FAIRWAY WOODS FOR PAIGE SPIRANAC // Properly Gapping Paige’s Top of Bag

Today Paige Spiranac is back in the bay to do a fairway wood fit. Right off the bat Ian notes that her 5 wood and 7 wood are going almost the same distance, so he begins gapping the woods properly and fitting her into a correct set.

00:00 Intro
02:57 Callaway Rogue ST Max 7 Wood
04:31 Callaway Rogue ST Max 5 Wood
06:03 Callaway Rogue ST Max 3 Wood
10:07 Titleist TSR2+
13:12 Taylormade Qi10 Tour 3 Wood
14:42 Callaway Ai Smoke Triple DIamond 3 Wood
15:00 Cobra Darkspeed LS 3 Wood
15:52 Taylormade Qi10 Tour 3 Wood
19:02 Taylormade Qi10 Tour 5 Wood
20:22 Taylormade Qi10 Tour Hybrid
21:17 Ping G430 Hybrid
23:37 Titleist TSR2 7 Wood
24:08 Titleist TSR3 7 Wood
25:30 Conclusions



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

Everyone is just like the first one’s always no great to see you come hi this is a dream com show thank you so much guys it’s great to meet great to meet you too hope I make a [Laughter] video all right guys welcome back so we

We’ve kind of brought the bag back into the bay here because we’re we’ve tackled some irons today y we’ve tackled the driver today Y and we’re just going all out I’m forcing you to we’re all out my entire bag so good taking advantage of this and I’m like fix my bag yeah let’s

Let’s get dialed for the season it’s the perfect time a year right start of the Season all this new fresh equipment is out M like you’ve got good equipment but Rogue St is now two models out yeah and new equipment is I think is needed but

Also my swing has changed a lot and matching the equipment to my new swing and hopefully getting a little bit better the newer model I’m ready for it you’re definitely ready we’ve got some things to even out and balance out in the golf bag now because we’ve tweaked

Things around the driver now does something slightly different uh the irons are now doing things that are different we talked about this five iron being sort of like and less of it not a driving iron but having the ability to flight it down and and maybe run one uh

A little bit lower I don’t think anyone really thinks of whether it’s a five or a four whatever their longest Club is high tower and soft L shots it’s not it’s not really the deal um but you get that with simwood are you super comfortable choking down in seven wood

And hitting little shots or yeah I I tend to hit my seven wood a lot and I love it it’s kind of the perfect club for a shorter par five or a longer par 4 for me or even a long par three I love the way that it takes off from from the

Club it spins really nicely for me I would say that the gapping between the 75 and the three it’s a little tight sometimes I don’t feel like I always really need my five or my seven I don’t know we can go through that I just feel like sometimes it’s

Like I don’t know if I should grab the five or the seven right well again think of just I just trying to kind of put the puzzle together in my mind where the five iron was and where the driver was right so we’ve get kind of bookends yeah

And and now we have some space so this for you was like two sorry 180 on the on the Fly and it was rolled out to like 190 192 maybe depend the conditions um so let’s start with seven wood and and see where that is and let’s that’s how

Far my five is it was going yeah interesting okay let’s let’s do exactly that let’s start with seven wood and see what uh yardage it gives us okay really good strike yeah I hit that one sounded awesome I really don’t know how far any of my we’re going to learn a few things

Today and that’s going to be one of them how far all your gloves go I’m leaving you with a cheek sheet that you can keep in your B great so the thing is with your seven wood it’s it’s nice and High 85 ft but it’s really low in spin okay really low

Um so that’s exactly why you’re getting sort of that bunched up look where they’re all kind of going the same distance like you’re you’re spinning seven with less than your driver you remember your driver was 3,400 yeah this you know 21 degrees of LT versus eight

But it’s the difference of when you put the ball on the ground you add a little bit of steepness to it a little bit of a steeper angle attack your Dynamic L with your seven with again you deliver the same it’s is it’s why this you know it’s

Like all these sort of numbers why the dynamic part is the is the important part cuz it doesn’t matter what they are in the bottom of the club it just it’s whatever we do with them impact so one more okay just doing the same thing yeah sounded nice that was really

