they could just

Talk LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron they sound like little Dez in the Nike puppet commercials y’all remember the Nike puppet commercial him and Kobe and little Dez from upstairs Lebron Lebron Lebron Lebron Lebron after Kobe was gone off in the playoffs winning championships following him around the

House that’s how it sounds when you’re watching the media nowadays nobody asks LeBron that question LeBron is throwing this out there because he’s gonna make it all about himself just like with his son and I feel for bronnie I really do cuz you’re not ready for the league but

You got your dad tweeting that you’re better than guys in who who is he who who is he better than in the league and he’s averaging Five Points and shoot 36% in school I know there’s an excuse for that right I know about the cardiac arrest thing and that was sad and I

Thought you should have stay sad out this year but you didn’t so now that you play in this business we’re GNA talk about it we’re not going to let it go we’re not going to give it a pass Mr Chris brussard I’m giving LeBron a pass

I’m giving him a pass this year what a pass the hell you giving him a pass cuz he’s 39 okay but when he dunks and he flex and he screams man look how high he jump at 39 when things are going right well come on he’s 39 y’all can’t have it

Both ways man you can’t get pancakes and waffles pick pick one no one eats pancakes and waffles or french toast and pancakes or french toast and Waffles damn it pick one but the reason why he hasn’t retired yet LeBron’s got nothing to prove and I’m n LeBron guy telling

You guys that he’s got nothing left to prove you’re leading score of all time you’re going to finish really high ranked in rebounds and assists he’s got zero to prove he’s still chasing accul he’s still chasing the accolades and the love and if you don’t have it by now if

You don’t have it by I said yesterday on the breaks when someone doesn’t want you let them go do not hold do not chase people down to love you to support you you I tell people all the time you better stop waiting on your damn family there’s 370 million people in America

You better stop waiting on eight or nine people to support you your biggest fans are always going to be people you don’t know exist the people you inspire the most is going to be somebody you don’t even know exist it’s not going to be somebody close to you that you know

That’s the real true love he don’t have that and he wants that and he knows that people aren’t going to talk about LeBron the way they talk about Kobe when his playing days you’re not going to hear people on all right so one night when

You know kobby LeBron comes up to me and says such and such or such and such or you’re not get you’re not getting that man he’s still just even playing because he’s just trying to chase this love and and and uh and this um uh admiration that he yearns for it’s a narcissist

Trait you got to make everything about you narcissist you can’t take no accountability narcissist you got to blame everybody else narcissist I don’t know anything they play narcissist play dumb I didn’t know about a trade I didn’t know the coach was going to get I didn’t know I didn’t know I didn’t know

I didn’t know that’s like the D1 coach I didn’t know the the kids were getting money really in this little ass rural college town you’re you’re college sports college coaching is a that is a control freak thing right there cuz you’re in these town in college they can

They can tell certain media you can’t come in when you’re in La you can’t tell the LA Times they can’t come in they la times homeboy I get to come cover this game I get to come ask these questions in the story now you can rub athletes

Wrong and things like that at journalist but you can’t tell me I can’t come in I tell you man narcissists they like to make up things and LeBron has also made this up too ain’t nobody ask him a damn thing is now planning the Seas to get this admiration farewell tour that he

Wants and it’s going to fall on its face just like when he broke the scoring record it looked good for about 3 seconds then they stopped the game and Rich Paul and is homie it’s like uh hello if I was the opposing team I said I’d have been pissed you can’t hold the

Game up for 25 minutes also since you’ve come to LA games missed 27 4 27 26 27 and seven this year eight now missing a game two nights ago against Golden State it’s been an epic failure lucky he got that four month break all it going be real bad y’all sit tight

Man when we come back I’m going to do something new called NFL rapid fire I just want to go through a bunch of really cool NFL topics just to keep the football juices flowing all that more coming on VJ say what I said inanity TV hey everyone I’m Neco gum with the LA

Sparks and you are watching Infinity Television N Profanity a podcast for the fans by the fans dive deep into the topics the other shows Miss raw and uncensored and he’s going to play Team ball his legacy is at stake rare hard-hitting interviews with players coaches and you the super fans I’m not hating I’m like okay cool three

Championship in 5 years he’s more than good bro profanity Nation listen live or subscribe on your favorite podcast Platform what’s up y’all it’s your girl chel gu and you’re watching Infinity television boom shout out Infinity television this is jju Watkins see y’all hey what’s going on everybody Welcome to VJ say what I say cuz I’mma always say what I mean and say what I

Say and if you don’t like it you could take your ass of the way here on inanity TV man I listen I’m trying that I don’t know if it works y’all let me know if it don’t work listen I’m of the people I’m the people I’m the sports tght people

Champ if your guys like VJ that’s corny don’t do that no more I won’t do it I won’t take it personally let me know whether y’all like it or not if you don’t like it if I hear no people like nah that’s kind of it’s like it feels

Like you’re trying cuz it does feel like I’m trying but I am trying so let me know whether y’all like it or not if y like it we can scrap it if y’all like it we’ll keep doing it maybe we’ll make something else up real quick sidebar