Good okay without sort of judging exactly what we need to do is seven I’m going to go right into five okay okay flushed it absolutely flushed it I would say I never really hit my fivewood exactly this is wild there’s wild scenes your fivewood spin at 4,000 your seven wood was spinning at

Low threes what that’s why wild that’s wild how does that happen yeah good question I’m not sure let me see a couple more but this like you have basically two clubs in the bag that do the identical thing same thing yeah yeah so yeah even that one and I looked

At the ball speed climb I’m like okay this is going to be a lower spin not it wasn’t it really wasn’t I and I hit that one well I like what the five Wood’s doing way more than I like what the was doing uh I think that that makes more

Sense um in the minute I’m probably thinking we substitute seven wood for hybrid okay and we sort of get some more sort of consistent launch conditions on on that one but we still actually need to see the distance climb a little bit cuz at 215 or you know in and around

That driver at 260 we’re basically going to be asking the fairywood now to go 235 yeah old driver territory yeah so let’s let’s see if it’s got that see what happens with this one I don’t know if it does but let’s see it’s going to go the same distance I

Was going to say you’re going to have three clubs that are literally identical I’ve been doing this for about 20 something years I don’t think I’ve ever seen that is it me and either problem it’s me not you um no it it’s I mean I no I don’t think it is you

Because and and I’ll say that because your angle attack is changing and it’s doing what it should do which is the shorter Club is slightly steeper the longest Club is slightly shallower it is our role to put the dynamic Loft in place yeah in order to create the right differences okay

So I tried to go after that one see you smoke that one 133 yeah but St and it’s not it’s not that much that’s kind of all I got for yeah well and there’s lot going to be lots of be watching page who are saying the same same thing like hand

Up they they hit certain clubs in the back the same maybe not three of them exct but uh but this is why this is what probably two years ago you were fitted for these ones yeah yeah Rog was so last year was what Paradigm Rogue St the year

Before that so these have been in your bag for at least a couple of years probably re shafted when you went to these shafts yeah okay so we need to create some more space so the fact that it took uh two and a half years for me

To realize that they all go the same distance and have you found that on the course of pretty much the whole time I’m like grabbing what I think it would be but I could never really hit my three-wood that far um and then yeah the five and the Seven they they were

Interchangeable well this will be good I’m curious how what we can do with a three-wood if we can get that to be like a little 235 club uh we’ve got lots of height I mean you hit your 3w 102 ft in height that’s super high um is that sort

Of consistent with the course as well you don’t have any issue with kind of flighting it high no all three of my Woods go yeah High um no issue at all off the tea almost a little too high yeah yeah MH okay all right let’s get to

Work all right so three clubs doing the same job we don’t need that we definitely don’t need that so kind of a little bit of a decision to make we know we’re going to have two Woods in the bag we’re going to have a three wood and

Then either a five Woods seven wood six wood right it’s going to be kind of like a little combination and we might throw hybrid in there if we feel the need to but one thing we absolutely need upper sleeve right now is the ability to

Adjust so I think we have to go to something with a connector um so your previous ones page were bonded so no matter what you got from that it was what you were going to get right so there’s no 18 degree you can turn it

Down to 17 you’re 21 you can turn up to 22 to create a bigger separation you were stuck and and it was just you know it was either going to be really good or it kind of wasn’t um I’m going to start in lower Lofts ideally for me the

Difference between the driver Loft and the three-wood loft is always 5 degrees that’s always Mak like you know benchmark so I’m going to have you in a 13° uh 3w t R2 plus has a bigger profile you you’ll notice that when I give you the fivewood it has a noticeably bigger head

You did you said you me you hit some 3ws off the tea at times I can of trying to kind of give you something that that gives you confidence off the tea a little bit more forgiveness as well so there is that same option in the smaller

Head so if you feel like it’s too big you know throw that back if yeah off the tea with my old 3-wood it would go way too high and I would get a little nervous cuz it just felt like it was kind of going to go anywhere and it just wasn’t

The right ball flight okay let’s uh let see what it does little Healy on that one yeah little Healy but it it absolutely behaved like a 3-wood yeah you know 12 laun 3200 that is 3-wood behavior yeah really good that was better mhm okay going to make one little subtle

Change thank you okay little change to the LI angle page we’re leaking them to the right I want to go upright a little bit more for you just to see if uh if that helps hold the line little chunky um but I felt like I could swing that one a little bit faster

Yeah I mean I I definitely don’t hate it so the ball speed is the variable here every shot I’ve seen you hit so far I’ve really liked the launching spin your Dynamic long was it sort of 19° earlier on we’re now at 16 everything’s moving in the right

Direction here we go money absolute money okay 235 perfect yep right on our number so as far as options go this is going to give us it might actually need to be a here a hear higher but and we can t we can nudge that back up um right

Now we’re playing The Loft at 13 I’m going to nudge it just one sort of more setting up so it plays 1375 okay page two changes shaft um changed on this one and added some more Loft okay I loved what we saw in that

Last one but if I can get that carry up a little bit higher that’ be nice that felt like a good swing I’m yeah it was it was a good I know me too me too when I saw the ball speed I’m like okay this is going to be really good

It’s a bullet isn’t it it’s an absolute bullet golf ball okay give me one more how did that feel the other one felt better the other sha felt a little bit better does this feel stiff yeah yeah okay let’s go back um second combination

Came out a little bit too low 53 ft in height you also mentioned that sha felt a little stiffer than you like there’s definitely you know whether it’s autolex whether it’s this shaft like I’ve got this plane pretty soft for us you definitely like to feel the the ‘s no

Doubt about it you like to feel the kick in the load in the shaft you don’t like it when it feels boardy or too stiff no right so that’s that’s nice to build a preference for that yeah that’s it literally right there 211 carry 230 total good launch

Spin height is good okay that that is exactly what I would want that one to perform like got one more head want to try with you as well all right giving you a look at something a little bit different here a little bit more of a

Compact shape than tsr2 plus we have the adjustable bridge in the bottom which can slides in and out so we can literally dial in the spin preference based on whether it’s back it will spin higher whether it’s forward it will spin lower so tons of options with this

One that’s really good yeah really good yeah huh much better seems it doesn’t it more consistent on uh more consistent on the launch conditions okay give me one more wow that was more consistent on uh on the ball speed on that last one wasn’t as sort of high low in terms of

The standard deviation if we look over on ball speed with the tight list we were we were good but we would occasionally dip down 129 130 we could of got it a little better in here and then it would dip again this was just like 133 133 137 that’s much more what we

Want yeah everyone’s great with this one yeah actually I mean I could I heard a ha just of of like fraction a strike behind it and I was thinking okay maybe we’ll lose a little bit on that one if anything it it launched up a little bit wa

Further kind of like the feel of the other one better yeah too yeah a little too tingy for me is it a little high pitched yeah cool that’ll be right in the Wheelhouse yeah like your Club head speed now is just jumped up 2 miles an hour and that

That literally is the difference between like the 206 carry that doesn’t look great and then the 211 carry that looks unbelievable yeah I can’t really hit it better than that it’s not yeah it’s that’s as good as anyone will hit it that’s literally as good as any or hit it you’re so far

Ahead of the optimizer it’s crazy um tell me about sort of the what you look what it looks like to you what it feels like to you does it feel comfortable I like the matte finish um it’s small it doesn’t really really like feels great um I would say a little bit

Like tinier that than I’m like used to but it still it feels when I have that teeny sound it doesn’t feel really heavy when I hit it normally that one still kind of has that really heavy feel to it when you hit it solid which I like yeah

Yeah I think that the sound and the sort of feel how they’re tied together I think is exactly like you say that’s why a lot of companies are going with carbon cuzz the dullness of the sound thinks like a heavy dull like really deep strike MH and and and

Others that are designed for slower swing speeds are are designed to sound loud because those players typically don’t get to experience the the higher sounds so that makes a lot of sense let’s let’s go back to qi1 one more time okay money yeah this one feels better than