Before I go to NFL uh rapid fire real quick story man of one of my um mentors in this business and a friend I just bumped it to him last night over at Fox Sports Radio Mr Rob Parker breaking news uh him and three ex-athletes are set to

Launch an all black Sports Talk section uh station excuse me Sports Talk Station in Detroit called Sports rap radio that’ll be on am 1270 in Detroit man it’s going to be him BJ Armstrong and two others will uh will leave wxt YT 1270 a.m. uh from Odyssey with local programming starting in May

So shout out to you RP I appreciate that bro Rob Parker is one of the guys in this business especially one of the black men in this business that really does create and give back and bring people along and I always appreciate that I was telling somebody this about

Two weeks ago he’s a guy who gets it we all got egos we all want money we all want the TV spots we all want the prime time radio slots and things of that every Everybody people in this business trust me guys I can speak for us all we

Don’t want to do anything else this is it talking Sports television radio internet now it’s streaming that’s basically TV you get something streaming you’re on TV you’re B there’s no difference between your flat screen and your laptop your phone to your tablet to your iPad there’s no different my kids

Watch their tablets more than they watch the TV if they get their tablets going with blippy or uh Rachel or or uh Adventures of douge Wiggles and all the the color crayons that dance around and don’t even talk English my son loves that thing they don’t even use words but

They just scribble different colors and he yells the colors they watch that on that tablet more than TV so once you’re in this business and you’re creating like Rob Parker is a gentleman like me I always pay homage salute Rob Parker used to do my old radio show uh vj’s

Unsportsman like conduct that was listed to at 26 States 16 countries and we got up to 500 episodes in over 50,000 downloads so I was very proud of and I was all independent all just me doing it at the crib but was consistent I was

Doing it every day and he came on and gave me a big name as a guest one day along with guys like Eric Dickerson Richmond web Mike Hill Chris brousard guys that all helped the young brother like me out I tell young guys all the time in this business man just keep

Going don’t quit and be yourself I know people are going to tell you to change be yourself someone there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s a there’s a lane for everybody whether you’re really proper and you’re really buttoned up and you have the welcome to Southern California

Today for the golf tournament here for the Junior Amateur like even if you’re that guy or if you got a potty mouth and you’re talking trash and calling people out and cursing there’s serious satellite radio there’s exm radio there’s a there’s a lane for everybody stay with it Rob’s a guy that stayed

With it he brings a lot of good guys with him too dear J Morris you guys know that colleague over here with um Infinity him and another gentleman with MLB bro so big things shout out to Mark to Rob all right so real fast NBA EXC me NFL rapid fire the Justin Fields

Stuff to me is just really interesting because I really do think we’re in the window right now that he is going to be traded I disagree I think the Chicago should work with him use that pick to get more picks or use that pick to take

The best play in the draft give him more weapons you need weapons on offense if you bring in Caleb Williams I just think you’re bringing uh a new steak to a dirty plate a fet man to the same dirty plate that you just took the other fet y

After you ate some of that and realized you didn’t like it or you didn’t want it or want to cook to your temperature and just moved it on you didn’t bring in a whole new plate you’re just bringing in a new piece of steak and new flameon put

On the plate I think that’s a bad move but I do like I hear everybody talking about Pittsburgh and talking about the Falcons I’m going to throw a team out there that I have nobody talked about I’ve heard nobody say for Justin Fields I think this would be a great move

Minnesota Vikings should be on the phone trying to figure out how they could get adjusted Fields because I think Kurt cousin even if he wants to come back I love my man Kurt Kurt’s my guy but I do think he’s might have run his course you bring in Justin Fields young receivers

Young backfield you got TJ Hawkinson there now in Minnesota from Detroit you got a good tight end Flores has that defense playing out of this world their Blitz package heavy there on the defensive side of the ball and Justin Fields you can get your licks back in on

Chicago the way Brett Favre got his licks back on Green Bay it would be the Vikings doing this twice with two separate quarterbacks bringing them in to get their licks back on their former teams in the same division Minnesota Vikings everybody’s heard the Atlanta stuff everybody’s heard the Pittsburgh

Stuff I’m throwing my team in the Hat I’m going with the uh Minnesota Vikings for Justin Fields also the Raiders and Antonio Pierce have put it out that they have the mome rule just real fast on this don’t poke the bear you could poke a black a black bear before a brown bear

And a brown bear before a Grizz I think Kansas City Mahomes and big red might be the grizzly you don’t want to poke this i’ have kept this to myself I wouldn’t have put this out there I appreciate it I get it I remember the Jordan rules they called it taptap Rick

Mahorn if you haven’t watched the ESPN 30 for30 Bad Boys he said we used to call tap tap and they say it out loud during the game tap tap he coming through tap tap that means put him down don’t try to Andre him but hard foul put

Him down let them know you not you not putting us on posters you remember them old posters used to go to the sneaker store and buy back in the day back in the store called Pro Image uh that was like the member Baria big sports store