You’re more drawn to that one aren’t you just there’s something about it the way when you hit it really solid it just feels great and I think once it’s a little bit lighter sure it will be perfect yeah cuz we’ve got to balance all these in with the rest of your clubs

Your irons are around D1 yeah this right now is a little on the higher side so we are going to just get it matched to the rest of your set actually we played with some of the weights and some of the other heads your Club head speed’s 2

Miles are slower but you’re actually equally as efficient you’ve not lost any efficiency the only difference is when we give you that two miles our back you’re going to be another another five yards 2.7 yards yeah so you’ll be flying it more like 215 yeah which is which is

Do you think this one over the Cobra yeah I think so um again all the all the adjustments so I went upright turned the Loft to 14.25 put the weight Bridge forward I’m just going to simulate for you something that would fly basically what the next club now we don’t have a

Fivewood here to test with you right now but I can effectively build you one can you do that during the round hold on a second okay Paige um just looking back quickly on the the old the old Rogue the longest they were going was like 225 224 220 224

Now if we look at where we’re at you’re kind of constantly in the 230s 236 is a really good one and like we said we feel like with a little bit of a lighter swing weight you’ll gain that speed back I actually think this will be a legit

240 Club yeah which is as a 260 driver 24 235 2403 would like we’re starting to create the right separation this one this one needs to go about 220 so probably low twos on on the carry like 203 205 um I’m going call this your fivewood okay just slightly heavy so

This kill it knock the spin down better okay yeah 205 220 that’s perfect right on it so starting to kind of get a little bit that height back so kind of driver was was around 85 ft three was I think in around the same yeah actually even a little touch

Flatter off the turf which allows us then off the te to get that little bit cuz you said before you kind of felt like you just always had like balloon ballooning up in there air you had to knock it down um yeah that’s that’s pretty much as far as a fivewood number

Goes page that is that’s amazing perfect love it mhm okay well that’s it’s perfect perfect let’s move on to the just taking boxes yeah now now every Club has its job yep I’m actually not going to give you a seven wi I’m going to go hybrid straight out straight away going to

Change it up on you a little bit again options right I think I feel like if you KNN how you are very adapt at shaping the ball if you wanted to cut your fivewood you would have no issues getting another 20 ft in height That’s So Close yeah that is I

Haven’t hit a Hybrid in such a long time it’s so weird looking down at it I know there it is that’s so good Paige yeah okay Paige that honestly was so close to being exactly what I wanted it to do the only thing that I kind of was

Struggling with a little bit is just I don’t want you to spin it that low and sort of downwind and things like hybrid has to have that versatility if you’re in the rough and and you got to chop one out a little bit you probably had that

With your seven wood that you could kind of chop out if you lose spin on on a a club that’s 3,000 when you flush it it’s going to be 1,800 and it’s going to be be sort of out of control so I want to get

Um I want to get the Ping g430 in there I didn’t quite get all of that one but this felt better than the previous one yeah this is a little bit of a more traditional hybrid look that qi1 t is very very small yeah I prefer something that’s a little bit thicker love

It it’s too bad it italicized their spin that that was the one it really was there’s no way that’s 4400 spin on that Dynamic Loft yeah give me one more that was that was literally it flushed it there it is how does that one look and feel I would

Say that I still probably prefer the look of a traditional wood over a hybrid but I like this one a lot better than the first hybrid that we tried I like to see something that looks like I can get it up in the air and uh this looks like

It’s pretty easy to hit when you’re setting up to it y but I’m so used to my seven wood and just seeing that that I naturally gravitate towards that that but I want something that performs so I can get over the look of it if we feel

That this is the better option than a seven wood I think the the length of the shaft one of the reasons I think with the the 357 is we ended up in in that kind of issue in the first place is I can of sit next to to one another

They’re not that dissimilar in length yeah but you take a hybrid and it’s like down there so between the longest and the shortest like there’s a real big difference in the amount of Club head speed we’re going to have with them the the three and the five wood that we have