In the country like at that time in the 80s and 90s you go get the posters always somebody dunking on so you don’t want to be on one of them joints you ain’t trying to be Adrien Danley getting Dunked On by Michael Jordan hanging up in little 10-year-old boys rooms across

The world not the nation the world you don’t want that so I I think I like the rule I you know tap tap Mahomes a little bit you got to Rattle a guy I mean obviously if you just try to play him straight up that’s not going to work I

Think him and Andy Reed have been proven that but I do like this rule I just would have kept it to myself Antonio pierce my co-host on our show Martin VJ and Fox Sports Radio said last night we were filling in that he thinks you’re writing a lot of checks that your ass

Can’t cash I don’t mind the check sh wrting I need my coach to write a few checks and maybe every check don’t cash hey in this business being a freelance dude you think I ain’t never been given a check that didn’t bounce when I’m standing at the check Place thinking I’m

About to get this money I’m at the bank thinking about to get this money and the check that I got from from the company that I called the game for or did the event for whatever bounces they gave me they got me my money but it wasn’t on

That check it’s happened baby that’s part of this business that’s part of life so I don’t mind you writing checks CU every check always don’t cash but I would have kept this one to myself we know they already do this Pat Mahomes was miked up and was telling Crosby hey

I I know what you’re trying to do guyy I know I know what you guys trying to do man it’s it’s that’s enough though man that that’s that’s a little too far bro he’s such a wuss he’s a great player but Pat Mahomes is a sucker he was he flop

Him and Josh Allen two of the hardest quarterbacks to get down once you get your hands on them but soon as you hit them they St flopping and FL but why ain’t you doing that when I got a 290 pound defensive lineman wrapped around your waist and you twist your hips and

Flip out of that and complete a 37 yard pass on third and 13 in the fourth quarter driving for the game why the hell you ain’t flop then but every time I bump you you flop I like the rule i’ to kept it to myself Miami Dolphins have a lot that they have

To address this season and some of that is with Christian Wilkins uh a report came out three days ago he’s not leaving he’s going to stay there if they franchise him is $20 million to franchise him this year which is fully guaranteed or they can work out a Lear

Time learns longterm deal the franchise period opened up on the 20th so it open four days ago it’s good until March 5th and then the window closes and then in the summertime you get another opportunity and I think the date there is July 5th and that’s the five of five

I call it the five of five rule five years the last five years the top five guys in that position that’s the average salary that you will get that’s for the nonexclusive and I just think they need to make the deal either keep them there another year or give him the big deal

And franchising is going to help you add to Corner because I believe xaven Howard is gone and there’s some other players on the team I would like gone and have them replace I think we need a ball stopping game playay gamechanging linebacker I don’t mind a guy that makes

140 150 tackles but if they’re not gamechanging tackles if you’re not a game changer then I need somebody there to be a game changer also real quick too with the draft coming up I got a feeling that there’s sneaky going to be a quarterback that rises up I think it’s going to be

JJ McCarthy and this isn’t a Michigan thing but everything that I’m hearing from people that I know that cover this sport up close and personal and some of this you can see on film is simply that he he did what he was supposed to do for

Jim Harbaugh’s office he has a lot more in the tank all right so that’s uh wraid right there and we’ll close off today’s show with a Kobe moment as always and my Kobe moment of the day just a very quick one we can go back to where he played

Against the Boston Celtics on a cold freezing frigid day on a Sunday afternoon ABC had the game with Mike Breen Van Gundy Mark Jackson I got a chance to go down by the court meet those guys he hits the pump shot fake over Ray Allen and does the the no no

Why he’s you know hopping back to the Huddle I was at that game and the TD Garden in Boston it was rell’s birthday it my wife’s birthday and I was in the arena for that day I saw Kobe hit a gamewinner how many people can say that about their favorite basketball player

Of all time or their favorite quarterback hey I was there when he threw that game-winning clutch touchdown with two seconds like I was there you know not there just for a great G I’ve seen Kobe play a handful of times but that day was just special to me I almost

Got to a fight with the guy s next to me he was fighting over the armrest and he tried to like nudge it off like he used the point of his elbow too and tried to nudge my I was oh hold on I remember R now grabbing my wrist was like come on

Come on we’re Laker I’m Kobe out we’re Laker out uh gear so and we were sitting in a heavy Boston area but that’s my Kobe moment a game I was at hit a gamewinner against the Rival over Jesus Shuttlesworth in my presence from my wife’s birthday uh and we drove all the

Way to the game to Boston from Bristol Connecticut so we drove two hours 45 minutes to the game almost 3 hours to the game and then drove home in the freezing snow and cold so that’s my Kobe moment today and that is VJs I said what

I said today on infinity TV great show great stuff man I have so much stuff to get to but we only got an hour man to get it all in so I’ll save it for next week I want to thank all you guys for tuning in don’t forget every Saturday

9:00 a.m. on the west coast noon on the East Coast VJ husky the Big Vanilla funny the Big Vanilla poppy said what I said inanity Television right y’all like my bars hug and kiss your loved ones God bless have a great weekend guys I’m out Peace


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