In the tail made they don’t come in a seven okay that’s another one of our issues so we would need to sort of stray from the family a little bit uh in the qi1 range which is which is fine I mean we have no issues doing that as well

Just whatever works numbers wise great the only place I’m I’m feeling we’re lacking something is I would love it to be 10t higher yeah 71 ft is is on the low end and you know coming into a green at 36 sort degrees land angle might not stop

All that quickly I yeah and I just don’t feel like I can get this in the air okay all right let me let me find you that option I like it yeah that’s a lot better lot a lot that was kind of the same carry number we just we just lifted at 34

Ft which is pretty good I think in terms of land angle we had 36 degrees before now we’re 46 that’s that’s the the job of this and then it gives us so much more versatility in the rough or downhill lies where maybe we’re struggling to elevate the golf

Ball not bad pretty close might actually be a hair high in the lunch okay but I think if we get your little draw it’ll be good yeah should be good so like we were saying off camera you are effective going to need a strong three-w a three-w

And a fivewood to replace what you had as 357 just because you’re a generally little bit High Dynamic clo player you also have times mean angle of attack there 4.5 down with your Fairwood you don’t mind getting down into the strike of it which I think the best Fair fairywood

Players do that anyway there’s nothing I like better than seeing Sergio Garcia Take A Fairwood with a little div I love I always love that so um it means you’re going to live in the the heart of the head you’re not going to live around the bottom with so many people who are

Shallow with their angle of attack they they really struggle to strike them properly you’re having no issue with that at all but the most important thing as always is are they all going their specific distances we’ve got sort of 1 195 carry 205 carry 215 carry and the

Differences on how they roll is totally different as well one rolls out to like 230 235 the other one stops at 220 and the other one here is like just over 205 so totally different Prof Wells but creating that separation right mhm it’s good okay guys that was that was quite

The process that was fun that was a a mental challenge I was enjoying myself over there like if if you guys can see the shrapnel that is on my my desk with weights and sleeves and um that is why you come to somewhere like here though

Because if you walk into a big box St and try and unravel that that tangle not you just won’t I mean it’s not even good luck it’s just you want it just is too it is too sort of um too difficult in in a sense but we’ve ended up going for a

Strong three-wood a three-wood and a fivewood we have like some different face angles I’ve got the face angle and the three-wood set slightly open and we are square on the three-wood and then the fivewood is actually slightly slightly upright so you get your draw so it’s quite the setup quite the setup

Quite the setup but most important thing is we’ve got three definite sort of you know clubs doing its own individual role that’s the most important thing okay okay guys um top end of the bag is always a challenge in terms of how you transition because we we’ve got to try

And blend the woods you know to the um to the irons and and obviously we want driver to be high Lodge low spin it’s definitely not what we want with irons and then we have to connect those two parts of the bag which is which is a

Challenge I still think I might send you a hybrid because I think there might be days I just I’d love you to to take one out and and sort of give it a goal TR it too yeah so I can see it outside I think we’ll cuz there’s you know there’s no

There’s no harm in having a squad of players on your team right you know there’s the four team that make the pitch in any day but having like maybe 16 clubs that you can of go you know what today feels like a hybrid day um so I think we’ll we’ll give Paige some

Options that way she always feels you always feel like you’ve got the right tools for uh for the job on the day well thank you pleasure absolute pleasure it’s a fun it’s really fun doing it the bag is pretty much set because we’re leaving the short clubs alone you’re

Really comfortable with your wedges and your W your swag putter you’re still in love with the same one so we’re leaving those well alone guys but we pretty much have yeah the other 14 are either adjusted or brand new but you threw the ringer today no

It’s good I’m just I just kind of almost thinking like next time you go to the golf course I don’t know if you’re going to know where to aim like what do you even say the good thing is I didn’t know how far anything was going before anyway so maybe now

I’ll have a good base you definitely will okay guys hope you enjoyed these episodes with Paige we’ve absolutely loved it stay tuned for more and we’ll see you again Soon


  1. Rogue st max was awesome. Ai smoke 3wood builds on it and is even better. But I’m partial to shallow 3 wood faces. Callaway , ping then Taylormade.

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